
2024年辽宁省铁岭市部分学校九年级下学期一模考试英语试题Ⅱ.阅读理解(满分32分)第一节阅读下面语言材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
19.(8分)What will travel be like in 2070?Maybe travel will become smarter and easier by that time.Here are some amazing predictions about traveling that might happen in 2070.
You will use "heart be at passport" at the airport.And passport checks will not be used anymore.Because everyone's heartbeat is different and it can tell you who you are and where you will go.Also,it provides more personal information.
3 D print technology will develop surprisingly fast.It can print almost everything like clothes and food.Therefore,when you get to the hotel,suitcase will not be needed any more.
The trip will become interesting and colorful.Many kinds of services will be provided during the trip.If you want to see what happened in the Ming Dynasty or the first Olympic Games ,you can just wear a special headset or glasses.
(1)According to the passage,travel will be    in 2070.
A.smarter and easier
B.more expensive
C.more difficult
D.much cheaper
(2)You will use    at the airport instead of passport checks.
A.heartbeat passport
B.personal information
C.personal body shape
D.3 D print technology
(3)3 D print technology can    .
A.help us to check passports
B.provide many kinds of movies
C.print almost everything like clothes and food
D.take us to see the first Olympic Games
(4)What is the best title of the passage?    
A.Heartbeat Passport
B.A Future dream
C.3 D Print Technology
D.Travel in 2070
20.(8分)International Volunteer Day is on December 5 every year.It started to a December 17,1985.It's a day to honor volunteers all over the world.
Every day and every minute,volunteers around the world work out of their own kindness and make the world a better place.They protect the environment,build schools,care for animals.Most volunteers work without getting paid,and many do so using their own money.International Volunteer Day offers us a chance to do so.
Celebrating International Volunteer Day also lets more people know about the work and encourages them to join the volunteer team.When people see how volunteering is changing things for the better,they may want to donate(拼赠) their time and play their part.
Doing volunteer work is also meaningful.Volunteering is a good way to open our eyes.We may do something we never do and meet different kinds of people.We can talk with them and get their good ideas.Volunteers especially students can learn much from practice,get some experience and know how to solve problems.
There are many problems in the world.No one has answers to all the problems.But when we face them together,we're able to find good ways to solve them.The things we care about today will help build a better world tomorrow.
(1)What do we know about International Volunteer Day from Paragraph 1?    
A.It is on December 17.
B.It started about in the 1980s.
C.People celebrate it every 5 years.
D.A volunteer came up with the idea of it.
(2)Which of the following is True?    
A.Volunteers only protect the environment on International Volunteer Day.
B.Most volunteers work with getting paid and not using their own money.
C.International Volunteer Day never provides us a chance to do volunteer work.
D.Celebrating the day can encourage more people to join the volunteer team.
(3)Why do students need to do volunteer work?    
①Open their eyes and get good ideas.
②Learn a lot from practice and get experience.
③Know how to solve problems.
④Learn to protect themselves.
(4)What does the last paragraph mainly tell?    
A.When one gives,two get happy.
B.You don't need a reason to help others.
C.Alone we can do so little,together we can do so much.
D.We can't change the past,but we can change the future.
21.(8分)Wei Doogyi has become popular with many people in China.He is a young teacher at Peking University.Wei has won many awards and is seen as a genius(天才) by those who know him.
Wei Dongyi was born in 1991 in Shandong.His father was a university math professor(教授) who kept many math books at home.Wei used to read his father's books as his favorite hobby.
Wei twice won a gold medal at the International Mathematical Olympia d when he was a high school student.He entered Peking University without taking the college entrance exam,due to his math skills.Wei graduated with high scores from Peking University in 2014.And he chose to stay at Peking University for his master degree,after which be got his PhD(博士学位),Wei became an assistant math professor of Peking University.
In a 2021 interview,Wei's holding a plastic water bottle caught the attention of people online.He was mistaken as a student at that time.Wei is famous not only as a math genius but also for his simple lifestyle.Wei is a disciplined (自律的) person.He always carries a plastic bottle
(1)Before becoming a university student,Wei    .
