Module 3 Journey to space 期中复习训练卷 (含答案)2023-2024外研版英语八年级下册

Module 3 Journey to space
1. The idiom(成语) “Mengzi's mother makes three moves” tells of a mother who did all she could to provide the best _____ for her child.
A. experience B. attention C. environment D. information
2. — Do you know Shenzhou-16 carried three astronauts to travel to space
— Yes, I do. What exciting _____ it is! We are proud of them.
A. message B. news C. decision D. mistake
3. I think Dave is up _____ something special but he doesn't tell me.
A. with B. into C. to D. for
4. With the help of the Internet, information can ______ every place of the world.
A. go B. reach C. travel D. arrive
5. —The air here is much fresher than before.
—Exactly! We _____ a lot of trees in the past few years.
A. planted B. were planting C. have planted D. will plant
6. —Tom, how was your day in England
—Not good. My English is poor. It is hard for me to _____ the people there.
A. look at B. laugh at C. go up D. communicate with
7. The next day Simon got up and _____ there was a new violin on his bed.
A. felt B. discovered C. showed D. heard
8. — Does your brother want to go to the zoo
— Yes, he does. It’s exciting for him ______ so many wild animals there.
A. see B. to see C. saw D. seeing
9. — _____ you _____ about Naxi Ancient Music yet
—Yes, I have. It is a part of Naxi culture.
A. Has; heard B. Have; heard C. Did; hear D. Do; hear
10. They were all very tired, but _____ of them took a rest.
A. none B. all C. both D. either
11. We must try our best to protect the earth _____ it's our home.
A. although B. because C. so D. but
12. —Have you heard the good news _____?
—Yes, I have.
A. just B. yet C. ever D. already
13. It’s _____ for human beings to live on the sun. Nobody can stand the heat there.
A. necessary B. impossible C. important D. polite
14. Tom lives _____ in the village, but he doesn't feel _____ because he has many hobbies.
A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone
15. —Would you mind taking care of my pet dog while I'm away
A. That's right B. No problem C. You're welcome D. It doesn't matter
I always believed in UFOs, but I didn't see one. My husband didn't believe in UFOs before that __1__.
Last Friday night, he drove home __2__ work. He drove near a gas station(加油站) when he saw a bright light. It looked __3__ a light. It was low, and it wasn't moving. He didn't __4__too much about it. He thought maybe it was a street light, so he __5__up farther and then the light went off. But a few minutes later, it was on. He stopped the car. He __6__ and looked around, but saw nothing.
After a short while the __7__was on again. He got on the car and drove another 2 miles to our house. He sat in the __8__ for a few minutes thinking of what he saw. He got out of the car and the moving light went off. Then when he looked back, he could __9__ it in the sky. Then he was __10__ it must be a UFO. He went into our house and told me about it.
1. A. morning B. afternoon C. night D. year
2. A. before B. then C. of D. after
3. A. like B. of C. out D. over
4. A. watch B. look C. think D. guess
5. A. drove B. ran C. walked D. jumped
6. A. got in B. got down C. got off D. got on
7. A. noise B. train C. car D. light
8. A. gas station B. car C. bedroom D. office
9. A. watch B. hear C. see D. look at
10. A. bored B. sure C. interested D. surprised
Scientists think that there has been life on the earth for hundreds of millions of years. However, we haven't found life on other plants yet. Why not
The Earth is a planet and it goes around the Sun. Seven other planets also go around the sun. None of them has an environment with air, so people and living things cannot grow. The Sun and its planets are called the solar system(太阳系). The solar system is a small part of our galaxy(星系).
But scientists have discovered many other galaxies in the universe. But they are far away and their light has to travel for many years to reach us. It is hard to understand how large the universe is.
So far, scientists have sent lots of spaceships to look at other plants in our solar system, and some spaceships have gone beyond the solar system. However, no one has discovered any life in space yet.
But why has no one from other plants sent us a message Have they tried to send information to us With so many stars in the universe, are we alone, or is there life out there in space We don't know yet.
1. How many planets go around the sun
2. In order to look at other planets in the solar system, scientists have sent many________.
3. _______ has found life on other planets.
A.No oneB.A scientistC.A travelerD.A student
4. Which of the following is TRUE
A.All the planets have an environment with air.B.It’s easy to know how large the universe is.
C.There is only one galaxy in the universe.D.The solar system includes the sun and its planets.
5. The best title of this passage should be ________.
A.The MoonB.The Solar SystemC.The Stars at NightD.The Sun
Welcome to Space Tour!
Visit space with us! It’s a five-day simulated (模拟的) space holiday!
Day 1
Your holiday starts at SpacePort. When you arrive, we prepare you for your trip into space. We show you how to live with no gravity. Just imagine it! You float(飘浮), your money floats out of your pocket and your hair floats away from your head!
Day 2 to 5
You get on the SpaceJet at 9:00 a. m. on Day 2. About ten minutes later, you are in space! First, you get to SpacePod, our five-star space hotel. You have meals there. Then, you begin to experience life in space.
* Enjoy looking at the stars from our huge windows. They are very beautiful.
* Take a spacewalk! Don’t forget your camera!
* Go to the water room for a new experience! It’s full of floating balls of water. You can hit them or play with them.
* Use our low-gravity football room! Imagine playing space football! The ball goes up and you can fly after it!
