
英语试卷 2024.4
1. A. a test B. a question C. a story
2. A. play games B. draw pictures C. take notes
3. A. a nice flower B. a lovely cat C. a great player
4. A. I have few friends. B. I enjoy doing exercise. C. I often do sports alone.
5. A. My hometown has a long history.
B. My hometown is new and modern.
C. People in my hometown are very rich.
6.A.Not too bad. B. That's OK. C. By bike.
7. A. It doesn't matter. B. You're kind. C. It's a good habit.
8. A. Yes, I do. B. Thanks, I will. C. No, thanks.
9. A. I agree with you. B. Yes, I think so. C. Yes, I'd like to.
10.A.Come and help me.
B. Hello, I need your help.
C. Could you please help me with …
11. What season does David like best
12. What did Wendy do today
13. What are the two speakers talking about
A. A trip. B. A plan. C. A hobby.
14. How did Jessica go to Anhui
A. By bus. B. By train. C. By plane.
15. What interests Jessica most
A. The food. B. The people. C. The buildings.
16. Where is the new sports center
A. On Zhongshan Road. B. On Long Road. C. Behind the train station.
17. How long did it take to build the new sports center
A.2 years. B.3 years. C.4 years.
18. When will they go to the sports center
A. Next Sunday. B. Next Saturday. C. Next Thursday.
19. How will the weather be tomorrow
A. Windy. B. Sunny. C. Snowy.
20. What is the next class
A. Geography. B. PE. C. English.
21. Who is the speaker probably
A. A teacher. B. A student. C. A reporter.
22. What special day was it this Monday
A. Tree-planting Day. B. World Book Day. C. Earth Day.
23. Who took part in the activity
A. Students in Grade 7. B. Students in Grade 8. C. Students in Grade 9.
24. Where did they meet
A. At the school gate. B. In the park. C. At the foot of West Hill.
25. What did they do after the activity
A. They had a picnic. B. They wrote a report. C. They enjoyed the nature.
31. I'm looking ________ my pen. Did you see it
A. for B. to C. up D. at
32. My brother has many hobbies, and ________ favourite one is singing.
A. her B. my C. his D. your
33. Last Sunday, Lisa wanted to go to the beach, _________ it was too cold that day.
A. and B. but C. or D. so
34.-Mom, I like this blouse.
- I ________ it for you. Wait for me.
A. buy B. bought C. will buy D. have bought
35. Great! My friend Alice _______ speak three languages.
A. must B. may C. should D. can
36. Jim, you’d better _____ your school things after you finish your homework.
A. put away B. blow away C. give away D. throw away
37. The sun _______ up. I feel warm now.
A. rose B. will rise C. was rising D. has risen
38. The children ______ happily when I met them.
A. played B. were playing C. are playing D. have played
39.During the test,some students are writing carefully,_____others are thinking deeply.
A. since B. while C. unless D. though
40. Look! Different paintings ______ on the walls for everyone to enjoy.
A. show B. were shown C. are shown D. have shown
Nobody wants to give up, but what if you don't enjoy an activity or a hobby as much as you used to
I still remember my first time to play the 41 when I was only 6. How did I start Once I heard my classmate in the kindergarten(幼儿园) play the guitar. I
42 my mom that I wanted to buy one. My mother asked me what instrument I
43 liked best. I had no idea, so she took me to the instrument store. I was attracted(吸引) by the colorful violins, guitars and so on. I 44 myself in the beautiful world. Then my mom took me to a violin lesson there. The teacher was a very 45 lady with an angelic(天使般的) smile. When she played the violin, the world seemed to be full of wonderful 46. I fell in love with the nice violin. I decided to learn it. So my mother 47 one for me.
After a few lessons, I found that playing the violin was not always interesting. It was boring to remember long pieces of music and practice again and again. I wanted to 48.
My mother had a long 49 with me. She said, "Nothing is fun all the time. It is necessary for us to stick at something difficult to develop important skills like willpower(意志力). Finding the courage to keep it going can help you succeed."
50 hearing this, I continued playing the violin. So far, I’ve learned the violin for more than 9 years. I will keep it as my lifelong hobby.
