2024年中考英语专练(深圳专用)--04 短文填空(6选5)(含解析)

专题04 短文填空(6选5)
Do you love maths ___1___ Fun activities helped students fall in love with maths!
On the first day, students put on plays and we watched some of them. My favorite play was about Hua Luogeng, a Chinese mathematician (数学家). Three students played Hua at three different ages. ___2___
The second day was the most interesting. Some students made rocket models with plastic (塑料的) bottles and launched them on the playground. ___3___ The most successful one flew as high as the second floor of the teaching building.
___4___ Thy showed us some advanced equipment (先进的装备) and did experiments with us. For example, we made a small water-cleaning system. It turned dirty water into clean water! After finishing the experiment, I felt the magic of science.
___5___ Students are already looking forward to next year’s festival!
A.The school invited some college students on the third day.
B.Recently, our school held a three-day maths festival.
C.They let us know about his amazing life and his love for maths.
D.They said making them was a challenge, but they finally succeeded.
E.The festival ended with a maths teacher’s speech.
F.Only a few students could take part in it.
If you are feeling that life just cannot be any worse for you, it can be challenging to think positive thoughts. ___6___ Here are a few examples for you to practice. Say them out loud and with feeling!
★Begin and end each day with a “Thank you for this wonderful day!”
★When you see the gas prices hiking, say “___7___”
★When you are late for work, say “I am so happy and grateful for my job as I know that many don’t have one.”
★ ___8___ “I really do appreciate my eyes that see, my ears that hear, my mouth that tastes, my legs that walk, my arms that lift, my hands that write, my mind that thinks, my knees that bend and my tongue that talks.” The possibilities here are endless: be thankful for what does work for you and feel good about it!
★Write down what you’re grateful for each day. In moments when you’re feeling really down, read what you wrote before. ___9___ If you keep doing this regularly, you will find that your list will get longer and longer.
The key is to move yourself into a positive thought and keep it there long enough to make it a moment of peace. ___10___
A.This will help uplift your spirits.
B.The more you practice, the happier you’ll be.
C.If you are having health problems, be grateful for what does work.
D.I am so glad that I am blessed to have a car in which to get around.
E.No matter what you have experienced, just enjoy your life every day.
F.But we can choose to think differently by beginning with the smallest of steps.
Beach is a relaxing place to catch waves, get some sun, enjoy picnic, spot wildlife and go exploring. Here are tips from experts on how to be a better beachgoer.
Use safer sunscreens
Many sunscreens say that they are “environmentally-friendly”, which has no firm definitions (定义), and their usage isn’t controlled by governmental bodies. ___11___ Only buy mineral-based sunscreens so that they won’t do harm to the sea environment.
Clean up rubbish
___12___ If you forget to bring one, find a used bag at the beach. It may seem a little gesture, but it will help remove rubbish. By working together, people can really make a big difference.
Thoughtful toys for kids
It’s fun for your little ones to play with plastic toys in the sand. ___13___ They end up polluting the environment and can be accidentally eaten by animals, causing them serious harm or even killing them. Pack metal or wooden toys instead.
Read the signs
Signs at the beach are must reading. They tell you where you can’t go and what you can’t do, so you don’t mess with the local ecosystem. ___14___ They are storm barriers (屏障) and home to many animals.
Destroy what you build
It doesn’t matter how much time and effort your children spent building sand castles or digging tunnels: if you are on a beach marked as a sea turtle habitat (栖息地), knock down the structures. Sea turtles have heavy bodies and they can die if they fall into a hole and get trapped. ___15___
A.So it’s best to read the fine print carefully.
B.Beachgoers are usually advised to stay off sand hills.
C.However, plastic toys break easily, leaving behind bits and pieces.
D.Sand structures also can prevent them from reaching birthing areas.
E.Bring a reusable bag to clean up while you’re walking on the shore.
F.Have your children pick up rubbish with you when walking on the beach.
(2023·广东深圳·统考一模)When you’re trying to make friends, you’ll probably meet someone who just doesn’t like you, though you’ve never done anything personally to him/her. ___16___ Here’s some advice.
