专题09 中考句子翻译-2024年中考英语复习冲刺过关(江苏专用)(含答案)

专题09 中考句子翻译
【答案】If you are free, you can spend more time communicating with your parents.
【解析】分析中文可知,该句是复合句,“如果有空”是条件状语从句,该复合句符合“主情从现”的时态规则。“如果”if,“有空”be free,所以从句翻译成:If you are free;“可以”can,“多花点时间做某事”spend more time doing sth,“和某人交流”communicate with sb,“你的父母”your parents,所以主句翻译成:you can spend more time communicating with your parents。故答案为:If you are free, you can spend more time communicating with your parents.
2. 他过去常常坐在树下看书,但是现在他习惯在房间里阅读。
【答案】He used to read books under the tree,but now he is used to reading in the room.
【解析】这句话涉及的固定搭配主要是“过去常常做某事”和“现在习惯做某事”这两个词组,分别是“used to do”和“be used to doing”。所以答案是“He used to read books under the tree,but now he is used to reading in the room.”。
【答案】More and more foreign friends have been interested in the culture of Yangzhou in recent years.
【解析】根据句意可知,越来越多:more and more;外国朋友:foreign friends;对……感兴趣:be interested in;文化:culture;最近几年:in recent years。由“in recent years”可知,句子应用现在完成时,其结构为:have/has+过去分词。主语是foreign friends,因此助动词用have。故填More and more foreign friends have been interested in the culture of Yangzhou in recent years.
The boy is often _______________________________________.
【答案】told (about) how to get on/along with/how he can get on/along with others
【解析】tell告诉,与空前的is构成被动结构,此处tell应用过去分词形式,后可以跟介词about,构成短语tell about“告诉”;how如何,引导宾语从句;get on/along with sb,此处可以用“疑问词+不定式”的结构,也可以用宾语从句的形式,从句中含有情态动词can;others别人。故填told (about) how to get on/along with/how he can get on/along with others
1. 汤姆宁愿打雪仗也不愿玩电脑游戏。
Tom would ____________________________________________ play computer games.
【答案】 rather have snowball fights than##rather have a snowball fight than##rather play snowball fights than##rather play a snowball fight than
【解析】would rather do sth than do sth表示“宁愿做某事而不愿做另一件事”,have (a) snowball fight(s)=play (a) snowball fight(s)“打雪仗”,故填rather have/play (a) snowball fight(s) than。
2. 那位年轻人太急于求成以至于最终失败了。
The young man was ______________________________ that he failed at last.
【答案】in such a hurry to achieve success
【解析】分析句子可知,应是句型“such...that”如此……以至于。中英文对照,横线上应是“太急于求成”in such a hurry to achieve success。故填in such a hurry to achieve success。
1. have no choice but to do 别无选择只能做某事
2.insist on doing sth 坚持做某事
3.make progress in doing sth 在做某事上取得进步
5.take action to do sth 采取措施做某事
6.pay attention to (doing) sth 关注(做)某事
7.donate sth to sb把某物捐给某人
8. It is a waste of time to do sth 做某事是浪费时间的
9.It takes sb some time to do sth.做某事花费某人一段时间
10.祈使句 +and/or +陈述句(一般将来时)
11.not…until 直到……才……
12.感叹句句型:What a/an + adj. + S +V! // What + adj. + S +V! // How adj + S +V!
