2024年中考英语专练(深圳专用)--专题02 阅读理解(含解析)

专题02 阅读理解
A pair of tusks (长牙) is usually an advantage for elephants, allowing them to dig for water, peel bark (剥树皮) for food and protect themselves. But because of illegally hunting, those big tusks may invite danger. Now researchers are working out how years of civil war and hunting in Mozambique have led to a greater number of elephants that will never develop tusks.
During the war from 1977 to 1992, fighters on both sides killed elephants for ivory to provide fund for the war. In the Gorongosa National Park, around 90% of the elephants were killed. The survivors shared a key feature: half the females were naturally tuskless — they simply never developed tusks — while before the war, less than a fifth lacked tusks. More confusing, two-thirds of the new-born elephants were female.
Like eye color in humans, genes (基因) are responsible for this. They found that the mothers have produced the smoking-gun genes for genetic changes. They pass the changed gene to both sons and daughters, but the sons are likely to die early in development. Daughters stay by their mother, many growing tuskless.
Most people think of development as something that goes on slowly, but humans can speed it up. “When we think about natural selection, we think about it happening over hundreds, or thousands of years,” said Samuel Wasser, a scientist at the University of Washington. “The fact that tusklessness happened over 15 years is one of the most surprising findings.”
Now the scientists are studying what more tuskless elephants mean for the species (物种) and its environment. “The changes will last for at least quite a few elephant generations. If an elephant doesn’t have the tool to peel bark from trees, then what chain reactions will happen ”
1.What has happened to the elephants in Mozambique
A.Tusks have helped elephants a lot. B.Quiet a few elephants became tuskless.
C.Tusks protected elephants against wars. D.Tusks became a danger to elephants.
2.What caused the killing of elephants from 1977 to 1992
A.Too many female elephants. B.No tusks of the elephants.
C.Money needed for the war. D.Only 10% male elephants.
3.Which of the following can best explain the underlined word “smoking-gun” in Paragraph 3
A.wrong B.careless C.true D.useless
4.How does the scientist Samuel Wasser feel about the development of the elephants
A.Interested. B.Pleased. C.Disappointed. D.Shocked.
5.What can we infer from the last paragraph
A.The elephants will develop more tusks as time goes by.
B.The elephants may die from hunger with human’s activities.
C.The elephants can be fed on themselves with scientists’ help.
D.The elephants can change the environment in their own way.
Students enjoyed the latest science lecture given by astronauts on board China’s Tiangong space station on Wednesday, March 23.The Shenzhou XIII members gave their second science lesson, also carrying out experiments. In one experiment, Wang used a toy of Bing Dwen Dwen, the popular mascot of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, to show how things fly in a weightless environment. They also showed students two pieces of cutting-edge scientific equipment inside the space station.
Before ending the lecture, the astronauts answered questions taken from members of the public and raised by students at the ground sites. The questions covered different parts of life and work in space, such as how to take care of their skin, whether they can drink hot water, if the moon looks different from the Tiangong station, and how tears move in a microgravitational environment.
At the end of the class, Wang told the audience that in the coming months, two large space labs—Wentian, or “quest for the heavens”, and Mengtian, or “dreaming of the heavens”—will be launched into space to be with the Tianhe module(舱) to complete the Tiangong station, and then China will have stronger ability in space-based scientific experimentation and the “Tiangong class” will become more interesting.
Pang Zhihao, an old spaceflight researcher said the class will be an “eye-opener” for teenagers because it has planted the dream of science in them. “Many scientists were created by their interest and curiosity about ‘strange things’. The experiments done by the astronauts will put ‘question marks’ in our students’ mind, and the teenagers will then move to find answers and explore more places unknown to human,” he said.
6.What kind of experiments do the Shenzhou XIII members do
A.Bing Dwendwen the toy experiment. B.The second science experiment in space.
C.Two pieces of scientific experiments. D.The science experiments without gravity.
