浙江省金兰教育合作组织2023-2024高二下学期4月期中考试英语试题(含答案解析和听力原文 无听力音频)

英 语
1.Where is Emma working
A.In France. B.In England. C.In Germany.
2.What is the woman’s plan
A.To purchase a home. B.To rent a better place. C.To move near the man.
3.What is the woman currently doing
A.Running. B.Driving. C.Sailing.
4.What is the woman wearing
A.Jeans. B.A dress. C.A skirt.
5.What is the conversation mainly about
A.A school. B.Roads. C.The weather.
6.How old was the woman when she was allowed to drive by her parents
A.18. B.21. C.23.
7.What month was the man born in
A.December. B.November. C.September.
8.What do we know about the camping area
A.It’s totally free. B.It’s a little cold. C.It’s very crowded.
9.How long was the man gone for
A.One night. B.Two nights. C.Three nights.
10.What problem does Roger have with exams
A.He isn’t clever. B.He isn’t confident. C.He doesn’t work hard.
11.How does the man decide to help Roger
A.By helping him to stay calm.
B.By finding an expert for him.
C.By giving him some advice about his future.
12.What do we know about the woman
A.She is easy to be tired.
B.She often feels nervous.
C.She finds exercise is a good way to relax.
13.How does the woman feel about her job hunt
A.Very excited. B.A little unsatisfied. C.Quite angry.
14.What do we know about The Creator
A.It gives less holiday time than other companies.
B.It gets a lot of great reviews from the customers.
C.It provides medical insurance.
15.What was the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Colleagues. B.Classmates. C.Parent and child.
16.What will the woman probably do next
A.Search online for her salary. B.Negotiate her salary offer. C.Ask about her benefits package.
17.What is the speaker doing
A.Giving a speech. B.Doing a research. C.Having an interview.
18.What was the destination of the speaker’s most recent trip
A.Indonesia. B.Italy. C.The U.S.
19.What was the best-known eruption according to the speaker
A.Krakatoa. B.Santorini. C.Vesuvius.
20.What is the speaker mainly talking about
A.The history of a town. B.Travel experiences. C.His work.
The English language programs of the Voice of America(VOA)can be divided into two types according to the speed of broadcasting: Standard English and Special English.
Special English is a simple and standardized English radio program arranged by VOA for listeners who are beginning to learn English in non-English speaking countries around the world. It officially began broadcasting in October 1959.
The famous American lexicologist S. B. Flexmer identified three criteria for Special English, that is, what makes it “special”:
●It writes and broadcasts in short and clear sentences;
●It broadcasts at a rate of 90 words per minute, or 2/3 of Standard English;
●It is a form of American English composed mainly of the 1500 basic words.
Special English programs can be divided into two categories: news programs and feature programs.
News program
VOA Special English news broadcasts provide listeners with worldwide information on politics, economics, military affairs, diplomacy, international relations, religion, weather, and all kinds of important events and wonders. They are broadcast to Southeast Asia five times a day, twice in the morning and three times in the evening.
Feature Program
From the perspective of time, Special English feature programs can be divided into two categories: one is every five minutes, and the other is every fifteen minutes. The latter consists of seven different sub-features, which are repeated four times a day on a weekly cycle, but the two features on Sunday and Saturday are broadcast only three times a night, each lasting about 10 minutes, followed by each five-minute feature.
21.Which is one of the criteria for Special English
A.It’s a basic English radio program. B.It relies on a mere 1500 basic words.
C.It plays at a speed of 90 words per minute. D.It’s aimed at those starting to learn English.
22.What can we learn about the two programs
A.Both of them are broadcast repeatedly.
B.They are broadcast almost at the same time.
C.Listeners can listen to news program in the afternoon.
D.Each five-minute program consists of seven sub-features.
23.Who are most likely to listen to Special English
A.Radio program enthusiasts. B.Western culture lovers.
C.Language learners. D.English beginners.
Colorado’s grays peak rises 14,278 feet above sea level, high enough that trees can’t grow toward the top, though there are plenty of shrubs and rocks. It was in this unforgiving landform that Bev Wedelstedt was unlucky enough to get seriously injured in her left knee.
