
1.-- Don't buy the things in this shop.They're too ______.
-- Yeah,we shouldn't buy things at such a ______ price.(  )
A. dear,high B. high,dear C. cheap,high
2.Mike can play the guitar well,______ his brothers _______.(  )
A. and,don't B. but,aren't C. but,can't
3.-- What would you like to have for supper,Jack?
-- ______ noodles ______ rice is OK.(  )
A. Either,no B. Only,and C. Either,or
4.-- Remember to wear your snow boots,Alice.There ______ this afternoon.
-- OK,mom.(  )
A. is snowy B. is going to be snowy
C. will be snow
5.-- You like Friday because the next day is Saturday!
-- Haha!That's ______.(  )
A. all right B. right C. a good idea
6.The town has changed a lot.There are ______ more visitors than before.(  )
A. much B. many C. a lot of
7.-- ______ is it from your home to the museum?
-- About ______.We need to take a taxi.(  )
A. How far,15 minute's ride B. How far,15 kilometers
C. How long,15 kilometers
8.-- Oh,Peter,you have a pet dog!
-- Yes,my parents bought it for my birthday.______ fun it is to play with the lovely dog!(  )
A. What a B. What C. How a
9.—________ is the sports watch?
—The red one on the shelf?Oh,it's 10 dollars.(  )
A. What color B. Where C. How much
10.—Our class starts at 7:45.
—Well,it's ________ now.We have a quarter for a rest (休息).(  )
A. seven thirteen B. a quarter to eight C. half past seven
Students learn their lessons in class.They(1) ______ in the classroom,listening to the teacher.This is a way(2) ______ .Is this the only way for students to learn?Of course not.There is(3) ______ way to learn.That is students can teach themselves.(4) ______ ,if you cannot remember something when you are doing your homework,what will you do?You can look up your book to(5) ______ the answer.How to teach yourself?The first thing you must do is reading.(6) ______ something you are interested in.(7) ______ is that you must ask yourself questions.A clever student is(8) ______ good at asking questions.That's the way they get good grades(成绩).The third is to(9) ______ the questions yourself so that you can think them over.These are the ways to learn by yourself.If you keep doing like these for a long time,you are sure to have great progress(进步) in(10) ______ study.
11.A. dance B. sit C. stand
12.A. of learning B. for learning C. learn
13.A. other B. another C. the other
14.A. Like B. Such as C. For example
15.A. look B. find C. learn
16.A. Write B. Read C. Talk
17.A. Second B. The two C. The second
18.A. usually B. never C. not
19.A. ask B. answer C. listen
20.A. your B. their C. our
21.Fendouzhe is a Chinese submarine(潜水艇). (1) ______ It came back to Sanya,Hainan Province in China on March 11,2023,after a long trip in the sea.Fendouzhe finished 189 dives(潜水).25 of them got a depth(深度) of over 10,000 meters. (2) ______ All 102 people dived into the sea with the submarine with 29 people diving to a depth of over 10,000 meters in it.It dived in the Kermadec Trench(沟) and the Diamantina Trench.Fendouzhe did many things in its dives. (3) ______ It also took back rocks,sand,and animals.Fendouzhe helped us learn more about our earth and the seas. (4) ______ It also showed us how great China's technology(科技) is. (5) ______
A.We all should be happy for our country.
B.It showed us how wonderful the nature is.
C.It took pictures and videos of the sea floor.
D.It can take people to explore(探索)the sea.
E.They can know about the weather on the radio.
F.That is more than any other submarine in China or other countries.
TV PROGRAMS(节目) for August 25,2019
Channel(频道)101 Channel 103 Channel 21
18:00 Around the U.S.A 17:45 IT School 18:00 World Sports News
18:30 Popular music 18:30 Children's World 18:30 Soccer in Africa
19:50 Asia(亚洲) 19:40 Math class 20:00 Basketball Stars
20:40 Talk show 20:40 Let's Learn Chinese 21:20 Fly your dreams
23:00 OVER 21:30 OVER 22:30 OVER
22.If you want to watch soccer,you can choose ______ .
A. Channel 101 B. Channel 103 C. Channel 21
23.Math class in Channel 103 lasts(持续) ______ .
A. forty minutes B. one hour C. 30 minutes
24.Channel 21 ends at ______ .
A. 23:00 B. 21:30 C. 22:30
25.From the chart,we see Channel 103 is mainly (主要地) for ______ .
