
1.—Do you mind if I clean the blackboard
— ________.
A.No, please don’t B.Yes, of course not C.No, really D.Yes, I mind
2.—Tim has difficulty in making decisions.
— ________. He’s still thinking about whether to take the job.
A.That’s it B.Never mind C.All right D.It’s a shame
3.—How was your interview yesterday
— ________. They only wanted someone with experience.
A.Come on B.All right C.Thank you D.Don’t mention it
4.—There is no better sports than swimming in ________ days.
—I agree.
A.cat B.dog C.monkey D.mouse
5.In Class One, about ninety percent of the students are sure of passing the PE Test. But ________ ten percent still need to practice more to reach the goal.
A.another B.the other C.others D.other
6.—What a cute koala! It’s hard to believe this is just a teapot.
—Well, it’s a work of art but it is also ________ for tea making.
A.natural B.personal C.practical D.general
7.—Those ballet dancers looked so beautiful!
—Yes, especially while the girls were ________ their legs in the air!
A.dropping B.landing C.tying D.kicking
8.—Do you like your new job
—Yes. But what ________ me is having to do the same thing all day long.
A.brings B.calls C.gets D.drops
9.The government is ________ elevators in the old buildings of some communities so that people, especially the elderly can go up and down easily.
A.putting in B.putting out C.putting away D.putting through
10.The idiom “Be an Armchair Strategist (战略家)” tells us ________.
A.where people should sit B.when should people sit down
C.which armchair can be comfortable D.how important practice is
My first-grade teacher, Mr. Gunderson, once told my class a story. A father is killed in a car accident and the son is 11 hurt. But when the boy arrives at the 12 the doctor on duty says, “I can’t 13 an operation on this patient. This is my son!” Mr. Gunderson asked, “Who is the doctor ” Hands went up and my classmates shouted out 14 but they didn’t arrive at the correct answer. Mr. Gunderson didn’t let me 15 because he knew it would be very easy for me to understand that the surgeon was the boy’s 16 . I suppose that Mr. Gunderson’s puzzle would be a lot easier for today’s first graders.
Being a doctor at that time, my mother was considered very 17 because female doctors were rare then. However, to my sister and me. she was and is just Mom. When we were kids, we came home from school to a 18 who watched us until our parents came home. Mom took Friday off so she could spend more time with us, and we could tell that she felt 19 about not being home more often.
My younger sister and I figured at a fairly young age that this was Mom’s weak spot, and we 20 it pitilessly whenever we wanted a new toy or snacks. I wish I had 21 doing that the first time Mom told me about one of her 22 who had died, but I’m sure I didn’t. I can’t imagine what it’s like to spend all day taking care of other people’s 23 children, some of whom are not going to 24 it, and then come home to find that your own kids are acting like that. We were just like spoiled brats (顽童) then. I suppose she could have found our guilty weak spots to make us obey, but she never did. I think I’d better 25 her for that.
11.A.simply B.seriously C.usually D.gradually
12.A.school B.station C.hospital D.room
13.A.send B.present C.clear D.perform
14.A.guesses B.instructions C.explanations D.suggestions
15.A.answer B.conclude C.question D.require
16.A.stepfather B.grandpa C.mother D.uncle
17.A.special B.wealthy C.average D.urgent
18.A.member B.passenger C.passer-by D.babysitter
19.A.angry B.curious C.careful D.sorry
20.A.kept away from B.took advantage of C.pulled down D.took out
21.A.stopped B.continued C.considered D.imagined
22.A.workmates B.patients C.relatives D.friends
23.A.sick B.educated C.naughty D.respectful
24.A.mention B.prefer C.make D.require
25.A.judge B.hate C.admire D.thank
Education in Ancient Greece. From the ages of seven to fifteen, boys in most ancient Greek city states went to school, where they learnt to read and write. In school, boys mostly wrote on a tablet (a wooden frame filled with beeswax 蜂蜡) using a stylus. When they wanted to start again, they held the wax near to the fire so it melted away (融化) what they had written. They also learnt about music and how to play an instrument, such as a lyre. In addition, boys were taught maths and physical skills. __________________ The Olmecs passed their cacao knowledge to the Ancient Maya of Mexico and Central America, who made chocolate into a spicy drink used in ceremonies. Cacao (可可) started to become very valued. Later the Aztecs used cacao for trade and the cacao seeds as a form of money. In 1502, Christopher Columbus was the first European explorer to come into contact with cacao beans when he and his crew captured a trade ship. He supposed the beans were a type of almond (杏仁) and brought them back to Europe. The New Timelines Product The book’s catalog (目录) is artfully rainbow-colored, dividing different historical periods into 10 chapters. As you turn the pages, you can clearly see the rainbow colors corresponding to (相对应) each historical period, which is very visual and easy to lock up. You can not only learn about nearly 1500 important historical events and people, appreciate classic famous quotes, but also appreciate about 1000 exquisite pictures of cultural relics and works of art.
