Unit 1 Cinderella 单元测试卷(含解析含听力原文及音频)

姓名:_________ 班级:_________ 学号:_________
( ) 1.A.prince B.party C.fridge
( ) 2.A.because B.before C.beautiful
( ) 3.A.bathroom B.mushroom C.washroom
( ) 4.A.pick B.fit C.park
( ) 5.A.very B.every C.early
( ) 6.A.turn off B.get on C.take off
( ) 7.A.understand B.stand up C.under the tree
( ) 8.A.late for B.good for C.bad for
( ) 9.A.so bad B.so happy C.so sad
( ) 10.A.fairy tales B.read stories C.in the forest
( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3.
( ) 4. ( ) 5.
( ) 1.A.Yes, she does. B.No, they don’t. C.Yes, they are.
( ) 2.A.She’s sad. B.Because she’s happy. C.Because she is ill.
( ) 3.A.No, I can’t. B.No, you can’t eat them. C.They are bad for us.
( ) 4 A.At Mike’s house.B.I go with Lily. C.Before four.
( ) 5 A.Su Hai. B.She tries on the shoes. C.Her mother’s.
( ) 1.The students get to the zoo in the morning.
( ) 2.The zoo is beautiful in spring.
( ) 3.The students go to the zoo because today is Saturday and they have no classes.
( ) 4.The students stay in the zoo for four hours (小时).
( ) 5.The students have lunch at home.
____________ invites (邀请) ____________ to her party on ____________
Place: ____________
Time for the music show: ____________
6. A.driver B.draw C.dress D.spring
7.A.prince B.like C.pick D.fit
8.A.late B.happy C.sad D.at
9.A.put B.mushroom C.understand D.up
10.A.drink B.tree C.trousers D.try
11.—Who _____ (have) to go home now
—All the students.
12.She likes _____ (write) fairy stories.
13.—Would you like _____ (some) pears
—Yes, please.
14.—Can you come and help _____ (we)
—Yes.Let me help you.
15.Sorry, my arms _____ (hurt).I can’t do that.
16.—Where _____ (be) my new trousers
—Sorry, I don’t know.
17.It’s so hot.He has to _____ (take) off his coat.
18.The girl _____ (not) have nice clothes.
19.The rice is bad.We can’t eat ________.( )
A.them B.it C.they
20.This dress ________ her at all.( )
A.isn’t fit B.don’t fit C.doesn’t fit
21.Tom likes ________ books in the library.( )
A.reading B.reads C.read
22.Please ________.The dress is so beautiful! ( )
A.try on them B.try it on C.try on it
23.—________ are they ( )
—They are ________ Mr White’s house.
A.Whose; / B.Where; at C.Where; on
24.He is eating a hot dog.________ he is very ________.( )
A.Because; thirsty B.So; cold C.Because; hungry
25.Yang Ling doesn’t have ________ brothers ________ sisters.( )
A.any; and B.any; or C.some; and
26.Mary takes an umbrella to school in the morning.But after school she ________ it ________.( )
A.leave; behind B.leaves; down C.leaves; behind
27.There ____any cakes in the fridge, but there ____ some soup in it. ( )
A.are; is B.aren’t; are C.aren’t; is
28.—Which story is from Grimm’s Fairy Tales ( )
A.The Little Prince. B.Snow White. C.The Ugly Duckling.
29.All my friends come to my party.(对划线部分提问)
_____ _____ to _____ party
30.Helen is good at playing the piano.(改为同义句)
Helen _____ play the piano _____.
31.She likes reading fairy tales, too.(改为否定句)
She _____ _____ reading fairy tales, _____.
32.He can’t get out because he is too fat.(对画线部分提问)
_____ _____ he get out
33.My father usually comes back before six o’clock.(对画线部分提问)
_____ _____ your father usually _____ back
34.They pick some big red mushrooms.(改为单数句)
He _____ _____ big red _____.
A.Yes, please. B.Me too! C.Because she can’t find her new book.D.No, I don’t. E.They’re on the desk.
