2024年中考英语精准模拟预测题 广西01(含听力音频+原卷版+解析版)

B. C. D.
E. F.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6.What does the man want to buy
A.A shirt. B.A suit. C.A tie.
7.What time is it now
A.6:30 p.m. B.7:00 p.m. C.7:30 p.m.
8.How will the weather be tomorrow
A.Windy. B.Rainy. C.Sunny.
9.Where are the two speakers going
A.Going home. B.Going to school. C.Going to Beijing.
10.Why does the woman like to swim in a pool
A.Because it’s clean and big. B.Because it’s safe and clean. C.Because it’s comfortable and safe.
11.Where does the man want to go
A.Hangzhou. B.Zhengzhou. C.Harbin.
12.What time is it now
A.3:20. B.3:30. C.3:50.
13.What can we know about the man from the conversation
A.The man gets to the wrong train station.
B.The man can speak Chinese well.
C.The woman helps him solve the problem.
14.Where has the man been teaching now
A.In a big city. B.In a small town. C.In a small village.
15.What did the man bring for the children in the school
A.Some desks and chairs. B.Some books and clothes. C.Some books and food.
16.Who is willing to donate (捐助) some money and books to the poor children
A.Lucy. B.Dave. C.Dave’s friends.
17.Where were the two speakers talking
A.At home. B.On the phone. C.In the street.
18.When will they meet
A.At 6: 30 a. m. on Thursday.
B.At 6: 30 p. m. on Wednesday.
C.At 6: 30 p. m. on Thursday.
19.What kind of food will they eat
A.Local food. B.Western food. C.Junk food.
20.Which is true according to the conversation
A.They will meet at the gate of the man’s company.
B.Maybe the conversation took place in Beijing.
C.The woman knows nothing about Chinese food.
21.Oliver’s interest in Chinese culture began at the age of ________.
A.7 B.17 C.70
22.Olive always role-played Monkey King from the novel with her ________.
A.friend B.sister C.brother
23.Oliver began learning Tai Chi because she had a sore ________.
A.arm B.back C.throat
24.Oliver teaches Tai Chi at Chaoyang Park ________.
A.every other day B.once a week C.twice a week
25.Oliver also started a(n) ________ club.
A.art B.food C.sports
The Introduction of a Storybook
Name Emma and Jerry
For whom It’s especially suitable for English 26 .
Contents(内容) It has 10 short stories, and they are 27 and interesting. The exercises include vocabulary, grammar and 28 . There is a colourful cartoon picture to 29 each story.
Page & Price It has 145 pages and costs 30 dollars.
二、 单项选择(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分。)
31.Kate is a little shy. She doesn’t have ________ to speak in public.
A.time B.courage C.energy
32.My sister enjoys singing. ________ favorite subject is music.
A.His B.Her C.My
33.It’s well-known that clear water and green mountains are as ________ as mountains of gold and silver.
A.lively B.enjoyable C.valuable
34.The girl ________ the rubbish on the ground and threw it into the dustbin (垃圾箱).
A.picked up B.looked up C.set up
35.—Is the girl over there your sister
—It ________ be her. She has gone to Guilin to visit our grandma.
A.can’t B.shouldn’t C.mustn’t
36.—May I speak to Li Ming
—Oh, he isn’t in. He ________ Ningde Science and Technology Museum.
A.goes to B.has gone to C.will go to
37.At 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon, my father _______ for me outside the school gate.
A.waits B.waited C.was waiting
38.If you smoke in public, you ________ by law at once.
A.are punished B.were punished C.will be punished
39.—Could you please tell me ________ I want to buy some books.
—Go along this street, and you can see it next to the post office.
A.where is the bookstore B.what the bookstore was C.where the bookstore is
40.—Thank you for looking after me through my illness, Millie.
— ________. That’s what friends are for.
A.It doesn’t matter B.Don’t mention it C.That sounds good
三、 补全对话(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分。)
A: Hello, Lingling. How was your winter holiday
B: 41 I had a good time in Harbin.
A: How did you get there, by train or by plane
B: 42 It’s much faster than by train.
A: 43
B: I went there with my parents.
A: 44
B: Yes, I did. My parents took many photos of me when I skied.
A: Can I have a look at them
B: 45
A.By plane.
B.Pretty good.
C.Yes, of course.
D.Thank you very much.
E.Who did you go there with
F.Did you go skiing with your parents
阅读下面语篇,从各小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Here were two men, both seriously ill, who were sharing the same hospital room. One of them was allowed to sit 46 in his bed for an hour. His bed was next to the room’s only window. The other man had to 47 all his time to lie on his back, looking at the white, boring ceiling (天花板).
Every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would 48 the time by describing all the things he could see outside that window to his roommate. As he described all the things carefully, the man on the other side of the room would 49 his eyes and imagine the scenes. “Would the old ice-cream shop still be there ” he wondered. “Would the old tree near my parents’ house still be there ” Each time he asked, the man by the window said: “Yes, 50 seems to have changed a lot.” However, one evening the man by the side died peacefully in his sleep. The other man 51 to the window with the help of nurses.
52 , painfully, he supported himself on one hand to take his first look at the world outside. He would have the 53 of seeing it for himself. He turned to look out the window, only to find a blank (空白的) wall.
The man asked the nurse, “Why could my roommate describe the 54 things outside this window in such detail But I can’t see anything. Is this a new wall ” The nurse replied, “Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you and make you happy. Actually, your roommate can’t 55 anything.”
