
注 意 事 项 考生在答题前请认真阅读本注意事项: 1.本试卷共10页,满分为120分,考试时间为120分钟。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 2.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、考试证号用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上指定的位置。 3.答案必须按要求填涂、书写在答题卡上, 在试卷、草稿纸上答题一律无效。
第Ⅰ卷 (选择题 共60分)
1. The care from friends is like the wind — you can't see it you can feel it.
A. and B. or C. but D. so
2. Wow! The music makes me feel good. is better than listening to soft music.
A. Nothing B. Anything C. Something D. Everything
3. The fridge is in the way. Let's move it over there, the wall.
A. above B. against C. among D. around
4.—What is the of your excellent spoken English
—Practice makes perfect!
A. secret B. result C. influence D. value
5.—Dear, let's go to the railway station to buy the tickets today.
—There's no need. We can book them online.
A. really B. clearly C. hardly D. simply
6. Life often to be stranger than we expect. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
A. works out B. breaks out C. turns out D. runs out
7.—I have had a bad cough these days.
—I strongly you to give up smoking. It does great harm to your health.
A. invite B. advise C. follow D. allow
8. A desk means you are organized. You won't have to spend hours looking for things you need.
A. new B. square C. tidy D. wooden
9.—I've left my computer at home. Can I borrow yours
—If you . But I'll use it again in about an hour, OK
A. need B. can C. should D. must
10.—Let's go to play soccer, Jack.
—I'm afraid not. I will need one more hour before my project .
A. finished B. is finished C. will finish D. will be finished
11. —More free health service will be provided for the elderly in the near future.
— big news! China is developing more and more rapidly.
A. What B. What a C. How D. How a
12. Read the dialogue on the right. What does Emily mean
A. Nick should never start the report.
B. She will help Nick with the report.
C. Nick should start the report right now.
D. It is good for Nick to start the report late.
13. From the pictures on the right, we know that .
A. the boy finally fell into the water
B. the boy really likes asking questions
C. the boy finally gave up the skating idea
D. the boy likes playing with stones very much
14.—I'm not sure .
—You've tried your best. Whatever the result is, don't be too hard on yourself.
A. whether I like to move here B. when I can prepare for the test
C. if I can get high marks in the test D. why I have to move to another city
15.——Could I make a call with your phone I left mine at home.
— . Here you are.
A. Never mind B. Of course C. You'd better not D. I'm afraid not
Katie said goodbye to her parents at the front door of their candy shop as they drove off for a vacation, and Katie 16 she'd be able to run it with Aunt Maria's help. Aunt Maria didn't have any experience on business, but she is always called“ 17 ”.
As Maria blew into the store, she said,“All right, Katie my love, let's get this party started.”
Katie took her aunt over to where the family made their own candy, such as fresh fudge(软糖).Aunt Maria 18 a piece of chocolate fudge.“Hmm,”she said.“It's good, but not 19 . We can add something to make that basic taste exciting.”
Before Katie could 20 what Maria meant, the woman had gone to the kitchen. Katie heard her walking, opening drawers and the fridge. Then she came back with her hands full of things. She 21 them on the work surface with a happy tune(小调).
“Brussels sprouts(甘蓝) ”Katie gave her aunt a 22 look. She couldn't be serious! But she was. The woman's hands were busy 23 the green vegetables and then adding those small pieces into the fudge. Katie's eyes grew wide as she watched her aunt mix them together.
Katie 24 as the bell over the front door rang, announcing some 25 . Three boys came in.“I'll have strawberry fudge, please,”said the first boy.
“Oh, how 26 ,”laughed Maria.“I must suggest you try something new! Try this!”She offered
the boys the Brussels sprout fudge.“It's free! 27 !”
Surprised, but too polite to 28 , the boys left with the fudge.
“There go our customers. They will tell everyone how strange our candy is, and nobody will want to shop here!”Katie said to herself. She didn't know what to do. Her parents were going to be 29 .