35.Why is your sister sad ( )
36.Where are the books ( )
37.Do you have any snacks ( )
38.Would you like a hot dog ( )
39.I like reading fairy tales.( )
A.Mike does. B.Thank you. C.Here’s some water for you.D.It’s Nancy’s. E.Yes, there are.
40.Are there any sweets in your bag ( )
41.I’m very thirsty.( )
42.Who goes to the zoo with Helen ( )
43.Let me help you.( )
44.Whose basketball is this ( )
A: What’s the name of the book
B: It’s “_____45_____”.
A: What’s the name of the book’s writer
B: _____46_____ .
A: Who is the man on the cover (封面)
B: He is a _____47_____ .
A: What’s in the book
B: There are some _____48_____ in the book.
Lily is only five.Now she is doing her ___49___ homework at ___50___.She doesn’t know the answer.At last, she has an i___51___.She g___52___ to a shop.“I’d like two kilos (千克) of apples, three kilos of grapes and ___53___ kilos of bananas.”
“Wow! Ten kilos.Too heavy f___54___ you.Can you carry (搬运) them ”
“Thank you.” Lily says and runs back home.
Helen Rabbit eats grass every day.She is not happy.“Grass is boring,” she says.
“Would you like my meat (肉) ” asks Tommy Dog.
“Yes, please!” says Helen.She eats some meat.“Sorry, I don’t like meat.”
“Try my cheese.It’s tasty,” says Mickey Mouse.Helen eats some.
“I don’t like cheese,” says Helen.
“Here, have my fish,” says Kitty Cat.
“Thanks!” says Helen.She eats some.“Aaaargh, I don’t like fish.”
“Would you like my grass ” asks Henry Horse.
“Yes, please!” says Helen.“Yum! I like this.Can we share it ”
“Of course,” says Henry.“You like grass best, after all!” The animals laugh (大笑).
55.Helen likes meat.( )
56.Helen tries some food from other animals.( )
57.Mickey gives some cheese to Helen.( )
58.Finally, Helen finds that grass is boring.( )
59.There are five animals in the story.( )
Tom is at the gate of a zoo now.He is reading a poster.
Animal ShowTime: 11:30 a.m./ 2:00 p.m./ 4:20 p.m./ 7:15 p.m. * Sunday ONLYPlace: Playground ( behind the main building)Ticket price: Child (3—15 years old) $5.00 Adult (16—59 years old) $10.00 Senior (60 years old and up) $5.00Programmes (节目):1.A Fun Game ☆A cat plays on a swing2.An Amazing Race ☆A rabbit and a tortoise have a running race.3.A Super Bicycle Ride ☆Dogs ride on bicycles!4.Police Monkeys ☆Police monkeys show people how to catch thieves.
60.Where will (将) the show take place (举行)
It will take place on the ______.
61.What animals are going to (将要) have a show
______ are going to have a show.
62.Yang Ling and her parents are going to watch the show.How much will they pay (付款)
63.Which programme do you want to watch Why
I want to watch ______, because ______.
64.同学们都听过狐狸和葡萄的故事吗?狐狸想吃葡萄,但够不到。最后狐狸空手离开,说葡萄肯定是酸的。请你以The fox and the grapes为题,用英文描述这个故事,不少于5句话。提示:like;sweet;high;sour (酸的)
The fox and the grapes
1、(1).A (2).B (3).B (4).B (5).C (6).C (7).A (8).C (9).C (10).B
【详解】1.There is a prince at that house.
2.Please come back home before ten.
3.The mushroom is like an umbrella.
4.These trousers don’t fit you.
5.Get up early because you have to go to school.
6.It’s not cold.You can take off your gloves.
7.Our teacher often asks us, “Do you understand ”
8.Eating too much is bad for us.
9.Cinderella is so sad because she has no new clothes.
10.I often read stories in the library.
2、(1).× (2).√ (3).√ (4).× (5).×
【解析】1.It’s too hot.The bear is taking off his coat.