7.What are the raised questions connected with
A.The astronauts’ work and life in space. B.The astronauts’ health like skin care.
C.The moon and the space station. D.The tears’ different shapes in space.
8.What will make our country greater in space-based scientific experimentation
A.The lab called Quest For the Heavens. B.The completing of the Tiangong station.
C.The launching of two large spaceships . D.The lab to be with the Tianhe module.
9.How does Pang Zhihao feel about the class
A.Interesting. B.Exciting. C.Valuable. D.Surprising.
10.Which part of the newspaper does the article belong to
A.Opinion. B.Lifestyle. C.People. D.Health.
(2022·广东北江实验学校三模)Li Meixi, 12, feels anxious(焦虑的)about her look—not her face, but her dressing. When she sees fashionable people on the street, she tries to stay away from them, because she feels so shameful that she doesn’t even want to walk on the same street with them. What Li is experiencing is fashion anxiety. It troubles many people today. They are anxious about their dressing, afraid of being seen out of style.
A big reason for anxiety is fashion bullying(霸凌). As fashion magazines and advertisements show the “latest and greatest” trends(趋势), there’s a lot of pressure on people, especially on teenagers, to follow them, no matter how much it will cost. “The need to belong in groups is very important to young learners and exclusion(排斥)is something they see as the end of the world,” said Andy Cranham, a teacher from the UK.
Another reason is that young people may not have a sense of self-identity. It seems that they feel anxious about their dressing, but actually they themselves are not confident enough. They care about how fashionable people look at them. They easily doubt themselves. The truth is that those people usually don’t notice them at all.
Fashion trends come and go, always changing. Instead of following, the key is to find your own style. If you’re able to wear clothes with confidence, you will be the one starting a trend. More importantly, dressing is only a part of your appearance. It can’t tell the true you. What really matters is your personality and abilities.
11.Li Meixi is anxious about ______.
A.her face B.her dressing C.her height D.her weight
12.People are experiencing much pressure from ______ according to the passage.
A.their parents B.their teachers
C.movies and TV shows D.fashion magazines and advertisements
13.According to Andy Cranham, young people want to ______.
A.do things they like B.learn by themselves
C.get into groups D.see the world better
14.The underlined word “self-identity” in Paragraph 3 means ______.
A.self-control B.self-confidence
C.self-improvement D.self-learning
15.What is the purpose of the passage
A.To introduce the most popular clothes at present.
B.To help people follow the latest and greatest trends.
C.To advise people to find their own style and be confident.
D.To teach people how to learn from fashion magazines.
(2022·广东·深圳市龙华区外国语学校三模)The International Day for Biological Diversity(生物多样性日)is celebrated on May 22. Its aim is to remind people to get along with the nature.
The day was first created in 1993 by the UN and it was on December 29th. In 2000, the UN changed it to May 22. This was partly in memory of the UN convention(公约)on May 22, 1992. But it was also hard for many countries to organize events on December 29, because there are already many holidays in that time of the year. Every year, the celebrations of the day are organized on a different topic. The topic in 2022 is “Building a shared future for all life”. The message behind is that biodiversity is what we can depend on to build a bright future. It is also the answer to several development challenges.
Biological diversity are necessary for our daily life. For example, fish provide 20% of animal protein to about 3 billion people. Over 80% of the human diet is provided by plants. As many as 70% of people from countryside in developing countries depend on traditional plant-based medicines for basic healthcare.
While people start to know that biological diversity is valuable, the number of species(物种)is dropping because of human activities. That is why the UN decided to celebrate the day every year.
16.What does “it” mean in Paragraph 2
A.The UN. B.The building. C.The date. D.The aim.
17.What can we learn from the topic of 2022
A.We can build a bright future for all life by sharing.
B.We can use different animals to make our future bright.
C.If we have difficulty developing, we may turn to biodiversity.
D.If there are fewer animals or plants, we will have a bright future.