You get back into the SpaceJet at 5:00 p. m. on Day 5. After a short journey, you will land safely on the earth.
Price: Child $485 / person
Adult (成年人) $635 / person
For more information, please call Jim at 365-8743. Believe me! It’s an experience of a lifetime.
6. On which day do visitors go into space
A. On Day 1. B. On Day 2. C. On Day 3. D. On Day 4.
7. What is SpacePod
A. A water room. B. A game room. C. A spaceship. D. A hotel.
8. What can visitors do in space
① Play football. ② Look at the stars.
③ Take a spacewalk. ④ Fly a kite.
A. ①②③ B. ①②④ C. ①③④ D. ②③④
9. If Linda goes on the space trip with her 10-year-old son, how much should they pay
A. 970. B. 1120. C. 1270. D. 1350.
10. The material is probably from a ________.
A. report B. dictionary C. newspaper D. storybook
A) 根据句意及汉语提示, 填写恰当的单词。
1. Have you got the l________(最新的) news about the event
2. You should c________(交流) with your parents more often.
3. I'm trying to explain the secrets of the u________(宇宙) in this book.
4. In China, P________(工程)Hope helps a great number of kids return to school.
5. My father bought a m________(模型)plane for my brother.
B) 用所给词的适当形式填空。
yet, none, planet, discover, late
6. I’ve __________ an interesting shop near my house. What about going with me
7. The little prince had travelled to several __________ before coming to the earth.
8. This is the famous writer’s __________ novel. It’s very popular around the world.
9. The hard-working girl hasn’t got high marks__________, but I believe she will in the future.
10. There was a heavy shower in the morning, but __________ of the students in my class was late for school.
1. 他们没有人喜欢这本书,它太枯燥了。
________ ________ ________ likes the book. It's too boring.
2. 让我们想象一个关于航天旅行的故事。
Let's imagine a story about the ________ ________ .
3. 人类尚未在太空中发现任何生命。
Man has not ________ any life in space ________.
4. ——你能为我寄这封信吗?——没问题。
—Could you post the letter for me
— ________ ________.
5. 那就是我不喜欢这个人的原因。
________ ________ I don't like the person.
I’m living on Mars. It’s 1. ________(real) wonderful to live here. Mars is very beautiful. There are green trees 2. ________fresh flowers everywhere, and there 3. ________(be) no pollution. What is the life like on Mars? Let me 4. ________(tell) you. Most of it is just like that on the earth. People are busy working and 5. ________(study) on weekdays. At weekends, they relax by 6. ________(go) to the park. During 7. ________long holiday, they return to the earth by spaceship to visit their families and friends. 8. ________(our) have online schools instead of real ones. Most of our housework is 9. ________(do) by robots so that we can have more time for our hobbies.10. ________short,I think life on Mars is more comfortable and more interesting than that on the earth.
When we talk about space, we know the universe means the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars and the space between them. Many of the stars are so far away that we cannot see them.Through our geography lessons, we know the earth ①____________ the sun and the moon goes around the earth.
We have day and night because the earth keeps turning all the time. Just because the moon is closer to the earth than the sun, it looks much bigger than the sun.
The sun is bright enough to give out very strong light. The moon can’ give out any light at all, but it looks quite bright, too. Why In fact, the light from the moon comes from the sun. ②But in fact the stars are much bigger and brighter than the moon. (bright 明亮的)
③在宇宙中有许多其他的行星。But of all these planets, only on the earth there are living things. People on the earth have studied space all the time. They’ve sent spaceships into space many times. In November, 2011, Chinese scientists let Shenzhou VIII successfully dock(对接) with the Tiangong I twice. This is one of the greatest events in the history of China’s space.
2.Why do we have day and night
3.The sun is bright enough to give out very strong light.(改为同义句)
假如你是Jane,是学校英语俱乐部的一名成员。今天英语俱乐部口语班讨论的话题是“My Journey into Space”,请你根据下列提示,发挥想象,谈一下你的太空之旅。
提示: 1. How do you feel about the journey
2. What will you take to space
3. What do you want to do in space
要求: 1. 语句通顺,符合逻辑,可适当发挥; 2. 80词左右。
My Journey into Space
1-5 CDACA 6-10 CDBCB
1-5 BCADB 6-10 BDABC
1. latest 2. communicate 3. universe 4. Project 5. model 6.discovered 7.planets 8.latest 9.yet 10.none
1. None of them 2. space travel 3. discovered; yet 4. No problem 5. That's why
1.really 2.and 4.tell 5.studying 6.going 7.a 8.We 9.done 10.In
1.go around
2. Because the earth keeps turning all the time
3. The sun is so bright that it can give out very strong light
5.There are many other planets in the universe
My Journey into Space
I'm interested in space. I hope to have a space travel in the future.
If I have the chance to go on a space journey, I will be very excited about it. Of course, I will feel a little nervous. It is my first time to go into space after all. I will take my cellphone, iPad and camera with me. I'd like to take spacewalks in space and listen to my favourite songs. I also want to take pictures of our earth and other planets. If I can talk with my parents and friends through the cellphone, that will be great. I'm looking forward to my journey into space. That will be more interesting than most of my journeys.
And I believe with the development of the technology, my journey into space will come true.




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