2024年中考英语常考语法点专练(安徽专用)--专题10 名词(含解析)

专题10 名词
1.(2023·安徽·统考中考真题)The proper ________ of your spare time will make your life colorful.
A.date B.use C.name D.cause
2.(2022·安徽·统考中考真题)—I do morning exercises every day. It works my whole body.
—It’s a good habit. It helps you keep in good ________.
A.time B.touch C.health D.silence
3.(2021·安徽·统考中考真题)—Have you ever heard “A thousand-mile journey begins with the first _______”
—Yes. It’s a famous Chinese saying by Laozi.
A.class B.step C.break D.exam
4.(2020·安徽·统考中考真题)—What do you think of your new house built by the local government
—Pretty good. I have a of happiness now.
A.warning B.tradition C.feeling D.question
5.(2019·安徽·中考真题)You can see the _____ in our faces when we talk about the great achievements in the past 70 years.
A.doubt B.pride C.regret D.ability
6.(2018·安徽·中考真题)——What is the of your excellent spoken English
——Practice makes perfect!
A.result B.influence C.duty D.secret
7.(2017·安徽·中考真题)(2017 安徽)The New Silk Road will offer a good __________ for more nations to communicate.
A.chance B.habit C.question D.price
8.(2023·安徽合肥·统考二模)—Have you ever heard “Reading makes a full man.”
—Of course. It tells the ________ of reading.
A.ability B.difficulty C.courage D.value
9.(2023·安徽合肥·合肥市庐阳中学校考三模)—What is your ________ of doing exercise very often
—To be fit.
A.purpose B.influence C.choice D.secret
10.(2023·安徽合肥·合肥市第四十五中学校考一模)As President Xi Jinping noted, study is the ladder of growth and ________.
A.progress B.lesson C.respect D.love
11.(2023·安徽合肥·统考二模)— Some national treasures of China have returned to our motherland from foreign countries.
— Good news. They are part of traditional Chinese _____________ .
A.buildings B.language C.culture D.habits
12.(2023·安徽·校联考三模)—What do you think of Sophia and her work performance
—I think she is really able and friendly. It is a great ________ to work with her.
A.courage B.pleasure C.treasure D.worth
13.(2023·安徽黄山·统考一模)—She seemed to be suddenly filled with _______ and lifted two kids together from the water.
—Don’t forget that she’s a mom. Every mom will be a fighter when their kids are in danger.
A.ability B.energy C.patience D.confidence
14.(2023·安徽滁州·统考二模)—Betty, you’d better keep your ________ and go for it to achieve your dream.
—I will. Thanks a lot.
A.secret B.advice C.information D.promise
15.(2023·安徽阜阳·统考二模)Teenagers shouldn’t sit there for daydreaming. No one can achieve anything without _________.
A.effort B.standard C.ability D.pride
16.(2023·安徽合肥·合肥寿春中学校考一模)—Guess what China has succeeded in achieving the ________ of lifting 98.99 million poor people out of poverty.
—What great efforts she has made!
A.goal B.power C.method D.secret
17.(2023·安徽合肥·校联考二模)Kate is so shy that she doesn’t have ________ to sing in public.
A.spirit B.time C.cause D.courage
18.(2023·安徽亳州·统考一模)—How can I learn to play the guitar in a month
—Take your time. A long journey can be covered only by taking one ________ at a time.
A.class B.step C.break D.action
19.(2023·安徽合肥·统考二模)Putting your heart into something may not succeed at once, but it’s a step in the right ________.
A.instruction B.introduction
C.position D.direction
20.(2023·安徽六安·统考一模)—Have you seen Wandering Earth Ⅱ It has become a big ________ during the Spring Festival in 2023.
—Of course. It tells an amazing story of the Earth, spaceships and outer space.
A.move B.hit C.step D.touch
21.(2023·安徽滁州·统考一模)In the camera, these photos record my mom’s bright and unforgettable ________ at an early age.