The sound of the bell woke her up from her 30 . The boys were back! But this time there was a crowd of kids coming into the store with them.
“Give me two pieces of Brussels sp rout fudge, please.”
16. A. promised B. remembered C. realized D. checked
17. A. friendly B. creative C. organized D. lucky
18. A. noticed B. bought C. made D. tried
19. A. soft B. sweet C. smooth D. special
20. A. believe B. change C. question D. explain
21. A. stuck B. left C. spread D. swept
22. A. strange B. fresh C. black D. hungry
23. A. washing B. weighing C. cutting D. cooking
24. A. moved on B. looked up C. broke down D. came over
25. A. shopkeepers B. policemen C. customers D. businessmen
26. A. expensive B. sweet C. funny D. boring
27. A. Stay B. Enjoy C. Go D. Help
28. A. shout B. refuse C. eat D. order
29. A. mad B. calm C. relaxed D. silent
30. A. mistakes B. memories C. plans D. thoughts
Some people learn a foreign language because they want to communicate with the local people.Some other people are just curious about foreign cultures. Whatever your reason may be, the best foreign language software will certainly help you pick up the language in a few weeks. You will be able to speak fluently and understand the language clearly as well.
Tell Me More
This app is used in U. S. schools, and it is believed to be the best foreign language learning app all over the world. It offers instructions for learning Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German,Italian, Japanese and Spanish. However, the app does not come cheap as it costs around $250.
Now Talk
If you are looking for a cheaper language learning app, then this is just the suitable choice for you.This app will cost you about $40, and even though it is not as useful as Tell Me More, it is still a very good app for the purpose. The disadvantages are that there is very little focus on grammar and there is a clear lack of interactive(互动性的) activities for users so it does not result in fluency,
Instant Immersion
This app provides learning materials for up to 33 different languages, and it is considered as the best app for learning Spanish as well. It will cost you about $30, and this is a very reasonable price for such a highly recommended language learning app. The learning courses are highly interactive, and the ever-present speech recognition feature ensures that you are getting the pronunciation right while speaking.
Kids Talk
This is a foreign language translation app that you can make use of, and it will cost you about $30.So, it is said that the level of performance will be similar to that of Now Talk. This app is designed more for the use of children for its interesting videos.
31. What is the disadvantage of Tell Me More
A. It lacks language learning methods. B. It offers no interactive activities.
C. It provides no interesting videos for children. D. It costs much more than the others.
32. best suits users with poor pronunciation.
A. Tell Me More B. Now Talk C. Instant Immersion D. Kids Talk
33. The purpose of this passage is to .
A. introduce some language learning apps to us
B. encourage us to use apps to learn foreign languages
C. tell us the importance of learning a foreign language
D. tell us the advantages and disadvantages of some apps
Can you imagine a sea of sand three times bigger than India This is the Sahara Desert. It covers 11countries in North Africa and is over 9 million square kilometers in area. That's more than 25% of Africa.
In the Sahara, temperatures are very different during the day and at night. During the day, the hottest time is between 2 p. m. and 4 p. m., when temperature rises to 33°C. But it is very cold at night — the coldest time is at 4 a. m., when temperatures fall to -1°C. The Sahara is very dry. The average precipitation(降水) in a year is only 70 millimeters.
Because of the extreme temperatures in this desert, it is a very difficult place to survive. MarcoRivera has some tips.
Take warm clothes and a blanket. During the day, cover your body, head and face. Clothes protect you from the sun and keep water in your body. You will also need a warm blanket at night. It can get cold very quickly. When the temperature drops, it can be a shock and make you feel even colder.
You can use your car tires(轮胎) to make a fire. A fire is easy to see. It will help people find you and it will keep you warm at night.
Try to drink some water once every hour. You need your water to last as long as possible. Drink only what you need. When you talk, you lose water from your body. Keep your mouth closed and do not talk.