A.got a high score in the final exam
B.didn't like math at all
C.won two international gold medals
D.used to fail in the math exam
(2)Paragraph 3 mainly tells us about Wei's    .
A.favorite hobby
B.special achievements
C.simple lifestyle
D.college entrance exam
(3)When was Wei Dongyi interviewed?    
A.In 1991.
B.In 2014.
C.In 2019.
D.In 2021.
(4)What's the passage mainly about?    
A.A way to learn math well.
B.A popular interview online.
C.A new idol(偶像) for young people.
D.A famous university of China.
22.(8分)Do you know that the falcon(猎鹰) is among the fastest animals in the world?It can fly at a speed of about 200 miles per hour.You might think a bird that could fly so fast would be safe from most type s of danger But that is not true.By the 1970s,they had already been endangered.Luckily
One unusual thing about falcons is that they like to make their nests (属) in high places.In nature,they often ne st on mountain tops and on the sides of cliff(悬崖)
They also like to return to the same nesting place every year.Both the mother and father falcons help to raise the babies.The mother stays more time in the nest.The father hunts and brings back food for her and the babies.
Many people all around the country work very hard to help falcons live to adulthood.There are even video cameras fixed up in many places.This way,people can make sure the birds and their eggs stay protected.Falcons are lucky to have so many people who keep an eye on them.
(1)What can we know about falcons?    
A.Falcons can fly about 200 metres in 60 minutes.
B.The number of falcons hasn't risen now.
C.Falcons only live on the sides of cliffs.
D.Falcons have been used to living in cities.
(2)Who hunts for the falcon family according to the passage?    
A.The mother.
B.The father.
C.The babies.
D.Both the father and the mother.
(3)The writer thinks the future of falcons is    .
(4)Where is the text probably from?    
A.A sports book.
B.A business book.
C.A nature book.
D.A life book.
23.(8分)Do you want to be a successful person?One of the secrets of successful people is that they have good habits.The good habits help them to be successful. (1)   Here are some suggestions for you.
First,everyone has his advantages. (2)   
Second,you should try to learn new words and new things every day. (3)   
Third,start the day in the right way.When you get up in the morning,look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you must keep your good habits today.
Fourth,make a plan to achieve your goal (4)   .Each day you should follow the plan so that you are able to achieve your goal.
Last,no matter what good habits you decide to have,you should try to keep them.Then you can live a successful and happy life.
A.How can you get into good habits?
B.What are good habits?
C.Making a plan is the most important step to achieve your goal.
D.Reading a newspaper or a few pages of a book every day also helps you.
E.You should always look for the good points in people and learn from them.
Ⅲ.完形填空(满分10分)阅读短文,理解其大单,从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
24.(10分)Patricia has a large glass jar(罐子).The girl filled it half full with (1)   water.The water glittered(闪闪发光) in the sunlight.Each drop was proud of its own purity.One day,Patricia's cousin,came for a visit.While Patricia was away,the boy saw the jar and thought: "What (2)    if I put some ink in the water?"
Robin searched Patricia's desk and found a (3)   .Just as he was going to put a few drops of ink in the jar,Patricia walked in."Robin,what are you doing?"she asked.But it was already too (4)   .Patricia watched in horror(惊恐) as the ink slowly (5)    in,turning the water blue."Don't you know that once a jar of water gets dirty,it's very hard to get it clean again?" Patricia sounded (6)   ."
"I'm sorry,"Robin replied in a low voice."I was just curious(好奇的)."Patricia tried to get the water clean(7)   .She could only pour some pure water into it.The jar of water,however,would (8)    be as clean as it was before.
The world's (9)    are not unlike this jar of water.Once we pollute them,it will be very difficult﹣if not impossible﹣to make them clean again.Unfortunately,some people seem to pay no attention(10)    this.They've poured many dirty or even toxic(有毒的) drops into the world's jar."But unlike Robin,they are not curious.
