
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分
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第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
( )1. What kind of music does the boy like
A. Pop music. B. Rock music. C. Soft music.
( )2. What will the weather be like tomorrow
A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Snowy.
( )3. Who prefers to go skating
A. Andrew. B. Molly. C. Their friend.
( )4. What's the possible relationship between the speakers
A. Mother and son. B. Guide and tourist. C. Teacher and student.
( )5. What did the boy do last Friday
A. He went to work.
B. He stayed at home.
C. He looked after his grandma.
第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题。
( )6. When is the girl's mother's birthday
A. This Friday. B. This Saturday. C. This Sunday.
( )7. What does the boy like to buy
A. A scarf. B. A pair of sports shoes. C. A basketball.
( )8. What is the girl doing
A. She is reading a book.
B. She is writing an e - mail.
C. She is listening to music.
( )9. Who will go to Shanghai with Frank
A. His father. B. His friend. C. His brother.
听下面一段独白,回答第10 至第12 三个小题。
( )10. How many sports can be chosen in this term
A.4. B.5. C.6.
( )11. What does the speaker think of soccer
英语 第 1 页(共8页)
A. Meaningful. B. Difficult. C. Interesting.
( 12. Where did the speaker have the training
A. At school. B. In the park. C. In the gym.
听丁面一段对话,回答第13 至第15 三个小题。
( )13. What did most people do for a living in the past
A. Helped in the factory. B. Worked on the land. C. Repaired the machines.
( )14. When did the people get up every day
A.6:00 a. m. B.7:00 a. m. C.8:00 a. m.
( )15. How did the people go far away
A. By driving a car. B. By taking a bus. C. By riding a horse.
第三节 听下面一篇短文。按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
评卷人 得分
AI is now an everyday technology, as common as e-mail or online video. AI is changing how we live. No wonder the UK's Collins Dictiona-ry has named“AI”as its Word of the Year. Here are some excellent AItools in“Time's Best Inventions of AI”.
Midjourney You can get creative and beautiful pictures by sending sentences to it. The picture will be done at once. It can design different styles and col-ors for you. And you don't need to download the app, you can just use it on the website on line.
FeaturePrint How can we tell a real thing from a fake(假的) one Feature Print helps. It is an app using AI. Take a photo of something like gold, a watch or a pair of shoes. Then, the app“sees”the photo carefully and it tells you whether the thing is real or not.
Chat GPT It allows you to have human-like conversations. The language mod-el can answer questions, and help you with tasks such as writing e -mails, articles, and novels. You can also ask the app for help coming up with creative holiday gift ideas for different family members.
英语 第2 页(共8页)
Google GEMINI AI Gemini Take a look at Google's most progressive app, it can make you feel excited. It can help you with texts, pictures and videos. It does well in a test that includes 57 subjects, such as math, history and so on.
Trail Guard AI It helps to protect wild animals. Small cameras on it keep an eye on animals and look out for poachers(偷猎者). It has already helped to catch 30 poachers in Africa.
What could AI do in the future We will have to wait and see.
( )21. If you want to design a picture of your ideal room, which AI tool can help you
A. Chat GPT. B. Midjourney. C. FeaturePrint. D. AI Gemini.
( )22. Who is probably interested in FeaturePrint
A. A student who loves chatting online.
B. A designer who likes drawing pictures.
C. An engineer who is always busy with work.
D. A man who wants to buy an expensive watch.
( )23. What do Chat GPT and AI Gemini provide in common
A. They can have human–like conversations.
B. They can come up with the creative ideas.
C. They can help you with tasks about writing.
D They can do well in different kinds of tests.
( )24. How does Trail Guard AI help to protect wild animals
A. By catching the poachers.
B. By feeding the healthy food.
C. By driving the poachers away.
D. By watching and checking the poachers.
( )25. Where is the text most probably from
A. A health report. B. A travel guidebook.
C. A movie poster. D. A technology magazine.
Old Mrs. Fang lived alone in a small cottage in the country. She preferred
a very simple life with little contact with the outside world. The nearest town
was many miles away.
One day a car stopped outside her cottage and a young man got out. He
took a large cardboard box out of the back of the car and carried it to her
front door. Then he put the box down on the path and rang the bell.
As soon as Mrs. Fang opened the door, the young man started talking.
“Good morning, madam. What a lovely cottage you have. You must spend a lot of time keep-ing it so clean.”
“Well, yes, I do. But...”
The man continued his sales talk without paying any attention to what she said.“You may say that you have plenty of time, but there is more to life than sweeping the floor.”
The young man opened the cardboard box and took out a vacuum cleaner(吸尘器).
“With this machine, you can clean your house in a very short time,”he said.
英语 第 3 页(共8 页)
“Well, yes, but ...”Mrs. Fang began, but the young man interrupted her again.
“I will show you,”he said, and before she could stop him he walked into the house.
He put the cardboard box on the floor and took out a huge bag. He opened the bag and poured terrible mixture of dirt all over the floor.
“Please, you mustn't...”Mrs. Fang shouted, but the young man did not listen.
