
时间:120分钟 满分:150分
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What does the man especially like about Chongqing
A.Its climate. B.Its scenery. C.Its food.
2.How will the speakers go to the People’s Park
A.By bus. B.On foot. C.By subway.
3.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Schoolmates. B.Mother and son. C.Teacher and student.
4.On which floor are children’s toys
A.The 3rd floor. B.The 4th floor. C.The 5th floor.
5.What are the speakers talking about
A.A book. B.A writer. C.An organization.
6.What happened to the boy
A.He felt under the weather. B.He was late for school. C.He skipped breakfast.
7.What will the woman do first
A.Cook some noodles. B.Call the doctor. C.Make some tea.
8.Who is Mike
A.Ann’s husband. B.Ann’s colleague. C.Ann’s roommate.
9.Why does Susan make the call
A.To arrange a meeting. B.To get some information. C.To find a part-time job.
10.When will Susan meet the teachers
A.On Wednesday. B.On Thursday. C.On Friday.
11.What does the man think of the suite
A.It is beautiful. B.It is expensive. C.It is comfortable.
12.Which is included in the price
A.Breakfast. B.Lunch. C.Supper.
13.How much will the man pay for his room
A.$250. B.$500. C.$750.
14.What will the woman and her aunt do first during the holiday
A.Travel around Hollywood. B.Go to Palm Springs. C.Visit a friend.
15.Why does the woman want to drive to Palm Springs
A.To save time. B.To carry things easily. C.To enjoy the scenery.
16.What is the man’s plan for the first week
A.Taking a trip. B.Doing the gardening. C.Having some classes.
17.How will the man learn swimming
A.Teach himself. B.Learn from his brother. C.Hire a swimming instructor.
18.Where does kiwifruit originally come from
A.America. B.New Zealand. C.China.
19.When was “zipper” trademarked
A.In 1923. B.In 1930. C.In 1959.
20.Which is the largest producer of zippers
A.An American company. B.A Japanese company. C.A France company.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
Our Online Chinese Summer Camp program is a wonderful, immersive online Chinese learning experience specifically designed for learning Chinese remotely.
Suitable Age
Kids aged 10 to 16
Camp Content
Interactive Chinese lessons, cultural activities and virtual trips
Monday to Friday
The class time is scheduled according to different time zones(区域).
Camp Levels
Online Chinese Camp is divided into 2 levels—Non-Native Chinese Camp for beginner to intermediate levels and Chinese Camp for intermediate to advanced levels.
Non-Native Chinese Camp for Kids from non-native Chinese families Chinese Camp for Kids from native Chinese families
·No Chinese language experience needed ·No Chinese language exposure(接触)in everyday life ·Chinese language experience in a native Chinese-speaking family
√Fun and interactive online lessons and activities to raise the interest in learning Chinese √Introduction to Chinese characters with stories and pictures √Develop practical communicating skills √Basic conversations in Chinese √Project-based cultural activities to increase understanding of Chinese culture √Fun and interactive online lessons to improve 4 language skills—Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing √Intermediate conversations in Chinese through various cultural and language activities √More advanced lessons to increase Chinese vocabulary √Project-based cultural activities to deepen the understanding of Chinese culture
Ready to Sign Up
Contact us(www.)and we will be happy to answer your questions and help you choose the right camp. Don’t forget to ask us about early bird price!
21.What is the text
A.A course review. B.A commercial ad. C.An academic article. D.An activity schedule.
22.What can kids do in Chinese Camp
A.Improve integrated Chinese sills. B.Make up basic Chinese dialogues.
C.Learn characters through fun stories. D.Prepare for advanced vocabulary tests.
23.What can we learn about the program
A.It involves skills for camping trips. B.It offers a discount if you book earlier.
C.It has a fixed timetable regardless of time zones. D.It includes off-line interactive activities in China.
Sirine Jahangir has been singing, writing and performing music since she was a little girl. She lost all her vision in one eye by the time she turned 5, so now the teen uses her gift “as a way to—not escape, but to help me through.” Not only did her passion get her through some difficult times, but when she was 14 it also brought her to the “Britain’s Got Talent” stage, where she impressed everyone with her performance.
Sirine has a rare condition that left her completely blind by the time she was 10 years old. While her parents and doctors have tried to find treatments for her, there isn’t much they can do. So her parents focused on helping her adjust to her new life, which was when her dad said she was first introduced to music. “I remember one day, we were driving in the car. This is about when she was getting to the stage where she couldn’t look out the window anymore to see things, and I didn’t know what to do. I just put the music on really loud. She started singing in the car, and she was so happy. And then she just found happiness every time I put it on,” her father said.