It was August 2018, and Wedelstedt, 56, was on her way back down the trail with three friends. A storm was brewing, and they were anxious to get off the mountain. When they approached a rocky drop of a couple of feet, Wedelstedt decided to leap. She landed on her left leg. Then she heard the snap. Every step after that was agony(剧痛). Before long, she had to stop. As one friend ran down to get help, a number of other hikers, all strangers, attempted to help Wedelstedt down the narrow trail by walking on either side of her to support her weight, but that proved slow and dangerous. “One man was so close to the edge that I could see rocks falling down from where he stepped on them.” Wedelstedt says.
Finally, one hiker, Matt, asked her, “How do you feel about a fireman’s carry ” Before she knew it, he had lifted her over his shoulder. “Now, I’m not tiny,” says Wedelstedt, a former college basketball star. Matt clearly couldn’t carry her all the way down by himself. So six hikers and one of her friends took turns carrying her while she tried to make light of a difficult situation: “I told them I wanted to meet a lot of guys, but this isn’t the way I wanted to do it.” Three hours and two rock-strewn miles later, this human conveyor belt finally met the medics, who took Wedelstedt to the hospital.
She stayed in hospital for a period time. Now she has mostly recovered from her ill-fated hike, but Wedelstedt knows she’ll never shake one thing from that day: the memory of the band of strangers who came to her rescue. “I’m still in awe.”
24.What made it difficult for Wedelstedt to go downhill
A.The changing weather. B.The rocky path.
C.The thick bushes. D.Her broken leg.
25.What does the underlined word “brewing” in the second paragraph mean
A.Advancing. B.Transforming. C.Freezing. D.Weakening.
26.Why was it challenging to rescue Wedelstedt
A.Only one hiker had firefighting experience. B.Wedelstedt refused help from the rescuers.
C.The medics were unwilling to provide help. D.The narrow trail slowed down the rescuers.
27.What can we learn from the last paragraph
A.Wedelstedt has got a complete recovery. B.All Wedelstedt’ rescuers were strangers.
C.Wedelstedt’s rescue left a deep impression on her. D.Wedelstedt has benefited a lot from her experience.
Many people have long believed that bright lights draw, or attract flying insects. But that is not exactly what is going on, a new study suggests.
Researchers believe that artificial lights at night may cause problems with flying insects’ natural navigation systems. As a result, the creatures fly in confusion around porch lamps, street lights and other artificial lights. “Insects have a navigational problem,” said Tyson Hedrick of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He added, “They’re accustomed to using light as a cue(提示)to know which way is up.”
Insects do not fly directly toward a light source, but actually “tilt(倾斜)their backs toward the light,” said Sam Fabian of Imperial College London. Fabian was a co-writer of the study that appeared recently in Nature Communications. This tilting action would make sense if the strongest light source was in the sky. But in the presence of artificial lights, the result is midair confusion.
For the study, researchers attached very small sensors to moths and dragonflies in a laboratory. They then filmed “motion-capture” video of flight—similar to how filmmakers attach sensors to actors to follow their movements. Researchers also used high-resolution cameras to film insects flying around lights at a field in Costa Rica. Such films permitted researchers to study in detail how dragonflies circle endlessly around light sources, positioning themselves with their backs facing the light. Researchers also documented that some insects fly upside down—and often crash land—in the presence of lights that shine straight upward like search lights. Insect flight was least disrupted by bright lights that shine straight downward, the researchers found.
“For millions of years, insects oriented themselves by sensing that the sky is light, the ground is dark—until people invented artificial lights”, said Avalon Owens of Harvard University.
28.What can we learn from the study
A.Insects have a navigational problem.
B.Artificial lights will make insects confused.
C.Not all insects do fly directly toward a light source.
D.Small sensors are used to film an insect documentary.
29.Which of the following may Avalon Owens agree with
A.Insects are unlikely to fly upside down.
B.Insects can position themselves facing the light.
C.Insects failed to orient themselves because of artificial lights.
D.Insect flight was interrupted by downward-shining bright lights.
30.What attitude does the author take towards the study
A.Ambiguous. B.Objective. C.Optimistic. D.Indifferent.
31.Where can we most probably read this passage
A.In an advertisement. B.In a science textbook.
