Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected 单元测试(含解析)2023-2024人教版英语九年级全册

Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected 单元测试 -2023-2024学年人教版英语九年级全册
1.The 31st Olympic Games will take place ________ August, 2016.
A.in B.on C.At
2.The tickets for The Wandering Earth ________ well, and they will ________ soon.
A.are sold; sell out B.are sold; sold out C.sell; be sold out D.sell; sold out
3.Mum won’t allow Jack to go to the party unless he promises to be back ________ 9 p.m. tonight.
A.before B.till C.as D.since
4.—Because of the Double Reduction Policy (双减政策), students go home ________ they finish their homework at school.
—Sure. As a parent of a Grade 9 student, I don’t feel so tired as before.
A.before B.while C.since D.after
5.—What did Bob ask you just now
—He wanted to know how long ________ when he reached the cinema.
A.the film had started B.the film will start C.the film had been on
6.—Cindy looks down these days.
—She lost her watch that is ________ to her.
A.uncomfortable B.valuable C.available D.believable
7.—What was the ending of novel The Time Capsule
— It was so amazing and went ________ my imagination.
A.against B.above C.through D.beyond
8.Last night the big fire in Sunshine Shopping Mall was started by the children playing with matches. ,no one was hurt.
A.Luckily B.Suddenly C.Easily D.Sadly
9.Linda lost her watch that is ________ for her, and she seems rather sad.
A.valuable B.enjoyable C.comfortable D.believable
10.—I can’t think of any other actor whose acting skills are better than Zhang Songwen who acts in The Knockout.
—Yes, his success in this drama series is ________ words.
A.beyond B.without C.over D.above
通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
George lived with his sick mother in a poor village.
One bright sunny 11 in July, he went early to the forest two miles away. He was asked to 12 some wood from under the trees. After working hard for half a day, he looked around for a 13 place to rest and eat his lunch. Suddenly some fine red wild 14 caught his eyes.
“How good these will be with my bread and butter!” thought George. He at once began to 15 all the strawberries he could find and sat down by the river, ready to enjoy them.
Just then as he was lifting the 16 strawberry to his mouth, he thought of his mother. “shall I 17 them for her ” said he, thinking how much they would make 18 happy, yet still looking at them with longing (渴望的) eyes.
“ I will eat half, and take the other half to her,” said he. Then he divided the strawberries into two. 19 he found each half looked so small that he put them together again.
“I will only taste one.” Then seeing that he taken the biggest, he put it back. Finally he 20 them carefully with some leaves, deciding to keep all 21 his mother.
When the sun was beginning to go down, George went home 22 happy he felt that he had all his strawberries for his sick mother. The 23 he came to his home, the less he wished to taste them. As soon as he arrived, he ran to his 24 and happily offered his wild strawberries. Tears in eyes, she put her hand on his head and said 25 , “And you kept them for your sick mother, did you God will bless you for all this, my child.”
Could the eating of the strawberries have given George half the happiness he felt at the moment.
11.A.morning B.noon C.afternoon D.night
12.A.set up B.pick up C.put up D.give up
13.A.hot B.dark C.cool D.noisy
14.A.apples B.strawberries C.pears D.peaches
15.A.buy B.grow C.make D.collect
16.A.first B.last C.other D.next
17.A.cut B.peel C.sell D.keep
18.A.him B.them C.her D.it
19.A.But B.So C.If D.Or
20.A.showed B.locked C.covered D.washed
21.A.to B.from C.for D.on
22.A.What B.How C.Why D.Whether
23.A.nearer B.farther C.longer D.later
24.A.father B.sister C.friend D.mother
25.A.angrily B.lovingly C.worriedly D.politely
Wuzhen, in the north of Zhejiang Province, is an ancient water town with old 16th—century buildings and stone bridges. It’s a perfect setting for plays. The town is now hosting the ninth Wuzhen Theatre Festival.
The 10—day Wuzhen Theatre Festival runs from November 25th to December 5th. The festival includes wonderful plays, a theater market, outdoor celebrations and a competition for new artists. It provides a place for actors to be “seen”, and helps fresh blood enter the Chinese theater industry. There are many kinds of street performances offering an immersive experience for the visitors to lose themselves in.
