2024年中考英语精准模拟预测题 成都01(含听力音频+原卷版+解析版)

A 卷 (共100分)
第一部分 听力 (共30小题;计30分)
【答案】1-5 BADEC 6-10 ACCAA 11-15 CBCBB 16-20 CBCBB 21-25 CAABB
26.Nine/9 27.correctly 28.Value 29.difficulties 30.hopeful
【原文】1. We need to save water for our planet.
2. I visited the Terracotta Army last winter vacation.
3. My cousin wants to be a doctor in the future.
4. In many countries, people have cakes with candles on their birthdays.
5. Bob likes playing basketball with his friends on weekends.
6.【原文】We are going to take part in the Chinese speech contest next week.
7.【原文】How does your father usually go to work
8.【原文】What’s the weather like in your hometown
9.【原文】How do you improve your English pronunciation
10.【原文】Could you please help me with my English
11.【原文】M: What time is it now
W: It’s only a quarter to five.
M: I’m afraid we should go to the cinema now. The movie will be on in fifteen minutes.
W: OK. Let’s go.
Question: What time will the movie be on
12.【原文】M: Lisa, is this magazine yours
W: No, it isn’t. I think it must be Linda’s. I saw it on her desk yesterday.
M: What about this blue schoolbag
W: It may be Tom’s, but I’m not sure.
Question: Whose magazine is this
13.【原文】W: What’s the matter with you
M: I’m not feeling so well.
W: Take this medicine twice a day and you will feel better. If not, come back and see me.
Question: Where are they talking
14.【原文】M: What kind of music do you like, Anna
W: I like country music. What about you, Tom
M: I like pop music.
Question: What kind of music does Tom like
15.【原文】M: Does Jane walk to school
W: Yes, she does.
M: How long does it take her to get to school
W: It takes about 15 minutes.
Question: How long does it take Jane to walk to school
16.【原文】M: Excuse me, how much is this tie It looks very nice with my suit.
W: It’s $30. Would you like to try on a shirt as well
M: No, thanks. Just the tie, please.
17.【原文】M: Hello, Mary, this is John at the office. Is Tom feeling any better today
W: Oh, yes, John. He’s feeling much better now. But the doctor says he will have to stay in bed until Monday.
18.【原文】W: Where are Michael and Jane Are they in the dining hall or on the playground
M: They have just gone to the library.
W: Let’s go there to meet them.
19.【原文】W: Have you finished cleaning your bedroom, Peter
M: Yes. Do you need any help in the kitchen, Mom
W: No, thanks. I’ll have lunch ready in a minute. Wash your hands for lunch.
20.【原文】M: Tom is a model student. He never comes late to school and always works hard.
W: But I think Sally is a model student as she never gives up halfway and is always ready to help other people.
M: So she is.
21-25【原文】Peppa Pig is a children’s TV show made in the UK, which is also popular in the USA, Australia and even in China. It began in 2004 and it has been shown in 180 different countries around the world! The show is about the life of a young pig named Peppa. She likes to dress up. She is usually seen in her favorite red dress. Peppa has many different animal friends. They enjoy playing together every day. Peppa likes to do many fun activities, such as biking and swimming. She lives with her family in a big yellow house on the hill. She hes a little brother called George. George wears a blue T-shirt and cries a lot. Dad Pig wears cool glasses and likes to laugh. And Mom Pig is good at working on her computer.
26-30【原文】Hello, everyone. Thank you for coming here. I’m Miss Lin, a junior high school teacher from Grade Nine.
Congratulations! All of you will soon graduate from junior high school. Some of you may get excited about having a new life, but some of you may be worried about your grades. As your teacher, I have four pieces of advice for you. Look back to the past. Two and a half years has passed. It is really necessary for you to look back to this period of time. In this way, you can find out what you didn’t do correctly and how you can improve. Live in the present. You still have about four months left. It is long enough for you to make progress. You need to value your time and try to study hard. Get prepared for the future. You need to get yourselves ready for the difficulties and challenges in senior high school. Making good plans and developing good learning habits are what you should pay attention to. What’s more, believe in yourselves. You are supposed to be hopeful about your future. Therefore, let’s value every moment and take action together right now.
第二部分 基础知识运用 (共30小题;计40分)
六、选择填空 (共15小题;计20分)
A. 从以下各题的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)
31-35 BBBBC 36-40 CCACC
31.—I hope you will have ________ unusual trip after the exam to the high school.
—I can’t wait.
A.a B.an C.the
32.—You ________ eat that chocolate cake, it’s for the party!
—But I’m so hungry. Can I have a small piece
A.needn’t B.mustn’t C.don’t have to
考查情态动词。needn’t不需要;mustn’t禁止;don’t have to不需要。根据“it’s for the party!”可知,不允许吃巧克力蛋糕。故选B。
33.—Is this eraser ________, Bob
—No, I don’t have such an eraser. It belongs to ________.
A.your; Tom’s B.yours; Tom C.his; Tom’s
考查代词辨析。your你的,形容词性物主代词;yours你的,名词性物主代词,his他的,形容词性物主代词或名词性物主代词。根据“I don’t have such an eraser.”可知,询问Bob“是你的橡皮吗”,且空格后没有名词,故用名词性物主代词yours;belong to sb“属于某人”,故第二空是Tom。故选B。
34.—________ do you play basketball with your classmates, Jane
—At least twice a week.
