
一、单项选择 从下列每题所给的四个选项中, 选择一个最佳答案。 (共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)
1.President Xi gave a New Year speech ________ the morning of January 1st, 2024.
A.in B.of C.at D.on
2.As a common cleaner in Taizhou, Tang Yerong doesn’t consider herself a great person of many achievements, but she still believes her ________ carries importance.
A.position B.pride C.personality D.progress
3.—As cold air gradually moves to the south, temperatures are expected to ________ by over 10℃ on Wednesday.
—You mean, I need to carry more heavy clothes.
A.drop B.reduce C.rise D.remain
4.“________ is young once in their life. Now is the time for you to make the most of your youth,” President Xi Jinping said in his speech.
A.Nobody B.Somebody C.Everybody D.None
5.We must make sure that visitors stay in safe areas, and sometimes close the tourist attractions if ________, to protect people from mountain floods.
A.possible B.necessary C.proper D.lucky
6.—I thought I would fail the exam, but I passed ________.
—Lucky you! But next time do more practice before exams.
A.above all B.in all C.of all D.after all
7.What can we know from the following instruction
Made according to the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States since 1903. Warnings: If you are pregnant(怀孕)and nursing, ask for the doctor’s advice first before using this product. Keep this and all medicines out of the reach of children. To be used according to the instructions. Questions 800-624-9659
A.The product is made according to the UK standard.
B.The product can be used in any situation.
C.The product must go beyond the reach of the children.
D.If you have any questions about the product, write to the company.
8.Which of the following points are possibly talked about in the article called “The trouble with teenagers”
①Making friends ②Life in Australia
③How our body changes ④The development of science
A.①② B.③④ C.①③ D.②④
9.—Are you sure that you won’t attend our tomorrow’s charity walk
—All right then, ________.
A.never mind B.that’s not the case C.don’t mention it D.if you insist
10.—If I am curious about Taizhou’s local culture, could you tell me ________
—Taizhou Museum would be a wonderful place.
A.where can I travel B.which place my first choice is
C.how I can go to Taizhou Museum D.if Taizhou Museum would be a wonderful place to visit
二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
Last summer, I went hiking along the riverside with my mother and some British friends. The river was not wide, but it was 11 fast. The rocks in the river were so slippery(滑的) that it was 12 for us to walk. We walked 13 , but the freezing water still flooded into our shoes and trousers. I was getting very cold and tired. I wanted to 14 , but when I saw other kids moving so fast, I felt ashamed(惭愧的). This encouraged me to keep following them, 15 I was far behind. It was even more difficult during the last part of the walk. I became so tired out that I 16 my steps and fell several times. But with the 17 of my mother and my friends, I got to my feet and kept going each time I fell.
At last, we arrived at our place by a waterfall(瀑布). Everybody 18 the pond from a high rock. When it was my 19 , I was very scared and tried to hide around a comer. My friends noticed this and 20 me: “Come on, Kevin! You can do this!” With my eyes 21 , I jumped into the pond.
Although I am not as 22 as my British friends, I 23 our walk. This experience made me 24 what perseverance(坚持不懈) is, and how important it will be to everyone in life! 25 I exercise hard every day, I can become strong like my British friends.
11.A.riding B.arriving C.flowing D.falling
12.A.hard B.dangerous C.easy D.cold
13.A.secretly B.carefully C.happily D.quickly
14.A.give up B.move on C.come over D.make up
15.A.as if B.ever since C.so that D.even though
16.A.found B.missed C.picked D.threw
17.A.offer B.attention C.control D.help
18.A.fell into B.jumped into C.went through D.came across
19.A.duty B.job C.turn D.choice
20.A.encouraged B.asked C.showed D.called
21.A.hurt B.painful C.open D.closed
22.A.pretty B.slow C.strong D.lucky
23.A.challenged B.completed C.changed D.stopped
24.A.admire B.realize C.wonder D.doubt
25.A.Whether B.As C.Although D.If
三、 阅读理解(共40分)
阅读下列短文, 根据内容选择最佳答案。(共20小题;每小题2分, 满分40分)
26.What are we suggested to cover our coughs and sneezes
A.Hands. B.Tissues. C.Arms. D.Masks.
27.Which description can go with Picture Two in the post
A.Stop coughs or sneezes with your elbows (肘).
