
参考答案 2024. 04
一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
1—5 BABDA 6—10 CCDBA 11—15 DACBD
二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)
16—20 DCDAC 21—25 BADAB
·三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
26—27 AD 28—31 CACD 32—35 BCCD 36—40 BBBAD
四、填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
A) 根据所给汉语提示写出单词, 使句子意思完整正确。
41. spring 42. everything 43. really 44. whether 45. exciting
B) 根据句子意思, 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空, 使句子意思完整正确。
46. endless 47. activities 48. closed 49. waking 50. simply
C)根据对话内容, 从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空。
51. developed 52. information 53. name 54. look for 55. confirm
五、 阅读填空(共20小题;满分20分)
A)阅读短文, 根据所读内容填入一个最恰当的内容。
56. everywhere 57. Methods/How 58. similar 59. mind
60. direction 61. creatively 62. practise/practice
63. We can create word puzzles or word guessing games. We can also draw a vocabulary tree or look for new words in everyday life.
B)根据短文及首字母提示, 填写所缺单词。
64. create 65. include 66. action 67. habit 68. guard
69. reduces 70. so 71. achieve 72. idea 73. progress
One possible version;
Millie is a middle school student who loves playing with little animals. One day, when she was on her way to school, she saw a homeless orange cat on her way to school. The cat was very weak. It kept miaowing in a small box. Millie wanted to help the cat, so she decided to take the cat to school. She put the cat in her schoolbag. Soon the cat fell asleep.
When the first lesson began, Millie opened her bag to take out her book. To her surprise, the cat jumped out of the schoolbag and started running around the classroom. It even jumped onto Mrs.
Lin's desk. Mrs. Lin caught the cat quickly and took the cat to the teachers'office. She gave the cat some water and food. A few moments later, the cat fell asleep.
Since then, Millie's class have started a club to help homeless cats. They take turns to take care of little cats. Now they hope more students can join them.2024年中考模拟试卷(一)
英 语 2024. 04
1. 本试卷共10页。全卷满分90分。考试时间为90分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考
生答题全部答在答题卡上, 答在本试卷上无效。
2. 请将自己的姓名、考试证号用0. 5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡上。
3. 答选择题必须用2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动, 请用橡皮擦干净 后, 再选涂其它答案。答非选择题必须用0. 5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位 置, 在其它位置答题一律无效。
一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
请认真阅读下列各题, 从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答 题卡上将该项涂黑。
1. —Lily, when is the Space Day of China
—It falls _________ April 24 every year.
A. in B. on C. at D. for
2. —Why do you play Tai Chi every day, Andy
—Because this Chinese form of exercise helps me relax and find my inner _________.
A. peace B. fear C. noise D. beauty
3. Kitty got a letter from her best friend. It makes _______ very excited.
A. she B. her C. hers D. herself
4. Our history teacher often says we should look forward to the future,_____ never forget the past.
A. so B. for C. as D. but
5. —Camping trips are very________ in southern China in summer.
—Exactly. That's because these areas have warmer weather and an earlier flowering season.
A. hot B. safe C. cheap D. hard
6. —John came first in the chemistry competition.
—Yes. His father told me very ________ just now.
A. angrily B. weakly C. proudly D. strictly
7. —As I know, your new friend Cathy is very humorous.
—Yes. She is ________ person I know.
A. funnier B. more serious C. the funniest D. the most serious
8. It's a long time! I can't remember when this picture ________ in Hongshan Forest Zoo.
A. takes B. took C. is taken D. was taken
9. —Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the park
—Go along Center Street and it's across from the hospital on your left.
Which map is the conversation about
10. —Are you ready for the drama
—No. It's easy to _______a play but difficult to act it out.
A. make up B. take up C. look up D. put up
11. —What's your plan for this coming summer vacation
—I ________ go to Gansu, but I'm not sure.
A. must B. need C. should D. might
12. —________ is it from our home to the new bookstore, Dad
—Only two kilometers.
A. How far B. How long C. How often D. How soon
13. —May I speak to the headmaster
—Sorry, he isn't in the office at the moment. He _________ to the new teachers.
A. speak B. spoke C. is speaking D. was speaking
14. This famous saying "When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers. "
tells us _________________.