A.How long B.How often C.How soon
考查特殊疑问句。how long多长时间;how often多久一次;how soon多久以后。根据“At least twice a week.”可知此处询问打篮球的频率,应用how often。故选B。
35.Good friends are the ones who can ________ the best in you and have something in common with you.
A.cut out B.leave out C.bring out
考查动词短语。cut out剪掉;leave out遗漏;bring out激发,使显现。根据“Good friends are the ones who can...the best in you”可知,好朋友能够使你最好的一面显现出来,故选C。
36.—Do you know where Tom is
—He ________ football with his classmates on the playground when I saw him a moment ago.
A.played B.has played C.was playing
考查时态。根据“when I saw him a moment ago”可知,此句用过去进行时,其构成为“was/were doing”,故选C。
37.“Post-2000s (00后)” have begun to surprise the world ________ they are very young.
A.if B.unless C.though
38.—Your cousin ________ Shanghai.
—Sure, he will stay there for several days.
A.has gone to B.has been to C.was in
考查have gone to和have been to的区别。has gone to已经去了某地,还没回来;has been to去过某地,已经回来了;was in表示过去在某地。根据“he will stay there for several days.”可知,他还没有回来,将在那里待一些日子。故选A。
39.—The friends are very important for the students. I wonder ________.
—Warm-hearted and brave people.
A.when you will meet your friend
B.how you make your friends happy
C.what kind of people can be friends with you
【详解】句意:——朋友对学生来说非常重要。我想知道什么样的人可以和你成为朋友。——热心肠和勇敢的人。考查宾语从句。when you will meet your friend你什么时候会见到你的朋友;how you make your friends happy你如何让你的朋友开心;what kind of people can be friends with you什么样的人可以和你成为朋友。根据“Warm-hearted and brave people.”可知,回答者想要和热心肠和勇敢的人成为朋友,所以提问的是什么样的人成为和你成为朋友。故选C。
40.The old man missed the small village ________ he used to live.
A.which B.that C.where
考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,此处是定语从句,从句不缺主语及宾语,修饰先行词the small village,用关系副词 where 在从句中作地点状语。故选C。
B. 补全对话 根据对话内容, 从选项中选出适当的选项补全对话。(共5 小题;每小题2分, 计10 分)
【答案】41.D 42.A 43.C 44.B 45.E
41.根据“You look sad today.”和“Yes, I made Lily unhappy yesterday, and I don’t know what to do about it.”可知,询问对方有什么问题,选项D“你有什么事吗?”符合语境,故选D。
42.根据“Well, yesterday she messaged me and invited me to watch a movie together. But I was almost half an hour late.”可知,描述发生了什么事,选项A“发生了什么事?”符合语境,故选A。
43.根据“Oh no! ... Did you say sorry to her ”可知,针对对方迟到做出评价,选项C“如果是这样,那也会让我生气的。”符合语境,故选C。
44.根据“Why not try it again a few days later ”和“Good idea. She is my best friend. I don’t want to lose her.”可知,建议对方几天后再试一次,选项B“毕竟,你们是好朋友。”符合语境,故选B。
45.根据“All right.”和“Thanks for giving me some advice.”可知,希望对方能解决问题,选项E“希望你能把问题解决好。”符合语境,故选E。
七、完形填空阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (共15小题;计20分。 A 篇每小题2分,计10分;B 篇每小题1分,计10分)
【答案】46.A 47.B 48.C 49.C 50.A
51.C 52.B 53.A 54.C 55.B 56.A 57.B 58.C 59.C 60.B
courses课程;meals饭菜;trips旅行。根据“Last month, my classmates and I visited one of the most famous museums in Shanghai, the Minhang Museum.”可知,此处说的是校园旅行。故选C。
library图书馆;museum博物馆;cinema电影院。根据“the Minhang Museum”可知,作者去参观博物馆。故选B。
saw看见;bought买;made制造。根据“many pieces of ancient pottery on show”可知,此处指看见展品。故选A。
happily快乐地;politely礼貌地;closely密切地。根据“If you looked at them”和“you could even read interesting stories from the patterns on some of their surfaces!”可知,此处指密切观察展品。故选C。
expensive昂贵的;traditional传统的;interesting有趣的。根据“They were quite different from modern instruments.”可知,此处说的是与现代乐器相对应的传统乐器。故选B。
noticed注意;hoped希望;guessed猜测。根据“that some of the instruments had five strings, but most of them had seven strings”可知,此处说的是作者观察到的东西。故选A。