“Don't worry,”he said, as he stamped the dirt into the carpet(地毯) with his foot and then
spread it all over the carpet.“This machine will clean it away in seconds. This is the finest
vacuum cleaner in the world.”
He smiled at Mrs. Fang.“If you'll just show me where the outlet is,”he said,“I'll turn
the machine on and show you how to use it.”
“But I've been trying to tell you,”the old lady said.“There isn't any electricity in this cot-tage!”
( )26. Why did the young man come to visit Old Mrs. Fang
A. Because he wanted to show himself.
B. Because he wanted to help the old lady.
C. Because he wanted to talk to Old Mrs. Fang.
D. Because he wanted to sell his vacuum cleaner.
( )27. Which word can best describe the young man
A. Serious. B. Lucky. C. Impatient. D. Lonely.
( )28. The underlined word“outlet”refers to .
( )29. What is the correct order according to the text
a. The young man took out a vacuum cleaner.
b. The young man couldn't show his machine.
c. The young man stamped the dirt into the carpet.
d. The young man came to Old Mrs. Fang's cottage.
e. The young man poured a bag of dirt all over the floor.
A. a-b-d-c-e B. d-b-a-c-e C. a-d-e-c-b D. d-a-e-c-b
( )30. What can we learn from the text
A. Learn to listen to be effective.
B. Care and hard work bring good luck.
C. Everything comes to him who waits.
D. Helping others will benefit yourself as well.
Tibetan antelopes were one of China's top ten most endangered animals.
Ev-ery year from May to August on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau(青藏高原), Tibet-an antelopes travel hundreds of kilometers to have their babies.
Their trip is hard. They have to cross railways and roads. Some antelopes die because of the bad weather. Some die because of the accidents. The food
and wa-ter shortages are also problems for them.
To make their trip easier, people have made more than 30“wildlife corridors(通道)”. Awildlife corridor can be natural or man-made. If highways or cities get in the animals' way, they can still move freely and safely through the corridor. Tibetan antelopes are careful about dangers a-round them. So China makes special corridors under highways or railway bridges. The corridors are
英语 第4页(共8页)
big. Antelopes can easily look around when they pass through. Acoording to some research, the
population of Tibetan antelopes in China has been recovering little by little and is presently
more than 300,000.
In Europe, there are small and dark tunnels(隧道) for small animals, like mice and turtles(海龟). In the US, people make ropes or bridges between trees for squirrels(松鼠).People are trying hard to make corridors for animals' lives.
It is not hard to get along with wild animals. Just give them a little more space. They can have a bigger chance to live better.
( )31. What makes Tibetan antelopes' trip hard according to the text
a. The human hunting. b. The accidents. c. The bad weather.
d. The water shortage. e. The natural enemy attack.
A. b, d,e B. a, b,d C. a,c,e D. b, c, d
( )32. How do people help the Tibetan antelopes
A. They make small and dark tunnels for them.
B. They make boats for them to cross the rivers.
C. They make ropes or bridges between trees for them.
D. They make special corridors under highways or railway bridges.
( )33. Which paragraph tells what people do for small animals
A.② B.③ C.④ D.⑤
( )34. What is the structure of the passage (P= Paragraph)
( )35. What's the best title for the text
A. How to protect wild animals B. Tibetan antelopes are in danger
C. Corridors for animals' lives D. Hard trips for the wild animals
The art of Chinese paper cutting, or jianzhi, has been practiced for thou-sands of years. It has decorated (装饰) countless homes. To this day, it is still a popular form of art across our country.
The art form is said to date back to the Han Dynasty(朝代).
36 It was used mainly for writing and making important notices. During the Tang Dynasty, Chinese people started using paper for artistic expression.The
paper cuttings can be seen as animals, plants and traditional Chinese symbols.
Paper cutting became popular.
In the past, paper cuttings were usually used as decorations for festivals. Today, red paper cuttings of the zodiac animals(生肖动物) are still common sights during Chinese New Year. These paper cuttings are put up on windows and doors. 37
38 First, the artist chooses a design and draws it on a piece of paper.
Then, the artist carefully cuts out the design. As the last step, the finished
paper cutting is pasted on a door or wall.
39 It is also a symbol of Chinese culture. In recent years, Chinese paper
cutting has been enjoyed by people all over the world. It is used not only for
decorations, but also in fashion , de-sign, advertising and more areas.
Now people are trying to keep this tradition alive. 40 They
want to make sure that it will be passed down to many more young people.
A. Making a paper cutting takes several steps.
B. During that time, the paper was very expensive.
C. They are believed to bring good luck for the new year.
D. They are working hard to protect the art form from disappearing.
E. Chinese paper cutting has become more than just a traditional art form.
36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
评卷人 得分
先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。
Aaron loved running and was the fastest in his class, he won every race at school and was al-ways proud to be number one.
One day a new student named Justin joined Aaron's class. Justin was also a fast runner. He was not only 41 in running but also hardworking for the practice.
He liked 42 with others and enjoyed being the winner.
