山东省潍坊市坊子区黄旗堡街道逄王小学2023-2024六年级下册期中英语试题( 含答案含听力原文及听力音频 )

(时间:60分钟 总分120分,其中卷面分5分)
1. It will be cold tomorrow.
2. The boy is reading a book about the world.
3. Don’t sing loudly. The baby is sleeping.
4. Look!There are some dark clouds in the sky.
5. The little boy is playing the piano for the third time.
6. Look!The balloons are flying away.
7. He's having dinner, but the bell rings.
8. It's sunny. The children are playing hide-and-seek.
9. They are having a picnic in the park.
10.The boy is walking in the park, but it starts to snow.
11. —Dad, There are so many animals over there.
—Yes,Jack!Look!Some ducks are swimming on the pond.
12. —What will the weather be like in Weifang tomorrow, Tingting
—It will be cloudy.
13. —What are they doing
—They are having a party, but the bell rings.
14. —Can I help you —I want a cola.How much is it
—It’s one dollar and thirty-five cents.
15. —It’s half past eleven now. When are we going to have lunch, Mum
—At half past twelve . One hour to go!
A: Can I help you B: I want a hot dog with lots of cheese.
A: And anything to drink B: I want some milk and a cola.
A: That’s ten dollars. Here you are. Enjoy your meal.
Question:Where are they
17. A: It’s very hot today. Will it be hot tomorrow
B: No, the weather report says it will rain tomorrow.
Question: What will the weather be like tomorrow
18. A: It's snowing now. Let's make a snowman, Jack
B: I want to go with you, Sally. But I'm doing my homework now.
A: Don't be sad. We can make it next time.
Question: Why can't Taotao go with Mike
Today is Saturday. Our class are having a party. Look! Sarah is telling a joke. We all laugh. Mary and Tina are dancing.They can dance very well. Linda is singing an English song.What is Ms Smart doing She is on the phone. Tom isn't here. He has a cold. He's at home.
Hello, I am Mike. I am seven years old. My sister is Linda. She is twelve years old. Today is Linda's birthday. My parents are going to have a birthday party for her. Now my father is buying things at the supermarket. My mother is making a birthday cake in the kitchen. I'm making a birthday card for her. The party will begin at half past seven in the evening. Sally's friends are coming to the party. It is going to be a nice evening.
26. brick 27. fake 28. chart 29. kitchen 30. truck
1—5: BCACB
6—10: DEBCA
11—15: CACCB
16—20: CBCAC
21--25: TFTFF
26-30: BCBAB
1--5: BCBBC
二、根据句意,选择合适的短语完成句子,并把答案写在题前的括号中。(5分)6-10: DEBAC
11--15: BACAB 16--20: CCBAB
21. sunny 22. have 23. is flying 24. is doing 25. gets
26. third 27. loudly 28. sandwiches 29. take 30. them
31---35: CEADB
36--40: FECAD
A篇:根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 (5分)
任务一:按照先后顺序给朋友圈配图,将序号填入上方的方框内。( 8分)
46--48: BEH 49--53:DCFGA
54--57: F T F T
58--60 BCA
64. B
八、书面表达(10分) (答案略)
1.“达到优秀标准” 学生作答 (9-10分)
2.“达到良好标准” 学生作答 (7-8分)
3.“基本达到标准” 学生作答 (5-6分)
4.“未达到标准”学生作答 (3-4分)
6. (0分) 情况①:所写内容与本题要求均不相关。 情况②:未作答,或无法识别任何能表意的内容。
1. 由于短文的开头和结尾在试卷中已经给出,抄写试卷中的开头、结尾的句子不计分。
2. 错误使用时态、单复数、拼写等导致表意偏差的句子不计分。六年级英语学情质量检测 2024-04
(时间:60 分钟 总分 120 分,其中卷面分 5 分)
( ) 1.A.coat B.cold C.cola
( ) 2.A.riding B.ringing C.reading
( ) 3.A.loudly B.cloud C.loud
( ) 4.A.park B.bark C.dark
( ) 5.A.thirteen B.third C.thirty
6.______ 7._______ 8._______ 9._______ 10._______
( )11. A. B. C.
( )12. A. B. C.
( ) 13. A. B. C.
六年级英语 第 1页(共 8页)
( ) 14. A. B. C.
$1.50 $2.15 $1.35
( )15. A. B. C.
( ) 16. Where are they
A.In the library. B. At home. C. In a restaurant
( ) 17.What will the weather be like tomorrow
A.It will be sunny. B. It will rain C. It will be hot.