B.Clean coughs and sneezes with your elbows.
C.Cough or sneeze into elbows when having no tissues.
D.Cover your mouths when others are coughing or sneezing.
28.According to the post, when shall we wash our hands
A.Soon after using hands to cover mouths and noses.
B.Just before wearing masks in public during a flu.
C.At least 10 minutes after covering mouths and noses.
D.As soon as we find running water and a soup.
29.Why did the writer recommend cough manners
A.To sell more tissues and masks to readers.
B.To stop virus from spreading in public places.
C.To kill many viruses around us easily.
D.To stop us from catching a cold.
30.Cough manners are one of the best ways ________ when we are having a flu.
A.to keep our noses and mouths clean B.to keep ourselves being polite
C.to keep ourselves from dirty masks D.to prevent others from getting sick
Have you ever heard an English idiom, understood every word used in it, but still been confused about what it means Don’t worry. Native (本土的) speakers experience this too. And there’s a good reason for it: Idioms get their meanings from how they are used. Here are some of the strangest English idioms.
If someone tells you that something really “gets their goat”, it doesn’t mean that a farm animal has been stolen! Instead, it means that something really annoys them and they may be very unhappy. While it’s not certain, some people believe this phrase comes from a horse racing tradition in which people would keep goats with horses before a race to keep them calm. So if their goats are taken away, their horses may get nervous. What will they think of it
Another strange animal donkey’s phrase is “donkey’s years”, used in British English to describe a very long time. This expression may come from a joke about the ears of a donkey, which are quite long. “Donkey’s ears” was changed to “donkey’s years” for talking about time.
Here comes the phrase “talk turkey”. An Indian and a white man went hunting (打猎) together and a wild turkey and a crow were all the results that day. The white man, made a decision and in the usual style of making a bargain (讨价还价) with the Indian in this way: “Now, you may have your choice: you take the crow, and I’ll take the turkey; or, if you’d rather, I’ll take the crow and you take the turkey.” The Indian knew that the white man wanted to take the turkey but he wanted to show that he was generous. So the Indian said, “You want the turkey, so you can take the turkey. Why not talk turkey to me a bit ” So “talk turkey” means “talk straightly”.
31.What does the writer advise us to do if we hear a strange idiom
A.To ask a native speaker B.To guess them creatively
C.To know how they are used D.To understand every word
32.The underlined phrase “annoys them” in Paragraph 2 means “_______”.
A.helps them win the race B.makes them very angry
C.makes them very happy D.calms them down
33.John, a British young man, tells you he has lived here for donkey’s years. What does he mean
A.He has lived a happy life for years. B.He has lived a hard life for years.
C.He has been like donkeys for years. D.He has lived here for a long time.
34.According to the last paragraph, the white man wanted _______.
A.either the turkey or the crow B.both the turkey and the crow
C.the turkey better than the crow D.neither the turkey nor the crow
35.The passage is mainly about English idioms which get their meanings from ________.
A.the stories behind them B.native speakers’ ideas
C.native English dictionaies D.the words they include
When Narayanswami was invited to a dinner by a friend who worked at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, she was excited. Many of the guests flew planes. “I must have expressed some yearning (渴望),” she says, because someone told her, “You should join the flying club!” The next day, Narayanswami, who was 57 at the time, arranged to meet a coach. I said, “Am I too old ” He said, “We’ve got students in their 80s.”
Narayanswami grew up in Southhall, west London, and at grammar school suffered terrible racist bullying (种族歧视). The library provided shelter (庇护) for her. But as she reached her late teens, she felt family stress for an arranged marriage. “I’m really against it,” she says. “But I want to be an astronaut! My mother made a promise, ‘If you get an education, we will not look for a husband for you.’ ” ① Narayanswami studied biology at Leicester University, then did a PhD (博士) at St. Andrew.
After that, she did postdoctoral(博士后) research at the University of California. “I didn’t feel I would be able to get away unless I did that.” she says. ② In 2020, aged 64, Narayanswami finished 423 flight hours she needed to get her pilot’s licence. Then she sent applications to NASA’s astronaut companies, but was always refused politely.