Gossip(流言蜚语)can make meeting new people difficult, especially when people hear something bad about you. It can prevent someone from getting to know you at all. When you’re in a situation like this, it feels awful. Rather than working hard to try to win them over, however, just be yourself. In time, they will see that the gossip about you is wrong. ___17___ Don’t worry about it and move on by making friends with the people who deserve to have you in their life.
You’d think that your friend’s friends would also become your friends. But it doesn’t work that way. Sometimes people are happy with the friendships they have, and they aren’t interested in adding any more. If someone chooses not to be friends with you just because you’re new to the group, it’s fine. ___18___
An even more difficult situation is when someone has actually met you and just doesn’t like you. Every joke you make is taken the wrong way. ___19___ As much as it hurts, accept that not everyone is going to be your friend. Don’t take it personally. These things could happen to everyone. There are just some people you’re not going to click with.
___20___ If someone doesn’t want to be your friend, that’s okay. Don’t get mad at them because it’s their choice. Instead, give your time and attention to the people that are interested in hanging out with you.
A.Every time you try to do something nice, they find fault.
B.There’s nothing wrong about you or them.
C.The things you do are completely accepted by them.
D.In friendship, it’s important to focus on the positives with people.
E.Or, they may choose to believe it.
F.Well, what should you do
(2023·广东深圳·统考一模)Most people living in cities keep pets so that they won’t feel lonely. Therefore, pets are easily treated like their own children or part of their family. No matter how much you love your pet, you will still be faced with odor problems. Even if you spend a lot of time cleaning them, pets will still have an odor. ____21____
Let in some fresh air. Ventilation (通风) is important to reducing the bad odors. ____22____
Use baking soda. ____23____ It is the best way to remove pet odor. It is not only used as a natural air freshener, but also able to remove the odor in clothes, furniture, and even the odor of garbage cans.
____24____ Bathe your pets once a week or bring them to the pet salon in order to keep them tidy and free from bacteria (细菌) that may cause bad odor. Make sure to clean their fur and paws (毛和爪子) after walking them outside.
Wash pet beds regularly. ____25____ Besides, keeping your pet’s favorite spot clean and fresh benefits its skin and fur as well.
A.Your pet’s bed is most likely the main cause of the bad odor (气味) in your home.
B.Keep pets clean.
C.Here are some tips on how to reduce pet-related odors from your homes.
D.You may do this by turning on your fans or air conditioners or simply by opening your windows.
E.Make pet beds tidy.
F.Baking soda (小苏打) is a natural odor absorbent (吸收剂).
(2022·广东深圳·统考二模)Giving gifts is a great way to show your friends that you care, but sometimes it can be difficult to find the perfect present. Don’t worry! Here are useful tips.
Think about things that they like or talk about. Try to remember anything they’ve mentioned in the past weeks, or anything they’ve had their eye on. _____27_____
Give them something they actually want.
Sometimes, we always want to give the perfect gift to our friends. We seldom think whether or not it is something truly useful and meaningful to them. _____28_____ For example, your friend really likes cats, but it dos not mean that they’ll actually want a series of cat decorations which may be useless for them.
If you’re giving a gift to a close friend, think of a gift that stands for your relationship. While doing something simple like a friendship card or necklace by yourself may mean a lot between you two.
Write a letter to show your best wishes.
_____30_____ Prepare your letter with a gift and you’ll make an impression on your friend. Remember, don’t make it too long! If you make your letter too long, it may start to give a feeling of dishonesty.
A.Consider hand-making a gift.
B.Remember the person’s preferences.
C.Go to the mall with them and see what they look at.
D.Doing this can show that you really care about them.
E.Sometimes, a meaningful message or letter can be more helpful.
F.However, it’s more important to think about the meaning of the gift.
Two hundred years after Darwin’s birth, studies have found new details of his life at the University of Cambridge. Six learner-centered ledgers (账本) discovered in the university show this. ____31____
He lived in the most expensive rooms provided for a rich student at his time. ____32____ He had someone to clean his room, make his bed and take care of the fire in his bright rooms. He hired a dishwasher, a clothes washer and a man who cleaned his shoes. A tailor, hatter and barber made sure he was well presented. A chimney cleaner and a coalman kept his fire going. Christ’s College’s basic food was meat and beer. ____33____
Darwin’s bill topped 636 pounds during his three years of study at Cambridge. Later he described this time as the most joyful of his happy life. That large sum (金额) would have been fairly common for a student at Cambridge in the 19th century. ____34____
In those days, Cambridge was full of rich students living a pretty good life and Darwin was just one of them. ____35____ And so he had plenty of time for socializing (交际) or private study. He would be out shooting, collecting beetles, doing his scientific hobbies or visiting friends. He played cards and drank wine at night, just like students always have.
