
阅读下面短文,从每小题A、B、C、D 中选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。
I was eleven years old when I asked my mom for piano lessons. At that time, our family was in poor condition. She said 1 but a polite“no”, wearing a smile on her face.
That didn't stop me. 1 2 how to make a keyboard on the Internet, drew the keys on a piece of paper and stuck it to my desk. I would click on an online piano keyboard, keep the sounds in mind and “play”back on my paper one. I spent 3 months playing without touching a real one. Half a year passed my mom realized I was 4 . she borrowed money from her friends and relatives and bought me ten lessons. I was shocked by how wonderful the 5 of a real piano was while having the first lesson. After eight lessons, I passed my level one. When it was over, we couldn't 6 more lessons. I had to practice on my paper piano instead of a real one. In this way. I passed my level three and five then.
One evening, my mom said she had a 7 for me: it was an electronic keyboard,bought with more borrowed money. That night, I played for her for the first time. She was 8 , with tears in her eyes.
My school didn't offer music A-levels. I found the Purcell School for young musicians.But I had to pass a difficult test. The cu m was so difficult that I felt beaten during the process. 9 . I was offered a place.
I take pride in myself because I was awarded the senior prize when I graduated and now become a teacher at the Guildha ll School, a world's leading music school. It has been ten years since I drew my paper piano. The fun thing is that I continue to practise in my mind, away from the real piano, what we call mental practice.
Today my mum still keeps my first paper piano at home. Behind the paper piano hides a mum's love and 10 . It also is a symbol of my hard work and it reminds us there is always a way to solve the problem even in a bad position.
1. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing
2. A. dealt with B. searched for C. went over D. pointed out
3. A. five B. six C. seven D. eight
4. A. strict B. bored C. tired D. serious
5. A. size B. price C. sound D. colour
6. A. stand B. teach C. afford D. choose
7. A. job B. party C. present D. suggestion
8. A. sad B. moved C. anxious D. relaxed
9. A. Luckily B. Honestly C. Actually D. Probably
10. A. talent B. effort C. surprise D. support
Dr Joseph Dituri, also known as “Dr Deep Sea”, had an amazing adventure. For 100 days.the University of South Florida teacher lived underwater. He set a new world record, beating the old record of 73 days.
Dr Dituri began the project on March 1,2023. His goal was to stay for 100 days at a special underwater hotel called Jules's Underse a Lodge. The hotel is 22 feet (6.7 meters) under the ocean surface in a protected area in Key Largo, Florida, US.
The farth er you go below the ocean's surface, the greater the pressure. Dr Dituri wanted to learn how this pressure affects the human body over time. In his undersea room, Dr Dituri was living with pressure that was about 66 percent greater than the pressure on the surface.
Dr Dituri believes that high pressure could help people live longer and stay healthier as they get older. It could also help doctors t reat different medical problems, including brain injuries. Dr Dituri's room was only 100 square feet (9.3 square meters) . But it had somewhere to sleep, a small living room and a kitchen.
While underwater, Dr Dituri stayed busy. He often exercised in the morning. He taught his college classes and had online chats with over 5,500 students from 15 different countries and regions.
On June 9,2023, Dr Dituri returned to the surface where he could finally see the sun again.Doctors quickly checked that he was okay.“The human body has never been underwater that long.“Dr Dituri said.“This experience has changed me in an important way.”
11. How many more days did Dr Ditur i live underwater compared to the last record holder
A.27. B.73. C.100. D.173.
12. What did Dr Dituri do when living underwater
a. Exercise b. Give lessons. c. Do research. d. Write diaries.
A. ab B. ac C. be D. cd
13. What would be the best title for the text
A. Building an underwater hotel B. A new lifestyle
C. Living underwater D. Pressure is not always bad
Walking on the street every day, have you noticed the drainage covers (排水井盖) They are important for avoiding floods in cities. Students from Shenzhen have improved the drainage covers over the past years by adding a velocimeter(测速仪) and a GPS system.
It all started when student Yang Wenkai noticed that it was dangerous for workers to clean drainage covers while it was raining . In 2020, Yang decided to invent a velocimeter to check the speed of water flowing through drainage covers so that the water authority could find problems in time. Since then, new generations of velocimeters have been updated by students of each year. And this is the fifth generation.“We improved the size and shape of each generation so that it can be placed on the drainage covers more easily without having to produce new ones.”said Xiao Minyuan, a member of the project.