46.A.down B.up C.behind
47.A.spare B.save C.take
48.A.pass B.tell C.keep
49.A.open B.catch C.close
50.A.everything B.something C.nothing
51.A.moved B.climbed C.jumped
52.A.Quickly B.Slowly C.Regretfully
53.A.fear B.sadness C.joy
54.A.small B.normal C.strange
55.A.say B.see C.hear
五、 阅读理解(本大题共20小题,第56~60小题,每小题1分;第61~75小题,每小题2 分,共35分。)
根据短文内容,判断正误(正确“T”,错误“F”) ,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。
The popular TV series Meet Yourself (有风的地方) show the beauty of some intangible cultural heritages (非物质文化遗产) in Dali, Yunnan province. Let’s take a look at a few things.
Wood carving (木雕)
Jianchuan wood carving has a history of over 1,000 years. It has rich culture meanings. The carving usually uses patterns like flowers, plants and dragons. This type of wood carving is widely used in people’s buildings. Each piece of wood carving carries great efforts from the masters.
Tie-dyeing (扎染)
Tie-dyeing is an old dyeing skill. It started as early as in the Tang Dynasty for a small part of people. But now, tie-dyeing has modern things on clothing and bags, selling at home and abroad.
Flower cake
Flower cake is no doubt the most popular snack of Yunnan province. It has a history of more than 300 years. Even the Qing Dynasty emperor Qianlong was its big fan. The most special part of the cake is that it has flowers in the cake.
These traditional skills not only stand for Chinese wisdom, but also add colors to our modern lives.
56.Jianchuan wood carving has rich culture meanings.
57.We can know that tie-dyeing isn’t an old dyeing skill.
58.The flower cake has a history of more than 3,000 years.
59.These traditional skills only stand for Chinese wisdom.
60.The passage mainly introduces some intangible cultural heritages in Dali.
Sunshine Science and Technology MuseumOpening timeWednesday — Sunday: 9:00 — 17:00 Monday and Tuesday closed. Open areas Science classroom, mathematics laboratory, education exhibition area and 4D cinema are open normally. Make a reservation (预约) to visit Our museum provides ticket booking service within 7 days. Online booking is allowed. Visitors who have no reservation are not allowed to enter. Notice to enter the museum 1. Please follow the rules and get into the museum one by one. 2. During the visit, if you feel unwell, please contact (联系) the workers of each floor in time. 3. If you have any question, please visit our website or call 895-2563 (opening time). 4. Online payment is not accepted for paid experiences such as education exhibition area and 4D movies. Please remember to carry cash (现金) with you. Contact us Service call: 895-2563 Group reservation: 895-2562 Or you can click here.
61.When can you visit the Sunshine Science and Technology Museum
A.On Monday. B.On Tuesday. C.On Friday.
62.How many areas have been opened to the public
A.Two. B.Four. C.Six.
63.Which area can you enter with online payment
A.Science classroom. B.4D cinema. C.Education exhibition.
64.Which number should Mr. Clarke call if he plans a school trip to the museum
A.895-2562. B.895-2563. C.859-2562.
65.Where can you read this text
A.In a book. B.On a website. C.In a magazine.
There was a time when I had to count every penny (一分钱) I spent, I had to count the cost in my head while shopping. I would stand there and add up each thing over and over.
I remember one Christmas Eve when I was shopping at Trader Joe’s. I stood by the refrigerators and counted up the cost of the things I wanted to buy.
The total was too high and I couldn’t afford it. I looked through each thing, trying to decide what to put back. I kept everything that everyone else in my family loved but I had to give up the one thing I loved—a bag of chicken tamales (鸡肉玉米粉蒸肉). That bag pushed the total over budget. I hated the feeling of not being able to buy something but it was necessary.
That night, the doorbell rang. It was strange because it was very cold and late. I went to the door, opened it and found bags of food on my front steps. Nobody was there. On the top of the first bag, I saw the bag of chicken tamales, the same kind I had put back hours before.
I cannot describe the feeling. I knew that I wasn’t alone. I was truly grateful (感激的) for the things I got. I still don’t know who left all that food on my doorstep, but I will never forget that feeling. It shows me that there are many good people among us, bringing love and kindness to the world.
66.What difficulty did the writer experience during that time
A.Choosing between family and work.
B.Not having enough money to meet needs.
C.Dealing with loneliness during the holidays.
67.What does the underlined phrase “over budget” mean
A.Being overweight and heavier than one can carry.
B.Making the shopping meaningful.
C.Spending more money than planned.
68.What surprise did the writer get on Christmas Eve
A.A stranger coming to ask for food.
B.Bags of food left on the doorstep.
C.Seeing magical animals around the house.
69.How did the writer feel in the end
A.Thankful. B.Alone. C.Scared.
70.What does the writer want to tell us
A.Love brings family together.
B.Going shopping can keep the loneliness away.
C.A small act of kindness brings warmth to people.
①Every living thing needs to reproduce (繁殖). Reproducing means creating more members of your group. In order for plants to reproduce, they have to spread their seeds (种子) to other areas. Plants have developed all kinds of ways to do this.
②The simplest way is gravity. Many seeds are inside of fruit. When a piece of fruit gets too heavy it falls from a tree to the ground. Sometimes animals will pick up the fruit and drop it in another area. That helps move the seed even farther away. Apples spread this way.