It didn’t take long for them to realize Sirine has tremendous talent. When she appeared on “Britain’s Got Talent”, she told everyone just how much her passion means to her. “I guess music is my vision,” she said. “That’s just what I live by, and music is my thing.” Then she headed over to the piano, where she played the piano and sang beautifully enough to bring the audience to tears! Unsurprisingly to everyone but Sirine, all four judges voted her into the next round of the competition!
Afterward, she said, “I can’t even say it’s a dream come true, because I didn’t even dream of it at any point…I never thought that would be realistic in my life.”
24.What helped Sirine get through her difficult times
A.Britain’s Got Talent. B.Her passion for music.
C.Support from her parents and doctors. D.Encouragement from four judges.
25.What can we learn from the passage
A.Sirine displayed all her passion on stage. B.Sirine lost her sight totally at the age of five.
C.Her parents focused on treatments all the way. D.Sirine was not surprised at the judges’ decision.
26.What does the underlined “it” refer to in the second paragraph
A.Music. B.Clothes. C.Talent. D.Microphone.
27.Which of the following would be the best title for the story
A.Never give up your dream. B.Music lights up the world.
C.True happiness lies in competition. D.Life can be too good to be true.
As more and more people speak the global languages of English, Chinese, Spanish, and Arabic, other languages are rapidly disappearing. In fact, half of the 6,000-7,000 language spoken around the world today will likely die out by the next century, according to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, an Cultural Organization(UNESCO).
In an effort to prevent language loss, scholars from a number of organizations-UNESCO and National Geographic among them—have for many years been documenting dying languages an the cultures they reflect.
Mark Turin, a scientist at the Macmillan Center, Yale University, who specializes in the languages and oral traditions of the Himalayas, is following in that tradition. His recently published book, A grammar of Thangmi with an Ethnolinguistic Introduction to the Speakers and Their Culture, grows out of his experience living, working, and raising a family in a village in Nepal.
Documenting the Thangmi language and culture is just a starting point for Turin, who seeks to include other languages and oral traditions across the Himalaya reaches of India, Nepal, Bhutan, and China. But he is not content to simply record these voices before they disappear without record.
At the University of Cambridge, Turin discovered a wealth of important materials—including photographs, films, tape recordings, and field notes—which had remained unstudied and were badly in need of care and protection.
Now, through the two organizations that he has rounded—the Digital Himalaya Project and the World Oral Literature Project—Turin has started a campaign t make such documents, found in libraries and stores around the world, available not just to scholars but to the younger generations of communities from whom the materials were originally collected. Thanks to digital technology and the widely available Internet, Turin notes, the endangered languages can be saved and reconnected with speech communities.
28.Many scholars are making efforts to ______.
A.promote global languages B.rescue disappearing languages
C.search for language communities D.set up language research organizations
29.What does “that tradition” in Paragraph 3 refer to
A.Having full records of the languages. B.Writing books on language teaching.
C.Telling stories about language users. D.Living with the native speakers.
30.What is Turin’s book based on
A.The cultural studies in India. B.The documents available at Yale.
C.His language research in Bhutan. D.His personal experience in Nepal.
31.Which of the following best describes Turin’s work
A.Write and donate. B.Record and reward.
C.Collect, protect and reconnect. D.experiment and report.
I am standing next to a five-year old girl in Pormpuraaw, a small native community in northern Australia. When I ask her to point north, she points exactly and without hesitation. My compass(指南针)says she is right. Later, back in a lecture hall at Stanford University, I make the same request of an audience of excellent professors. Many refuse; they do not know the answer.
A five-year-old in one culture can do something with ease that great scientists in other cultures struggle with. This is a big difference in cognitive(认知的)ability. What could explain it The surprising answer, it turns out, may be language.
Around the world people communicate with one another using a variety of languages—7,000 or so all told—and each language requires very different things from its speakers. For example, suppose I want to tell you that I saw Uncle Vanya on 42nd Street. In Mian, a language spoken in Papua New Guinea, the verb I used would reveal(显示)whether the event happened just now, yesterday or in the distant past, while in Indonesia, the verb wouldn’t even give away whether it had already happened or was still coming up. In Russian, the verb would reveal my gender(性别).
