Unit7 Abilities 第四课时 Grammar部分 基础与能力提升练习 (无答案)

Unit 7 Abilities 基础练习第四课时
班级_____________ 姓名___________
Ⅰ.用can, can't, could, couldn't或may填空
1.—_____ Anna ride a horse now —Yes, she _____.
2.—_______ Bill Gates use a computer when he was three years old —No, he ________.
3.—_______________ I borrow some money from you
—Sorry, you _____. I don't have any.
4.I lost the key. So I ________ open the door yesterday.
5.My brother _____ play football well. He is a good player.
6.The man ________ drive a car last year. But now he _____ drive after training.
7.My uncle _____ speak English. He doesn't know anything about it.
8.I talked on the phone with my friend in England and we ______ hear each other clearly.
Ⅱ.根据句意,用how, what或what a/an完成感叹句
9.________ wonderful garden it is! 10.______ well he is dancing!
11.______ cool he is! 12.______ sunny weather it is!
13._________ interesting film it is! 14.______ difficult questions they are!
15.______ I want to see my parents!
____________, you ____________ in the school.
Linda, ________________________ with you?
Superman's eyes ___________________.
Jack _____________________ I.
(1)_______________ the summer will be!
(2)_________________________ it will be!
( )21.If we ________ find a better way, we'll finish the job faster.
A. can B. can't C. must D. mustn't
( )22.—Would you like to visit Tianjin University tomorrow
—Sorry, I'm afraid I ________. I'll work as a volunteer in my community.
A. can B. can't C. must D. mustn't
( )23.—________ weather it is these days!
—I agree. One day is quite rainy, and another day is quite windy.
A. What good B. What bad C. What a good D. What a bad
( )24.—I can't find Ricky. Could you tell him to call me back
—________.( )
A. No problem B. You're welcome C. It's a good idea D. Thanks so much
( )25.-China won all the gold medals at the 2023 World Table Tennis Championships.
-________ exciting news!
A. What a B. How a C. How D. What
A neighbour called 911 at 11:09 a.m. after seeing smoke coming from a house in the 165 block of 54th Street South-east.
The man who lives in the home was able to get his older child and the family dog out of the house on fire. 26.___ The father said his younger child was still on the upper(上面的)level of the house but he didn't know where.
The police officers did a quick search of the house. 27.___ One of them closed the door to the master bedroom, where the fire started. They controlled it and slowed its spread(蔓延). Firefighters arrived and searched the closet(壁橱) and narrow beds in another
“She wasn't making sounds,” later the firefighter said of the girl, whose exact age he didn't know. “29.___ She was lying in the toy box just balled up(缩成一团).”
Firefighters got the girl outside, where she was examined by doctors and found to be fine. 30.___ The police officer who managed to shut the master bedroom door was highly praised. And the girl's father was so thankful to firefighters.
fire was quickly put out.
they couldn't find the girl.
C.I opened it up and saw her.
soon put out the fire.
then the police officers arrived.
F.I looked for her everywhere but couldn't find her.
firefighter noticed the closed toy box at the foot of the bed.




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