
38.Mary wants to keep fit,she can join the Swimming Team on
B.Tuesday C.Saturday
39.Which of the following is true according to the passage
A.You can join the Acting Group at the school hall every Monday.
B.You can not join the Swimming Team if you can't swim.
C.You can join Acting Group even you have never acted (anything.
D.You can not join the Chess Club after school next Tuesday in room 288.
40.Where can'you see the notice(告示)?oM"29s2iiw%s o tob
A.In a theatre.B.In a school.ols C.In a sports hall.
D.In a park.
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There is an old song called "Whatever will be,will be".We can't see the future.In fact,no one can
predict exactly what life is going to be in the future,but we can imagine what our lives
are like.
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We know people will have lots of comnputers and robots in their homes in the
future.Robots will do all the housework,such as doing the dishes,making the bed,
looking after animals and planting trees.Kids won't go to school any more.They will
study on computers at home,Teachers will work and correct homework on computers
at home.Both teachers and students will discuss questions with each other on the Intemet.They needn't
spend a lot of time on transportation.And they can do what they like because they are going to have more
free time.They won't have lots of homework any more like today.
41.Who knows what life will be in the future
42.What will Not robots do for people in the future
A.Wash dishes.B.Look after animals.C.Eat meals
D.Make the bed.
43.Where will kids study in the future
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A.At school.
B.At the station.C.On the Intemet.
D.In the library.



上一篇:河北省保定市顺平县2023-2024七年级下学期期中考试英语试题(无答案 无听力音频 无听力原文)
