【同步练习卷】外研版英语九年级下册 Module 5 Unit 3 Language in use (含解析)

Module 5 Unit 3
1.My parents often ask me ________ too much time ________ computer games.(  )
A.not to spend; to play
B.to not spend; playing
C.not to spend; playing
D.to not spend; to play
2.These pets ________ a lot of care and attention.(  )
A.require B.repair C.invent D.invite
3.﹣﹣ will you go to the airport ?
﹣﹣To meet Mr.Smith from Canada.(  )
A.Why,for B.Where,for C.What,for D.How,for
4.To keep healthy,Professor Johnson cycling as a regular form of
exercise after he retired.(  )
A.took up B.caught on
C.carried out D.made for
5.The teacher asked Ben a difficult question in class.(  )
A.answer B.to answer C.answering D.answer
6.His brother hit him face last night.(  )
A.on the B.in the C.in D.by the
7.We must do everything we can ________ our earth cleaner and safer.(  )
A.made B.to making C.make D.to make
8.other real worry communicate have be one brave like help
Share your feelings when you need help.Sharing a problem is like cutting it in half.However,maybe it's (1)    hard to tell someone that you are feeling sad or worried.If you think you are too shy and want to be a little (2)    than before,just try the following things.
Talk with your dad or mom,who cares a lot about you,you may feel much better.Don't forget your parents have more experience,and are always there to help you.But sometimes the (3)    between parents and children is also a problem.So if you don't want to talk with your father or mother,what should you do?It's better to find another you trust to talk to,(4)    a teacher or a friend.This helps you feel more comfortable.
Once you know who you can talk to,you should choose when and where to talk.If you think it's difficult for you to say what you think,write it down on a piece of paper.Perhaps it's more (5)   .If the person can't understand what you mean right away,try to say it in a different way or give an example.Build confidence gradually by taking (6)    small step every time.
Then try to (7)    a good talker.Don't waste time worrying about your look or what people think of you.If you find it hard to start a conversation,say something nice about people around you.Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you.Doesn't it make you want to keep talking to that person?It is worth (8)    a try!
Problems and (9)    are normal in life.If you keep them in your heart and don't talk about them with (10)   ,you will even fall ill at last.It is the best not to run away from your problems.Just talk to someone about a problem,you are halfway to solving it.
This is   .It's hard.
He walked            .
    Darning   Li Ming   students.
12.We'd like to do all we can   (protect)our earth.
13.in pain,look up,take an interest in,in the future,die from
11.He likes music very much,so he begins to   singing songs.
12."My son is missing,"she cried   .
13.The old man   a car accident last year.
14.﹣﹣What is Lucy doing?
﹣﹣She is   some new words in the dictionary.
15.﹣﹣What are you going to be   ?
﹣﹣I'm going to be an artist.
14.I'm glad   (see)you.
15.What do you think is the most common illness?Do you get ill sometimes?We are lucky to live now because there are lots of medicines to make people better.
The most common illness in the world is the cold.It often begins with a sore throat.Then you sneeze and your nose runs.You usually have a headache,too.Often you cough later.It's not a very bad illness but you can feel quite ill.
There isn't a cure(治愈)for a cold but you can take medicines to make you feel better.For instance aspirin(阿司匹林)can stop your headache.It is good to rest and to drink a lot of water,too.A doctor once said to me,"With the proper medicine a cold will last for seven,days.With no medicine it will go on for a whole week!"
Where does our medicine come from?A long time ago people knew that some plants made them feel better.They ate the leaves,the roots,the I fruit or the seeds of those plants.For instance the juice of lemons makes a sore throat feel better.
In modern times scientists have looked at these plants and found out which chemicals(化学物质)are in them.Many of our medicines today are made from those chemicals.
There are some illnesses which we can't cure yet.And nobody has found a cure for old age.But because of modern medicines most people now live longer than their grandparents.
26.How does a cold often begin?
27.Can aspirin stop a headache?
28.How long does a cold usually continue?
29.What kind of juice makes a sore throat feel better?
30.What are many of our medicines today made from?
Module 5 Unit 3
1.My parents often ask me ________ too much time ________ computer games.(  )
A.not to spend; to play
B.to not spend; playing
C.not to spend; playing
D.to not spend; to play
2.These pets ________ a lot of care and attention.(  )
A.require B.repair C.invent D.invite
3.﹣﹣ will you go to the airport ?
﹣﹣To meet Mr.Smith from Canada.(  )
A.Why,for B.Where,for C.What,for D.How,for
根据To meet Mr.Smith from Canada可知这里表示目的,提问的话应该用what for表示为了什么.故选C.
4.To keep healthy,Professor Johnson cycling as a regular form of
exercise after he retired.(  )
A.took up B.caught on
C.carried out D.made for
take up开始从事一项新的工作;catch on抓住;carried out开展;made for非常合适的.结合句意:在退休后,为保持健康,约翰逊教授把经常骑自行车作为锻炼,故选A.