③Other plants use wind to spread their seeds. Dandelions (蒲公英) are a good example of this. Dandelion seeds are so light that when wind blows, it carries dandelion seeds to new places. Maple (枫树) seeds also use wind. Their seeds are connected with long, thin leaves that look like wings. When the seed falls from the tree, its “wings” help it fly farther from the tree.
④Some animals help plants spread their seeds. The animals cat the seeds. While the seed is in the animal’s body, it stays whole. When the seed leaves the animal, it’s in a new place.
⑤Ants also help spread seeds. Some seeds have a special smell that attracts (吸引) ants. The ants bring the seeds back to their home, which of course is underground. They only eat part of the seed. They leave the rest of the seed underground. After that, the seed can start growing.
71.What does the underlined word “gravity” mean in paragraph 2 in Chinese
A.弹力 B.重力 C.生命力
72.How do the maples spread their seeds
A.They use ants. B.They use wind. C.They use water.
73.What do ants do to help spread seeds
A.They help the fruit fall from the tree.
B.They eat all of the seed and leave nothing.
C.They bring the seed to the underground.
74.Which is the structure of the passage
A.①/②③④⑤ B.①/②③④/⑤ C.①②③/④⑤
75.What is the best tittle of the text
A.The connections between plants and animals.
B.The reproduction of every living thing.
C.The ways for plants to reproduction.
graduate whether they smooth farmer make by many example confident
Liu Fang is a happy woman, but she has experienced ups and downs. At the age of 12, she lost her right arm in an accident. However, through her own efforts, six years later she went into a college 76 . At the beginning of her college, she was afraid to see others’ strange expressions and didn’t want to talk with others. But later with the help of her classmates, she became more and more 77 .
After 78 from the college, she failed to find a job. But she believed she would be able to make a living by herself. In 2015, with the rising of the short video industry, she began to make videos to share her life online. In the beginning, she didn’t know 79 she could do it well or not, but she didn’t give up.
Now, she has 80 than 10 million fans on Douyin. She mainly helps 81 sell their products through live broadcasts. Over these years, she has taken part in over 100 live broadcasts. As a result, she has been praised 82 the local government many times.
She also uses We Media (自媒体) to influence more people and encourage 83 to get out of trouble. With the popularity of the program, she has 84 many good friends. It not only brings happiness to herself but also makes her become a(n) 85 for others.
假定你是李辉,你校将举办国潮文化节 (China-Chic Cultural Festival)。请结合下面图示信息,用英语写一封邀请信,邀请你的外国好友Jim参加。
1. 短文须包含上述信息,可适当增加细节,使行文连贯;
2. 文章中不得出现真实姓名和地名;
3. 字数80~100(短文开头已给出, 不计入总字数)。
参考词汇:paper cutting (n. 剪纸)
Dear Jim,
Here is good news for you.
Li Hui
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
B. C. D.
E. F.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
【答案】 C E D F A
【原文】1. Talking with pets can help build a good relationship between them and their owners.
2. My cousin wants to be a doctor in the future.
3. In many countries, people have birthday cakes on their birthdays.
4. Bob likes playing basketball with his friends on weekends.
5. Tony joined an environmental protection club and became a popular greener.
6.What does the man want to buy
A.A shirt. B.A suit. C.A tie.
【原文】M: Excuse me, how much is this tie It looks very nice with my suit.
W: It’s $30. Would you like to try on a shirt as well
M: No, thanks. Just the tie, please.
7.What time is it now
A.6:30 p.m. B.7:00 p.m. C.7:30 p.m.
【原文】W: Are there any tables for dinner
M: Not at the moment. If you come back at 7 o’clock, we can seat you then.
W: Thank you, but I will just wait. I don’t mind standing here for 30 minutes.
8.How will the weather be tomorrow
A.Windy. B.Rainy. C.Sunny.
【原文】W: Mr. Smith, why don’t we have morning exercises tomorrow
M: It’s reported that there will be a strong wind and it will be much colder in the morning.
9.Where are the two speakers going
A.Going home. B.Going to school. C.Going to Beijing.
【原文】W: I can’t find my student card! I remember looking at it when we were in the taxi.
M: You might drop it there then.
W: Probably so...But we have to fly to Beijing now. I will go to school to get a new one after we come back.
10.Why does the woman like to swim in a pool
A.Because it’s clean and big. B.Because it’s safe and clean. C.Because it’s comfortable and safe.
【原文】M: I love swimming in a lake. It’s so much better than the pool.
W: I don’t! I like to swim in a pool. A swimming pool is much cleaner than nature.
M: Yeah, but a pool is so small compared to a lake.
W: But it’s safe.
11.Where does the man want to go
A.Hangzhou. B.Zhengzhou. C.Harbin.
12.What time is it now
A.3:20. B.3:30. C.3:50.
13.What can we know about the man from the conversation
A.The man gets to the wrong train station.
B.The man can speak Chinese well.
C.The woman helps him solve the problem.
【答案】11.C 12.A 13.C
【原文】M: Excuse me, Madam. I’m going to Harbin. Is this the train
W: To Harbin I’m afraid you are at the wrong gate. This is the train to Hangzhou.
M: Oh, my god! Where’s my train I was told it leaves at 3:50.
W: Well, don’t worry. You have 30 minutes left. I can show you how to get there. Please show me your ticket first.
M: Thank you. Here you are.
W: That’s all right. You should get on the train at Gate 9. This is Gate 6.
M: But where is the gate
W: Just walk to the sign over there.
M: But I don’t know Chinese.
W: The signs at the station are in both Chinese and English.