13.It is known that… 众所周知,……
14.open up a whole new world to sb 向某人打开了一个全新的世界
15. sb is the + 序数词 (+n.)+ to do sth. 某人是第几个做某事的
16. unless/if 引导的条件状语从句(主将从现)
17. give sb much advice/many suggestions on…给某人关于某事的许多建议
18. realize one’s dream/ make one’s dream come true 实现某人的愿望
19. not…any more/longer或者no more/ no longer 不再…
20. realize the importance of doing sth 意识到做某事的重要性
21. prefer to do sth=would rather do sth 宁愿做某事
22. sb spend 钱/时间 (in) doing sth /on sth花时间做某事
23. how long多长时间
24. as soon as possible 尽快
25. It is lucky for sb to do sth 某人做某事是幸运的
26. give a helping hand to sb对某人施加援手
27. be satisfied with 对....满意
28. win high praise from ....赢得来自...的高度赞扬
29. provide sb a chance to do sth 提供给某人机会去做某事
30. be strict with对.....要求严格
31. stop/keep/prevent sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事
32. instead of doing sth 而不是做某事
33. not only....but also ...不但....而且(就近原则)
34.be open to对....开放
35.practise doing sth练习做某事
36.be/feel proud of.....对....感到自豪
37.take part in 参加
38.get full marks 得满分
39.go to sp on business去某地出差
40.take the lead 领先
41.take/have pity on 同情,怜悯
42.hand out 分发 hand in 上交
1. 这部纪录片能帮助你全面了解中国历史。
【答案】This documentary can help you know all about China’s history.
【解析】由中文意思知此句为陈述句,this documentary“这部纪录片”,在句中作主语;can“能够”,后跟动词原形;help sb. do sth.“帮助某人做某事”,help在句中作谓语;you“你”;China’s history“中国历史”;know all about“全面了解……”。故填This documentary can help you know all about China’s history.
2. 为了帮助我们养成良好的学习习惯,王老师常鼓励我们要温故知新。
To help us develop a good learning habit, Mr. Wang often __________________________ what we have learnt before learning something new.
【答案】encourages us to go over
【解析】根据中英文对照可知,这里缺的是“鼓励我们复习”,英语中表达“鼓励某人做某事”结构是encourage sb to do sth,所以这里应该是encourage us to,“复习”是go over,而句中的主语是Mr. Wang,且句中有often,所以动词encourage应该用三单形式,故答案为encourages us to go over。
Grain Buds, one of the 24 solar terms, __________________________________ summer harvest.
【答案】marks the beginning of
【解析】mark“标志着”,the beginning of“……的开始”,时态是一般现在时,主语是“Grain Buds”,动词用三单。故填marks the beginning of。
4. 我们必须依靠自身的努力来实现我们的梦想。
【答案】We must depend on our hard work to achieve/realize our dream(s)/make our dream(s) come true.
【解析】we“我们”;must“必须”,后接动词原形;depend on“依靠”;our hard work“我们的努力”,努力的目的是为了实现梦想,用动词不定式表目的;achieve/realize our dream(s)/make our dream(s) come true“实现梦想”,故填We must depend on our hard work to achieve/realize our dream(s)/make our dream(s) come true.
5. 听到这个好消息后,这位老人激动得说不出话来。
【答案】After hearing the good news, the old man was too excited to say a word.
【解析】分析句子可知时态为一般过去时。听到这个好消息后:After hearing the good news(作时间状语);这位老人:the old man(作主语);激动得:excited;太……不能:too...to;说话:say a word。故答案为:After hearing the good news, the old man was too excited to say a word.
6. 大卫,爸爸说话时不要打断他。
David, ________________________ is speaking.
【答案】don’t cut in on him when your father
【解析】分析句意可知此处是祈使句的否定形式:don’t+动词原形;cut in on sb“打断某人”;him“他”,代词宾格;when“当……时候”;此处是对David说的话,所以应用your father表示“你的爸爸”。故填don’t cut in on him when your father。
7. 你昨天缺席了那个会议非常可惜。
It’s ________________________ the meeting yesterday.
【答案】a pity that you were absent from##a pity for you to be absent from
【解析】 “……非常可惜”为“It’s a pity that+从句”或“It’s a pity for sb. to do sth.”;“缺席”为be absent from,根据“yesterday”可知,从句用一般过去时,be动词使用were。故填a pity that you were absent from/a pity for you to be absent from。
8. 多美的手提包!我想知道是不是手工制作的。
How nice the handbag is! I wonder ___________________________________ or not.
