
(考试时间:120分钟 分值:150分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. Where is the Teen Eye Building
A. On Madison Street. B. Opposite a museum. C. At the end of 7th Street.
2. What will the woman do next
A Have a shower. B. Clean her teeth. C. Wash her face.
3. What does the woman think of living in a city
A. Exciting. B. Convenient. C. Dangerous.
4. What is the woman doing
A. Learning a language. B. Having an interview. C. Giving an English class.
5. What are the speakers mainly discussing
A. When the man will go to work.
B. How the man will get to Washington.
C. What the man will do on the weekend.
6. What does the man suggest the woman do
A Tidy her room. B. Search for the report. C. Avoid telling her boss the truth.
7. Where has the woman found the report
A. On the desk. B. On the bookshelf. C. On the floor.
8. From whom did the woman know the man likes watching movies
A. The man’s brother. B. The man’s wife. C. The manager.
9. What will the man do this weekend
A. Visit his brother. B. Go to the movies. C. Listen to classical music.
10. What is Joan going to do
A. Visit a friend. B. Cook a meal. C. Meet her mother.
11. Why doesn’t the man want to eat hamburgers
A. They are unhealthy.
B. He had them yesterday.
C. He is tired of them.
12. What will the speakers have for dinner
A. Japanese food. B. French food. C. Chinese food. t.
13. When does the conversation probably take place
A. At the end of a term.
B. In the middle of a term.
C. At the beginning of a term.
14. What does the woman suggest doing
A. Inviting a famous actor to the party.
B. Playing some good music at the party.
C. Asking everyone to dress up at the party.
15. What will the speakers discuss tomorrow
A. What clothes to wear.
B. What games to organize.
C. What competitions to have.
16. What food will the speakers prepare
A. Pizza. B. Bread. C. Fried chicken.
17. Why did the speaker have a bad sleep before the trip
A. She missed her aunt.
B. She was too excited about the trip.
C She looked forward to Christmas.
18. How did the speaker go to the airport
A. By bus. B. By car. C. By taxi.
19. When did the speaker’s plane take off
A. At 1:40 p. m. B. At 1:50 p. m. C. At 2:00 p. m.
20. What did the speaker see on her trip
A. Hills and rivers.
B. Land and white clouds.
C. Birds and beautiful buildings.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Endangered Species (濒危物种) Books for Kids
Will We Miss Them Endangered Species
Written from the unique view of a 13-year-old author, this book interests children in the lives and challenges of endangered species, helping other young people learn about these animals as the first step toward saving them.
Author: Alexandra Wright
Publication Date: September, 2011
Almost Gone: The Worlds Rarest Animals
Have you ever seen a wombat or an Eastern barred bandicoot Probably not. These animals are almost gone from the earth, and they’re not alone. Simple, informative text and cul-paper paintings introduce basic endangered species knowledge to young children.
Author: Steve Jenkins
Publication Date: January, 2016
A Poetic Journey into the Wild
Take a journey across land and sea to meet 21 endangered and threatened animals. Lovely paintings and poems introduce amazing animals from around the globe and show the dangers they face. The book also lists activities and organizations that provide more detailed information about endangered species protection.
Author: Rachel Allen Dillon
Publication Date: February, 2019
Eyewitness: Endangered Animals
This DK Eyewitness book is an exploration of endangered animals around the world, including factors that are driving them toward extinction (灭绝) and ways that we can help them survive. Blocks of text and diverse photographs keep readers turning the pages.
