专题06 中考图表类阅读-2024年中考英语复习冲刺过关(江苏专用)(含解析)

专题06 中考图表类阅读
①文章来源题(The text is probably a _______.)
②文章的写作对象题(Who is the passage written for )
④文章的主要内容(What is the passage about )
⑤图表中某些人或者物之间的共同性在哪(What do broccoli and peas have in common (共有的) according to the passage )
Let’s Build a Greener World! China hopes to see the turning point of carbon emissions (碳排放) by 2030 and realize carbon neutrality (碳 中和) by 2060. Everyone should try their best to achieve this goal(目标). China’s goal by 2060 Carbon emissions of one year reach the highest point in 2030 and then begin to drop. How can we reduce carbon emissions
By Sunshine Community
28. The text is probably a _______.
A. poster B. novel C. diary D. poem
【答案】28. A
CAPTION COMPETITION Come up with the funniest caption (文字说明) for the following photo and you could win $100. To enter, email Below is last month’s caption competition: For last month’s competition, we got the following interesting captions: 1. What a shark-ing sight! By Jessica Cheng Hui Min 2. Just out for a quick bite.
asiaeditor@.au Or see details below Email: asiaeditor@.au Write: Reader’s Digest Asia, Editorial Department, Singapore Post Centre, PO Box 272, Singapore, 914010 Online: /contribute By Chris Ramos 3. I think that red car might be lost. It just keeps circling. By Adam Williams 4. Car pooling! By Sukhdeep Singh The winner of last month’s was Chris Ramos. Congratulations (祝贺)!
Besides caption competition, we also need some other ideas for the following: Laughs & Jokes $50—$100 for each winner Send in your real-life laugh for Life’s Like That or All In A Day’s Work. Got a joke Send it in for Laughter Is The Best Medicine! Smart Animals Up to $100 for each winner Share articles of special pets or wildlife in up to 300 words. My Story $250 for each winner Do you have an encouraging story to tell Articles must be true, unpublished and 800—1000 words.
25. Where can we read the text
A. On a business website. B. In a magazine.
C. In a textbook. D. In a travel guide.
【答案】25. B
Best Friends Best friends have magic, not the kind you see. If you want to see it, love is the key.
London Bridge Michael Fiandaca Age 7·Illinois Eddie Schiller Age 9·New York
Singing Irene Lu Age 8·Shanghai
Home Home, a place to go after a day of fun. Home, a place to go after work is done. Home, a place where family gathers. Home, to be another place I would not rather. Jack Stewart Age 9·New Jersey
25. This is probably a page taken from _________.
A. a magazine for children B. a magazine for adults
C. a comic book for children D. a comic book for adults
【答案】25. A
【解析】推理判断题。根据“Age 7”、“Age 9”、“Age 8”等可知,本文介绍了孩子们创作的作品,包括诗歌和画作,故文章可能节选自儿童杂志。故选A。
There is nothing wrong with having an accent (口音). In fact, most native English speakers won’t care if you do. You should feel confident about your accent! But as you improve your language abilities, losing your accent might be something you’ve started to think about. And, if you’re entering the workforce in an English speaking environment, it is important to get your pronunciation to a level that native speakers can understand without difficulty. So, here, we’re looking at some tips to help you sound like a native speaker.
Speak slowly and clearly Pay close attention to getting your words out clearly and speaking slowly as you go. When your pronunciation gets better, you can speed up your speaking speed. Learn the schwa skillfully The schwa is a vowel which sounds like “uh”. English speakers pronounce many other vowel sounds as the schwa. Learning when to exchange them can make your English sound more natural.
Use “He” and “She” correctly Make sure that you call men “he” and women “she”. If you mix them up, it can be confusing (混淆) for your listeners and it is a giveaway that you are not a native speaker. Fall tone and rise tone fluently In English, the meaning of what you say can change based on the way you say it. Make sure to work on your falling and rising tones so that your meaning is communicated clearly.
Learning how to sound like a native speaker can be a hard task. But it’s something you’ll have to do on your language learning journey. If you want to improve your pronunciation, the tips above will be of great value to you.