C.In a nature magazine. D.In a news report.
A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it is of books or of men.
A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the most patient and cheerful companions. It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness, amusing and instructing us in youth, and comforting and consoling us in age.
There is an old proverb, “Love me, love my dog.” But there is more wisdom in this: “Love me, love my book.” The book is a truer and higher bond of union. Men can think, feel, and sympathize with each other through their favorite author. They live in him together, and he in them. The best books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which, remembered and cherished, become our constant companions and comforters.
Books possess an essence of immortality. They are by far the most lasting products of human effort. Temples and statues decay, but books survive. Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author’s minds, ages ago. What was then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed page. The only effect of time has been to sift out the bad products, for nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good.
Books introduce us into the best society; they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. We hear what they said and did; we see them as if they were really alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them and grieve with them. The great and good do not die, even in this world. Embalmed in books, people’s spirits walk abroad. The book is a living voice. It is an intellect to which one still listens.
32.According to the author, what is the difference between our books and our friends
A.Books remain patient and cheerful for a longer time.
B.Books provide comfort in old age, unlike our friends.
C.Friends can sometimes disappoint us, similar to our books.
D.Books reflect a person’s character more than their friends do.
33.Why are temples and statues mentioned in Para 4
A.To prove the value of time.
B.To highlight the longevity of books.
C.To show people’s preference for literature.
D.To emphasize the importance of ancient architecture.
34.What does the author advise readers to do
A.Become a wise man by reading.
B.Read as many classic books as we can.
C.Cherish the company of our books just like our friends.
D.Sympathize with your friends through your favorite author.
35.Which of the following is the best title for the passage
A.Companionship of Books B.Long Live Books
C.Our Best friends D.Love Me, Love My Book
Guilty Pleasures
You might have heard of the expression ‘a guilty pleasure’—maybe it’s the chocolate bar you buy on the way home from work, or the new clothes that you don’t really need. It comes from the idea that when we treat ourselves, it can sometimes leave us feeling guilty. Perhaps we don’t feel we deserved it, or we don’t think it was a responsible way to spend our money. But should we feel like this 36.______
Perhaps not. Psychologists have suggested that buying things for yourself can make you feel better as it provides an opportunity to take control of your situation. 37.______ It may be that as well as lifting your mood, when you buy a treat, you might just be looking after yourself.
Of course, there are also examples of people turning to destructive behaviour when faced with stressful circumstances. People might spend money that they don’t have at all or turn to some dangerous addictions. 38.______ Self-indulgence can be reckless and have negative consequences, while self-nurturing is taking responsible decisions to satisfy our needs and take care of ourselves in ways that don’t have a significant impact.
39.______ Many universities publish guides with advice for coping with exam stress. It’s essential to reflect the difference between self-indulgence and self-nurture. 40.______ They also suggest doing things that you enjoy much and are good at so that you can feel accomplishment and to avoid things that may make you feel worse afterwards.
So perhaps, as long as we make responsible decisions, we shouldn’t feel guilty about our guilty pleasures.
A.Do we need to have a guilty or clear conscience
B.Do we really have to feel guilty about treating ourselves
C.One stress that people may need to deal with is exam stress.
D.Psychologists recommend rewarding yourself for your efforts.
E.So we should keep a balance between self-indulgence and self-nurturing.
F.It can give you social contact and a confidence boost by changing your image.
G.Psychologist Leon Seltzer considers the difference between self-indulgence and self-nurturing.
On a steamy July day in Bayonet Point, Florida, Gene Work and his brother-in-law, Mark Rouco, were resodding(重新铺草皮)Gene’s yard.
The lawn had grown 41 in the heat, and the Works had been threatened to accept a huge fine if the situation wasn’t remedied. The new sod was sitting in the driveway, but the job was slow-going.
Gene, then 40, wasn’t feeling right.He went inside to take a break and 42 on the couch, clutching his chest. His wife, Melissa Work, called 911 quickly. Even though he was 43 down death, Gene had one thing on his mind: that 44 .
If the sod wasn’t 45 that day, it would die. “While he was having his heart attack, literally in and out of consciousness, he kept 46 me to have it put down because he didn’t want it to go to waste,” Melissa wrote in a Facebook post.
