
These days, claw machines (抓娃娃机) are becoming more and more popular in theaters, malls and restaurants in many Chinese cities. A claw machine is a glass box with colorful dolls or toys 1 . You toss in a 2 of coins, usually two yuan, and control metal claw to grab a doll. If you are 3 , the metal claw will grab the doll and move it to the machine’s delivery slot without dropping it.
These machines were invented in Japan. In China, it used to be a street game to attract 4 . But now, more adults are playing it. Young people 5 the 18-38 age group, particularly women, make up about 60 percent of claw game players.
Beijinger Li Ying 6 the machines in 2020. She has spent several thousand yuan on them. She has about 50 dolls at home, including Mickey Mouse and Pikachu.
“Only two yuan for a chance to grab a cute doll—it’s 7 trying.” Li said, “When I finally succeed after several attempts, the sense of 8 filled me with happiness.”
Xu Zixuan, 26, used to study music in Singapore. She is also a big 9 of the game. When she returned to China in March last year, she chose to work at a claw machine store. Her daily work includes cleaning the store, checking the machines and 10 them to get ready for the next day. Working with different kinds of dolls makes her happy, she said.
1.A.above B.around C.inside D.under
2.A.couple B.bag C.handful D.mountain
3.A.well C.lucky D.unlucky
4.A.students B.babies C.girls D.children B.between
6.A.made good use of B.fell in love with
C.paid attention to D.turned a blind eye to
7.A.well worth B.great fun use good
8.A.wonder B.balance C.relaxation D.achievement
9.A.player B.owner D.master
10.A.replacing B.emptying C.refilling D.opening
Kathy could still remember the night when she had to leave her home in Hungary at the age of 14. It was the beginning of World War II and her family had to leave their country as soon as possible. She quickly filled a bag with a few pieces of clothing, her diary, and her treasure—a beautiful silk scarf.
Kathy and her best friend, Monica, had asked their parents to buy them matching scarves. They each would wear the scarves as a symbol of their friendship. Kathy had no idea that she was going to America that night and would not be returning.
Kathy kept that special silk scarf for many years. One day she decided to give it to her granddaughter, Eliza, to wear to her first job interview for good luck. Kathy was afraid that Eliza would lose the scarf, but the granddaughter promised, “Don’t worry, Grandma, nothing’s going to happen to your scarf. You’ll see. It is going to bring both of us luck today.” And with that, Eliza kissed her grandmother and left for the interview.
That afternoon Eliza left the interview, feeling sure that she had got the job. So she decided to celebrate by going to a restaurant. As she was sitting at her table, she felt someone looking at her. Sitting next to her was an old woman, who could not take her eyes away from her.
“I’m sorry, do I know you ” Eliza asked.
“I’m sorry, dear, but you make me think of someone I once knew,” the old woman replied. “My best friend looked like you and used to wear a scarf just like the one you’re wearing around your neck.” Eliza listened carefully, with her eyes and mouth wide open. She had heard stories of her grandmother’s best friend and knew the meaning of the scarf. Could this be Monica, her grandmother’s childhood friend
Eliza introduced herself and waited to hear the name of the other woman.
“My name’s Monica, dear. I lived in Hungary as a child, but my family had to leave when I was fourteen years old. I’ve been living here in California ever since.” said the old woman. Eliza could not believe her ears...
11.What happened on the night Kathy left Hungary
A.She wore a beautiful silk scarf.
B.It was when World War II started.
C.She and her family left in a hurry.
D.She only took expensive things with her.
12.According to the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6, how did Eliza feel
A.Disappointed. B.Surprised. C.Nervous. D.Satisfied.
13.What can we infer from the last paragraph
A.Monica had never left California.
B.Monica left Hungary together with Kathy.
C.Monica thought Kathy still lived in Hungary.
D.Monica left Hungary for the same reason as Kathy.
14.What would Eliza probably do immediately after dinner
A.She would give the silk scarf to Monica.
B.She would take Monica to meet her grandmother.
C.She would return the silk scarf to her grandmother.
D.She would tell her grandmother that the scarf brought her good luck.