A. how should we behave B. who we can learn from
C. why do we need teachers D. what we can say in public
15. —Do you think teenagers can't have a part-time job
—____________. They may learn from working.
A. That's all right B. I agree C. It's nothing D. Hard to say
二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)
请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Mr. Allen held out a glass of water with three ice cubes in it. “Why do things float ”he asked the class. No one said a word. The whole class was 16 .
“Anyone ”Mr. Allen smiled at his students. “Let's brainstorm some answers. He swirled(旋动) the glass gently. The ice cubes bobbed up and down in the water, then floated back to the 17 “How about some guesses …”He paused, scanning the students' faces. “Any guesses ”The students 18 quiet. A few of them looked at each other and shrugged. Others tapped their fingers.
“What's the first thing that comes to mind Remember, there are 19 right or wrong answers. ” Mr. Allen did his best to keep his smile warm and inviting. Still, no one in the class spoke up. The students tried to 20 Mr. Allen's gaze(注视). Mr. Allen scratched his head. “Okay, ”he said. “How about this—who can give me the worst answer you can think of ”
“The worst one ”asked Miguel from the back of the room.
“That's right. ”Mr. Allen nodded.
“Ooh!”exclaimed Martika. “I've got it! Things floating because …they have wings!” Alex snorted(哼), “If they had wings, they'd be 21 not floating. ”
Martika rolled her eyes at him. "It's supposed to be a bad answer. What's your bad answer "
“Uhh …well …”Alex's face turned red. “Magic ”
“That's a. 22 one!”said Mr. Allen quickly.
“Sometimes science can seem like magic 23 we work out what's going on. ”
“Maybe things float because ghosts are carrying them ”Tyler said.
“Or invisible giants!”added Ella.
“Well, I think clouds float in the sky so we can lie in the grass and look at cloud 24 , ”giggled Cassie. “I always see three-headed elephants!”
A few students laughed. Hands went 25 all around the room.
“I see aliens!”
“And giant pizzas!”
Soon the whole class was hooting with laughter. “I like looking at clouds, too. ”
Mr. Allen grinned, picking up the glass of water. “Clouds are made of lots of little water drops. ”
16. A. excited B. noisy C. active D. silent
17. A. left B. right C. top D. bottom
18. A. turned B. proved C. became D. remained
19. A. no B. any C. some D. many
20. A. meet B. feel C. avoid D. fix
21. A. climbing B. flying C. swimming D. jumping
22. A. good B. bad C. strange D. terrible
23. A. when B. while C. after D. until
24. A. animals B. plants C. insects D. aliens
25. A. down B. up C. away D. around
三 、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
请认真阅读下列材料, 从材料后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项,
26. Which is the WRONG way to help a baby bird that is out of its nest
A. Feed it before you take it to a hospital.
B. Leave it alone if it is not hurt and has feathers.
C. Call the animal center if you can't find its nest.
D. Put it back in its nest if it is not hurt and has few feathers.
27. What do birds do if their babies have the smell of people on them
A. They leave the babies behind and move to a new nest.
B. They clean the babies until the smell goes away.
C. They push the babies out of the nest.
D. They keep taking care of the babies.
Do you know how many kinds of plants and animals there are in the world Experts believe there are between 8 and 14 million, but right now we only know about 1. 5 million. However, scientists are finding new plant and animal species(物种) all the time—and that's good news for us.
In 2009, a university professor named Christopher Austin and his student Eric Rittmeyer discovered a new animal species. They were in Papua New Guinea, studying the wildlife on the island. One evening, they were in the jungle listening to animal sounds. The most common sound was the noise of frogs croaking loudly. But there was another sound—a much softer, high-pitched one that sounded like it came from something much smaller.
At first, they couldn't locate the sound, but after some time, they realized it came from the ground. They searched through the grass and dead leaves carefully, but what they found surprised them. It was a tiny frog—just seven millimeters(微米)long. "This frog has a call that doesn't sound like a frog at all, ”said Austin. The frog they discovered was the smallest in the world!
Researchers believe that frogs are important because they help keep the environment clean. We can also use them to create new medicines. Whenever we find a new species, we learn new things For that reason, scientists work very hard to find new plants and animals every day. But their jobs are getting more difficult. The forests that these animals live in are disappearing quickly. And, sadly, so are the animals.
