
1-5: CBACB 6-10:CAACC 11-15:ABAAC 16-20: CAABC
二、单项选择 (本大题共14小题,每小题1分,共15分)
21-25: ADDBC 26-30:BCCDA 31-35:DBDB
三、完形填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
35-39: ABBDB 40-44: ABABC
四、阅读理解 (本大题共13小题,每小题2分,共26分)
45-47: CBC 48-50: CDB 51-53: DCC 54-57: BAAC
五、单词拼写 (本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)
58. fortieth 59. leaves 60. soon 61. grow
62. ours 63. western 64. dangerous 65.across
六、句型转换 (本大题共5小题,每空0.5分,共6分)
66. something is wrong
67. shares with
68. turn right at
69. Would you
70. How often
七、对话填空 (本大题共7小题,每小题1分,共7分)
71. breakfast 72. fridge 73. knives 74. careful
75. minute 76. help 77. before
八、完成句子 (本大题共6小题,78-81每空0.5分,82-83每题1.5分,共9分)
78. are preparing for
79. not to worry
80. works of art
81. take a message
82. will be full of visitors
83. At the foot of the hill are
九、书面表达 (本大题共10分)
My New Home
My new home is on the fifth floor and it’s big and comfortable. There are four rooms and I have my own bedroom.
Our neighbours are kind and helpful. They help us with all kinds of problems. And they also help the old people clean their flats and do some shopping.
You can get to my home by underground. It only takes15 minutes. Get off at Yunlin Station at Exit 1 and walk across the street. My home is in front of you.
I think it’s really a wonderful place. I’m very happy to live in my new home. (99 words)2023-2024学年度第二学期期中试卷
第 I 卷客观题(共70分)
(一) 听对话回答问题
1. What does Peter like doing in his hometown
A. B. C.
2. What does Sandy want to be in the future
A. B. C.
3. When do they meet at the gate
A. B. C.
4. What animal does the girl like best
A. B. C.
5. What will Linda do
A. Do some shopping. B. Meet some old friends. C. Listen to music.
6. How often does Amy’s father play football
A. Every day. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week.
7. When will the girl clean her house
A. On Sunday morning B. On Sunday afternoon C. On Sunday evening.
8. Who does the woman want to speak to
A. Mike. B. Jane. C. Bob.
9. Where are they talking
A. In the classroom. B. At home. C. In a shop.
10. How many Chinese students are there in Tom’s class
A. 42. B. 39. C. 37.
11. Which bus does the woman need to take
A. The No. 14 bus. B. The No. 4 bus. C. The No. 40 bus.
12. Where is the museum
A. Beside the flower shop. B. Next to the bookshop. C. At the third bus stop.
Join our 13
When It opens at 14 p.m. every Saturday.
Where Come to the community centre, please.
Contact Contact Call Mr.White at 15 for more information.
13. A. Dance Club. B. Reading Club. C. Art Club.
14. A. 3:30. B. 2:30. C. 4:30.
15. A. 39765421. B. 37549621. C. 37986521.
16. Howmany people are there in Tom’s family
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.
17. How does Tom’s father go to work
A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus.
18. Where do Tom’s parents talk with their friends
A. In the living room. B. On the balcony. C. In the garden.
19. What’s on the balcony
A. Some books. B. Some plants. C. A sofa.
20. What’s TRUE from the passage
A. Tom lives in NewYork.
B. My father goes to work at weekends.
C. Tom’s flat is small with no gardens.
A B C D ,
14 , 1
21. — Daniel,What do you think of ________ UFO in Henry’s comic book
— Come on. It’s just ________ plane with lights.
A. the; a B. an; the C. an; an D. a; the
22.Take some food with you, ________ you ________ hungry on the way.
A. and; will feel B. and; don’t feel
C. or; won’t feel D. or; will feel
23. ________ students in our school say they have great fun ________ exercise every day.
A.Three thousands; doing B.Three thousand; to doing
C.Three thousand of; do D.Three thousand; doing
24. — Are these your key rings
— No, they are ________. ________ are in my pocket.
A. her; My B. hers; Mine C. his; My D. him; Mine
25. Lucy is very sick and she can’t go to school. The only thing she can do is to ________ the
doctor’s advice(建议) to have a good rest at home.
A. invite B. check C. follow D. own
26. ________ the bridge, then ________ the post office and you will see the shopping mall.
A. Cross; past B.Walk across; pass C.Walk cross; past D. Crossing; walk pass
27. Wendy thinks Wuxi is her second ________ because she lives here with her parents for many years.
A.neighbour B.capital C.hometown D.country
28 . — Excuse me, ________ I take the magazine out of the reading room
— Sorry, you ________. Just here, please.
A.Can; can B. would; can’t C. may; can’t D. need; can
29. — Is there going to ________ a basketball match this afternoon
— No, but remember that we are going to ________ a parents’ meeting.
A. be; be B. have; have C. have; be D. be; have
30. — So this is your first time to take a plane
— Yes, it’s really amazing! Those tall buildings ________ look just like small boxes!