A.Thanks to the richness, he was able to hire servants to help with the daily life.
B.So he paid five and a half pence extra each day to have vegetables.
C.He enjoyed the kind of comfortable university life that most of today’s students can only dream about.
D.He had several people to help him to deal with the daily housework.
E.When you look at the ledgers, you can find there were many rich students in Cambridge.
F.The bills were paid by his wealthy father, Robert Darwin, a doctor.
Living in harmony with others is easier said than done, especially in a world filled with conflict (冲突) and different opinions. You may struggle to feel in sync (同步) with people close to you and with society at large. Here are several ways to get you started.
Take part in community events. Check the local community boards for postings about events like a block party or a community garage sale. ____36____ This can help you feel more connected to your neighbors.
Connect with your neighbors. ____37____ Knock on their doors and bring over baked goods. Say “hello” to them in the street. Be friendly and sociable with your neighbors, so you can build a sense of community in the neighborhood.
Hang out with friends on a regular basis. Spend time with good friends, so you can stay connected with them and not lose touch. Schedule regular hangouts once a week or once a month with different friends. ____38____
Be generous and caring to your partners. You should treat your partners with respect and gratitude. ____39____ Let them know they are important to you and that you value them.
____40____ Try to make the time you spend with your family meaningful and memorable. Have regular family dinners or invite your family over. Plan a trip with your family, especially if it’s been a while since all of you travelled together.
A.Spend quality time with family.
B.Reach out to people who live around you.
C.Give them daily attention and acknowledgement(谢意).
D.Make an effort to keep your friendships alive and active.
E.You can also invite your neighbors over for dinner or a drink.
F.Volunteer at community events or donate something to local events.
When I was young, I often had to help on the farm. I did not grow up in a family with books. ___41___ My experience of being a reader was quite amazing.
My primary school teacher always gave her pupils time to read for pleasure at school. She believed it would improve reading greatly. ___42___ It was a biography (传记) of the actress Greta Garbo. I picked it up and began to read from cover to cover. Later, I was excited to realize that there were other women like Greta who had made great efforts and changed their lives.
From then on, my teacher kept providing me with books. She dug up all the biographies of women she could find. ___43___ As time went by, I knew knowledge could help me reach my destination (目的地) wherever I wanted to go. ____44____ But with the company of books, you might find it easier.
I am now a physics professor in a university. ___45___ Recently, someone gave me Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s autobiography. Once again, I am encouraged and am imagining new possibilities for my life.
A.I love reading for several reasons.
B.One day, she put a book on my desk.
C.Reading still plays an important role in my life.
D.In my home, there was neither time nor energy to read.
E.Sometimes it might be a long and tiring way to get to the destination.
F.Their stories were like road maps helping me to see where I could go with my life,
(2022春·广东深圳·九年级统考开学考试)Philosophy (哲学) seems boring. But you might have thought about philosophical questions before, like “What do I live for ” or “What is a good life ” ____46____
World Philosophy Day is on the third Thursday of November each year. This year, it fell on Nov 18. ____47____
The word “philosophy” comes from Greek, meaning “love of wisdom (智慧).” It tries to find answers to basic questions about the world and ourselves. ____48____ For example, someone might ask if a social policy is fair. A philosopher will ask, “What is fairness ”
Looking back, philosophy has encouraged social development. For thousands of years, people did what they were told to. ____49____ But 2,500 years ago, Greek philosopher Socrates started to ask “Why ” Thanks to him and many other philosophers, society changed for the better.
____50____ Many ideas come from Ancient Greek philosophy. It encourages reflecting (反思) on ourselves when things happen. Such ideas help us deal with problems in daily life and big crises (危机).
A.Philosophy can also help us in our daily lives.
B.This way, they can make changes if it is wrong.