41. A. erhu B. pipa C. guitar D. violin
42. A. promised B. told C. allowed D. found
43.A. luckily B. hardly C. really D. quickly
44. A. hurt B. lost C. expressed D. remembered
45. A. sweet B. serious C. careless D. terrible
46. A. food B.music C. noise D. pollution
47. A. gave B. made C. bought D. lent
48. A. give up B. hurry up C. move up D. stand up
49. A. test B. party C. fight D. talk
50. A. Before B. For C. After D. Until
Our English teacher Mrs. Wang let us do an English project-researching the Chinese traditional festivals. Here are two groups' reports about it.
51. What is the project about
A. Reports. B. Foods. C. Festivals. D. Games.
52. How did Linda's group collect information about the project
A. By watching races. B. By reading books.
C. By visiting a museum. D. By searching the Internet.
53. What will John's group do next
A. Buy some zongzi. B. Make English riddles.
C. Plan some activities. D. Make an English video.
In my backyard, there stands a strong and thick tree that has watched me grow up. It offers shade(阴凉处) on hot summer days and a home to many birds. I remember climbing it up as a child, feeling like I was reaching for the sky. The tree and I, we have always been there for each other.
One day, there would be a big storm. I worried about my friend. Papa said we should help it by tying ropes for support. Working together, we tied ropes around the tree. After the storm passed, the tree stood strong, and I learned that just like the tree, nature needs our care, too.
I started collecting rainwater in a bottle nearby. The tree seemed to love it, as its leaves grew greener. I also planted flowers around it, and bees came to visit, helping them grow better. My friends from school helped me make bird feeders, which hung from the branches(树枝), feeding the birds that sang their thanks every morning.
The tree taught me that we depend on nature, and nature depends on us. By respecting and supporting it, we can both live well. Now, more than ever, I understand our special relationship-we are one with the world around us, and together, we can make it a better place.
54. What does the underlined sentence mean
A. The tree grows as tall as the writer.
B. The tree has been there for a long time.
C. The tree and the writer have grown up.
D. The tree and the writer support each other.
55. What did the writer do to help the tree before the storm
A. He planted new trees nearby.
B. He tied ropes around the tree.
C. He watered the tree more often.
D. He cut down branches to save it.
56. What does the writer want to tell us
A. The close relationship between nature and humans.
B. The ways to make bird feeders and plant flowers.
C. The different feelings between trees and humans.
D. The most wonderful memories spent in nature.
Do you know what a team needs most If people on your team are not good at communication, you may often feel terrible. To create a successful team, good communication is the most necessary for both the team members and the leader. Here are some helpful suggestions.
57. How does the writer start the text
A. By telling a story. B. By showing a saying.
C. By asking a question. D. By explaining an idea.
58. What is the writer's advice if someone shares their ideas with you
A. To take notes while listening.
B. To ask them to move on quickly.
C. To share my interest with them warmly.
D. To listen to them actively and think carefully.
59. Which of the following does the writer probably agree to do
A. Show no interest in others'silly ideas.
B. Keep your new and creative ideas as secrets.
C. Let others find their problems by themselves.
D. Try to create a friendly and comfortable environment.
60. What is the main idea of the text
A. Leaders should communicate with the members.
B. Personal ability is more important than teamwork.
C. Communication is the key to a successful team.
D. Team leaders play a more important role in a team.
Tomatoes are red, the sky is blue, and bananas are yellow, right Well, not exactly-color does not really exist(存在). What exists is light. Light is real, but color is not. It is our brain that creates color.
We're told to trust our eyes, but our eyes have little to do with vision(视觉). We see much more with our brains. You sometimes see different colors because your brain thinks they have a different meaning. The brain does this by looking at what's around the object. Here is an example. If you see a person wearing a white shirt against different backgrounds, your brain might express the same white color differently. Suppose this person stands in front of a bright yellow background, your brain might think the white shirt is more like gray. If the person moves to a dark blue background, the same white shirt might appear closer to a brighter color.