18.How much of the human diet is provided by plants
A.20%. B.70%. C.80%. D.100%.
19.What is the main idea of the last two paragraphs
A.The history of the day. B.The celebrations of the day.
C.The causes of the death of animals. D.The importance of biological diversity.
20.Where can we find the article
A.A nature magazine. B.A storybook. C.A guidebook. D.A comic book.
(2022·广东·深圳市福田区外国语学校三模)When you walk in a Chinese city early in the morning, you’re likely to see groups of people exercising in the park. You’ll see them moving through a series of slow graceful movements. As their bodies flow from one exercise to the next, their minds are focused only on their deep, relaxed breathing.
Tai chi is part of national cultural heritage (遗产) which Chinese people take pride in. This ancient mind-body exercise is known as tai chi, and you don’t have to live in China to benefit from it. According to a survey in 2007, more than 2 million Americans are currently practicing tai chi.
Tai chi is called a mind-body type of exercise because it combines meditation, focused breathing, and physical movement. Because it’s also a low-impact (低强度的) exercise, it may be particularly suitable for older adults, but it’s a beneficial exercise for people of all ages.
Tai chi developed in China as a type of martial art. Today tai chi is used to develop fitness, meditation, balance, breathing, and well-being.
If tai chi is something you might like to try, look for a tai chi class near you. Keep in mind that training programs are different in many ways. You might want to ask around for a recommendation or try a class before you sign up. Ask potential tai chi instructors about their training and experience.
Tai chi is generally considered a low-risk exercise that is both safe and enjoyable. If you have any physical or medical problems, talk with your health care provider before starting any exercise program. And remember, although tai chi has many benefits, it can’t take the place of regular medical care.
21.Why does the author give the example in paragraph 1
A.To describe a scene.
B.To introduce the topic.
C.To summarize the text.
D.To guide the readers around the city.
22.What can we know from paragraph 2
A.Some foreigners are interested in tai chi.
B.Tai chi makes people happy, wise and energetic.
C.Chinese people don’t take tai chi seriously now.
D.Tai chi was considered a way to lengthen one’s life.
23.What does the underlined word “meditation” mean
A.Hard training. B.Deep thinking.
C.Body stretching. D.Violent exercising.
24.Who may benefit from practicing tai chi
A.Old people. B.The patients.
C.Young people. D.People of all ages.
25.What is the best title of this passage
A.Different Schools of Tai Chi around the World.
B.Tai Chi—a National Heritage and Wonderful Exercise.
C.Chinese Martial Arts—the Origin and Forms of Tai Chi.
D.The Advantages and Disadvantages of Practicing Tai Chi.
(2022·广东·深圳市福田区外国语学校三模)“Life is speeding up. Everyone is becoming unwell.” This may sound like something someone would say today. But in fact, an unwell person who lived in ancient Rome wrote it.
We all love new inventions. They are exciting, amazing and can even change our lives. But is it true that having all these developments really improves the quality of our lives.
Picture this: You’re rushing to finish your homework on the computer. Your mobile phone rings. A message from your friend appears on the screen. The noise from the telephone is getting louder and louder. Suddenly the computer goes blank and you lose all your work. Now you have to stay up all night to get it done.
Inventions have speeded up our lives so much that they often leave us feeling stressed and tired. Why do you think people who live far away from noisy cities, who have no telephones, no cars, not even any electricity often seem to be happier Perhaps that is because they live simpler lives.
One family in the UK went “back in time” to see what life was like without all the inventions we have today. The grandparents, with their daughter, and grandsons, Benjamin, 10, and Thomas, 7, spent nine weeks in a 1940s house. They had no washing machine, microwave, computer or mobile phone.
The grandmother, Lyn, said, “The more things you have, the more difficult life becomes.” The boys said they fought less. Probably, they said, because there was less to fight over, such as their computer. Benjamin also noticed that his grandmother had changed from being a fashionable granny to one who cooked things.