(1) A.cold B.clean C.sweet D.blue
(2) A.will happen B.has happened C.happened D.is happening
(3) A.box B.cup C.pen D.book
(4) A.quick B.slow C.busy D.late
(5) A.mixed B.filled C.put D.stuck
(6) A.honest B.angry C.harmful D.dangerous
(7) A.try out B.set up C.hand in D.lift up
(8) A.always B.never C.hardly D.usually
(9) A.animals B.plants C.seas D.earth
(10) A.of B.with C.for D.to
25.(10分)There is a story in the book History as a Mirror(《资治通鉴》) by the Chinese historian Sima Guang.Zhi Xuanzi was the head(1)   a big clan (宗族) in the State Jin during the Spring and Autumn Period.Ho wanted a clan member,Zhi Yao,another man in the clan,Zhi Guo(2)   (agree) about it.Zhi Guo first listed five advantages of Zhi Yao.For example,he was good at(3)    (ride) and shooting.Ho was born with the ability to make(4)    (decide).But then Zhi Guo said that he almost had no disadvantages except one serious problem:his morals(道德).He never talked to others(5)    (polite) and had an unkind heart.Still,Zhi Xuanzi didn't accept Zhi Guo's suggestions.Zhi Yao became the head of the clan.He quickly made it the(6)    (strong)in Jin with his abilities of leadership.However, (7)   of his disadvantages,three other clans pulled together to fight against the Zhi clan.The Zhi clan ended(8)   being beaten.
From the story above,Sima Guang (9)    (think) one's morals are the most important.Talent is not enough.He said that excellent people must have both talent and virtue(德行).Those who have virtue but no talent couldn't work well.Those who have talent but no virtue might not use(10)    (they) talent properly.Those who have both were called xiancai in ancient times.
26.(10分)The weather is getting hotter.You are thirsty after playing basketball or riding home from school.A cold drink may be just the thing.But be careful of what you are drinking.Something that looks cool may not be good for your health.
There are plenty of "energy drinks"on the market.Most of them have beautiful colors and cool names.The lists on them tell you they are helpful to your health.Sounds great!But after a careful check,you may find that most energy drinks have lots of caffeine in them.These drinks are especially aimed at young people,students
Caffeine makes your heart beat fast.Because of this,the International Olympic Committee has limited(限制)its use.Caffeine in most energy drinks is at least as strong as that in a cup of coffee or tea.Possible health dangers have something to do with energy drinks.Just one bottle of energy drink may make you nervous
(1)What would you like most when you are thirsty after playing basketball in the hot weather according to the passage?    
(2)Who are the main consumer group(消费群体)of the energy drinks?    
(3)What will happen if you drink a bottle of energy drinks?    
(4)What would you do in your daily life after reading this passage?    
27.(20分)人生不同阶段会有不同的事情值得你骄傲,这也是一个人成长的过程,请以"One thing that made me feel proud"为题,用英语写一篇短文。
Ⅱ.阅读理解(满分32分)第一节阅读下面语言材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
19.(8分)What will travel be like in 2070?Maybe travel will become smarter and easier by that time.Here are some amazing predictions about traveling that might happen in 2070.
You will use "heart be at passport" at the airport.And passport checks will not be used anymore.Because everyone's heartbeat is different and it can tell you who you are and where you will go.Also,it provides more personal information.
3 D print technology will develop surprisingly fast.It can print almost everything like clothes and food.Therefore,when you get to the hotel,suitcase will not be needed any more.
The trip will become interesting and colorful.Many kinds of services will be provided during the trip.If you want to see what happened in the Ming Dynasty or the first Olympic Games ,you can just wear a special headset or glasses.
(1)According to the passage,travel will be  A in 2070.
A.smarter and easier
B.more expensive
C.more difficult
D.much cheaper
(2)You will use  A at the airport instead of passport checks.
A.heartbeat passport
B.personal information
C.personal body shape
D.3 D print technology
(3)3 D print technology can  C .