Color is created according to our past experiences, and sometimes there are optical illusions(视错觉). That is because your brain includes the recent history of what you saw, at least for a brief time. But if you watch the thing for a longer time, your brain may forget the recent history and see the real color.
This raises the question: Do you see what I see The answer, in short, is no.
Our past and present experiences are different. None of us even sees the world as it really is, but as a meaning that comes from our own experiences. It's clear that seeing is not always believing.
61. What is real according to the writer
A. Color. B. Meaning. C. Mind. D. Light.
62. Why does the writer give an example in Paragraph 2
A. To show a problem. B. To support the idea.
C. To make a comparison. D. To make the text longer.
63. What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us
A. White is the lightest color.
B. Color is changing all the time.
C. Color comes from our past experiences.
D. Color is influenced by the background of an object.
64. Which word is close to the underlined word "brief"
A. Short. B. Quick. C. Simple. D. Hard.
65. Which can be a proper title for the text
A. Is Color a Recent History B. Do You See What I See
C. Is Seeing Really Believing D. Does Color Stay the Same
In today's world, science and technology are developing at an amazing speed.
They bring about great changes in our lives and help us a lot.
Let's consider the communication technology. The invention of the Internet and smartphones has completely changed the way we communicate. People can stay connected with friends and family across the world, share information fast, and get plenty of knowledge online. AI Sora is a new AI tool which is able to understand numan language, learn from experience, and make wise decisions in different situations. One of the key advantages of AI Sora is its ability to understand natural language. This allows users to communicate with the system, asking questions, answering in a polite way, changing words into videos and so on.
Secondly, transportation(运输) have been greatly changed by science and technology. /The development of planes and high-speed trains has made travel faster, safer, and more convenient(方便的). Satellite navigation systems(卫星导航系统)
have made it easier for people to find their way.
Education has also been influenced by science and technology. The use of modern tools has made learning more interesting. Students can have online courses and get online learning. They can learn at their own speed and from anywhere.
Teachers can also use technology to make better lesson plans.
But some scientists are worried about the risk of using science and technology.
Some people use them to do something bad, which is difficult for most people to tell. So science and technology have made a big difference to society, shaping the way we live, work, and communicate, but we should know the challenge and risk.
66. Science and technology bring about _____________ in our lives and help us a lot.
67.AI Sora can understand human language,learn from experience,and_____________ in different situations.
68. What is the result of the development of planes and high-speed trains
69. How do science and technology influence education (至少列举文中提到的一点)
70. Do you think science and technology are good for us Why
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词(有提示词的,填入所给单词的正确形式)。 When I was a kid, I liked exercise. I often 71 (ride) my mountain bike everywhere. However, as I grew older, I seldom went out by bike 72 there were more and more cars on the road. I thought it was very 73 (danger) to ride a bike with lots of cars.
These days, I decide to have 74 great time on the road again. I still feel nervous because I ride around cars, 75 (bus) and people. I never ride too fast. In that way I can protect 76 (me) from traffic accidents. On weekends, my father sometimes 77 (choose) to ride a public bike to parks with me. 78 fact, riding bikes is a nice way to get around the city!
Besides, if we all try to ride bikes more often and drive 79 (little) than before, we can do something for our environment. So what are you 80 (wait)
for Ride your bike and have fun!
81. like, you, dress, do, Mary's
82. bought, a friend, for, it, her
83. nice, the dress, looks
84. will, Mary, wear, a dancing show, it, for
85. believe, she, I, will, dance, well
提示:(1)Where is Hebei
(2) Where can people go for a visit What can people do there
(3) What special foods can people enjoy
参考词汇: Chengde Mountain Resort(承德避暑山庄), Zhaozhou Bridge, beaches in
Qin huang dao, ski resort in Zhang jia kou(张家口滑雪场)
Hello, everyone. I want to introduce my hometown Hebei. ___________________
So near! So beautiful! Welcome to Hebei on weekends.
英语试题听力材料 2024.4
No.1. Jack, please answer my question.
No.2. Cindy often takes some notes in class.
No.3. Look! The cat is so lovely.
No.4. I enjoy doing sports with my friends.