colors颜色;sizes尺寸;numbers数字。根据“big and small”可知,此处说的是乐器的尺寸。故选B。
strange奇怪的;wonderful奇妙的;different不同的。根据“There were different patterns like orchids”可知,乐器上的图案也不一样。故选C。
pay for支付;wait for等待;stand for代表。根据“good meanings in our traditional culture”可知,这些图案代表着美好的寓意。故选C。
compares对比;connects连接;fills填入。根据“The museum is like a bridge”可知 ,桥梁起到的是连接作用。故选B。
第三部分 阅读理解 (共15小题;计30分)
【答案】61.B 62.A 63.A 64.B 65.A
61.细节理解题。根据“Seeing a child in the middle of the road, he asked the driver to stop.”可知是看到一个孩子在路中间并不是城堡,表述错误,故答案是B。
62.细节理解题。根据“Confucius asked again and the child pointed at a small castle (城堡) made of mud (泥) on his own behind himself, saying”可知问第二遍时,小孩回答了孔子的问题,表述正确,故答案是A。
63.细节理解题。根据“Then he asked the carriage driver to go around the child’s castle.”可知最后孔子的马车绕过城堡过去了,表述正确,故答案是A。
64.细节理解题。根据“‘Oh, young people today are really fantastic.’”可知最后孔子认为这个孩子很棒,不是没有礼貌,表述错误,故答案是B。
65.细节理解题。根据“young people should be considered with respect (尊重) because they are full of new and creative ideas. Sometimes they will often be better than the old.”可知文章最后表明年轻人很棒,要尊重,有时候他们甚至比大人更好,故年龄不能决定一切,表述正确,故答案是A。
【答案】66.A 67.C 68.B 69.B 70.C
66.词义猜测题。根据“Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him.”可知,他在那里待了五天,是因为他不能移动他的手臂,因此划线单词表示“移动”,与move近义。故选A。
67.细节理解题。根据“After losing his arm, he wrote a book called Between a Rock and a Hard Place.”可知,Aron写了一本书叫《进退两难》。故选C。
68.词义猜测题。根据“Aron tells the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of one’s life.”可知,Aron讲述了做出正确决定的重要性,以及控制自己生活的重要性;结合“Do we have the same spirit as Aron ”可知,我们有没有和他一样的精神,因此spirit指的是Aron“学会做正确的决定”这一精神。故选B。
69.细节理解题。根据“His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.”可知,在这次意外之后,Aron继续爬山。故选B。
【答案】71.A 72.B 73.A 74.A 75.B
71.细节理解题。根据文中的句子“a Chinese-made electric tricycle appeared on the streets of an American Town and that has drawn people’s attention.”可知,三轮车是中国制造的。故选A。
72.词句猜测题。根据文中的句子“Its unusual look and the unmistakable ‘please be careful when reversing (倒车)’ warning caught the attention of many people.”可知,电动三轮车它的外观和特点吸引了当地人的注意,这说明人们的兴趣是被激发或唤醒的。可知,划线词是激发的意思。故选B。
73.细节理解题。根据文中的句子“The tricycle’s cool and practical design was so popular with the locals that they took photos of it and some even asked how to buy one.”可知,那么多美国人喜欢电三轮的原因是既酷又实用。故选A。
74.细节理解题。根据文中的句子“orders for the electric tricycle, produced by the Xishan Electric Vehicle Industrial Park in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province in China, have seen a big increase from American buyers since the year began.”可知,美国购买三轮车的人数正在上升。故选A。
B卷 (共50分)
补全单词根据首字母及句意写出完整单词。 (共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)
76.—How is your working condition
—It’s great. They p us with boiled water and air conditioner.
【详解】句意:——你的工作条件怎么样?——太棒了。他们给我们提供开水和空调。根据“ They ...us with boiled water and air conditioner.”及首字母可知,此处考查provide sb with sth“为某人提供某物”的表达,主语是they,时态是一般现在时,所以空处用动词原形,故填(p)rovide。
77.What a heavy rain! I forgot to take a(n) u with me.
【详解】句意:好大的雨啊!我忘了带伞了。根据“What a heavy rain!”及首字母可知,此处指的是忘记带伞了,umbrella“伞”,a(n)后跟单数名词,故填(u)mbrella。
78.We should eat more f vegetables and fruit. They’re good for our health.
【详解】句意:我们应该多吃新鲜蔬菜和水果。它们对我们的健康有好处。根据“vegetables and fruit. They’re good for our health.”和首字母f可知,这里指吃新鲜蔬菜和水果,应用形容词fresh“新鲜的”作定语。故填(f)resh。
79.Li Ming’s hometown is famous for grapes and m is famous for tea.
80.Noise is unpleasant, e when you’re trying to sleep.