M: OK, thank you so much.
W: No problem. Good luck with your trip.
14.Where has the man been teaching now
A.In a big city. B.In a small town. C.In a small village.
15.What did the man bring for the children in the school
A.Some desks and chairs. B.Some books and clothes. C.Some books and food.
16.Who is willing to donate (捐助) some money and books to the poor children
A.Lucy. B.Dave. C.Dave’s friends.
【答案】14.C 15.B 16.A
【原文】(phone bell rings)
W: Hello, this is Lucy speaking.
M: Hello, Dave speaking.
W: Dave, I haven’t seen you for nearly a year. Where have you been
M: I have been teaching in a small village in Liangshan, Sichuan.
W: It’s said the people there are poor. The students there study in poor learning conditions.
M: You’re right. We brought some books and clothes for the students there.
W: That’s great. What else did you do
M: And we have received more books from friends by sharing it into WeChat Moments.
W: Can you tell me what you are going to do next
M: We are going to provide the students with new desks and chairs.
W: I’d like to be a volunteer. I am willing to donate some money and books to the children there.
17.Where were the two speakers talking
A.At home. B.On the phone. C.In the street.
18.When will they meet
A.At 6: 30 a. m. on Thursday.
B.At 6: 30 p. m. on Wednesday.
C.At 6: 30 p. m. on Thursday.
19.What kind of food will they eat
A.Local food. B.Western food. C.Junk food.
20.Which is true according to the conversation
A.They will meet at the gate of the man’s company.
B.Maybe the conversation took place in Beijing.
C.The woman knows nothing about Chinese food.
【答案】17.B 18.C 19.A 20.B
【原文】W: Hello
M: Hello, is that Miss Smith
W: Yes.
M: This is Mr. Wang. Listen. Are you free on Wednesday night I’d like to invite you to dinner.
W: I’m terribly sorry, but I’ve already made plans for Wednesday.
M: That’s a pity. How about Thursday
W: That would be fine.
M: Great. What time would you like to meet
W: Whenever is suitable for you. I have no plans for that day.
M: OK, let’s say 6: 30 p. m.
W: And where would you like to meet
M: I can pick you up at the gate of your company. Also, what type of food do you like
W: Oh, I think I’m not very familiar with Chinese food.
M: Well, what about the local food—Beijing Duck
W: Of course! Beijing Duck is world-famous. I would love to try it.
M: OK. let’s have that then.
W: All right. Well, I’ll see you later.
M: See you later, goodbye.
21.Oliver’s interest in Chinese culture began at the age of ________.
A.7 B.17 C.70
22.Olive always role-played Monkey King from the novel with her ________.
A.friend B.sister C.brother
23.Oliver began learning Tai Chi because she had a sore ________.
A.arm B.back C.throat
24.Oliver teaches Tai Chi at Chaoyang Park ________.
A.every other day B.once a week C.twice a week
25.Oliver also started a(n) ________ club.
A.art B.food C.sports
【答案】21.A 22.C 23.B 24.A 25.B
Oliver is an America girl but she likes Chinese culture very much. Her interest in Chinese culture began at the age of 7. And it started from the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West. Oliver likes Monkey King best and she often role-played Monkey King with her brother. When Oliver was 20 years old, she had a sore back. One day a Chinese doctor told her that playing Tai Chi is good for her back. So she began taking Tai Chi classes and became good at it. Some years later Oliver and her family moved to China. Now she often teaches groups of foreigners Tai Chi at Chaoyang Park every other day. She also started a food club to encourage foreign people to try more Chinese food there.
The Introduction of a Storybook
Name Emma and Jerry
For whom It’s especially suitable for English 26 .
Contents(内容) It has 10 short stories, and they are 27 and interesting. The exercises include vocabulary, grammar and 28 . There is a colourful cartoon picture to 29 each story.
Page & Price It has 145 pages and costs 30 dollars.
【答案】26.learners 27.simple 28.listening 29.match 30.4/four
Are you looking for a great storybook to improve your English If the answer is yes, here is one for you called Emma and Jerry. In this book, there are 10 stories about two good friends. The stories are simple and interesting, so they are especially suitable for English learners. Each story has its own set of exercises in vocabulary, grammar and listening. They can help you practise English easily, and use English correctly. What’s more, there is a colourful cartoon picture to match each story. The pictures are really funny and enjoyable. I’m sure this book will make you learn a lot and have fun at the same time. This book has 145 pages, but only costs 4 dollars. Please come and get one at Xinhua Bookstore.
二、 单项选择(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分。)
31.Kate is a little shy. She doesn’t have ________ to speak in public.
A.time B.courage C.energy
考查名词。time时间;courage勇气;energy精力。根据“Kate is a little shy.”可知,凯特害羞,因此没有勇气在公众场所说话,故选B。
32.My sister enjoys singing. ________ favorite subject is music.
A.His B.Her C.My
考查代词辨析。His他的;Her她的;My我的。根据“My sister enjoys singing.”可知,此处指“她最喜欢的学科是音乐”,Her符合题意。故选B。
33.It’s well-known that clear water and green mountains are as ________ as mountains of gold and silver.
A.lively B.enjoyable C.valuable
考查形容词辨析。lively活泼的;enjoyable令人愉快的;valuable珍贵的。根据“clear water and green mountains are as...as mountains of gold and silver”可知,碧水青山和金山银山一样珍贵。故选C。
34.The girl ________ the rubbish on the ground and threw it into the dustbin (垃圾箱).
