
1-5 ACBAB 6-10 ACBCB 11-15 ABABC 16-20 EDABC
21-25ADCBD 26-30BCAAD 31-35AABDC 36-40CEABD
41-45ACBAB 46-50DACCB 51-55DABDD
56. felt 57. cheaper 58. followed 59. noises 60. them
61. waiting 62. drinks 63. stood 64. Luckily 65. smiled
66. best 67. of 68. an 69. so 70. also
71. Hi./Hello./Yes./Certainly./Yes, please...
72. What’s your name /Can(May)I have your name /...
73. I can help to clean the city park./I can help give people directions./...
74. Where is the center /Where /Where is it /...
75. You are welcome./No problem./Not at all./That’s all right./Don’t mention it./My pleasure./...
One possible version:
How to make friends
Everyone needs friends in lives. But it is not easy to make true friends. Here is my advice.
First, we should recognize the importance of making friends. In my opinion, a true friend is like a ray of beautiful sunshine. We can share our happiness and sadness with each other. When something worries us, our friends will help us deal with it. What’s more, we need to know how to make friends. The easiest start is to find something you can do with others. When you share the same experience and help each other, it’s easy for you to become good friends. Like my friend Jerry, who I met in my school’s sports club. We take part in many after-school activities. We share many good hobbies and always help each other.
I hope everyone can make true friends.
3. 第41-55题,每小题1分。凡与答案不符的均不给分。
4. 第56-70题,每小题1分。凡与答案不符的均不给分。
5. 第71-75题,每小题2分。句中大小写错误,每两个扣0.5分,单词拼写错误,每两个扣1分。答案不唯一。如果考生写出的句子符合英语表达习惯,且上下文意思连贯,无错误,应当给分。
6. 书面表达,20分。
(1) 本题总分为20分,按4个档次给分。
(2) 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言运用情况,结合书写质量初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整档次,最后再给分。
(3) 词数少于80和多于120的,从总分中减去2分。
(4) 评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的丰富性和准确性及上下文的连贯性。
(5) 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。
(6) 如书写较差以至影响交际,将其分数降低一个档次。
2) 各档次的给分范围和要求
写的内容均与所要求内容无关或所写内容无法看清。2023-2024 学年第二学期期中评估试卷
2. 客观题使用 2B 铅笔填涂;主观题使用 0.5mm 黑色签字笔书写,且必须在题号对应的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写无效。
第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
1. What is Bob doing on the playground now
A. Sitting. B. Watching a game. C. Playing games.
2. Where are the two speakers
A. In the library. B. In the shop. C. In the restaurant.
3. What time does Steve begin to read books
A.At 5:30 a.m. B. At 6:00 a.m C. At 7:00 a.m.
4. Why doesn't Lisa like Jack's new house
A. Because it's too small. B. Because it's near the bus station.
C.Because it's near the railway station.
5. How far is it from Lucy’s office to the bank
A. 3 km. B.4 km. C. 5 km.
第二节,听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. What does Alice often do after school
A.She watches TV. B. She plays soccer. C.She reads books.
7. When does Alice go shopping
A.On Sunday morning. B. On Sunday afternoon C.On Sunday evening.
8. What does Sarah want to do
A. To post a letter. B. To keep money.on C.To do some shopping.
9.How does the man ask Sarah to go there
A. By bike. B. By bus C.On foot.
听下面一段独白,回答第 10 至第 12 三个小题。
10.How many classes does Yang Lei have every day
A.Five. B. Six. C. Seven.
)11. What are Yang Lei's favorite subjects
A. P.E. and English. B. P.E. and music. C. English and music.
)12. How often does Yang Lei play ping-pong
A. Once a week. B Twice a week. C. Three times a week
听下面一段对话,回答第 13 至第 15 三个小题。
13. What is in Mary's wallet
A. A letter and a card. C. A photo and a card. B. A photo and a stamp.
14. How much money is it in Mary's wallet
A. About twelve yuan. B. About twenty yuan. C. About thirty yuan.
15. Where does Mary find her wallet
A. In a white box. B. In a black box. C.On a black desk
第三节 听下面一篇短文。按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。
17. 18. 19. 20.
二、阅读理解(共 20 小题,每小题2分,共 40 分)
Learning to ride a bike is a happy thing for children. Nowadays lots of students ride a bike to school. But some students don't obey the rules. Their parents and teachers are worried about this.
Today is Monday. We are having the class meeting and talking about bicycle (行车) safety rules. At the end of the class, we collect six ideas to ride in a safe way.
★Always wear your helmet(头盔).
★Don't use your cellphone when riding
★Be sure to keep to the right side of the road.