26.Who was the quote (引语) in paragraph 1 written by
A.The old granny. B.The unwell writer.
C.An ancient Roman. D.A creative inventor.
27.What does the writer want to tell us in paragraph 3
A.New inventions can bring us some troubles.
B.New inventions can help us work more efficiently.
C.New inventions can improve the quality of our lives.
D.New inventions can make people feel relaxed while working.
28.Why did the family choose to spend some time in a 1940s house
A.Because they loved to live simple lives.
B.Because they were troubled by modern inventions.
C.Because they all enjoyed by modern inventions.
D.Because they wanted to experience life without modern inventions.
29.What can we infer from the last paragraph
A.Their life became simpler.
B.The family enjoyed living together.
C.They fell in love with the old house.
D.They felt their life was full of excitement.
30.What is the passage mainly about
A.The history of technology.
B.Problems caused by technology.
C.The development of technology.
D.How technology improves our life.
South China Mall Shopping Coupons(优惠券)Six hours free parking If you spend $100 or more in our stores, you will receive six hours of free parking. Take this coupon to the service desk on the fourth floor to stamp(盖章)it! The offer ends on November 24. Buy one get one free Buy one shirt or tie at Daniel Men’s Wear and get another shirt or tie of the same value free. Hurry up! The offer ends on November 14. Win a $1,000 CD collection Win your choice of $1,000 worth of CDs from JB Music Store. Just buy any two CDs and your name will go into the competition. Select(挑选)your own prize from our many kinds of rock, pop, jazz and classical music. 10% off Show this coupon at the Book Store to get a 10% off on any books you buy. The offer ends on November 18. We have lots of books to choose from including children’s books, novels and travel guides. You’re sure to find something that you will enjoy. Free soft drinks Buy any meal for at least $6 at Mike’s Cafe and you’ll receive a free soft drink. We serve the best hamburger and snacks in the mall. The offer ends on November e in and try our delicious meals and our excellent service. You won’t be disappointed! Half price movie tickets Buy any full price movie ticket on Tuesday or Wednesday, and you can buy a second ticket for a friend only half price. The latest movies are all free. The offer ends on November 16.
31.If you spend $100 or more in the shop, ________.A.you can get a shirt free B.some free stamps will be given to you
C.a free book will belong to you D.you can park your car for 6 hours for free
32.If you want to have a free soft drink, you can go to ________.
A.Mike’s Cafe B.Daniel Men’s Wear C.the Book Store D.JB Music Store
33.If you can buy a second movie ticket for only $20, the full price ticket is ________.
A.$10 B.$25 C.$30 D.$40
34.The following coupons are available on November 15 EXCEPT ________.
A.10% off B.Free soft drink C.Half price movie tickets D.Buy one, get one free
35.From this passage we can learn ________.
A.one person can buy 4 tickets for the price of two
B.if you buy a book there, you may pay less than half the price
C.you can get another one free if you buy a shirt or a tie
D.you won’t get a free soft drink unless you spend more than 10 dollars on the meal
(2022·广东· 三模)Imagine this. There’s an apple and a piece of cake on a table. Which one would you like The delicious cake or the healthy apple A bestseller, Willpower: Rediscovering Our Greatest Strength, suggests that willpower (意志力) is the ability to make decisions that are better for us in the long term, rather than in the short term.
Here is a famous experiment in the book: The Marshmallow Test. In 1972, Professor Walter Mischel tested the willpower of 600 four-year-olds to six-year-olds. In the experiment, each child was left alone in a room for fifteen minutes with a marshmallow (棉花软糖) on a table in front of them. They were given two choices: they could either eat it or, if they waited fifteen minutes, they’d be given a second one (and then they could eat both).
So, what did the kids do Well, as you can imagine, 70% ate the first marshmallow within the fifteen minutes. But the other 30% showed willpower—they controlled themselves and waited for the second marshmallow. But then Mischel discovered something really interesting. Twenty years later, he got in touch with the children, who, by then, were in their early twenties. And he found that those who’d shown strong willpower were getting better marks at university and were more popular.
