【同步练习卷】外研版英语九年级下册 Module 2 Unit 3 Language in use (含解析)

Module 2 Unit 3
1.Miss Wang is always patient to give me____on how to work out the problems.(  )
A.an advice B.many advice
C.some advice D.many advices
2.﹣﹣Who teaches painting?
﹣﹣Nobody,I teach .(  )
A.your,mine B.your,my C.you,myself D.you,me
3.﹣I want to know if Lily____us in the fashion show tonight.
﹣I believe if she_____ her homework,she will join us.(  )
A.joins;finishes B.will join;finishes
C.joins;will finish D.will join;will join
4.﹣What do you think of the lecture of Li Yang s Crazy English?
﹣I think it's_________,but someone thinks it's much too _______.(  )
A.wonderful enough;bored
B.enough wonderful;boring
C.wonderful enough;boring
D.enough wonderful;bored
5.The 18th Jiangsu Provincial Games will ______ in September.Many students want to be volunteers.(  )
A.take place B.take part
C.take action D.take care
6.We all know that learning a foreign language _______ time and effort.(  )
A.requires B.reduces C.removes D.repeats
7.The children decide their school yard this Friday afternoon.(  )
A.clean B.to clean C.cleaning D.cleaned
8.I don't know what to do next.Could you give me some a   ?
Lucy has written    her brother did.
    them found the trip boring because there were computers on the boat.
    five thousand people lost their lives in the earthquake.
12.﹣The teachers in that school speak either English or French,or even   (both/each).
﹣That's so cool!
13.from…to,both…and,neither of,both of,help with
1.    them has been to Beijing.
2.Lily often    the housework after school.
3.We have a meeting    8:00    10:00 every Monday.
4.    Kate's parents are teachers.
5.Julia likes    maths    English.
14.The sweater isn't    (I);it's    (she).
15."Where is the university?" This is a question that many visitors to Cambridge ask.But no one can give them an exact answer,for there is no wall to be found around the university.The university is the city.You can find classroom buildings,libraries,museums and offices of the university all over the city.And most of its members are the students and teachers of the thirty one colleges.
Cambridge was already a town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago.It grew up by the river Cranta,and the river was once called the Cam.A bridge was built over the river as early as 875.So the town got its name "Cambridge".
In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and more land was for college buildings.The town grew much faster in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845.Cambridge became a city in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100,000.Many young students in other countries expect to study at Cambridge.A large number of people from all over the world come to visit the university.It has become a famous place all around the world.
(1)Visitors to Cambridge can find the following in the university except    .
(2)According to the passage,Cambridge University is made up of     colleges.
(3)The town got its name from    .
A.the first students and teachers
B.the bridge built over the river Cam
C.the members of the university
D.the person who designed the bridge
(4)Which is the correct order of the events about Cambridge?    
a.The railway was opened.
b.Cambridge became a city.
c.More and more land was for college buildings.
d.The first students and teachers arrived at the town.
Module 2 Unit 3
1.Miss Wang is always patient to give me____on how to work out the problems.(  )
A.an advice B.many advice
C.some advice D.many advices
2.﹣﹣Who teaches painting?
﹣﹣Nobody,I teach .(  )
A.your,mine B.your,my C.you,myself D.you,me
【解答】答案:C 分析句子,结合选项,推测意思是谁教你画画?没有人,我教我自己.第一空考查固定短语teach sb.sth.用宾格you,第二空用反身代词,我对应的反身代词是myself,故选C.
3.﹣I want to know if Lily____us in the fashion show tonight.
﹣I believe if she_____ her homework,she will join us.(  )
A.joins;finishes B.will join;finishes
C.joins;will finish D.will join;will join
4.﹣What do you think of the lecture of Li Yang s Crazy English?
﹣I think it's_________,but someone thinks it's much too _______.(  )
A.wonderful enough;bored
B.enough wonderful;boring
C.wonderful enough;boring
D.enough wonderful;bored
【解答】结合语境及选项,此题考查同源形容词及enough的用法.enough修饰形容词或副词,应置于形容词或副词后;同源形容词的ing形式和ed形式,ing形式表示事物本身的性质或属性,一般主语为物;ed形式表示人的主观感受,一般主语为人.根据语境可知第二个空其从句的主语为it,代指the lecture of Li Yang s Crazy English,所以第二个空的形容词要用ing形式;综合以上分析,故选:C。
5.The 18th Jiangsu Provincial Games will ______ in September.Many students want to be volunteers.(  )
A.take place B.take part
C.take action D.take care
【解答】答案:A take place,举行,发生;take part,参与,参加;take action,采取措施;take care,小心.根据The 18th Jiangsu Provincial Games will _____ in September,可知江苏第十八届省运会将在9月份举行.故选A.
