山东高九年级中考英语模拟考试试题(适用人教版)(含答案 无听力音频 无听力原文)

(满分150分 考试用时120分钟)
1.A Let’s play basketball . B.Be quiet,please . C.Have a great time !
2.A.Lily has long black hair . B.John is taller than me . C.Tony wears glasses .
3.A.Do you like dancing B.Are you free this Friday C.Does she do housework
4.A.Jim won ' t arrive on time . B.Tom didn’t eat ice-cream . C.I don’t agree with you .
5.A.How was your weekend B.What’s the table made of C.Whose schoolbag is this
6.What will Jack do in the evening
A.Play basketball . B.Have a class . C.Go swimming .
7.Where will the speakers meet
A.In the store . B.At the bus station . C.At the airport .
8.How does the man go to the post office
A.By bus . B.On foot . C.By bike .
9.What’s the relationship between the two speakers
A.Husband and wife . B.Teacher and student . C.Doctor and patient .
10.When will the meeting begin
A.At 8:50. B.At 8:20. C.At 9:10.
11.What’s Tony doing
A.Playing computer games . B.Watching TV-at home . C.Listening to music .
12.What is Tony interested in doing now
A.Collecting stamps . B.Playing the piano . C.Playing football .
13.How much did the DVD cost
A.15 dollars . B.30 dollars . C.40 dollars .
14.What's Maria’s hobby now
A.Singing . B.Swimming . C.Dancing .
15. Why did Maria give up the hobby she used to have
A.It cost her a lot . B.She was so busy . C.She likes to keep changing .
16.What does Yang expect the most during the Spring Festival
A.Wearing new clothes . B.Taking family photos . C.Having a big dinner .
17. When did Yang start taking photos
A.In the 1940s. B.In the 1950s. C.In the 1960s.
18.How was Yang’s childhood
A.Painful . B.Happy . C.Colorful .
19.Who gave Yang the idea to record the family
A.His friend . B.His son . C.His grandson .
20. What is the family like
A.Fair . B.Rich . C.Warm .
21.When can John begin if he wants to take the riding class after school on weekdays
A.At 8a. m . B.At 9a. m . C.At 3p. m . D.At 5p. m .
22.How much should ten-year-old John and his father pay for taking the riding classes
A.$25. B.$35. C.$60. D.$70.
23.John’s father wants to learn about bicycle parts . Which class should he choose
A.Level 1. B.Level 2. C.Level3. D.None .
24.Which of the following is the best to be filled in
25.What is the main purpose of the text
A.To give information about the riding classes .
B.To advise people to exercise by riding bicycles .
C.To encourage people to take part in bicycle races .
D.To tell people the importance of road - riding safety .
26.When can people go to the flower sale
A.At 8 a.m. on Monday . B.At 3 p.m. on Friday .
C.At 8 a.m. on Sunday . D.At 5 p.m. on Saturday .
27.Where can you buy flower pictures
A.On the playground . B.In a classroom . C.In a garden . D.At a park .
28.What can you buy in the sale
A.Garden tools . B.Plant food . C.Teapots . D.Vegetables .
29.What’s the phone number of Frank
A.555-0216. B.555-0924. C.555-0593. D.555-0765.
30.What is the purpose of the flower sale
A.For a friend’s birthday . B.For Mother’s Day .
C.For the beautiful garden . D.For sick kids .
Scientists from Washington State University invented a robot.It-could help old people with dementia(痴呆)or people who have difficulty living by themselves in their own homes .
The Robot Activity Support System,or RS,sessensors1tofind out-where its owners are,what they are doing and when they need help with daily activities.It runs around rooms to find people on its own and can even lead them to things like medicine or snacks in the kitchen .
At present,about 50% of the adults over-the age of 85 in the US need help with daily.activities such as cooking meals and taking medicine.The cost for this help is nearly S2,000 billion every year.That’s why scientists invented RAS.Scientists did a study to show how RAS could make life easier for older adults.In the study,they asked 26 young participants to complete three activities in a smart home with RAS.The participants needed to walk the dog,take medicine and water house plants.When the sensors found someone was struggling with one of the things,RAS received a message to help.The robot then used its sensors to find the person and provide help .
When scientists asked the participants about the robot,someone said ," When I get older,I prefer to have one in my home ." Others also thought so .
31.Which is NOT mentioned about RAS in the first two paragraphs
A.Who invented it. B.Who might need it.
C.How people invented it. D.How it helps its owners.
32.Which word can best describe the help for the adults above 85 in the US
A.Easy . B.Difficult . C.Careless . D.Expensive .
33.When did the robot provide help for the participants in the study
A.When they forgot to take medicine . B.When they went out to walk the dog .
C.When they watered the plants too much . D.When they had difficulty doing a thing .