【详解】句意:噪音令人不愉快,尤其是当你想睡觉的时候。根据“when you’re trying to sleep”可知,是副词especially“尤其”。故填(e)specially。
二、完成对话 在空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。 一空一词(含缩写词)。(共 10 小题;每小题1分, 计 10分)
81.heard 82.the 83.unable 84.like 85.widely 86.safer 87.tells 88.popular 89.especially 90.choose
81.根据上文“have you ever watched the 315 Gala on TV ”以及“No, but I’ve...”可知虽然没看过315晚会,但是听说过。现在完成时,动词用过去分词。故填heard。
82.根据“discusses...rights and shows bad products”可知此处考查短语“discuss sth.谈论某事”,rights为特指,用定冠词。故填the。
83.根据“products and services that...to meet standards.”可知此处是that引导的定语从句,that在从句中作主语,空格处应该填写动词。再结合句意可知是不能满足标准的产品。故填unable。
84.根据“They cover a wide range (范围)...electronics, food, and services that could be unsafe to customers.”可知后面的电器、食物和服务是列举的315晚会覆盖的范围。此处缺少介词,表示“比如,像”的单词是like。故填like。
85.根据“colored pencils which are...used by kids”可知此处缺少副词修饰动词used,再结合句意可知此处表示“广泛地”。故填widely。
86.根据上文“contain (包含) harmful substances.”以及“the government has taken actions to deal with these problems.”可知政府采取行动处理这些问题,所以现在学生更安全,much修饰比较级。故填safer。
87.根据“that this year’s gala...our favorite snack”可知是that引导的宾语从句,空格处缺少动词,主语this year’s gala是单数,故动词用单数形式。故填tells。
88.根据上文“But we kids love those!”可知路边香肠是受欢迎的零食。空格处缺少形容词“流行的,受欢迎的”。故填popular。
89.根据下文“when it comes to street food.”可知空格处缺少副词修饰整个句子,再结合句意可知空格处填写“尤其是especially”。故填especially。
90.根据上文“...to put food safety first and...products wisely.”可知此处缺少动词,表示“明智的选择产品”。故填choose。
三、短文填空从下面方框中选出10个单词,将其正确形式填入短文,使短文意思正确通顺 (每词限用一次)。(共 10 小题;每小题1分, 计10 分)
91.discoveries 92.historical 93.including 94.choices 95.introduction
96.earlier 97.to complete 98.accidentally 99.its 100.purposes
91.句意:从三星堆遗址到南海一号沉船,大量的发现告诉我们很多关于中国的过去。空处应填名词作主语,结合“From the Sanxingdui Ruins to the Nanhai No.1 shipwreck”及备选可知,应是从这些发现中得知中国的过去,discovery“发现”,被plenty of修饰用其复数形式,故填discoveries。
92.句意:考虑到它们巨大的历史价值,一个文化真人秀节目已经出来讲述六个文化宝藏的故事,包括上面提到的两个。根据“tell us a lot about China’s past”可知,从中了解是的中国的过去,所以此处指的是历史价值,history“历史”,此处修饰名词,所以用其形容词historical“历史的”,故填historical。
93.句意:考虑到它们巨大的历史价值,一个文化真人秀节目已经出来讲述六个文化宝藏的故事,包括上面提到的两个。根据“a culture reality show has come out to tell the stories of six cultural treasures, ... the two mentioned above.”及备选词可知,空处指包含上文提到的两个宝藏,include“包含”,此处在句中作状语,所以用including,故填including。
94.句意:为了将选择范围缩小到六个,节目制作团队走访了中国许多著名的文化遗址,并进行了仔细的比较。根据“To narrow down (缩小范围) their ... to six”及备选词可知,此处指的是“选择范围”,choose“选择”,是动词,此处用名词作宾语,所以用choice,结合“their ... to six”可知,此处用复数形式,故填choices。
95.句意:以最好的方式介绍这些文化瑰宝是其中之一。根据“Making a(n) .... of these cultural treasures”及备选词可知,此处指节目中介绍这些文化瑰宝,introduce“介绍”,动词,a(n)后跟单数名词introduction。故填introduction。
96.句意:如果按照时间顺序,我们必须从夏、商、周甚至更早的时候开始,中国的历史太长了,我们不可能完成。根据“If we follow the time order”可知,空处应是表示时间先后的词,备选词early“早的”符合语境,被even修饰,应用比较级,故填earlier。
97.句意:如果按照时间顺序,我们必须从夏、商、周甚至更早的时候开始,中国的历史太长了,我们不可能完成。根据“so long that it’s impossible for us ....that”及备选词可知,此处指历史太长以至于不可能完成,complete“完成”,空处在句中作主语,it是形式主语,所以空处用动词不定式,故填to complete。
98.句意:1970年,在陕西的一个小村庄,有人偶然发现了一件唐代皇室藏品。根据“was...found by someone ”及备选词可知,此处指偶然发现,修饰动词所以用accident的副词形式accidentally“偶然地”,故填accidentally。
99.句意:我们希望帮助揭开所有这些谜团,让人们更多地了解我们的国家和它灿烂的文化。根据“learn more about our nation and... shining culture.”可知,此处指了解我们国家的灿烂文化,且空处作定语,所以用its修饰,故填its。
100.句意:这是这个节目的目的之一。根据“We expect every person can get their answers after watching this show.”可知,此处是介绍节目的目的,purpose“目的”,one of后跟名词复数,表示“……之一”,故填purposes。
四、阅读表达(共 10 小题;计10 分)
A. 补全短文 根据短文内容, 从短文后的A~F选项中, 选出5 个适当的选项补全短文。(共5小题;每小题1分, 计5分)
【答案】101.D 102.B 103.E 104.A 105.C
101.根据“Everyone has his or her own opinion.”可知,每个人都有自己的看法,因此是引起了讨论,选项D“这在年轻人中引起了激烈的讨论”符合,故选D。
102.根据“It helps people find someone with the same hobbies and doesn’t take them too much time.”可知,它可以帮助人们找到有相同爱好的人,而且不会花他们太多时间。此处在介绍找搭子是简单容易的。选项B“搭子可以在日常生活中以多种不同的方式出现”符合,故选B。
103.根据“We love to share our ideas about the food and find other fine food”可知,此处是这个女孩在介绍她的饭搭子。选项E“如果有一天我的饭搭子不来学校,我会不高兴的”符合,故选E。
104.根据“Once, my game dazi and I did something wrong when playing the game.”可知,此处介绍的是游戏搭子,选项A“但我们一起努力,最终赢得了比赛”符合,故选A。
105.根据“People may lie on the Internet.”可知,此处在介绍找搭子不好的一面,选项C“搭子通常是有帮助的,但有时也很危险”符合,故选C。
B. 完成图表 根据短文内容, 完成图表中所缺信息。(共5 小题;每小题1分, 计5 分)
【答案】106.trend 107.third 108.Advantages 109.easy 110.pollution
106.根据“According to a report on Chinese people’s reading habits, 32.7% of Chinese adults had the habit of listening to audio books when they were free in 2021, and the percentage is still rising.”可知,整个国家的阅读习惯趋势是听有声读物。trend“趋势”符合语境。故填trend。