【答案】whether it is made by hand
【解析】根据语境和句意可知,此处考查wonder引导的宾语从句,根据“or not”可知,是否应用whether,“手提包”和“制作”是被动关系,且根据语境可知应用一般现在时,用it来指代“手提包”,故是it is made,“手工”表达为by hand。故填whether it is made by hand。
9. 西蒙,你已经下定决心戒烟了吗?
Simon, __________________________________ smoking
【答案】have you decided to give up##have you made up your mind to give up
【解析】根据汉语“你已经下定决心戒烟了吗”可知,该句时态是现在完成时,为一般疑问句;主语是you“你”,所以助动词用have放在主语前,后跟动词过去分词;“决定做某事”decide/make one’s mind to do sth,主语是you,所以用one’s代替your;“戒烟”give up smoking。故填have you decided/made up your mind to give up。
10. 为了在学习上处于领先地位,露西总是熬夜到很晚。
Lucy always stays up very late ____________________________________________.
【答案】in order to take the lead in study##to take the lead in study
【解析】在学习上处于领先地位:take the lead in study;为了:in order to do sth.,也可用动词不定式表示目的。故填(in order) to take the lead in study。
11. 家长们想知道线上课程是否能让孩子们向优秀老师学习成为可能。
Parents want to know if the online course can ____________________________ children to learn from the excellent teachers.
【答案】make it possible for
【解析】中英文对照可知,横线上缺的是“使……可能”make it possibe,这里it作形式宾语,“对于……”for。故填make it possible for。
12. 我们应该更多地关注劳动教育,以此来使青少年的生活技能得以发展。
We should _________________________ labor education to develop teenagers’ life skills.
【答案】pay more attention to
【解析】根据中英文对照横线上应是“更多地关注”pay more attention to,由于“should”后加动词原形。故填pay more attention to。
This book ______________________________________________________________.
The little boy _______________________________________________________ in class.
The artist_________________________________________________________ passed away.
Follow these steps, ______________________________________________the sales of the product.
Nowadays, many people _________________________________________________ air pollution.
Have humans ________________________________________________________________________.
1.This book give me many suggestions/much advice on how to realize my dreams/make my dreams come true
2.The little boy has promise to his teacher that he will no more/no longer chat in class.
3.The artist was not famous for his works of art until he passed away.
4.Follow these steps, _and you will have a great influence on the sales of the product.
5.Nowadays, many people __prefer to live in the countryside for air pollution.
6.Have humans _has realized the importance of protecting environment.
3.Shanghai Disneyland由6个主题公园组成。
1. Have you ever dreamed/dreamt of/about travelling around the world?
2. Our country is getting/becoming stronger and stronger.
3. Shanghai Disneyland is made up of six theme parks.
4. It’s (very) important not to make the same mistake(s).
5. The boy was careful enough to pay attention to every detail.
1. With the help of the government, the hospital was set up at last.
2. He spoke too fast to express himself clearly.
3. The manager has been on business in Beijing for a week.
4. Whenever anything happens to us at school, Mr Wang is always the first to help.
5. In order to avoid wasting resources, we must recycle them as much as possible.
5. Mike自从痴迷于电脑游戏他就落后于别人了。
1.It's said that he is not very easy to get along with.
2.Will Kitty cheer up quickly if the method/way works
3.. Linda used to play the role of a young girl.
4. I wonder whether there will be many people willing to move to Mars.
5. Mike has been behind others since he was crazy about computer games.
1. How long has your brother been abroad for further education
2. To our great surprise, our suggestion/ advice was refused.
3. There are more and more people speaking Chinese in the world./
The number of the people who speak Chinese is becoming larger and larger in the world./
Chinese is spoken by more and more people in the world.
4. They wonder how to/ what to do to guard against catching a cold in spring.
5. The heavy rain yesterday didn't make much difference to the sport meeting.
1. It's necessary to think twice about everything.
2. The singer had to cut short his concert because of the heavy rain.
3. The children couldn't wait to play football after class.
4. It's so careless of you to mistake my book for yours./
You were so careless that you mistook my book for yours.
5. Have you gone over what you learned yesterday