Even now, at 67, she says, “I haven’t been able to find out how to deal with it. It doesn’t go away.” ③
Flying has helped her out. It offers a different view. “I can see eagles, bears and mountain lions. I love the beauty of the clouds. They are like hills, but huger than our hills.” she says. New possibilities have appeared—Narayanswami chairs(担任主席) the board of the Ceneral Aviation Awards in the US. She is comfortable with this new job, but she still finds flying relaxing. She says, “In flight, I’m part of a huge network of people who are communicating by radio. There is no sense of skin colour. We are all tied together by our voices.” ④
36.How did the coach’s words sound to Narayanswami in Paragraph 1
A.Worrying. B.Interesting.
C.Encouraging. D.Boring.
37.What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 3 refer to(指)
A.Accepting a marriage.
B.Receiving an education.
C.Keeping a distance.
D.Making a promise.
38.How old was Narayanswami when she got her pilot’s licence
A.57 years old. B.64 years old.
C.67 years old. D.82 years old.
39.The sentence “The racist bullying she received as a child has formed a very long shadow(阴影),” should be put in ________.
A.① B.② C.③ D.④
40.What does flying bring to Narayanswami
A.A different view of life.
B.A good way of travelling.
C.A rich knowledge of wild life.
D.An excellent ability of study.
When you eat something, your stomach breaks down its large molecules(分子) into smaller ones. Many people like to eat pineapples(菠萝). So when you eat pineapples, they can “eat” you by breaking down the molecules in your body. Pineapples have certain enzymes (酶) that can break down proteins (蛋白质). Many smaller molecules like the pearls(珍珠) come together to form the long pearl necklace of a protein. You can cut a necklace with scissors. In the same way, the enzymes in pineapples “cut up” proteins.
All living things have proteins. They are an important part of the cells (细胞) in your body. If an enzyme can break down a protein, it can break down cells as well. So will the cells of your tongue (舌头) when you eat pineapple. This is why your mouth will hurt if you eat too much pineapple.
But luckily, the cells in your tongue cure itself fast. And after you have swallowed the pineapple, the special enzymes will be broken down by your stomach. It won’t “eat” you any more.
Why does pineapple have these enzymes Some scientists believe that they are created by the pineapple to prevent animals from eating its fruits before they are ripe (成熟的). Once the fruit is ripe, its enzymes won’t hurt an animal’s tongue and the fruit will be okay to eat.
Another reason is that the enzymes help the seed (种子) to grow up. They play an important role in sending messages to the cells of the plant. These messages tell the cells when to start and stop growing. Without these enzymes, the seed may not be able to properly develop.
41.In Paragraph 1, the enzymes in pineapples are compared to (被比作) ________.
A.scissors B.necklaces
C.proteins D.pearls
42.The underlined word “swallowed” in Paragraph 3 can be put in Sentence ________.
A.The meat went bad so he it out after he tasted it.
B.This kind of pill should be whole, with some warm water.
C.The blackboard should be by the students on duty before class.
D.The stars from behind the clouds, shining directly into my house.
43.According to the passage, what can be put in the blank “ ” to complete the following mind map
A.When pineapple “beats” stomach
B.What the important body part is
C.Why pineapples have the enzymes
D.When people eat an pineapple
44.What can we infer (推论) from the passage
A.Proteins are the most important role in body.
B.Some fruits have certain self-protection skills.
C.Pineapples are not healthy fruits.
D.Enzymes are harmful to pineapples.
45.What is the best title for the passage
A.Do You Eat Pineapples B.How Pineapples Grow up
C.Why Pineapples Are Delicious D.Can Pineapples “Eat” You
第二部分 非选择题(55分)
四、任务型阅读 阅读下面短文, 请根据短文内容, 在文后表格中填入恰当的单词, 每空 一词。 (共10空;每空1. 5分, 满分15分)
Are you required to jump the rope for the senior high school entrance examination Do you like the idea
Well, forget about the exam and just enjoy the sport. Here are four healthy reasons why you should do the sport.
It is a kind of full-body exercise.
Jumping the rope, unlike other sports, works on the whole body and it requires almost all of the muscles(肌肉)to work as well as your shoulder, arms, belly and legs. And when jumping, you also make the joints(关节)in your ankles (脚踝)and feet strong. If you love jumping tricks like crossing your arms, you will work your back and chest muscles.