This year’s theme is “Feng”, meaning abundance. Organizers say they chose this word because although they live in the challenging times, there’s still an abundance of creativity and warmth in people’s hearts. Stan Lai, the founder and festival director of the Wuzhen Theatre Festival, said a lot of effort has been made to make this year’s events happen. Lai said, “it’s been difficult, really difficult, to make this festival happen. But we need to continue doing this, even if just a few people show up. We hope to give people a warm feeling and a lot of courage at this special time of year.”
Founded in 2013, the Wuzhen Theatre Festival has given the water town a new life and made it a popular place among tourists. Organizers say more people should get to see and enjoy this beautiful and historic city.
26.What does the underlined word “immersive” mean
A.珍贵的 B.沉浸式的 C.特色的 D.流行的
27.Why do people choose the theme “Feng” this year
A.To help develop the water town.
B.To show this year’s good harvest.
C.To encourage people in challenging times.
D.To provide a chance for the theater industry.
28.What’s the best title(标题)of the text
A.A Game in Wuzhen B.A Travel Plan in Wuzhen
C.An Experience of Performing D.A Festival for Play Lovers
Why do many Chinese people refuse to cut their hair during the first month of the lunar year This is because people believe that getting a haircut during the first lunar month is not a good idea. Tradition says that doing so will cause one’s mother’s brothers to die. Although it’s not true, some people still believe it.
So after a month’s wait, people usually go to cut their hair on Dragon Head-Raising Day—the second day of the second lunar month. It is tradition to line up outside of barbershops on that day.
Dragon Head-Raising Day is an important traditional Chinese festival. In some old Chinese stories, dragons have power over the wind and the rain. They often bring rain to the world on the second day of the second lunar month. Ancient people believed that after that day, there would be more and more rain because the rain-bringing Dragon King would wake up from his winter sleep. With the help of the dragon, farming would be easier so that people would get a good harvest in autumn. So that day is the start of spring and farming. This is why the day is also called “Spring Dragon Day”. A well-known proverb goes, “On the second day of the second month, the dragon lifts his head.”
Besides cutting their hair, there are also other ways to celebrate this festival. For example, people eat food with “dragon names”. People call noodles dragons’ beard. Dumplings are dragons’ ears and spring rolls are dragons’ scales.
29.Which day is called Dragon Head-Raising Day
A.The first day of the first lunar month.
B.The second day of the first lunar month.
C.The first day of the second lunar month.
D.The second day of the second lunar month.
30.What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us
A.How Dragon Head-Raising Day comes.
B.How to spend Dragon Head-Raising Day.
C.What the rain-bringing Dragon King does.
D.What to do to welcome the rain-bringing Dragon King.
31.The passage is probably from a ________ book.
A.science B.geography C.custom D.comic
In China, Teachers’ Day was first celebrated on September 10, 1985. Now people celebrate it on September 10 every year. On this special day, students usually give their teachers thank-you cards, flowers, fruits and other small gifts to show their respect (尊重) and appreciation (感激).
In the United States, Teachers’ Day is known as “National Teacher Day”. It’s on Tuesday during the first full week of May. The day is celebrated by students to show their appreciation for their teachers with flowers,thank you cards and other gits.
In India, Teachers’ Day is celebrated on September 5 in honor of (纪念) the second president of India. September 5 is his birthday. Traditional songs are sung, poems are recited and dramas are performed by both junior and senior students.
In Russia, Teachers’ Day was celebrated on the first Sunday of October between 1965 and 1994. Since 1994, it has been celebrated on the 5th of October, the same day as World Teachers’ Day. Students usually show their respect and appreciation with games, competitions, dramas, dance or little presents. Besides the activities, some schools reward(奖励) their teachers for their efforts.
Teachers’ Day is celebrated in Vietnam (越南) on November 20th. It was first celebrated in 1958. Since 1982, the day has been named “Vietnamese Educators Day”. Students hold the Teachers’ Day parties at their schools to celebrate it.
32.When did Chinese people celebrate Teachers’ Day for the first time
A.In 1958. B.In 1965. C.In 1985. D.In 1994.
33.In India, students celebrate Teachers’ Day by doing the following things EXCEPT ________.
A.singing songs B.reciting poems C.performing dramas D.playing games
34.In ________, people celebrate Teachers’ Day in September.
A.China and India B.India and Russia
C.India and the United States D.China and Vietnam
35.Which of the following is NOT true
A.Five countries are mentioned in this passage.