Soon Pasco County Fire Rescue arrived and took Gene and Melissa to the hospital, leaving Rouco behind to 47 the yard. Within an hour, he had managed to remove the old grass. He was about to lay the new sod, which he 48 would take him well into the night, 49 two emergency vehicles appeared. Seven men—the same ones who had treated his brother— 50 . Gene had told them how 51 he’d wanted to get the sod down, so they had returned to help. The job was done in under two hours. Meanwhile, Gene had surgery to insert stents(支架)in his heart, 52 a potentially deadly blockage.
He’s home now, fully recovered—and enjoying his beautiful lawn. The Works are still 53 that those EMTs went above and beyond their job 54 . “These men,” Melissa told tampabay.com, “saved Gene’s life, and then came back to save his grass. That’s just so 55 .”
41.A.black B.brown C.white D.green
42.A.lay B.collapsed C.sat D.threw
43.A.glaring B.coming C.staring D.cutting
44.A.yard B.heat C.job D.lawn
45.A.put down B.pulled over C.let out D.dealt with
46.A.interrupting B.begging C.recommending D.recalling
47.A.construct B.manage C.tackle D.supervise
48.A.anticipated B.estimated C.assumed D.feared
49.A.when B.before C.after D.then
50.A.got out B.turned up C.settled down D.went away
51.A.gratefully B.significantly C.badly D.logically
52.A.gathering B.removing C.decreasing D.relieving
53.A.amazed B.motivated C.frustrated D.fascinated
54.A.comparison B.description C.duration D.intention
55.A.brilliant B.awful C.awesome D.influential
BEIJING—Chinese cities are pursuing high-quality development in 56.______(vary)of ways, but new technologies are a consistent choice and have already helped some explore smarter, greener and more innovative paths.
Huangshi, an industrial city in central China’s Hubei province, 57.______(harvest)the benefits of intelligent technologies in the past decade. Mining may conjure up(使人联系到)images of a dirty, labor-intensive and dangerous sector. But that is not the 58.______(real)in Huangshi, where mining relies on unmanned machines, remote 59.______(monitor)technologies and intelligent coordination systems.
60.______(dress)in a blue work suit and white shirt, Daye Iron Mine worker Yuan Jianjun sits in front of several computers in a spacious command center. His eyes are fixed on the screens, 61.______ show live images of underground mining machines and real-time data from sensors placed inside the mine.
In the past, Yuan worked underground in a very 62.______(dust)environment. “It used to be a challenging job both physically and mentally,” he said. Now, machines are controlled 63.______(remote)from an office environment to collect minerals.
Tech support has reduced labor intensity and improved workplace safety, enabling more mining sector employees like Yuan 64.______(work)in a safer and healthier environment 65.______ previous generations. “It has become a decent job,” Yuan said.
假如你是李华,上周你参加了学校举办的“校园现场中文书写大赛”(Campus Live Chinese Handwriting Contest),得知在邻校就读的英国朋友George对此很感兴趣。请你给他写一封信,内容包括:
Dear George,
Please let me know if you can make it.
Li Hua
Billy, a fourth-grade student at a primary school in Florida, was bullied for his DIY hand-drawn logo of the University of Tennessee(the UT), but this made students of the UT act in support and the UT even turned his drawing into an official T-shirt.
It all started at “College Colors Day” on August 30. On that day, the primary school students were invited to wear their favorite university’s football team’s colors. Billy, wore an orange T-shirt representing his favorite university, the UT. He took it one step further to draw his own UT logo with pen and paper and put it to his T-shirt. Billy excitedly showed his T-shirt to Laura, a fourth-grade teacher at the school. She was greatly impressed and praised him for his wonderful idea.
But after lunch, Billy came back to Laura’s office, crying. Billy was upset and hurt because some girls at the lunch table had made fun of the hand-drawn logo on his T-shirt. Laura knew sometimes kids could say really cruel words. She knew although the logo was not well-drawn and of course not the most beautiful, Billy had tried his best to use the resources he had available to him to take part in College Colors Day in his own way.