A. below B. behind C. under D. above
31. Xi’an is about 1, 250 kilometres ________ Wuxi. We can fly there in our summer holiday.
A. far away B. far from C. away D. away from
32. — Life here is too hard. I can’t stand(忍受)any more!
—Wuxi is a great city. Why not come here and make a ________ start
A. lucky B. fresh C. helpful D. local
33. — Excuse me, ________ is it from the school to the Wuxi Museum
—Well, it’s about 30 minutes by bus.
A.How long B.How often C.How many D.How far
34. — Do you want to have a picnic in the park this weekend
— ________ , but I have to go to the countryside to visit my grandpa.
A. I’m afraid not B. I’d love to C. Of course not D. Up to you
10 , 1
Back in New York, I am fighting fires as the assistant captain(副队长)of a volunteer fire company.
I 35 remember my first fire. The captain was talking with the homeowner, who had one of the 36
days of her life. At midnight, she was standing 37 in the rain, under an umbrella, barefoot,while her
house was in flames(在燃烧中).
The captain then waved me over. He said, “Bezos, I need you to go upstairs past the fire, and get this
woman a pair of 38 .” So, not exactly what I was hoping for, but off I went 39 the stairs, down the
hall, past the “real” firefighters, who were pretty much done putting out the fire at this time, into the master
bedroom to get a pair of shoes.
Now I know what you’re thinking, but I’m no hero. (Laughter) I carried the shoes downstairs and
took them to the 40 .
A few weeks later, the company received a letter from the homeowner 41 us for saving her home.
The act of kindness she noted above all others was that 42 had even gotten her a pair of shoes.
Here, I would offer this reminder: don’t wait. Don’t wait until you make your first million to make a
difference in somebody’s life. 43 you have something to give, give it now.
Not every day is going to offer us a chance to 44 somebody’s life, but every day offer us an
opportunity to affect(影响)one. So get in the game. Save the shoes.
35. A. still B. also C. only D. never
36. A. best B. worst C. happiest D. shortest
37. A. inside B. outside C. nearby D. far
38. A. socks B. glasses C. trousers D. shoes
39. A. down B. up C. with D. at
40. A. homeowner B. captain C. volunteer D. firefighter
41. A. paying B. thanking C. showing D. giving
42. A. someone B. no one C. anyone D. something
43. A. when B. if C. because D. but
44. A. help B. lose C. save D. leave
, ,
45. Where might you find the poster
A. In a story book. B. In a novel(小说). C. In a magazine. D. In a notice.
46. What are the cactuses’ roots like
A. Hair B. A net C . A pleat D. A ball
47. What can we learn from the poster
A. Cactuses live in the desert, so they don’t need water.
B. Cactuses’ roots grow deep into the soil.
C. If a cactus drinks a lot of water, it can be as heavy as an elephant.
D. Cactuses use their pleats to keep safe.
Many people in the world are short of basic food skills.
That’s why governments are paying attention to food
education in schools. They want students to have a good
relationship ( 关 系 ) with food and know about its
Schools give kids different information on food. So,
students learn about not only healthy eating but also food
production(生产)and waste. They learn to make different food, too.
For example, UK students from 7 to 14 must learn to cook basic meals. By this way, students can learn
a useful skill and good food habits.
In the US, schools use a farm-to-school method. They buy fresh food from local farms for their
restaurants. Students also go on field trips to the farms. In some areas, US students learn to garden, too.
When they grow their own fruit and vegetables, they respect(尊重)food more. They also try not to waste
Japan even has a rule on food education. Students can’t skip(略过)breakfast, and they can’t eat fast
food. Students are leading healthier lives thanks to good food education.
48. In which country do school use farm-to-school methods
A. In China. B. In the UK. C. In America. D. In Japan.
49. Why does Japan make a rule on food education
A. To help students save food B. To make students eat fast food
C. To help students learn a useful skill D. To make students eat healthily
50. What’s the main idea of the passage
A. It’s about basic food skills.
B. It’s about food education in schools.
C. It’s about how to cook basic meals.
D. It’s about how to have a healthy lifestyle.
My mom shakes her head. But not wanting to stop my unexpected display of initiative, she gives in.
“But get me before using the stove,” she says.
I hurry to the kitchen, almost tripping over the twins playing with their tolls in the living room. I think
about what Tania’s dad always says—good ingredients(原料) make a good meal. I open up the
cupboards. Chocolate chips. Those are good. Marshmallows(棉花糖). Those are good, too. And then I
think about what my mom says—healthy foods make healthy bodies. So, I grab some carrots, some
potatoes and some kidney beans. I cut everything up and toss it all into a big pot.
“Ready for the stove,” I shout.
My mom comes into the kitchen and looks in the pot. Her eyes grow big. She’s impressed. She’s
wondering why she didn’t think of adding chocolate chips and marshmallows to any of her meals.
I put the pot on the stove and turn the temperature to high. The chocolate and marshmallows melt. The
air fills with a delicious smell. But then, the chocolate and marshmallows stick. Everything else mushes and
burns. Smoke rises from the pot. Quickly, I take the pot off the burner and turn off the stove. I scoop the
mush onto four plates.
“This looks gross!” says Jeanie.