A.picked up B.looked up C.set up
考查动词短语辨析。picked up捡起;lookedup查找,向上看;set up建立。根据空后“the rubbish on the ground and threw it into the dustbin (垃圾箱)”可知,先捡起地上的垃圾,然后扔进垃圾箱。故选A。
35.—Is the girl over there your sister
—It ________ be her. She has gone to Guilin to visit our grandma.
A.can’t B.shouldn’t C.mustn’t
考查情态动词辨析。can’t不可能;shouldn’t不应该;mustn’t禁止。根据“She has gone to Guilin to visit our grandma.”可知,她去上海了,所以不可能是她,用can’t表否定猜测,故选A。
36.—May I speak to Li Ming
—Oh, he isn’t in. He ________ Ningde Science and Technology Museum.
A.goes to B.has gone to C.will go to
考查动词时态。根据“he isn’t in”和“Ningde Science and Technology Museum.”可知,李明不在,他去了宁德科技馆,应用has gone to“去了(未回)”。故选B。
37.At 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon, my father _______ for me outside the school gate.
A.waits B.waited C.was waiting
考查过去进行时。根据“At 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon”可知,强调过去的时间点正在发生的动作,用过去进行时,故选C。
38.If you smoke in public, you ________ by law at once.
A.are punished B.were punished C.will be punished
考查将来时态的被动语态。are punished一般现在时的被动语态;were punished一般过去时的被动语态;will be punished一般将来时的被动语态。if引导的条件状语从句,遵循主将从现,主句用一般将来时。主语you和动词punish是被动关系关系,要用被动语态。 故选C。
39.—Could you please tell me ________ I want to buy some books.
—Go along this street, and you can see it next to the post office.
A.where is the bookstore B.what the bookstore was C.where the bookstore is
【详解】句意:——你能告诉我书店在哪里吗?我想买一些书。——沿着这条街走,你可以在邮局旁边看到它。考查宾语从句。where is the bookstore书店在哪,疑问句语序;what the bookstore was书店是什么;where the bookstore is书店在哪里。根据“Go along this street, and you can see it next to the post office.”可知,这里问的是书店在哪里,因此用where引导宾语从句,从句要用陈述句语序,故选C。
40.—Thank you for looking after me through my illness, Millie.
— ________. That’s what friends are for.
A.It doesn’t matter B.Don’t mention it C.That sounds good
考查情景交际。It doesn’t matter表示“没关系”,常用于回应道歉;Don’t mention it表示“不客气”,常用于回应感谢;That sounds good表示“听起来不错”,常用于回应认同和赞赏。根据“Thank you for...”可知,此处表示“不客气”。故选B。
三、 补全对话(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分。)
A: Hello, Lingling. How was your winter holiday
B: 41 I had a good time in Harbin.
A: How did you get there, by train or by plane
B: 42 It’s much faster than by train.
A: 43
B: I went there with my parents.
A: 44
B: Yes, I did. My parents took many photos of me when I skied.
A: Can I have a look at them
B: 45
A.By plane.
B.Pretty good.
C.Yes, of course.
D.Thank you very much.
E.Who did you go there with
F.Did you go skiing with your parents
【答案】41.B 42.A 43.E 44.F 45.C
41.根据上文“How was your winter holiday ”可知,空格处应说明自己的假期怎么样,选项B“非常好。”符合语境,故选B。
42.根据上文“How did you get there, by train or by plane ”可知,空格处应回答交通方式,选项A“坐飞机。”符合语境,故选A。
43.根据下文“I went there with my parents.”可知,空格处应询问对方和谁一起去的,选项E“你和谁一起去的?”符合语境,故选E。
44.根据下文“Yes, I did.”可知,空格处是一个did引导的一般疑问句,选项F“你和你的父母去滑雪了吗?”符合语境,故选F。
45.根据上文“Can I have a look at them ”可知,空格处应作肯定或否定回答,选项C“是的,当然可以。”符合语境,故选C。
阅读下面语篇,从各小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Here were two men, both seriously ill, who were sharing the same hospital room. One of them was allowed to sit 46 in his bed for an hour. His bed was next to the room’s only window. The other man had to 47 all his time to lie on his back, looking at the white, boring ceiling (天花板).
Every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would 48 the time by describing all the things he could see outside that window to his roommate. As he described all the things carefully, the man on the other side of the room would 49 his eyes and imagine the scenes. “Would the old ice-cream shop still be there ” he wondered. “Would the old tree near my parents’ house still be there ” Each time he asked, the man by the window said: “Yes, 50 seems to have changed a lot.” However, one evening the man by the side died peacefully in his sleep. The other man 51 to the window with the help of nurses.
52 , painfully, he supported himself on one hand to take his first look at the world outside. He would have the 53 of seeing it for himself. He turned to look out the window, only to find a blank (空白的) wall.
The man asked the nurse, “Why could my roommate describe the 54 things outside this window in such detail But I can’t see anything. Is this a new wall ” The nurse replied, “Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you and make you happy. Actually, your roommate can’t 55 anything.”
