Module 3 Animals Unit 5 Save the endangered animals单元测试(深圳卷)(含解析)-2023-2024八年级英语下册(牛津深圳版)

Unit 5 Save the endangered animals单元测试(深圳卷)
英 语
1. 答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生号、姓名、试室号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应这两个号码的标号涂黑。
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3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域的相应位置上;如需要改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,改动的答案也不能超出指定的区域;不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。
4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
第一部分 选择题(50分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将相应字母编号涂黑。(共 10 小题, 每小题1分)
“It looks so good on you,” said my friend. I was trying on a dress. Then the topic of the conversation turned to going on a diet.
I wanted to become beautiful and 1 . So I made up my mind to go on a diet. I didn’t eat my lunch. Some people asked me where my lunch was. I made up excuses. I did the same with breakfast. I 2 to my dad that I had eaten my bread, but I fed it to the cat. My 3 dropped fast, but when I looked at myself in the mirror, I still thought I was not thin enough.
Finally, dark circles formed under my eyes. I wore thick clothing in hot weather, but I was still 4 . That didn’t matter. I still needed to be thinner. About a month after I bought the 5 I tried it on again, and it became too large for me. My mother told me to look in the mirror. I could see my eye sockets(眼窝). That was the day I realized how 6 I was.
I went to see a doctor, the doctor gave me some advice. It took me one year to become 7 . Sometimes I want to go back to being thin, but I will never do what I did again. It will 8 influence my health. Please don’t go on a diet when you’ re young. You will 9 a lot if you are too thin. Don’t compare yourself with
others. Try to 10 yourself for who you are, not for what you look like.
1.A.silent B.thin C.proud D.fat
2.A.referred B.led C.turned D.lied
3.A.weight B.cost C.height
4.A.stupid B.hungry C.poor D.cold
5.A.dress B.model C.mirror D.uniform
6.A.beautiful B.popular C.ill D.wonderful
7.A.angry B.healthy C.unhealthy D.worse
8.A.hardly B.suddenly C.harmful D.badly
9.A.suffer B.hold C.improve D.forget
10.A.check B.remember
第一节 阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选山最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将相应字母编号涂黑。(共 15 小题, 每小题2分)
We are always using body language in our daily lives. When we have a conversation with someone, we may use more body language than words. However, the same body language may mean different things in different countries. That’s why people sometimes cannot understand each other.
Pointing to (指) one part of the body can have different meanings in different cultures. For example, in the USA people point to their heads when they think someone is clever. However, in Europe it means “He or she is stupid or something is wrong with his or her head.” In our Chinese culture, nodding our heads up and down means “yes” and shaking our heads from side to side means “no”. However, in some parts of India, Greece and Turkey, they mean just the opposite.
In England or the USA, when you raise your hand and make a circle with the thumb(拇指) and the second finger, it means “Everything is all right”. However, if we do this in France or Belgium, it means “You are worth zero”. In Greece or Turkey, we should not make this gesture. Or we are thought to be very rude(粗鲁的).
The meaning of gestures can also change over time. In the 1960s, the “V” sign meant “peace”. However, during World War II, it meant “victory”. In Greece, it is an insulting sign. It will be very rude of you to make this gesture in front of a woman.
Though the meaning of body language is different, there are some expressions having the same meaning throughout the world, such as smiling and crying.
11.What can we know from the first paragraph
A.In different countries the same body language may have different meanings.
B.In different countries people use the same body language.
C.In different countries people speak different languages.
D.In different countries people can understand each other very well.
12.What do people in Europe show by pointing to their heads
A.Somebody is smart. B.Somebody is hard to get along with.
C.Somebody is foolish. D.Somebody is not healthy.
13.What will Americans do when they try to say “Everything goes well”
A.Point to their heads.
B.Raise their hands and make a circle.
C.Nod their heads up and down.
D.Shake their heads from side to side.
14.Which of the following is NOT true
A.Body language plays an important role in our life.
B.The meaning of the “V” sign doesn’t change over time.
C.In some parts of Greece, shaking one’s head from side to side means “Yes”.
D.Pointing to one’s head has different meanings in the USA and Europe.
15.What is the passage mainly about
A.Successful communication.
B.Some customs(习俗)in Western countries.
C.Body language in English-speaking countries.
D.Body language in different cultures.
How can you remember numbers quickly Have you ever used your fingers to count (数数) numbers or do you have any other ways to count them In fact, numbers are important in our daily lives.