34.What did most participants think of the robot
A.They thought it could be better . B.They thought it could help people a lot .
C.They thought it was not useful . D.They thought they didn’t need it .
35.What is the main idea of the passage
A.Home robots are very popular .
B.Aging will bring many problems soon .
C.Old people will look after themselves in the future .
D.Smart robots could help old people live easier .
Science shows why we trust people who are confident.Imagine this:one person tells a lie confidently,while another says something true in a hesitant voice.Which person would you trust
According to British scientist Dean Burnett,humans are far more likely to believe information expressed confidently by a confident person or in some other ways using confident language .
" Humans trusting confident people over those who are more uncertain is a known thing ," wrote Burnett for Science Focus magazine."When two people are trying to make a decision but each person says different things,confidently expressed arguments are seen as passing on better information,which decides the decision ."
Why is this the case As Burnett said,humans are social animals.In our ancient past,most of our information about the world came from our tribe, in other words,the people around us.So,if ancient humans heard someone confidently saying " There’s a tiger coming",believing what that person said could save our lives .
On a more personal level,we use our own experiences to understand what other people do and say.That’s how our brain works.When we are confident,it’s for good reason.Therefore,we believe that when someone else is being confident,They must have good reason,too .
However,we need to realize that confidently expressed information may be more persuasive (有说服力的),but that doesn’t mean it’s correct.As Burnett wrote,we are living in a more and more different world.Trusting very confident people without checking the facts can lead to " unexpected results ".
36.Which of the following has the same meaning as the underlined word " hesitant "
A.Confident . B.Excited . C.Active . D.Uncertain .
37.How did the writer start this passage
A.By asking a question . B.By listing the facts .
C.By telling a story . D.By offering a suggestion .
38.Which of the following person will people be most likely to trust
A.The person who is from the tribe . B.The person who says something in a hesitant voice .
C.The person who tells a lie confidently . D.The person who says something true uncertainly .
39.What can be learned from this passage
A.Confidently expressed all kinds of information is totally correct .
B.We should trust every confident people without checking the facts .
C.We use our own experiences to understand what other people do and say .
D.Confidently expressed arguments are seen as passing on worse information .
40.What’s the main purpose of this passage
A.To advise people to tell lies confidently .
B.To ask people to live in the tribe around us .
C.To explain why we trust people who are confident .
D.To show why people make friends with confident people .
Winston Churchill once said ,"We make a living by what we get,but we make a life by what we give ." These are certainly words that millions of volunteers could agree with .
In the US,April is National Volunteer Month,to praise and thank volunteers who lend their time,talent,and support to what they care about .
41 People who volunteer spend their time doing things they feel strongly about.For example,animal lovers may volunteer at an animal centre to help improve the treatment of animals .
Volunteering allows volunteers to meet new people , try out new skills and explore career choices . 42
Take Andrew Makhoul,a student at the University of Pennsylvania,as an example.Andrew didn’t spend his last spring break relaxing.Instead,the 19 year-old boy decided to do something for people who were less lucky than himself.He travelled to an orphanage in Guatemala in Central America . 43 And it depends on volunteers to stay open .
Andrew doesn’t speak much Spanish,but he found communication wasn’t a problem ,"You communicated with love," according to an article on his university's website.And what he gave out , he got back ," 44 " Andrew’s first time as a volunteer only lasted a week,but by the end of that week,he knew he’d be back soon-because he saw love and hope .
US author Sherry Anderson once wrote ," 45 " And this is perhaps why volunteers all around the world keep doing what they do their work is " priceless ".
A.It is in one of the poorest parts of the country .
B.You could see love when you looked in their eyes .
C.Volunteering means choosing to work without being paid .
D.It’s a chance for poor children to get better care and support .
E.For young adults , valuable lessons may also be learned through volunteering .
F.Life will be difficult , but I have the confidence to live a colorful and full life .
G.Volunteers don’t get paid , not because they’re worthless , but because they’re priceless .
A:Hey ! Guess what l’ve found !
A:Our team has already made 49 short videos about physics !
B:Wow! Wonderful !
A:We need to finish our new team work.How about making the fiftieth video this afternoon
B:47 Do you have any ideas on the new topic
A:Let me see.Well,why not make a video about how light travels
B:48 We just learned something about light in our physics class .
A:Right.I’m sure everyone is looking forward to knowing more about it .
B:So exciting ! I can’t wait to start .49
A:I think we can draw some pictures to show how light travels.But before we start,we’d better find more information on it .
B:I sec .50 When I get some,l’ll give you a call .
A:That’s very nice of you ! Let’s have more discussion on it later .
B:OK.See you then .
A:See you .