15.What is the best title of this passage
A.A Scarf of Luck B.A Story about the War
C.A Gift from Parents D.A Reunion of Friends
The Chaoshan region, known for its rich cultural traditions, is home to the unique practice of Gongfu Tea, an art form that shows the heart of Chinese tea culture. The process is called “Gongfu”, which means “skill” or “art”. It’s an activity for people to come together and spend time with each other.
Gongfu Tea is characterized by its careful and attentive brewing (冲泡) process, which includes several key steps. The tea master selects the finest leaves, often from the local tea plants, and carefully measures them into a small teapot with small holes. And then boiling water is poured over the leaves. After that, the leaves are left to soak for a little while. Finally, the tea is poured into tiny cups for everyone to appreciate.
The Gongfu Tea ceremony is not just about enjoying the taste of tea. It is also a reflection of the way of life of the Chaoshan people. It is a time for friends and family to gather, share stories, and enjoy the moment’s quiet. The ceremony helps people feel like they are part of a community, as participants take turns serving and appreciating the tea. Meanwhile, as the world becomes increasingly fast-paced, the practice of Gongfu Tea offers people a break from modern stress. It encourages people to slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures in life. The Gongfu Tea tradition is a reminder of the importance of balance and harmony, values that are deeply rooted in Chinese thinking.
The future of Gongfu Tea lies in the hands of the younger generation. As they learn the art from their elders, they carry forward a tradition that is not only a cultural treasure but also a source of personal well-being (福祉).
16.What does Gongfu Tea symbolize in the Chaoshan region
A.A tea produced in Chaoshan.
B.A skillful way of producing tea.
C.A type of tea leaves from the region.
D.A way for people to gather and socialize.
17.How many steps are included in the process of brewing Gongfu Tea
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6
18.What does the author imply in the last paragraph
A.Keeping Gongfu Tea is only the duty of the young generation.
B.If young people carry the tradition forward, they will be happy and healthy.
C.In today’s busy world, it is impossible for people to pass the tradition down.
D.If the young don’t learn the art from their elders, it will disappear in the future.
19.What is the main idea of the passage
A.It explains the steps to make Gongfu Tea.
B.It talks about the history of Gongfu Tea and how it has changed.
C.It discusses the role of young people in carrying Gongfu Tea forward.
D.It shows how Gongfu Tea brings people together and helps them relax.
20.In what kind of TV program can we see people enjoy Gongfu Tea
A.Sports B.News C.Travel D.Health
The Moon is attracting much attention these days as NASA is ready to send space rockets there and preparing for more to follow. The mission’s objectives are clear: to create a long-lasting base on its surface and prepare to go to Mars one day.
What’s the next great move in humans’ quest for the secrets of the universe When it comes to the near future scientific research in space, there are a few areas in the solar system that will receive some special attention.
First of all, there’s Venus, a planet which was like a paradise to human with oceans and a pleasant atmosphere. However, something went terribly wrong there a few billion years ago, and NASA has scheduled a series of missions to explore what exactly is going on there.
At the other end of the solar system are the gas planets. Several of the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn are covered in thick sheets of ice, and underneath the ice are oceans of liquid water. NASA has missions planned to investigate those mysterious worlds, hunting for any sign of possible life hidden deep within.
As for us humans, Mars is certainly the grand prize in the coming decades. If we have enough money for the trips, we can perhaps keep astronauts working and studying on the surface of Mars for quite a long time. The other planets in our solar system are not so suitable for people to settle on. For example, Mercury is too close to the Sun and too far away from the Earth.
In the coming decades, humans expect to see a rise of “space hotels” set up for visiting tourists and scientific explorations. Because of our current level of technology, it is not very practical to turn the space rock into a place suitable for humans. But it may be the next easiest thing to achieve after going to the Moon and Mars.
21.Why does the author mention the Moon in the first paragraph
A.To introduce the space station on the Moon.
B.To highlight the difficulty of going to the Moon.
C.To explain the relationship between the Moon and Mars.
D.To show the Moon’s important role in space exploration.
22.What does the underlined word in paragraph 2 mean B.achievement C.difficulty D.exploration
23.What’s the purpose of exploring Venus, Jupiter and Saturn
A.To find new locations for space hotels.