No.5. My hometown is an old city with a rich history. Ⅱ.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语
No.6. How is everything going
No.7. I usually have breakfast before going to school.
No.8. Pay attention to your writing, Tom.
No.9. Would you like to go swimming with me
No.10. What is the most polite way to ask a stranger for help Ⅲ.听对话和问题,选择正确答案
M: Hi, Lily! What season do you like best
W: I love spring and autumn best. The weather is perfect and I can do many things outside. What
about you, David
M: I like all the seasons, especially winter. When it's snowy, the world seems so peaceful.
Question No.11. What season does David like best
M: Hi, Wendy, how was your day
W: It was good. I read my favourite book. How about yours
M: I was pretty busy. I answered many emails in the morning and in the afternoon, I did some
W: It was really a busy day. Take care.
Question No.12. What did Wendy do today
M: Hello! Jessica. Have you travelled anywhere interesting these days
W: Hi, yes, John. I've just got back from a 7-day trip to Anhui.
M: Really Wow, that's a nice place. How did you go there, by train or by air
W: We took a plane there.
M: What was your favourite part of the trip
W: It's hard to pick just one favourite. The food, the people, the places of interest and the
buildings are all great.
M: What interests you most
W: The buildings there. They are different from ours.
M: Yes. We learn why the buildings are like that in geography classes.
W: Travelling is really a good way to learn geography.
Question No.13. What are the two speakers talking about
Question No.14. How did Jessica go to Anhui
Question No.15. What interests Jessica most
M: Hello, Mary. Have you been to the new sports center
W: Not yet. Where is it
M: On Zhongshan Road, near Long Road.
W: Oh. Is it good
M: Yes, it couldn't be better. It took 3 years to build it.
W: What can we do there
M: We can play a lot of sports, such as tennis, volleyball, and so on. Do you want to go there
with me next weekend
W: Yes, but I'm busy on Sunday, and Saturday is OK.
M: All right.
W: How can I get there
M: It's only two stops away from the train station. So you can take No. 4 bus there.
W: OK, thanks. See you.
Question No.16. Where is the new sports center
Question No.17. How long did it take to build the new sports center
Question No.18. When will they go to the sports center Ⅳ.听短文和问题,选择正确答案
Boys and girls, the weather report says the weather will change tomorrow. It will be very cool and windy, and maybe it's going to rain. The lowest temperature will be only 5 degrees. It's important for you to keep warm. You'd better add a coat or a jacket. If it's rainy, it's good for you to take an umbrella. Now, go outside at once. It's your favourite PE class. By the way, remember to hand in your homework to my office after the PE class.
Question No.19. How will the weather be tomorrow
Question No.20. What is the next class
Question No.21. Who is the speaker probably
Last Sunday, we went to clean the park at the foot of West Hill, because it was Earth Day this Monday. All the students in Grade 9 took part in the activity. We met at the school gate at
7:00 on Sunday morning. And then, we took our school bus to West Hill. After the activity, we wrote a report about the experience. I think it's our duty to make the Earth clean. It is also a good chance to enjoy the nature. It's really meaningful.
Question No.22. What special day was it this Monday
Question No.23. Who took part in the activity
Question No.24. Where did they meet
Question No.25. What did they do after the activity
Here is a piece of exciting news for you. On Friday, May 10th, we will have a fun Sports Day. It will start at 8:00 in the morning and end at about 5:00 in the afternoon. We will have it on the school playground. There will be many games, like races, football matches and basketball games, etc. Everyone is welcome to take part in it. Remember to bring water and something to eat. But you must keep the playground clean. Don't forget to wear comfortable shoes for playing sports. If you would like to join in the fun, make sure to sign up before May 6th. Hope to see you.