A. students B. women C. doctors
26.Which of the following is TRUE according to the form above? ______
A. Talk show starts at 23:00.
B. Soccer in Africa is showing at the same time as Popular music.
C. Channel 21 ends earliest.
Sam lives in New York.His father has a shop and his mother is a doctor.He's seven years old now and has begun to go to school this autumn.It's a little far from their shop and his father drives a car to take him to school every day.So he's never late for class and his teachers like him.
It's Monday today.Miss Hunt is teaching them to count the numbers from one to ten.Sam is studying hard.Soon he can count them.Miss Hunt is happy and asks, "How many people are there in your family,Sam?"
Sam stands up and says, "Two,Miss Hunt."
"Who are they?"
"My father and mother."
"Oh?" Miss Hunt is surprised.She says, "There're three people in your family."
"But now I'm not at home.I'm at school,you know!"
根据短文内容判断正、误。(正确的 "A" ,错误涂"B")
27.From the passage we know that Sam lives in America. ______
28.Sam's school is very far from their shop. ______
29.Sam's father drives him to school every day. ______
30.There are two people in Sam's family. ______
31.Miss Hunt is very happy because Sam soon can count numbers. ______
32.Jack is a thirteen-year-old boy.He is from California,the US.Jack likes to read a newspaper in the evening.And his favourite cartoon is Garfield.
Now let's go to have a look at his house.He lives in a two-floor single family house(独栋小楼).It is not far from his school.Jack's father has a car,but Jack rides to school.Jack's house has a garden.It's not big,but Jack's parents grow oranges,lemons,sunflowers(向日葵),peas(豌豆)and many other veggies and flowers in it.They can cook some of them for dinner.
After supper,Jack's parents often watch TV in the living room.But Jack's favourite place is his bedroom,he likes jumping on the bed.
根据语篇内容,回答问题。(每小题答案不超过 4 个词)
(1) How old is Jack?
(2) What is Jack's favorite cartoon?
(3) How does Jack go to school?
(4) Where do Jack's parents grown oranges,lemons,sunflowers,peas and many other veggies and flowers?
(5) When do Jack's parents often watch TV in the evening?
quietly because other water playing
far running quarter children danger riding
It's a fine Sunday.Now it's a(n)( 1) ______ past eight in the morning.My friends and I are having fun in a park.There are some(2) ______ people in the park,too.
Can you see a boy in red?He is(3) ______ a small but cute bike.There are two girls near him.They are reading their books(4) ______ there.Look!Some(5) ______ are playing a game called "hide-and-sick(捉迷藏)".They are happy (6) ______ the game is really fun.What is the boy by the river doing?He's playing with(7) ______ in the river.Oh,no,he may be in(8) ______ !Where are his parents?They're not(9) ______ from him.Luckily,they see their son playing by the river. "Don't play there.It's too dangerous," the mother says to the boy.And the father is(10) ______ to the boy.They must take good care of their son.
34.Mr.Wang is a 40-year-old man from Chongqing.This is his(1) ______ ( five) year in the UK.He has a Chongqing restaurant there.Maoxuewang and Laziji are two popular(2) ______ ( dish) in his restaurant.Many people come to eat them. (3) ______ number of customers (顾客) can reach 100 every day.
Mr.Wang is friendly,and he enjoys(4) ______ ( talk) with his customers.He tells them to have some spicy (辣的) food because it's good(5) ______ their health in this way.He is happy to help more people to know(6) ______ Chongqing food.
A young woman(7) ______ ( eat) spicy noodles at his restaurant right now.There(8) ______ ( be) some beef,cabbage and potatoes in them. "They are spicy for me,( 9) ______ so delicious," she says. "I would like(10) ______ ( visit) China one day and taste great food there.Chongqing will be my first stop." Food brings people together.Do you think so?
35.假如你是来自上海的小海,你的美国网友 Emma 发来电子邮件想要了解你的寒假情况。请根据所给信息,给 Emma 回复一封电子邮件,并说说你的新学期的计划。
②参观了中央大街(Central Street)和冰雪大世界(Ice and Snow World)
Dear Emma,
How are you ding?
Best wishes!