Author: Ben Hoare
Publication Date: August, 2015
1. Which book is written by a teenage author
A. A Poetic Journey into the Wild.
B. Eyewitness: Endangered Animals.
C. Almost Gone: The World's Rarest Animals.
D. Will We Miss Them Endangered Species
2. What can we find in A Poetic Journey into the Wild
A. Activities of hunting wildlife.
B. Poems about amazing animals.
C. Paintings about some extinct animals.
D. Surroundings of the endangered wildlife.
3. What is the purpose of the text
A. To list some endangered animals.
B. To encourage protection of animals.
C. To introduce endangered species books.
D. To call on readers to fight illegal hunting.
I thought I knew a lot about Hamlet. As a high school student with English literature as one of my main subjects, I have to! Shakespeare’s Hamlet is probably the most important play by the most important writer in English. Almost everybody knows “To be, or not to be”, right Having seen quite a few productions of Hamlet and read the play many times, I was full of confidence-until the Peking Opera will came to town!
Dating back to the 18th century, Peking Opera has a over two hundred years of history. Does this mean it’s easier than a Shakespeare play to understand To find out the answer, I just had to go and see The Revenge of Prince Zidan - the Peking Opera version of Hamlet.
...The costumes and masks were amazing. The performers of course sang in Chinese, but the music, exaggerated movements and mime helped get the meaning across to the audience. The voice themselves sounded really unique-some of the female voices were so high that I was sure they could break glass! And the stage was really simple: a decorated whip represented a horse, and a screen with Chinese characters, a study. Using such techniques, the opera had transformed a small stage into the whole universe. Easily my favourite part of the show was how the characters moved on stage. I had never seen Prince Hamlet do a backflip before! That was simply incredible. It was so dazzling and energetic that I wasn’t sure if the characters were performers or athletes!
Before experiencing The Revenge of Prince Zidan, I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy it. But, in fact, I was on the edge of my seat! Feeling the strong emotions of love, anger, fear and grief in the performance, I could easily recognize the me of Hamlet. So, if you want to see a show that combines music, singing, drama, poetry and costume design with explosive effect, The Revenge of Prince Zidan ticks all the right boxes.
4. Why was the writer full of confidence
A. He had read much about Peking Opera before.
B. He came from the same country as Shakespeare.
C. He thought he had a good knowledge of Hamlet.
D. He knew various operas in the world.
5. Which was the favourite part about the performance
A. Its explosive effect. B. The traditional Chinese instruments.
C. The characters’ movement on stage. D. The story itself.
6. As a westerner, how could the writer understand and enjoy the performance
A. With the help of other audience. B. Through the music, movements and mime.
C. Through the performers’ costumes and masks. D. By observing the audience’s reactions.
7. What’s the similarity between Shakespeare’s Hamlet and the Peking Opera version
A. The two operas had the same theme.
B. They came from the same story in history.
C. The Peking Opera version was adapted from Hamlet.
D. The two operas used almost the same techniques.
“Our temperature’s not what people think it is,” said Julie Parsonnet, MD, professor of medicine and of health research and policy in Stanford. “or our common sense that our normal temperature is 37℃or 98.6 F, is wrong.”
That standard of 37℃was made famous by German doctor Carl Reinhold August Wunderlich in a book in 1868. Modern studies, however, have called that number into question, suggesting that it’s too high.
In a latest study published in eLife, Parsonnet and her colleagues explore body temperature trends and conclude that temperature changes since the time of Wunderlich reflect a true historical pattern, rather than measurement errors or biases (偏见). The researchers propose that the decrease in body temperature is the result of changes in our environment over the past 200 years, which have in turn driven physiological changes.
The researchers analyzed temperatures from three officially-recorded datasets covering different historical periods, using the 677,423 temperature measurements from these datasets to develop a linear model (线性模型) containing the temperatures over time. They determined that the body temperature of men born in the early to mid-1990s is on average 1.06 F lower than that of men born in the early 1800s. Similarly, they determined that the body temperature of women born in the early to mid-1990s is on average 0.58 F lower than that of women born in the 1890s. These calculations match a decrease in body temperature of 0.05 F every 10 years.