B.To search for potential life and possible living places.
C.To compete with other countries in space exploration.
D.To prepare for the construction of a new space station.
24.Why is Mars considered as the “grand prize” for humans
A.Because Mars is three times bigger than the Earth.
B.Because it’s far from the Earth and close to the Sun.
C.Because people might be able to live and work there.
D.Because there are enough resources to help humans develop.
25.What is the author’s attitude towards future space exploration
A.Surprised. B.Positive. C.Negative. D.Indifferent.
Dolphins are very famous and popular ocean animals. 26 . You can find these wonderful creatures in all the big bodies of saltwater around the world.
Dolphins have long, smooth bodies that help them swim really fast through the water. They use their strong tails to push themselves forward and their fins to control directions. 27 , like clicks and whistles (鸣响). They’re so smart that they can even work out problems and understand what other dolphins are saying.
28 . They make sounds that bounce off (弹回) things in the water, like fish or rocks, and then listen to the echoes to know where things are. This helps them find food and move around, even in the dark.
29 . They sometimes help fishermen to catch fish in the sea and are a big hit in aquarium (水族馆) shows. But some people worry that dolphins shouldn’t be kept in small tanks because it might not be as good for them as the open ocean.
In the wild, dolphins have to deal with things like pollution and getting caught in fishing nets. 30 , so we can watch these amazing animals play in the waves for a long time.
A.Dolphins are usually friendly to people
B.Dolphins are social animals and are very united
C.They are loved for their smart minds and fun-loving nature
D.One cool thing about dolphins is that they can “see” with sound
E.It’s important to take care of the oceans and the dolphins’ homes
F.Dolphins like to chat with each other by making different noises
下面的材料A~F分别介绍了六所青年驿站。请根据Amy, Ben, Carl, Dan, Evan五个大学毕业生的需求,帮助他们选出最合适的驿站。
31 Amy is a passionate graduate who finds joy in reading and loves to explore the beauty of art. 32 Ben grew up in a coastal city. He wants to live near the sea, where he can seek endless inspiration. 33 Carl’s adventurous spirit and passion for exploring the city are reflected in his favorite choice of transport: the metro. 34 Dan is a sociable person who values the sense of community. He enjoys the idea of shared common spaces, where he can make friends. 35 Emily has just Graduated from Cambridge University looking for a job in the Hi-tech industry. She needs to stay in Shenzhen for a month. A.Luohu International Talent Home Luohu International Talent Home is only for foreigners or graduates who have studied abroad. They are able to extend free stays up to 30 days. B.Grads Home (Nantou Ancient Town) This Grads Home is situated in the heart of Nantou Ancient Town, offering a variety of shops and restaurants. By taking the Metro, one can quickly reach Shenzhen Hi-tech Park and Shenzhen University. One can only stay for 7 days. C. Grads Home (Longhua Dalang) This Grads Home is located at V Town in Yuanfen New Village. Spending time in common areas such as kitchens, gyms, libraries, and roof-top gardens will give newly—arrived Shenzheners a sense of community. D.Grads Home (Guangming Talents) This Grads Home is near the Guangming District Government’s office building, Guangming Culture and Art Center, and the district library. E. Grads Home (Dapeng) From this Grads Home, one can enjoy the enchanting sea view of Dapeng Bay. It’s near Dapeng Suocheng, where one can visit some temples and museums. F. Grads Home (Longgang Yuanshan) Situated at Universiade Software Town, the Home is near the Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology and Sam’s Club. Its location is also near a transit metro station serving three lines, providing easy access to various destinations.
The Chinese lion dance is a tradition in Chinese culture. It dates back centuries and 36 (perform) during festivals and special occasions to bring joy, good luck and prosperity. It was very popular in some famous European cities during the Chinese New Year this year.
The lion, a respected creature in Chinese culture, is believed 37 (bring) fortune and drive away evil spirits. The lion dance, a symbol of courage and 38 (strong), is brought to life by skilled dancers. They imitate the lion’s powerful walking and jumping by 39 (control) the lion’s head and body through complicated movements. The dance is 40 (perfect) accompanied with the lively sound of drums.