If you eat, you will get thirsty and drink all of your water more quickly. You can eat a little, but only to stop you from feeling very hungry. Eat very small amounts of food and eat very slowly. You can live for three weeks with no food, but you can only live for three days if there's no water.
34. The writer starts the passage by .
A. telling stories B. listing numbers C. giving examples D. making a survey
35. According to Paragraph 2, which of the following is RIGHT
36. If the writer continues the passage, he may talk about in the following paragraph.
A. how dangerous it is to walk across the Sahara Desert
B. his own experience in surviving in the Sahara Desert
C. another tip on how to save water and food in the Sahara Desert
D. his good wishes for those who want to take a risk in the desert
37. The correct structure of the passage may be .
For writers in Western cultures, fall is a difficult season to describe. On one hand, it is the end of the summer, and therefore a little sad. The nights draw in, and when you wake in the morning, there's fog and it's cooler: Winter is coming.
American writer Ernest Hemingway wrote in his book A Moveable Feast:“You expected to be sad in the fall. Part of you died each year when the leaves fell from the trees and their branches were bare(光秃秃的) against the wind and the cold, wintry light.”
On the other hand, fall has its good side. There are many changes in nature at this time of year, such as the reds and browns that the leaves change to, and the way they fall from the trees. French writerAlbert Camus even thought fall was a second spring:“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”It's a view you can also find in the most famous fall poem in English literature, To Autumn byJohn Keats. In that poem Keats says that fall has its songs just like spring.
Another fall theme is wisdom. The arrival of the season is thought to be similar to a person becoming mature. Their summer peak may have been and gone, but old age has not yet come. At this time it's thought that people have learned a thing or two about life.
The great Irish poet W. B. Yeats takes up this theme in his poem The Wild Swans at Coole. Yeats puts together a picture for the reader out of the details of the changing seasons in Coole Park in the west of
Ireland, a place he knew well. Seeing and counting 59 swans, he remembers first making the count 19 years ago. He wonders whether he can still love like the lover swans do.
Of course, many other themes and subject matters can play a part in the literature of fall. For example, it's the beginning of a new term of the school year. As you would expect, fall is found in writing for children and young people. But fall writing usually focus on the changes in nature that we see,which writers often use as a symbol for changes in human life.
38. expressed the unhappy side of fall in his work.
A. Ernest Hemingway B. Albert Camus C. John Keats D. W. B. Yeats
39. The writer mentioned some famous writers and poets to .
A. give details about their works B. compare their books and poems
C. show the readers the beauty of autumn D. show different understanding of fall
40. The underlined word“mature”means in paragraph 4.
A. thinking about life carefully B. having lived for long
C. fully grown and developed D. not growing any longer
41. What is the article mainly about
A. Changes in nature. B. Writers in Western cultures.
C. Autumn in literature. D. Wonders in the best season.
Hilary Smith belonged to a good family. But by the age of twenty, he had spent all the money the good old family had. He then had some trouble with the bank and was put in prison. He escaped from the prison and ran to Australia at once.
Hilary did not like Australia, and Australia did not like Hilary. What he could do seemed to be one of two things: die or work. Then he remembered that he was not alone in the world. He had an aunt.
She was his father's only sister, but his father used to say she brought no glory(荣耀) to the family.Hilary, of course, tried to discover what she had done. It seemed that she had failed to marry a nobleman.Instead, she had chosen a husband who was connected with“trade”. Of course, as soon as she became“Mrs. Parks”, her brother considered her dead. Later on, Mr. Parks died and left her a lot of money. But that did not bring her back to life in her brother's opinion.
Hilary discovered his aunt's address. Luckily she remained faithful and loyal to him even after she fell ill. So Hilary's star sh one again, and soon he moved into her house and lived as comfortably as a sailor who had just reached harbor. He had only about a six-pence in his pocket.
One thing was soon clear: his aunt was seriously ill, and nothing could cure her illness. Hilary was very worried. Fate had found a home for him, and was now going to throw him out of it. There was only one thing that could save him: her will(遗嘱).