28. Why were Austin and Rittmeyer surprised when they found the frog
A. There weren't any known frogs in the area.
B. The frog's color matched the leaves perfectly.
C. It didn't seem like the sound came from a frog.
D. The frog could be used to make new medicines.
29. What did Austin and Rittmeyer probably expect to find in the grass
A. An insect. B. An eagle. C. A rabbit. D. A snake.
30. The purpose of the last paragraph is to show that ____________.
A. frogs are useful animals
B. scientists are working very hard
C. finding new species is important
D. scientists can use animals to make medicines
31. The writer says that researchers' jobs are getting more difficult because there are fewer ________.
A. researchers B. labs C. medicines D. animals
Jules Verne's novel, Around the World in 80 Days, has inspired(激励)many people to travel around the world in unusual ways. It has also inspired several films, TV series, theatre productions and even a board game.
So where did Jules Verne get the idea from Jules Verne told a reporter that he had been sitting in a cafe in Paris one day when he saw a newspaper advertisement for the first ever tourist trip around the world in 1872.
In Jules Verne's story, a wealthy English gentleman, Phileas Fogg, accepts a bet of f20, 000 that he can travel round the world in 80 days. Phileas Fogg is a man who is very hard to please. For example, he fires his servant(仆人)because he brings him some water to wash in that is 29℃ instead of 30℃. He has a very strict routine(惯例)and he follows it to the letter every day.
Fogg employs(雇佣)a new servant, Passepartout, and on Wednesday, 2nd October, 1872, they set off on the journey round the world. While he's in India, Fogg falls in love with an Indian girl, Aouda. The journey ends back in London with Fogg believing that he has arrived a day too late and that he has lost the bet. He tells Aouda that he cannot marry her now, as he's too poor. Passepartout learns that they have got the date wrong. The party travelled east, so they gained a day. Fogg hurries to his club and arrives there in time to win the bet and the story ends happily.
The story is an easy read. The humorous twists and turns of the plot(情节)keep you entertained throughout. It is a romantic adventure story that I would strongly recommend to all my friends.
32. What gave Jules Verne the idea for the story
A. He had seen a film about a trip around the world.
B. He saw an advertisement for a holiday trip around the world.
C. He had just returned from an interesting trip around the world.
D. He had seen a play at the theatre about a round-the-world holiday.
33. What does the writer mean by saying "he follows it to the letter"
A. He follows a routine written down in a letter.
B. He writes a letter about his routine every day.
C. He follows exactly the same routine every day.
D. He has written the routine down in a letter for his servant.
34. Why does Phileas Fogg employ a new servant
A. His new servant asks for less money.
B. His old servant boils the water too hot.
C. His old servant makes one little mistake.
D. His old servant is always making mistakes.
35. What is the writer's opinion of the book
A. The book is worth reading before setting out on a long journey.
B. The book has a very serious message about world travel for readers of all ages.
C. The book is only entertaining for people who would like to read romantic novels.
D. The book is a fun adventure story with romance that everybody will enjoy reading.
While fake(虚假)news can take many forms, it can be divided into two broad types: misinformation and disinformation.
Misinformation Misinformation is when false information is shared by someone who believes that information to be true. Normally it isn't done on purpose. Disinformation Disinformation is when misleading or even false information is shared with the intention to deceive(欺骗)others.
There are lots of reasons why people share fake news. Often the person sharing it doesn' realize that it's fake. Sometimes it's done to advertise a service or product, so that someone can make money. It could even be done to make people laugh.
Fake news can also be shared by someone who wants others to hear their own personal opinions and be affected by them. Still, fake news is shared to influence the opinions and beliefs of others about organizations and business.
Fake news Question it!
To work out whether the “news” we are reading is fake, we can use our critical(批判性) thinking skills to ask ourselves the following questions.
Is it a mistake or just a joke
People sometimes share information, believing that it's true, because they don't realize that it's a joke. It might even be April Fools' Day!
Are there lots of spelling and grammar mistakes
If yes, it's a sign that no one is checking the content. This could mean that those writing the content are not professional writers or journalists and the news content is untrustworthy(不可靠的).