Yours, Xiaohai
【解析】dear贵的;high高的;cheap便宜的。dear和cheap表达不能和price连用,因而第二个空应为high;根据下文Yeah,we shouldn't buy things at such a high price.(是啊,我们不应该以这么高的价格买东西。),因而上文应是表达他们太贵了,第一个空应为dear。
【解析】A.表述错误;B.表述错误;C.或者......或者。either…or表示或者……或者,当其作主语,谓语通常遵循"就近一致" 的原则,当其作主语时,谓语通常由离其最近的名词单复数决定。根据题干可知,杰克觉得晚餐吃面条或者大米都可以,其中谓语is是单数,则此处应用either…or。
【解析】根据this afternoon可知,句子时态用一般将来时,本句为there be句型,其一般将来时结构为there will be或there is/are going to be,排除A;句子中缺少主语,snowy(下雪的)是形容词,不符合题意,排除B选项;snow在此处是不可数名词,意为"雪",符合题意。
掌握there be句型的一般将来时的结构,结合题干及选项正确作答。
【解析】 all right没问题,好吧(表达同意某人观点);right对的,正确的;a good idea好主意。根据上文You like Friday because the next day is Saturday!(你喜欢星期五,因为第二天是星期六!)可知,此处表达对方说的是对的,说话者就是这样认为的,right"正确的"最符合语境。
【解析】much用来修饰比较级,表示……的多;many很多,后跟可数名词复数;a lot of许多,后跟可数名词复数或不可数名词。根据more(更多的)是比较级可知,应该用much来修饰。
【解析】How far多远;How long多长时间;15 minute's ride表达有误,应是15 minutes' ride,"骑车十五分钟的路程";15 kilometers十五公里。根据第二空应填15 kilometers(十五公里)可知问句提问"多远"。
【解析】What color什么颜色;Where在哪里;How much多少钱。根据"Oh,it's 10 dollars."(哦,10美元)可知,此处询问价格,应用how much来提问。
【解析】seven thirteen七点十三;a quarter to eight七点四十五分;half past seven七点半。根据"Our class starts at 7:45."(我们的课7点45分开始。)以及"We have a quarter for a rest"(我们有一刻钟的时间休息。)可知,7点45分开始上课,还有一刻钟的时间休息,说明现在是七点半。
(2)考查介词+动名词。句意:这是一种学习方式。A学习的;B为了学习;C学习。a way of"一种……方式"符合语境。故选A。
(3)考查形容词。句意:还有另一种学习方法。A其他的;B另外一个(三者或三者以上);C两者中另外一个。根据前文This is a way(2).(这是一种……方式。)语境可知,应是还有另一种学习方法,故应用another。故选B。
(4)考查短语。句意:例如,如果你做作业时记不住什么,你会怎么办?A像……一样;B比如,用于列举事物;C例如,用于举例子。空后是举例子,故应用For example"例如"。故选C。
(6)考查动词。句意:读一些你感兴趣的东西。A写;B读;C交谈。根据前句The first thing you must do is reading.(你必须做的第一件事是阅读。)可知,应是读一些你感兴趣的东西。故选B。
(7)考查序数词的用法。句意:第二是你必须问自己问题。A第二;B两个;C第二。根据上文The first thing you must do is reading.(你必须做的第一件事是阅读。)可知,此处应是说第二是你必须问自己问题。序数词之前应加the。故选C。
(9)考查动词。句意:第三是自己回答问题,这样你可以仔细思考。A问;B回答;C听。根据后句These are the ways to learn by yourself.(这些都是自学的方法。)可知,应是第三是自己回答问题,这样你可以仔细思考。故选B。
(10)考查代词。句意:如果你长期坚持这样做,你肯定会在学习上取得很大进步。A你的;B他们的;C我们的。根据主语you (你)可知,空处应用your"你的"。故选A。
【解析】(1)细节推理题。根据上文Fendouzhe is a Chinese submarine.(《奋斗者》号是一艘中国潜艇。)可知介绍《奋斗者》号的信息。结合选项,应说"它可以带人们去探索大海"符合题意,故选:D。
(2)细节推理题。根据上文Fendouzhe finished 189 dives.25 of them got a depth of over 10,000 meters.(《奋斗者》号完成了189次潜水,其中25次潜水深度超过1万米。)可知介绍《奋斗者》号的潜水任务和历史意义。结合选项,应说"那比中国或其他国家的任何其他潜艇都多"符合题意,故选:F。
(3)细节推理题。根据上文Fendouzhe did many things in its dives.(《奋斗者》号在跳水中做了很多事情。)和下文It also took back rocks,sand,and animals.(它还收回了岩石、沙子和动物。)可知介绍《奋斗者》号的潜水过程中担负的任务。结合选项,应说"它拍摄了海底的照片和录像"符合题意,故选:C。