A.help us to check passports
B.provide many kinds of movies
C.print almost everything like clothes and food
D.take us to see the first Olympic Games
(4)What is the best title of the passage?  D 
A.Heartbeat Passport
B.A Future dream
C.3 D Print Technology
D.Travel in 2070
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段What travel like 2070 travel become and by time.(2070年的旅行会是什么样子,旅行会变得更智能。)可知、更容易。
(2)细节理解题。根据第二段 will "heart be passport" the passport will be anymore (你将在机场使用"心跳护照"。)可知。故选A。
(3)细节理解题。根据第三段It can print almost everything like clothes and food.(它几乎可以打印衣服和食物等所有东西,3 D打印技术几乎可以打印所有东西比如衣服和实物等。
(4)标题归纳题。根据第一段Here are some amazing predictions about traveling that might happen in 2070.What will travel be like in 2070。2070年的旅行会是什么样子,本文主要介绍了2070 年的旅行。
20.(8分)International Volunteer Day is on December 5 every year.It started to a December 17,1985.It's a day to honor volunteers all over the world.
Every day and every minute,volunteers around the world work out of their own kindness and make the world a better place.They protect the environment,build schools,care for animals.Most volunteers work without getting paid,and many do so using their own money.International Volunteer Day offers us a chance to do so.
Celebrating International Volunteer Day also lets more people know about the work and encourages them to join the volunteer team.When people see how volunteering is changing things for the better,they may want to donate(拼赠) their time and play their part.
Doing volunteer work is also meaningful.Volunteering is a good way to open our eyes.We may do something we never do and meet different kinds of people.We can talk with them and get their good ideas.Volunteers especially students can learn much from practice,get some experience and know how to solve problems.
There are many problems in the world.No one has answers to all the problems.But when we face them together,we're able to find good ways to solve them.The things we care about today will help build a better world tomorrow.
(1)What do we know about International Volunteer Day from Paragraph 1?  B 
A.It is on December 17.
B.It started about in the 1980s.
C.People celebrate it every 5 years.
D.A volunteer came up with the idea of it.
(2)Which of the following is True?  D 
A.Volunteers only protect the environment on International Volunteer Day.
B.Most volunteers work with getting paid and not using their own money.
C.International Volunteer Day never provides us a chance to do volunteer work.
D.Celebrating the day can encourage more people to join the volunteer team.
(3)Why do students need to do volunteer work?  C 
①Open their eyes and get good ideas.
②Learn a lot from practice and get experience.
③Know how to solve problems.
④Learn to protect themselves.
(4)What does the last paragraph mainly tell?  C 
A.When one gives,two get happy.
B.You don't need a reason to help others.
C.Alone we can do so little,together we can do so much.
D.We can't change the past,but we can change the future.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段International Day on 5 every started a December ,1985.(每年的12月5日是国际志愿者日。)可知。故选B。
(2)细节理解题。根据第三段Celebrating Volunteer also more know the and encourages to the team.(庆祝国际志愿者日也让更多的人了解这项工作。)可知。故选D。
(3)细节理解题。根据第四段Volunteering a good to our 。)Volunteers students learn from ,get and how solve ,获得一些经验。)可知,可以从实践中学到很多东西,因此选①②③。
(4)段落大意题。根据最后一段No has to the when them ,we're to good to them.(没有人能回答所有的问题,我们就能找到解决它们的好方法,本段主要介绍了一个人的力量很小,我们就能做很多事情。
21.(8分)Wei Doogyi has become popular with many people in China.He is a young teacher at Peking University.Wei has won many awards and is seen as a genius(天才) by those who know him.
Wei Dongyi was born in 1991 in Shandong.His father was a university math professor(教授) who kept many math books at home.Wei used to read his father's books as his favorite hobby.
Wei twice won a gold medal at the International Mathematical Olympia d when he was a high school student.He entered Peking University without taking the college entrance exam,due to his math skills.Wei graduated with high scores from Peking University in 2014.And he chose to stay at Peking University for his master degree,after which be got his PhD(博士学位),Wei became an assistant math professor of Peking University.
In a 2021 interview,Wei's holding a plastic water bottle caught the attention of people online.He was mistaken as a student at that time.Wei is famous not only as a math genius but also for his simple lifestyle.Wei is a disciplined (自律的) person.He always carries a plastic bottle
(1)Before becoming a university student,Wei  C .
A.got a high score in the final exam
B.didn't like math at all
C.won two international gold medals
D.used to fail in the math exam
(2)Paragraph 3 mainly tells us about Wei's  B .