26.In which SECTION of the newspaper can we read the news
27.What could students in Greece do when they felt the need to rewrite
A.Write on a tablet. B.Heat it up using fire. C.Fill with beeswax. D.Melt away a stylus.
28.The best heading for the second piece of news would be ________.
A.The Explorer of Cacao B.New Trade Cacao C.The Birth of Cacao D.How to Make Cacao
29.Which of the following can best describe picture 3
A.The colorful history book B.The coves with timeline
C.The different periods of history D.The works of art
30.What can we learn from the book
A.There are many beautiful rainbows in the book.
B.The rainbow color is used to look up historical periods easily.
C.There are 10 different historical periods in the book.
D.You can learn 1500 events at least.
Every living thing needs to reproduce. Reproducing means creating more members of your group. In order for plants to reproduce, they have to spread their seeds (种子) to other areas. Plants have developed all kinds of ways to do this.
The simplest way is gravity. Many seeds are inside of fruit. When fruit gets too heavy, it falls from a tree to the ground. Sometimes animals will pick up the fruit and drop it in another area. That helps move the seed even farther away. Apples spread this way.
Other plants use wind to spread their seeds. Dandelions (蒲公英) are a good example of this. Dandelion seeds are so light that when wind blows, it carries dandelion seeds to new places. Maple (枫树) seeds also use wind. Their seeds are connected with long, thin leaves that look like wings. When the seed falls from the tree, its “wings” help it fly farther from the tree.
Some animals help plants spread their seeds. The animals eat the seeds. While the seed is in the animal’s body, it stays whole, when the seed leaves the animal, it’s in a new place.
Ants also help spread seeds. Some seeds have a special smell that attracts ants. The ants bring the seeds back to their home, which of course is underground. They only eat part of the seed. They leave the rest of the seed underground. After that, the seed can start growing.
31.What does the word “gravity” mean in the second paragraph
A.The action that makes animals drop seeds. B.The help that moves seeds even farther away.
C.The need that comes from animals and plants. D.The force that causes fruit to fall to the ground.
32.How do maples spread their seeds
A.They use ants. B.They use wind. C.They use smells. D.They use animals.
33.What do ants do to help spread seeds
a. They only eat part of the seed. b. They help seeds fall from the tree.
c. They carry seeds to the underground home. d. They pick up the fruit and move it far away.
e. They leave the rest of the seed underground.
A.a, b, d B.b, d, c C.a, c, e D.b, d, e
34.What is the genre (体裁) of this passage
A.A mystery which creates more members of the group.
B.A description which gives facts about the plant.
C.An argumentation which confirms the point is correct or not.
D.A comedy which makes people laugh.
35.What’s the best title for the text
A.How Plants Spread Seeds B.Why Animals Pick Up Seeds
C.How Wind Helps Seeds Spread D.Why Seeds Have a Special Trip
Have you ever shouted at your computer because it wasn’t working Of course, your computer can’t “shout” back. But AI researchers have been working on computers that can argue and perhaps even win debates (辩论) with humans.