2.—Can you see any mushrooms under the tree
3.Oh, my foot hurts.I can’t walk well.
4.I like reading stories about the Monkey King and Nezha.
5.Oh, my sister leaves her bag behind.
3、(1).B (2).C (3).B (4).C (5).C
【解析】1.Do Yang Ling and Helen go to the party
2.Why can’t Helen go to the party
3.The mushrooms are nice.Can I eat them
4.When do you go to the party
5.Whose shoes does Yang Ling try on
4、 (1).T (2).T (3).F (4).F (5).F
Today is Sunday.All of us go to the school early, but we have no classes.Our teachers take us to the zoo.We get there at nine thirty.How beautiful the zoo is! There are many trees, some hills and a big lake.It’s spring now, so the flowers are coming out.There are many people too.We like to watch monkeys.They play on the hills or have oranges, bananas and apples.We have a good time there.We leave the zoo at three in the afternoon.
5、(1).Helen (2).Nancy (3).Saturday (4).(at) Helen’s house (5).7:00 p.m.
Dear Nancy,
How are you Are you still coming to my party this weekend My family, friends and classmates will all come.The party will begin at 5:30 p.m.on Saturday.Please come to my house then.First, we can eat and talk.Then let’s go to the music show near my home.Every Saturday evening, there’s a music show at 7:00 p.m.I hope you can come.You can meet my other friends and my younger brother, too.
6.D 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.A
A.driver/dr/ B.draw /dr/C.dress /dr/D.spring/r/,ABC划线部分发音相同,D不同,故选D。
A.prince/ / B.like/a / C.pick/ / D.fit/ /,ACD划线部分发音相同,B不同,故选B。
A.late/e / B.happy/ / C.sad/ / D.at/ /,BCD划线部分发音相同,A不同,故选A。
A.put/ / B.mushroom/ / C.understand/ / D.up/ /,BCD划线部分发音相同,A不同,故选A。
A.drink/dr/B.tree /tr/C.trousers/tr/ D.try/tr/,BCD划线部分发音相同,A不同,故选A。
【详解】句意:她喜欢写童话故事。like doing喜欢做某事,故答案为writing。
【详解】句意:对不起,我的胳膊受伤了。我不能那样做。主语my arms是复数,动词用原性,故答案为hurt。
【详解】句意:—我的新裤子在哪里?—对不起,我不知道。主语是my new trousers,系词用are,故答案为are。
【详解】句意:天气那么热。他不得不脱掉他的外套。has to do sth不得不做某事,故答案为take。
【详解】句意:这个女孩没有漂亮的衣服。句子含有实意动词have,主语是the girl,所以变为否定句借助于助动词does,does not缩写为doesn’t,故答案为doesn’t。
【详解】句意:这件衣服一点也不合身。isn't后面不能直接跟动词原形,排除A;this dress是第三人称单数,助动词用doesn't,排除B。故选C。
【详解】句意:汤姆喜欢在图书管理读书。此题考查固定短语like doing sth喜欢做某事,根据句意,故选A。
【详解】句意:请试穿___。裙子是如此的漂亮。the dress是单数,所以代词是it,try on短语中要把代词放中间,故选B。
【详解】句意:—他们在___?—他们___怀特先生的房子里。根据答语,可知问句为where引导的特殊疑问句,句意为他们在哪里?at在,地点介词,at Mr White’s house在怀特先生的房子里,B选项符合,故选B。
【详解】句意:在早上玛丽带雨伞去学校,但是放学后她___它。根据题意,可知该句为一把现在时,leave behind忘带,固定短语,主语she为第三人称单数,谓语动词也为第三人称单数,leave的第三人称单数为leaves,C选项符合,故选C。