Willpower is like a muscle (肌肉), and the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets. So, if you do daily “self-control exercises”, such as making your bed or brushing your teeth, you’ll improve your overall willpower. And daily willpower exercises will help you with those bigger goals, such as studying for an exam or training for a marathon.
Be careful though. Just like any muscle, your “willpower muscle” can get tired. If you’ve had to do lots of things that require willpower, take a break or give yourself a treat. That way, you’ll build up your willpower again.
And one last thing, the writer mentions people who learn foreign languages usually have a lot of willpower. So, congratulations!
36.How many children got two marshmallows in the Marshmallow Test in 1972
A.180. B.240. C.420. D.600.
37.In Paragraphs 2&3, the famous experiment explains ________.
A.more kids have stronger willpower B.willpower influences people’s lives greatly
C.how people practice children’s willpower D.marshmallows can help improve willpower
38.The writer probably agrees that ________.
A.all the language learners have stronger willpower
B.willpower can’t be improved by doing some daily things
C.young kids don’t need to practice willpower like grown-ups
D.people with strong willpower can achieve their goals more easily
39.According to the passage, people who ________ might have strong willpower.
A.do regular piano practice every day B.give up morning running halfway
C.eat as much junk food as they like D.usually get up late on the cold morning
40.This passage is most probably from ________.
A.a food magazine B.an experiment report C.a science magazine D.a sports report
41.The experiment shows ________.
A.how to hold our breath for a longer time B.how to move more air
C.the theory of vacuums D.how our lungs work
42.What do we need to make a bag of wind
A.Tape, a clothes hanger and a small plastic bag.
B.Tape, a clothes hanger and a large plastic bag.
C.Tape, a helper and a large plastic dry cleaner’s bag.
D.Tape, a clothes hanger and large plastic dry cleaner’s bag.
43.To blow more air into the wind bag, we need to ________.
A.blow closely to the hole B.blow 25 cm away from the hole
C.blow 25 seconds into the hold D.blow with one long breath
44.More air went into the wind bag the second time because ________.
A.air went into the bag by itself while no air was in it
B.the people who blow held a longer breath
C.surrounding air was pulled in the bag while blowing
D.air inside the bag was blown out of the bag
45.Who can blow more air into the bag
A.(10 cm) B.(15 cm)
C.(20 cm) D.(25 cm)
(2022·山东聊城·二模)Is the world too crowded Well, that’s a hard question to answer. It’s a matter of the perspective (视角). In Montana, you might drive a mile in any direction and might not see another human being. In Macao, 60,000 people live in every square mile!
What is true is that the world’s population doesn’t stay the same. It has been increasing fast. That’s in part because in each generation (代), there are more people who then have children than the last generation.
Five hundred years ago, the population of the world was about 460 million. In 1900, the world’s population was under 2 billion (十亿). Right now it is doubling every 40 years. That means, if this rate of growth continues, when you are a parent, there will be twice as many people on earth as there are now. Soon the world’s population will probably reach 8 billion.
Some people worry about that! But there is a lot of disagreement about just how many people on earth means too many people. But everyone agrees that the more people there are, the more resources (资源) the world needs to offer and the more need there is to think carefully about how we live and use the earth’s resources.
46.From the first paragraph we can know that ________.
A.Montana is too crowded
B.Macao is too crowded
C.the world is too crowded
D.the world is not too crowded
47.The population is increasing fast partly because ________.
A.people live longer than before
B.there are fewer wars than before
C.medicine is developing faster than before
D.more couples now would like to have children than before
48.What was the world’s population in 1900 ________
A.450 million. B.Less than 2 billion.
C.40 billion. D.7 billion.
49.The writer thinks that with the population increasing, we should ________.