B.Teachers’ Day is known as “National Teacher Day” in America.
C.Teachers’ Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of October in Russia now.
D.Chinese and American students give their teachers thank-you cards on Teachers’ Day.
The Spring Festival is celebrated not only in China but also in other parts of the world.
United States: Spring Festival has become a key time for Chinese living or working in the US. They join in a large evening party to welcome the traditional new year. It is a good chance for people to build a circle of friends and feel that they are not alone because they share the same culture and values.
Australia: The Chinese New Year will be welcomed with three weeks of celebrations across Australia. Many people come to Sydney’s Chinatown or Little Bourke in Melbourne. They enjoy fireworks, lion dances, dragon boat races and many other traditional activities. The celebrations are also a bridge towards better understanding between Chinese and non-Chinese.
Singapore: The family dinner on New Year’s Eve is an important tradition for Chinese whether they were born in Singapore or moved there from China. They place traditional food on a table as an act of remembering their past. Then the whole family enjoy their dinner together. They usually hold it at home because having it in a restaurant takes away the meaning of the tradition.
36.At Spring festival, American Chinese join in a large evening party to ________.
A.say hello to the new year B.refuse a good chance
C.tell others they are alone D.share different cultures
37.In Singapore, Chinese eat home-made not restaurant new year dinners because ________.
A.they were born in Singapore B.they moved there from other places
C.the restaurant is far away D.they want to keep Chinese tradition
38.After reading the passage above, we might say ________.
A.all parts of the world celebrate Spring Festival
B.the Chinese New Year is celebrated only in China
C.celebrations for spring festival are just held in four foreign countries
D.Chinese all over the world have a strong feeling towards Spring Festival
39.In which section of a magazine can we read the passage
40.To show how Spring Festival is widely celebrated outside China, the writer specifically gives us ________ other countries’ examples.
A.one B.two C.three D.four
As I was other office workers, I heard a loud sound.
42.By the time I got up, my sister had taken a shower.(就划线部分提问)
your sister done by the time you got up
43.Whenever I am in trouble, my parents are always there for me. (改写同义句)
when I am in trouble, my parents are always there for me.
45.I had sold the ticket when she came. (改否定句)
46.We (paint)the house before we (move)in.
47.That rich old man (make)a will before he (die).
48.They (study)the map of the country before they (leave).
49.The robbers (run away)before the policemen (arrive).
50.I (turn off)all the lights before I (go)to bed.
51.Paul (go)out with Jane after he (make)a phone call.
52.Tom (say)he (read)the book twice.
53.Our plan (fail)because we (make)a bad mistake.
54.When the chairman (finish)speaking, he (leave)the hall.
55.The Reads (have)lunch when I (get)to their house.
celebrate, because, go on, family, sixteen, an, however, important, to, they
In the US, the 56 birthday is special. People usually have 57 celebrations for teenagers. That is 58 the party is their first step to being an adult. Some of the parties are very big celebrations and cost a lot of money. Everyone wears beautiful clothes. These parties are held in hotels and there are even music groups playing. People usually give gifts 59 the sixteen-year-olds. Some gifts can be very expensive. The young people enjoy 60 at the party with singing and dancing. 61 , other parties are simple and people just have them at home. Sometimes, some 62 celebrate them in other ways, such as 63 a special trip together, watching 64 interesting movie or eating a big meal in a nice restaurant. How do you plan 65 your birthday
The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on lunar August 15th of a year. It is one of the most important 66 (festival) in China. On this day, people often get together to have a big dinner 67 their families. At night, people often enjoy 68 (admire) the moon and 69 all kinds of delicious mooncakes in the open air. Mooncakes carry people’s wishes to the families they 70 . This is the Mid-Autumn Festival in China.
Many countries in the world have their own Tree Planting Days. In different countries, the weather is different, but the dates of Tree Planting Days are different, too. It’s also named “Arbor Day”.
In 1979, China offically make Arbor Day on March 12th. It’s a holiday when encourages people and all kinds of group to plant and care for trees. People always plant many trees on that day.
Arbor Day in Japan is on April 3rd. In Japan, there is a specially rule. If you buy new car, you must plant a tree. That’s because of trees can help people prevent noisy and air pollution.
Rules about Arbor Day is also special in Poland. A family has to planting three trees when they have a new baby. So it is called the family tree.