( ) 18. Why can't Jack go with Sally
A. Because he's ill. B. Because it's snowing now.
C. Because he is doing his homework.
( ) 19. Can Mary dance well
A.Yes, she can. B. Yes, she does. C. No,she can't.
( ) 20. Who isn't at the party
A.Linda. B. Ms White. C. Tom.
( )21. Linda is twelve years old.
( )22. Today is Mike's birthday.
( )23. Linda's father is at the supermarket.
( )24. Linda's mother is making dumplings.
( )25. The party will begin at half past eleven in the morning.
( )26. A.brace B.brick C.brave
( )27. A.fad B. fade C. fake
( )28. A. greet B. chart C.glove
( )29. A. kitchen B. kitten C. kept
( )30. A. trait B.truck C. creek
( ) 1.A. cloudy B. should C. south
( ) 2.A. stay B. play C. says
六年级英语 第 2页(共 8页)
( ) 3. A.window B. cow C. blow
( ) 4. A.phone B. hot C. home
( ) 5. A.bear B. wear C. hear
A . starts to rain B. over there C. Be careful D. looks like E. have breakfast
( ) 11. Jack likes playing_______flute ,but Tom can play_______table tennis.
A.the; the B.the; / C. the ; a
( )12. Look at the clouds. It_________soon. Take your umbrella.
A. is going to rain B. is raining C.rains
( )13. I often______at half past seven and then go to school in the morning.
A. have lunch B. go to bed C. get up
( )14. — _______are you going to have dinner —At half past six.
A.Where B.How much C.What time
( )15. Will it_________ in Sanya tomorrow
A.be rain B.be windy C.hot
( )16. Daming is reading a book, but his brother _____________.
A. starting to sing B. start to singing C. starts to sing
( )17.The hot dog ________ good. I want ________ some.
A.look; buy B.looks; buying C. looks; to buy
( )18. -_____________ is it
-It’s ten dollars and five cents. Here you are. ______ your meal.
A. How many;Take B. How much; Enjoy C. How; Want
( )19. ______ friends can’t hear_______.
A.His; him B.Him; he C.His; he
( )20. I often watch TV _____my grandma_____8:30____Sundays morning.
A.for; at; on B.with; at;on C. with; in; at
It's 21 (sun) today. Emily is going to 22 (have) a picnic with her
六年级英语 第 3页(共 8页)
friends in the park. There are some children in the park. Look! Bob 23 (fly)
his kite. He is happy. Lily 24 (do) exercises, but the weather 25 (get)
too hot. Lingling is playing the flute for the 26 (three) time.,but a baby cries
very 27 _(loud). Because he is very hungry. Let’s give him some 28
(sandwich). Some boys are playing football over there, but the ball falls into the lake.
They can't 29 (take) the ball out of the water. Who can help __30 _(they)?
21._________ 22._________23._________ 24. __________ 25._________
26._________ 27._________28._________ 29. __________ 30._________
( )31.Beijing is the capital(首都)of China. People are friendly and
hard-working. China is a great country.
( )32. In China,people on e-bikes(电动车)must wear a helmet(头盔).They must
pay attention to(注意)the traffic(交通)lights and obey(遵守)the traffic rules.
( )33. Ping-pong is one of the favourite sports of the Chinese people. Now there
are more and more table tennis players in China.
( )34. It is a big day in China. Families get together and have a big dinner. They
eat dumplings, fish, beef and so on(等等).Children usually get lucky money.
( )35. Doctors are a great job in China.They are busy working for the health(健
康)of people.
A. When are we going to the supermarket
B. What are you doing
C. It's difficult for you to make a cake.
D. You can ask more friends to come to the party.
E. Good idea.
F. What present can I buy
(Mum and John are talking about David's birthday.)
六年级英语 第 4页(共 8页)
Mum: David’s birthday is coming next Sunday. Let's have a birthday party for him.
John: OK, Mum. I'll buy him a present.36. .
Mum: What about a toy panda
John: 37. . David likes pandas very much .
Mum: I'll make a birthday cake for him.
John: Really 38.__________.
Mum: Your father can help me. Oh John , don't forget(忘记)to buy some balloons.
John: OK.39.________________
Mum: Let's go at six tomorrow evening.Then,40. .
36. 37. 38. 39. 40. .
John:That's a good idea. It'll be a great birthday party.
Today there are more and more new things. They are changing our life.
