
Mario’s class planted fruits and vegetables in the school’s garden. He liked watering them, especially liked watching them grow. He always went to the garden to 1 the plants so that they could grow very well. Most students in his class felt proud that they would enjoy something planted by 2 . These fruits and vegetables would be cooked in the school’s kitchen and served as lunch to the school’s teachers and students.
Every morning Mario will spare some time to 3 the plants in the garden. That makes him feel relaxed. One morning he noticed something 4 on the lettuce (生菜) and they seemed weak. He hurried into the 5 . “Mr. Gonzales!” he shouted to his teacher worriedly. “The lettuce is covered with bad insects! I think they’re 6 it!”
Hearing what Mario said, Mr. Gonzales just smiled. Then he showed Mario a small 7 .
“Don’t worry, Mario. I think I know what caused the 8 . There is something in the box that might help. 9 it is small, it can play an important part.”
Mr. Gonzales led his students out to the garden. “Insects called aphids (蚜虫) are eating our lettuce,” he said. “We can use what we know about the food chain to 10 this problem successfully.”
Mr. Gonzales walked to the lettuce. He opened the box, and some ladybugs (瓢虫) 11 flew out!
“Ladybugs ” asked Mario surprisedly. “How can it be 12 Mr. Gonzales pointed to the lettuce and said, “Ladybugs are aphids’ 13 . When we put them 14 the garden, they would eat the aphids. Let’s watch what will happen over the next few days.”
After several days, Mario found the aphids 15 in the end. There were no more aphids on the lettuce at all. What Mr. Gonzales did really worked!
1.A.wait for B.look after C.give away D.find out
2.A.themselves B.yourself C.herself D.myself
3.A.check B.dig C.hide D.plant
4.A.boring B.common C.beautiful D.surprising
5.A.classroom B.bedroom C.museum D.garden
6.A.protecting B.eating C.following D.collecting
7.A.box B.bag C.gift D.card
8.A.mistake B.excuse C.problem D.accident
9.A.If B.Although C.Unless D.Because
10.A.keep B.ask C.avoid D.solve
11.A.angrily B.carefully C.quickly D.exactly
12.A.harmful B.helpful C.dangerous D.popular
13.A.friends B.leaders C.relatives D.enemies
14.A.to B.out C.in D.on
15.A.disappeared B.remained C.developed D.succeeded
Now back to the news.
Staying Safe in a Lightning Storm Lightning can be dangerous. Here are some tips to stay safeOutdoors 1.Check if thunderstorms are in the weather report. 2.Find a strong building or stay in a car with a hard roof (车顶). 3.Do not stand under trees that are alone in the middle of a field. 4.Do not stand under tall trees when there are shorter trees close by. 5.Do not stand near things that are made of metal.Indoors 1.Close all the windows and doors. 2.Do not take a bath or shower. Stay away from water. 3.Turn off electrical appliances (电器), including computers and TVs.The Lightning Crouch(闪电躲避蹲姿) If you feel your skin tingles (刺痛) or your hair stands up, this could mean you are about to be hit by lightning. Get into the “Lightning Crouch”. Crouch down low and curl into a small ball. Put your hands on your knees and keep your head down. Try to be as small as you can, with very little touching the ground. DO NOT LIE ON THE GROUND!
16.Which of the following is safe
a. Stand under trees. b. Hide in a strong building.
c. Run into a room with a hard roof. d. Stand away from things that are made of metal.
A.abc B.acd C.bcd D.abd
17.What can you do if you are indoors during a lightning storm
A.Take a shower. B.Play computers. C.Watch TV in the room. D.Stay away from the water.
18.What can we infer from the last paragraph
A.Your knees can protect your head.
B.You should put your hands on your head when there is lightning.
C.Lying on the ground can prevent you from being hit by lightning.
D.If you touch the ground less, you may not be hit by lightning.
19.What’s the main purpose of the passage
A.To tell us the importance of lightning storms.
B.To tell us the way to learn about lightning storms.
C.To tell us how to protect ourselves during lightning storms.