Is the article advertising something
Sometimes a news article can influence us to buy panies will often pay a news organization to talk about their product as if it's "news" to encourage people to buy it.
Is the headline believable
Sensational(耸人听闻的)headlines encourage us to click on a story because they catch our attention. Some people get paid for every click, so before clicking, ask yourself, does the story sound made-up, or even impossible
Is there bias(偏见)
Sometimes certain facts have been left out of a story because the writer wants the readers to believe it. Bias is an underlying(隐含的) opinion that guides our actions. See if you can fact-check the story with another news source if you're unsure.
When fake news causes stress or hurt to the person or people it targets(将……作为目标), it is often the case that those who have helped spread it will claim they were not to blame. However, sharing fake news is just like adding fuel(燃料)to a fire. If the false information doesn't get shared, it doesn't get seen and cannot fulfil its purpose. When it comes to fake news, it's not enough to not write something, we must refuse to share it, too.
36. What's the main difference between disinformation and misinformation
A. Disinformation is harmful to the public, while misinformation is not.
B. Disinformation is shared to deceive others, while misinformation is often not.
C. Disinformation is aimed at young people, while misinformation is aimed at older ones.
D. Disinformation is produced by professionals, while misinformation by ordinary people.
37. People spread fake news for the following reasons except to _____________.
A. trick or entertain people B. challenge the news industry
C. make money through advertising D. influence public opinions and beliefs
38. According to the writer, what do lots of spelling or grammar mistakes show
A. The news report is published in a hurry.
B. The news report isn't professionally written.
C. The person who checks the content is careless.
D. The news report is likely to be written by a machine.
39. Which of the following can help us tell if a piece of news is fake
① a biased fact is given ② its headline is sensational
③ the news content seems like a joke ④any product or service is mentioned
A. ①②③ B. ①②④ C. ①③④ D. ②③④
40. Which of the following best describe the writer's opinion on sharing fake news
A. Support. B. Praise. C. Doubt. D. Disagree.
四、填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
A) 请根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词, 使句子意思完整正确, 并将答案填写在答题卡标号 为41—45的相应横线上。
41. Summer is the hottest season of the year, falling between ______(春天)and autumn.
42. The nature in the summer season is full of bright colors and _______ (每样事物)around it is flourishing
43. It's the best season to see the rainbow! This amazing a r ________(的 确)beautiful view is created by the sun rays and water.
44. It's also about being outside, _________ (是否)on crowded streets or in deep nature.
45. It's ________ (激动人心的)to dive into cool pool on hot and humid days.
B) 请根据句子意思, 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空, 并将答案填写在答题卡标号为46 一50的相应横线上。
46. My favorite season of the year is summer because of the warm weather, school vacation and the _________ (end)fun.
47. I enjoy the warm weather because it's the perfect atmosphere to do outdoor ______ (activity). 48. My favorite part about summer has to be the fact that school is ________(close)for two months.
49. During summer, I'm free to do whatever I want, not worrying about exams or _______(wake)up early in the morning.
50. Summer time is a great time to relax with friends and family by enjoying the sunshine at a beach or, _________ (simple)having dinner together.
C)请根据短文内容, 从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空, 使短文内容完整正确, 并将答案填写在答题卡标号为51—55的相应横线上。
look for name developed confirm information
Pl@ntNet is a citizen science project and an app that helps people identify plants using just their smartphones. It was 51______ by scientists from four French research organizations. Users who know a lot about plants add photos and 52_______ to the database. Then, if someone wants to learn the 53________ of a plant they see, they can download the app, take a photo of the plants, and upload their photo to the database. The app will 54______ other plants in the database that look the same, and list the results. Finally, that user will need to review the results and 55______ that their plant is one the species from the list. Recently, there are over 700, 000 images in Pl@netNet, and this number will continue to grow.
五、阅读填空(共18小题;56-62题、64-73题每小题1分, 63题3分, 满分20分)
A) 阅读下面短文, 根据所读内容, 在文章后56—63 小题的空格里填入最恰当的内容, 并将答案填写在答题卡标号为56—63的相应位置上。
We've all heard people say, "Oh, that person is so creative!”about someone who is great at art. But art is just one area where people can be creative.