It is great for the brain.
When you skip while breathing deeply, you are able to clear your mind. This kind of exercise can also help you pay full attention to one subject. Also it helps improve your memory and reading skills because both the right and left sides of the brain are active while you are skipping. What’s more, it improves your mood, too.
It is great for the heart and lungs(肺).
Jumping increases your heart rate which then makes the heart muscles work harder as they make blood run through your body. Try jumping the rope for just one minute. Then you will find yourself breathless. When you are out of breath, you are improving your lung power.
It is great for the bones.
When jumping the rope, you are placing more stress on your bones. This, in turn, makes your bones stronger. As people get older, their bones become easier to break. For people with weak bones, it’s better to choose to do proper jumping exercises.
Jumping the rope: a good sport for your 46
Great for the 47 body Making almost all muscles, shoulders, arms, belly and legs 48 Making the joints 49
Great for the brain 50 your mind Improving your 51 Improving memory and making you do well in 52 Improving your mood
Great for the heart and lungs Making heart muscles work harder Improving the 53 of lungs
Great for the bones Making the bones stronger by 54 more stress on them Being a good 55 for people with weak bones
五、综合填空 (共10空;每空1. 5分, 满分15分)
Major General Jing Haipeng, one of the first generation of Chinese astronauts, is the first Chinese person 56 (return)to space and travel three 57 (time)into orbit. On Tuesday, he would carry out a fourth space journey through Shenzhou XVI mission. So far, he 58 (be)a crew commander for the third time.
Born to a poor family in a village in Shanxi province’s Yuncheng city, Jing is the first child of his farmer parents. Jing studied very hard at school in the hope of 59 (go)to university to get the family out of poverty and make his parents happy. So he never 60 (buy)a single meal at middle school and lived on dry food and salted vegetables he brought from home. “The hard life had not only given me the courage to face so many 61 (difficulty)and challenges, but also inspired(鼓舞)me to chase my dream.” he said. “At middle school, I wished I could become a fighter jet pilot, protecting our motherland’s blue skies.” Jing said. The chance soon came in March 1985, the young man applied and took part in the choice process successfully. Three months 62 (late), he went to an Air Force flight college in Baoding, Hebei province. After five and a half years of strong training, Jing was designated to a fighter jet unit at the age of 24.
“I always told 63 (I)that top pilots only come from those who train hardest.” Jing said. In the years in the fighter jet unit, he 64 (consider)as an excellent pilot. In the summer of 1996, Jing was told 65 (experience)physical exams by his leader without knowing the reason. He soon learned that the body check was part of the choice for China’s first astronauts.
66.学会表达自我,对培养青少年心理健康具有重大意义。或许,你想对父母说一声“我爱你”;或许,你想对老师、同学说一句“谢谢你”;或许,你想对身边的人说一句“对不起” ……请将“I want to say _________”补充完整,并根据以下提示写一篇文章。 要点提示:
1. What would you like to say
2. Who do you want to say it to
3. Why do you want to say that Try to tell the story.
4. After saying that, what’s your feeling
1. 语意连贯,层次清楚,书写规范;
2. 表达中切勿提及真实姓名和校名;
3. 内容要涵盖所有要点,可展开合理想象,适当发挥;
4. 词数100词左右。
I want to say ___________
考查介词辨析。in用在世纪、年、季节等前;of……的;at后接钟点或正午;on后接具体到某一天的时间或具体某一天的早晨。根据空后“the morning of January 1st”可知,指的是具体某一天的上午。故选D。
考查名词辨析。position位置,职位;pride骄傲,自豪;personality性格;progress进展。根据“As a common cleaner in Taizhou, Tang Yerong doesn’t consider herself a great person...but she still believes...”可知前后句为转折关系,她不认为自己有多么伟大,但是仍然认为自己清洁工的这份工作很重要。故选A。
考查动词辨析。drop下降,下跌;reduce减少;rise上升;remain保持。根据“You mean, I need to carry more heavy clothes.”可知是气温要下降。故选A。
考查不定代词辨析。Nobody没有人;Somebody某人;Everybody每个人;None没有一个。根据“...is young once in their life.”再结合常识可知每个人一生只年轻一次。故选C。
考查形容词辨析。possible可能的;necessary必要的;proper合适的;lucky幸运的。根据“to protect people from mountain floods”可知,这里指必要时关闭旅游景点,故选B。
考查短语辨析。above all尤其,首先;in all总共,总计;of all在所有……当中;after all毕竟,终究。根据“I thought I would fail the exam, but I passed”可知,此处指的是“终究还是通过了”,故选D。
考查细节理解能力。The product is made according to the UK standard.该产品根据英国标准制造;The product can be used in any situation.该产品可以运用于任何情况;The product must go beyond the reach of the children.该产品必须放在孩子触及不到的地方;If you have any questions about the product, write to the company.如果你有任何问题可以写信给公司。根据“Keep this and all medicines out of the reach of children.”可知需要把药品放在孩子触及不到的地方。故选C。
【详解】句意:在题为“青少年的烦恼”的文章中,可能会谈到以下哪几点?① 交友 ②澳大利亚生活 ③ 我们的身体如何变化 ④科学的发展
考查常识。根据“The trouble with teenagers”及常识可知交朋友及身体的变化是青少年的常见烦恼。故选C。
考查情景交际。never mind没关系;that’s not the case事实并非如此;don’t mention it别提了;if you insist如果你坚持的话。根据“All right then”可知是答应参加慈善活动。故选D。
考查宾语从句。宾语从句用陈述语序,排除A选项;根据“Taizhou Museum would be a wonderful place.”可知,是问自己可以去哪里学习泰州的地方文化,B选项“我的第一选择是哪里”符合语境,故选B。
11.C 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.D 16.B 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.A 21.D 22.C 23.B 24.B 25.D
hard困难的;dangerous危险的;easy容易的;cold冷的。根据“ The rocks in the river were so slippery(滑的)”可知石头很滑,因此走在上面是很困难的。故选A。
give up放弃;move on继续;come over顺便拜访;make up化妆,组成。根据“but when I saw other kids moving so fast, I felt ashamed”可知但当我看到其他孩子动作如此之快时,我感到羞愧,因此作者是想放弃,才会羞愧。故选A。
as if似乎;ever since自从;so that以便;even though虽然。根据“This encouraged me to keep following them,… I was far behind. ”可知句子前后是转折让步关系,应用even though引导。故选D。
found发现;missed错过;picked挑选;threw扔。短语miss one’s steps表示“失足,踩空”。故选B。
offer提供;attention注意;control控制;help帮助。短语with the help of sb表示“在某人的帮助下”,符合语境。故选D。
fell into落进去;jumped into跳进去;went through穿过;came across碰见。根据后文的“I jumped into the pond.”可知我跳进了池塘,因此大家都跳了进去。故选B。
duty义务;job工作;turn转变;choice选择。短语one’s turn表示“轮到某人”。故选C。
encouraged鼓励;asked询问;showed展示;called打电话。根据“Come on, Kevin! You can do this”可知是鼓励我自己。故选A。
pretty美丽的;slow慢的;strong强壮的;lucky幸运的。根据后文的“I can become strong like my British friends.”可知我可以像我的英国朋友一样变得坚强,因此此处表示不像他们一样强壮。故选C。
admire羡慕;realize实现,意识到;wonder想知道;doubt怀疑。根据“what perseverance(坚持不懈) is”可知作者意识到了坚持不懈是什么。故选B。
Whether是否;As随着,当;Although虽然;If如果,是否。根据“I exercise hard every day, I can become strong like my British friends.”可知前半句是条件,后半句是结果,应用if引导的条件状语从句表示。故选D。
26.B 27.C 28.A 29.B 30.D
26.细节理解题。根据“Cover your coughs and sneezes with tissues”可知咳嗽和打喷嚏时用纸巾捂住。故选B。