The decrease in average body temperature in the US could be explained by a reduction in the amount of energy being used. The authors believe this trend may be due to a population-wide decrease in inflammation (炎症): “Inflammation produces all sorts of proteins and cytokines that speed up your metabolism (新陈代谢) and raise your temperature,” Parsonnet said. Public health has improved sharply in the past 200 years due to advances in medical treatments, more convenient environment, greater availability of food and improved living standards. The authors also argue that comfortable lives at constant surrounding temperature contribute to a lower metabolic rate. Homes in the 19th century had irregular heating and no cooling; today, central heating and air conditioning are commonplace. A more constant environment removes a need to expend energy to keep a constant body temperature.
8. What does the underlined phrase “call ... into question” in Paragraph 2 mean
A. Find evidence for something. B. Show support for something.
C. Regard something as nothing. D. Express doubt about something.
9. Compared to her body temperature at birth, how could it change when a woman was 55
A. 0.58 F lower. B. 0.53 F lower. C. 0.28 F lower. D. 0.25 F lower.
10. What is the main idea of the last paragraph of the text
A. Introduction of the latest findings of a Standford professor.
B. Appeal to the public to care about the temperature changes.
C. Possible reasons for the changes of average body temperature.
D. Explanation of a rather difficult academic term in plain English.
11. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. 37℃, Still Normal Body Temperature
B. Same Body Temperature between Men and Women
C. The Effects Environment Has on Body Temperature
D. Inflammation: Key Factor to Decrease of Body Temperature
Two thirds of the ice in the glaciers (冰川) of the Alps is doomed! These glaciers will melt by the end of the century as global temperatures rise, according to a recent study.
Scientists claim that half the ice held in some 4,000 Alpine glaciers will disappear by 2050 due to global warming through the effect of past emissions. After that, even if carbon emissions drop to zero, two-thirds of the ice will still have melted by 2100. If emissions continue to rise at the current rate, the ice tongues will have all but disappeared from Alpine valleys by the end of the century. The most pessimistic prediction tells us that the Alps will be mostly ice-free by 2100. Only isolated ice patches would remain at high altitudes, representing five per cent, at most, of the ice volume seen today.
The researchers warn that the loss of these glaciers will mean much less water is available for farming and hydroelectricity, especially during droughts. It would also affect nature and tourism.
In February, a study found that a third of the huge ice fields in Asia’s towering mountain chains were also under threat for the same reasons. This will lead to serious consequences for almost two billion people who live downstream. Glaciers along the Hindu Kush and Himalayan range are at higher, colder altitudes. If global carbon emissions are not cut, however, two-thirds of their ice could be gone by 2100.
The latest research combined computer models with real-world data to forecast the fate of the glaciers. It used 2017 as its starting point. Unlike previous work, these models included how the glaciers move down the mountains. Applying this approach to other glaciated mountain chains could improve ice loss forecasts there.
Cutting the emissions from fossil-fuel burning, deforestation and other polluting activities is the biggest factor in minimizing the melting of the ice. The future of these glaciers is indeed at risk, but there is still a possibility of limiting their disappearance.
12. What does the underlined word “doomed” mean in paragraph 1
A. Polluted. B. Discovered. C. Endangered. D. Abandoned.
13. What can we infer from paragraph 2
A. Emissions have much to do with the ice melting.
B. The Alps is expected to lose all its ice by 2100.
C. Ice loss will be avoided with emissions prevented.
D. Large ice pieces will just exist at the mountain top.
14. Why are the Asia’s ice fields mentioned in paragraph 4
A. To explain how glacier melting came about.
B. To imply pollution is a worldwide problem.
C. To show what consequences ice melting will cause.
D. To indicate the Alps is not alone to face ice melting.
15. What is the writer’s attitude towards the future of glaciers
A. Objective. B. Optimistic. C. Critical. D. Doubtful.
How to Grow Taller
As we all know, your height is mostly determined by your genetics. Once your growth plates (生长板) are joined together, you will stop growing taller, which usually happens between 14 and 20. ___16___ Of course, there are many ways you can find on the Internet to help, such as, good nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and exercise. But today, we’re just going to focus on nutrition.