In an effort to cheer him up, Laura wrote in a post on Facebook, a popular social media website, on Wednesday that one of her students was “SO EXCITED” to show her his orange T-shirt pinned with a hand-drawn “UT” logo, but was made fun of. Laura wrote that she was planning to buy him an official UT T-shirt to make it a little extra special for Billy and ended the post by asking if any of her Facebook friends had any connections to the UT. What happened next made her shocked.
Her post spread rapidly on Facebook.
When receiving and opening the surprise box, Billy couldn’t believe his eyes.
1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.B
11.A 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.A 18.A 19.C 20.C
21-23 CAD 24-27 DADC 28-31 BCBC 32-35 ABCA
36-40 BFGCD
41-45 BBCDA 46-50 BCDAA 51-55 CDABC
56.varieties 57.has harvested 58.reality 59.monitoring 60.Dressed
61.which 62.dusty 63.remotely 64.to work 65.than
Dear George,
I’m writing to share with you some details about the “Campus Live Chinese Handwriting Contest” that I participated in last week.
The contest featured 300 participants, each given 50 minutes to transcribe a provided Chinese essay. Entries were judged based on accuracy, neatness, and the beauty of handwriting. It was truly inspiring to witness the dedication and creativity displayed by the contestants through their handwriting. Though I didn’t win any awards, the contest provided me with a valuable opportunity to learn from others and enhance my own handwriting skills.
Next week, our school will host an exhibition showcasing the outstanding entries from the contest. I would like to invite you to join me at the exhibition. I hope you can attend, and we can appreciate the remarkable works together.
Please let me know if you can make it.
Li Hua
Her post spread rapidly on Facebook. By the next day, it had been liked and shared thousands of times by students of the UT. Many shared supportive comments and their personal stories. Many more offered suggestions and solutions to help. The news finally attracted the attention of the university itself. It responded by announcing that it appreciated the creativity of Billy’s hand-drawn logo and would turn it into an actual T-shirt, promising to donate all the money from its sales to an anti-bullying organization. The university also decided to give Billy a surprise by sending him a box of UT souvenirs, including T-shirts, hats, notes from school officials and a football signed by the head coach, along with items like notebooks for Billy’s classmates.
When receiving and opening the surprise box, Billy couldn’t believe his eyes. Tears welling up in his eyes, he held the things close to his chest, too moved to say anything. He quickly put on a T-shirt with the special logo and a hat and then generously distributed the gifts to his classmates, with everyone cheering and applauding. It was truly amazing to witness such a heart-warming scene. Later, the girls who had mocked him apologized and expressed admiration for his creativity and courage. In her follow-up post, Laura expressed her sincere gratitude to everyone who contributed to this positive experience for Billy. Billy was also grateful for receiving widespread support and proud of inspiring and touching the lives of so many people.
Text 1
W: My friend Emma just moved to England.(1)She’s working in a French bakery there. I might go and visit her this summer.
M: We could go together. It’s cheaper to fly to Germany and then get a train.
Text 2
M: Why do you live in that small apartment Surely you can afford to rent somewhere bigger.
W: I’m saving everything I can for a down payment. Buying a house makes more sense than renting.(2)
Text 3
M: Hurry up. Otherwise we’ll have to run for the boat.
W: Don’t bother me. It’s hard enough to drive without you shouting in my ear.(3)
Text 4
W: Do you think I’ll be OK in the restaurant like this I should have worn a dress or a skirt.
M: You’ll be fine. Lots of people wear jeans for dining out these days.(4)
W: But it does look like a very high-class place.
Text 5
W: Do you think school will be closed tomorrow The roads are supposed to be really bad after the snow tonight.
M: I hope so. We haven’t had a snow day this season yet.
W: I don’t like the cold, but I prefer it to the heat.(5)
Text 6
W: I got my driver’s license the day I turned 18, but my parents didn’t let me drive till three years later.(6)
M: My parents bought me a second-hand car when I got my driver’s license.
W: You are lucky. I had to have all of my friends drive me around for years! They were all older than me by a few months and still had their licenses before I did. What month were you born in I was born in September. My birthday is exactly two months after my sister’s!
M: I was born on Christmas actually.(7)It gets a little annoying because we have to celebrate both and I don’t get my own day!