C.It celebrates the importance and role of philosophy in our lives.
D.Philosophy, in fact, is not far from our minds.
E.They might sound simple, but they can be quite difficult to answer.
F.No one questioned if it was right or wrong.
1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.E
1.根据“Fun activities helped students fall in love with maths!”可知此处引出这个活动,选项B“最近,我们学校举办了为期三天的数学节”符合语境。故选B。
2.根据“Three students played Hua at three different ages”可知学生扮演三个不同年龄阶段的华罗庚,这让我们了解华罗庚,选项C“他们让我们了解了他令人惊叹的生活和他对数学的热爱”符合语境。故选C。
3.根据“Some students made rocket models with plastic (塑料的) bottles and launched them on the playground”以及“The most successful one flew as high as the second floor of the teaching building”可知学生用塑料瓶制作火箭模型并发射,而且也成功了,选项D“他们说制作它们是一个挑战,但他们最终成功了”符合语境。故选D。
5.根据“Students are already looking forward to next year’s festival!”可知学生们期待下一年的数学节,说明今年的数学节结束了,选项E“节日以数学老师的演讲结束”符合语境。故选E。
6.F 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.E
6.根据“If you are feeling that life just cannot be any worse for you, it can be challenging to think positive thoughts.”可知,如果你觉得生活对你来说很差,想积极的想法会很有挑战性,可推测空处应是在讨论该如何有积极的想法。选项F“但我们可以选择从最小的步骤开始以不同的方式思考”符合语境。故选F。
7.根据“When you see the gas prices hiking”可知,此处的情景是看到油价升高的时候应该如何做,才能保持积极的想法心态,可推测空处是与之相对的保持积极心态应该说的话。选项D“我很高兴我能幸运地拥有一辆车可以到处走走”符合语境。故选D。
8.根据“be thankful for what does work for you and feel good about it”可知,要感谢仍然在为你工作的部分,对它感觉良好,可推测本段主要是讲述对健康的部位要心存感激,空处应与此相关。选项C“如果你有健康问题,要感激那些还能起作用的”符合语境。故选C。
9.根据“In moments when you’re feeling really down, read what you wrote before.”可知,在你觉得情绪低落的时刻,阅读你之前写的东西,此处是在讲述让情绪变好的方法,可推测空处是与该方法相关。选项A“这将有助于提升你的精神状态”符合语境。故选A。
10.根据“The key is to move yourself into a positive thought and keep it there long enough to make it a moment of peace.”可知,此处是总结保持积极心态的关键,要把自己置于积极的想法中,然后让这个想法保持足够长的时间以构成片刻的宁静,可推测空处应是强调保持积极心态。选项E“无论你经历过什么,就每天享受你的生活”符合语境。故选E。
11.A 12.E 13.C 14.B 15.D
11.根据“which has no firm definitions (定义), and their usage isn’t controlled by governmental bodies.”可知,许多防晒霜都说它们环保,但没有确切的定义(定义),而且它们的使用不受政府机构的控制,所以使用的时候应该多加小心。选项A“所以最好仔细阅读细则。”符合语境。故选A。
12.根据“If you forget to bring one, find a used bag at the beach.”可知,清理垃圾可以随身带一个小袋子,如果你忘了带,在海滩上找一个用过的袋子。选项E“当你在岸上行走时,带上一个可重复使用的袋子来清理。”符合语境。故选E。
13.根据“It’s fun for your little ones to play with plastic toys in the sand.”可知,此处在讲塑料玩具,选项C“然而,塑料玩具很容易破碎,留下零碎的东西。”符合语境。故选C。
14.根据“They are storm barriers (屏障) and home to many animals.”可知,沙丘是风暴屏障,也是许多动物的家园,所以此处讲人们应该远离沙丘,不要破坏沙丘。选项B“海滩游客通常被建议远离沙丘。”符合语境。故选B。
15.根据“Sea turtles have heavy bodies and they can die if they fall into a hole and get trapped. ”可知,此处在讲沙堡或在沙子挖掘隧道对于海龟的影响。选项D“沙子结构也可以阻碍它们到达分娩区域。”符合语境。故选D。
16.F 17.E 18.B 19.A 20.D
16.根据“you’ll probably meet someone who just doesn’t like you, though you’ve never done anything personally to him/her.”及“Here’s some advice”可知,如果遇到了不喜欢你的人应该怎么做,F选项“那么,你该怎么办呢”符合,故选F。