A.favorite hobby
B.special achievements
C.simple lifestyle
D.college entrance exam
(3)When was Wei Dongyi interviewed?  D 
A.In 1991.
B.In 2014.
C.In 2019.
D.In 2021.
(4)What's the passage mainly about?  C 
A.A way to learn math well.
B.A popular interview online.
C.A new idol(偶像) for young people.
D.A famous university of China.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第三段Wei won a medal the Mathematical d when was a student.He Peking without the entrance ,due his math 。英译汉由于他的数学能力。)可知在成为一名大学生之前。故选C。
(2)段落大意题。根据第三段Wei won a medal the Mathematical d when was a student.He Peking without the entrance ,due his math graduated high from University 2014.And chose stay at University his degree which got PhD(博士学位) only a half 2019 became assistant professor Peking 。由于他的数学能力。2014年。他选择留在北京大学攻读硕士学位。2019年。)可知第三段主要讲述了韦的特别成就。
(3)细节理解题。根据第四段In a interview holding a water caught attention people ,韦拿着一个塑料水瓶引起了网友的注意。故选D。
(4)主旨大意题。根据第四段Wei young a new instead pop stars.(韦给年轻人提供了一个新的偶像。)可知这篇文章主要讲了年轻人的新偶像。
22.(8分)Do you know that the falcon(猎鹰) is among the fastest animals in the world?It can fly at a speed of about 200 miles per hour.You might think a bird that could fly so fast would be safe from most type s of danger But that is not true.By the 1970s,they had already been endangered.Luckily
One unusual thing about falcons is that they like to make their nests (属) in high places.In nature,they often ne st on mountain tops and on the sides of cliff(悬崖)
They also like to return to the same nesting place every year.Both the mother and father falcons help to raise the babies.The mother stays more time in the nest.The father hunts and brings back food for her and the babies.
Many people all around the country work very hard to help falcons live to adulthood.There are even video cameras fixed up in many places.This way,people can make sure the birds and their eggs stay protected.Falcons are lucky to have so many people who keep an eye on them.
(1)What can we know about falcons?  D 
A.Falcons can fly about 200 metres in 60 minutes.
B.The number of falcons hasn't risen now.
C.Falcons only live on the sides of cliffs.
D.Falcons have been used to living in cities.
(2)Who hunts for the falcon family according to the passage?  B 
A.The mother.
B.The father.
C.The babies.
D.Both the father and the mother.
(3)The writer thinks the future of falcons is  B .
(4)Where is the text probably from?  C 
A.A sports book.
B.A business book.
C.A nature book.
D.A life book.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段Falcons also to in 。)可知,D选项表述正确。
(2)细节理解题。根据第三段The hunts back for and babies.(父亲去打猎。)可知,故选B。
(3)推理判断题。根据最后一段Many all the work hard help live adulthood.There are video fixed in places.This ,people make the and their stay are to so people keep eye them.(全国各地的许多人都非常努力地帮助猎鹰活到成年。这样。猎鹰很幸运。)可知,现在很多人非常努力地帮助猎鹰活到成年,故选B。
23.(8分)Do you want to be a successful person?One of the secrets of successful people is that they have good habits.The good habits help them to be successful. (1) A Here are some suggestions for you.
First,everyone has his advantages. (2) E 
Second,you should try to learn new words and new things every day. (3) D 
Third,start the day in the right way.When you get up in the morning,look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you must keep your good habits today.
Fourth,make a plan to achieve your goal (4) C .Each day you should follow the plan so that you are able to achieve your goal.
Last,no matter what good habits you decide to have,you should try to keep them.Then you can live a successful and happy life.
A.How can you get into good habits?
B.What are good habits?
C.Making a plan is the most important step to achieve your goal.
D.Reading a newspaper or a few pages of a book every day also helps you.
E.You should always look for the good points in people and learn from them.