英语试题参考答案、解析及评分参考 2024.4
1.B 2. C 3. B 4. B 5.A 6. A 7. C 8.B 9. C 10. C
11.C 12.A 13.A 14. C 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.B 19.A 20.B
26. Friday 27. playground 28. football 29. water 30. clean
31.A[解析]结合语境考查介词辨析。根据“Did you see it?”可知是正在“寻找”钢笔,look for 意为寻找。
32.C[解析]结合语境考查代词辨析。根据前半句“My brother has many hobbies”,可知后半句应指“my brother's”,因此用 his,表示弟弟/哥哥的最爱是唱歌。
33.B[解析]结合语境考查并列连词。句意:上周日Lisa想去海滩,但是那天太冷了。“天冷“和”想去沙滩“之间存在转折关系,因此用 but。
34.C[解析]结合语境考查一般将来时。根据“Wait for me.”可知“我”将要去买,因此用一般将来时。
35.D[解析]结合语境考查情态动词辨析。根据“Great!”,可知第二句表达的是“能”说三种语言,因此选择 can。
36.A[解析]结合语境考查动词短语辨析。putaway把…收起来(放好);blow away 吹走;give away赠送;throw away 扔掉。根据语境“you'd better”,可知应该是“完成作业后将学习用品收起来“。
37.D[解析]结合语境考查现在完成时。根据“I feel warm now.”可知太阳已经升起来了,因此用现在完成时。
38.B[解析]结合语境考查过去进行时。根据时间状语“when I met them”可知第一句用过去进行时,表示过去某一刻正在发生的事情。
39.B[解析]结合语境考查从属连词。根据前后句“some students are writing carefully” “others are thinking deeply”可知表示同一时刻两种不同的情况同时进行,因此选择while,表示“在…的时候,与…同时”。
41.D[解析]结合语境考查名词辨析。根据下文中的“Then my mom took me to a violin lesson there.“和”After a few lessons,I found that playing the violin…“可知这里说的是“我”仍然记得六岁的时候第一次拉小提琴时的情景。
44.B[解析]结合语境考查动词辨析。lose oneself固定搭配,“沉浸于”。根据句中的“in the beautiful world“可知这里表示的是”我“”沉浸“在各种各样的乐器中。
45.A[解析]结合语境考查形容词辨析。根据关键词语“with an angelic(天使般的)smile”可知“sweet”符合语境。
46.B[解析]结合语境考查名词辨析。根据“When she played the violin”,可知这里表示“当她开始演奏小提琴时,仿佛这个世界里充满了美妙的音乐“。
48.A[解析]结合语境考查动词短语辨析。根据上文中“I found that playing the violin was not always interesting. It was boring…“和下文中的”It is necessary for us to stick at something…“可知此处指“我”想放弃。
49.D[解析]结合语境考查名词辨析。根据下文中“She said…”,可知这里表示妈妈与“我”进行了长时间的交谈。
50.C[解析]结合语境考查介词辨析。根据上文与妈妈交谈,后面“I continued playing the violin“可知,这里表示的是听完妈妈的话之后,”我“又继续拉小提琴了。
51.C[解析]细节理解题。根据第一段“researching the Chinese traditional festivals”以及下文中的“Lantern Festival”和“Dragon Boat Festival”可知课外实践项目是有关“节日”的。
52.B[解析]细节理解题。根据“We'e collected much information about the festival by doing some reading in the library. “可知 Linda 组通过”阅读“收集信息。
53.D[解析]细节理解题。根据“Next, we plan to learn how to make zongzi, and produce an English video to make the festival known by more people around the world. “可知 John组下一步要做的是制作一个英文视频,让世界上更多的人了解中国的端午节。
55.B[解析]细节理解题。根据“Papa said we should help it by tying ropes for support.”和“we tied ropes around the tree”可知为了帮助树,“我们”给它绑了绳子。
56.A[解析]写作目的题。根据最后一段可知作者最想表达的是“自然和人类的亲密关系”。 C篇[语篇研读]本语篇是一篇建议类的说明文,主题属于“人与社会”主题范畴,涉及“交流与合作,团队精神“。语篇主要介绍的是如何在团队中进行良好的沟通和交流:第一,不要批评他人;第二,积极聆听他人,认真思考他们的想法;第三,跟他人分享自己的想法;第四,创设让每个人都感到舒服并不恐惧表达自己的想法和观点的环境。旨在引导学生学会与他人交流与沟通,进行团队合作的能力。
[命题立意]考查英语阅读理解能力,通过阅读语篇,获取信息并进行推理判断及概括的能力。 57题考查语篇的写作手法,引导学生关注语篇知识;60题是主旨大意题。题目设问层层递进,指向主题意义的挖掘,学生在完成4个题目的同时,学习如何与他人交流,进行团队合作的方法。
57.C[解析]写作手法题。语篇以“Do you know what a team needs most ”开篇,可知是通过“问问题”形式开篇的。
58.D[解析]细节理解题。根据“When someone tells you about their ideas, you should listen to them actively and think about their ideas carefully, no matter how silly they may seem.“可知答案。
60.C[解析]主旨大意题。根据第一段“To create a successful team, good communication is the most necessary for both the team members and the leader.“可知答案。