A.points B.moments C.goals D.steps
22.(2023·安徽合肥·统考二模)—Look! Here comes Jenny! She’s always full of ________.
—So she is, because she takes lots of exercise in her spare time.
A.pride B.energy C.courage D.knowledge
23.(2023·安徽安庆·统考一模)—What’s your ________ to have so many good friends
—Being honest and kind.
A.degree B.secret C.coach D.excuse
24.(2023·安徽·校联考二模)—Waitress, may I take the order now
—OK. Here’s your ________.
A.paper B.menu C.cloth D.check
25.(2023·安徽宿州·统考一模)To invent a new kind of electric light, Thomas Edison did a lot of ________.
A.experiments B.inventions C.experiences D.works
26.(2023·安徽淮北·统考一模)—Do you know the book Compendium of Materia Medica (《本草纲目》)
—Yes. It tells us much about the history and medical _______ of many plants.
A.health B.price C.value D.cost
27.(2023·安徽合肥·统考三模)—This skirt is beautiful. Oh, my God! It’s too expensive.
—Never mind the ________. If you like, just buy it.
A.color B.size C.price D.style
28.(2023·安徽·校联考一模)You were asked on the phone just now. Tina left you a(n) __________.
A.notice B.message C.answer D.problem
29.(2023·安徽合肥·校联考二模)—I have got ready for the coming test.
—Well done! Success always comes after a good ________.
A.spirit B.goal C.list D.plan
30.(2023·安徽芜湖·统考二模)We can discover basic ________ about history in the Natural History Museum.
A.facts B.methods C.service D.advice
31.(2023·安徽合肥·统考二模)—I haven’t collected as much money as we expected for the people in need.
—I think you can lower your ________ because at least you’ve tried your best.
A.voice B.standard C.speed D.value
32.(2023·安徽宿州·统考模拟预测)—Jimmy always reads for half an hour before bedtime every day.
—That’s a good ________. Reading makes a full man.
A.dream B.wish C.habit D.rule
33.(2023·安徽滁州·统考二模)—Will you fix up the machine according to the ________, David
—No problem.
A.inventions B.invitations C.instructions D.interviews
34.(2023·安徽合肥·统考三模)—My parents always tell me that I should try my best and move in the right ___.
—Haha, that’s what all parents hope. They are afraid we will take the wrong way.
A.address B.project C.environment D.direction
35.(2023·安徽滁州·统考二模)Thanks to the team spirit, we got the ________ in the end and all of us will value this experience.
A.courage B.knowledge C.victory D.pleasure
36.(2023·安徽亳州·统考二模)The Chinese medicine is the ________ in China and it makes a great difference to health care of Chinese people.
A.spirit B.tradition C.treasure D.business
37.(2023·安徽滁州·统考三模)Since the dumpling is in the ________ of an ancient Chinese gold ingot (锭), it stands for wealth in our culture.
A.taste B.weight C.price D.shape
38.(2023·安徽合肥·统考二模)— Betty, you’d better follow the doctor’s advice and do more exercise.
— To be in good ______, I will.
A.condition B.sense C.direction D.courage
39.(2023·安徽滁州·统考一模)My grandma is good at paper-cutting. She can cut out pictures in the ________ of cartoon characters.
A.quality B.weight C.ability D.shape
40.(2023·安徽滁州·统考二模)—How was your visit to your friend’s
—It’s quite satisfying for my friend’s warm ________.
A.level B.magic C.treat D.speed
41.(2023·安徽合肥·统考二模)—How can I make friends easily in the new school
—You can make the first ________ by starting a lovely conversation.
A.move B.deal C.law D.order
42.(2023·安徽合肥·统考一模)—I really like this movie about Chinese history.
—So do I. From it, I have learned that we Chinese always have ________ to face difficulties.
A.courage B.agreement C.expression D.influence
43.(2023·安徽合肥·统考一模)—Some kids have to bear the ________ of getting separated from parents after the Spring Festival.
—Yes. We should care more about these left-behind children.