81.中国有许多的传统节日,每个节日都有各自的特点。你的美国朋友Cindy想了解关于中国的传统节节日。请以“The Spring Festival”为题用英语写一篇80词左右的短文。
要求:1. 内容完整、书写清楚、字迹工整,表达通顺;
2. 文章开头已给出,不计入单词总数。
The Spring Festival
The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. Let me tell you something about it.
考查被动语态。sell售卖,无被动语态,故第一空填sell。sell out卖光,主语they与动词短语sell out之间是被动关系,故第二空应填过去分词,故选C。
考查介词辨析。before在……前;till直到;as作为;since自……以来。根据“Mum won’t allow Jack to go to the party unless he promises to be back”和“9 p.m. tonight”可知,妈妈不让杰克去参加晚会,除非他答应今晚9点前回来,“在……前”before。故选A。
考查连词辨析。before在……之前;while当……时候;since自从,既然;after在……之后。根据常识以及“students go home...they finish their homework at school”可知,学生在学校写完作业之后回家。故选D。
【详解】结合本题语境可知,要用过去完成时,而且start不能和how long搭配,故要用had been on的结构形式。
考查形容词辨析。uncomfortable不舒服的;valuable珍贵的;available可获得的;believable可信的。由“looks down”可推断,辛迪沮丧的原因是丢失的手表对她来说是“珍贵的”。故选B。
考查介词。against违反;above在……上面;through通过;beyond超出。根据“It was so amazing”可知,它太不可思议了,因此超出了我的想象,故选D。
【详解】句意:昨天晚上.阳光购物广场的大火是由孩子们玩火柴引发的,幸好,没有人受伤。A. Luckily幸运地;B. Suddenly突然地;C. Easily容易地;D. Sadly悲伤地。
考查形容词辨析。valuable有价值的;enjoyable愉快的;comfortable舒适的;believable可信的。根据“she seems rather sad”可知这块表是很有价值的,故选A。
考查介词辨析。beyond超出(某范围);without没有;over多于(某数量);above超过(某数量、水平等)。根据“his success”可知,他的成功用语言无法形容,即超出了语言表达的范围,beyond words“无法用语言形容”。故选A。
11.A 12.B 13.C 14.B 15.D 16.A 17.D 18.C 19.A 20.C 21.C 22.B 23.A 24.D 25.B
11.A考查名词辨析与语境理解。根据后文he went early to the forest two miles away他早早地就去了两英里外的森林,此句为:在一个晴朗的七月早晨。A. 早上;B.中午;C. 下午;D. 晚上。结合语境故选A。
12.B考查动词辨析与语境理解。前文讲到他到森林里去,此句为:他被要求从树下捡木头。A. 建立;B. 捡;C .张贴;D. 放弃。结合语境故选B。
13.C考查形容词辨析与语境理解。这里讲的是他休息的地方,此句为:他找了个凉快的地方休息和吃中餐。A .热的;B .黑的;C. 凉快的;D. 吵闹的。结合语境故选C。
14.B考查名词辨析与语境理解。从后文all the strawberries得知,此句为:忽然一些红的野生草莓吸引了他的眼球。A .苹果;B .草莓;C .梨;D. 桃子。结合语境故选B。
15.D考查动词辨析与语境理解。前文讲到他发现了一些草莓,并想和中餐一起吃,此句为:他马上开始采集这些草莓。A. 买;B .成长;C. 制作;D .采集。结合语境故选D。
16.A考查形容词辨析与语境理解。这里指他刚要吃草莓,此句为:就在他刚开始拿起第一颗草莓放到嘴巴里。A .第一;B. 最后;C. 其他的;D. 下一个。结合语境故选A。
17.D考查动词辨析与语境理解。从后文中他想这些草莓能让妈妈高兴,此句为:我应该为她留着。A .切;B. 削皮;C .卖;D. 留着。结合语境故选D。
18.C考查代词辨析与语境理解。从前文得知,他想为妈妈留着草莓,此句为:想想它们会让她多么开心。A. 他;B.他们;C. 她;D. 它。故此题选C。
19.A考查连词辨析与语境理解。前文讲到他把草莓分成两半,此句为:但是他发现每一半都看起来那么少,他把它们放到一起。A .但是;B. 所以;C .如果;D. 或者。结合语境故选A。
20.C考查动词辨析与语境理解。根据后文with some leaves用一些树叶,此句为:最后他小心地用一些树叶将它们盖住。A. 展现;B .锁住;C. 盖住;D. 洗。结合语境故选C。
21.C考查介词辨析与语境理解。结合前后文,此句为:决定为把所有的都为他妈妈留着。A. 到;B .来自;C. 为;D. 在……上面。结合语境故选C。
23.A考查形容词辨析与语境理解。根据前文得知他要回家了,此句为:他离家越近,他就越不想尝它们。A .更近;B. 更远;C. 更长;D. 更晚。结合语境故选A。
24.D考查名词辨析与语境理解。从前文得知他是为妈妈留着草莓,此句为:他一到家就跑向他妈妈,给她野生草莓。A .父亲;B .姐妹;C .朋友;D .妈妈。故选D。