33. Where can you probably read this passage
A. In a novel. B. In a storybook.
C. In an advertisement. D. In a magazine.
【答案】33. D
3-D films are not new. They first appeared in 1903. The inventors wanted viewers to feel like they were really inside the film they were watching! When you watch a 3-D film, you feel as if the people on the screen are close enough to touch and that the airplane flying at you is flying right off the screen. To watch 3-D films, you may need to wear special glasses. Usually, people buy or borrow the glasses in the cinema. But have you ever thought of making
one pair by yourself
Here are tips for making your own 3-D glasses.
① Get some card boards. Cut out the shape of glasses. Make sure you can see through each hole when you hold it up to your eyes.
② Get some red and light blue acetate (醋酸透明塑胶片).
③ Glue the blue acetate on the right hole and the red on the left one.
Next time when you go to watch a 3-D film, don’t forget to take your own handmade glasses!
23. The passage probably comes from __________.
A. a storybook B. a film poster
C. a news report D. a science magazine
【答案】23. D
Badaling Great Wall lies in Yanqing County, more than 70 kilometers northwest from the center of Beijing City. It was the earliest part open to the tourists among all the parts of the whole Great Wall.
If you want to visit it, the following information may help you.
Opening Time
*Apr. 1 to Oct. 31: 7:00 a. m.—18:00 p. m
*Nov. 1 to Mar. 31: 7:30 a. m.—17:00 p. m
Ticket Price
*Apr. 1 to Oct. 31: 40 for adults, half price for students aged 6—18
*Nov. 1 to Mar. 31: 35 for adults, half price for students aged 6—18
*Bus No. 877: Deshengmen—Badaling Great Wall
*Beijing Suburban Railway Line S2: Huangtu Station—Yanqing Station
*High-speed railway: Beijing Beizhan—Yanqing Station
*Tourist Center
Address: Badaling Special Zone, Yanqing County, Beijing
Phone number: 010-69121226
*Website: www. badaling.
*Wechat official account: Badaling Great Wall
33. Which part of the newspaper is the passage probably from
A. Travel. B. Sports. C. Medicine. D. Fashion.
【答案】33. A
29. The reading material is most probably from a _________.
A. reading report B. shopping list C. travel guide D. science magazine
【答案】29. C
【解析】推理判断题。根据图片内容可知,主要介绍了Sunset Island这个景点,因此可以在旅行杂志上看见这篇文章,故选C。
Hours Monday to Saturday··························10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday···········································Noon to 5:00 p.m. Closed on January 1, July 4, Thanksgiving Day, December 24 & 25.
Tickets Adults·············································$9.00 Elders (65+)······································$8.00 Children (3 to 18) & Students·················$5.00 Children under 3·································Free
Viewing restrictions Some halls may be closed to the public on weekday mornings for school programs.
Museum store It has many special items, handbags, books, educational toys and gifts from around the world. Tel (203) 432-3740 Membership Members have the right to get a discount in the museum store, and other special services. Tel (203) 432-5426 Volunteer office Join our volunteer group! Tel (203) 432-3731 Public education More than 100 events are waiting for you! Tel (203) 432-3775
33. Where is the passage most likely from
A. A diary. B. A guidebook. C. A novel. D. A report.
【答案】33. B
【解析】推理判断题。根据“Yale PEABODY MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY”可知,本文主要介绍耶鲁皮博迪自然历史博物馆的相关信息,因此可以在指南书上看到;故选B。
Thirty-Six Stratagems(计谋), which show our ancient Chinese wisdom, are our ancient culture treasure. And many of these stratagems can still be put into practice in many fields, such as war, politics, business and even daily life. The following are four of them. Let’s enjoy the charm of our traditional culture.
Stratagem One When a thief is in your house, you’d better shut your doors at once in order to prevent him from running away. Why For our ancient Chinese, there are two reasons. First, if you let your enemy run away, he will come back. Second, once your enemy succeeds in running away, it is dangerous for you to chase him. Stratagem Two This stratagem is from a poem by Du Fu, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty. A line in the poem reads: “To shoot the man on horse-back, shoot his horse first; To catch the robbers, capture their leader first.” In a war if you want to beat the enemy, attack the leader first. Once the leader is caught, their forces will break down and fall into chaos.