★Stop at all stop signs and stoplights.
★Use your left arm when you want to turn left or right.
★Never carry persons on your bike.
We should read the rules many times and remember them
21. Which picture means the second rule
22. How many bicycle safety rules are there
A. Five. B. Six. C.Seven. D. Eight.
23. What does the underline word “collect” mean in Chinese
A.收集 B.归还 C. 相信 D.数数
24. Most parents and teachers are about riding a bike to school for
A. coolB. Happy C.worried D. clever
25. The writer writes the passage to
A. show how to be a good student
B. show a story about the bike
C. tell students to obey the school rules
D. show the bicycle safety rules
Do you know Luohe Shenzhou Bird Park It is near 144 Jinjiang Road, Yuanhui District, Luohe City. It is a large bird culture theme park in China. There is a bird sound forest, crane(鹤)garden, parrot corridor (长廊), ancient (古代的) bird garden in it. Walking in the garden, you can see many kinds of birds. The park is open from09:00 to 18:00.
This is a weekend. Students in No.5 Middle School have a special (特别的) class in a different “classroom”. Mr. Zhao and his students walk to the park. Now they are looking at a wild bird. Mr. Zhao tells students something about the bird. It is called Crested Ibis (朱鹮). It is a white water bird with a bright red face and a long sharp (尖的) mouth. When they are hungry, they often eat worms, small fish and insects.“'
It's amazing. Things are so different. I want to know more." one student says.
Nature education (自然教育) becomes part of school life. Mr. Zhao tries nature education. He likes to have activities about nature for children. “Nature is generous(慷慨的) to us. Don't forget that we're all part of nature,"Mr. Zhao says, “Students are together with nature, care for nature and love nature. The goal of nature education is to teach children how to get along with (和谐相处) nature.”根据短文内容,选择正确答案。
26. Which of the following shows the picture of Crested lbis
27. What do Crested Ibis often eat from the passage
①plants ②worms ③small fish ④insects
A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④
28. When can you visit (游览) the park
A. 7:30 B.8:30 C. 11:00 D.19:00
29. How do Mr. Zhao and his students go to the park
A. By bus. B. By car. C.On foot. D. By subway.
()30. In which part of a newspaper can you probably read this passage
A. Sports. B. Art. C.Science. D. Education.
Do you have any books that you don't want to read any more Then you can go to a flea (跳蚤) market. It's a street market. In the market people sell second-hand or old things cheaply. The name “'flea market” comes from France. At first, people call it“market of fleas” because they think second-hand things would attract (吸引) fleas.
Sometimes the market may be in a school gym or on the school playground.Some schools in America hold (学办) a flea market once a year to raise money for special projects (特殊项目). Students think it's very interesting because they can see different old things. They can also sell their old things like books, toys, school-things and so on. American students like to look for some small objects like old money.stamps, dolls, bottles and baseball cards. Everything is 80% off in the market. For example, a doll is 100 yuan in the supermarket and you can buy it at 20 yuan in the flea market.
But you need to have a good eye when you go to a flea market because somethings are really nice, while others are junk. It is also better if you know what you want to look for before you go, or you might end up with many useless(无用的)things.
31. People can't buy at a school flea market.
A. the books B. the fleas C. the cards D. the bottles
32. If a book is 35 yuan in a bookstore, how much will you pay for it in the flea market
A.7 yuan. B.12 yuan. C.18 yuan. D. 28 yuan.
33.Where does the name “flea market’ come from
A.America. B.France. C.Canada D. Japan.
34. What can we know from the passage
A. All of things in the flea market are really nice.
B. It's not interesting to visit flea market.
C. You can buy everything you want in the flea market.
D. You can sell your old books in the flea market.
35. What is the best title for this passage
A. Buying old things. B. Shopping in the market.
C.The flea market. D. School life in America.
Do you know the meaning of these signs 36 You can often see them indifferent places. The first sign tells you not to drive too quickly. 37 If you seethe third sign in a shop, you know that it opens from Monday to Friday. The fourth sign can be seen in museums especially some large art museums. It means “No photos”.38 In some places like libraries and western restaurants, you must keep quiet when you see the next sign, or people will not be pleased. Maybe sometimes in some places we are not pet-friendly. For food safety, pets are not allowed (允许)in the supermarket and restaurant.39
Be careful to remember the signs.40
A. The second sign means that you mustn't turn left, but you can turn right
B. If you see the sign, you must put them in the cage(笼子).
C. Signs are very important in our life
D. It's good for you to live better.
E. People cannot take photos in these places
三、完形填空(共 15 小题,每小题1分,共 15 分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。
Ms. Miller is 4l teacher. One day she is teaching numbers to her student Eric, a seven-year-old boy.