25.B考查副词辨析与语境理解。这里讲到妈妈看到草莓的神情,此句为:眼里含着泪水,她将手放在他的头上亲切地说。A .生气地;B. 亲切地;C. 担忧地;D. 礼貌地。结合语境故选B。
26.B 27.C 28.D
26.词句猜测题。根据“There are many kinds of street performances offering an immersive experience for the visitors to lose themselves in.”可知,是让观众沉浸在表演中。故选B。
27.细节理解题。根据“Organizers say they chose this word because although they live in the challenging times, there’s still an abundance of creativity and warmth in people’s hearts.”可知,为了鼓励人们,虽然他们生活在充满挑战的当下,但是在人们的内心仍然充满创造性和温暖。故选C。
29.D 30.A 31.C
29.细节理解题。根据“Dragon Head-Raising Day—the second day of the second lunar month.”可知,龙抬头在农历二月初二,故选D。
30.段落大意题。根据“Dragon Head-Raising Day is an important traditional Chinese festival. In some old Chinese stories, dragons have power over the wind and the rain.”和本段可知,第三段主要介绍了龙抬头是怎么来的。故选A。
32.C 33.D 34.A 35.C
32.细节理解题。根据“In China, Teachers’ Day was first celebrated on September 10, 1985.”可知,在中国,教师节始于1985年9月10日。故选C。
33.细节理解题。根据“Traditional songs are sung, poems are recited and dramas are performed by both junior and senior students.”可知,学生们唱传统歌曲,背诵诗歌,表演戏剧。故选D。
34.细节理解题。根据“In India. Teachers’ Day is celebrated on September 5 in honor of (纪念) the second president of India. September 5 is his birthday.”和“ Now people celebrate it on September 10 every year. ”可知,中国和印度9月份庆祝教师节,故选A。
35.细节理解题。根据“Since 1994, it has been celebrated on the 5th of October, the same day as World Teachers’ Day.”可知,自1994年以来,它一直在10月5日庆祝,与世界教师日同一天。故选C。
36.A 37.D 38.D 39.B 40.C
36.细节理解题。根据文中“United States: They join in a large evening party to welcome the traditional new year.”可知,在美国的华人会参加大型晚会以迎接新年,故选A。
37.细节理解题。根据文中“Singapore: They usually hold it at home because having it in a restaurant takes away the meaning of the tradition.”可知,在新加坡,中国家庭不在餐馆吃年夜饭,而是在家里吃,因为他们想保持中国传统,故选D。
38.细节理解题。根据文中“The Spring Festival is celebrated not only in China but also in other parts of the world.”及全文可知,全世界的中国人都对春节有着强烈的感情,故选D。
40.细节理解题。根据“United States”,“Australia”和“Singapore”可知,介绍了春节在中国以外的三个其他国家是如何被广泛庆祝的,故选C。
41.waiting in line with
【详解】wait in line with sb“和某人排队”,根据“was”可知,此处是过去进行时,强调动作正在发生,故填waiting in line with。
42. What had
【详解】句意:我起床时,我姐姐已经洗过澡了。根据划线部分“taken a shower”可知,这里用what来提问,这里是过去完成时,要借助助动词had,其结构是“疑问词+had+主语+动词的过去分词+其他?”。根据题意,故填What;had。
43. No
【详解】句意:无论我什么时候深陷困难,我的父母都在我身边。whenever与no matter when同义,表示“无论什么时候”,此处引导状语从句。故填No matter。
44.Life is full of the unexpected
【详解】根据所给单词,本题为陈述句,分析所给单词,life作主语;is full of“充满”;定冠词+形容词,表示某一类事物,用the unexpected作宾语。故填Life is full of the unexpected“生活充满了意外”。
45.I hadn't sold the ticket when she came.