In this new term, there was a school running race, that would be Aaron and
Justin's first bat-tle(对决). How Aaron wished*he could win the race! So he was 43 about it. Aaron had a 44 at the beginning, but in the second half of the
race, he ran out of energy. He tried his best but he was so nervous and tired that he fell down to the ground. Justin crossed the finish line 45 before Aaron stood up.
Aaron was 46 , he had always been the first and now he was the second. SeeingAaron's disappointment, his teacher Miss Lucifer sat down next to him.“Aaron,”shesaid.“It's OK not to be the first. The important thing in a race is not to win but to 47 . What matters is that you did your best. You ran a good race and that's what counts. Just as the most important thing in life is not the success but the 48 .”
When Aaron came home, his mother found his 49 because Aaron went into his room without a word. His mother kept 50 him after knowing what had happened.“In our life, we al-ways want to be the champion, 51 it is in school or personal life.However, it is important to 52 that not everyone will win the championship. Winning isn't everything. What matters is that you enjoyed running and did your best.”his mother 53 .
From that day forward, Aaron was no longer obsessed(执着) with being the first.He still loved running and 54 to do his best. Whenever he crossed the finish line,no matter what the 55 was, there was always a big smile on his face.
( )41. A. excited B. talented C. surprised D. encouraged
( )42. A. competing B. working C. communicating D. playing
( )43. A. curious B. confident C. active D. serious
( )44. A. lead B. look C. progress D. rest
( )45. A. easily B. quickly C. luckily D. perfectly
( )46. A. heartless B. disappointed C. hateful D. dishonest
( )47. A. take over B. take up C. take on D. take part
( )48. A. creativity B. knowledge C. efforts D. happiness
( )49. A. secret B. difference C. fear D. story
( )50. A. comforting B. asking C. hurting D. praising
( )51. A. but B. if C. whether D. because
( )52. A. understand B. point C. consider D. imagine
( )53. A. shouted B. said C. cried D. replied
( )54. A. agreed B. continued C. remembered D. expected
英语 第 6 页(共8页)
( )55. A. skill B. method C. position D. weather
评卷人 得分
第一节 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。
time change send alone rule strong feel cool train she
The night she finished filming for YOLO. Jia Ling sat 56 by her bed and ate five packs of chocolates.
“At that moment, I 57 so great.” the actress and film director said.
By then , Jia had lost 50 kilograms. As a result, the cute, heavy comedy ac-tress turned into a 58 , strong woman. When she appeared on the big screen with the new look, people were shocked. They talked about her weight loss 59 and praised her determination(决心).
“YOLO”is short for“you only live once.”It is the message that Jia aims to 60 to people through her new film. This film is not about weight loss, nor it is much about boxing.“It's a film that tells the story of how a kind person finds 61 true self and learns to love herself,”Jia said in an interview.“I hope the people see that she has become 62 , not just thinner.”
Jia also sang the song for the movie,“There is still 63 for everything, you are the most beautiful in the world. Don't try to fit yourself into those so - called 64 . Don't think of 65 something.”
“This is what I always wanted to say,” she said.“There is still time for everything. Remem-ber to love yourself.”
56. 57. 58. 57. 60.
61. 62. 63. 64. 65.
第二节 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。
MBTI is a personality test. Many people in China are crazy about it now. Are you an“I”(I=introverted 内向的) person 66 an“E”( E = extroverted 外向的) person The topic is widely discussed online.
I am an“I” person. I'm a shy girl 67 doesn't like being around peo-|ple. I am quiet when I am in groups. I enjoy being alone. I am good at writing novels, maybe I could be a writer in the future.
I am an“E”person. I am pretty outgoing. My friends call me a social but-terfly. I like to go out and meet new people all the time. I enjoy being 68 center of attention. I do well 69 sports and my dream is to be a basketball player.
When you take a personality test, you may think, Oh, that's me. That's because the descriptions are common. They can be used 70 describe many people. So, don't take it too seriously. You can be both an“I” person or an“E”person. Don't label (标签) yourself!
66. 67. 68. 70. 68.
英语 第 7 页(共8 页)
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A:Hi, Richard. Long time no see.
B:Hello, Albert. The summer vacation is coming.71.
A:I plan to travel to some interesting places and read more books. How about you
B:72. . The match will be held in Beijing during this vaca-tion.
A:Do you want to be a basketball player when you grow up
B:Yes, that is always my dream. I started basketball training when I was a little boy.
A:73. . I believe the people with dreams surely will make some achievements.
B:Thanks, my friend.74.
A:Of course, I'd like to go with you.75.
B:Yes, I have been there many times, I can show you around Beijing after the match.
A:OK,I hope we can have a wonderful time there.
评卷人 得分
成功的第一步永远是付诸行动,如果不勇于尝试,再多的想法也无济于事。在你的学习和生活成长历程中,哪一次尝试令你印象深刻 请你以“An Unforgettable Try”为题,根据以下要点和要求,用英语写一篇短文,向学校校刊英语专栏投稿。
2) 词数 100 左右。
An Unforgettable Try
英语 第 8 页(共8页)



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