Text 7
W: How was your camping trip last weekend, John
M: Not great. The first night we stayed at one of those camping areas where you need to pay to get in. There were too many people there, though.(8)(9)
W: So, what happened next
M: The next day we decided to hike about four hours to a spot where there wasn’t anybody around.(9)That was a big mistake.
W: Why
M: None of us brought anything to make a fire with. Then it started raining, and we realized even with our warm clothes it was too cold to stay overnight.
W: So what did you do
M: We hiked back to the original camping area in complete darkness. We left the next morning because everyone was too tired from the night before.(9)What did you do
W: I watched a movie at home by a nice wood fire.
Text 8
M: Roger is so intelligent.(10)He thinks for himself. He’s a hard worker. He has good ideas and he doesn’t follow the crowd.
W: So why does he do so badly in his exams (10)
M: Because he suffers from anxiety. He lacks confidence.(10)His brain is so active and he thinks too much. When it comes to exams, his intelligence actually works against him.
W: I wish we could help him. It seems so unfair that a person’s future can be determined by how well they perform on one particular day.
M: It is unfair—but life is unfair. We must try to help him by showing him how to keep calm in stressful situations.(11)
W: How do we do that I can’t say that I’m exactly an expert at dealing with stress, although I am better at it than
I used to be.
M: I can help him. I always think that exercise is a great way for dealing with stress and anxiety. When you have exhausted yourself while doing exercise, you don’t have the energy to be nervous.(12)
W: That is so right! I always feel calm after working out in the gym.(12)
Text 9
M: How is the job hunt going (13)
W: I’ve applied to more than 20 jobs and had three interviews. I got two job offers but I do not really like either of them.(13)
M: Why not
W: Neither of them gave me a good salary offer. I think I deserve more than that.
M: Have you researched what kind of salary your position should earn
W: Yes, and I should be getting much more than what they are offering me.
M: Well, do you like the companies and the benefits they are offering you
W: I do, especially one of them called The Creator.(14)They got a lot of great reviews from their employees, and they are offering a great benefits package which includes medical and dental insurance and more holiday time than any other company.(14)
M: That’s great. Don’t just decline the job offer. You know what, you can negotiate the salary offer they give you.
W: I’d been at the company we were at for so long.(15)I forgot about the job process. I am a little worried about asking for more.
M: Listen! If they offered you a job, that means they want you! Especially in your field, data analytics, you are needed in today’s job market. Everyone needs people to figure out what to do with all the data being collected.
W: You have a point. I will give them a call right now.(16)
Text 10
Hello everyone, and thank you for inviting me to speak at your school.(17)Now here is a big word for you—volcanologist. That is my job. Volcanology is the study of volcanoes and I spend much of my time traveling to volcanoes around the world. China can count itself lucky. It doesn’t have many active volcanoes. The last one to erupt was in 1951. My job has taken me to many countries, from Italy to the U.S. I have just come back from Indonesia,(18)one of the most active volcanic areas. So why is my job important Because when we understand volcanoes, we can predict how they will behave and help protect the people who live near them from possible harm. When we think of volcanoes erupting, we think of rocks but perhaps the biggest danger is from ash. There have been some very famous volcano eruptions. Krakatoa, in Indonesia, erupted in 1883, killing over 36,000 people. Santorini, in Greece, was ruined by an explosion about 3600 years ago. But the most famous eruption was Vesuvius in Italy in 79 AD.(19)Ash from the explosion buried the Roman towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum, preserving them so well that we can now visit them today. They are a treasure for historians, so you could say every volcanic cloud has a silver lining.