【详解】句意:她来的时候我已经把票卖了。原句动词用的是过去完成时,变成否定句时,直接在助动词had后面not即可,可以缩写成hadn't,故填I hadn't sold the ticket when she came.
46. had painted moved 47. had made died 48. had studied left 49. had run away arrived 50. had turned off went 51. went had made 52. said had read 53. failed had made 54. had finished left 55. were having/had had got
【解析】46.句意“在我们搬进去之前,我们把家粉刷了一遍”。搬家用过去时moved,粉刷房子在搬家之前,用过去完成时,故填had painted以及moved。
47.句意“这个富裕的老人死前立了遗嘱”。死亡用过去时died,老人立遗嘱在死亡之前,用过去完成时,故填had made和died。
48.句意“他们在离开之前研究了这个国家的地图”。离开用过去时left,研究地图在离开之前,故用过去完成时,故填had studied和left
49.句意“在警察来之前,强盗已经离开了”。警察到来用一般过去时arrived,强盗在警察离开之前就逃跑了,用过去完成时。根据句意,故填had run away以及arrived。
50.句意“在我上床睡觉之前,我关掉了所有的灯”。睡觉是过去时,关灯在睡觉之前,用过去完成时,故填had turned off以及went。
51.句意“保罗打完电话就和简出去了”。出去为过去时,打完电话在出去之前,用过去完成时,故填went和had made。
52.句意“汤姆说这本书他已经读了两遍了”。说为过去时,读在说之前,用过去完成时,故填said和had read。
53.句意“我们的计划失败了,因为我们犯了个大错误”。失败failed用过去时,犯错误在失败之前,用过去完成时,故填failed和had made。
54.句意“当主席演讲完之后,他离开了大厅”。离开用过去时left,完成发生在离开之前,用过去完成时,故填had left和finished。
55.句意“当我达到他们家时,里德一家人已经吃饭了”。到达用一般过去时got,吃饭,可知正在吃饭或者已经吃饭。故填were having/had had和got。
56.sixteenth 57.important 58.because 59.to 60.themselves 61.However 62.families 63.going on 64.an 65.to celebrate
56.句意:在美国,16岁的生日是很特别的。根据“the...birthday is special”和备选词汇可知,此处指的是16岁生日,应该用序数词。sixteen表示“16 ”,基数词,其序数词为sixteenth,表示“第16”。故填sixteenth。
57.句意:人们通常会为青少年举行重要的庆祝活动。根据“People usually have...celebrations”和备选词汇可知,celebrations是名词,此处应该填一个形容词作定语修饰celebrations。important表示“重要的”,形容词。符合语境。故填important。
58.句意:这是因为派对是他们成为成年人的第一步。根据“the party is their first step to being an adult”和备选词汇可知,成为成年人的第一步就是举办16岁生日派对,是在解释这个生日为什么重要的原因。because表示“因为”,符合语境。故填because。
59.句意:人们通常给16岁的孩子送礼物。根据“People usually give gifts...the sixteen-year-olds.”和备选词汇可知,人们给孩子送礼物。give sth. to sb.表示“给某人某物”,介词to符合语境。故填to。
60.句意:年轻人在聚会玩得很开心,又唱又跳。根据“The young people enjoy...at the party”和备选词汇可知,年轻人在派对上玩得愉快。enjoy oneself表示“玩得开心”,they表示“他们”,其反身代词是themselves。故填themselves。
61.句意:然而,其他聚会很简单,人们就在家里举行。根据“other parties are simple”和备选词汇可知,其他派对很简朴,与16岁生日派对的热闹场景不同,因此前后是转折关系。however表示“然而”,副词,置于句首开头字母要大写。故填However。
62.句意:有时,一些家庭用其他方式庆祝。根据“some...celebrate them in other ways, such as...restaurant.”和备选词汇可知,不同家庭庆祝生日派对的方式也不同。some表示“一些”,后面接名词复数。family表示“家庭”,其复数为families。故填families。
63.句意:比如一起去一个特别的旅行。根据“such as...a special trip”和备选词汇可知,作者是在举例子。such as表示“例如”,是介词短语,后面应该加动名词。go on a trip表示“去旅行”。故填going on。
64.句意:看一部有趣的电影或者在一家不错的餐厅吃一顿大餐。根据“watching...interesting movie or eating a big meal”和备选词汇可知,此处是泛指一部电影,且interesting是以元音音素开头的单词,所以用不定冠词an。故填an。
65.句意:你打算怎样庆祝你的生日 根据“How do you plan...your birthday ”和备选词汇可知,此处表示的是计划庆祝生日,plan to do sth. 表示“计划做某事”,celebrate表示“庆祝”。故填to celebrate。
66.festivals 67.with 68.admiring 69.eating/having 70.love/miss
66.句意:中秋节在每年的农历八月十五。它是中国最重要的节日之一。“one of the +最高级+名词复数”结构意为“……是……中的最……之一”,故名词festival应用复数形式。故填festivals。