46.A.down B.up C.behind
47.A.spare B.save C.take
48.A.pass B.tell C.keep
49.A.open B.catch C.close
50.A.everything B.something C.nothing
51.A.moved B.climbed C.jumped
52.A.Quickly B.Slowly C.Regretfully
53.A.fear B.sadness C.joy
54.A.small B.normal C.strange
55.A.say B.see C.hear
46.B 47.C 48.A 49.C 50.C 51.A 52.B 53.C 54.B 55.B
down向下;up向上;behind在……的后面。根据“Every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up,...”可知,每天下午,当靠窗的人可以在床上坐起来时,可推测此处是其中一人被允许在床上坐起来一个小时,sit up表示“坐起来”。故选B。
spare抽出;save保存;take花费(时间)。根据“all his time”可知,另一个人不能做起来,只能看着白色无聊的天花板,可推测此处是不得不花费他所有的时间仰面躺着,take some time to do sth表示“花费一些时间做某事”。故选C。
pass通过;tell告诉;keep保持。根据“Every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would...the time by describing all the things he could see outside that window to his roommate.”可知,每天下午,当靠窗的人可以在床上坐起来时,他会向室友描述他在窗外看到的所有东西,可推测此是来打发时间,pass the time表示“打发时间”。故选A。
open打开;catch赶上;close合上。根据“As he described all the things carefully, the man on the other side of the room would...his eyes and imagine the scenes.”可知,当坐起来的人描述窗外所有的事情时,躺着的人会想象场景,可推测此是闭上眼睛并且想象场景,close one’s eyes表示“闭上眼睛”。故选C。
everything每件事;something某事;nothing没有什么。根据“‘Would the old ice-cream shop still be there ’ he wondered. ‘Would the old tree near my parents’ house still be there ’”可知,躺着的人询问坐起来的人外面的情况,坐起来的人给出了肯定的回答,并表示那些以前的东西还在,可推测此处是好像什么都没变。故选C。
moved移动;climbed爬;jumped跳跃。根据“However, one evening the man by the side died peacefully in his sleep.”可知,然而,一天晚上,靠窗的人去世了,可推测此处是另一个人在护士的帮助下移到窗户边。故选A。
Quickly迅速地;Slowly缓慢地;Regretfully遗憾地。根据“The other man had to...all his time to lie on his back, looking at the white, boring ceiling...painfully...”可知,另一个人不能坐起来,且下文表示痛苦地,可推测此处表示“缓慢地”。故选B。
fear害怕;sadness悲伤;joy高兴。根据“The other man...to the window with the help of nurses...He would have the...of seeing it for himself.”可知,另一个人搬到了窗边,可推测此处是他会很高兴亲眼看到外面,have the joy of doing sth表示“高兴做某事”。故选C。
small小的;normal正常的;strange奇怪的。根据“But I can’t see anything.”可知,室友为他详细地描述窗外正常的景致和事物,当他搬到窗边时,什么都看不见,可推测此是窗外正常的事物。故选B。
say说;see看见;hear听。根据“‘Is this a new wall ’ The nurse replied, ‘Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you and make you happy.’”可推测,此处指你的室友什么也看不到。故选B。
五、 阅读理解(本大题共20小题,第56~60小题,每小题1分;第61~75小题,每小题2 分,共35分。)
根据短文内容,判断正误(正确“T”,错误“F”) ,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。
The popular TV series Meet Yourself (有风的地方) show the beauty of some intangible cultural heritages (非物质文化遗产) in Dali, Yunnan province. Let’s take a look at a few things.
Wood carving (木雕)
Jianchuan wood carving has a history of over 1,000 years. It has rich culture meanings. The carving usually uses patterns like flowers, plants and dragons. This type of wood carving is widely used in people’s buildings. Each piece of wood carving carries great efforts from the masters.
Tie-dyeing (扎染)
Tie-dyeing is an old dyeing skill. It started as early as in the Tang Dynasty for a small part of people. But now, tie-dyeing has modern things on clothing and bags, selling at home and abroad.
Flower cake
Flower cake is no doubt the most popular snack of Yunnan province. It has a history of more than 300 years. Even the Qing Dynasty emperor Qianlong was its big fan. The most special part of the cake is that it has flowers in the cake.
These traditional skills not only stand for Chinese wisdom, but also add colors to our modern lives.
56.Jianchuan wood carving has rich culture meanings.
57.We can know that tie-dyeing isn’t an old dyeing skill.
58.The flower cake has a history of more than 3,000 years.
59.These traditional skills only stand for Chinese wisdom.
60.The passage mainly introduces some intangible cultural heritages in Dali.
【答案】56.T 57.F 58.F 59.F 60.T
56.细节理解题。根据“Jianchuan wood carving has a history of over 1,000 years. It has rich culture meanings.”可知剑川木雕具有丰富的文化内涵。故答案为T。
57.细节理解题。根据“Tie-dyeing is an old dyeing skill.”可知扎染是一项古老的染色技艺。故答案为F。
58.细节理解题。根据“Flower cake is no doubt the most popular snack of Yunnan province. It has a history of more than 300 years.”可知花糕有300多年的历史。故答案为F。
59.细节理解题。根据“These traditional skills not only stand for Chinese wisdom, but also add colors to our modern lives.”可知这些传统技艺不仅代表了中国人的智慧,也为我们的现代生活增添了色彩。故答案为F。
Sunshine Science and Technology MuseumOpening timeWednesday — Sunday: 9:00 — 17:00 Monday and Tuesday closed. Open areas Science classroom, mathematics laboratory, education exhibition area and 4D cinema are open normally. Make a reservation (预约) to visit Our museum provides ticket booking service within 7 days. Online booking is allowed. Visitors who have no reservation are not allowed to enter. Notice to enter the museum 1. Please follow the rules and get into the museum one by one. 2. During the visit, if you feel unwell, please contact (联系) the workers of each floor in time. 3. If you have any question, please visit our website or call 895-2563 (opening time). 4. Online payment is not accepted for paid experiences such as education exhibition area and 4D movies. Please remember to carry cash (现金) with you. Contact us Service call: 895-2563 Group reservation: 895-2562 Or you can click here.