D.To tell us how to stay safe when we are indoors and outdoors.
20.The passage above may be ________.
A.a story B.a novel C.a poster D.a speech
Issac Newton was the most important and greatest scientist who is famous for his work on gravity (重力) and light.
Isaac was born in 1643, on a farm in the village of Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire. He lived with his grandmother before starting school. His mother wanted him to become a farmer and look after the family farm. However, Isaac didn’t believe that this was the best job for him.
Isaac moved to Cambridge in 1661 to go to the university. He began studying traditional ideas about nature which came from ancient times. These included the idea that the earth was the center of the universe (宇宙). However, Isaac soon became interested in the new ideas about science which were becoming poplar. He wanted to carry out experiments (实验) to find new and different ways of explaining the world around him.
Later, many people in Cambridge were becoming ill with the plague (瘟疫), so Isaac moved back to his hometown until it was safe to return to the city. During that time, he discovered the secret of light. Isaac began experimenting with light, and he found that white light is made up of different kinds of colors.
What’s more, there is a famous story: The story says that Isaac discovered gravity when an apple fell from a tree and landed on his head. This made Issac wonder why objects fall down. He then realized that this same pushing and pulling force explained why the moon travelled around the earth. He wrote down his idea in his book and mentioned “universal gravitation (万有引力)” in it. He also explained that the heavier an object is, the bigger its gravity will be.
21.When was Isaac Newton born
A.In the 15th century. B.In the 16th century. C.In the 17th century. D.In the 18th century.
22.Which of the following is NOT the fact
A.The earth is the center of the universe. B.White light is made up of different kinds of colors.
C.The pulling force can explain why objects fall down. D.The moon travels around the earth.
23.Choose the correct diagram (示意图) about the relationship between gravity and mass. (m=mass, g=gravity)
A. B. C. D.
24.The last paragraph is mainly about ________.
A.how Isaac worked on the moon B.Isaac travelled around the earth
C.how Isaac discovered gravity D.Isaac found an apple on the eart
25.What is the best title of the passage
A.Isaac Newton Became Famous B.Gravity and Isaac Newton
C.An Important Discovery D.The Story of Isaac Newton
A well-known poem by Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu tells of a scene in early April, “Rains fall heavily as Qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go.”
This scene takes place on Tomb-sweeping Day, also known as the Qingming Festival Tomb-sweeping Day is a traditional Chinese festival. It began in the Zhou Dynasty, over 2,500 years ago.
Chinese people celebrate it to remember and honor their ancestors. Tomb-sweeping Day became a public holiday in 2008. People have one day off for that day.
On this day, families bring flowers, food and wine to the grave sites (墓地) of their ancestors. They place cakes, fruit in front of the grave and some may burn joss paper as money for the dead. After that, they sweep the tombs and cherish (怀念) the memories of their dead family members.
Tom-sweeping Day gives us a chance to show respect to our ancestors and family members who have passed away and show that we miss them. This tradition shows that family values are an important part of Chinese culture.
Tomb-sweeping Day is also the beginning of the time for gardening and outdoor activities in China. Families often get together for outings or to fly kites at this time.
26.The best description of the underlined part is ________ in Chinese.
A.清明时节雨声哗,潮拥渡头沙。 B.冥冥重泉哭不闻,萧萧暮雨人归去。
C.帝里重清明,人心自愁思。 D.清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。
27.Tomb-sweeping Day is celebrated for people to ________.
A.go out to fly kites B.have a public holiday
C.remember and honor their ancestors D.get together with their families
28.What can people take to the grave sites according to the passage
A.Flowers, food, and umbrellas. B.Flowers, food, wine and joss paper.
C.Food, joss paper and kites. D.Flowers, wine and pets.
29.Which of the following is NOT mentioned the passage
A.We have one day off for Tomb-sweeping Day.
B.Tomb-sweeping Pay began in the Zhou Dynasty.
C.Family values play an important role in Chinese culture.
D.People in the worked celebrate Tomb-sweeping Day.