Apart from warning the authorities, it also has several other functions (功能). A laser beacon(自准水平激光仪) makes it casier for staff to find the cover when it's in water, while a solar panel(太阳能电池板) keeps low energy use. The Beidou Navigation Satellite System helps the authorities find the drainage covers quickly.
The process is hard, but they have ways to work it out. They work in groups. Different team members are in charge of different parts of the project.“Some do market research; some deal with technology, some design; some are doing experiments.”Chen Ziyu said.“It's all about teamwork.”
14. What can the velocimeter do
A. Make the drainage covers shine in rain.
B. Produce the right size and shape of drainage cover.
C. Test the speed of water flowing through drainage covers.
D. Make use of water-flowing energy in drainage covers.
15. Which can help workers find the cover easily when it is in water
A. A GPS system. B. A laser beacon.
C. A solar panel. D. The Beidou Navigation Satellite System.
16. What does the phrase“in charge of”means
A. be familiar with B. be responsible for C. be good at D. be interested in
17. What would be the best title for the story
A. Washing away water worry B. Making the best use of waste
C. Avoiding dangers in the wild D. Working in dirty places
Friends are important in our lives. But not all of friends stand the test of time. We spoke about friendships with Marisa Franco, author of Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make And Keep-Friends. Here are five tips to remember if you're losing a friend.
Sometimes things just fizzle out(不了了之)
18 “Things fizzle out.”Franco said. “Nobody really ……wanted the friendship to end, but people ... got busy and didn't ... keep the friendship.”
Make the unsaid, said
19 Franco says. In friendship, problems get bigger if we don't address them. We might be afraid of arguing, but if we think about it and talk peacefully, that can “be a sign that you care enough to fix the friendship.“Franco said.
It's normal to feel grief(悲伤)
20 Allow yourself to feel those feelings -and be patient with yourself. Franco said,“When society doesn't value a relationship that you're losing, you have trouble grieving.”It makes the grief last longer.“We think ... What's wrong with me Instead of being like ... of course,I'm sad ……I lost someone I'm very close to. This is a natural part of closeness and loss.”Find ways to express those emotions. You can't put a timeline on grief.“Grief is just a process of feeling emotion over time.“Franco said.
Be kind to yourself along the way
Franco said it's important to forgive yourself for not getting over the loss of a friendship. 21 Don't go into a new friendship feeling afraid.“Your image of friendship in your brain isn't just colored by this one experience," Franco said.
A. When a friendship ends, there is a grieving process.
B. When a close friendship ends, the reason is often hard to say.
C. Allow yourself to accept new friendships.
D. Talk to others if you are really upset.
E. Losing friends is a part of life.
22. Brigitte plans to study abroad. She would like to know the study and life in foreign high schools.
23. Eleanor has travelled many places. She enjoys reading about foreign people, places and customs.
24. Amy is interested in English news, but she doesn't have much time to read.
25. Carrie likes pop music. She wants to know about the stars and the latest fashion.
26. Leroy dreams to be a policeman. He takes interest in the stories about detectives.
A. English Square
The weekly magazine keeps you in touch with what's happening in the world. You can find the latest news. Special back page sums up the news for bus y readers.
B. Sasry
This magazine has a circulation of over 1,000,000. Every week well-known writers bring you the latest music. There are three full-length stories as well as color pictures of your favorite film stars.
C. National Geography
This monthly magazine can bring the world to your home. It includes geography, natural science, and the study of world culture and history. This amazing magazine is full of color photos, which is your window on the world.
D. X-File
This monthly magazine brings you real life of detectives (侦探). They chase criminals across different countries and find out the truth of the incident. It is filled with the stories of adventures.
E. Schooling
The magazine is in full color, more than two hundred pages, and packed with support and fun! It gives readers more choices to learn more about courses and activities in for eign high schools.
who trained safe spending true protection
care for changed own whose endangered
Do you dream of a job working with animals Dr Elena Hoellein Less has made her dream come 27 . Less is an associate (副) animal curator(管理员) at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo in Cleveland, Ohio.
Less has worked at the zoo 28 18 years. She leads a team of 14 zookeepers 29 care for animals in the Primate, Cat, and Acquatics area.