Stratagem Three Chinese always believe that tigers are more powerful when they are in the mountains. Once they leave mountains, they will become less powerful. And there are a few Chinese sayings linking tigers with mountains. The stratagem advises you not to directly attack an enemy in his own area. Instead, you should try to make him leave his place first, making him lose the geographical advantage. In this way, your enemy will be beaten easily. Stratagem Four Experienced fishers all know how to prevent a hooked fish breaking the line. Move the fish line from side to side to gradually make the fish calm down and get tired, and then you can catch it easily. In the same way, once your enemy is trapped, he will often struggle, trying to run away. Leave him the false feeling that he still has a chance to run away. When he gets tired and loses his guard, you can capture him with less difficulty.
33. Where can we probably read Thirty-Six Stratagems
A. In a guide book. B. In an art book.
C. In a science book. D. In a classical book.
【答案】33. D
Enter to become a BBC young reporter Young people aged from 11—18 are invited to send stories about “Me and My World” as part of the BBC Young Reporter Competition. Here’s some information about it. ● The thing needed To take part, you don’t need to send us a finished report. Just provide your story idea. You can either write it down or record it as a video. ● The prize for winners With the help of BBC programme makers, winners will produce and share their reports on the BBC’s TV and radio channels and online. ● More information Visit our website at /TWJ-BBCYoungreporter and send your story idea before June 30.
26. Which of the following students can take part in the competition
A. Tom aged 6. B. Lucy aged 10.
C. Ben aged 16. D. Amy aged 20.
【答案】26. C
【解析】推理判断题。根据“Young people aged from 11—18 are invited to send stories about ‘Me and My World’ as part of the BBC Young Reporter Competition.”可知,作为英国广播公司青年记者大赛的一部分,11到18岁的年轻人被邀请发送关于“我和我的世界”的故事。因此16岁的Ben可以参加这个比赛。故选
Event Record
Name Opening ceremony(开幕式) of “2023 Taizhou Hu Yuan Reading Festival”
Purpose To encourage the national reading campaign(全民阅读)
Time On the morning of April 20, 2023, three days before the 28th World Reading Day Place In Taifuli Square, Taizhou
Activities 1. Speeches, singing and dancing and story-telling were performed. 2. “2022 Yearly Most Beautiful Reading Spot Award in Taizhou” was presented.
Li Ming(a student): I enjoy reading. For me, reading is the best way to encourage myself. I spend as much time as I can reading, for about 1 hour every day. I love novels best. How the Steel was Tempered is one of my favourite. When I am facing difficulties, Pavel Korchagin’s story will always remind me to be brave and never to give up. Zhang Hong(a teacher): After a hard day’s work, a piece of music, a cup of coffee and a book may make me feel comfortable and relaxed. I recommend the four great classical Chinese novels to all my students, for we can enjoy the beauty of different language styles, as well as traditional Chinese culture. But it’s a pity I have 2 hours at most to read every week. Wang Hua(an officer): Books are my assistant. When I am in trouble, a suitable book is always the best friend I go to. I keep the habit of reading for nearly 4 hours every week. Books tell me how to step forward. Shih Chi or Thirty-six Stratagems can not only improve my working ability but also fill my life. Hu Shanshan(a volunteer): I seldom have time to read, but I learned quite a lot today, and I will start my reading from today on.