30.What does the passage mainly discuss
A.People bring many things to the grave sites.
B.Tomb-sweeping Day is a traditional Chinese festival.
C.Du Mu wrote a poem about the Qingming Festival.
D.The Qingming Festival is a good time for outdoor activities.
31 Many of them use chemicals to kill weeds (杂草). The trouble is, these weedkillers also kill wildlife, pollute rivers and are bad for the fields. 32 This kind of robot can cut weedkiller use by 90%. The robot is really smart because it only kills weeds but not crops (庄稼).
Several cameras are built into the robot. The cameras facing the ground take photos to help the robot “see” the plants it passes.
The robot compares each photo to a library of plant photos to decide on which plants are weeds.
Robot arms move into position to give a small dose (剂量) of weedkiller on the weeds.
The robot is energy-friendly. 34
How the robot will develop
The scientists do not want to just stop at the achievement they have made. 35 The improved model of robots will exactly discover weeds and dig them out instead of weedkillers.
Robots could be programmed to leave some harmless weeds in the fields to support wildlife living there. This will help create s more balanced ecosystem.
A.How the robot works
B.It is powered by the energy from the sun.
C.But scientists have created a farmyard robot.
D.How do farmers usually kill weeds in the fields
E.Where the robot is used.
F.They’re working on the new designs to improve the model.
reply word situation warm receive encourage student love remind deep
The warm news “A boy sent a message to his dead father and received a warm reply.” appeared on the Internet not long ago. It 36 touched a number of people.
The hero of the story was a 37 who failed in the postgraduate entrance examination (研究生入学考试). He sent a message to his dead father’s old phone number. He told his father about his 38 and how much he missed his father. The new owner of the phone number was a man called Mr. Gao. After 39 the message, he gave a heart-warming reply. He just wanted to cheer the boy up and tell him not to give up.
“I think he wants to send it to his father. but I have a feeling that his father has gone and he may not do well in the exam and need 40 .” Mr. Gao said. After thinking about it, he decided to 41 to this message. He wrote, “You will grow up through setbacks and become the best yourself...”
The boy and the strange “father” warmed each other with simple 42 sincere (真诚的) feelings. And this story also touched a lot of people.
The strange “father” found the boy’s words very moving. And the strange “father’s” kind action made the boy feel unbelievable but 43 at that moment, the boy felt as if his father were still there, and he could feel the long-lost father’s 44 in the kindness.
Such a moving story is a small miniature (缩影) of Chinese society. The heart-warming story 45 us that love and kindness can transcend (超越) time and space. It also shows us that sometimes, a stranger’s words can make a great difference to others.
Do you know digital (数字化的) technology It is a modern technology which is convenient. If there’s any modern technology that can make traditional Chinese music alive forever, it must be digital technology.
Recently, a digital protection project for traditional Chinese instrumental music was created. The purpose of the project is to make traditional music alive again by using digital technology to restore and keep the original audio sources (原始音频源). Basing on these sources, people are able to create digital albums (专辑), social media mini programs and game background music. These are all ways of making the music pass down.
The first traditional instrument to get this kind of rebirth was an old set of bianzhong. It was the largest set of bianzhong ever discovered in China. This made it really challenging for the team members. “This is the first time that I have ever seen such an unexpected form of music,” said the sound designer Zhang Xin.
To perfectly restore the sounds of the bianzhong, the team members thought over and did a number of tests. Yang Jie, another designer from the studio said. “At first. we tried to work out where we should put the recording microphones (显微镜) after reading a lot of papers. But only when we were there did we realize how hard this job was.”
The team tried many ways and they were finally able to collect 613 sounds in total. So far, they’ve used the bianzhong’s sounds in a new album which includes nine songs designed to help you relax with traditional Chinese music.