29、(1).Who (2).comes (3).your
30、(1).can (2).well
【详解】句意:海伦擅长弹钢琴。be good at擅长=do well,所以同义句为:Helen can play the piano well.故答案为can;well。
31、(1).doesn’t (2).like (3).either
32、(1).Why (2).can’t
33、(1).When (2).does (3).come
34、(1).picks (2).a (3).mushroom
35.C 36.E 37.D 38.A 39.B
句意:你的姐姐为什么伤心?句子问的是原因,所以回答是C.Because she can’t find her new book.因为她找不到她的新书。故选C。
句意:你的书在哪里?句子问的是地点,所以回答是E.They’re on the desk.它们在桌子上。故选E。
句意:你有一些零食吗?句子是一般疑问句,所以回答是D.No, I don’t.不,我没有。故选D。
句意:你一些一个热狗?句子表示请求,所以回答是A.Yes, please.好的,太感谢了。故选A。
句意:我喜欢读童话故事?所以回答是B.Me too!我也是。故选B。
40.E 41.C 42.A 43.B 44.D
【40题详解】句意:你包里有糖果吗?Are there开头的一般疑问句,肯定回答是Yes, there are.否定回答是No, there aren't.故选E。
45.The Happy Prince and Other Fairy Tales
46.Oscar Wilde
48.fairy tales / stories
上句问:这本书叫什么名字?根据图片可知名字是The Happy Prince and Other Fairy Tales,故答案为The Happy Prince and Other Fairy Tales。
上句问:这本书的作者叫什么名字?根据图片可知作者的名字是Oscar Wilde,故答案为Oscar Wilde。
上句问:书中有什么?书中有一些童话故事fairy tales/故事stories,故答案为fairy tales / stories。
49.Maths 50.home 51.idea 52.goes 53.five 54.for
【50题详解】该空所在题的句意:现在她正在家做她的数学作业。在家at home。故答案为home。
【52题详解】该空所在题的句意:她去商店。去商店go to a shop,主语为单数第三人称,动词应该用单数第三人称动词goes。故答案为goes。
【53题详解】该空所在题的句意:我想要2千克苹果,3千克葡萄和5千克香蕉。5 five。故答案为five。
55.F 56.T 57.T 58.F 59.T
句意:海伦喜欢肉。根据对话中的Sorry, I don’t like meat.对不起,我不喜欢肉。可知该句不符合题意,故答案为F。
句意:海伦尝试了一些其他动物的食物。根据对话中的Try my cheese.It’s tasty,Helen eats some.Here, have my fish,She eats some尝尝我的奶酪,它很好吃,海伦吃了一些。这,吃我的鱼,她吃了一些。可知该句符合题意,故答案为T。
句意:米奇给海伦一些奶酪。根据对话中的“Try my cheese.It’s tasty,” says Mickey Mouse.Helen eats some.“尝尝我的奶酪,它很好吃。”米奇老鼠说,海伦吃了一些。可知该句符合题意,故答案为T。
句意:最后,海伦发现草很无聊。根据对话中的You like grass best, after all!毕竟你最喜欢草。可知该句不符合题意,故答案为F。
句意:故事里有五种动物。根据对话大意,可知有Helen Rabbit,Tommy Dog,Mickey Mouse,Kitty Cat,Henry Horse,一共五种动物,该句符合题意,故答案为T。
61.A cat, a rabbit, a tortoise
62.25 / twenty-five
63. (1).如:a fun game (2).如:I like cats
句意:展示在哪里举行?由句子Place: Playground 可知地点是操场,故答案为playground。
句意:什么动物去展示?由图片可知有cat,rabbit,tortoise,dogs,monkeys,故答案为A cat, a rabbit, a tortoise, dogs and monkeys。
句意:杨玲和她的父母准备去看展览,他们要付多少钱?由图片可知小孩子5元,大人10元,所以是25元。故答案为25 / twenty-five。
句意:你想看什么节目?为什么?是开放题,答案不唯一,说出喜欢的节目即可,故答案为a fun game;I like cats。
The fox and the grapes
One day, a fox is hungry.He looks for something to eat.He is happy to find some grapes.He says, “Wow! I like sweet grapes.” He tries to pick the grapes, but they are too high.The fox can’t get any grapes.He leaves and says, “Oh, the grapes must be sour.”
3.参考句型:One day, a fox is...;I like...



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