29. What is recommended to the students by Zhang Hong
A. Shih Chi. B. How the Steel was Tempered.
C. Thirty-six Stratagems. D. The four great classical Chinese novels.
【答案】29. D
【解析】细节理解题。根据“I recommend the four great classical Chinese novels to all my students”可知,张红推荐四大名著,故选D。
What was your favorite subject in school History. I really loved studying different time periods, countries and cultures. I still love to read history books; travel when possible; watch the History Channel. —Kristin Singer Art. I was shy and quiet, and I could express my feelings through my artwork. It helped to build my self-confidence. —Blair C. Wilke History/social studies. A great teacher got me thinking about the role that each of us plays in society and how we can change the course of history. —Richard Goldman English. It created a love of books and writing in me. Being able to write beautiful words for others to read is real magic. —Tammy Bond Math. Some of the greatest life lessons I ever learned were in math. And then I decided I’d be a math teacher. —Teri Bench Top Answers Science 25% Math 18% History/social studies 17% English 14% Other (includes music, art, etc.) 26% What your favorite subject says about you Science: You are highly curious. You try to understand things by studying them carefully. You wisely connect ideas or reasons. Art: You are always looking for the bright side, even in the darkest situations, and often see the bigger picture. History: You seem to remember everything. You are wise, humorous and hardworking. Math: You’re well organized, seldom late and very strict. You can tell what things will be like. English: You are creative and open-minded. You love to explore in your own mind.
11. What percent of people in this survey like Science
A. 17%. B. 18%. C. 25%. D. 26%
【答案】11. C
【解析】细节理解题。根据表中“Science 25%”可知,25%的人喜欢科学,故选C。
Event Record
Name Opening ceremony(开幕式) of “2023 Taizhou Hu Yuan Reading Festival”
Purpose To encourage the national reading campaign(全民阅读)
Time On the morning of April 20, 2023, three days before the 28th World Reading Day Place In Taifuli Square, Taizhou
Activities 1. Speeches, singing and dancing and story-telling were performed. 2. “2022 Yearly Most Beautiful Reading Spot Award in Taizhou” was presented.
Li Ming(a student): I enjoy reading. For me, reading is the best way to encourage myself. I spend as much time as I can reading, for about 1 hour every day. I love novels best. How the Steel was Tempered is one of my favourite. When I am facing difficulties, Pavel Korchagin’s story will always remind me to be brave and never to give up. Zhang Hong(a teacher): After a hard day’s work, a piece of music, a cup of coffee and a book may make me feel comfortable and relaxed. I recommend the four great classical Chinese novels to all my students, for we can enjoy the beauty of different language styles, as well as traditional Chinese culture. But it’s a pity I have 2 hours at most to read every week. Wang Hua(an officer): Books are my assistant. When I am in trouble, a suitable book is always the best friend I go to. I keep the habit of reading for nearly 4 hours every week. Books tell me how to step forward. Shih Chi or Thirty-six Stratagems can not only improve my working ability but also fill my life.
Hu Shanshan(a volunteer): I seldom have time to read, but I learned quite a lot today, and I will start my reading from today on.
26. When was the 28th World Reading Day
A. On April 20, 2022. B. On April 20, 2023.
C. On April 23, 2022. D. On April 23, 2023.
【答案】26. D
【解析】细节理解题。根据“On the morning of April 20, 2023, three days before the 28th World Reading Day”可知,2023年4月20日上午,第28个世界读书日的前三天,所以第28个世界读书日是2023年4月23日。故选D。
The Beijing 2022 Olympics was the most gender-balanced (性别平衡的) Winter Olympic Games in history, with more than 1,300 female athletes — a record number — competing at the events, making up more than 45 percent of all athletes. Here are some female athletes whose achievements in Beijing amazed the world.
Team China’s teenage hero Gu Ailing, 18, is the youngest athlete to win three medals at a Winter Olympics. The freeski player won two gold medals and a silver in three events.
Russia’s skating silver medalist Alexandra Trusova, 17, amazed the world with five quadruple jumps (四周跳) during free skate at the Beijing Winter Olympics. No other woman has ever finished five quadruple jumps in an Olympic competition.
British women’s curling (冰壶) team won the country’s only gold medal by having a 10-3 win against Japan on the last day of the Beijing Winter Olympics. This was also the country’s first curling gold after 2002.
Almida de Val, a 24-year-old Swedish IT engineer, together with her teammate, took the third place in curling mixed doubles. She took a leave from her company to take part in the Olympics.