Research in my lab and in many others has been uncovering how language shapes even the most basic concept(概念)of human experience: space, time, and relationships to others. Unlike English, the language spoken in Pormpuraaw does not use relative spatial(空间感的)terms such as left and right. Rather speakers talk in terms of absolute directions. Of course, in English we also use direction terms but only for large spatial scales(标度). We would not say, for example, “They set the salad forks southeast of the dinner forks!” But in Pormpuraaw, absolute directions are used at all scales. This means one ends up saying things like “the cup is southeast of the plate” or “the boy standing to the south of Mary is my brother.”
32.How does the author mainly explain the role language plays in the different cognition
A.By giving numbers. B.By making comparisons.
C.By describing personal experiences. D.By presenting different viewpoints.
33.What contributes to the girl’s success in pointing the direction
A.Her training in Stanford University. B.The challenge from professors.
C.The language she speaks. D.The English culture she absorbs.
34.What can be shown from the verb used in the language Mian
A.The time. B.The gender. C.The space. D.The event.
35.What is the author’s attitude towards the language spoken in Pormpuraaw
A.Favorable. B.Positive. C.Negative. D.Objective(客观的)
Does speaking on the phone make you nervous
Speaking with people on the phone is becoming rare these days. Many people prefer to use email or messaging apps when they need to communicate with someone. Sometimes though, making a phone call is unavoidable. This simple act can actually be an unpleasant experience for some people. 36 If this sounds familiar to you, you might be one of them who suffer from telephobia—the fear of speaking on the phone.
Telephobia is a form of social anxiety, even people who feel perfectly comfortable in social situations may also experience telephobia. When speaking face to face, we give off lots of facial cues(暗示)that help each other follow the conversation. 37 Very often the idea of speaking on the phone makes some people so frightened that they will freeze up or lose control of the conversation. However, there are things that they can do to ease this fear.
One thing that those with telephobia can do before making a call is smile. 38 It won’t get rid of the anxiety altogether, but it will take the edge off it. Similarly, imagining how the call will go before you make it can also help things go more smoothly. 39 That will make you feel less nervous and may help you predict any possible problems.
40 Well, you don’t always have to pick up the phone. There’s nothing wrong with calling the person back later when you feel more comfortable. So the next time your phone starts ringing, remember—speaking on the phone doesn’t have to make you nervous. The important thing is to be aware of your fear and take steps to deal with it.
A.This is not the case over the phone.
B.Their hearts may race at the very thought.
C.What are the basic rules of making phone calls
D.Just run through a positive conversation in your head.
E.What should you do when you’re faced with receiving a call
F.It may sound silly, but smiling can help you feel more relaxed.
G.Remember to smile politely when you are introduced to someone.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I recently spent a week on the Greek island of Ikaria with my partner, exploring the secrets of the locals’ healthy and happy lifestyle. It was a(n) 41 break from the fast-paced world, and we learned a lot about the 42 of slowing down and enjoying life.
One of the first things we 43 was how relaxed life was on Ikaria. Unlike the 44 rush of modern society, the locals took things 45 , enjoying long meals with friends and family, taking a 46 in the afternoon, and spending lots of time outdoors. While they worked hard when they 47 to, they also knew how to take breaks and 48 the simple pleasures of life.
Food played a big role in their healthy lifestyle, too. The island’s Mediterranean diet 49 fresh vegetables, fruits, and seafood instead of red meat and carbohydrate(碳水化合物), and we enjoyed delicious meals at local restaurants. The amount was small, but the flavors were 50 , and we noticed that the locals 51 to snack on healthy options like nuts and seeds.
Exercise was also a big part of life for the native people on Ikaria. The hilly landscape provided plenty of opportunities for 52 , and we even joined a group of locals for a morning yoga session on the beach.
53 our time on Ikaria taught us the importance of prioritizing(优先)self-care and taking things at a lower 54 . While we may not be able to 55 the exact lifestyle of the locals back home, we can certainly include some of their habits into our own lives.
41.A.embarrassing B.refreshing C.surprising D.creative
42.A.disadvantages B.philosophies C.functions D.intentions
43.A.noticed B.confirmed C.recorded D.contrasted
44.A.ordinary B.sudden C.constant D.illegal
45.A.seriously B.gradually C.quickly D.personally
46.A.rest B.lesson C.ride D.leave
47.A.expected B.refused C.managed D.needed
48.A.appreciate B.accept C.provide D.promote
49.A.makes out B.stirs up C.focuses on D.adapts to
50 A.light B.rich C.hot D.salty
51.A.tended B.used C.promised D.decided
52.A.boating B.skating C.hiking D.driving
53.A.Besides B.Therefore C.However D.Overall
54.A.process B.conduct C.amount D.pace
55.A.admire B.copy C.balance D.measure
Sichuan Giant Panda Habitat has great 56 (significant)for the conservation of the giant panda, 57 (recognize)as a “National Treasure” in China and an icon of 58 (globe)conservation efforts. It is the largest and most important remaining area of panda habitat in China and the world, 59 (consist)of seven nature reserves and nine scenic parks.