【解答】(1)细节推理题。根据"What are good habits?....这里有一些给你的建议,空处应提到了如何养成好习惯,A项"你怎样才能养成好习惯呢"符合语境。
(4)细节推理题。根据" make a plan to achieve your goal"(制定一个实现目标的计划,空处和制定计划实现目标有关,故选C。
Ⅲ.完形填空(满分10分)阅读短文,理解其大单,从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
24.(10分)Patricia has a large glass jar(罐子).The girl filled it half full with (1) B water.The water glittered(闪闪发光) in the sunlight.Each drop was proud of its own purity.One day,Patricia's cousin,came for a visit.While Patricia was away,the boy saw the jar and thought: "What (2) A  if I put some ink in the water?"
Robin searched Patricia's desk and found a (3) C .Just as he was going to put a few drops of ink in the jar,Patricia walked in."Robin,what are you doing?"she asked.But it was already too (4) D .Patricia watched in horror(惊恐) as the ink slowly (5) A  in,turning the water blue."Don't you know that once a jar of water gets dirty,it's very hard to get it clean again?" Patricia sounded (6) B ."
"I'm sorry,"Robin replied in a low voice."I was just curious(好奇的)."Patricia tried to get the water clean(7) D .She could only pour some pure water into it.The jar of water,however,would (8) B  be as clean as it was before.
The world's (9) C  are not unlike this jar of water.Once we pollute them,it will be very difficult﹣if not impossible﹣to make them clean again.Unfortunately,some people seem to pay no attention(10) D  this.They've poured many dirty or even toxic(有毒的) drops into the world's jar."But unlike Robin,they are not curious.
(1) A.cold B.clean C.sweet D.blue
(2) A.will happen B.has happened C.happened D.is happening
(3) A.box B.cup C.pen D.book
(4) A.quick B.slow C.busy D.late
(5) A.mixed B.filled C.put D.stuck
(6) A.honest B.angry C.harmful D.dangerous
(7) A.try out B.set up C.hand in D.lift up
(8) A.always B.never C.hardly D.usually
(9) A.animals B.plants C.seas D.earth
(10) A.of B.with C.for D.to
【解答】(1)考查形容词。句意:这个女孩把它装满了一半的干净的水;B.干净的;D.蓝色的 you that a jar water dirty very to it again(难道你不知道,就很难再把它弄干净吗)可知。故选B。
(2)考查一般将来时。句意:如果我在水中放一些墨水?A.会发生;B.已经发生;C.发生了;D.正在发生。根据if I some in water(如果我在水中放一些墨水)可知,为if引导的条件状语从句。故选A。
(3)考查名词。句意:Robin搜查了Patricia的桌子。A.盒子;C.笔。根据Just he going put a drops ink the ,发现了一支笔。
(4)考查形容词。句意:但已经太晚了;B.慢的;D.晚的 watched horror(惊恐) the slowly...in the blue(Patricia惊恐地看着墨水慢慢地......进来,但已经太晚了。
(5)考查动词。句意:Patricia惊恐地看着墨水慢慢地混合进来。A.混合;C.放。根据turning water ,Patricia惊恐地看着墨水慢慢地混合进来。
(6)考查形容词。句意:Patricia听起来很生气;B.愤怒的;D.危险的 you that a jar water dirty very to it again(难道你不知道,就很难再把它弄干净吗)可知。故选B。
(7)考查短语。句意:Patricia试图把水弄干净,他们两个举不起来;B.建立;D.举起 the was heavy(但罐子太重了)可知。故选D。
(8)考查副词。句意:然而。A.总是;C.几乎不。根据She only some water it(她只能往里面倒一些纯水)可知,这罐水再也不会像以前那样干净了。
(9)考查名词。句意:世界上的海洋和这罐水没什么不同;B.植物;D.地球 we them will very not make clean ,即使不是不可能,世界上的海洋和这罐水没什么不同。
(10)考查介词。句意:不幸的是。A.......的;C.为了。pay no attention to..."没有关注"。
25.(10分)There is a story in the book History as a Mirror(《资治通鉴》) by the Chinese historian Sima Guang.Zhi Xuanzi was the head(1) of a big clan (宗族) in the State Jin during the Spring and Autumn Period.Ho wanted a clan member,Zhi Yao,another man in the clan,Zhi Guo(2) agreement (agree) about it.Zhi Guo first listed five advantages of Zhi Yao.For example,he was good at(3) riding  (ride) and shooting.Ho was born with the ability to make(4) decisions  (decide).But then Zhi Guo said that he almost had no disadvantages except one serious problem:his morals(道德).He never talked to others(5) politely  (polite) and had an unkind heart.Still,Zhi Xuanzi didn't accept Zhi Guo's suggestions.Zhi Yao became the head of the clan.He quickly made it the(6) strongest  (strong)in Jin with his abilities of leadership.However, (7) because of his disadvantages,three other clans pulled together to fight against the Zhi clan.The Zhi clan ended(8) up being beaten.
