
Middle School Ping-pong Game
Team (队) Blue from Xingfu School VS Team Red from Wanghe School At 9:00 a.m. on January 21st In Xingfu School
Come and watch the games with us! Students can come with their parents and friends! You can get ice-cream, hamburgers and cola (可乐)! After the game, call Mr. Zhou at 0738-4423922 for photos.
1.The game is in the __________.
A.morning B.afternoon C.evening
2.You can call Mr. Zhou at __________ for photos.
A.0738-4421922 B.0738-4423922 C.0738-4433933
3.Which of the following is wrong (以下哪一项不正确)
A.Parents can watch the game. B.You can only get hamburgers. C.Team Red is from Whanghe School.
This is Mrs. White. Now she is teaching math. She works in a middle school. She lives in London. Mrs. White and Mr. White have three children. They all love animals and they have a big dog and a cute cat.
Mrs. White is Sophie’s aunt. Sophie lives and studies in Liverpool, but now she is in London. She is on her holiday here. She wants to do some shopping with her aunt.
Mrs. White’s son Arnold doesn’t like shopping, but he loves going out with friends. They usually go to a park to play soccer or basketball every afternoon. Today, Arnold isn’t playing soccer or basketball. He is swimming.
Mr. White works for a company (公司). He isn’t working today, because he isn’t feeling well. He is in a hospital now.
4.Mrs. White is a ________.
A.farmer B.teacher C.doctor
5.Sophie wants to ________ in London.
A.shop B.work C.study
6.What is Arnold doing now
A.Running. B.Swimming. C.Playing soccer.
7.Where is Mr. White now
A.In a school. B.In a company. C.In a hospital.
Mary is a worker at a bank. She begins working at eight in the morning. She has a break at noon for one hour. She stops working at five in the afternoon. At five the bank closes. Everybody goes home. Some people drive home. Some ride bikes. Some take the bus or the train. But Mary walks home. She likes to walk. She walks, and walks, and walks and walks. Mary lives eight miles (英里) from the bank.
She walks for three hours. At eight in the evening, Mary is at home. She eats dinner at home. At ten she goes to bed. Mary is tired. She is 82 years old.
8.What does Mary do
A.She is a nurse. B.She is a doctor. C.She is a worker at a bank.
9.When does she stop working in the afternoon
A.At eight. B.At five. C.At nine.
10.Which sentence is right
A.Mary rides home. B.Mary takes a bus home. C.Mary walks home.
11.How far is it from Mary’s house to the bank
A.Five miles. B.Eight miles. C.Six miles.
I’m Katie Alice Anderson. Katie is my first name, Alice is my middle name and Anderson is my family name. Many people in the UK have a first name, a middle name and a family name. Our parents pick the first name and the middle name for us. But do you know how we English people get our family names in history
Some people get family names from their father’s names. For example, “Jackson” is the son of Jack and “Robinson” is the son of Robin. Some people’s family names come from the places of their homes. Garcia is the name of a place in Spain (西班牙), so Mr. Garcia’s family may come from the place. Some family names come from a person’s job. If a man is a cook, his family name may be Cook.
12.Alice is her ________.
A.first name B.middle name C.family name
13.Katie’s _________ picked the first name for her.
A.parents B.grandparents C.ancestors
14.Mr. Garcia may get the family name from _________.
A.a person’s job B.his father’s name C.the place of his home
15.Which is NOT true (正确的) about family name
A.“Robinson” is the son of Jack.
B.Anderson is a family name.
C.If a man is a cook, his family name may be Cook.
Hi, I’m Amy Black and I’m 14. I am a middle school student. I 16 an interesting hobby. I love making Vlogs 17 films (电影)!
Vlogs are like (像) blogs (网络日志), 18 they are not the same. Vlogs are short videos, not texts (文稿). I think Vlogs are interesting. In my Vlogs, I talk about all the films I have seen—good and bad, interesting and 19 . I see a film every week, and then I make a Vlog. I 20 it at home on Saturday evening. Usually, I sit in front of my computer, have some 21 like apples and oranges, and think about 22 to make it good.
My friends 23 my Vlogs very much. They often watch them and give their likes. Now, many people in England 24 my Vlogs, too.
One day, I want to go to a 25 school. I want to make films for the cinema!
16.A.play B.see C.have
17.A.with B.after C.about
18.A.so B.but C.because
19.A.difficult B.healthy C.boring
20.A.do B.get C.eat
21.A.vegetables B.salad C.fruit
22.A.what B.how C.when
23.A.finish B.need C.like
24.A.meet B.help C.watch
25.A.film B.music C.phone
Dan, 11: My friends like computer games very much, but I like books. I love stories, Wonder is my favorite book.
Amy, 13: My favorite thing is my notebook. It’s from my mom. I use (使用) it to take notes (做笔记) in class.
Tom, 12: I have a model plane. It’s red and white. It isn’t very big but it’s great! It’s my favorite thing.
Ann, 7: My teddy bear (泰迪熊), Candy, is my favorite thing. I have great fun with Candy. My sister, Kate, likes Candy too. But I always say, “Don’t touch (碰) Candy. Candy is mine!”
Name Age (年龄) Favorite thing Other information
Dan 26 The book Wonder He loves stories.
Amy Thirteen Her 27 ●It’s from her mom. ●She uses it to take notes in class.
Tom Twelve His model plane ●It’s 28 . ●It isn’t 29 but it’s great.
Ann Seven Her teddy bear Her 30 like(s) it too.
Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to Happy Hour. (1) We have red and white skirts for only $35. Do you like hats Black hats are only $15. How much are the jackets The green jackets are $54. And the blue ones are $42. (2) 你需要毛衣吗 They are only $45. (3) Our T-shirts are on sale. They are only $29. (4) 你最喜欢的颜色是什么?We have T-shirts in white, purple and green. (5) How about these black and brown socks Only $5 for two pairs.
What do you want You can buy the clothes that you e and buy some nice clothes for yourselves now!
36.假设你是Andy,请你根据下面的内容提示,以“My life”为题,写一篇有关饮食和运动习惯的小短文。(60词左右)
1. 我叫Andy,14岁; 2. 我每天打篮球,想成为一名篮球运动员; 3. 我通常早饭吃一个鸡蛋,午饭吃肉和蔬菜,晚饭吃水果; 4. 我喜欢喝牛奶;因为它对健康有好处。 5. 我不喜欢吃冰淇淋,因为我不想变胖。
1. 内容必须包含表格中所有内容,可适当发挥。
2. 文中不得出现校名和人名等真实信息。
My life
1.A 2.B 3.B
4.B 5.A 6.B 7.C
8.C 9.B 10.C 11.B
12.B 13.A 14.C 15.A
16.C 17.C 18.B 19.C 20.A 21.C 22.B 23.C 24.C 25.A
26.Eleven/11 27.notebook 28.red and white 29.very big 30.sister
31.我们有红色和白色的短裙仅售35(美)元。 32.Do you need sweaters 33.我们的T恤衫在打折/降价。 34.What’s your favorite color / What color do you like best 35.这些黑色和棕色的(短)袜怎么样/如何?
My life
My name is Andy. I am 14. I play basketball every day. Because I want to be a basketball player. For breakfast, I usually have an egg. For lunch, I usually have meat and vegetables. For dinner, I have fruit. I like milk because I think it is good for my health. I don’t like ice-cream because I don’t want to be fat. How about you