46.A.What ' s that B . Where are they made C . Who ' s winning D . Which one do you prefer
47.A.That’s not true . B.It’s my pleasure . C.You look worried . D.That sounds great .
48.A.I’m glad you can help . B.It looks beautiful .
C.It’s an interesting topic . D.There’s nothing serious .
49.A.Why did you choose it B.How can we do that
C.What do we need to bring D.When are you free
50.A.I had to finish my homework . B.You can make a form on the survey .
C.We are supposed to leave earlier . D.I’ll find some information on the Internet .
Many years ago,when we first went to Canada,we were 51 through Montana to Colorado with our two children,then aged 8 and 11. As it was getting late-we started looking for a hotel , only to find out that all the hotels were 52
Finally,around 9 o'clock in the evening,we stopped at a gas station to fill up on gasoline. My husband asked for a 53 and told the woman at the counter(柜台)that we were trying to find a hotel . When he was 54 , the woman,Linda,said she and her family 55 nearby and would be happy if we spent the night at her home .
She called her son to direct us , 56 she had to keep working at the gas station till midnight.When we reached their home,her husband 57 us.He invited us to have coffee and chat while we 58 for his wife.She came back after midnight.We asked if we could 59 in the early morning so as not to trouble them.They said we were now guests and we would have to have 60 with them .
In the morning we woke up to a table set for breakfast.Around the table were many of their 61 and friends.We ate breakfast,and when we were leaving,my husband asked if he could offer some 62 .
They would not hear of it and insisted(坚持)we were their guests.We left 63 by their spirit of hospitality and we were amazed that they would take in a family of total 64 from a different country.Over the years,we lost connection,but we have never forgotten their 65 .
51.A.running B.driving C.walking D.flying
52.A.full B.closed C.cheap D.expensive
53.A.meal B.room C.phone book D.ride
54.A.unfinished B.unsuccessful C.uncertain D.unforgettable
55.A.lived B.worked C.played D.traveled
56.A.so B.although C.unless D.because
57.A.refused B.recognized C.greeted D.accepted
58.A.headed B.looked C.waited D.cared
59.A.go away B.come back C.walk around D.stay up
60.A.coffee B.dinner C.juice D.breakfast
61.A.customers B.teachers C.workmates D.family members
62.A.help B.advice C.payment D.support
63.A.interested B.satisfied C.angry D.touched
64.A.strangers B.friends C.students D.children
65.A.courage B.kindness C.business D.purpose
Spring has arrived.It is a perfect time for you to fly kites.You can benefit a lot from flying kites,which not only helps build up 66 (you) body,but gets you relaxed.Are you curious about who created kites It is believed that kites 67 (invent) by the famous philosopher Mozi 2,500 years ago,during the Spring and Autumn Period.He used wood to create a " flying bird " that flew in the sky 68 a whole day.Later,kites were used by the armies to measure distance , test the wind , and rescue people .
During the Tang Dynasty,kites were used more as 69 tool for fun.At first,only royal family (皇族的) 70 (member) could play with kites.Gradually,they became popular with common people,who flew them in important events and festivals.Every year in spring when Tomb - swceping Day 71 (come), almost every household went out to fly the kite and had a picnic in sunny and windy days.It was a good time to display the kites 72 enjoy the warm weather and the fresh air .
Nowadays,flying kites 73 (become) a popular form of pleasure and competition at home and abroad . People like flying kites in local or international events 74 (show) their kite-making and kite-flying skills.The 75 (arge) kite museum of the world is in the city of Weifang,known as " Kite Capital of the World ",and every year,kite fans all over the world come to watch and take part in the annual International Kite Festival .
B:I think they are fun to watch .
77.-What did the little girl use to be when she met strangers
B:The old tree in front of the house was planted by my grandpa .
B:Yes,I have.I went there last year .
80.A:What is John doing
世界卫生组织和联合国儿童基金会将生活技能( life skills )作为全球青少年儿童发展的重要主题之一。请根据图中提示或自行补充其他生活技能,选择2-4条,写一篇英语短文,描述作为青少年应提高哪些及如何提高自己的生活技能。
1-5 ABBCA 6-10 BCBBC 11-15 CBBCA 15-20:BBACC
21—25 DCBDA 26-30 CBBAD 31-35 CDDBD 36—40 DACCC
46-50 ADCBD
51-55 BACBA 56-60 DCCAD 61-65DCDAB
66.your 67.were invented 68.for 69.a 70. members 71.came 72. and
73. has become / becomes 74.to show 75.largest
76.What do you think of/about the races
How do you like the races
How do you feel about the races
77. She used to be shy .
78.Who planted the old tree ( in front of the house )
What did your grandpa plant
79:Have you ( ever ) been to the Great Wall / Have you ( ever ) visited the Great Wall
80.John( He ) is riding a horse .