61.When can you visit the Sunshine Science and Technology Museum
A.On Monday. B.On Tuesday. C.On Friday.
62.How many areas have been opened to the public
A.Two. B.Four. C.Six.
63.Which area can you enter with online payment
A.Science classroom. B.4D cinema. C.Education exhibition.
64.Which number should Mr. Clarke call if he plans a school trip to the museum
A.895-2562. B.895-2563. C.859-2562.
65.Where can you read this text
A.In a book. B.On a website. C.In a magazine.
【答案】61.C 62.B 63.A 64.A 65.B
61.细节理解题。根据“Opening time Wednesday — Sunday: 9:00 — 17:00”可知,博物馆的开放时间是周三至周日,故选C。
62.细节理解题。根据“Science classroom, mathematics laboratory, education exhibition area and 4D cinema are open normally.”可知,有四个区域向公众开放,故选B。
63.细节理解题。根据“Online payment is not accepted for paid experiences such as education exhibition area and 4D movies. Please remember to carry cash (现金) with you.”可知,教育展区、4D电影等付费体验不接受网上支付,排除选项B、C,故选A。
64.细节理解题。根据“Group reservation: 895-2562”可知,如果格林先生计划学校组织一次去博物馆的旅行,应该拨打团体预约电话895-2562。故选A。
65. 推理判断题。根据“Or you can click here.”可知,本文出现在网站里,故选B。
There was a time when I had to count every penny (一分钱) I spent, I had to count the cost in my head while shopping. I would stand there and add up each thing over and over.
I remember one Christmas Eve when I was shopping at Trader Joe’s. I stood by the refrigerators and counted up the cost of the things I wanted to buy.
The total was too high and I couldn’t afford it. I looked through each thing, trying to decide what to put back. I kept everything that everyone else in my family loved but I had to give up the one thing I loved—a bag of chicken tamales (鸡肉玉米粉蒸肉). That bag pushed the total over budget. I hated the feeling of not being able to buy something but it was necessary.
That night, the doorbell rang. It was strange because it was very cold and late. I went to the door, opened it and found bags of food on my front steps. Nobody was there. On the top of the first bag, I saw the bag of chicken tamales, the same kind I had put back hours before.
I cannot describe the feeling. I knew that I wasn’t alone. I was truly grateful (感激的) for the things I got. I still don’t know who left all that food on my doorstep, but I will never forget that feeling. It shows me that there are many good people among us, bringing love and kindness to the world.
66.What difficulty did the writer experience during that time
A.Choosing between family and work.
B.Not having enough money to meet needs.
C.Dealing with loneliness during the holidays.
67.What does the underlined phrase “over budget” mean
A.Being overweight and heavier than one can carry.
B.Making the shopping meaningful.
C.Spending more money than planned.
68.What surprise did the writer get on Christmas Eve
A.A stranger coming to ask for food.
B.Bags of food left on the doorstep.
C.Seeing magical animals around the house.
69.How did the writer feel in the end
A.Thankful. B.Alone. C.Scared.
70.What does the writer want to tell us
A.Love brings family together.
B.Going shopping can keep the loneliness away.
C.A small act of kindness brings warmth to people.
【答案】66.B 67.C 68.B 69.A 70.C
66.细节理解题。根据第一段“There was a time when I had to count every penny I spent.”可知,作者那段时期经历的困难是没有足够的钱维持收支平衡。故选B。
67.词句猜测题。根据第三段“I had to give up the one ...That bag pushed the total over budget.”可知,作者放弃了自己喜欢的食物,因为买了它就会超出预算,所以over budget意为spending more money than planned“花费比计划更多的钱”,故选C。
68.细节理解题。根据第四段“ I went to the door, opened it and found bags of food on my front steps.”可知,作者圣诞夜获得的惊喜是有人在她门前留下了几袋食物,故选B。
69.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“The feeling that I mattered, and the gratitude (感激之情) I felt.”可知,作者最后满怀感激,故选A。
70. 推理判断题。根据最后一段“It shows me that there are many good people among us, bringing love and kindness to the world.”可知,作者想告诉我们善举能给人们带来温暖,故选C。
①Every living thing needs to reproduce (繁殖). Reproducing means creating more members of your group. In order for plants to reproduce, they have to spread their seeds (种子) to other areas. Plants have developed all kinds of ways to do this.
②The simplest way is gravity. Many seeds are inside of fruit. When a piece of fruit gets too heavy it falls from a tree to the ground. Sometimes animals will pick up the fruit and drop it in another area. That helps move the seed even farther away. Apples spread this way.
③Other plants use wind to spread their seeds. Dandelions (蒲公英) are a good example of this. Dandelion seeds are so light that when wind blows, it carries dandelion seeds to new places. Maple (枫树) seeds also use wind. Their seeds are connected with long, thin leaves that look like wings. When the seed falls from the tree, its “wings” help it fly farther from the tree.
④Some animals help plants spread their seeds. The animals cat the seeds. While the seed is in the animal’s body, it stays whole. When the seed leaves the animal, it’s in a new place.