5.The teacher asked Ben a difficult question in class.(  )
A.answer B.to answer C.answering D.answer
【解答】答案:B,考查动词不定式辨析及句意理解.句中提到"The teacher asked Ben"老师要求Ben…后面又说question,由此可以推测是老师要求Ben回答问题,ask sb to do sth意为要求某人做某事,故选:B。
6.His brother hit him face last night.(  )
A.on the B.in the C.in D.by the
【解答】答案:A 分析句子,结合选项,推测意思是昨晚他的兄弟打了他的脸.打在脸上用固定短语hit sb.on the face,故选A.
7.We must do everything we can ________ our earth cleaner and safer.(  )
A.made B.to making C.make D.to make
根据We must do everything we can,可知这里用to引导的不定式表示目的,作目的状语,表示我们做所有我们能做的是为了使我们的地球更清洁更安全.故选D.
8.other real worry communicate have be one brave like help
Share your feelings when you need help.Sharing a problem is like cutting it in half.However,maybe it's (1) really  hard to tell someone that you are feeling sad or worried.If you think you are too shy and want to be a little (2) braver  than before,just try the following things.
Talk with your dad or mom,who cares a lot about you,you may feel much better.Don't forget your parents have more experience,and are always there to help you.But sometimes the (3) communication  between parents and children is also a problem.So if you don't want to talk with your father or mother,what should you do?It's better to find another you trust to talk to,(4) like  a teacher or a friend.This helps you feel more comfortable.
Once you know who you can talk to,you should choose when and where to talk.If you think it's difficult for you to say what you think,write it down on a piece of paper.Perhaps it's more (5) helpful .If the person can't understand what you mean right away,try to say it in a different way or give an example.Build confidence gradually by taking (6) a  small step every time.
Then try to (7) be  a good talker.Don't waste time worrying about your look or what people think of you.If you find it hard to start a conversation,say something nice about people around you.Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you.Doesn't it make you want to keep talking to that person?It is worth (8) having  a try!
Problems and (9) worries  are normal in life.If you keep them in your heart and don't talk about them with (10) others ,you will even fall ill at last.It is the best not to run away from your problems.Just talk to someone about a problem,you are halfway to solving it.
【解答】1 really 考查副词:根据maybe it's (91)hard to tell someone that you are feeling sad or worried可能当你感到悲伤或担心时很难将这告诉别人,分析得知,本题不缺少任何成分,结合选词,可以用real的副词really真正地,来修饰形容词hard
2 braver 考查比较级:根据意思如果你认为你太害羞,并且想比以前要…一点,就请试试下面的建议吧,根据后文than,结合选词,故用brave的比较级braver更勇敢,符合语境
3 communication 考查名词:根据前文Talk with your dad or mom跟你的爸爸妈妈交谈,后文between parents and children is also a problem,结合选词,推测意思是父母和孩子之间的交流也有问题,前面是定冠词,后接名词,故用communication交流
4 like 考查介词:根据前文It's better to find another you trust to talk to最好是找一个你信任的人谈谈,后文 a teacher or a friend,结合选词,推测意思是像一个老师或朋友,故用介词like像
5 helpful 考查形容词:根据前文If you think it's difficult for you to say what you think,write it down on a piece of paper如果你认为你很难说出你的想法,就把它写在一张纸上.即就把它写在一张纸上是更有用的,前面是is,后接形容词,故用helpful有用的
6 a 考查冠词:根据If the person can't understand what you mean right away,try to say it in a different way or give an example如果这个人不能理解你的意思,试着用不同的方式说,或者举个例子.后文Build confidence gradually by taking small step every time通过每次…小步逐渐建立自信,结合选词,推测意思是通过每次采取一小步来逐渐建立自信,small是以辅音音素开头,故用a.
7 be 考查动词:根据Then try to (97)a good talker,结合选词,推测意思是然后试图成为一个好的谈话者,前面是不定式,后接动词原形,故用be
8 having 考查动词:根据前文Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you.Doesn't it make you want to keep talking to that person?想一想当别人对你说些好听的话时你有多好,难道你不想一直和那个人说话吗?结合It is worth (98)a try及选词,推测意思是值得一试,故考查固定短语be worth doing sth.
9 worries 考查名词:根据Problems and (99)are normal in life问题和…在生活中是很正常的,and表示并列关系,结合选词,故用复数名词worries担心的事
10 others 考查代词:根据If you keep them in your heart and don't talk about them with 如果你把问题和烦恼的事放在心里,而不跟…交谈,结合选词,推测意思是如果你把问题和烦恼的事放在心里,而不跟别人交谈,最终你就很容易生病,故用代词others别人
This is a piece of wood .It's hard.
【分析】This is a piece of wood.It's hard.
【解答】答案.a piece of wood 分析汉语,句子缺少一块木头的表达,英语是a piece of wood,这里是单数,故答案是a piece of wood.
He walked from  side  to  side .
【分析】He walked from side to side.
【解答】分析汉语,句子缺少从一边到另一边的表达,英语是from side to side。
故答案为:from side to side。
 Both  Darning and Li Ming are students.
【分析】Both Darning and Li Ming are students.
