2024年广东省人教版英语中考总复习九年级全册Units 3~4(含答案)

九年级全一册 Units 3~4
Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are
13.mail(v.)邮寄;发电子邮件 (n.)邮件;信件
14.east(adj.)东方的;东部的 (adv.)向东;朝东 (n.)东;东方
15.request(n.& v.)要求;请求
16.underground(adj.)地下的 (n.)地铁
Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.
17.background (n.)背景
18.ton (n.)吨(pl.)大量;许多
19.insect (n.)昆虫
20.speech (n.)讲话;发言
21.examination (n.)考试;审查
22.dare (v.)敢于;胆敢
23.British (adj.)英国(人)的
25.score (n.& v.)得分;进球
26.guard (n.)警卫;看守 (v.)守卫;保卫
27.Asian (adj.)亚洲(人)的 (n.)亚洲人
28.European(adj.)欧洲(人)的 (n.)欧洲人
29.African(adj.)非洲(人)的 (n.)非洲人
1.direction(n.)方向;方位 →direct(adj.)直接的;直率的 →directly(adv.)直接地 →indirect(adj.)不直接的,间接的
2.speaker (n.)讲(某种语言)的人;发言者 →speak(v.)谈话;交谈
3.pride (n.)自豪;骄傲 →proud(adj.)骄傲的;自豪的
take pride in为……感到自豪
4.introduction (n.)介绍 →introduce(v.)介绍
5.suggest(v.)建议;提议 →suggestion(n.)建议
suggest doing sth.建议/提议做某事
suggest (that) sb.(should) do sth.建议/提议某人(应该)做某事
6.deal (v.)对付;对待 →dealt(过去式/过去分词)  deal with应对;处理
7.require(v.)需要;要求 →requirement(n.)必要条件
require sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事
8.fail(v.)不及格;失败;未能(做到)→failure(n.)失败;不及格 →succeed(反义词)成功  fail to do sth.未能做某事  fail the exam考试不及格
9.central(adj.)中心的;中央的 →center(n.)中心
in the center of在……的中心
10.polite(adj.)有礼貌的;客气的 →politely(adv.)礼貌地;客气地 →impolite(反义词)不礼貌的;粗鲁的
11.humorous(adj.)有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的 →humor(n.)幽默
a sense of humor幽默感
12.silent(adj.)不说话的;沉默的 →silence(n.)沉默  keep silent保持沉默
13.helpful(adj.)有用的;有帮助的 →helpless(反义词)无助的
14.absent(adj.)缺席;不在 →absence(n.)缺席;不在
15.exactly(adv.)确切地;精确地 →exact(adj.)准确的;精确的
16.interview(v.)采访;面试(n.)面试;访谈 →interviewer(n.)采访者
17.public(n.)民众(adj.)公开的;公众的 →private(反义词)私人的;私密的
18.influence(v.& n.)影响 →influential(adj.)有很大影响的
have a(n) … influence on … 对……有……影响
19.general(adj.)总的;普遍的;常规的(n.)将军 →generally(adv.)普遍地
in general总之  generally speaking一般而言
1.抱歉,对不起;什么,请再说一遍 pardon me
2.停车场;停车区 parking lot
3.公开地;在别人(尤指生人)面前 in public
4.时常;有时 from time to time
5.寄宿学校 boarding school
6.亲身;亲自 in person
7.开始从事 take up
8.盼望;期待 look forward to
9.在某人去……的路上 on one's way to
10.导致;通向 lead to
11.路过;经过 pass by
12.至少 at least
13.建议某人做某事 advise sb.to do sth.
14.为……骄傲;感到自豪 take pride in/be proud of
Sometimes he was absent from classes and failed his examinations.
2.我期待您的回复。 I'm looking forward to your reply.
That is because it is a very direct question.
4.你过去很矮,对吗? You used to be short, didn't you
She advised them to talk with their son in person.
( A )1.(2023哈尔滨三模改编)—Lisa bought a bike and she said ________it was comfortable to ride.Then she asked me to buy one in the same shop.
—Then you can ride to school together.
A.that B.whether 
( B )2.(2023凉山)—Excuse me, do you know ________? The bus has just left.
—Yes.The next bus will arrive in half an hour.
A.how I can get to the bus station
B.if there will be another bus
C.how much a bus ticket costs
( A )3.(2023厦门校考)—The English oral test is coming.Could you tell me ________?
—I think you can have conversations with classmates.
A.how I can improve my spoken English
B.when I can learn some speaking skills
C.where I can practice my spoken English
( C )4.(2023泸州)—Do you know Liu Cixin, the writer of a famous science fiction San Ti I wonder ________.
—In June, 1963.
A.when was he born B.where he was born
C.when he was born D.where was he born
( D )5.(2023云南)—Do you know ________?
—Yes, in Hangzhou, a beautiful city in Zhejiang Province.
A.when will the 19th Asian Games be held
B.when the 19th Asian Games will be held
C.where will the 19th Asian Games be held
D.where the 19th Asian Games will be held
1.Are you always in a rush(急促) to get to school on time
2.It is convenient to pay with WeChat.
3.This is Mr.Smith's private(私人的) letter.Nobody else has the right to check it.
4.The invention of electric lights has a great influence on our daily life.
5.In general(总的), Chinese mobile phones, like Huawei, have improved greatly.
1.Pingyao lies in central(center) Shanxi Province.
2.Our teacher showed us how to behave politely(polite) in public places.
3.I can't help laughing when I watch humorous(humor) cartoons.
4.Here are some helpful(help) advice to make your journey easier.
5.Schools in China have had labor courses(course) in recent years.
三、小语篇特训(教材链接:人教版九年级全一册Unit 3 Section B 2b改编)
look situation whom direct long quick ask
When you visit a foreign country, it is not enough to just ask a question correctly.We also need to learn how to be polite when we 1.ask for help.
Good speakers change the way they speak in different 2.situations.The expressions they use might depend on 3.whom they are speaking to or how well they know each other.Usually polite questions are 4.longer.Sometimes, we even need to spend time leading into a request.
It might seem more difficult to speak politely than 5.directly.However, learning how to use the right language in different situations will help you communicate better with other people.
My name is Micah Johnson.For 24 years, I played baseball every day.I reached the highest level of the 1 , playing for major-league teams.Then I think, “Okay, what's the 2 thing I'm going to do?”
( C )1.A.music B.drawing 
C.sport D.writing
( B )2.A.easy B.next
C.good D.helpful
I started painting in 2016.When I came home from a game, I was not just going to bed.That's when I would 3 .I was just so crazy about painting.In 2018, my 4 was done in Major League Baseball.I'd fallen in love with art and creativity.
( A )3.A.paint B.play
C.relax D.write
I 5 to reach more persons with my message.So I created a 3D character named Aku.He's a black kid who's brave and 6 .Last year, Aku was on the cover of TIME. 7 , I made him into an NFT.NFTs are artworks that are bought and sold online.
( C )4.A.love B.hobby
C.time D.money
( B )5.A.imagined B.wanted
C.watched D.created
( A )6.A.confident B.crazy
C.excited D.lonely
( D )7.A.Usually B.Suddenly
C.Luckily D.Later
In 2021, an NFT of Aku 8 around Earth on board the International Space Station.That's something you can't even 9 ! If you keep working toward something that you're passionate about, 10 that you can't even imagine are going to present themselves.
( A )8.A.traveled B.walked
C.ran D.jumped
( C )9.A.laugh at B.depend on
C.dream of D.care about
( A )10.A.chances B.difficulties
C.hobbies D.dreams



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