107. 根据“2.7% of Chinese adults had the habit of listening to audio books when they were free in 2021”可知,2021年,32.7%的中国成年人有空时听有声读物,即三分之一的成年人,one third“三分之一”。故填third。
108.根据“So, what makes audio books so popular Well, here are some advantages of listening to audio books.”可知,这里介绍的是听有声读物的好处。故填Advantages。
109.根据“Audio books are easy to get from a computer or smartphone, and they needed no space in the room.”可知,有声书很容易从电脑或智能手机上获取,而且不占空间。故填easy。
110.根据“Third, when making audio books, people use modern technology, which doesn’t require any link or paper. By doing so, plenty of trees are saved and no pollution will be caused.”可知,制作有声读物不会造成污染,应用不可数名词pollution。故填pollution。
五、书面表达(计15 分)
Dear teachers and classmates,
As we are going to say goodbye to junior high school days, I am filled with a mix of feelings—joy for the happy days we’ve spent together and excitement for the journey that lies ahead.
I still remember the first day of Grade 7 like it was yesterday. I used to be afraid of speaking in public. I thought I would never learn English well. But now, I realize that I was just being silly. Since then, I have tried to speak English in public many times and made so much progress. Now I am more and more confident. Even though I am sad that junior high will be over, I am looking forward to new experiences in senior high school. I’ve made up my mind to make every effort to study, for I believe hard work is the key to success. Just as the old saying goes, “no pains, no gains.” At last, I would like to show my appreciation to those standing by me all the way, teachers, parents and friends included.
Thank you all!
Li Hua
①be afraid of害怕
②even though尽管
③made so much progress取得大的进步
①I thought I would never learn English well. (宾语从句)
②Even though I am sad that junior high will be over, I am looking forward to new experiences in senior high school.(让步状语从句)
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
A 卷 (共100分)
第一部分 听力 (共30小题;计30分)
一 、听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片。每小题念两遍。(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)
A. B.C. D. E.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
A.Good luck. B.Be careful. C.That’s okay.
A.Ten minutes. B.At 8 o’clock. C.By bike.
A.It’s English. B.It’s Sunday. C.It’s sunny.
A.By listening to the tapes. B.I like speaking English. C.It’s difficult.
A.Yes, I’m glad to. B.No, I don’t think so. C.Of course not.
11.What time will the movie be on
A.At 4:30. B.At 4:45. C.At 5:00.
12.Whose magazine is this
A.Lisa’s. B.Linda’s. C.Tom’s.
13.Where are they talking
A.At the park. B.At the museum. C.At the hospital.
14.What kind of music does Tom like
A.Country music. B.Pop music. C.Light music.
15.How long does it take Jane to walk to school
A.About 5 minutes. B.About 15 minutes. C.About 50 minutes.
16.What does the man want to buy
A.A shirt. B.A suit. C.A tie.
17.Where is Tom now
A.At the office. B.Stay in bed. C.On his way to work.
18.Where may Michael and Jane be
A.In the dining hall. B.On the playground. C.In the library.
19.What is Peter’s mother doing
A.Cleaning the bedroom. B.Washing her hands. C.Making lunch.
20.Why does the girl think Sally is a model student
A.Because she is ready to help others.
B.Because she comes to school on time.
C.Because she always works hard.
21.Where was Peppa Pig made
A.In the USA. B.In Australia. C.In the UK.
22.When did Peppa Pig begin
A.In 2004. B.In 2020. C.In 2014.
23.What color dress does Peppa Pig like to wear
A.Red. B.Green. C.Blue.
24.What does Peppa like to do
A.Hang out with George. B.Ride bikes and swim. C.Watch TV shows.
25.Who is good at working on the computer
A.Peppa’s dad. B.Peppa’s mom. C.Peppa’s brother.
Four Pieces of Advice from a TeacherSpeaker: Miss Lin, a junior high school teacher from Grade 26 ●Look back to the past. Find out what you didn’t do 27 and how you can improve. ●Live in the present. 28 your time and try to study hard. ●Get prepared for the future. Be ready for the 29 and challenges in senior high school. Believe in yourselves. Be 30 about your future.
第二部分 基础知识运用 (共30小题;计40分)
六、选择填空 (共15小题;计20分)
A. 从以下各题的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)
31.—I hope you will have ________ unusual trip after the exam to the high school.
—I can’t wait.
A.a B.an C.the
32.—You ________ eat that chocolate cake, it’s for the party!
—But I’m so hungry. Can I have a small piece
A.needn’t B.mustn’t C.don’t have to
33.—Is this eraser ________, Bob
—No, I don’t have such an eraser. It belongs to ________.