A.find more resources B.use more resources
C.think about our ways of living D.move to other places
50.From the passage we can learn that the writer ________.
A.thinks the world already has too many people
B.thinks the world can feed no more than 8 billion people
C.is not sure when the world’s population will reach 8 billion
D.is not sure what the world needs to feed so many people
1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B
1.细节理解题。根据“Now researchers are working out how years of civil war and hunting in Mozambique have led to a greater number of elephants that will never develop tusks.”可知不少大象没有象牙。故选B。
2.细节理解题。根据“During the war from 1977 to 1992, fighters on both sides killed elephants for ivory to provide fund for the war.”可知从1977年到1992年战争所需的钱导致了大象被杀。故选C。
3.词义猜测题。根据“They found that the mothers have produced the smoking-gun genes for genetic changes.”可知能造成基因变化的基因,应是错误的。故选A。
4.细节理解题。根据“The fact that tusklessness happened over 15 years is one of the most surprising findings.”可知Samuel Wasser感到大象的发展令人震惊。故选D。
5.推理判断题。根据“If an elephant doesn’t have the tool to peel bark from trees, then what chain reactions will happen ”可知大象没有了剥树皮的工具,会很难吃到东西,由此推出大象可能会因为人类的活动而饿死。故选B。
6.D 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.B
【分析】本文主要讲述了学生们在中国天宫空间站上听了最新的科学讲座以及 宇航员们回答了学生们各种各样的问题。
6.细节理解题。根据“In one experiment, Wang used a toy of Bing Dwen Dwen, the popular mascot of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, to show how things fly in a weightless environment.”可知,在一项实验中,王用2022年北京冬奥会吉祥物冰墩墩的玩具来展示物体在失重环境下如何飞行。故选D。
7.细节理解题。根据“The questions covered different parts of life and work in space”可知,这些问题涵盖了在太空生活和工作的不同部分,故选A。
8.细节理解题。根据“...will be launched into space to be with the Tianhe module(舱) to complete the Tiangong station and then China will have stronger ability in space-based scientific experimentation and the “Tiangong class” will become more interesting.”可知,与天河模块(舱)一起完成天宫站的建设,届时中国在天基科学实验方面的能力将会更强,故选B。
9.推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,Pang Zhihao大力赞扬了此次课程,因此认为此次课程是有价值的。故选C。
10.推理判断题。根据全文内容可知,主要讲述了学生们在中国天宫空间站上听了最新的科学讲座以及 宇航员们回答了学生们各种各样的问题,因此可以在“Lifestyle”上看到,故选B。
11.B 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.C
11.细节理解题。根据“Li Meixi, 12, feels anxious (焦虑的) about her look—not her face, but her dressing.”可知李美希为她的穿衣发愁。故选B。
12.细节理解题。根据“As fashion magazines and advertisements show the ‘latest and greatest’ trends (趋势), there’s a lot of pressure on people,”可知根据文章,人们正经历着来自时尚杂志和广告的巨大压力。故选D。
13.细节理解题。根据“The need to belong in groups is very important to young learners and exclusion (排斥) is something they see as the end of the world,”可知根据安迪·克兰汉姆的说法,年轻人想要加入时尚团体。故选C。
14.词义猜测题。根据“It seems that they feel anxious about their dressing, but actually they themselves are not confident enough”(他们似乎对自己的穿着感到焦虑,但实际上他们自己还不够自信)可知他们不够自信,self-identity和self-confidence“自信”同义,故选B。