Many people think numbers and maths are the same all over the world, but scientists found that it was not true. People in different parts of the world use their fingers to count and the ways they use are different. In the United States, people begin counting with their first fingers, but Chinese people count by using different finger positions (位置). In this way, a Chinese person can easily count to ten on only one hand.
Besides the ways of counting, scientists have found that cultures and languages are also different when we talk about numbers. Some languages have only a few words for numbers, and others have no words for numbers.
For example, they are still able to understand different ideas about numbers.
We need to use numbers in our daily lives, so numbers appear. Now we know numbers and maths are different all over the world.
16.What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 1 refer to
A.Countries. B.Fingers. C.Numbers. D.Words.
17.What did the scientists find in the second paragraph
A.Numbers and maths are the same all over the world.
B.Numbers and maths are different all over the world.
C.Cultures are different all over the world.
D.Languages are different all over the world.
18.How can Chinese people count to ten
A.By using the first fingers.
B.By using only one finger.
C.By using only one hand.
D.By using the last fingers.
19.What can we NOT know about numbers according to the passage
A.Numbers are connected with the culture.
B.Numbers appeared because people needed them in their daily lives.
C.Some languages have only a few words for numbers.
D.Numbers appeared the earliest in China.
20.Why does the writer write the passage
A.To tell us how to understand numbers.
B.To tell us how to use numbers.
C.To tell us the history of numbers.
D.To tell us something about numbers and counting.
Have you ever been to Qingdao Qingdao, a beautiful beach city in Shandong Province, is making its new plans about the Internet and some other new high-tech skills. These plans are so great and they will help the city provide smarter services for people and the world.
“With its strong creative ability and famous brands(品牌), Qingdao will use the latest Internet technology in a faster way as it is trying to become the world’s center of the Internet,” said Meng Fanli(市长) of Qingdao.
Qingdao is known for its worlds renowned brands, such as China’s leading home appliance makers Haier and
Hisense and the world’s fifth-largest beer-making factory Tsingtao. Many other brands in Qingdao are widely known across the country. Most people have heard of them.
“Our city plans to encourage at least 1, 000 companies to make smart products and offer 500 possible smart projects to get more money from home and abroad. All these will promote (促进) the city’s development.” Meng said in an important city meeting. It was held from Saturday to Monday.
Last year, our country considered the city as a “Famous Software City”, a leading city for AI. It has set up a science and technology center for the development of 5G video.
21.What are the new plans Qingdao is making mainly about
A.The development of travel.
B.The development of culture.
C.The development of traffic.
D.The development of high technology.
22.What does the underlined word “renowned” in the third paragraph mean
A.Famous. B.Useful. C.Strong. D.Ordinary.
23.How many Qingdao’s brands did the writer talk about in the passage
A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.
24.What’s the main purpose of the fourth paragraph
A.To introduce the city’s development.
B.To tell us the city’s future plans.
C.To tell us the city’s problems now.
D.To discuss the city’s possible challenges.
25.What does the passage mainly tell us
A.Qingdao will hold many activities to get people’s attention.
B.Qingdao became a “Famous Software City” last year.
C.Qingdao has many well-known brands in China.
D.Qingdao will take some steps to develop its high-tech skills.
第二节(每小题1分,共 5分 )
Meet ChatGPT, the new friendly chatbot that can talk to you like a real person. This chatbot uses artificial intelligence to understand what you’re saying and answer your questions in a natural way. 26
One of the things that make ChatGPT special is that it can understand what you’re asking for even if you use regular language instead of specific words. 27 For example, if you ask ChatGPT about a movie, it will
look for information about the movie you’re interested in and give you an answer.
ChatGPT can help you with many things like shopping or customer service, you can chat with ChatGPT and get the help you need. It can even be used for therapy (心理治疗) to talk through your feelings and concerns.
What’s great about ChatGPT is that it’s always learning and getting better. As people use it more, it will learn from those interactions and improve in accuracy and efficiency. 28
While some people worry about the impact of artificial intelligence chatbots on our world, ChatGPT is designed to make life easier and simpler. 29 and it has the potential (潜力) to do even more in the future.
In conclusion, ChatGPT is a helpful chatbot that can communicate with you in a natural way. It’s always learning and getting better, making it valuable resource for day-to-day life. 30
A.Try it out and see how it can improve your life too!
B.It’s easy to use and it can help you in many ways.
C.This means you’ll get better results the more you use it.
D.It already helps people save time and effort.