(4)细节推理题。根据上文Fendouzhe helped us learn more about our earth and the seas.(《奋斗者》号帮助我们了解了更多关于地球和海洋的知识。)和下文It also showed us how great China's technology is. (它也向我们展示了中国的技术有多么伟大。)可知介绍了《奋斗者》号的意义。结合选项,应说"它向我们展示了大自然是多么美妙"符合题意,故选:B。
(5)细节推理题。根据上文It also showed us how great China's technology is. (它也向我们展示了中国的技术有多么伟大。)可知介绍了《奋斗者》号向我们展示了科技的伟大。结合选项,应说"我们都应该为我们的国家感到高兴"符合题意,故选:A。
【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据Channel 21中18:30 Soccer in Africa(18:30《非洲足球》)可知,如果你想看足球比赛,你可以选择21频道。故选C。
(2)细节理解题。根据Channel 103中19:40 Math class(19:40《数学课》)20:40 Let's Learn Chinese(20:40《学习中文》)可知,103频道《数学课》持续一个小时。故选B。
(3)细节理解题。根据Channel 21中22:30 Over(22:30结束)可知,21频道22:30结束。故选C。
(4)细节理解题。根据Channel 103中17:45 IT School(17:45 《IT学校》)Channel 103中19:40 Math class(19:40《数学课》)可知,从图表中,我们看到103频道主要面向学生。故选A。
(5)细节理解题。根据Channel(频道)101中18:30 Popular music(18:30《流行音乐》)Channel 21中18:30 Soccer in Africa(18:30《非洲足球》)可知,《非洲足球》与《流行音乐》同时播出。故选B。
【解析】(1)细节判断题。根据第一段Sam lives in New York.(山姆住在纽约。)可知,山姆住在美国的纽约,所以该句正确。故填A。
(2)细节判断题。根据第一段He's seven years old now and has begun to go to school this autumn.It's a little far from their shop and his father drives a car to take him to school every day.(他现在七岁了,今年秋天开始上学。它离他们的商店有点远,他爸爸每天开车送他去上学。)可知,山姆的学校离他们的商店有点远,不是很远,所以该句错误。故填B。
(3)细节判断题。根据第一段It's a little far from their shop and his father drives a car to take him to school every day.(它离他们的商店有点远,他爸爸每天开车送他去上学。)可知,山姆的父亲每天开车送他去学校,所以该句正确。故填A。
(4)细节判断题。根据倒数第二段There're three people in your family.(你家有三口人。)可知,山姆家有三口人,不是两口人,所以该句错误。故填B。
(5)细节判断题。根据第二段Sam is studying hard.Soon he can count them.Miss Hunt is happy and asks,(山姆正在努力学习。很快他就能数数了。亨特小姐很高兴,问道,)可知,亨特小姐很高兴,因为山姆很快就会数数了,所以该句正确。故填A。
32.【答案】【小题1】Thirteen. / Thirteen years old. / He's thirteen years old. / 13. / 13 years old.
【小题2】Garfield. / It's Garfield. / His favorite cartoon's Garfield.
【小题3】He rides to school. / Jack rides to school. / By bike. / On a bike.
【小题4】In the garden. / In their garden./ In a garden.
【小题5】After supper.
【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Jack is a thirteen-year-old boy.(杰克是一个十三岁的男孩。)可知,杰克十三岁了。故填:Thirteen. / Thirteen years old. / He's thirteen years old. / 13. / 13 years old.
(2)细节理解题。根据第一段And his favourite cartoon is Garfield.(他最喜欢的卡通是加菲猫。)可知,他最喜欢的卡通是加菲猫。故填:Garfield. / It's Garfield.
(3)细节理解题。根据第二段Jack's father has a car,but Jack rides to school.(杰克的父亲有一辆小汽车,但是杰克骑车去上学。)可知,杰克骑车去上学。故填:He rides to school. / Jack rides to school. / By bike. / On a bike.