From the story above,Sima Guang (9) thought  (think) one's morals are the most important.Talent is not enough.He said that excellent people must have both talent and virtue(德行).Those who have virtue but no talent couldn't work well.Those who have talent but no virtue might not use(10) their  (they) talent properly.Those who have both were called xiancai in ancient times.
(7)考查连词。句意:然而,其他三个氏族团结起来对抗智氏 other pulled to against Zhi ,其他三个氏族团结起来对抗智氏,后跟名词短语。
(8)考查介词。句意:智氏家族最终被打败了,可知为"end up doing sth"。故填up。
26.(10分)The weather is getting hotter.You are thirsty after playing basketball or riding home from school.A cold drink may be just the thing.But be careful of what you are drinking.Something that looks cool may not be good for your health.
There are plenty of "energy drinks"on the market.Most of them have beautiful colors and cool names.The lists on them tell you they are helpful to your health.Sounds great!But after a careful check,you may find that most energy drinks have lots of caffeine in them.These drinks are especially aimed at young people,students
Caffeine makes your heart beat fast.Because of this,the International Olympic Committee has limited(限制)its use.Caffeine in most energy drinks is at least as strong as that in a cup of coffee or tea.Possible health dangers have something to do with energy drinks.Just one bottle of energy drink may make you nervous
(1)What would you like most when you are thirsty after playing basketball in the hot weather according to the passage?  A cold drink. 
(2)Who are the main consumer group(消费群体)of the energy drinks?  Young people,students,busy people and sports players. 
(3)What will happen if you drink a bottle of energy drinks?  Just one bottle of energy drink can make you nervous,have difficulty in sleeping and can even cause heart problems. 
(4)What would you do in your daily life after reading this passage?  In my daily life,I can always drink water instead of energy drink.And once in a while I can take something cold.I can usually eat home﹣made food rather than fastfood.I'll try my best to avoid eating junk food and exercise often. 
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第1段You thirsty playing or home school.A drink be the ,你感到口渴。)可知,你最喜欢一杯冷饮
(2)细节理解题。根据第2段These especially at people,busy and players.(这些饮料特别针对年轻人、忙碌的人和体育运动员,功能饮料的主要消费群体是年轻人、忙碌的人和体育运动员,students
(3)细节理解题。根据第4段Just one ,have difficulty in sleeping and can even cause heart problems.(一瓶能量饮料可能会让你紧张,甚至可能导致心脏问题,如果你喝了一瓶功能饮料,难以入睡。故填Just one bottle of energy drink can make you nervous
(4)主观表达题。在我的日常生活中。偶尔我可以吃点冷的东西。我会尽量不吃垃圾食品。故填In my daily life
27.(20分)人生不同阶段会有不同的事情值得你骄傲,这也是一个人成长的过程,请以"One thing that made me feel proud"为题,用英语写一篇短文。
One night after dinner,only Grandpa and I were at home,because my parents had gone on business.
I was about to do my homework when I heard a great noise.
One thing that me proud
Different things are always happening during our development.Something unforgettable does make me proud of myself﹣﹣I saved my grandfather in time without depending on my parents.(介绍感到骄傲的事情)
One night after dinner,because my parents had gone on business.【高分句型一】I was about to do my homework when I heard a great noise.【高分句型二】So I rushed out of my bedroom to see what happened.I saw Grandpa lying on the floor and his face looked pale.At once,and Grandpa was saved
After the experience,we should keep calm first.(说明带来的影响)




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