They make our world better, smarter and more fun. Let's take a look.
① Plant Burger ② 3D Rooms ③ Cool Driverless Bus
This “beef” A company in A bus door
burger looks opens and youShanghai printed
and tastes the same as a real get on. Wait,15 rooms by using 3D where is the driver This is a
beef burger. It's made out of
technology. People sent the new driverless bus. 14 people
plants. People use green
rooms to Hubei. Each room is can sit in it and it doesn't need a
beans and potatoes to make
about the size of your driver. The bus obeys traffic
the “beef”. It's healthy for rules.It stops every time it sees
you. Would you like to try bedroom. A 3D printer takes a red light.
this burger 24 hours to build the rooms.
( )41. We may find these passages in a magazine(杂志) about .
A. sports B. science C. travel
( )42. People use to make the “beef”.
A. B. C.
( )43.The plant burgers are for our healthy.
A. no useful B.no helpful C. good
六年级英语 第 5页(共 8页)
( )44.In passage2, How many hours does the 3D printer print the 15 rooms
A. 14 B. 3 C. 24
( )45.In passage3, The underlined word “obey” means“ ”in Chinese.
A. 违反 B. 忽视 C. 遵守
B. 阅读 Sally的朋友圈内容,完成下列任务。
Here are Sally’s Wechat Moments(微信动态)on Saturday and Sunday.
Moments Moments
Sally Sally
Today we visit a great robot Today we go to a park.Look! I am
exhibition(展览 ). Look! A boy robot is skipping. Amy is listening to music. Sarah
drawing a picture for Amy. We all want a
picture. So we take turns ( , ). and John are running.Wang Hao and Mike依次 轮流
And a girl robot can play the piano. Mike are playing football. Oh, Robin is so
and Amy are singing with the piano excited(兴奋的). He is doing taijiquan with
music. We also watch a dancing show in Lele. It's so fun!
the Robot Theatre. What clever robots!
49.( ) 50.( ) 51.( )
46. ( ) 47.( ) 48.( ) 52.( ) 53.( )
Yesterday 2 hours ago
Mary,Peter,John,Amy,Lele, Mary, John, Lele, Sarah, Amy,Wang
Wang Hao, Mike Hao
任务一:按照先后顺序给朋友圈配图,将序号填入上方的方框内。( 8分)
六年级英语 第 6页(共 8页)
( )54.The children are in the park on Saturday.
( )55.The boy robot can draw pictures for them.
( )56. Amy and Mike are talking to the girl robot.
( )57. Sally is very happy at the weekend.
C篇: 阅读下面的故事,完成相应题目。(8分)
②Mother Duck sits
①It's sunny and on the eggs.Wow! Three
warm. Mother Duck eggs open. The
is near the river. She ducklings(小鸭子) are small and yellow.
has some eggs. Look! Now there are They are very beautiful and very lovely.
three small eggs and a big egg. But the big egg doesn't open.
③The big egg opens ④ In winter, it is cold.
later. The duckling is The ugly duckling has
big and grey. He is no home. It's spring
ugly. again. The ugly duckling is swimming in
Mother Duck doesn't like him. His the water. He finds he becomes a beautiful
sisters don't like him either(也). The swan! He is very happy. His family love
ugly duckling is sad. He swims away. him very much.
( ) 58. How many eggs does the Mother Duck have
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.
( ) 59.What does the underlined(画线的)word“ugly”mean in Chinese
A.漂亮的 B.可爱的 C.丑陋的
( ) 60. At last, the ugly duckling becomes a___________.
A. swan B. bird C. chicken
( ) 61. Mother Duck likes the ugly duckling.
( ) 62. The ugly duckling can swim.
( ) 63. The ugly duckling is small and grey.
六年级英语 第 7页(共 8页)
( ) 64. What’s the best title of this story
A.The Mother Duck B.The Ugly Duckling C. I Love You
今年 7月,同学们小学毕业就要离开学校了。为感恩母校,身为班长的David,
想组建一个劳动社团(Labor club),利用周末时间义务劳动,美化校园。请根
据信息提示,帮助 David 用英语写一份社团第一次活动的邀请函。(不少于 6
提示信息:1.Activity Time :April 28th , 8:30 --10:30 Am ; 2.Activity
Place : Yucai School 3. Activies:
Dear classmates,
This term will make up a labor club, and this weekend will do
something to make our school beautiful. You can join us.
Place: Time :
We hope you can join us. See you then!
六年级英语 第 8页(共 8页)