12.We'd like to do all we can to protect (protect)our earth.
【解答】答案:to protect 根据提示,推测意思是我们想做我们所能做的去保护我们的地球.这里we can是一个定语从句,修饰先行词all,故这里用不定式表示目的,故答案是to protect.
13.in pain,look up,take an interest in,in the future,die from
11.He likes music very much,so he begins to take an interest in singing songs.
12."My son is missing,"she cried in pain .
13.The old man died from a car accident last year.
14.﹣﹣What is Lucy doing?
﹣﹣She is looking up some new words in the dictionary.
15.﹣﹣What are you going to be in the future ?
﹣﹣I'm going to be an artist.
【解答】11.take an interest in 考查动词短语.根据句意"他非常喜欢音乐,所以他开始对唱歌感兴趣.",结合备选词汇,可知空中信息应为"对…感兴趣",take an interest in 意为"对…感兴趣",根据句中"begins to",知空中的动词应该用原形,故填:take an interest in.
12.in pain 考查短语翻译.根据句意"‘我的儿子丢了'她痛苦地哭着说.",结合备选词汇,可知空中信息应为"痛苦地",in pain 意为"痛苦地",故填:in pain.
13.died from 考查一般过去时.根据句意"去年这位老人死于车祸.",结合备选词汇,可知空中信息应为"死于",died from 意为"死于",根据句中"last year",知空中动词应该用一般过去时,一般过去时构成:主语+动词的过去式+…故填:died from.
14.looking up 考查行在进行时.根据句意"﹣露西在做什么?﹣她正在字典中查阅一些新单词.",结合备选词汇,可知空中信息应为"查阅",look up 意为"查阅",根据句中"is",知空中动词应该用现在分词(构成现在进行时),现在进行时的构成:主语+is/am/are+doing+…,故填:looking up.
15.in the future考查短语翻译.根据句意"﹣在将来你打算做什么?﹣我将做一名艺术家",结合备选词汇,可知空中信息应为"在将来",in the future意为"在将来",故填:in the future.
14.I'm glad to see (see)you.
【解答】答案:to see.考查搭配.句意"我很高兴见到你.".be glad to do sth高兴做某事.填不定式to see见到.
15.What do you think is the most common illness?Do you get ill sometimes?We are lucky to live now because there are lots of medicines to make people better.
The most common illness in the world is the cold.It often begins with a sore throat.Then you sneeze and your nose runs.You usually have a headache,too.Often you cough later.It's not a very bad illness but you can feel quite ill.
There isn't a cure(治愈)for a cold but you can take medicines to make you feel better.For instance aspirin(阿司匹林)can stop your headache.It is good to rest and to drink a lot of water,too.A doctor once said to me,"With the proper medicine a cold will last for seven,days.With no medicine it will go on for a whole week!"
Where does our medicine come from?A long time ago people knew that some plants made them feel better.They ate the leaves,the roots,the I fruit or the seeds of those plants.For instance the juice of lemons makes a sore throat feel better.
In modern times scientists have looked at these plants and found out which chemicals(化学物质)are in them.Many of our medicines today are made from those chemicals.
There are some illnesses which we can't cure yet.And nobody has found a cure for old age.But because of modern medicines most people now live longer than their grandparents.
26.How does a cold often begin?
 It often begins with a sore throat./A sore throat. 
27.Can aspirin stop a headache?
 Yes,it can./Yes. 
28.How long does a cold usually continue?
 It usually continues for a week/seven days. 
29.What kind of juice makes a sore throat feel better?
 The juice of lemons. 
30.What are many of our medicines today made from?
 The chemicals in plants. .
【解答】26.It often begins with a sore throat./A sore throat. 细节理解题.根据第二段"The most common illness in the world is the cold.It often begins with a sore throat."可知,世界上最常见的疾病是感冒,它经常开始于喉咙疼.故填It often begins with a sore throat./A sore throat.
27.Yes,it can./Yes. 理解判断题.根据第三段"For instance aspirin(阿司匹林)can stop your headache."可知,例如阿司匹林可以阻止你的头痛.故填Yes,it can./Yes.
28.It usually continues for a week/seven days. 细节理解题.根据第三段"With the proper medicine a cold will last for seven,days.With no medicine it will go on for a whole week"可知,吃合适的药感冒将会持续七天,不吃药它将会继续一整周.故填It usually continues for a week/seven days.
29.The juice of lemons. 细节理解题.根据第四段"For instance the juice of lemons makes a sore throat feel better."可知,例如柠檬汁可以使喉咙疼感觉更好.故填The juice of lemons.
30.The chemicals in plants.细节理解题.根据第五段"In modern times scientists have looked at these plants and found out which chemicals(化学物质)are in them.Many of our medicines today are made from those chemicals."可知,在现代,科学家研究这些植物,在里面发现了化学物质,今天很多的药物都是那些化学物质做成的.故填The chemicals in plants.




下一篇:【同步练习卷】外研版英语九年级下册 Module 6 Unit 3 Language in use (含解析)