28.细节理解题。根据“Wash hands at once after using hands to cover your mouth and nose”可知用手捂住口鼻后应立即洗手。故选A。
29.细节理解题。根据“Reasons for recommending cough manners Many viruses are spread through coughing, sneezing or hand touching; Viruses are spread more widely and easily in crowded public places”可知作者介绍咳嗽礼仪是为了防止病毒在公共场所传播。故选B。
30.推理判断题。根据“Reasons for recommending cough manners Many viruses are spread through coughing, sneezing or hand touching; Viruses are spread more widely and easily in crowded public places”可知许多病毒通过咳嗽、打喷嚏和手部接触传播,由此推出当我们患流感时,咳嗽礼仪是防止别人生病的最好方法之一。故选D。
31.C 32.B 33.D 34.C 35.A
31.推理判断题。根据“And there’s a good reason for it: Idioms get their meanings from how they are used.”可知英语中一些习语难以理解的原因是:这些习语从它们怎样被使用中得到其意义,所以推断如果我们听到一个奇怪的习语,作者建议我们去了解它被使用的背景,故选C。
32.词义猜测题。根据“and they may be very unhappy”可猜测其应是与unhappy“不高兴”意义相似,结合备选项,故选B。
33.细节理解题。根据“Another strange animal donkey’s phrase is ‘donkey’s years’, used in British English to describe a very long time”可知在英语中“donkey’s years”用来描述一段非常长的时间,故选D。
34.细节理解题。根据“The Indian knew that the white man wanted to take the turkey”可知白人想要火鸡,故选C。
36.C 37.B 38.B 39.C 40.A
36.推理判断题。根据“The next day, Narayanswami, who was 57 at the time, arranged to meet a coach. I said, ‘Am I too old ’ He said, ‘We’ve got students in their 80s.’”可知Narayanswami本来还是有点担心自己的年龄,听了教练的话,她深感鼓舞,故选C。
37.词义猜测题。根据“My mother made a promise, ‘If you get an education, we will not look for a husband for you.’ ”(我妈妈答应过我,“如果你接受了教育,我们就不给你找丈夫了。”)以及“I didn’t feel I would be able to get away unless I did that”可知此处that指代的是上文中提到的接受教育能帮助她摆脱包办婚姻,故选B。
38.细节理解题。根据“In 2020, aged 64, Narayanswami finished 423 flight hours she needed to get her pilot’s licence”可知Narayanswami 64岁时获得飞行员执照。故选B。
39.推理判断题。根据“I haven’t been able to find out how to deal with it. It doesn’t go away”结合上文介绍可知Narayanswami到现在还不能摆脱小时候受到的种族主义欺凌,所以这句话适合放在③处,故选C。
40.细节理解题。根据“Flying has helped her out. It offers a different view.”可知飞行给Narayanswamiami带来了对生活的不同的观点。故选A。
41.A 42.B 43.C 44.B 45.D
41.细节理解题。根据“You can cut a necklace with scissors. In the same way, the enzymes in pineapples ‘cut up’ proteins.”可知你可以用剪刀剪项链。同样,菠萝中的酶“切割”蛋白质。因此是把酶比作剪刀。故选A。
42.推理判断题。根据“ And after you have swallowed the pineapple, the special enzymes will be broken down by your stomach.”可知……菠萝后,特殊的酶会被你的胃分解。因此swallowed表示“吞下”,因此放在选项B合适,意为“这种药片应该整片吞下,并服用温水”。故选B。
44.推理判断题。根据“Why does pineapple have these enzymes Some scientists believe that they are created by the pineapple to prevent animals from eating its fruits before they are ripe(成熟的).”可知,一些科学家认为,菠萝创造这些酶是为了阻止动物在它的果实成熟前,吃它的果实,由此可以推知,一些水果有某些自我保护技能。故选B。
46.health/body 47.whole 48.work 49.strong 50.Clearing 51.attention 52.reading 53.power 54.placing 55.choice
46.根据“It is a kind of full-body exercise.”,“It is great for the brain.”,“It is great for the heart and lungs(肺).”和“It is great for the bones.”,及通读全文后可知,跳绳是一项全身运动,它对大脑、心脏、肺和骨头都有好处。即跳绳对人的身体或健康是有益的,空处可填名词health“健康”/body“身体”。故填health/body。
47.根据右侧内容和“Jumping the rope, unlike other sports, works on the whole body”可知,跳绳作用于全身,空处应是whole。故填whole。
48.根据“it requires almost all of the muscles(肌肉)to work as well as your shoulder, arms, belly and legs”可知,跳绳几乎需要所有的肌肉以及你的肩膀、手臂、腹部和腿都工作起来。make sb./sth. do sth.“让……做某事”,此空应是动词原形work。故填work。