23. How many athletes took part in the Beijing 2022 Olympic Games
A. Around 1,300. B. Around 1,580. C. Around 2,880. D. Around 4,460.
【答案】23. C
【解析】推理判断题。根据“The Beijing 2022 Olympics was the most gender-balanced(性别平衡的) Winter Olympic Games in history, with more than 1,300 female athletes—a record number—competing at the events, making up more than 45 percent of all athletes.”可知,北京2022年冬奥会共有1300多名女性运动员参赛,这一数字创下纪录,占所有运动员的45%以上。所以大约有2800名运动员参赛,故选C。
26. How long is the boat trip around Sunset Island
A. Two hours. B. Three hours. C. Four hours. D. Eight hours.
【答案】26. A
【解析】细节理解题。根据“Two-hour trip leaves each day at 09:00”可知,是两小时旅行,故选A。
Hours Monday to Saturday··························10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday···········································Noon to 5:00 p.m. Closed on January 1, July 4, Thanksgiving Day, December 24 & 25.
Tickets Adults·············································$9.00 Elders (65+)······································$8.00 Children (3 to 18) & Students·················$5.00 Children under 3·································Free
Viewing restrictions Some halls may be closed to the public on weekday mornings for school programs.
Museum store It has many special items, handbags, books, educational toys and gifts from around the world. Tel (203) 432-3740 Membership Members have the right to get a discount in the museum store, and other special services. Tel (203) 432-5426 Volunteer office Join our volunteer group! Tel (203) 432-3731 Public education More than 100 events are waiting for you! Tel (203) 432-3775
31. How much should a 14-year-old boy pay to visit the museum
A. $5.00. B. $8.00. C. $9.00. D. $13.00.
【答案】31. A
【解析】细节理解题。根据“Children (3 to 18) & Students·················$5.00”可知,需要付5美元;故选A。
China has made great achievements in biodiversity protection. Building a national park system is one of the greatest jobs that China has done so far. In October 2021, China’s first five national parks were designated (认定). They are home to nearly 30% of the earth’s key wildlife species (物种) found in China, covering a protected land area of 230,000 square kilometers. This table will inform you of the first five national parks—China’s treasures in nature.
Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park Locations: Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces Landscapes: Mountains, hills, and valleys Representative species: Siberian tiger, Amur leopard (豹) Progress: Increasing population of protected animal species from the year of 2015 to 2022 — Siberian tigers: 27→50; Amur leopards: 42→60
Sanjiangyuan National Park Locations: Qinghai Province and Xizang Autonomous Region Landscapes: Glaciers, snow-capped mountains, high-altitude wetlands, deserts, alpine grasslands Representative species: Snow leopard, Tibetan antelope Progress: At present, the vegetation coverage of the grassland in the park has been over 60%, which is nearly 5% higher than that in 2015.
Locations: Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces Landscapes: Mountains, basins Representative species: Giant panda, red panda Progress: It is protecting over 70% of the wild giant panda population in the
Giant Panda National Park country. The population of protective animals in the park — Giant pandas 50+; Sichuan takins 1,300+
Wuyishan National Park Locations: Fujian and Jiangxi provinces Landscapes: Mountains Representative species: Chinese pangolin, Cabot’s tragopan Progress: Through reasonable development of 10% of its area, the park has holds its biodiversity conservation in 90% of its area under protection.
Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park Locations: Hainan Province Landscapes: Mountains Representative species: Hainan black crested gibbon Progress: The population of Hainan’s black crested gibbon in the wild — 1970s: 2 groups of 7 individuals (个体); At present: 5 groups of 36 individuals
31. What does the passage mainly tell us
A. When China’s first five national parks were discovered.
B. Some general information of China’s first five national park!
C. What challenges China’s first five national parks are facing.
D. Some actions to protect the wildlife species in these parks.
【答案】31. B
【解析】主旨大意题。根据“This table will inform you of the first five national parks—China’s treasures in nature.”以及整个文章的理解可知,主要是介绍中国首批五大国家公园的一些基本信息,故选B。
The Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Period was an age of great culture development in China. Here are some great characters of that time.
Shang Yang reformed many fields. Before the reform, he placed a log(原木)at the gate and promised, “If someone can move the log, he will get a reward.” No one believed him until someone moved the log, Shang Yang really gave him a reward.
Do you know Lu Ban lock It is a removable toy. Lu Ban made it for his son. His son studied all night before opening it. He also invented many tools and weapons(武器).
Li Bing was an expert in water projects. He set up many water projects. Dujiangyan is the most famous. It made water helpful to the people.