46.According to Paragraph 1, digital technology can make . ( 10个词以内)
47.With digital technology, there are many ways to pass down music like . (列举两项,10个词以内)
48.The team members on the bianzhong to perfectly restore the sounds. (10个词以内)
49.How many sounds did the team collect after trying many ways
50.What’s this passage mainly about (10个词以内)
51.在我们的成长过程中,自律起着重要的作用。为了加强青少年的自我约束能力,某杂志社正在开展以“争做自律好学生”为主题的征文比赛。请你以“How to Be a Self-disciplined students”为题,写一篇英语短文参赛。
参考词汇:self-discipline n.自律 self-disciplined adj.自律的
How to Be a Self-disciplined Students
1.B 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.C 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.A
wait for等候;look after照顾;give away赠送;find out发现。 根据“so that they could grow very well”可知,应是照料那些植物,故选B。
check查看;dig挖;hide躲藏;plant种植。根据“spare some time to...the plants”可知,是抽时间查看种植的植物,故选A。
boring无聊的;common共同的;beautiful漂亮的;surprising令人惊讶的,奇怪的。根据“The lettuce is covered with bad insects!”可知,应是发现生菜上有奇怪的东西,故选D。
classroom教室;bedroom卧室;museum博物馆;garden花园。根据“he shouted to his teacher worriedly”可知,应是走进教室,故选A。
protecting保护;eating吃;following跟随;collecting收集。根据“The lettuce is covered with bad insects!”可知,此处指害虫在吃生菜,故选B。
box盒子;bag书包;gift礼物;card卡片。根据“There is something in the box”可知此处指的是盒子,故选A。
If如果;Although尽管;Unless除非;Because因为。 “it is small”与“it can play an important part”之间是让步关系,所以用Although引导让步状语从句。故选B。
keep保持;ask询问;avoid避免;solve解决。根据“this problem”可知,是解决问题,故选D。
angrily生气地;carefully认真地;quickly快速地;exactly确切地。 根据“some ladybugs (瓢虫)... flew out”可知,应是一打开盒子,瓢虫很快飞了出来,故选C。
harmful有害的;helpful有帮助的;dangerous危险的;popular受欢迎的。根据“When we put them... the garden, they would eat the aphids.”可知,瓢虫会吃掉蚜虫,所以空处是问瓢虫是如何有帮助的,故选B。
friends朋友;leaders领导;relatives亲戚;enemies敌人。根据“they would eat the aphids”可知,瓢虫会吃掉蚜虫,所以它们是蚜虫的敌人,故选D。
to到;out向外;in在……里;on在……上。根据“When we put them ... the garden, they would eat the aphids”可知,应是把瓢虫放进花园,故选C。
disappeared消失;remained剩余;developed发展;succeeded成功。根据“There were no more aphids on the lettuce at all.”可知,蚜虫没有了,故选A。
16.C 17.D 18.D 19.C 20.C
16.细节理解题。根据“Find a strong building or stay in a car with a hard roof (车顶).”和“Do not stand near things that are made of metal.”可知,闪电发生的时候,符合安全的措施是b,c,d。故选C。
17.细节理解题。根据Indoors中“2.Do not take a bath or shower. Stay away from water.”可知,闪电发生的时候,我们不要洗澡,并且远离水。故选D。
18.推理判断题。根据该段语境,没有提及A选项,所以A选项不正确;根据“Put your hands on your knees and keep your head down.”可知,闪电躲避蹲姿是把你的手放在膝盖上,把头低下去,所以B选项是不正确的;根据“Try to be as small as you can, with very little touching the ground.”可知,要更少地触碰地面,所以C选项是不正确的,而D选项是正确的。故选D。
19.主旨大意题。结合开头“Lightning can be dangerous. Here are some tips to stay safe”可知,这篇文章主要是关于闪电发生的时候,如何保护自己。故选C。
21.C 22.A 23.B 24.C 25.D
21.细节理解题。根据“Isaac was born in 1643, on a farm in the village of Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire.”可知,牛顿出生于17世纪。故选C。
22.细节理解题。根据“He began studying traditional ideas about nature which came from ancient times. These included the idea that the earth was the center of the universe.”和常识可知,地球是宇宙的中心,这个说法是错误的。故选A。