49.根据“And when jumping, you also make the joints(关节)in your ankles (脚踝)and feet strong.”可知,跳绳会让脚踝和脚的关节强壮。故填strong。
50.根据“When you skip while breathing deeply, you are able to clear your mind.”可知,跳绳会让你理清思绪,此空应用动名词clearing。故填Clearing。
51.根据“This kind of exercise can also help you pay full attention to one subject.”可知,跳绳有助于你全神贯注在一个主题上,即跳绳能提高人的注意力,空处应是attention。故填attention。
52.根据“Also it helps improve your memory and reading skills”可知,跳绳也有助于提高记忆及阅读技能,此空应是动名词reading。故填reading。
53.根据“Try jumping the rope for just one minute. Then you will find yourself breathless. When you are out of breath, you are improving your lung power.”可知,仅仅是跳绳一分钟,你就会感到气喘吁吁,而当你上气不接下气的时候,其实你正在提高你的肺活量,此空应是power。故填power。
54.根据“When jumping the rope, you are placing more stress on your bones. This, in turn, makes your bones stronger.”可知,跳绳会使你对你的谷歌施加更大的压力,这反过来会让你的骨骼更强壮。即跳绳会通过向骨骼施加更大的压力来使它们更强壮,空前是介词by,此空应用动名词placing。故填placing。
55.根据“For people with weak bones, it’s better to choose to do proper jumping exercises.”可知,对于骨骼较弱的人来说,最好选择做适当的跳跃运动。也就是说,跳绳对于骨骼较弱的人来说是一个好的选择。空前是a,此空应用名词单数choice“选择”。故填choice。
56.to return 57.times 58.has been 59.going 60.bought 61.difficulties 62.later 63.myself 64.was considered 65.to experience
56.句意:景海鹏少将是中国第一代宇航员之一,是第一位返回太空并三次进入轨道的中国人。the first person to do“第一个做……的人”,固定搭配,所以此空应填return“返回”的不定式形式,故填to return。
57.句意:景海鹏少将是中国第一代宇航员之一,是第一位返回太空并三次进入轨道的中国人。根据“...travel three...into orbit.”可知,此处表示three times“三次”,故填times。
58.句意:到目前为止,他已经是第三次担任机组指挥官了。根据“So far”可知,本句为现在完成时,其构成为have/has+done,又因为主语he为第三人称单数,所以谓语动词用三单,故填has been。
62.句意:三个月后,他去了河北保定的一所空军飞行学院。根据“Three months..., he went to an Air Force flight college in Baoding, Hebei province.”可知,此处表示三个月后,three months later“三个月后”,故填later。
63.句意:我一直告诉自己,顶尖的飞行员只来自那些训练最刻苦的人。根据“I always told...that top pilots only come from those who train hardest.”可知,此处表示景海鹏告诫自己,所以此空应填I的反身代词形式myself,故填myself。
64.句意:在战斗机部队的几年里,他被认为是一名优秀的飞行员。he与consider为被动关系,其构成为:be+done,又因为“In the years in the fighter jet unit”可知,本句为一般过去时,主语he为第三人称单数,be用was,故填was considered。
65.句意:1996年夏天,景在不知道原因的情况下,被领导叫去参加体检。be told to do“被告知去做某事”,固定搭配,所以此空填experience“经历”的不定式形式,故填to experience。
I want to say thanks to my mom
There are lots of people around me in my daily life. But I would like to say thanks to my mother, not only for her love, but also for her help when I’m in trouble.
Once I failed my exam, and it made me so upset. When I arrived home, my mother comforted me patiently instead of punishing me. She told me it was common for students to fail in exams and she used to get poor grades, too. Hearing this, a feeling of being understood crowded in my heart. Then, she helped me find out the reasons why I failed the exam and gave me some suggestions which were useful to me. I followed the suggestions and got a good grade again finally.
In my opinion, my mother is so selfless that she has given me a lot but never asks for anything in return. It is my mother who fills my world with happiness and love. It is my mother who gives me courage to overcome unknown difficulties. I’m supposed to express my thanks to my mother.
②instead of而不是
【高分句型】①my mother is so selfless that she has given me a lot but never asks for anything in return.(so...that引导的结果状语从句)
②It is my mother who fills my world with happiness and love.(强调句)