The lion dance is not only a performance, but also a 41 (wonder) cultural experience. It represents the unity and spirit of the community, bringing people together to celebrate and honor 42 (them) heritage. Whether watching the dance 43 participating in it, one can feel the richness of Chinese culture come alive.
44 conclusion, the Chinese lion dance is a time-honored and charming tradition that symbolizes the essence of Chinese culture. It’s a proof of 45 toughness and creativity of the Chinese people, and a joy to see for all.
46.高尔基曾说:“书是人类进步的阶梯。”上周,你们班在班会课上调查了同学们每天的课外阅读情况。假如你是学习委员李华,请你根据下图和文字提示写一篇短文,向你校英语报“Let’s Read More”栏目投稿。
2.谈谈你的课外阅读习惯 (至少1点);
3.谈谈阅读的好处 (至少1点) 及你的建议 (至少1点)。
3.词数:100左右 (开头已给出,不计入总词数)。
Read More, Learn More
Gorky once said, “Books are the ladder of human progress.” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1.C 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.C
couple一对;bag包,袋;handful一把;mountain山。根据“usually two yuan”可知,此处指少量的钱,a couple of“几个;两个”符合语境。故选A。
well好;free空闲的;lucky幸运的;unlucky不幸的。根据“the metal claw will grab the doll and move it to the machine’s delivery slot without dropping it”可知,设空处后内容“抓到娃娃”是一件幸运的事情。故选C。
students学生;babies婴儿;girls女孩;children孩子。根据“But now, more adults are playing it.”可知,下文转折介绍现在成人都在玩,所以以前主要对象是孩子。故选D。
at在;between在……之间;in在……里;by通过。根据“...the18-38 age group”可知,此处指在18-38年龄段里面的年轻人。故选C。
made good use of好好利用;fell in love with爱上;paid attention to注意;turned a blind eye to视而不见。根据“She has spent several thousand yuan on them. She has about 50 dolls at home, including Mickey Mouse and Pikachu.”可知,李英沉迷于抓娃娃。故选B。
well woth值得;great fun很有趣;no use没用;no good无益。根据“When I finally succeed after several attempts, the sense of...filled me with happiness.”可知,她觉得抓娃娃是一件非常值得去做的事情,be well worth doing“很值得去做”。故选A。
wonder想知道;balance平衡;relaxation放松;achievement成就。根据“When I finally succeed after several attempts”可知,最后抓到娃娃时会很有成就感,D选项符合语境。故选D。
player玩家;owner所有者;fan迷,狂热爱好者;master主人。根据“When she returned to China in March last year, she chose to work at a claw machine store.”可知,徐子轩回国后选择去抓娃娃店工作,可见她是这项游戏的粉丝。故选C。
replacing替换;emptying清空;refilling再填充;opening开放。根据“to get ready for the next day”可知,要为第二天做准备,需将娃娃机中的玩偶重新填满。故选C。
11.C 12.B 13.D 14.B 15.A
11.细节理解题。根据“Kathy could still remember the night when she had to leave her home in Hungary at the age of 14. It was the beginning of World War II and her family had to leave their country as soon as possible.”可知,她和她的家人匆忙离开了她们的国家。故选C。
12.词句猜测题。根据“She had heard stories of her grandmother’s best friend and knew the meaning of the scarf.”可知,老妇人所讲的故事几乎与Eliza的祖母Kathy讲述的故事吻合,所以Eliza感觉很惊讶。故选B。
13.推理判断题。根据上文“Kathy could still remember the night when she had to leave her home in Hungary at the age of 14.”及“My name’s Monica, dear. I lived in Hungary as a child, but my family had to leave when I was fourteen years old.”可推知,两家人都是因为相同的原因离开了他们的国家,故选D。
14.推理判断题。根据“Could this be Monica, her grandmother’s childhood friend ”及结合文章内容可推知,Monica应该是奶奶Kathy的儿时好友,所以Eliza会带着Monica去见奶奶,让两个好友重逢,故选B。
16.D 17.C 18.D 19.D 20.C