23.细节理解题。根据“He also explained that the heavier an object is, the bigger its gravity will be.”可知,物体越重,它的引力就越大。故选B。
24.主旨大意题。根据“What’s more, there is a famous story: The story says that Isaac discovered gravity when an apple fell from a tree and landed on his head. This made Issac wonder why objects fall down.”可知,第四段主要讲述了牛顿通过掉落的苹果发现引力的故事。故选C。
26.D 27.C 28.B 29.D 30.C
26.词句猜测题。根据“A well-known poem by Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu tells of a scene in early April,”可知此处是杜牧的诗句“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂”。故选D。
27.细节理解题。根据原文“Chinese people celebrate it to remember and honor their ancestors.”可知中国人用清明节来纪念自己的祖先。故选C。
28.细节理解题。根据原文“On this day, families bring flowers, food and wine to the grave sites of their ancestors. They place cakes, fruit in front of the grave and some may burn joss paper as money for the dead.”可知鲜花、食物、酒和纸钱都是可以带去的。故选B。
29.推理判断题。根据“It began in the Zhou Dynasty, over 2,500 years ago.”可知选项B正确;“People have one day off for that day.”可知选项A正确;根据“This tradition shows that family values are an important part of Chinese culture.”可知选项C正确。故选D。
30.主旨大意题。通读全文以及根据“Tomb-sweeping Day became a public holiday in 2008.”可知,本文主要介绍了中国的传统节日——清明节。故选C。
31.D 32.C 33.A 34.B 35.F
31.根据下文“Many of them use chemicals to kill weeds (杂草).”可知,说的是农民除草的问题,选项D“农民通常是如何除草的?”符合语境。故选D。
32.根据下文“This kind of robot can cut weedkiller use by 90%.”可知,此处提到机器人,选项C“但科学家们已经创造了一个农场机器人。”符合语境。故选C。
33.根据下文“Several cameras are built into the robot. The cameras facing the ground take photos to help the robot “see” the plants it passes.”可知,说的是机器人如何工作的,选项A“机器人是如何工作的”符合语境。故选A。
34.根据上文“The robot is energy-friendly.”可知,此处提到机器人很节能,选项B“它是由太阳能驱动的。”符合语境。故选B。
35.根据下文“The improved model of robots will exactly discover weeds and dig them out instead of weedkillers.”可知,此处提到了改进后的机器人,选项F“他们正在研究改进这种模型的新设计。”符合语境。故选F。
36.deeply 37.student 38.situation 39.receiving 40.encouragement 41.reply 42.words 43.warm 44.love 45.reminds
【导语】本文讲述了一个研究生入学考试失利的学生与陌生的 “父亲” 之间的暖人的故事,展现了中国社会中陌生人之间的关爱。
36.句意:它深深地感动了许多人。根据上文“A boy sent a message to his dead father and received a warm reply.”可知,一个男孩给他死去的父亲发了一条信息,得到了温暖的回复,此处指 “这则新闻深深地感动了许多人”;空格在主谓之间,填备选词deep的副词形式deeply“深深地”。故填deeply。
37.句意:故事的主人公是一个研究生入学考试不及格的学生。根据“who failed in the postgraduate entrance examination”可知,此处指 “一个研究生入学考试不及格的学生”;备选词student“学生” 符合语境,空格在不定冠词a后,填单数名词。故填student。
38.句意:他向父亲讲述了自己的处境,以及他是多么想念父亲。根据下文“He just wanted to cheer the boy up and tell him not to give up”可知,此处指“他向父亲讲了自己考试失利的情况”;备选词situation “情况/状况” 符合语境。故填situation。
39.句意:收到信息后,他给了一个温暖人心的回复。根据下文“he gave a heart-warming reply”可知此处指“收到信息后,给了回复”;备选词receive“收到”符合语境,介词after后接动名词。故填receiving。
40.句意:“但我有一种感觉,他爸爸走了,他可能考不好,需要鼓励。”高说。根据上文“his father has gone and he may not do well in the exam”可知,此处指“他爸爸走了,他考不好,需要鼓励”;填备选词encourage的名词形式encouragement “鼓励”,作宾语。故填encouragement。
41.句意:经过思考,他决定回复这条信息。根据下文“He wrote…”可知,此处指“他回复了这条信息”;备选词reply “回复” 符合语境,decide to do sth. “决定做某事”,填动词原形。故填reply。
42.句意:男孩和陌生的“爸爸”用朴实的话语和真挚的感情温暖着对方。根据上文“He wrote…”可知,此处指 “用朴实的话语”;备选词word “话语” 符合语境,填复数形式表泛指。故填words。