A.your; Tom’s B.yours; Tom C.his; Tom’s
34.—________ do you play basketball with your classmates, Jane
—At least twice a week.
A.How long B.How often C.How soon
35.Good friends are the ones who can ________ the best in you and have something in common with you.
A.cut out B.leave out C.bring out
36.—Do you know where Tom is
—He ________ football with his classmates on the playground when I saw him a moment ago.
A.played B.has played C.was playing
37.“Post-2000s (00后)” have begun to surprise the world ________ they are very young.
A.if B.unless C.though
38.—Your cousin ________ Shanghai.
—Sure, he will stay there for several days.
A.has gone to B.has been to C.was in
39.—The friends are very important for the students. I wonder ________.
—Warm-hearted and brave people.
A.when you will meet your friend
B.how you make your friends happy
C.what kind of people can be friends with you
40.The old man missed the small village ________ he used to live.
A.which B.that C.where
B. 补全对话 根据对话内容, 从选项中选出适当的选项补全对话。(共5 小题;每小题2分, 计10 分)
A: Hey, Tina. You look sad today. 41
B: Yes, I made Lily unhappy yesterday, and I don’t know what to do about it.
A: 42
B: Well, yesterday she messaged me and invited me to watch a movie together. But I was almost half an hour late.
A: Oh no! 43 Did you say sorry to her
B: Yes, I did. But she didn’t want to listen at that moment.
A: Why not try it again a few days later 44
B: Good idea. She is my best friend. I don’t want to lose her.
A: All right. 45
B: Thanks for giving me some advice.
A: You are welcome.
A.What happened
B.After all, you are good friends.
C.If so, that will also drive me crazy.
D.Is there anything wrong with you
E.Hope you can solve the problem well.
七、完形填空阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (共15小题;计20分。 A 篇每小题2分,计10分;B 篇每小题1分,计10分)
The horse-face skirt, or Ma Mian Qun in Chinese, holds a very important position in China’s traditional clothing culture. As one of the most 46 styles of Chinese women’s dress, this skirt can give us a taste of the beauty of ancient Chinese clothing.
The horse-face skirt first 47 in the Song Dynasty and grew popular during the Ming Dynasty. The skirt in the Ming Dynasty was simple in color and pattern. In the Qing Dynasty, the horse-face skirt 48 had more colors and patterns, especially the outer skirt door. People added many good patterns on the outer skirt door, such as flowers, birds and butterflies.
Besides, this special design leaves openings in the front and back of the skirt, making it very 49 for horse-riding. Women were also able to jump on and ride the horse easily in the skirts.
In the eyes of experts and people in the fashion industry, traditional Chinese clothing, like the horse-face skirt, is an important 50 of Chinese culture that has influenced Western fashion for many years. Even now some inspiration of international top fashion designer is coming from traditional Chinese clothing.
46.A.typical B.colorful C.useful
47.A.changed B.appeared C.developed
48.A.simply B.exactly C.gradually
49.A.difficult B.successful C.convenient
50.A.symbol B.custom C.record
We have lots of after-school activities. For example, we take school 51 every school year. Last month, my classmates and I visited one of the most famous museums in Shanghai, the Minhang Museum. As I stepped into the 52 , I felt a sense of excitement. When I went into the main hall, I 53 many pieces of ancient pottery (陶器) on show. These ancient treasures had lovely designs in different colors. If you looked at them 54 , you could even read interesting stories from the patterns (图案) on some of their surfaces!
I had a chance to have a look at some 55 instruments in another hall. They were quite different from modern instruments. I 56 that some of the instruments had five strings (弦), but most of them had seven strings. These instruments were of different 57 , big and small. In addition, the patterns on the bodies of the instruments were also 58 . There were different patterns like orchids (兰花) , bamboo, and many other pictures that 59 good meanings in our traditional culture.
Many foreigners come here, too. The museum is like a bridge which 60 Western culture with Chinese culture. It shows people its great magic.
51.A.courses B.meals C.trips
52.A.library B.museum C.cinema
53.A.saw B.bought C.made
54.A.happily B.politely C.closely
55.A.expensive B.traditional C.interesting
56.A.noticed B.hoped C.guessed
57.A.colors B.sizes C.numbers
58.A.strange B.wonderful C.different
59.A.pay for B.wait for C.stand for
60.A.compares B.connects C.fills
第三部分 阅读理解 (共15小题;计30分)
The ancient Chinese educator Confucius (孔子) often traveled through all the stales, teaching.
One day, he took his carriage (四轮马车) and went out on one of these journeys. Seeing a child in the middle of the road, he asked the driver to stop. Confucius said to the child, “Could you please give way to my carriage ” The child didn’t answer. Confucius asked again and the child pointed at a small castle (城堡) made of mud (泥) on his own behind himself, saying, “Can’t you see that there is a castle here I only heard of carriages going around castles. I’ve never heard of castles giving way to traffic.” Confucius was really surprised and said, “At such a young age, you seem to know quite a lot.”
The child raised his head and looked directly at Confucius. He said, “I heard fish can swim as soon as they are born. Rabbits can run on the third day after birth. You see, age doesn’t make a difference.” Hearing this, Confucius felt the child’s words were right and said, “Oh, young people today are really fantastic.” Then he asked the carriage driver to go around the child’s castle.