Once, an official fell unconscious(昏迷的). Everyone thought he was dead except Bian Que. Bian Que felt his weak pulse and said. “He will wake up in three days.” Two days later, the official woke up. Everyone was amazed.
When Bo Ya played, even the horses looked up, listened to his music and stopped eating. Bo Ya’s friend, Zhong Ziqi, understood his music. They liked each other. After Ziqi died, Bo Ya broke his guqin and never played it any more.
33. What’s the main theme(主题)of the article above
A. Famous people. B. Chinese medicine. C. Traditional music. D. Important inventions.
【答案】33. A
【解析】主旨大意题。根据“Here are some great characters of that time.”及全文可知,本文主要介绍了商鞅、鲁班、李冰、扁鹊、伯牙和钟子期几位著名的春秋战国时期的人物。故选A。
What was your favorite subject in school History. I really loved studying different time periods, countries and cultures. I still love to read history books; travel when possible; watch the History Channel. —Kristin Singer Art. I was shy and quiet, and I could express my feelings through my artwork. It helped to build my self-confidence. —Blair C. Wilke Top Answers Science 25% Math 18% History/social studies 17% English 14% Other (includes music, art, etc.) 26% What your favorite subject says about you Science: You are highly curious. You try to understand things by studying them carefully.
History/social studies. A great teacher got me thinking about the role that each of us plays in society and how we can change the course of history. —Richard Goldman English. It created a love of books and writing in me. Being able to write beautiful words for others to read is real magic. —Tammy Bond Math. Some of the greatest life lessons I ever learned were in math. And then I decided I’d be a math teacher. —Teri Bench You wisely connect ideas or reasons. Art: You are always looking for the bright side, even in the darkest situations, and often see the bigger picture. History: You seem to remember everything. You are wise, humorous and hardworking. Math: You’re well organized, seldom late and very strict. You can tell what things will be like. English: You are creative and open-minded. You love to explore in your own mind.
12. What do Kristin Singer and Richard Goldman have in common
A. They both liked History. B. They did well in social studies.
C. They both enjoyed travelling. D. They showed interest in Math.
D. She is creative and loves to explore in her mind.
【答案】12. A
【解析】细节理解题。根据“...I still love to read history books; travel when possible; watch the History Channel...”和“A great teacher got me thinking about the role that each of us plays in society and how we can change the course of history.”可知,他们都喜欢历史,故选A。
London Bridge Best Friends Best friends have magic, not the kind you see. If you want to see it, love is the key. Eddie Schiller Age 9·New York
Michael Fiandaca Age 7·Illinois
Singing Irene Lu Age 8·Shanghai
Home Home, a place to go after a day of fun. Home, a place to go after work is done. Home, a place where family gathers. Home, to be another place I would not rather. Jack Stewart Age 9·New Jersey
26. All the four children _________.
A. are from the US B. write poems well C. are under age 10 D. draw pictures well
【答案】26. C
【解析】细节理解题。根据“Age 7”、“Age 9”、“Age 9”、“Age 8”可知,四个孩子都不到10岁。故选C。
51. What should we take when we went out on April 15th
A. A thick coat. B. An umbrella. C. A map. D. A bike.
52. How many days might be rainy during these seven days
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
53. Which of the following sentences is true according to the weather report
A. It would be very rainy on April 16th.
B. We should wash our car on April 18th.
C. We’d better not do sports outside on April 12th.
D. The sun rose at 7:03 in the morning on April 12th.
【答案】51. B 52. D 53. C
Student Volunteers Needed! On Wednesday, May 3rd, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m., Moonlight Middle School will hold a music festival in the school gym. The special event will feature a variety of professional musicians and singers. Task Time Date Make posters 1 p.m.—4 p.m. April 26th Set up gym 11 a.m.—4 p.m. May 2nd Help performers 9 a.m.—4 p.m. May 3rd Welcome guests 10 a.m.—2 p.m. May 3rd Clean up gym 4 p.m.—7 p.m. May 3rd Interested students should speak with Ms. Lin, the music teacher. Students who would like to help at the festival must have written permission from a parent.