Add more protein into your diet.
Protein helps your body build healthy body mass, like muscles. ___17___ Not only eat protein at every meal, but also include it in your snacks. For instance, you might eat yogurt at breakfast, tuna fish for lunch, chicken at dinner, and string cheese as a snack.
Eat an egg every day if you’re not allergic to them.
Kindergarten teachers have observed something typical and interesting. Young children who eat a whole egg daily may grow taller than kids who don’t. And this has been proved clinically. Eggs contain protein and vitamins that support healthy growth and they’re also quite affordable. Eat an egg for one meal every day to potentially help you get taller. But here is a tip for you. ___18___
Take calcium and vitamin supplements.
___19___ However, your daily meals can’t supply enough for your growth. Supplements may help you grow taller by meeting your nutritional needs. Calcium and vitamins A and D are especially important because they support strong bones. Talk to your doctor to find out if supplements are right for you. Keep in mind that vitamins won’t make you grow taller than your genetics allow.
Dairy contains protein, calcium, and vitamins to nourish your body. While milk is a great choice, yogurt and cheese are also great sources of dairy. Include 1 serving of your favorite dairy product into your daily diet.
A. Keep a balanced diet.
B. This can help you be your tallest.
C. Consume a serving of dairy each day.
D. Please ask your doctor if it’s safe for you to do so.
E. Minerals and nutrients play a key role in growing higher.
F. Luckily, taking good care of your body may still help you grow taller.
G. You might increase your height by about 1.3 to 5.1 cm by stretching out your spine daily.
第三部分 语言运用
第一节(共15小题,每小题1分,满分 15分)
British brothers James and Thomas Lindesay have spent months traveling across the Great Wall of China on foot. They ____21____ 9,263 kilometres, a remarkable achievement at any time.
Their ____22____ to complete this adventure came from their father, William Lindesay, who ____23____ along the Wall decades ago and attracted a great deal of media attention. Born in 1956 in Liverpool, William became ____24____ about the Wall later in his life. In 1987, he made the ____25____ in China by hiking the Wall. He has committed over 30 years to the protection of the structure, and has ____26____ 10 books on the Wall based on his knowledge and experiences.
His action and books influenced his two sons, who now share his ____27____ in the Wall. In 2016, the Lindesay brothers flew drones (无人机) at many ____28____ along the Wall and edited video works on the ____29____ of the Wall, hoping to keep it safe from damage. Not _____30_____ with merely documenting parts of the Wall, the young brothers _____31_____ wanted to find a new way to experience the structure and finally they _____32_____ hiking its length, following in their father’s footsteps.
The brothers’ trip was _____33_____ than they had imagined. They me t many difficulties. But _____34_____ the great wonder was life-changing, which gave them a better _____35_____ of the structure and the history behind it.
A. challenged B. measured C. covered D. expanded
A. agreement B. tendency C. ability D. desire
A. journeyed B. jogged C. continued D. researched
A. anxious B. enthusiastic C. serious D. particular
A. difference B. changes C. connection D. headlines
A. purchased B. recommended C. authored D. reviewed
A. pride B. interest C. success D. faith
A. buildings B. stages C. sections D. villages.
A. preservation B. length C. foundation D. origin
A. familiar B. busy C. careful D. satisfied
A. gradually B. occasionally C. truly D. blindly
A. decided on B. carried on C. learned of D. dreamed of
A. funner B. tougher C. greater D. shorter
A. exploring B. evaluating C. repairing D. monitoring
A. memory B. assessment C. impression D. understanding
Ben is in ____36____ total mess now. They lost a football match and he thought the team members ____37____ (let) down by one member, the point guard. But his best friend shared his ____38____ (disappoint) with others. Ben was embarrassed and ashamed.