1.D[解析]细节理解题。根据"What exists is light. Light is real, but color is not. It is our brain that creates color."可知答案。
62.B[解析]推理判断题。该段第三句说"You sometimes see different colors because your brain thinks they have a different meaning.",然后举例说明因为背景不同,同样的一件衬衫颜色呈现不同的视觉效果。
63.C[解析]段落大意题。这段话先表明观点"Color is created according to our past experiences, and sometimes there are optical illusions(视错觉)."然后举例子说明经验是如何影响我们对颜色的感知的。
64.A[解析]词义猜测题。根据下一句"But if you watch the thing for a longer time, your brain may forget the recent history and see the real color."。可知这里的 brief 意思是"短暂的"。
66.great changes [解析]完成句子任务。根据"science and technology are developing at an amazing speed. They bring about great changes in our lives and help us a lot"可知答案。
67. make wise decisions解析]完成句子任务。根据"AI Sora is a new AI tool which is able to understand human language, learn from experience, and make wise decisions in different situations. "可知答案。
68. It has made travel faster, safer and more convenient. [解析]简略回答问题任务。根据"The development of planes and high-speed trains has made travel faster, safer, and more convenient(方便的)."可知答案。
69. The use of modern tools has made learning more interesting. / Students can have online courses and get online learning. / Students can learn at their own speed and from anywhere./Teachers can also use technology to make better lesson plans.(任答一点即间)[解析]简略回答问题任务。根据第四段内容可知答案。
70. Yes. Because they have made a big difference to society, shaping the way we live, work, and communicate. No. Because they bring us many risks. [解析]简略回答问题任务。
72. because[解析]考查连词。表示“我”很少骑车外出的直接原因,用 because。
73. dangerous[解析]考查形容词。本句为主系表结构,“it was”后用形容词作表语。
74.a[解析]考查冠词。“have a great time”玩儿得开心,固定搭配。
75. buses[解析]考查名词复数。根据前后的“cars”和“people”可知用名词的复数形式。
76. myself[解析]考查反身代词。protect oneself保护自己。
77. chooses [解析]考查一般现在时及主谓一致。根据上下文可知这里用一般现在时,主语为“my father”因此用第三人称单数。
78. In [解析]考查介词。 in fact 事实上。
81. Do you like Mary's dress
82. A friend bought it for her.
83. The dress looks nice.
84. Mary will wear it for a dancing show.
85. I believe she will dance well.
审要点:1. Where is Hebei
2. Where can people go for a visit What can people do there
3. What special foods can people enjoy
Hello, everyone. I want to introduce my hometown Hebei. It lies in the northern part of China, and it is next to Beijing and Tianjin.
One of the most interesting places to visit is the Chengde Mountain Resort. It's a royal garden with both natural beauty and Chinese traditional buildings. So you can enjoy the nature, history and culture there.
There are many delicious local foods in Hebei, and my favourite is huoshao. It is a kind of Chinese hamburger with meat, vegetables, eggs and so on. I think you will like it.
So near! So beautiful! Welcome to Hebei on weekends!
1. Where is Hebei
2. Where can people go for a visit What can people do there
3. What special foods can people enjoy



上一篇:2024年山东省枣庄市初中学业水平考试物理模拟试卷( 无答案)