6.We all know that learning a foreign language _______ time and effort.(  )
A.requires B.reduces C.removes D.repeats
【解答】本题考查动词词义,根据learning a foreign language…time and effort.这句话可知,是需要时间和努力,require,需要;reduce,减少;remove,移动;repeat,重复,故选A.
7.The children decide their school yard this Friday afternoon.(  )
A.clean B.to clean C.cleaning D.cleaned
【解答】答案:B.根据The children decide﹣﹣可知这里考查了decide 的用法,decide 决定做某事,后面跟to引导的动词不定式,不定式做宾语表示具体的将要进行的动作,故选B.
【点评】本题考查了动词不定式的用法.解答时注意decide 的用法,decide 决定做某事,后面跟to引导的动词不定式.
8.I don't know what to do next.Could you give me some a dvice ?
【解答】根据I don't know what to do next,可知我不知道下一步该怎么办.所以下面说的是你能给我一些建议吗,这里以首字母a开头,应该用advice,是一个不可数名词.故填advice.
Lucy has written as many compositions as  her brother did.
【分析】Lucy has written as many compositions as her brother did.
【解答】答案:as many compositions as
as…as是固定短语,意思是"和…一样",作文composition,结合句意"露西写的作文篇数和她弟弟一样多"可知,答案为:as many compositions as.
 None of  them found the trip boring because there were computers on the boat.
【分析】none of 意为"没有一个人".
【解答】答案:None of,意思是"没有一个".none 用于指人或物,可与of 短语连用,表"没有一个,无一"做主语时,谓语用作单数或复数,而且常用于习语中.no one用于指人,不于of 短语连用,作主语时,谓语用作单数.句中 有them,应该是none of them.他们没有一人..由此可知答案是None of..
 At least  five thousand people lost their lives in the earthquake.
【分析】At least
【解答】答案:At least
At least是固定词组,至少,结合句意:至少5,000人在地震中不幸遇难,故填.故填At least.
12.﹣The teachers in that school speak either English or French,or even both (both/each).
﹣That's so cool!
根据The teachers in that school speak either English or French,or even﹣﹣(both/each).可知English or French表示两个,所以这里用both表示.故填both.
13.from…to,both…and,neither of,both of,help with
1. Neither of  them has been to Beijing.
2.Lily often helps with  the housework after school.
3.We have a meeting from  8:00 to  10:00 every Monday.
4. Both of  Kate's parents are teachers.
5.Julia likes both  maths and  English.
【解答】1.Neither of 考查短语.根据下文them has been to Beijing.可知结合选项,应说他们两人都没有去过北京.Neither of+名词复数+动词单数,表示两者都不.故答案为Neither of.
2.helps with考查短语.根据下文the housework,可知结合选项,应说放学后,莉莉经常帮忙做家务.help with帮助,句子是一般现在时,主语是Lily,第三人称单数.故答案为helps with.
3.from,to考查短语.根据上文We have a meeting,可知结合选项,应说我们每星期一早上8点到10点开会.from…to…从…到…,故答案为from,to.
4.Both of 考查短语.根据下文Kate's parents are teachers.可知结合选项,应说凯特的父母都是教师.Both of+one's+名词.故答案为Both of.
5.both,and考查短语.根据上下文Julia likes…maths…English.可知结合选项,应说朱莉娅喜欢数学和英语.both…and…两者都,用于连接两个表示并列关系的名词.故答案为both,and.
14.The sweater isn't mine  (I);it's hers  (she).
根据The sweater isn't﹣﹣(I);it's﹣﹣(she).可知这件毛衣不是我的,是她的.这里表示我的毛衣,她的毛衣,这里放在is后面用名词形式.故填mine,hers.
15."Where is the university?" This is a question that many visitors to Cambridge ask.But no one can give them an exact answer,for there is no wall to be found around the university.The university is the city.You can find classroom buildings,libraries,museums and offices of the university all over the city.And most of its members are the students and teachers of the thirty one colleges.
Cambridge was already a town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago.It grew up by the river Cranta,and the river was once called the Cam.A bridge was built over the river as early as 875.So the town got its name "Cambridge".
In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and more land was for college buildings.The town grew much faster in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845.Cambridge became a city in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100,000.Many young students in other countries expect to study at Cambridge.A large number of people from all over the world come to visit the university.It has become a famous place all around the world.
(1)Visitors to Cambridge can find the following in the university except  B .
(2)According to the passage,Cambridge University is made up of  A  colleges.
(3)The town got its name from  B .
A.the first students and teachers
B.the bridge built over the river Cam
C.the members of the university
D.the person who designed the bridge
(4)Which is the correct order of the events about Cambridge?  D 
a.The railway was opened.
b.Cambridge became a city.
c.More and more land was for college buildings.
d.The first students and teachers arrived at the town.




下一篇:【同步练习卷】外研版英语九年级下册 Module 3 Unit 3 Language in use (含解析)