E.Instead of talking to a real person,
F.But the fast development of AI is also creating new jobs,
第三节 (每小题1分,共 5分 )
31 I am Lena, a college student from the USA.The summer holiday is coming, and I want to find a part-time job. However, what kind of work can I do I need some advice. 32 These days I am under too much pressure from my parents. They always compare me with other students. I’m not allowed to do any other activity after school. 33 My mother has been very upset since half a year ago because she lost her job. She doesn’t like talking about anything with us, but she used to be a music lover. 34 These days, I can always see a brown A.Don’t admire anyone. Study hard so that you can get a good job in the future, and then you can have what you like and do what you enjoy. B.Why not go to the Lost and Found office around your neighborhood and ask them to help you It’s also a good idea that you should use WeChat to spread the information. C. You should have a talk with your parents. Tell them your feeling and that you should be allowed to develop your own hobbies after school. D.As a student, you are not allowed to talk back to your parents. You should be thankful to your parents because they try their best to provide food and a warm home for
rabbit around the neighborhood. Whose rabbit is it The owner of it must be very worried. 35 I am Ivy, a student in Grade Eight. I have a cousin who has just had her ears pierce (穿孔) and colored her hair. She can do whatever she likes. I admire her life. you. E. You had better advise her to do something that she likes. Why not ask her to listen to some music that can cheer her up Then she will feel happier and better. F. You can look through the Internet or newspapers and find some part-time jobs. Maybe you can also look at the ads on both sides of the street.
第二部分 非选择题(25分)
三、语法填空(每小题1分,共 10分 )
What would you do if you saw a mountain gorilla(大猩猩) Most people would probably be very afraid ____36____ them and run away! That’s because mountain gorillas have ____37____ very terrible look. Firstly, mountain gorillas ____38____ (be) huge. They can grow up to 2 metres tall and can be more than 200 kilograms. Secondly, mountain gorillas can make a lot of noise. In fact, male mountain gorillas only do it ____39____ they are protecting their families.
Mountain gorillas are very clever animals and they stay together in small family ____40____ (group). The leader is the largest mountain gorilla, called the silverback(银背大猩猩). Mountain gorillas spend almost all of their time on the forest floor, eating and sleeping. Young mountain gorillas often play together. They run around and climb trees. At night the animals make room ____41____ (sleep) in. The lighter mountain gorillas sleep in trees. The ____42____ (heavy) mountain gorillas make room on the ground and the babies sleep with ____43____ (they) mothers. Mountain gorillas almost never attack(攻击) humans. They only fight when they or their children ____44____ (attack).
Sadly, there are only about 1,000 mountain gorillas left in the wild. They are in ____45____ (dangerous).
2.保护大熊猫的举措(①建立自然保护区;②… ③…);
参考词汇:自然保护区nature reserve
Boys and girls, welcome to our school! We know that you care about Yaya very much. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thanks for your watching.
1.B 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C
silent沉默的;thin瘦的;proud自豪的;fat胖的。根据“So I made up my mind to go on a diet.”可知,作者下定决心要节食,所以她想变得美丽和苗条。故选B。
referred涉及;led指引;turned变得;lied撒谎。根据“but I fed it to the cat.”可知,作者把面包喂给了猫,所以是撒谎说自己吃了面包,故选D。
weight体重;cost花费;height高度;beauty美丽。根据“I still thought I was not thin enough.”可知,作者的体重下降得很快,故选A。