Later, people use “Hou Sheng Ke Wei” to mean that young people should be considered with respect (尊重) because they are full of new and creative ideas. Sometimes they will often be better than the old.
(注意:正确的涂“A”、错误的涂“B” 。)
61.Confucius asked his driver to stop because of seeing a castle in his way.
62.The child answered the question of Confucius after being asked twice.
63.At last, Confucius thought carriages should give way to castles as well.
64.The child was very impolite in the eyes of Confucius.
65.From the passage, we know that age can’t decide everything, its only a string (串) of numbers.
Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing. As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks. This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports. There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents. On April 26, 2003, he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah.
On that day, Aron’s arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him. But when his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life. He was not ready to die that day. So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm.Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood. After that, he climbed down the mountain to find help.
After losing his arm, he wrote a book called Between a Rock and a Hard Place. This means being in a difficult situation that you cannot seem to get out of. In this book, Aron tells the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of one’s life. His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.
Do we have the same spirit as Aron Let’s think about it before we find ourselves “between a rock and a hard place”, and before we have to make a decision that could mean life or death.
66.The underlined word “free” probably means ________.
A.move B.cross C.hold
67.From Paragraph 1 to Paragraph 3, we can know ________.
A.Aron is afraid of taking risks as a mountain climber
B.Aron used his knife to cut off half his left arm to survive
C.Aron wrote a book called Between a Rock and a Hard Place
68.What does the word “spirit” in Paragraph 4 refer to
A.Never try to take risks in life.
B.Learn to make good decisions.
C.It’s never too old to learn.
69.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Aron doesn’t like climbing mountains anymore.
B.Aron keeps on climbing mountains after the accident.
C.Aron taught climbing mountains after the accident.
70.What is the best title for the passage
A.Why Aron cut off half of his right arm.
B.Aron wrote a book to share his experience.
C.Aron lost his arm but is still climbing.
Electric tricycles are something commonly seen in China, especially in the countryside. Surprisingly, a Chinese-made electric tricycle appeared on the streets of an American Town and that has drawn people’s attention. The tricycle was actually a gift from a Chinese-American woman for her father-in-law, but soon aroused the interest of the locals.
The woman recorded the tricycle’s first journey down the town’s streets in her video. Its unusual look and the unmistakable “please be careful when reversing (倒车)” warning caught the attention of many people. The tricycle’s cool and practical design (设计) was so popular with the locals that they took photos of it and some even asked how to buy one.
More and more Americans have become interested in these tricycles. CCTV News reports that orders for the electric tricycle, produced by the Xishan Electric Vehicle Industrial Park in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province in China, have seen a big increase from American buyers since the year began.
The head of a Wuxi-based motorcycle company says the big increase in custom (定制的) orders from the US shows that the company’s 20 years of expert knowledge and technology have been tested.
The company’s research and development team has managed to make its products meet the different needs of different international markets including America and Europe, making sure that each tricycle is perfectly suited to its new environment.
71.Where is the tricycle made
A.In China. B.In America. C.In Europe.
72.What does the underlined word “aroused” mean
A.开启 B.激发 C.培养
73.Why do many Americans like the tricycle
A.Because it’s cool and practical.
B.Because it’s popular and common.
C.Because it’s unusual and unmistakable.
74.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.The number of tricycle buyers in America is rising.
B.Americans are testing the company’s technology now.
C.It’s easy for the Chinese products to get into the markets.
75.What is the best title for the passage
A.The Development of Chinese Tricycles
B.The Popularity of Chinese Tricycles in America
C.The Trade of Tricycles Between China and America
B卷 (共50分)
补全单词根据首字母及句意写出完整单词。 (共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)
76.—How is your working condition
—It’s great. They p us with boiled water and air conditioner.
77.What a heavy rain! I forgot to take a(n) u with me.
78.We should eat more f vegetables and fruit. They’re good for our health.
79.Li Ming’s hometown is famous for grapes and m is famous for tea.
80.Noise is unpleasant, e when you’re trying to sleep.
二、完成对话 在空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。 一空一词(含缩写词)。(共 10 小题;每小题1分, 计 10分)
Alice: Hey, Tom, have you ever watched the 315 Gala on TV
Tom: No, but I’ve 81 of it. It’s the show that discusses 82 rights and shows bad products, right
Alice: Exactly! It’s shown annually on March 15th in China, showing products and services that 83 to meet standards.
Tom: What kind of products do they typically talk about
Alice: They cover a wide range (范围), 84 electronics, food, and services that could be unsafe to customers. Did you know they’ve found school things that were dangerous for children
Tom: Really Like what
Alice: Last year, they talked about colored pencils which are 85 used by kids contain (包含) harmful substances.
Tom: That’s alarming! Hopefully, the government has taken actions to deal with these problems.
Alice: So they have. School supplies are much 86 now. But can you believe that this year’s gala 87 our favorite snack, roadside grilled sausages don’t meet food safety standards
Tom: Really But we kids love those!
Alice: Yes, it’s a 88 snack. Unfortunately, it was shown that some vendors (摊贩) use unsafe practices and ingredients.
Tom: That’s worrying. We need to be more careful about what we eat, 89 when it comes to street food.
Alice: Absolutely. It serves as an important reminder for both parents and children to put food safety first and 90 products wisely.