IBM scientists recently published a paper in Nature about their new AI system—Project Debater. It can debate with people in front of a live audience (观众). After listening to arguments from its opponent (对手) the system can search around 400 million online articles in less than five minutes. And then it looks for ideas that can support its own argument.
Testing on the system began in 2019. When it debated with Harish Natarajan, a professional debater who holds the world record for the most debate competition victories. The topic was about subsidizing preschool (资助幼儿园)—and Project Debater argued to support this idea. Although Project Debater lost the debate in the end, the audience said it performed very well Interestingly, 58 percent of the audience said that Project Debater increased their knowledge about the topic—only 20 percent said the same about Natarajan.
According to Scientific American, results show that the system is able to form logical statements (有逻辑的陈述). However, ★ . Their goal is to help humans make better decisions, according to Ranit Aharanoy, manager of the Project Debater team. “It can debate both sides, so it can very quickly help you understand both sides of the problem, thus you can have a wider view of the problem and make a more thoughtful decision.” Aharanoy said.
Let’s wait and see how the Project Debater will develop in the near future.
36.According to paragraph 2, which one below is not the way of Project Debater working
A.It writes ideas that can support its own argument. B.It listens to its opponent’s arguments.
C.It searches online articles. D.It debates with its opponent.
37.In the debate with Harish Natarajan in paragraph 3, Project Debater ________.
A.argued to support subsidizing preschool B.won the debate in the end
C.set a world debating record D.often argued against itself
38.Which of the following can be put in ★
A.forming logical statements is not easy.
B.some people didn’t believe Project Debater.
C.they can develop better system.
D.winning a debate is never the researchers’ goal.
39.The underlined word “it” refers to ________
A.Project Debater team B.The new AI system C.The logical statement D.The wider view
40.What is the author’s attitude to the Project Debater
A.Doubtful. B.Positive. C.We don’t know. D.Negative.
阅读下面短文,用方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使短文在结构、句义和逻辑上正确。 (提示:方框中有两个单词或短语是多余的。)
photos / recognized / sunny / recalled / explained / rainy / focusing on
Recently, The Clear Plate program in China is 41 the issue of food waste. After a meal, users take 42 of their clean plates, post these in a social media platform WeChat, collecting points, once the image is 43 by the artificial intelligence (人工智能) and then turn their points into gifts or charity donations, programmers 44 . “For our parents, they can still recall the days without food. ‘Cleaning your plate’ is about saving some food for a 45 day. For us young adults, it is a green and low-carbon lifestyle.”
A poor young man went to Paris, 46 (expect) that his father’s friend could help him find a business for living.
“Are you good at maths ” his father’s friend asked him.
The young man 47 (shake) his head.
“How about your history ” “How about your law ”
The young man lowered his head sadly.
His father’s friend asked again and again, but the young man could only shake his head. He himself couldn’t find out any 48 (disadvantage).
“Then write down your address first.”
The young man wrote his address and turned to leave, but he 49 (stop) by his father’s friend. “Your name is written very 50 (beautiful), which is your advantage. You shouldn’t satisfy 51 (your) with finding a job for living”.
Many years later, the young man wrote the classical work that was well-known in the world. He was Alexandra Dumas (大仲马)—a famous French writer of the 18th century.
There are many ordinary persons in the world 52 all have many small advantages, but they can’t find them. 53 fact, there is a gold mine in every ordinary life. 54 you’re willing to dig, you will dig out 55 (treasure) that surprise yourself.
56.你校文化社团将举办主题为“Festivals around the world”的讲座,负责人Tony邀请你分享一个中国传统节日。请你根据以下问题用英文向Tony做介绍。
What China’s traditional festival do you want to share and why
How do you spend that holiday
Do your friends do the same things as you
Something more about it.
Dear Tony,
Thank you for inviting me to talk about one of China’s traditional festivals at the lecture.