(4)细节理解题。根据第二段Jack's house has a garden.It's not big,but Jack's parents grow oranges,lemons,sunflowers(向日葵),peas(豌豆)and many other veggies and flowers in it.(杰克的房子有一个花园。它不大,但是杰克的父母在里面种了橘子、柠檬、向日葵、豌豆和许多其他蔬菜和花卉。)可知,杰克的父母在他们的花园了种植橙子、柠檬、向日葵、豌豆和许多其他蔬菜和花卉。故填:In the garden. / In their garden./ In a garden.
(5)细节理解题。根据第三段After supper,Jack's parents often watch TV in the living room.(晚饭后,杰克的父母经常在客厅看电视。)可知,杰克的父母晚上经常晚饭后看电视。故填:After supper.
【解析】(1)考查名词。句意:现在是早上八点十五分钟。根据past eight结合备选词可知,此处指"八点十五分",a quarter表示"十五分钟"。故填quarter。
(2)考查形容词。句意:这个公园里也有其他人。根据My friends and I are having fun in a park.(我和我的朋友正在公园里玩得开心。)可知,公园也有其他人,other"其他的",符合题意。故填other。
(7)考查名词。句意:他正在河里面玩水。根据in the river"在河里",可知是玩水,water"水",不可数名词,符合题意。故填water。
(8)考查名词。句意:噢,不,他可能有危险。根据He's playing with water in the river.(他正在河里面玩水。)可知,可能有危险,in danger"处于危险之中",固定短语。故填danger。
(9)考查形容词。句意:他们离他并不远。far from"离......很远",固定短语。故填far。
(10)考查现在分词。句意:爸爸正向儿子跑去。根据Luckily,they see their son playing by the river. (幸运地是,他们看到他们的儿子在河边玩耍。)可知,是爸爸正向儿子跑去,结合空前的is可知,该句为现在进行时,所以应填现在分词running。故填running。
【小题7】is eating
【小题10】to visit
(3)考查冠词。句意:每天的客户数量可以达到100个。根据of customers (顾客)可知,此处特指顾客的数量,所以应用定冠词the,句首首字母大写。故填The。
(4)考查动名词。句意:王先生很友好,他喜欢和顾客交谈。talk with"与......交谈",enjoy doing sth."喜欢做某事",固定短语,所以应填动名词talking。故填talking。
(5)考查介词。句意:他告诉他们吃点辣的食物,因为这对他们的健康有好处。be good for"对......有好处",固定短语。故填for。
(6)考查介词。句意:他很乐意帮助更多的人了解重庆的食物。know about"了解",固定短语。故填about。
(7)考查动词。句意:此刻,一个年轻女人正在他的餐馆吃辣面条。eat"吃",动词。根据时间状语right now(此刻)可知,句子应用现在进行时,构成形式为:be doing;主语是A young woman(一个年轻女人)是第三人称单数,故be用is,eat的现在分词是eating。故填is eating。
(8)考查there be句型。句意:里面有一些牛肉、卷心菜和土豆。分析句子可知,此处为there be句型。根据后句中的says可知,该句为一般现在时。在there be句型中,如果"be"后的主语是由and连接的两个或两个以上的名词,be的形式要遵循就近原则的原则。结合空后的some beef可知,是第三人称单数,所以be动词用is。故填is。
(10)考查动词。句意:我想有一天能访问中国,品尝那里的美食。visit"访问",动词。would like to do sth."想做某事",固定短语。故填to visit。
35.【答案】Dear Emma,
How are you ding?I am very happy to receive your letter.(表达收到来信的喜悦之情) During winter vacation,my parents and I went on a trip to Harbin.We visited Central Street and the Ice and Snow World.Although the weather is cold,the locals are very enthusiastic.(寒假情况)
The Chinese New Year is coming.I made a New Year's resolution this year.Firstly,I will help my parents with more housework,because I haven't done housework at all since I was born.So,I think it can make my parents happier.【高分句型一】What's more,I'll take up a new hobby like painting or learning to play the guitar.【高分句型二】I'll also make a weekly plan about my life.(新学期学习计划和生活计划)In my opinion,it's necessary to have a great plan.Although it may be too difficult to keep.As long as I try my best,it'll be finished.(感受)
Best wishes!
Yours, Xiaohai
So,I think it can make my parents happier.所以,我认为这可以让我的父母更快乐。think后面跟一个宾语从句。
What's more,I'll take up a new hobby like painting or learning to play the guitar.此外,我还会有一个新的爱好,比如画画或学习弹吉他。like doing sth表示喜欢做某事。