Tom: Wow, I should start watching it too. It seems like a useful way to stay informed and safe.
三、短文填空从下面方框中选出10个单词,将其正确形式填入短文,使短文意思正确通顺 (每词限用一次)。(共 10 小题;每小题1分, 计10 分)
accident advantage choose complete different discover early history include introduce it purpose
From the Sanxingdui Ruins to the Nanhai No.1 shipwreck, plenty of 91 tell us a lot about China’s past. In consideration of their great 92 value, a culture reality show has come out to tell the stories of six cultural treasures, 93 the two mentioned above. The show named The Mystery of China not only shows us around these cultural treasures but asks experts questions to help us get a better understanding of them.
To narrow down (缩小范围) their 94 to six, the production team of the show visited many of China’s well-known cultural sites and compared them carefully. They also met a lot of challenges when making this show. Making a(n) 95 of these cultural treasures in the best way was among then.
“If we follow the time order, we’ll have to start from the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties or even 96 China’s history is so long that it’s impossible for us 97 that,” said Li, the show’s director.
“A collection of royal (皇家的) objects from the Tang Dynasty was 98 found by someone in a small village in Shaanxi in1970. Who hid them underground and why did, they do so We hope to help uncover all these mysteries to make people learn more about our nation and 99 shining culture.”
According to Li, “who we are” and “where we come from” are key questions. “We expect every person can get their answers after watching this show. That’s one of the show’s 100 ”, Li said.
四、阅读表达(共 10 小题;计10 分)
A. 补全短文 根据短文内容, 从短文后的A~F选项中, 选出5 个适当的选项补全短文。(共5小题;每小题1分, 计5分)
During the holiday, many people want to search for dazi (搭子) or activity partners on Xiaohongshu or Weibo for travelling. 101 . Everyone has his or her own opinion. In some ways, finding dazi is a new form of social contact (社交) for young people.
Unlike friendship, the idea of dazi is simple—people with the same interests come together to join an activity. 102 . It helps people find someone with the same hobbies and doesn’t take them too much time. With one or a few dazi, people have more fun in the activities.
A girl called Mu Qing, a high school student from Hangzhou, enjoys talking with her meal dazi when she is having lunch. “We love to share our ideas about the food and find other fine food,” said the girl, “ 103 .”
Also, dazi sometimes may give you some big surprises. “Once, my game dazi and I did something wrong when playing the game. 104 . We were both very happy. By playing the game together, I find I do better in communicating and working with others now,” said another girl.
105 . People may lie on the Internet. For example, a young and beautiful girl on the Internet may be an old, short and heavy man in real life. Therefore, think twice before finding dazi.
A.But we worked together and finally won the game
B.Dazi can appear in many different ways in daily life
C.Dazi is usually helpful, but it can be dangerous sometimes
D.This has brought heated discussions among young people
E.If my meal dazi doesn’t come to school one day, I will be upset
F.More than 60% young people find it hard to talk with people
B. 完成图表 根据短文内容, 完成图表中所缺信息。(共5 小题;每小题1分, 计5 分)
Have you noticed that many people around you seem to be listening to audio books these years It’s actually a change in the whole nation. According to a report on Chinese people’s reading habits, 32.7% of Chinese adults had the habit of listening to audio books when they were free in 2021, and the percentage is still rising. As a result, more and more publishing houses publish new books in print together with their audio and digital versions to meet the needs of different readers.
So, what makes audio books so popular Well, here are some advantages of listening to audio books.
First of all, in a busy life, not everyone is patient enough to sit down and read the book unhurriedly, but with audio books, people can listen to them when they are driving, cooking, working, and so on.
Second, although books can make a room look better, it might not be the case with someone who lives in a small space. Audio books are easy to get from a computer or smartphone, and they needed no space in the room.
Third, when making audio books, people use modern technology, which doesn’t require any link or paper. By doing so, plenty of trees are saved and no pollution will be caused.
Fourth, for some people, reading can be a tiring chore. This isn’t to say that books are boring, but not everyone can enjoy themselves in books for many hours. Only books can include music, voice acting and emotional inter relations that make people feel more excited.
But even with these advantages, people shouldn’t give up one printed books. The smell of print and the physical feel of paper can provide people with a completely different experience.
A National 106 : Listening to Audiobooks
Facts *Nearly one 107 of Chinese adults had the habit of listening to audiobooks in 2021. *The percentage is rising. *More books are offered in different forms to satisfy different readers.
108 *First, Audiobooks can help people make good use if their time. *Second, audiobooks are 109 to get from a computer or smartphones and take up no space. *Third, making audiobooks causes no 110 *Fourth, audiobooks make people more excited than printed books.
Writer’s opinion Printed book shouldn’t be totally replaced by audio books.
五、书面表达(计15 分)
初中三年,白驹过隙,转眼毕业在即。假设你是九年级A 班的李华,你所在的班级计划举办一场告别初中的晚会 (a farewell party)。请你撰写一份发言稿,谈谈三年来你的成长和收获,你对未来的期待,以及你对同学或老师们的祝福。
1.80—120词,开头已给出, 不计入总词数;
Dear teachers and classmates,
As we are going to say goodbye to junior high school days, I am filled with a mix of feelings—joy for the happy days we’ve spent together and excitement for the journey that lies ahead.
Li Hua
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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