17.根据“In time, they will see that the gossip about you is wrong”可知,假以时日他们会认为这些流言蜚语是错误的,或许他们也可能认为是真的,E选项“或者,他们可能会选择相信”符合,故选E。
18.根据“If someone chooses not to be friends with you just because you’re new to the group, it’s fine”可知,因为你是新来的而不接纳你,这个是没有关系的,B选项“你和他们都没有错”符合,故选B。
19.根据“Every joke you make is taken the wrong way”可知,开的每个玩笑都是错的,做别的事情也是错的,A选项“每次你想做点好事,他们就找茬”符合,故选A。
20.根据“Instead, give your time and attention to the people that are interested in hanging out with you.”可知,要关注愿意和你交朋友的那些人,D选项“在友谊中,关注别人的积极方面是很重要的”符合,故选D。
21.C 22.D 23.F 24.B 25.A
21.根据“Even if you spend a lot of time cleaning them, pets will still have an odor. ”以及下文的内容可知,此处是给出建议,选项C“以下是一些减少家中宠物气味的建议。”符合语境,故选C。
22.根据“Let in some fresh air. Ventilation (通风) is important to reducing the bad odors”可知,要给家里通风,选项D“你可以通过打开风扇或空调或简单地打开窗户来做到这一点。”符合语境,故选D。
23.根据“Use baking soda.”可知,使用小苏打来去除气味,选项F“小苏打是天然的气味吸收剂。”符合语境,故选F。
24.根据“Bathe your pets once a week or bring them to the pet salon in order to keep them tidy and free from bacteria (细菌) that may cause bad odor.”可知,要给宠物洗澡保持清洁,选项B“保持宠物的清洁。”符合语境,故选B。
25.根据“Wash pet beds regularly.”可知,要定期清洗宠物床,说明床会产生难闻的气味,选项A“你宠物的床很可能是你家里难闻气味的主要原因。”符合语境,故选A。
26.B 27.D 28.F 29.A 30.E
26.根据“Think about things that they like or talk about. Try to remember anything they’ve mentioned in the past weeks, or anything they’ve had their eye on. ”可知,本段主要是说要考虑他们喜欢或谈论的东西,记住对方关注的事物,B项“记住对方的喜好”适合做本段标题,故选B。
27.根据“Try to remember anything they’ve mentioned in the past weeks, or anything they’ve had their eye on.”和上文“Giving gifts is a great way to show your friends that you care”可知,空处应是解释这些行为背后意味着关心,D项“这样做可以表明你真的关心他们。”符合语境,故选D。
28.根据“We seldom think whether or not it is something truly useful and meaningful to them”可知,要考虑对他们真的有用和有意义的礼物,F项“然而,更重要的是考虑礼物的意义。”符合语境,故选F。
29.根据“While doing something simple like a friendship card or necklace by yourself may mean a lot between you two.”可知,本段讲的是自己动手制作礼物,A项“考虑手工制作礼物。”符合语境,故选A。
30.根据“Write a letter to show your best wishes.”可知,此处介绍写信表达祝福,E项“有时候,一封有意义的信息或信件会更有帮助。”符合语境,故选E。
31.C 32.D 33.B 34.F 35.A
31.根据“He lived in the most expensive rooms provided for a rich student at his time.”可知达尔文的大学生活很舒适,C项“他享受着如今大多数学生梦寐以求的舒适大学生活。”符合语境。故选C。
32.根据“He had someone to clean his room, make his bed and take care of the fire in his bright rooms. He hired a dishwasher, a clothes washer and a man who cleaned his shoes. A tailor, hatter and barber made sure he was well presented. A chimney cleaner and a coalman kept his fire going.”可知有人帮他处理日常家务,D项“他有几个人帮他处理日常家务。”符合语境。故选D。
33.根据“Christ’s College’s basic food was meat and beer.”可知食物是肉和啤酒,需要买蔬菜,B项“所以他每天多花5.5便士买蔬菜。”符合语境。故选B。