“Will ”she said,“yes, I have made one. That was when I was a girl and had not much money. I left all my money to some religious people.”
“Didn't you make another will when you were married ”Hilary asked.
His aunt shook her head.“No,”she said in a low voice.“There was no need. When I finally had a lot of money I found I had no relations.”
On the next day he went to the public library and examined a book of law. It told him what he already believed. When a woman is married, an earlier will loses its value. A new will must be made. If no new will is made, the money goes to the nearest relation. Hilary knew that he was his aunt's only relation. His future was bright.
After a few months had passed, Hilary's problems became serious. He badly needed money. He had expensive tastes, and owed a lot of money to shopkeepcrs. They believed in him because his aunt was rich, but the debt was terrible.
Unluckily his aunt did not want to discuss money matters at all. In the end they had a quarrel about the small amount of ten pounds. Hilary was not very angry. He began to wonder about a new problem.Was it kind to want his aunt to live any longer Was it not better for her to die now While he was considering what to do, his aunt told him that she was going to send for her lawyer. So she was going to make a new will, Hilary thought. She might leave all her money to someone else. Soon he reached a clear decision. He must do a great kindness to the poor old woman.
One night when the old servant who had been nursing his aunt went off, he doubled the amount of some medicine. The total amount was too great and it could just put her to sleep forever.
“Thank you,”his aunt took the glass from his hand with a grateful look.“I want, more than anything,to sleep, and never to wake up again. Is that what you wish, Hilary Don't blame(责怪) me if I have some doubts about what you intended to do. Sick people get these ideas, you know. One thing I ought to explain to you. Mr. Parks never married me. He already had a wife and couldn't marry again. That made your foolish father very angry with me. .. Well, if I am alive tomorrow I shall make another will in your favor (赞成). If I die tonight, you'll get nothing... No, Hilary, don't try to take the glass away. If you do that, I shall know, and I don't want to know. Goodnight, Hilary.”
Then, very carefully, she raised the glass to her mouth and drank.
42. From the story, we learn that Hilary's aunt was .
A. careless about money B. rude to her nephew
C. not easy to get along with D. kind-hearted and wise
43. Why did Hilary's father consider his aunt dead
A. Because he thought she was a shame to the family.
B. Because she broke away from the family for a better life.
C. Because they lost touch with each other after her marriage.
D. Because she married a businessman with a wife against his will.
44. The underlined sentence suggests that Hilary Smith .
A. decided to call in a lawyer for his aunt
B. made a decision to put his aunt's life to an end
C. made up his mind to take good care of his aunt
D. would help his aunt to donate money to religious people
45. Which de tail from the story is the climax(高潮) of the story
A. Hilary succeeded in escaping from the prison.
B. Hilary quarreled with his aunt about ten pounds.
C. Hilary's aunt drank the medicine her nephew prepared for her.
D. Hilary's aunt made a will to leave all her money to someone else.
第 Ⅱ卷 (非选择题 共60分)
46. No matter how times change, the (精神) of Lei Feng will always be forever.
47. ——Where is Haimen TV Tower
——It's the only tower on Jiefang Road. You can't (not hear, see or have something) it.
48. I'm thirsty. I prefer a cup of tea anything in it.
49. You've told me the truth. Thank you for being so (never lying) with me.
50. You'd better cut down the salt. Eating too much of it may (增加) the risk of high blood pressure.
three please we wide agree
51.—What's that in the box
——It's a surprise for Mum. Please keep it to .
52. Ladies and gentlemen, it's my great to introduce our guest speaker.
53. As we all know, XIAOMI SU7 has come out and it is accepted around the world.
54.—— Shall we go to Chengdu this summer holiday together
—I'd love to, but I need to get my father's .
55. It's so exciting that Jack's mother has just given birth to another child, her child.
appear matter separate study steal
56.——I went to the English Club at 6, but I didn't see you there.
—Oh. I for a Maths test in the library.