“If I give you one apple and one apple and one apple, how 42 apples will you have ’ Ms. Miller asks.
“Four!Eric 43 without thinking.
Ms. Miller is surprised(吃惊的) because she thinks Eric knows the 44 answer. “Maybe the child doesn't hear me,” she thinks to herself.
Then she asks again,“Eric,45 carefully(认真地). If I give you one apple and one apple and one apple, how many apples will you listen ”
Eric doesn't 46 to make his teacher unhappy, 47 he counts again with his fingers. This time, he is very 48.“Four! he answers confidently(自信地).
Ms. Miller thinks maybe it's because the boy doesn't like 49. She knows he likes oranges.
So she asks a 50 time, “If I give you one orange and one orange and one orange, then how many will you have
Eric smiles and doesn't even have to use his fingers. He answers quickly.51 !”
Ms.Miller is very 52 because she thinks her new way of teaching works.Then she asks the fourth time, “Now if I give you one apple and one apple and one apple, how many will you have ”
Eric answers 53 once.“Four!’
Now the 54 is angry. She asks, “How, Eric, how ”
“Because I already have one apple in my 55 .” Eric says in a low voice (小声地).
A.music B. math C. physics D.biology
42. A.old B.long C. many D.much
43. A.asks B. calls C. tells D.answers
44. A.right B. hard C. great D. Fast
45. A.look B. listen C.sound D. hear
46.A.watch B.turn C. stop D. want
47.A.Because B. So C. But D. Before
48.A. quiet B. noisy C. sure D. easy
49.A. oranges B. apples C.pears D.bananas
50.A. first B.second C. third D. fourth
51.A.One B. Two C.Three D. Four
52.A.bored B. blue C. relaxed D. happy
53. A. at B.in C. for D. on
54. A. boy B.teacher C. student D.man
55.A.pencil-box B.shoe C.schoolbag D. photo
四、语篇填空(15 小题,每小题1分,共15分
第一节 |阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。
kind love
Parents’ love is very important to children. For kids, love is in the little things.Experts (专家)say“Parents should make quality(高质量的)time with 56 children.’
Here are some tips:
1. Take children to 57 activities. Spring is here and you can go outside toplay sports, have a picnic and enjoy different 58 of flowers with them. It's a good time for you to stay with your children.
2. Give them nicknames (昵称). Give your children some nicknames 59 Mouse, Bear, Bird and Monkey. These nicknames mean (意味着) that you 60 them.
3. Talk with your children very 61 For example, you can 62 them questions,“What do you want to be And 63 is your favorite subject, math,English or history Do you like your 64 or classmates ’
4. Eat meals together. If you are busy and can't have breakfast 65 lunch with your children, make sure to find time with them to have dinner.
56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
61. 62. 63. 64. 65
66 elephant and a monkey are good friends. They are both proud (傲慢的).There 67 a tall banana tree on the island (岛屿).They want 68 cross the river to the island and get some bananas. The elephant can go across the river. 69 he can't reach (够得着) the bananas because the tree is too tall. The monkey can't cross the river because the water runs too quickly.
“Get on my back and I can carry you," the elephant shouts. When they arrive there, the monkey says “Let me climb up.’
70 the end, both of them get the bananas. And they know they must help each other.
66. 67. 68. 69. 70.
五、补全对话(5 小题,每小题2分,共 10 分)
(Julio is a deliver (快递) boy and it's his first day at work.)
Julio: Excuse me, sir. 71 .
Man: Dahua Shopping Mall It's not far from here. Go along this street for two blocks and turn left.
Julio: Thank you, sir.
Man: 72 .
(15 minutes later)
Julio: Excuse me, can you help me
Woman:Yes. 73 .
Julio: I think I'm lost. I can't find Dahua Shopping Mall.
Woman: You're not far. Go up the Street and turn right at the corner.
74 .
Julio: Thank you.
(20 minutes later)
Julio: 75 .
Mrs. Taylor: Yes, I am Mrs Taylor,
Julio: I'm the deliver boy. Here is your pizza.
Mrs. Taylor: Thanks a lot.
六、书面表达(20 分)
假如你是 Mike,刚转到中国的一所学校读书,你的朋友 Bob 很担心你在新学校的生活,请根据提示信息给他写一封信,告诉他你适应并喜欢上了这里的学校生活。
4. 谈谈你的感受。
3.词数 80 左右(短文开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。
My School Life
Dear Jane,
Thanks for your last letter. Don't worry about my new school life here. I’m fine here because I like my school life.