A.pain B.joke C.force D.date
44.(2023·安徽滁州·统考一模)—Some of my Russian friends will come to China next month.
—You can give them Chinese tea as a ________.
A.change B.chance C.dinner D.treat
45.(2023·安徽滁州·统考一模)—How did ancient people tell the time
—They did that from the ______ of the sun.
A.tradition B.condition C.position D.situation
46.(2023·安徽合肥·统考二模)If you want to become fit, my ________ is to try a sport and stick to it.
A.goal B.habit C.advice D.excuse
47.(2023·安徽蚌埠·统考三模)Can we stop the ________ of the world’s deserts and save the land that man depends on
A.loss B.heat C.spread D.influence
48.(2023·安徽蚌埠·统考一模)Decide what you want, then set a _______ and keep on racing until you finish it.
A.rule B.goal C.record D.line
49.(2023·安徽合肥·合肥市第四十二中学校考一模)—It is a Chinese ________ to go home during the Spring Festival, no matter how far the home town is.
—No wonder there are so many people on the train!
A.tradition B.memory C.relationship D.history
50.(2023·安徽合肥·合肥市第四十二中学校考一模)None of the soldiers could find the right ________, so all of them lost their way.
A.place B.environment C.direction D.purpose
51.(2023·安徽亳州·校联考模拟预测)Kevin is a man full of ____. He never loses heart in the face of difficulty.
A.courage B.energy C.trouble D.sadness
52.(2023·安徽合肥·统考一模)—You look pretty well!
—I’ve changed a lot by developing good life ________ and doing more exercise.
A.tasks B.choices C.grades D.habits
53.(2023·安徽·模拟预测)The doctors thought it was a ______ that James could wake up after being hurt so seriously in the car accident.
A.truth B.mistake C.symbol D.wonder
54.(2023·安徽合肥·模拟预测)—How about Jim in your class recently
—With his great ________ during summer holidays, he has made much progress this term.
A.efforts B.supports C.skills D.awards
55.(2023·安徽马鞍山·校考一模)—Finding information is not a big deal today.
—Well, the ________ is how we can tell whether the information is useful or not.
A.exchange B.message C.challenge D.knowledge
56.(2023·安徽阜阳·统考一模)We should always be ready to help others because helping each other can bring us ________.
A.money B.luck C.pleasure D.courage
57.(2023·安徽池州·校联考一模)Steve is always full of _________. He not only takes all kinds of activities at school, but also helps with housework at home.
A.fun B.pride C.energy D.hope
58.(2023·安徽合肥·统考一模)Wang Fei made a ______ to his parents that he would never play computer games for such a long time.
A.try B.promise C.plan D.decision
59.(2023·安徽合肥·校联考一模)After discussing the project several times, they finally reached a(n) _______ on the finishing time.
A.purpose B.victory C.agreement D.exchange
60.(2023·安徽·校联考一模)—I want to visit Sally. Could you tell me her ________
—Sure. She lives at 108 West St. Oxford.
A.support B.address C.victory D.purpose
61.(2023·安徽·统考一模)Luckily, we had a good ________ to visit the Palace Museum last summer and learned a lot about Chinese culture.
A.chance B.reason C.choice D.right
62.(2022·安徽合肥·校考三模)No one is not afraid of difficulties. We say our medical workers are great because they have been fighting with ________.
A.medicine B.wealth C.luck D.courage
63.(2023·安徽马鞍山·统考二模)—Why do so many companies want her to work for them
—She can speak both English and French. It’s certainly her _______.
A.decision B.condition C.advantage D.knowledge
64.(2022·安徽合肥·校联考三模)—What does that _________ show
—It shows that many students don’t have enough sleep.
A.business B.direction C.survey D.reason
65.(2022·安徽淮南·模拟预测)It’s important for us to develop ________ to learn and think by ourselves.
A.idea B.secret C.ability D.pattern
66.(2022·安徽·统考模拟预测)— Could you please tell me the ________ of building a lake here
—To improve the environment.