【详解】句意:——你介意我擦黑板吗? ——不,不介意。
考查情景交际。No, please don’t不,请不要;Yes, of course not是的,当然不;No, really不,不介意;Yes, I mind是的,我介意。根据句意结合选项可知,此处答语应表达不介意用“No, really.”。故选C。
考查情景交际。That’s it是的;Never mind没关系;All right好吧;It’s a shame真丢人。根据“He’s still thinking about whether to take the job.”可知,答语应是表示对上句的赞同。故选A。
考查情景交际。Come on加油;All right不要紧;Thank you谢谢;Don’t mention it别提了。根据“They only wanted someone with experience.”可知,此处表示面试不顺利,选项D“别提了”符合语境。故选D。
考查名词辨析和习语。cat猫;dog狗;monkey猴子;mouse老鼠。dog days意为“三伏天”,是英文习语。故选B。
考查不定代词的用法。another另一个(三者或以上);the other两者中的另一个;others其他人或物;other其他的,修饰名词。根据句意可知,此处把全班学生分成两部分,表示两者中的“另……”应用the other。故选B。
考查形容词辨析。natural自然的;personal私人的;practical适用的,有用的;general一般的。根据“It’s hard to believe this is just a teapot.”可知,这件艺术品是个茶壶,可以用来泡茶。故选C。
考查动词辨析。dropping落下(原形是drop);landing登陆(原形是land);tying绑,系(原形是tie);kicking踢(原形是kick)。根据“ballet dancers”可知,此处指芭蕾舞动作,所以应该是踢腿。故选D。
考查动词辨析。brings 带来;calls打电话;gets使恼火;drops掉下。根据空前“But”可知,让我恼火的是,我不得不整天做同样的事。故选C。
考查动词短语。putting in安装;putting out扑灭;putting away收起来放好;putting through接通。根据“so that people, especially the elderly can go up and down easily.”可知,是为了方便老人上下楼,所以政府给旧楼安装电梯,故选A。
考查宾语从句和成语。分析题干可知,空格处是宾语从句,宾语从句要采用陈述语序,所以排除选项B;结合“Be an Armchair Strategist (战略家)”可知,“纸上谈兵”这个成语比喻空谈理论,不解决实际问题,告诉了我们实践很重要。故选D。
11.B 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.A 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.D 20.B 21.A 22.B 23.A 24.C 25.D
simply简单地;seriously严重地;usually通常;gradually逐渐地。根据“I can’t ... an operation on this patient.”可知,孩子需要做手术,受伤很严重。故选B。
school学校;station车站;hospital医院;room房间。根据“A father is killed in a car accident and the son is ... hurt.”可知,孩子在车祸中受伤了,一定要送往医院。故选C。
send发送;present展示;clear清除;perform完成,执行。根据“an operation on this patient”可知,这里指做手术。故选D。
guesses猜测;instructions指令;explanations解释;suggestions建议。根据“but they didn’t arrive at the correct answer”可知,他们没有给出正确的答案,所以他们的回答只是猜测。故选A。
answer回答;conclude推断;question询问;require要求。根据“because he knew it would be very easy for me to understand that the surgeon was the boy’s ...”可知,老师认为作者很容易想出这个医生是男孩的妈妈,所以没有让“我”来回答,故选A。
stepfather继父;grandpa祖父;mother妈妈;uncle叔叔。根据“A father is killed in a car accident”父亲在车祸里死去了,医生又说这是她的儿子,应该是男孩的妈妈。故选C。
special特殊的;wealthy富有的;average平均的;urgent紧急的。根据“because female doctors were rare then”可知,女医生很少,所以作者的妈妈是很特殊的。故选A。
member成员;passenger乘客;passer-by路人;babysitter临时照看小孩的人。根据“who watched us until our parents came home”可知,临时照看孩子的人称为保姆。故选D。
angry生气的;curious好奇的;careful小心的;sorry抱歉的。根据“about not being home more often”可知妈妈对于不能经常陪孩子,感到很抱歉。故选D。