26. What time will the festival begin
A. At 10 a.m.. B. At 11 a.m.. C. At 1 p.m.. D. At 2 p.m..
27. What job will be done the day before the festival starts
A. Making posters. B. Setting up the gym.
C. Cleaning up the gym. D. Helping the performers.
28. Who needs to talk to Ms. Lin
A. Parents. B. Students. C. Teachers. D. Performers.
【答案】26. A 27. B 28. B
细节理解题。根据“Welcome guests 10 a.m.—2 p.m. May 3rd”可知音乐节10点开始。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“Welcome guests 10 a.m.—2 p.m. May 3rd”及“Set up gym 11 a.m.—4 p.m. May 2nd”可知音乐节5月3日开始,在此之前完成的是场馆建立,在5月2日。故选B。
细节理解题。根据“Interested students should speak with Ms. Lin”可知感兴趣的学生需要和林女士沟通。故选B。
Name: Yuan Longping Nationality: Chinese Contribution: He devoted his life to the increase of the rice production and solved the problem of hunger for many people. Name: Mother Teresa Nationality: Indian Contribution: She spent her life caring for the poor, the sick and the orphaned in India and many other countries.
Name: Roger Federer Name: Bill Gates
Nationality: Swiss Contribution: He has won many tennis championships and taken part in charity events in Africa. Nationality: Swiss Contribution: He and his wife created the world’s largest charitable foundation in 2000.
26. What’s the passage about
A. Charity for all. B. Research on science.
C. Business around the world. D. Introduction to famous people.
27. What do the four people share in common
A. Living in the same country. B. Having a heart full of love.
C. Achieving great success in charity. D. Enjoy taking part in sports games.
【答案】26. D 27. B
Planting the right seeds at the right time will not take as lots of efforts as we think. And some easy garden vegetables do grow themselves with little care. Here are four vegetables that are perfect for a backyard garden.
There is really only one important rule for planting green beans — don’t plant them too early. They won’t survive a frost (霜) which can cause the seeds to become bad. They may also stop producing in the middle of the summer, but if you water them, they will Brussels sprouts (抱子甘蓝) — this sweet vegetable can be grown in nearly any home garden with rich sunlight. They have a long growing season compared with other vegetables. Their taste improves if they are covered with frost. However, they only bear a
continue to produce once the temperatures start to drop in early fall. The more beans you pick, the more the plant will grow. few days of cold weather, so be sure to harvest them quickly.
Broccoli (西兰花) is a cool-weather plant that grows best in spring and fall. If grown in winter to avoid heavy frost, broccoli can also be grown indoors and moved to the garden when temperatures rise. When you grow broccoli, be sure to watch out for pests (害虫). If you start seeing pests, just pick them off by hand. Peas are a great choice for new gardeners. All you need is a container that is at least 10 inches deep and something for the plants to climb. They prefer lower temperatures and once the heat of summer hits, pea plants will stop producing. If garden space is limited, you can pull them up and replace peas in summer with another crop that likes the heat.
31. What can you do if you want to harvest more green beans
A. Plant the seeds in earliest spring. B. Avoid watering them in summer.
C. Collect them as often as possible. D. Keep them warm through autumn.
32. Which of the following descriptions about Brussels sprouts is true
A They can produce all year round. B. They can’t survive a long cold winter.
C. They can grow well in any garden. D. They taste better if covered with snow.
33. What do broccoli and peas have in common (共有的) according to the passage
A. They enjoy cool weather. B. They take up a lot of space.
C. They can deal with frost. D. They stop growing in summer.
【答案】31. C 32. B 33. A
细节理解题。根据“The more beans you pick, the more the plant will grow.”可知,摘的豆子越多,植物就会长得越多。因此如果想收获更多的青豆,就得尽可能多地收集它们。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“However, they only bear a few days of cold weather, so be sure to harvest them quickly.”可知,抱子甘蓝只能忍受几天的寒冷天气。因此可推断,它们无法度过漫长而寒冷的冬天。故选B。
推理判断题。根据“Broccoli is a cool-weather plant that grows best in spring and fall.”和“Peas ... They prefer lower temperatures, and once the heat of summer hits, pea plants will stop producing.”可推断,西兰花和豌豆都喜欢凉爽的天气。故选A。



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