“It looks like something that starts with the letter P,” Georgie whispers loudly in Jeanie’s ear.
“Jeanie! Georgie!” says my mom.
“Malia worked hard on this.”
We lift our spoons.
51. What doesn’t Malia put into the pot
A. carrots B. potatoes C. kidney beans D. tomatoes
52. What does the underlined word “melt” mean
A. 凝固 B. 碾碎 C. 融化 D. 消失
53. What can you infer from the passage
A. Malia is good at cooking.
B. All Malia’s families think the dish is delicious.
C. Mom feels surprised when she comes into the kitchen.
D. The families won’t taste the food later.
The 2022 World Internet Conference just closed on Nov 11 in Wuzhen, Zhejiang. People have seen
lots of cool technology(技术) there. What are they Let’s take a look.
A smart helmet
When delivery(快递)people send food around, they often use their phones while riding. It’s very
dangerous.To be safer, China’s food delivery company Ele.me has made a new helmet. It connects(连接
)with the cellphone and can “talk” —it tells the delivery people new orders and the locations(位置).
The delivery people can also take orders and answer messages by talking to the helmet. If the wearer has
an accident, the helmet can also make a call for help right away!
Type with eyes
Many disabled(残疾的)people cannot move their hands. They find it hard to type on a computer.
China’s tech company Tencent showed eye — controlling technology. By looking at the screen and
moving their eyes, people can type words easily. The worker at the conference showed people how to type
A business card A computer!
If you see device(设备)in the size of a business card, don’t get it wrong. It’s a computer! It’s called
Raspberry pi. It’s the world’s smallest computer. Although it only costs a few hundred yuan, it has
a memory of 8G and can do a lot of difficult calculations (计 算) .You can also use it to learn
some simple coding (编程)and create your own computer games!
Magic mirror for health
Scan (扫描) your face, and then the software(软件)will know a lot about your health. This is
what “Magic Mirror” can do. It’s an AI health check system(人工智能健康识别系统). You don’t need
to wear any devices. Just stand in front of it for 30 seconds, and it will know your heart rate(心
率) , blood pressure, and the risks(风险) of some diseases. At the conference, many people tried
it to check their health.
54. How many technologies are mentioned here
A. three B. four C. five D. six
55. What’s the usage of a smart helmet
①Delivery people can take orders and answer messages by talking to it.
②It tells the delivery people new orders and the locations(位置).
③It can make a call for help right away if the wearer has an accident.
④It can send food around for delivery people.
A. ①②③ B. ②③④ C. ①③④ D. ①②④
56. From paragraph 4 we can know that .
A.Raspberry pi is as large as a business card.
B. Raspberry pi is the smallest computer in China.
C. Raspberry pi costs a lot and can do a lot of difficult calculations.
D. You can use Raspberry pi to learn all coding.
57. What’s the best title of the passage
A. The 2022 World Internet Conference
B. Technologies for Health
C. Cool tech brings the future closer
D. Life with technology
, ,
, 1
A ,
58. This Sunday is my father’s __________ (四十) birthday and I am going to buy a gift for him.
59. It’s natural that __________ (树叶) turn brown in autumn.
60. The teacher will come back __________ (不久) and we’d better be quiet.
61. Boys and girls, what will you want to be when you __________ (长大) up
B ,
62. Tom, is that man on the gate Mike, an old friend of __________ (us)
63. Lying in the __________ (west) part of Jiangsu, it is a good place to visit in spring.
64. Remember that tigers are __________ (danger), so be away from them.
65. The children are helping the old lady walk __________ (cross) the road.
66. We need to use the computer right away, but it doesn’t work today. (改为同义句)
We need to use the printer right away, but ________ ________ ________ with it today.
67.Lisa and her elder sister use the same bathroom. (改为同义句)
Lisa ________ a bathroom ________ her elder sister.
68. Walk down the road and take the second turning on the right. (改为同义句)
Walk down the road and ________ ________ ________ the second turning.
69. I’d like to watch Beijing opera. (改成一般疑问句)
_______ _______ like to watch Beijing opera
70. We go to the Reading Club three times a month. (划线部分提问)
________ ________ do you go to the Reading Club
A: Morning, mom. What are you doing now
B: I’m cooking 71b ________.
A: I want to give a hand. Can I
B: Sure. First, take some beef and eggs out of the 72f ________. And cut them into pieces with different
73k ________ . Be 74c ________ not to hurt yourself.
A: OK mom. Where are the eggs I can’t find them.
B: Wait a 75m ________. Let me get it for you.
A: Thanks mom!
B: Well done, my boy! It is kind of you to 76h ________ me with the housework.
A: I am happy to do it. There is still (还) some time 77b ________breakfast. Let me sweep the floor first.
The Blacks ________ ________ food and drinks ________ the spring outing.
Ask them _______ ______ _______ about the exams.
There are plenty of ______ _______ _______ to see in the museum. Don’t miss them.
Linda isn’t at home but I can ______ _______ _______ for you.
Nanchan Temple during the coming May Day holiday.
some old houses.
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3. 图表中所给信息为非限定性内容;
4. 文章必须写在答题卡指定的位置上。




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