43.句意:而陌生的“爸爸”的善意举动,让男孩感到难以置信但温暖的那一刻,男孩感觉自己的父亲还在,在这份善意中,他能感受到久违的父爱。根据上文“The boy and the strange ‘father’ warmed each other…”男孩和陌生的“爸爸”温暖着对方;可知此处指“男孩感到难以置信但很温暖”;备选词warm “温暖的” 符合语境,形容词作表语。故填warm。
44.句意:而陌生的“爸爸”的善意举动,让男孩感到难以置信但温暖的那一刻,男孩感觉自己的父亲还在,在这份善意中,他能感受到久违的父爱。根据上文“A boy sent a message to his dead father”可知此处指“感受到久违的父爱”;备选词love“爱”符合语境。故填love。
45.句意:这个感人的故事提醒我们,爱和善良可以超越时间和空间。根据下文“It also shows us that sometimes,…”可知,此处指“提醒我们…”;备选词remind“提醒”符合语境,句子是一般现在时,主语“The heart-warming story”是单数名词,谓语动词用单三形式。故填reminds。
46.traditional Chinese music alive forever 47.creating digital albums and social media mini programs (and game background music) 48.put the recording microphones 49.613 sounds in total. 50.Digital technology helps restore and keep music./Digital technology can make traditional Chinese music alive forever.
46.根据“If there’s any modern technology that can make traditional Chinese music alive forever, it must be digital technology.”可知数字化技术可以让中国传统音乐永远存活。故填traditional Chinese music alive forever。
47.根据“Basing on these sources, people are able to create digital albums (专辑), social media mini programs and game background music. These are all ways of making the music pass down.”可知用数词化技术让音乐传承下去的方法有:创建数字化专辑,社交媒体迷你项目和游戏背景音乐。故填creating digital albums and social media mini programs (and game background music)。
48.根据“To perfectly restore the sounds of the bianzhong…At first. we tried to work out where we should put the recording microphones (显微镜) after reading a lot of papers.”可知这些队员为了完美地存储这些声音,他们在编钟上用了显微镜。故填put the recording microphones。
49.根据“The team tried many ways and they were finally able to collect 613 sounds in total.”可知队员们尝试了很多方法后一共收集到了613种声音。故填613 sounds in total.
50.通读全文可知本文主要介绍了数字化技术如何让传统音乐储存和保持下来。故填Digital technology helps restore and keep music./Digital technology can make traditional Chinese music alive forever.
How to be a self-disciplined student
Self-discipline plays an important role in our life. We must be strict with ourselves in everyday life. How can we be self-disciplined students
First of all, we should follow school rules and get on well with our classmates at school. Secondly, we should finish our homework on time and help our parents with housework at home. Thirdly, we should read more and play computer games less.
Self-discipline is good for us in many ways. It makes our life easier, happier and healthier. Our life and study are so well organized that we can save a lot of time. What’s more, being self-disciplined helps us prepare for a better and brighter future.
③提示:考生应以“How to be a self-disciplined student”为题,根据提示进行写作,注意不要遗漏重点信息,可适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。
①First of all首先
②get on well with与……相处融洽
③on time按时
④help sb. with sth.帮助某人某事
⑤be good for对……有益
⑥prepare for为……做准备
①Our life and study are so well organized that we can save a lot of time. (so…that…句型)
②What’s more, being self-disciplined helps us prepare for a better and brighter future. (动名词作主语)