Any time you try something different to deal with a problem, you're being creative. In sports, that might mean trying new moves to score a goal. In engineering, that might mean joining different materials together to make a container that will protect an egg. At home, it could mean working out a shortcut to get to your friend's house. You are creative every day!
Are some people naturally more creative than others Maybe, but anyone can get more creative with practice. Here are some methods that work for experts who are creative in very different ways.
Explore and imagine
Shigeru Miyamoto is the brains behind some of the world's most popular video games, such as Super Mario Bros. He exercised his creativity(创造力)like a muscle(肌肉)when he was growing up near Kyoto, Japan. He spent hours exploring nature and going on adventures(历险)in his mind. As a game designer, he still finds joy in making up new worlds and adventures.
Make wacky mash-ups(混搭)
Dr. Neri Oxman and her team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab combine things that don't usually go together. They mixed ideas from robots and insects when they invented small robots that spin fibers(结网)the way silkworms(蚕)do. In the future, their work may lead to groups of robots that quickly build many types of buildings.
If you come up with ideas you're not sure about, don't worry-you're not alone. In the Netflix series Abstract, Dr. Oxman said she often doubts her ideas. “My father said, ‘When you create, you must always feel a litle bit uncomfortable. And if you're feeling uncomfortable and alone, you know you're doing something right. "
Find pictures in patterns
Have you ever looked for animal shapes in clouds The artist Leonardo da Vinci looked everywhere for patterns that would spark his imagination. He wrote that artists should look at stone walls and irregular stains(不规则的污渍)to discover landscapes or strange faces and costumes, and an endless variety of objects. You could reduce these to complete and well-drawn forms
Being creative!
Introduction You can be creative almost 56 , in art, sports, engineering and even in your daily life.
57._____ to be creative Explore and imagine Shigeru Miyamoto developed his creativity in a way that was 58______ to how he would build muscles through exercise in his childhood. He stays creative by dreaming up new adventures in his 59_______while exploring in nature. Make wacky mash-ups Dr. Neri Oxman and her team created ideas for robots that will help build buildings in the future. Being creative may make you feel alone and uncomfortable. Anyway, you are going in the right 60_________. Find pictures in patterns Leonardo da Vinci believed that artists should observe everything around them to look for patterns and shapes in different things to encourage him to think 61______ and come up with new ideas.
Conclusion ●Although some people are naturally more creative, being more creative takes a lot of 62.________ ●My ideas of being more creative: (Use 2 examples to share your ideas of being more creative) 63. ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示, 填写所缺单词, 并将答案填写在答题卡标号为64—73的相应位置上。
Do you ever find yourself doing something without thinking about it We do lots of things out of habit rather than for any good reason. Learning to c 64 healthy new habits can help you to reach your goals.
What is a habit
A habit is something you do often, almost without thinking. Scientists say that habits are formed in the brain and i 65 a cause, action and a reward. If you have a habit of watching TV when you get home from school, the cause would be coming home from school; the a 66 is turning on the TV; and the reward might be the happy, relaxed feeling from watching your favorite program.
This good feeling makes you want to do the same thing after school the next day too, and over time it can become a h 67.
How are habits good for you
Turning something into a habit means you don't have to think about it, which is good news when it's healthy. Good habits can help g 68 against bad ones too, such as worrying. Sadie who is 11, finds her habit of playing with fidget toys(指尖玩具)r 69 stress. “They help me relax, ”she says. Scientists believe that nearly half of everything we do every day is out of habit, s 70 forming helpful habits is also a great way to help you to reach your goals.
How can you start to build healthy new habits
Dr Radha Modgil notes that it's important to think about why you want to change. “What exactly do you want to a 71 and how are you going to do it ”she asks. When it's time to begin, “Try the 1% i 72 where every day you improve or change something by 1%. That way you start to see p 73 and you're not put off by failure, ”Remember that forming new habits isn't always easy but it will be worth it in the end. “Changing habits can change your life, ”says Modgil.
请仔细观察下面图片并发挥想象, 用英语写出一篇涵盖每张图片内容且结局完整的故
1. 文中不得出现真实姓名学校名称;
2. 语言通顺, 意思连贯, 条理清楚, 书写规范;
3. 词数80左右。
Millie is a middle school student who loves playing with little animals. One day, when she was on her way to school, _______________________________________________________________




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