kept away from远离;took advantage of利用;pulled down摧毁;took out取出。根据“My younger sister and I figured at a fairly young age that this was Mom’s weak spot, and we ... it pitilessly whenever we wanted a new toy or snacks.”可知利用妈妈的弱点要新玩具或零食。故选B。
sick生病的;educated受教育的;naughty“淘气的;respectful恭敬的。根据“Being a doctor at that time”可知医生照顾生病的孩子。故选A。
mention提到:prefer更喜欢:make制造:require要求。make it固定短语,“渡过难关(指重病或重伤)”。故选C。
judge判断:hate恨:admire欣赏:thank感谢。根据“but she never did”可知,妈妈没有揭穿作者,作者表示感谢。故选D。
26.A 27.B 28.C 29.A 30.B
27.细节理解题。根据第一段“When they wanted to start again they held the wax near to the fire so it melted away what they had written.”可知古希腊学生想要重写的时候会将蜡融化。故选B。
29.推理判断题。根据第三段“As you turn the pages, you can clearly see the rainbow colors corresponding to each historical period, which is very visual and easy to lock up.”再结合图片,可知“彩色的历史书”符合图片。故选A。
30.细节理解题。根据第三段“As you turn the pages, you can clearly see the rainbow colors corresponding to each historical period, which is very visual and easy to lock up.”可知彩虹色被用于简单地查阅历史时期。故选B。
31.D 32.B 33.C 34.B 35.A
31.词义猜测题。根据“Many seeds are inside of fruit. When fruit gets too heavy, it falls from a tree to the ground. ”可知,许多种子在水果里面,当水果太重时,它就会从树上掉到地上;由此可推知“gravity”应指导致水果落到地上的“力”。故选D。
32.细节理解题。根据“Maple (枫树) seeds also use wind.”可知,枫树用风来传播种子。故选B。
33.细节理解题。根据“The ants bring the seeds back to their home, which of course is underground. They only eat part of the seed. They leave the rest of the seed underground.”可知,蚂蚁把种子带回它们地下的家,它们只吃部分种子,把剩下的种子留在地下。故选C。
35.最佳标题题。通读全文并结合“Plants have developed all kinds of ways to do this”可知,本文主要讲了种子传播的方式;“How Plants Spread Seeds ”适合作为标题。故选A。
36.A 37.A 38.D 39.B 40.B
【导语】本文为一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了可以与人一起辩论的一种名叫Project Debater的智能系统,介绍了它的作用以及研究人员发明这个系统的目的。
36.细节理解题。根据“And then it looks for ideas that can support its own argument.”可知,这个人工智能系统会寻找可以支持自己论点的观点,但不能自己写观点。故选A。
37.细节理解题。根据“The topic was about subsidizing preschool (资助幼儿园)—and Project Debater argued to support this idea.”可知,辩题是关于资助幼儿园,系统辩论并支持这一观点。故选A。
38.推理判断题。根据“Their goal is to help humans make better decisions, according to Ranit Aharanoy, manager of the Project Debater team.”可知,后文指出研究人员的真正目标,此处应表明赢得辩论从来不是研究人员的目标。故选D。
39.词句猜测题。根据“It can debate both sides, so it can very quickly help you understand both sides of the problem...”可推知,新的人工智能系统它可以辩论正反两方面,因此可以很快帮助人们了解问题的正反两方面,此处it指代新的人工智能系统。故选B。
40.观点态度题。通读全文并结合“Let’s wait and see how the Project Debater will develop in the near future.”可知,作者对Project Debater持积极肯定的态度,并对这一研究项目拭目以待。故选B。
41.focusing on 42.photos 43.recognized 44.explained 45.rainy
41.句意:最近,中国的“光盘行动”项目开始关注食物浪费问题。根据下文“‘Cleaning your plate’ is about saving some food for a rainy day”可知,“光盘行动”项目关注的是食物浪费问题。备选项中“focusing on”意为“关注于”,符合句意,故填focusing on。
