Unit 9 What does he look like?词汇练习题(无答案)2023-2024人教版七年级下册英语

姓名 分数
She doesn’t have curly hair but s hair .
The mountain is very h .
He is of m height .
I am t than you , you are too fat .
The box is too h to carry for me .
It is raining (heavy).
It is a (小)sheep .
Today is a l cold .
There is a l milk in the glass .
He is a l taller than me .
May I smoke here No , you .
The new film is on . Let’s go to the c .
He is wearing a pair of g on his eyes .
Keep studying hard. Your dream will come true sooner or l .
He likes showing and he wants to be an a when growing up .
Her dream is to be an a .
Look , 100 p are running on the playground .
They love drawing and want to be a .
He is a c and he killed two persons .
She put it on the desk . (变否定句)
She put it on the desk .
of us can describe it .(每个)
It’s a good way (describe) them .
Those are kinds of jeans .(different)
We can describe them (different ) .
We need a four students . (又,还 )
He is standing on the side of the street . (另一)
Can I eat orange (另一,又一)
She is waiting for me the end of the road .
He finds it the end .
30. It's cold and windy _______(今晚).
31. Only four _______(人) can take the car.
32. Gina's dad is 50 but he still looks very _______(英俊的).
33. It is very beautiful and it's hard (描述) the beauty there.
34. All the _______(女演员) in the movie look nice and work hard.
35. It's not a(n) _______ (really ) computer, so we can't use it.
36. Julia always _______ (put ) her books in the bookcase and keeps them tidy.
37. This pair of jeans too long for me.(be)
38. We can see this movie in many c these days.
39. —Lucy, your box looks much h . Let me help you take it.
—That's very kind of you, David.
40. E of the students in my class studies very hard.
41. It's impolite (不礼貌的) to talk with food in your m .
42. —Peter, you look really h in this hat.
—Thanks, Tom. You are also cool today.
I think Sun Li is one of the best _______ in China and she does a good job in many TV shows.
44. Bob,我相信你的梦想终将实现。
Bob, I'm sure your dream will come true _______________.
45. 我哥哥中等身高,戴着眼镜。
My brother _______________ and wears glasses.
46. 并非所有的学生都以同样的方式学习。
Not all the students learn _______________.
47. 为了按时完成这项工作,首先我们需要制订一个计划。
To finish this job on time, _______________, we need to make a plan for it.
48. 我们的英语老师Mr. Green是一个又高又瘦的年轻人。
Our English teacher Mr. Green is _______________.
49. 我的英语老师是个中等身高的年轻人。
My English teacher is a young man _____________________.
50. 这个箱子有点重,我拿不动它。
The box is _____________________, and I can't carry it.
51. 这不是一件容易的工作,但我最后可以完成它。
This is not an easy job, but I can finish it f .
52. 当你遇到困难时,可以用另一种方式看待它们。
When you meet difficulties, you can look at them _____________________.
53.1. ——Mike的猫是白色的还是黑色的?——它是白色的。
— _______ Mike's cat _______ _______ _______
—It _______ _______.
54. 你妹妹长什么样?
_______ _______ your sister _______ _______
55. 他不胖也不瘦。
He _______ _______ _______ _______.
56. 我妈妈留着长直发。
My mother _______ _______ _______ _______.
57. Lisa不戴眼镜。
Lisa doesn't _______ _______.
58. 我的美国朋友Bill中等身高。
My American friend Bill _______ _______ _______ _______.
59. The dog _______ _______ _______ _______(长着一张长脸).
60. The women do their hair _______ _______ _______ _______(用同样的方式).




下一篇:Unit8 Pets 第三课时 Reading2 基础与能力提升练习 (无答案)