⑤Ants also help spread seeds. Some seeds have a special smell that attracts (吸引) ants. The ants bring the seeds back to their home, which of course is underground. They only eat part of the seed. They leave the rest of the seed underground. After that, the seed can start growing.
71.What does the underlined word “gravity” mean in paragraph 2 in Chinese
A.弹力 B.重力 C.生命力
72.How do the maples spread their seeds
A.They use ants. B.They use wind. C.They use water.
73.What do ants do to help spread seeds
A.They help the fruit fall from the tree.
B.They eat all of the seed and leave nothing.
C.They bring the seed to the underground.
74.Which is the structure of the passage
A.①/②③④⑤ B.①/②③④/⑤ C.①②③/④⑤
75.What is the best tittle of the text
A.The connections between plants and animals.
B.The reproduction of every living thing.
C.The ways for plants to reproduction.
【答案】71.B 72.B 73.C 74.A 75.C
71.词义猜测题。根据“When a piece of fruit gets too heavy it falls from a tree to the ground.”可知,当果实变得很重时,它会掉落在地上。第二段描述的种子传播的方式重点在于果实落地,因此,gravity指的是“重力”。故选B。
72.细节理解题。根据“Maple (枫树) seeds also use wind.”可知,枫树通过风来传播种子。故选B。
73.细节理解题。根据“The ants bring the seeds back to their home, which of course is underground. They only eat part of the seed. They leave the rest of the seed underground.”可知蚂蚁通过把种子带到地下来帮助植物播种。故选C。
75.标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了植物是如何传播种子的,“The ways for plants to reproduction.”做标题最合适。故选C。
graduate whether they smooth farmer make by many example confident
Liu Fang is a happy woman, but she has experienced ups and downs. At the age of 12, she lost her right arm in an accident. However, through her own efforts, six years later she went into a college 76 . At the beginning of her college, she was afraid to see others’ strange expressions and didn’t want to talk with others. But later with the help of her classmates, she became more and more 77 .
After 78 from the college, she failed to find a job. But she believed she would be able to make a living by herself. In 2015, with the rising of the short video industry, she began to make videos to share her life online. In the beginning, she didn’t know 79 she could do it well or not, but she didn’t give up.
Now, she has 80 than 10 million fans on Douyin. She mainly helps 81 sell their products through live broadcasts. Over these years, she has taken part in over 100 live broadcasts. As a result, she has been praised 82 the local government many times.
She also uses We Media (自媒体) to influence more people and encourage 83 to get out of trouble. With the popularity of the program, she has 84 many good friends. It not only brings happiness to herself but also makes her become a(n) 85 for others.
smoothly 77.confident 78.graduating 79.whether 80.more
81.farmers 82.by 83.Them 84.made 85.example
76.句意:然而,通过自己的努力,六年后,她顺利考上了大学。根据“through her own efforts, six years later she went into a college”可知,此处指“经过努力,顺利靠近大学”,修饰动词“went”填副词,smooth“顺利的”的副词smoothly符合,故填smoothly。
77.句意:但是后来在她的同学帮助下,她变得越来越自信。根据“she was afraid”及“But later with the help of her classmates”可知,在同学的帮助下,她由害怕变得自信了,confident“自信的”;“more and more”后填形容词原级,故填confident。
78.句意:从大学毕业后,她找不到工作。根据“from the college”可知,此处指“大学毕业”,graduate“毕业”;“After”后接动名词,故填graduating。
79.句意:一开始她不知道能否做好,但她并没有放弃。根据“or not”可知,此处填表示“是否”的连词,whether“是否”,故填whether。
80.句意:现在,她在抖音上拥有超过1000万的粉丝。根据“than”可知,考查more than“超过”,故填more。
81.句意:她主要通过直播帮助农民销售他们的产品。根据“helps...sell their products”可知,此空填某人,结合备选词,farmer“农民”符合,又因农民不止一个,所以填复数farmers。故填farmers。
82.句意:因此她受到当地政府多次的表扬。根据“she has been praised...the local government”可知,此处表示“被政府表扬”,by+动作的发出者,故填by。
83.句意:刘芳还利用自媒体影响更多的人,鼓励他们走出困境。根据“influence more people”可知,此空代指“more people”,动词“encourage”后填宾格,所以填they“他们”的宾格them。故填them。
84.句意:随着节目的流行,刘芳交了很多好朋友。make friends“交朋友”;“has”后接过去分词,make的过去分词为made。故填made。
假定你是李辉,你校将举办国潮文化节 (China-Chic Cultural Festival)。请结合下面图示信息,用英语写一封邀请信,邀请你的外国好友Jim参加。
1. 短文须包含上述信息,可适当增加细节,使行文连贯;
2. 文章中不得出现真实姓名和地名;
3. 字数80~100(短文开头已给出, 不计入总字数)。
参考词汇:paper cutting (n. 剪纸)
Dear Jim,
Here is good news for you.
Li Hui
Dear Jim,
Here is good news for you. Our school will hold the China-Chic Cultural Festival at 2:00 p.m. on April 16 in the school playground. During the event, we will watch folk activities such as lantern making and paper cutting. At the same time, we will enjoy Beijing Opera and martial arts performances. We all love the festival because it’s a good chance to look back on history and a wonderful time to get together.
I hope you can come to celebrate it with us. You should bring a camera to take photos and pay attention to safety.
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hui
①such as 例如
②at the same time 同时
③look back on 回顾
④pay attention to 注意
We all love the festival because it’s a good chance to look back on history and a wonderful time to get together.(because引导的原因状语从句)
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