42.句意:项目组织者解释说,饭后,用户拍下他们干净的盘子的照片,将这些照片发布到社交媒体平台微信上,收集积分,一旦图像被人工智能识别,然后将他们的积分变成礼物或慈善捐款。根据下文“post these in a social media platform WeChat”可知,此处指的是饭后给空盘子拍照并发到微信上。备选项中“photos”意为“关注于”,符合句意,故填photos。
43.句意:项目组织者解释说,饭后,用户拍下他们干净的盘子的照片,将这些照片发布到社交媒体平台微信上,收集积分,一旦图像被人工智能识别,然后将他们的积分变成礼物或慈善捐款。根据上文“post these in a social media platform WeChat”可知,用户将这些照片发布到社交媒体平台微信上,收集积分,一旦图像被人工智能识别,然后将他们的积分变成礼物或慈善捐款。备选项中“recognized”意为“识别”,符合句意,故填recognized。
44.句意:项目组织者解释说,饭后,用户拍下他们干净的盘子的照片,将这些照片发布到社交媒体平台微信上,收集积分,一旦图像被人工智能识别,然后将他们的积分变成礼物或慈善捐款。根据上文“After a meal, users take photos of their clean plates …”可知,此处是项目组织者在解释什么是“清盘计划”项目。备选项中“explained”意为“解释”,符合句意,故填explained。
45.句意:“光盘行动”项目的目的是为了节约食物以备不时之需。save sth. for a rainy day为固定搭配,意为“留着某物以备不时之需”,符合句意,故填rainy。
46.expecting 47.shook 48.advantages 49.was stopped 50.beautifully 51.yourself 52.who/that 53.In 54.If 55.treasures
46.句意:一个贫穷的年轻人去了巴黎,期望他父亲的朋友能帮他找到一份谋生的工作。根据“A poor young man went to Paris...”可知,主语man与expect“期望”为主动关系,此处应用现在分词作状语。故填expecting。
48.句意:他自己也找不到任何优势。根据“Are you good at maths ”可知,父亲的朋友问他擅长什么,此处应是表达他自己也找不出自己的优势,advantage“优势”为可数名词,此处应用复数形式表泛指。故填advantages。
49.句意:但被他父亲的朋友拦住了。根据“...by his father’s friend.”可知,此处应用被动语态,时态为一般过去时,主语为he,be动词用was。故填was stopped。
50.句意:你的名字写得很漂亮。根据“Your name is written very...”可知,此处应用beautiful的副词形式beautifully修饰动词write。故填beautifully。
51.句意:你不应该满足于找到一份谋生的工作。短语satisfy oneself with意为“使自己满足于”,符合此处语境,your应变为反身代词yourself。故填yourself。
53.句意:事实上,每个平凡人的生活中都有一座金矿。短语in fact意为“事实上,实际上”,符合语境,句首第一个字母应大写。故填In。
Dear Tony,
Thank you for inviting me to talk about one of China’s traditional festivals at the lecture. I’d like to introduce the Mid-Autumn Festival, chosen for its strong emphasis on family reunion and harmonious themes.
During the festival, my family and I convene for a feast including mooncakes, followed by admiring the full moon and storytelling. Friends often celebrate similarly, although with personal twists. Beyond familial gatherings, it fosters community spirit through gift exchanges and is a poignant moment for overseas Chinese.
The Mid-Autumn Festival encapsulates Chinese values and traditions, emphasizing kinship bonds across distances. Excited to share more insights at “Festivals around the World”.
Best regards.
①would like to 想要
②a poignant moment for 一个令人心酸的时刻
①Beyond familial gatherings, it fosters community spirit through gift exchanges and is a poignant moment for overseas Chinese.(并列结构)
②The Mid-Autumn Festival encapsulates Chinese values and traditions, emphasizing kinship bonds across distances.(并列结构)



上一篇:天一大联考 湖南省2024届高三4月联考数学试题!
