Unit5 A party 专项练习--单选题(含答案)

Unit 5 A party-单选题
1.When you go to a western party, you can’t ______. ( )
A.take a red packet B.be a few minutes late C.take a gift
2.—Do we have to ______ up for her birthday party ( )
—Yes, we do.
A.put on B.dress C.wear
3.Put ______ your coat when you go out. ( )
A.out B.on C.in
4.Who’s the man ______ a white shirt ( )
A.with B.wears C.in
5.He ______ his coat and went out. ( )
A.dresses B.put on C.wear
6.What ______ she ______ to do at the party ( )
A.does; do B.is; going C.does; going
7.She is going to ______ her mother’s coat for the Fancy Dress Party. ( )
A.dress B.wear C.in
8.My uncle ______ to Nanjing next Sunday. ( )
A.want to go B.is going C.went
9.Is he going to have a dancing lesson ______ ( )
A.yesterday B.every day C.this Sunday
10.Helen and Yang Ling ______ table tennis this afternoon. ( )
A.is going to play B.are going to play C.are playing
11.There ______ a lot of fun at the party. ( )
A.are B.will be C.will
12.Look at the black clouds in the sky. It ______. ( )
A.rains B.is going to rain C.rained
13.There __________ a concert (音乐会) in Nantong next week. ( )
A.was B.will have C.is going to be
14.When you go to a Western party, you shouldn’t ________. ( )
A.arrive too early B.be a few minutes late C.bring a gift
15.—_____ are they going ( )
—They are going to the playground.
A.What B.Where C.How D.where
16.Let’s _____ a play on Christmas Day. ( )
A.put on B.put off C.put up D.put into
17.There _____ a football match in Suzhou next month. ( )
A.was B.is going to be C.is going to have D.is going to
18.______ a concert next Saturday. ( )
A.There will be B.Will there be C.There can be
19.There is going to ________ a football match tomorrow evening. ( )
A.be B.is C.have D.has
20.In a healthy diet, there is ________ fruit and vegetables. ( )
A.a few B.a little C.a lot of D.a lot
21.Annie with her friends ________ watch a film in the cinema the day after tomorrow. ( )
A.is going to B.are going to C.goes to D.go to
22.It was Children’s Day yesterday. The children were very ______. They played ______ at the party. ( )
A.excited; happily B.excitedly; happy C.excited; happy
23.People like playing ______ football, but Tom and Bobby______. They like playing ______ violin. ( )
A.the; doesn’t; / B./; doesn’t; the
C.the; don’t; / D./; don’t; the
24.Look at the sign. It means you can’t smoke here. ( )
A. B. C.
25.Look at the black clouds in the sky. It ______ this afternoon. ( )
A.rains B.is going to rain C.rained D.rain
26.选出下列字母组合中发音不同的一项。( )
A.clown B.slow C.how
27.Who’s going to buy some fruit ______ the party ( )
A.at B.to C.for
28.They ______ kites tomorrow. ( )
A.fly B.flew C.are going to fly
29.It’s May 30 today. Helen _______ a party with her friends on Children’s Day. ( )
A.want to have B.had C.is going to have D.has
30.—What does it ______ ( )
—It ______ “No eating”.
A.mean; means B.means; mean C.mean; mean
31.Alice thought the tea party was _____. (Alice in Wonderland) ( )
A.interesting B.stupid C.nice
32.The students _____ the library after school tomorrow afternoon. ( )
A.are cleaning B.are going to clean C.cleaned
33.________ the children going to have a party or watch a film for Mike’s birthday ( )
A.Are B.Was C.will
34.Just then, Liu Tao ________ with some balloons. ( )
A.is going to appear B.is appearing C.appeared
35.—____ is going to buy snacks and drinks for the party ( )
—Wang Bing.
A.Where B.Who C.What D.How
36.—_______ is the birthday party going to end ( )
—_______ five o’clock in the afternoon.
A.When; At B.Where; On
C.When; On D.What; At
37.—What’s the weather like in the UK ( )
—It’s sometimes _______.
A.rain B.raining C.rainy D.rains
38.Are you going shopping ( )
A.你要去购物吗? B.你去购物了吗?
39.The snow show will begin tomorrow.下面划线部分字母组合发音,哪一个与所给例词发音不相同:( )
A.clown B.know C.slow
40.Let’s buy some fruit. ( )
A.让我们买点食物吧。 B.让我们买点水果。
41.I’m so sad, there’s just ______ water in the bottle. I’m too thirsty! ( )
A.a little B.a few C.few
42.My uncle from the US will have a birthday party at 6:30 this evening. I should take a gift and go to the party at _________. ( )
A.6:00 B.6:35 C.7:00
43.What are the twins going to do _________ the party ( )
A.to B.on C.for
44.Feifei is going to _______ a film. ( )
A.watches B.watching C.watch
45.The bus came here. Just then, the rain _______. ( )
A.stopped B.stops C.is going to stop
46.Willy told a story _______ the party. ( )
A.at B.to C.in
47.There ________ a concert in Huai’an next month. ( )
A.was B.is going to be C.are
48.Let’s ______ a play. ( )
A.put on B.put out C.put off
49.—What _____ you wear yesterday ( )
—I _____ my new coat.
A.did; wore B.do; wore C.are; wear
50.He ______ busy this week. He ______ free next week. ( )
A.was; is B.is; will C.is; will be
51.I will buy a birthday cake ______ Lily and bring it ______ the party. ( )
A.for; to B.to; for C.to; at
52.I can play_____ football, but she can play _____ guitar. ( )
A.the; the B.the; / C./; the
53.—Here are some balloons for you. ( )
A.Thank you. B.Yes, please. C.You’re welcome.
54.—_____ are you going to have the party ( )
—Next Thursday.
A.What B.Where C.When
55.Yang Ling _____ a toy tiger tomorrow. ( )
A.bought B.buys C.is going to buy
56.We usually go to school ________ 7:30 ________ the morning. ( )
A.at; on B.in; in C.at; in
57.Lily is going to think ________ some ideas. ( )
A.of B.in C.by
58.My sister is reading a book ________ cartoons. ( )
A.for B.of C.about
59.—Do you like _______ football ( )
—No, I don’t.
A.Australia B.Australian C.Japan D.China
60.What do you want to ________ ( )
A.go B.be C.going
1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.B
11.B 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.A 17.B 18.A 19.A
20.C 21.A 22.A 23.D 24.C 25.B 26.B 27.C 28.C
29.C 30.A 31.B 32.B 33.A 34.C 35.B 36.A 37.C
38.A 39.A 40.B 41.A 42.B 43.C 44.C 45.A 46.A
47.B 48.A 49.A 50.C 51.A 52.C 53.A 54.C 55.C
56.C 57.A 58.C 59.B 60.B




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