67.句意:在这一天,人们经常和家人聚在一起吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。根据上文“people often get together”可知,人们聚在一起,和家人一起享用一顿丰盛的晚餐。with作介词,意为“和……一起”,符合句意,故填with。
68.句意:晚上,人们经常在露天赏月,吃各种美味的月饼。enjoy doing sth.为固定搭配,意为“喜欢做某事”,故动词admire应用ing形式。故填admiring。
69.句意:晚上,人们经常在露天赏月,吃各种美味的月饼。空格后为“all kinds of delicious mooncakes”,故此处指的是吃月饼,eat/have作动词,意为“吃”,且位于“enjoy doing sth.”结构中,故动词eat/have应用ing形式。故填eating/having。
71.but改为and 72.make改为made 73.when改为that/which 74.group改为groups 75.specially改为special 76.new前加a 77.去掉of 78.noisy改为noise 79.is改为are 80.planting改为plant
71.In different countries, the weather is different, but the dates of Tree Planting Days are different, too.在不同的国家,天气不同,但植树节的日期也不同。前后两句是并列关系,应用and连接,所以将but改为and。
72.In 1979, China offically make Arbor Day on March 12th.1979年,中国正式将3月12日定为植树节。根据“In 1979”可知,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,所以将make改为made。
73.It’s a holiday when encourages people...这是一个鼓励人们的节日……此处含定语从句,先行词是a holiday,引导词在从句中作主语,用that/which连接。所以将when改为that/which。
74.all kinds of group to plant and care for trees.各种团体种植和爱护树木。“all kinds of”修饰可数名词复数,所以将group改为groups。
75.In Japan, there is a specially rule.在日本,有一个特别的规定。此处应用形容词修饰rule,所以将specially改为special。
76.If you buy new car, you must plant a tree.如果你买一辆新车,你必须种一颗树。此处泛指一辆车,用不定冠词修饰,new首字母发辅音音素,所以在new前加a。
77.That’s because of trees can help people prevent...这是因为树木可以帮助人们防止……。“trees can help people prevent...”是一个句子,应用because引导原因状语从句,所以去掉of。
78.trees can help people prevent noisy and air pollution.树木可以帮助人们防止噪音和空气污染。prevent是动词,其后加名词作宾语,所以将noisy改为noise。
79.Rules about Arbor Day is also special in Poland.在波兰,关于植树节的规定也很特别。主语Rules是复数,be动词应用are。所以将is改为are。
80.A family has to planting three trees when they have a new baby.当一个家庭有了小宝宝的时候,他们必须种三棵树。has to do sth“不得不做某事”,所以将planting改为plant。
The Spring Festival
The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. Let me tell you something about it.
Before it comes, we often clean and decorate our house in order to welcome the Lunar New Year. Besides, we prepare many kinds of foods and drinks. Parents will buy new clothes for their children as well. People come back home to get together with all family members. On the Lunar New Year’s Eve, we sit together to have a big dinner and enjoy excellent programs on TV. We visit our relatives and friends and greet each other on the Lunar New Year’s Day. When children greet their grandparents, they will get lucky money.
The Spring Festival is not only an important festival but also a symbol of Chinese culture.
③提示:考生要以“The Spring Festival”为题写短文介绍中国的传统节日春节。
①in order to为了
②as well也
③get together聚在一起
When children greet their grandparents, they will get lucky money.(when引导的时间状语从句)




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