16.细节理解题。根据“It’s an activity for people to come together and spend time with each other.”可知,象征着一项让人们聚在一起共度时光的活动。故选D。
17.细节理解题。根据“The tea master selects the finest leaves, often from the local tea plants, and carefully measures them into a small teapot with small holes. And then boiling water is poured over the leaves. After that, the leaves are left to soak for a little while. Finally, the tea is poured into tiny cups for everyone to appreciate.”可知,步骤为挑选茶叶,将其放入茶壶中,将沸水倒在茶叶上,让茶叶浸泡,然后将茶倒入杯子中,共五步,故选C。
18.推理判断题。根据“The future of Gongfu Tea lies in the hands of the younger generation. As they learn the art from their elders, they carry forward a tradition that is not only a cultural treasure but also a source of personal well-being.”可知,工夫茶的未来掌握在年轻一代手中。当他们向长辈学习艺术时,他们发扬了传统,这不仅是文化财富,也是个人福祉的源泉。所以D选项“如果年轻人不向长辈学习这门艺术,它将在未来消失。”正确。故选D。
19.主旨大意题。根据“It’s an activity for people to come together and spend time with each other.”“The Gongfu Tea ceremony is not just about enjoying the taste of tea. It is also a reflection of the way of life of the Chaoshan people.”及“The future of Gongfu Tea lies in the hands of the younger generation.”可知,这篇文章强调了年轻人在推动工夫茶发展中的作用,以及它如何将人们聚集在一起,帮助他们放松。故选D。
20.推理判断题。根据“The Chaoshan region, known for its rich cultural traditions, is home to the unique practice of Gongfu Tea, an art form that shows the heart of Chinese tea culture.”可知,本文介绍了潮汕工夫茶,所以与“旅行”有关,故选C。
21.D 22.D 23.B 24.C 25.B
21.推理判断题。根据“The Moon is attracting much attention these days as NASA is ready to send space rockets there and preparing for more to follow. The mission’s objectives are clear: to create a long-lasting base on its surface and prepare to go to Mars one day.”可知,强调了月球作为探索太空的基地的重要性。故选D。
22.词义猜测题。根据“When it comes to the near future scientific research in space, there are a few areas in the solar system that will receive some special attention.”可知,“quest”与“research”意思相同,都为“研究,探索”,故选D。
23.推理判断题。根据“First of all, there’s Venus, a planet which was like a paradise to human with oceans and a pleasant atmosphere.”及“NASA has missions planned to investigate those mysterious worlds, hunting for any sign of possible life hidden deep within.”研究它们是为了搜寻潜在的生命和可能的居住地,故选B。
24.细节理解题。根据“As for us humans, Mars is certainly the grand prize in the coming decades. If we have enough money for the trips, we can perhaps keep astronauts working and studying on the surface of Mars for quite a long time.”可知,是因为人们或许可以在火星表面工作和学习。故选C。
25.观点态度题。根据“In the coming decades, humans expect to see a rise of “space hotels” set up for visiting tourists and scientific explorations.”可推知,作者对“太空旅馆”的出现充满希望。故选B。
26.C 27.F 28.D 29.A 30.E
26.根据上文“Dolphins are very famous and popular ocean animals.”可知,此处提到海豚是非常受欢迎的海洋动物,选项C“它们因聪明的头脑和爱玩的天性而备受喜爱”符合语境。故选C。
27.根据下文“like clicks and whistles (鸣响)”可知,此处列举它们发出的声响,选项F“海豚喜欢通过发出不同的声音互相聊天”符合语境。故选F。
28.根据下文“They make sounds that bounce off (弹回) things in the water, like fish or rocks, and then listen to the echoes to know where things are. This helps them find food and move around, even in the dark.”可知,此处提到了它们依靠发出声音后听回声来确定东西的位置,选项D“海豚有一个很酷的地方,那就是它们可以用声音‘看’”符合语境。故选D。
