Unit 3 How many? 单元测试卷(含答案含听力原文及音频)

姓名:_________ 班级:_________ 学号:_________
( )1.A.9 B.8 C.18
( )2.A.11 B.17 C.7
( )3.A.5 B.15 C.13
( )4.A.nice B.nine C.name
( )5.A.car B.cat C.can
( )1.A.I have some bananas.B.No, I don’t.
( )2.A.I have four dolls. B.I have some dolls.
( )3.A.Yes, I do. B.Yes, it isn’t..
( )4.A.It’s nice. B.They’re beautiful.
( )5.A.No, thanks. B.Sure.
A: Hi, Liu Tao._________ are those
B: They’re _________.
A: Do you have any _________
B: _________, I do.
A: How _________ _________ do you have
B: I have _________ .
A: _________ I have _________
B: Sure.
( ) 1.look long( ) 2.cake nice
( ) 3.girl English( ) 4.panda cap
( ) 5.small ruler ( ) 6.behind hurry
1.我的玩具汽车_________________________ 2.一些贴纸 _______________________
3.看一看 ______________________________4.非常漂亮________________________
5.有一个 ______________________________6.许多球 _________________________
7.in that box_____________________________8.play table tennis___________________
9.如此有趣______________________________10.all those cakes____________________
( )1.A: Do you have _______ dolls B: No, I _______ .
A.any; don’t B.some; don’t C.any; do
( )2.Look at this _______.I like _______.
A.dogs; dogs B.dogs; dog C.dog; dogs
( )3._______ rubbers do you have
A.How B.How many C.How old
( )4.A: _______ do you have B: I have ten _______.
A.What; ball B.How many; balls C.What; balls
( )5.A: Look at my toy car. B: ________
A.It’s nice. B.They’re nice. C.No, I don’t.
( )6.I have some stickers, _______about you
A.what B.it’s C.all
( )7.Can you _______the pandas
A.think B.see C.look
( )8 A: What’s fifteen and four B: It’s _______
A.eighteen B.eleven C.nineteen
1.How many_______(mango,mangoes)do you have
2._______(Where, What)do you have
3.Can I (look at, have a look)
4.Can I have_______(one, a)
5.Do you have_______(some, any)stickers
6._______(This, These) pineapples are nice.
7.I have_______(a, an)orange.
8.Do you have a ruler No, I_______(don’t,aren’t)
9.I _______ (have, like)a sticker.
10._______ (It,They) are very beautiful.
( )1.你想知道别人有多少葡萄,可以问:
A.Do you have any grapes B.How many grapes do you have
( )2.你想知道对方有什么,可以问:
A.What do you have B.Can I have a look
( )3.你想要一个芒果,可以说:
A.Would you have a mango B.Can I have a mango
( )4.别人让你看他的玩具汽车,你可以说:
A.Wow, it’s nice. B.Here you are.
( )5.你想告诉别人你有十三本新书,可以说:
A.I have fifteen new books. B.I have thirteen new books.
( )6.人家对你表示感谢,你可以说:
A.That’s right. B.Not at all.
( ) 1.Do you have any rubbers A.Five.
( ) 2.Can I have a ruler B.No, I like blue.
( ) 3.What do you have C.She’s Miss Li.
( ) 4.How many pens do you have D.Yes, she is.
( ) 5.Who’s that woman E.Yes, I do.
( ) 6.Look at my new skirt. F.Sure.
( ) 7.Do you like yellow G.It’s nice.
( ) 8.Is that woman your mother H.I have an apple.
1.have, eighteen, I, stickers ( .)
2.many, have, do, how, cars, toy, you ( )
3.those, at, look, robots ( .)
4.any, do, have, you, pineapples ( )
5.you, what, do, have( )
I have a good friend in my home.It’s a cat.Its name is Mimi.It’s white and yellow.And it’s very beautiful.I play with it after school.It often plays with a ball or lines.My friends, Mary and Alice come to see it, but it is behind sofas or in a box.Our family sit in a sofa and it can go there with us.In the evening, I must study at my desk.But it’s on the desk too.At that time, I put it down(把它放下).Is it my good friend Guess, please.
( ) 1.The cat’s name is_______.
A.Bobby B.Mimi C.cat D.dog
( ) 2.What colour is the cat
A.Black and white. B.Blue and yellow.
C.White. D.Yellow and white.
( ) 3._______often(经常) plays with a ball or lines.
A.I B.Mary C.Mimi D.Alice
( ) 4.I often play with_______after school.
A.Mimi B.Mary C.my father D.Alice
( ) 5.I put_______down when I study at my desk.
A.my sisterB.Alice C.Mimi D.Mary
1. eighteen 2. eleven 3. thirteen 4. nice 5. can
1. A: How many stickers do you have B: I have nine stickers.
2. A: Do you have any mangoes B: Yes, I do.
3. A: Do you like cars B: Yes, I do.
4. A: How many mangoes do you have B: I have seven mangoes.
5. A: How many grapes do you have B: I have fifteen grapes.
1. What do you have
2. How many dolls do you have
3. Do you have any grapes
4. Look at my toy cars.
5. Can I have a look
A: Hi, Liu Tao. What are those B: They’re stickers.
A: Do you have any stickers B: Yes, I do.
A: How many stickers do you have B: I have fifteen.
A: Can I have one B: Sure.
一、 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C
二、 1. × 2. × 3. × 4. × 5. √
三、1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. B
四、What; stickers; stickers; Yes; many; stickers; fifteen; Can; one
一、1-6 √×√√√√
1. my toy car 2. some stickers
3. have a look 4. very nice
5. have one 6. many balls
7. 在那个盒子里 8. 打乒乓
9. so interesting 10. 所有的那些蛋糕
三、1-5 ACBCA 6-8 ABC
四、1. mangoes 2. What 3. have a look 4. one 5. any
6. These 7. an 8. don’t 9. have 10. They
五、1-6 BABABB
六、1-5 EFHAC 6-8 GBD
七、1. I have eighteen stickers.
2. How many toy cars do you have
3. Look at those robots.
4. Do you have any pineapples
5. What do you have
八、1-5 BDCAC



上一篇:广东省韶关市翁源县2023-2024八年级下学期4月期中物理试题( 无答案)