15.推理判断题。根据“Fashion trends come and go, always changing. Instead of following, the key is to find your own style. If you’re able to wear clothes with confidence, you will be the one starting a trend. More importantly, dressing is only a part of your appearance. It can’t tell the true you. What really matters is your personality and abilities.”(时尚潮流来来去去,总是在变化。而不是跟随,关键是找到你自己的风格。如果你能自信地穿衣服,你将是引领潮流的人。更重要的是,穿着只是外表的一部分。它分辨不出真实的你。真正重要的是你的个性和能力。)可知作者建议人们找到自己的风格和自信。故选C。
16.C 17.C 18.C 19.D 20.A
16.词句猜测题。根据“In 2000, the UN changed it to May 22”可知是将“it”改为了5月22日,推测“it”应该是指日期。故选C。
17.推理判断题。根据“The message behind is that biodiversity is what we can depend on to build a bright future”可知我们可以依靠生物多样性来创建一个光明的未来,当发展遇到难题时,可以通过生物多样性的方法来解决。故选C。
18.细节理解题。根据“Over 80% of the human diet is provided by plants.”可知超过80%的人类食物由植物提供。故选C。
19.主旨大意题。根据“Biological diversity are necessary for our daily life”和“people start to know that biological diversity is valuable”可推测最后两段主要是讲述了生物多样性的重要。故选D。
21.B 22.A 23.B 24.D 25.B
22.细节理解题。根据“According to a survey in 2007, more than 2 million Americans are currently practicing tai chi”可知一些外国人对太极感兴趣,故选A。
23.词义猜测题。根据‘“Tai chi is called a mind-body type of exercise”可知太极被称为一项身心型锻炼,而由“focused breathing, and physical movement”猜测其应与意识方面有关,故选B。
24.细节理解题。根据“but it’s a beneficial exercise for people of all ages.”可知太极对所有年龄的人都是有益的。故选D。
26.C 27.A 28.D 29.A 30.B
26.细节理解题。根据第一段“But in fact, an unknown person who lived in ancient Rome wrote it.”可知,这句话是古罗马人说的。故选C。
27.主旨大意题。根据第三段“Picture this: You’re rushing to finish your homework on the computer. Your mobile phone rings. A message from your friend appears on the screen. The noise from the telephone is getting louder and louder.”可知,第三段举例告诉我们新发明会给我们带来一些麻烦。故选A。
28.细节理解题。根据第五段“One family in the UK went ‘back in time’ to see what life was like without all the inventions we have today.”可知,因为他们想体验没有现代发明的生活。故选D。
29.推理判断题。根据最后一段“Probably, they said, because there was less to fight over, such as their computer. Benjamin also noticed that his grandmother had changed from being a fashionable granny to one who cooked things.”可知,回到过去的生活后,他们的生活变得简单了。故选A。
30.主旨大意题。根据“Inventions have speeded up our lives so much that they often leave us feeling stressed and tired.”发明已经加速了我们的生活,以至于他们常常感到压力和疲惫。可知,本文主要讲述了是科技带来的问题。故选B。
31.D 32.A 33.D 34.D 35.C
31.细节理解题。根据“Six hours free parking”中第一句“If you spend $100 or more in our stores, you will receive six hours of free parking. ”可知消费超过100美元可免费停车6小时。故选D。
32.细节理解题。根据“Free soft drinks”中“Buy any meal for at least $6 at Mike’s Cafe and you’ll receive a free soft drink.”可知在Mike’s Cafe中以以至少6%的折扣购买任何一顿饭,就可以获得免费饮料。故选A。
33.细节理解题。根据“Half price movie tickets”中“Buy any full price movie ticket on Tuesday or Wednesday, and you can buy a second ticket for a friend only half price. ”可知周二和周四第二张电影票半价,所以第二张电影票20美元,它的原价应该是40美元。故选D。
34.细节理解题。根据“Buy one get one free”中“Hurry up! The offer ends on November 14.”可知买一送一活动在11月14日结束。故选D。
35.细节理解题。根据“Buy one get one free”中“Buy one shirt or tie at Daniel Men’s Wear and get another shirt or tie of the same value free.”可知买一件衬衫或领带,可免费获得另一件价值相同的衬衫或领带。故选C。