In addition 60 the giant panda, the property(园地)features a variety of local and 61 (threaten)species of plants and animals, including other iconic mammal species, such as the red panda and snow leopard. The property is an important center for some birds, 300 of 62 breed(繁殖)locally. Besides, the property is 63 (particular)important for plants, 64 (become)one of the botanically richest sites of any temperate(温带的)region in the world. The property is a major source and gene pool for hundreds of traditional medicinal plants, many now under threat. Because of its biodiversity and conservation of giant pandas, these reserves 65 (list)as UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 2006.
第四部分 课内知识(共三节,满分25分)
A.assumed B.upset C.performed D.significant E.announced F.function G.conquered
66.The scientific development is of great importance for the future of the city.
67.The government has officially told people about a plan to build a new school to improve the local education.
68.The decision is likely to make a lot of people unhappy.
69.Despite the power cuts, the hospital continued to work in the correct way normally.
70.The Normans took control of England in 1066.
71.This operation has never been carried out in this country.
72.It is widely believed that stress is caused by too much work.
belong to set off confirm get absorbed in break away from phenomenon get through keep track of range charge
73.In order to improve your study, you should first ______ bad study habits.
74.When he ______ his world of music, he felt as if he could “see” the beauty of the world around him, like he had in his previous life.
75.Remember to take away everything ______ you before leaving the restaurant.
76.The original goal of the research was ______ the popular belief that ageing is connected with increasing sleep problems.
77.Your blood pressure is well within the normal ______.
78.This app allows you to easily ______ everything you eat and shows you the calories you’re consuming(消耗).
79.It usually takes one hour to get my cellphone fully ______.
80.Look! A group of boys ______ firecrackers in the street.
84.Festivals are becoming more and more commercial, with business taking advantage of the celebrations.
85.The peaceful landscape of the “Emerald Isle” and its many green counties is a true feast for the eyes, with its rolling green hills dotted with sheep and cattle.(Emerald Isle绿宝石岛)
第五部分 写作(满分25分)
86.假设你是晨光中学的李华。下周你校将开展主题为“My favourite traditional Chinese festival”的英语演讲比赛,请你根据以下提示撰写一篇演讲稿:
第一部分 听力
1—5 CABCA 6—10 ACBBA 11—15 BACAC 16—20 BBCAB
第二部分 阅读
21—25 BABBA 26—30 ABBAD 31—35 CCCAD
【答案】36.B 37.A 38.F 39.D 40.E
第三部分 语言运用
【答案】41.B 42.B 43.A 44.C 45.B 46.A 47.D 48.A 49.C 50.B
51.A 52.C 53.A 54.D 55.B
【答案】56.significance 57.recognized 58.global 59.consisting 60.to
61.threatened 62.which 63.particularly 64.becoming 65.were listed
第四部分 课内知识
66.D 67.E 68.B 69.F 70.G 71.C 72.A
73.break away from 74.got absorbed in 75.belonging to 76.to confirm
77.range 78.keep track of 79 charged 80.are setting off
81.Festivals are occasions that allow us to relax and enjoy life, and forget about our work for a little while
82.The festival falls on the fourth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, usually lasting for three days.
83.Inspired, he asked his fans to make videos, which he then joined together into one performance.
第五部分 写作
Hello, everyone! I am Li Hua from Chen Guang Middle School. It’s my honor to speak here. Today I want to talk about my favorite traditional Chinese festival. As is known to all, China is famous for its rich and various traditional festivals, among which I am fond of the Spring Festival best.
The Spring Festival, which is the most significant traditional festivals in China, falls on the eve of the lunar New Year and lasts fifteen days. There are a variety of activities taking place during the Spring Festival. To begin with, houses cleaned and decorated, delicious snacks stored and couplets posted on the doors, all that people feel is a festive atmosphere. What matters most is that all family members will return to their hometowns for a traditional family reunion and have a big dinner on the eve of the Spring Festival. People also watch TV gala until the clock strikes 12 and then set off fireworks to welcome the New Year. During the next fifteen days, people pay a visit to relatives and friends, giving each other their best wishes. In addition, there are also many other customs such as dragon dances and lion dances.
While celebrating the Spring Festival, families can not only reunite but also experience and enjoy traditional Chinese culture. That’s why I like it best. That’s all. Thanks for your listening!