57. Which more, to be a pencil to write one's happiness or an eraser to remove one's sadness
58. We the papers into different groups. You needn't check them again.
59. Let's go and stop the thief. He something from an old woman's bag.
60. When losing one chance, don't be hopeless because another one soon.
Lixia, or the Start of Summer, is the seventh of the 24 Chinese solar terms(节气) which falls on May 5 of this year. It symbolizes the passing from s 61 to summer.
With the heat of summer, plants and crops will begin to grow much f 62 . So farmers are always happy to w 63 the arrival of Lixia. This is the best time of the year to plant early rice in the southern part of China. Chinese has plenty of old sayings which are used to warn people not to be lazy during this p 64 of time.
In China, people c 65 the day of Lixia in different ways. For example, in some places people cook“Five-Colored Rice”. Usually, it is made from five kinds of beans— mung bean, red bean, yellow bean, black bean and green bean. It s 66 for people's good wishes or a colorful life. People also have the custom of eating some different kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables. On the day of Lixia, children will wear a bag with an egg a 67 their necks in some areas. This is believed to help keep them s 68and healthy. Other traditions of Lixia i 69 the singing of beautiful folk songs. And people also weigh themselves on Lixia.
W 70 the summer passes, they’ll weigh themselves again to see how many pounds they have lost during the hot season.
Sophie, a 14-year-old British girl, suddenly changed her behavior in class. She lost interest in studies and would sit in the corner with her head mostly down.
Ethan Miller, one of Sophie's teachers, discovered that she was bullied(欺凌) online. Sophie was receiving abusive(辱骂) messages on her phone and on Facebook. Miller shared Sophie's story on the official website of The Children's Society, a children's charity in the UK.
Sophie was not alone. One in three young people, in 30 countries, said they have experienced online bullying. Twenty percent of those bullied students were not willing to go to school because of it,according to a report in September. The study surveyed more than 170,000 young people aged 13—24from countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America. Seventy-five percent of them said that the most common online bullying cases happened on social media, like Facebook and Twitter. The growth of social media has left many young people hurt through unfriendly and abusive messages, comments and pictures online.
The Internet world makes it easier for people to communicate with each other, but there is more danger for young people as well — and it is surprising that online bullying troubles many young people more than anything else. What's more, online bullying could lead to serious results for young people.Such bullying makes young people more than twice as likely to hurt themselves or even kill themselves,according to a 2018 study by the university of Oxford, UK. The research also found that young people facing online bullying were not as likely to ask for help as those bullied by traditional ways.
To deal with the problem, UNICEF has called for national helplines to support people who are bullied, along with training for teachers and parents to prevent and deal with online bullying.
Here is some advice to keep yourself away from danger on the Internet.
● Make sure that you're careful and respectful to others, even if you don't share similar opinions,values or beliefs.
·If you experience online bullying, the best response(回应) to a bully is no response at all.
Keep a record of anything that shows proof(证据) of online bullying, like screenshots. You can use this to report and stop them.
71. Why did Sophie suddenly change her behavior
72. According to the survey, where do they most probably meet online bullying
73. How does online bullying hurt young people
74. What is the best response to a bully
75. What other advice can you offer to stop bullying (请自拟一句话作答)
七、书面表达 (满分25分)
很多外国友人喜欢中国文化, David就是其中之一。他在抖音上发起Traditional Chinese Stories的话题,向中国网友征集中国传统故事。请你参与话题,介绍一个中国传统故事,传播中国声音。
提示: ①What is the story about
②Why do you choose the story (至少两点)
※You can choose one from the following stories or any other one you like.
Yu Gong moves mountains. 愚公移山
The Rabbit and the Turtle. 龟兔赛跑
Look at the Sky from the Bottom of a Well. 坐井观天
Traditional Chinese stories play an important role in Chinese culture. Now I'd like to introduce
The story reminds me that.



上一篇:鲁教版(五四学制)八年级下册Unit 3 Where would you like to visit?作业练习(含答案)