36.A 37.B 38.D 39.A 40.C
36.推理判断题。根据“In 1972, Professor Walter Mischel tested the willpower of 600 four-year-olds to six-year-olds”以及“But the other 30% showed willpower—they controlled themselves and waited for the second marshmallow”可知在1972的棉花糖测试中,共有600个孩子参加,其中有30%的孩子得到了两个棉花糖,也就是180个孩子。故选A。
37.推理判断题。根据“But then Mischel discovered something really interesting. Twenty years later, he got in touch with the children, who, by then, were in their early twenties. And he found that those who'd shown strong willpower were getting better marks at university and were more popular.”可知Mischel发现了一件非常有趣的事情。二十年后,他与孩子们取得了联系,那时他们才二十出头。他发现那些表现出强烈意志力的人在大学里成绩更好,也更受欢迎。由此可知,这个著名的实验说明了意志力对人们生活的影响很大。故选B。
38.推理判断题。根据“And daily willpower exercises will help you with those bigger goals”可知每天的意志力训练会帮助你实现更大的目标,作者应同意有坚强意志力的人更容易实现他们的目标。故选D。
39.推理判断题。根据“So, if you do daily “self-control exercises”, such as making your bed or brushing your teeth, you'll improve your overall willpower”可知你每天固定的去做一件事情,你就会有很强的意志力。结合选项,可知A选项“每天有规律地练习钢琴”符合题意。故选A。
40.推理判断题。根据“Here is a famous experiment in the book”可知这本书的理论从实验出发,来证实一些科学的结论,而实验只是书中的一部分,因此这篇文章可能来自一本科学杂志。故选C。
41.B 42.C 43.B 44.C 45.D
41.细节理解题。根据第一段“You can move more air than you might think just by blowing with your lungs.”和全文内容可知,本文通过一个科学实验演示如何通过吹气使得更多空气流动。故选B。
42.细节理解题。根据小标题“You will need”下面的三点“Helper、Tape、Large plastic dry cleaner’s bag”可知,我们需要一个助手、胶带和一个大的塑料干洗袋来制造一袋风。故选C。
43.细节理解题。根据第三步里的最后一句“Ask helper to hold bottom of bag again, and blow air into the small hole while keeping mouth about 25cm from the hole”可知,嘴与小孔保特25厘米的距离吹气。故选B。
44.细节理解题。根据最后一段“That pulled in a lot of surrounding air with it, filling up the bag.”可知,第二次有更多的空气进入风袋,因为在吹风时周围的空气被吸入风袋。故选C。
45.细节理解题。根据第三步里的最后一句“Ask helper to hold bottom of bag again, and blow air into the small hole while keeping mouth about 25cm from the hole”可知,嘴与小孔保特25厘米的距离吹气,故选D。
46.B 47.D 48.B 49.C 50.D
46.推理判断题。根据第一段中“In Montana, you might drive a mile in any direction and might not see another human being. In Macao, 60,000 people live in every square mile!”可知,在Montana你向任何方向开车一英里,可能看不到任何人,但是在澳门每平方英里有6万人,由此可知,澳门的人多,太拥挤了。故选B。
47.细节理解题。根据第二段中“That’s in part because in each generation (代), there are more people who then have children than the last generation.”可知,人口快速增长的部分原因是在每一代人中,有孩子的人比上一代更多。故选D。
48.细节理解题。根据第三段中“In 1900, the world’s population was under 2 billion (十亿).”可知,在1900年世界的人口不足20亿。故选B。
49.细节理解题。根据最后一段中“But everyone agrees that the more people there are, the more resources (资源) the world needs to offer and the more need there is to think carefully about how we live and use the earth’s resources.”可知,每个人都赞同,面对人口增长的问题,我们需要认真考虑自己的生活方式。故选C。
50.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“But there is a lot of disagreement about just how many people on earth means too many people.”可知,关于地球上有多少人才算多,人们的观点存在着许多分歧。由此可知,作者不确定世界需要什么来养活这么多人。故选D。