Less and her team develop training routines(程序) for new animals. Training animals is not what a zoo visitor might think.“We don't train them like in a circus to do a trick,”she explained.“They're 30 to get vaccines(疫苗), blood draws, blood pressure, things like that. We train them for the benefit(好处) of their 31 health.”
Less also takes part in special projects, including a planned Primate Forest and repairs at the zoo. The best part of her job is 32 time with the animals.“That's the highlight of my week,"she said.
Zoo s have 33 a lot over the years, but doing good for animals has stayed the same. They now focus on animal health research and the 34 of wildlife. She hopes that such efforts will remind zoo visitors to protect 35 animals, those in danger of disappearing from Earth forever.
“There are a lot of animals that are living a hard life in the wild,”Less said.“We're getting people to 36 about what's happening with our Earth and what's happening to the wild places that are becoming smaller everywhere.”
27. 28 . 30. 29. 31.
32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
“Snap(咔嚓), snap”, went Emily's phone as she 37 (take) a photo of her avocado(牛油果) toast for breakfast. Then, she posted it on the internet. Emily is one of the youths in the West who are in love with avocados.
At the 38 (begin) of the last century in the US, avocados weren't popular. But this changed thanks to good marketing(市场营销). Firstly, their name was changed from “alligator pear(鳄梨)” 39 the nicer-sounding“avocado”. Then in the 1990s, at the Super Bowl,a Mexican food made with avocados was advertised. After this, avocados became a hit.
But it wasn't 40 the 2010s, when young people started eating avocad o toast.that it became a top fruit. Avocados, as a superfood rich in nutrients(营养) and“good”fats, are a perfect 41 (choose). For youngsters, eating is not just about 42 (feel)full or not hungry; it's about a lifestyle. They care more about their well-being and cat 43 (healthy) and more plant-based foods.
Young people are good at using the internet. They love sharing their lives online 44 beautiful pictures. The green-colored avocad o toast for breakfast became many youths' favorite. They just can't stop 45 (eat) it. Searching online, you'll find 46 (end) results for avocad o fans.
Trends (流行) always come and go. But the avocad o trend isn't showing any signs of disappearing anytime soon.
37. 38 39. 41. 38
42. 45. 43. 44. 46.
Sanjiangyuan, meaning“source of three rivers”, is an area in Northwest China's Qinghai province and an important part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(青藏高原). It is home to the headwaters of China's three major rivers: the Yellow, Yangtze and Lancang.
During the past 20 years, the reserve has seen great changes and progress.
Tsewang Gyaltsen, an environmental protection worker in Qinghai province, said that because of illegal mining(非法采矿) in the 1990s, a large part of the land was desertified(沙化).
The government, social organizations and local people have all acted to solve this problem.The government is improving the ecological protection management system(生态保护管理制度) and Sanjiangyuan National Nature Reserve has become part of Sanjiangyuan National Park and is under strict protection.
The organization that Tsewang Gyaltsen works for also organizes nature education events.Taking teenagers to mountain s and lakes, it gets younger generations to take an interest in environmental protection.
Sanjiangyuan is changing for the better. It's now a good home for wild animals, said Xinhua. The wild animal population is rising. The number of Tibetan antelopes has increased from less than 20,000 in the 1990s to over 70,000.
But Sanjiangyuan still faces difficulties.“The biggest challenge now is the possible loss of grassland and melting frozen soil(冻土) caused by global warming.”said Tsewang Gyaltsen.“So we hope more people can come together in the environment al protection of Sanjiangyuan and make it even better.”
47. What are the three major rivers of Sanjingyuan
48. What problem did land in Sanjiangyuan face in the 1990s
49. How does the government act to deal with the environmental problem
50. Why did the writer mention Tibetan antelopes in Paragraph 6
51. What is Tsewang Gyaltsen's hope
每个人都是独一无二的,都会发出自身特有的光芒。相信自己,你就会变得了不起:做自己,你就是最棒的! 请结合自己的性格、爱好、生活习惯等方面,以“I like myself”为话题写一篇短文,谈谈你眼中的自己。
*What do you like about yourself (character, hobby, lifestyle )
*Why do you like yourself (give an example/examples)
I believe that a person who loves himself can love his life well.




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