34.根据“That large sum would have been fairly common for a student at Cambridge in the 19th century.”可知此处讲账单由谁支付,F项“账单由他富有的父亲罗伯特·达尔文,一名医生来支付。”符合语境。故选F。
35.根据“And so he had plenty of time for socializing or private study.”可知雇佣人来处理日常生活,自己有很多时间进行社交和学习,A项“由于家境富裕,他可以雇佣仆人来帮助处理日常生活。”符合语境。故选A。
36.F 37.B 38.D 39.C 40.A
36.根据“Take part in community events”可知要积极参与社区活动,选项F“参加社区活动或向当地活动捐赠物品”符合语境。故选F。
37.根据“Connect with your neighbors”可知要与邻居联系,选项B“接触你周围的人”符合语境。故选B。
38.根据“Schedule regular hangouts once a week or once a month with different friends”可知计划每周或每月与不同的朋友定期外出一次,这样能保持友谊,选项D“努力保持友谊的活力”符合语境。故选D。
39.根据“You should treat your partners with respect and gratitude”可知你应该尊重和感激你的合作者,选项C“每天给予他们关注和谢意”符合语境。故选C。
40.根据“Try to make the time you spend with your family meaningful and memorable”可知试着让你与家人共度时光,选项A“与家人共度美好时光”符合语境。故选A。
41.D 42.B 43.F 44.E 45.C
41.根据上文“ I often had to help on the farm. I did not grow up in a family with books.”可知,我家没有书,我也没有太多时间可以读书,选项D“在我家,既没有时间也没有精力读书。”符合语境。故选D。
42.根据下文“It was a biography of the actress Greta Garbo.”可知,下文介绍这本书的内容,所以此处是讲述我拿到这本书以后才知道书的内容,选项B“一天,她把一本书放在我的书桌上。”承接下文,符合题意。故选B。
43.根据上文“She dug up all the biographies of women she could find.”可知,老师把能找到的人物传记都找出来了,所以此处说明这些传记或者故事对我的影响,选项F“她们的故事就像路线图,让我看到我的生活可以继续下去。”符合题意。故选F。
44.根据上文“As time went by, I knew knowledge could help me reach my destination wherever I wanted to go.”和下文中“But with the company of books, you might find it easier.”可知,知识可以帮助我到达我想去的任何目的地,虽然到达目的地地路很长,但是在书本的陪伴下,你会发现会更加容易到达目的地,前后意思转折,选项E“有时到达目的地可能要走很长很累的路。”承接上文,符合题意。故选E。
45.根据上文“I am now a physics professor in a university.”可知,作者现在是一名教授,说明阅读对他有重要的影响和作用,选项C“阅读在我的生活中扮演着重要的角色。”承接上文,符合题意。故选C。
46.D 47.C 48.E 49.F 50.A
46.根据前句“But you might have thought about philosophical questions before, like “What do I live for ” or “What is a good life ””可知,空处应是说哲学其实就在我们的思想中。选项D“事实上,哲学离我们的思想不远”符合语境。故选D。
47.根据前文“World Philosophy Day is on the third Thursday of November each year. This year, it fell on Nov 18.”可知,空处应是和世界哲学日有关的话题。选项C“它赞美了哲学在我们生活中的重要性和作用”符合语境。故选C。
48.根据后句“For example, someone might ask if a social policy is fair. A philosopher will ask, “What is fairness ””可知,空处应是说哲学听起来很简单,其实很难回答。选项E“它们可能听起来很简单,但可能很难回答”符合语境。故选E。
49.根据前文“Looking back, philosophy has encouraged social development. For thousands of years, people did what they were told to.”和空后“But 2,500 years ago, Greek philosopher Socrates started to ask “Why ” Thanks to him and many other philosophers, society changed for the better.”可知,空处应是没有人质疑过它的对错。选项F“没有人质疑它是否对还是错”符合语境。故选F。
50.根据下文“It encourages reflecting (反思) on ourselves when things happen. Such ideas help us deal with problems in daily life and big crises (危机).”可知,空处应是说哲学在人们的日常生活中的作用。选项A“哲学也可以在日常生活中帮助我们”符合语境。故选A。



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