29.根据下文“They sometimes help fishermen to catch fish in the sea”可知,此处提到它们有时帮助渔民在海里捕鱼,选项A“海豚通常对人很友好”符合语境。故选A。
30.根据上文“In the wild, dolphins have to deal with things like pollution and getting caught in fishing nets.”可知,此处提到在野外生存海豚遇到的问题,选项E“照顾好海洋和海豚的家园很重要”符合语境。故选E。
31.D 32.E 33.F 34.C 35.A
31.根据“Amy is a passionate graduate who finds joy in reading and loves to explore the beauty of art.”可知,艾米喜欢探索艺术之美,选项D“毕业之家(光明英才):这所毕业生之家靠近光明区政府办公楼、光明文化艺术中心和区图书馆。”与之对应。故选D。
32.根据“Ben grew up in a coastal city. He wants to live near the sea, where he can seek endless inspiration.”可知,Ben想住在靠近大海的地方,在那里他可以寻求无尽的灵感。选项E“毕业生之家(大鹏):从这个毕业生之家,你可以欣赏到大鹏湾迷人的海景。它在大鹏锁城附近,在那里可以参观一些寺庙和博物馆。”与之对应。故选E。
33.根据“Carl’s adventurous spirit and passion for exploring the city are reflected in his favorite choice of transport: the metro.”可知,卡尔的冒险精神和探索城市的热情体现在他最喜欢的交通选择上:地铁。选项F“毕业生之家(龙岗元山):位于大运软件城,紧邻深圳信息技术学院和山姆会员店。它的位置也靠近一个服务于三条线路的公交地铁站,方便前往各种目的地。”与之对应。故选F。
34.根据“Dan is a sociable person who values the sense of community. He enjoys the idea of shared common spaces, where he can make friends.”可知,丹是一个善于交际、重视社区意识的人。他喜欢共享公共空间的想法,在那里他可以结交朋友。选项C“毕业生之家(龙华大浪):这所毕业生之家位于袁芬新村V镇。在厨房、健身房、图书馆和屋顶花园等公共场所呆上一段时间,会给新来的深圳人一种社区感。”与之对应。故选C。
35.根据“She needs to stay in Shenzhen for a month.”可知,她需要在深圳呆一个月。选项A“罗湖国际人才之家仅供外籍人士或留学生使用。他们可以将免费住宿时间延长至30天。”与之对应。故选A。 performed bring 38.strength 39.controlling 40.perfectly 41.wonderful 42.their 43.or 44.In 45.the
36.句意:它的历史可以追溯到几个世纪,在节日和特殊场合表演,带来欢乐,好运和繁荣。主语It指代前句的“中国舞狮”,与perform是动宾关系,结合“dates”可知,时态是一般现在时,因此空处用一般现在时的被动语态am/is/are done,主语是三单,be用is。故填is performed。
37.句意:狮子,在中国文化中是一种受人尊敬的动物,被认为能带来好运,驱赶邪灵。sb/sth be believed to do“相信某人/某物会做某事”。故填to bring。
38.句意:舞狮是勇气和力量的象征,技艺精湛的舞者将舞狮表演得栩栩如生。根据“courage and”可知,空处用名词形式,strong的名词为strength“力量”。故填strength。
43.句意:无论是观看舞蹈还是参与其中,都能感受到中国文化的丰富性。whether ... or“无论……还是……”,固定结构。故填or。
44.句意:总之,中国舞狮是一个古老而迷人的传统,象征着中国文化的精髓。in conclusion“总之”,固定短语。故填In。
Read More, Learn More
Gorky once said, “Books are the ladder of human progress.” Last week, we conducted a survey on our classmates’ daily reading habit after class in our class meeting.
According to the results, half of the students don’t have the habit of reading. Among the other half who read, 28% of our classmates spend less than an hour per day on books. Another 17% spend 1 to 2 hours reading every day, while the rest 5% of our class spend more than 2 hours a day on books.
As for me, I enjoy reading different kinds of books, so I have developed a habit of reading for at least 30 minutes a day. Reading can not only help us learn knowledge from different topics outside of school, but also improve our way of thinking. So, I suggest that we students should all spend some quality time with the books we’re interested in every day.
①reading habit阅读习惯
②less than少于
③the rest剩下的
④develop a habit of reading养成读书的习惯
①As for me, I enjoy reading different kinds of books, so I have developed a habit of reading for at least 30 minutes a day. (并列句)
②So, I suggest that we students should all spend some quality time with the books we’re interested in every day. (宾语从句;定语从句)