stupid愚蠢的;hungry饥饿的;poor贫穷的;cold寒冷的。根据“Finally, dark circles formed under my eyes.”可知,作者的黑眼圈形成了,可以推测她生病了,所以天气热的时候她穿了厚衣服,但还是很冷。故选D。
dress连衣裙;model模型;mirror镜子;uniform制服。根据“I was trying on a dress.”和“and it became too large for me.”可知,作者买了一个月前试过的连衣裙,故选A。
beautiful美丽的;popular受欢迎的;ill病的;wonderful精彩的。根据“My mother told me to look in the mirror. I could see my eye sockets(眼窝).”可知,作者能看到她的眼窝,她意识到自己生病了,故选C。
angry生气的;healthy健康的;unhealthy不健康的;worse更差的。根据“I went to see a doctor, the doctor gave me some advice.”可知,作者开始看医生恢复健康,故选B。
hardly几乎不;suddenly突然地;harmful有害的;badly严重地。根据“Sometimes I want to go back to being
thin, but I will never do what I did again.”可知,有时作者想重新变瘦,但她再也不会做以前做过的事了。因为以前的行为严重影响了作者的健康,故选D。
suffer遭受;hold持有;improve改善;forget忘记。根据“Please don’t go on a diet when you’ re young.”可知,作者告诫大家不要减肥,因为太瘦会很痛苦的,suffer a lot“遭受很多痛苦”,故选A。
check检测;remember记得;love爱;help帮助。根据“Try to...yourself for who you are, not for what you look like.”可知,此处表达要因为自己是谁而爱自己,而不是因为长什么样而爱。故选C。
11.A 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.D
11.细节理解题。根据“However, the same body language may mean different things in different countries.”可知,同种肢体语言在不同的国家也许有着不同的意思。故选A。
12.细节理解题。根据“However, in Europe it means “He or she is stupid or something is wrong with his or her head.”可知,在欧洲,指着头意味着这个人是愚蠢的或者头有问题。故选C。
13.细节理解题。根据“In England or the USA, when you raise your hand and make a circle with the thumb(拇指) and the second finger, it means “Everything is all right”.可知,在美国,当你说“一切都很好”时,可以举起手,用拇指和食指画一个圈。故选B。
14.细节理解题。根据“The meaning of gestures can also change over time. In the 1960s, the “V” sign meant “peace”. However, during World War II, it meant “victory”.可知,手势的意思能够随着时间而改变。“V”在60年代和二战期间代表的意思不同,选项B“V”的意思没有随着时间而改变”说法错误。故选B。
15.主旨大意题。通读全文以及。根据“However, the same body language may mean different things in different countries.”可知,这边文章主要讲了肢体语言在不同国家的含义。故选D。
16.C 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.D
16.词义猜测题。根据“count (数数) numbers”可知,此处的them指代的是数字numbers,故选C。
17.细节理解题。根据“People in different parts of the world use their fingers to count and the ways they use are different.”可知,世界不同地区的人们用手指数数,他们使用的方式也不同。故选B。
18.细节理解题。根据“In this way, a Chinese person can easily count to ten on only one hand.”可知,中国人只
19.推理判断题。根据“Besides the ways of counting, scientists have found that cultures and languages are also different when we talk about numbers. Some languages have only a few words for numbers, and others have no words for numbers.”和“We need to use numbers in our daily lives, so numbers appear.”可知,数字与文化相关,且是因为人类日常生活需求才出现的,而有些语言中数字很少,但是没有提到数字最早出现在中国,故选D。
21.D 22.A 23.C 24.B 25.D
21.细节理解题。根据“Qingdao, a beautiful beach city in Shandong Province, is making its new plans about the Internet and some other new high-tech skills.”可知,青岛正在制定关于互联网和其他一些新的高科技技能的新计划。故选D。
22.词句猜测题。根据“Qingdao is known for its worlds renowned brands, such as China’s leading home appliance makers Haier and Hisense and the world’s fifth-largest beer-making factory Tsingtao.”可知,青岛以其世界知名品牌而闻名,所以renowned意为“著名的”,与famous同义,故选A。
23.细节理解题。根据“Qingdao is known for its worlds renowned brands, such as China’s leading home appliance makers Haier and Hisense and the world’s fifth-largest beer-making factory Tsingtao.”可知,青岛以其世界知名品牌而闻名,如中国领先的家电制造商海尔和海信,以及世界第五大啤酒制造厂青岛。故作者介绍了3个知名品牌,故选C。
24.主旨大意题。根据“All these will promote (促进) the city’s development.”可知,所有这些都将促进城市的发展,故此段在讲青岛以后的发展,故选B。
26.D 27.B 28.C 29.F 30.A
26.根据“This chatbot uses artificial intelligence to understand what you’re saying and answer your questions in a natural way.”可知这款机器人能理解你的话并给出回答,这是便利的,D项“它已经帮助人们节省了时间和
27.根据“For example, if you ask ChatGPT about a movie, it will look for information about the movie you’re interested in and give you an answer.”可知此处介绍ChatGPT对人的帮助,B项“它很容易使用,它可以在很多方面帮助你。”符合语境。故选B。