Text 1
M: Hi, Nancy. Do you know Chongqing in Southwest China
W: Yes. It is largely built on mountains and surrounded by rivers; thus it is known as the “mountain city”. Many people are drawn to Chongqing by its natural scenery.
M: Yes. But I prefer its delicious food. I especially like its special spicy hotpot.
Text 2
W: Shall we go to the People’s Park today
M: That sounds like a good idea. We can take a bus there. It’s very convenient.
W: OK. Let’s walk across the street. The bus stop is next to the subway station.
Text 3
W: James, you are leaving for your new school tomorrow. Can I do something to help you pack
M: Please ask Dad where my old school backpack is.
Text 4
M: Are children’s clothes on the 3rd floor
W: No, they are on the 4th floor. And there are children’s toys on the 5th floor. They are on sale now. You can go and have a look.
M: Thank you. I will go there later.
Text 5
W: What are you reading
M: Love China All My Life: Isabel Crook’s Stories. It was written by Tan Kai. The book features Isabel Crook, a woman who devoted years of her life to China’s English language education.
W: Oh, I’ve heard of it. It is one of the 12 newly published books recommended in April.
Text 6
M: Mom, I’m sick. My throat hurts and I have a stomachache. Can I stay at home this morning
W: I’ll ask for sick leave for you. Maybe you ate something bad. What did you eat last night
M: Just the noodles you cooked. But I don’t think there is any problem with the noodles. Dad and Emily ate them too.
W: Yeah, no one else is sick, so it’s not that. I’ll make you some tea with honey now. And then I will call the doctor.
Text 7
M: Hello, ABC Service Company. This is Mike speaking.
W: Hello, this is Susan. May I speak to Ann
M: I’m afraid she’s on the other line now. What can I do for you
W: OK, I registered to hire a part-time teacher through your company last week. Now I’m calling to know whether there is any message or not
M: Please wait a moment. Let me check.
W: All right.
M: Er…there are three teachers who can meet your requirements. Do you need us to arrange a meeting
W: That will be good. I am going on a business trip on Thursday and Friday, but the other time is available.
M: Then how about this Wednesday
W: OK. Thank you very much.
Text 8
W: Can I help you
M: I urgently need a room for tomorrow night. Do you have any vacancies
W: Yes, we have. What kind of room would you like
M: I’d like a suite with an ocean view, please.
W: No problem, sir.
M: What is the price of the suite
W: It is $250 per night.
M: It is too high. I am told that your hotel is offering discounts now.
W: The offer ended yesterday. I’m sorry.
M: Then do you have anything less expensive
W: Sorry, sir. So far it is the least expensive suite for tomorrow night.
M: OK. I will take it. By the way, does the price include breakfast
W: Yes, it does. But you must pay for the lunch and supper. And how long do you expect to stay
M: Three days.
W: OK. Our check-in time is after 2:00 pm. See you tomorrow.
M: Thank you. See you.
Text 9
M: What are you doing in the holiday
W: Well, my aunt is coming to visit for several weeks.
M: Where are you going
W: For the first week, we’re just going to stay in the city. She wants to explore the city. I’m going to take her to the usual places, like Hollywood and all the movie studios. Then after that, we’re going to Palm Springs for a couple of days and visit a friend of mine there. We’re driving there because it’s so beautiful going through the mountains.
M: Sounds good!
W: What about you Do you have any plans for the vacation
M: I’m going to stay at home and do some gardening the first week because my parents will take a trip. I’m going to take swimming classes the second week. My brother is going to teach me. He is a swimming instructor.
W: That’s great.
Text 10
W: How do things get their names That is not always an easy question to answer. There are many different ways. Today let’s look at how two things got their names.
Many people associate kiwifruit with New Zealand, but this fruit is actually native to China. China is the top producer of kiwifruit. A teacher from New Zealand took it from China in 1904. Then in 1959, a New Zealand company wanted to ship the fruit abroad. They named it kiwi after their national bird. By the 1970s, everyone was calling the fruit by that name.
Next, let’s talk about zippers. What would we do without zippers This clever little invention is used to fasten many different things. Zippers were developed by several people over many years starting in 1851. During that time, the device had a number of names. Finally in 1923, an American company named a “zipper” and trademarked it. The word zipper comes from the sound it makes when it opens or closes. However, the company lost its trademark in 1930 when zipper became popular as a general term. Nowadays ninety percent of zippers are produced by a Japanese company called YKK.




下一篇:浙江省金兰教育合作组织2023-2024高二下学期4月期中考试英语试题(含答案解析和听力原文 无听力音频)