Now Ben is turning ____39____ Agony Aunt for help. Agony Aunt shares an old saying: “Loose lips sink ships.” She asks Ben ____40____ (apologize) to his teammate first ____41____ to talk to his friend because friendship is one of the ____42____ (great) things in the world. And most ____43____ (important), Ben should think about his own behaviour. ____44____ (fill) with anger, we tend to speak out our opinions quickly without thinking clearly.
Agony Aunt suggests Ben raise his ____45____ (concern) with his teach coach if he feels the teammate isn’t pulling his weight.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分30分)
46. 为了让同学们更加亲近自然,爱护环境,你校在3月13日举办了校园清理活动。请你就此为你校广播站的英语专栏写一篇短文,内容包括:
1. 活动的时间和地点;2. 活动过程;3. 学生们的感受。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
A Campus Cleaning Activity
47. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Today I was walking along the street when a homeless woman asked me for some change. I gave her some money and stopped to talk to her for a while.
I asked her about how she ended up on the street and if there was a shelter she could go to. She told me about some of her struggles. She told me that she left home at seventeen and had been homeless since then. She said that her bag with all her clothes and possessions was stolen the night before, while she was sleeping outside a church. Shesaid that she went to the day centre every day and they made calls to try to find her a shelter but nothing was available, as all shelters for women were full up. It had been like this for months. I listened to her and said a few kind words to her. After we spoke, I told her that it was really nice to meet her and wished her all the best.
I left feeling really sad and frustrated that there was nothing I could do to ease her situation. I have spoken to a few other homeless people and I have heard about how difficult it is to get a place in a shelter, or sometimes some shelters can be so unsafe that it is better for them to sleep on the streets.
I was on my way to my flower store. While trimming(修剪)these kinds of beautiful flowers, I thought about the lady I had just met and other homeless people I had spoken to. I thought it must be frustrating not to be able to experience so many of the day-to-day things that I and many others take for granted such as a roof over our heads, a bed to sleep in, money to buy food and even money to buy presents for a dear one.
I decided that I could do something for her.
She raised her head suddenly, with her eyes full of surprise.
(考试时间:120分钟 分值:150分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
【答案】1. D 2. B 3. C
【答案】4 C 5. C 6. B 7. A
【答案】8. D 9. C 10. C 11. A
【答案】12. C 13. A 14. D 15. A
【答案】16. F 17. B 18. D 19. E 20. C
第三部分 语言运用
第一节(共15小题,每小题1分,满分 15分)
【答案】21. C 22. D 23. A 24. B 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. C 29. A 30. D 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. A 35. D
【答案】36. a 37. were let
38. disappointment 39. to
40. to apologize
41. and 42. greatest
43. importantly
44. filled 45. concerns
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分30分)
【答案】A Campus Cleaning Activity
In order to arouse students’ awareness of environmental protection, our school organized an activity called Campus Cleaning Activity in our school backyard last Friday, March 13th.
Firstly, each class removed the garbage and waste in the assigned area, making the ground clean and tidy. The following step was decorating the area with flowers and plants to make it more beautiful. All the participants erupted into cheering immediately the task was done.
We students not only enjoyed the course of planting, we also set up an intimate relationship with nature, which made us give more concern and love to the surroundings.
I decided that I could do something for her. I went home after a while and packed up some food and clothes that were not fit any more for my family. And then I headed for the place where we had met. Luckily, she was there. Seeing me appearing again, she seemed delighted, with a bright smile on her face. When I handed her all the stuff I had prepared for her, she cried, burying her face in her hands. I came up to comfort her and ask her whether she would like to work in my store.
She raised her head suddenly, with her eyes full of surprise. She said with a trembling voice, “I certainly would love to, but am I suitable for the job " I immediately responded that she could surely do well in my store! From then on, she worked pretty hard. In addition to her own job, she even helped others to go through their hard times. I felt more than delighted to see my kindness spread. I made up my mind to volunteer in local charities to help more people in need.