28.根据“As people use it more, it will learn from those interactions and improve in accuracy and efficiency.”可知使用ChatGPT能帮助它提升,C项“这意味着你使用的次数越多,效果就越好。”符合语境。故选C。
29.根据“While some people worry about the impact of artificial intelligence chatbots on our world, ChatGPT is designed to make life easier and simpler. ”可知此处讲到了人工智能,F项“但人工智能的快速发展也创造了新的就业机会,”符合语境。故选F。
30.根据“It’s always learning and getting better, making it valuable resource for day-to-day life.”可知此处是文末发出倡议,希望人们尝试一下ChatGPT,A项“尝试一下,看看它如何也能改善你的生活!”符合语境。故选A。
31.F 32.C 33.E 34.B
31.根据“I am Lena, a college student from the USA. The summer holiday is coming, and I want to find a part-time job. However, what kind of work can I do I need some advice.”可知,我是莉娜,一名来自美国的大学生。暑假就要到了,我想找一份兼职工作。但是,我能做什么样的工作呢?我需要一些建议。选项F“你可以通过互联网或报纸找到一些兼职工作。也许你也可以看看街道两边的广告。”与之相符,故选F。
32.根据“These days I am under too much pressure from my parents. They always compare me with other students. I’m not allowed to do any other activity after school.”可知,这些天我承受着来自父母的太多压力。他们总是拿我和其他学生比较。放学后我不允许做任何其他活动。选项C“你应该和你的父母谈谈。告诉他们你的感受,你应该被允许在放学后发展自己的爱好。”与之相符,故选C。
33.根据“My mother has been very upset since half a year ago because she lost her job. She doesn’t like talking about anything with us, but she used to be a music lover.”可知,我妈妈自从半年前失业以来一直很沮丧。她不喜欢和我们谈论任何事情,但她曾经是个音乐爱好者。选项E“你最好劝她做她喜欢的事。为什么不让她听一些能让她高兴起来的音乐呢?然后她会觉得更快乐,更好。”与之相符,故选E。
34.根据“These days, I can always see a brown rabbit around the neighborhood. Whose rabbit is it The owner of it must be very worried.”可知,这些天,我总能在附近看到一只棕色的兔子。这是谁的兔子?它的主人一定
35.根据“I am Ivy, a student in Grade Eight. I have a cousin who has just had her ears pierce (穿孔) and colored her hair. She can do whatever she likes. I admire her life.”可知,我是艾薇,一名八年级的学生。我有一个表妹刚刚打了耳洞,还染了头发。她可以做任何她喜欢的事。我钦佩她的生活。选项A“不要崇拜任何人。努力学习,这样你就可以在未来找到一份好工作,然后你就可以拥有你喜欢的东西,做你喜欢的事。”与之相符,故选A。
36.of 37.a 38.are 39.when 40.groups sleep 42.heavier 43.their 44.are attacked 45.danger
36.句意:大多数人可能会非常害怕他们,然后逃跑!根据“be very afraid”可知,此处是be afraid of“害怕”,是固定短语,故填of。
39.句意:事实上,雄性山地大猩猩只有在保护家人的时候才会这么做。根据“male mountain gorillas only do it...they are protecting their families.”可知,当保护家人的时候,雄性大猩猩会发出很多噪音,此处表示“当……时”,应用when引导时间状语从句,故填when。
40.句意:山地大猩猩是一种非常聪明的动物,它们以小家庭为单位生活在一起。根据“they stay together in small family”可知,此处是泛指小群体为单位生活,此处名词应用复数形式,故填groups。
41.句意:晚上,动物们腾出空间睡觉。空处表示目的,应用不定式形式,故填to sleep。
42.句意:最重的山地大猩猩在地面上腾出空间,幼崽和妈妈一起睡。根据“The lighter mountain gorillas sleep in trees.”以及空前的“the”可知,此处应用比较级形式,故填heavier。
44.句意:他们只有在自己或孩子受到攻击时才会打架。句子主语与动词之间是被动关系,此处应用被动语态,陈述事实用一般现在时,主语是复数名词,be动词用are,故填are attacked。
45.句意:他们处于危险之中。此处是固定短语be in danger“处于危险中”,故填danger。
Boys and girls, welcome to our school! We know that you care about Yaya very much. The giant panda Yaya is currently being carefully taken care of, with good physical recovery and good mental health. Luckily, our government is doing useful things to protect pandas. We have built a nature reserve for pandas in Sichuan. We plant more bamboo so that they have enough food to eat. The number of the giant pandas is now increasing.
I hope everyone will love and protect these animals because they are one of the treasures of all human beings.
Thanks for your watching.
①care about关心
②take care of照顾
③nature reserve自然保护区
④the number of……的数目
⑤the treasures of ……的财富
①We know that you care about Yaya very much.(that引导的宾语从句)
②The giant panda Yaya is currently being carefully taken care of, with good physical recovery and good mental health.(被动语态)
③We plant more bamboo so that they have enough food to eat.(so that引导的目的状语从句)
④I hope everyone will love and protect these animals because they are one of the treasures of all human beings.(because引导的原因状语从句)