21.C 从原文It broadcasts at a rate of 90 words per minute可以得出C是正确答案。
22.A 从原文They are broadcast to Southeast Asia five times a day, twice in the morning and three times in the evening.和…which are repeated four times a day on a weekly cycle…可以得出A是正确答案。
23.D 从原文Special English is a simple and standardized English radio program arranged by VOA for listeners who are beginning to learn English in non-English speaking countries around the world.可以得出D是正确答案。
24.D根据第二段Every step after that was agony(剧痛).Before long, she had to stop.可以选定答案是D。
25.A A选项advancing临近;B选项transforming转型;C选项raging肆虐;选项D weakening减弱。根据上下文,可以选定答案是A。
26.D 根据第二段As one friend ran down to get help, a number of other hikers, all strangers, attempted to help Wedelstedt down the narrow trail by walking on either side of her to support her weight, but that proved slow and dangerous.可知答案是D。
27.C 根据全文最后一句话but Wedelstedt knows she’ll never shake one thing from that day: the memory of the band of strangers who came to her rescue. “I’m still in awe.”可知答案是C。
28.B 根据第二段As a result, the creatures fly in confusion around porch lamps, street lights and other artificial lights.可知答案是B。
29.C 根据最后一段For millions of years, insects oriented themselves by sensing that the sky is light, the ground is dark—until people invented artificial lights.此句的意思是“数百万年来,昆虫通过感知天空是亮的,地面是暗的来定位自己——直到人们发明了人造灯。”所以答案是C。
30.B 文本涉及的研究结果,所以作者的态度是客观的,答案是B。
31.C 这是关于昆虫方向感被人造灯影响的科技性说明文,所以文本应该来自自然杂志,答案是C。
32.A 根据第二段中的第二句It is the most patient and cheerful companions.可知答案是A。
33.B 根据第四段中的前三句Books possess an essence of immortality. They are by far the most lasting products of human effort. Temples and statues decay, but books survive.可知答案是B。
34.C 根据全文最后一段,强调了书给人们带来的好处,可以推断出作者希望人们能够珍惜书的陪伴。
35.A 根据全文,可以得出文章的最佳标题是A“书的陪伴”。
36.B 段末设空,答案B与前句But should we feel like this 并列,且点题了。
37.F 段中设空,答案F与前后两句并列,都说明treating yourself的好处。
38.G 段中设空,但答案G是后文一句的总起,提出self-indulgence 和self-nurturing两个概念,后面一句以对比的形式解释这两个概念。
39.C 段首设空,后文提到了exam stress,所以作为段首句,应该选C,在此段引出该话题。
40.D 段中设空,根据后文They also suggest doing things that…,又提出了一个建议,这里D就是其另外一个建议。
41.B 基本常识,热浪下的草皮呈现brown。
42.B 答案A和C跟后文中的clutching his chest联系不如选项B“瘫倒”。
43.C 选项A怒视;选项B来;选项D切割。而even though he was staring down death意思是即使他面临着死亡。
44.D 根据上下文可知,lawn是他一直牵挂的。
45.A 根据上下文可知,草皮需要被尽快铺好,否则草会死掉。pull over靠边停车;let out泄露;deal with处理。这些选项在这里都不合适,只有A“放下”符合,而且与后文空46所在的句子一致。
46.B 选项A interrupt打断;选项C recommend推荐和选项D recall回忆都不合适。答案B符合主人公那时的着急心态,才求着妻子那样做。
47.C 选项A construct建设;选项B manage管理;选项D supervise监管。选项C tackle处理符合这里的意思。
48.D 选项A anticipate期待、选项B estimate估计和C assume猜测都不符合,只有选项D fear担心,怕才符合那时他的心境。
49.A 非限制性定语从句,说明那晚的情况。
50.A 选项A got out(从救护车里)出来;选项B turn up出现;选项C settle down安顿下来;选项D go away离开。根据上下文,只有A符合。
51.C 选项A gratefully感激地;选项B significantly显著地;选项C badly非常;选项D logically逻辑上地。这里表达他的急切愿望,所以选C。
52.D 选项A gathering收集;选项B removing移开;选项C decreasing减少;选项D relieving缓解。根据上下文,此处应该是缓解潜在的致命堵塞。
53.A 选项A amazed惊喜的;选项B motivated积极的,主动的;选项C suspicious怀疑的;选项D desperate渴望的、拼命的、绝望的。根据上下文,应该是A。
54.B 选项A comparison比较;选项B description描写;选项C duration持续;选项D competence能力。这里意思是超出职位描述或是超出工作范围。
55.C 选项A brilliant才华横溢的;B awful糟糕的;C awesome令人敬畏的,非常棒的;D influential有影响力的。根据上下文,这里选C。
57.has harvested考查时态和主谓一致。
64.to work考查非谓语动词。动词不定式做宾补。




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