A.chance B.purpose C.method D.secret
67.(2022·安徽黄山·统考二模)— Jane didn’t go to the cinema with me last night. She said she didn’t feel well.
— That was only a (n) ________. I saw her studying in the school library at that time.
A.result B.excuse C.matter D.reason
68.(2022·安徽·模拟预测)—Have you heard the news that the Chinese women’s soccer team won the AFC Women’s Asian Cup on Feb. 6th, 2022
—Yes. That was so exciting! The team believed that their strong fighting spirit is the key to ________.
A.value B.success C.doubt D.peace
69.(2022·安徽·校联考二模)—Let’s have the class of “Space teaching” this afternoon.
—Great! That’s a good ________. I’m sure it’s very interesting.
A.idea B.place C.prize D.passage
70.(2022·安徽·校联考三模)—What’s your friend’s ________ to your invitation
—He’ll come to my birthday party on time.
A.excuse B.reply C.reason D.advice
考查名词辨析。date日期;use使用;name名字;cause原因。根据“…will make your life colorful.”可知,想让生活丰富多彩,就要利用好空闲时间。故选B。
【详解】句意:——我每天晨练。 它对我全身都有作用。 ——这是一个好习惯。 它帮助你保持健康。
考查名词辨析。time时间;touch触摸;health健康;silence沉默。根据“I do morning exercises every day. It works my whole body”可知,晨练可以帮助保持健康,故选C。
考查名词辨析。class班级;step步;break休息;exam考试。根据“A thousand-mile journey begins with the first…”可知,此处表示“千里之行始于足下”,故选B。
考查名词辨析。warning警告;tradition传统;feeling感觉;question问题。根据题干中“a ____ of happiness”可知此处是说“一种幸福的感觉”,用feeling符合题意。故选C。
【详解】句意:当我们谈到过去70年取得的巨大成就时,你能看到我们脸上的骄傲。doubt怀疑,疑问;pride骄傲;自豪;regret后悔,遗憾;ability能力。根据句意when we talk about the great achievements in the past 70 years可知,谈到取得的成就,应感到自豪。故应选B。
A. result结果; B. influence 影响; C. duty 职责; D. secret秘密;根据Practice makes perfect!可知是秘密;故选D
【详解】句意:新丝绸之路将为更多的国家交流提供一个好机会。考查名词辨析的用法。A. chance机会;B. habit习惯;C. question问题,疑问;D. price价格。新丝绸之路是为更多的国家提供交流的机会,故选A。
【详解】句意:——你听过“读书使人充实”吗? ——当然。它讲述了了读书的价值。
考查名词辨析。ability能力;difficulty困难;courage勇气;value价值。根据“Have you ever heard ‘Reading makes a full man.’”可知,此处填“价值”符合语境,指的是读书的价值。故选D。
考查名词辨析。purpose目的;influence影响;choice选择;secret秘密。根据“To be fit.”可知保持健康是经常做运动的目的。故选A。
考查名词辨析。progress进步;lesson课程;respect尊敬;love喜爱。根据“study is the ladder of growth and...”,可知和成长类似的应是进步,故空处应为进步。故选A。
考查名词辨析。buildings建筑物;language语言;culture文化;habits习惯。根据“Some national treasures of China have returned to our motherland from foreign countries”可知应是中国文化的一部分,故选C。
考查名词辨析。courage勇气;pleasure高兴;treasure财富;worth值得。根据“I think she is really able and friendly”可知她很友好,所以很高兴能和她一起工作,故选B。
考查名词辨析。ability能力;energy能量;patience耐心;confidence自信。由“lifted two kids together from the water”可知,此处是指充满了能量。故选B。
考查名词辨析。secret秘密;advice建议;information信息;promise承诺。根据“keep your...and go for it to achieve your dream”及选项可知,应是信守诺言,去实现梦想,其他选项不合语境,故选D。
考查名词辨析。effort努力;standard标准;ability能力;pride自豪。根据“No one can achieve anything without…”可知,不努力的话不会做成任何事。故选A。
考查名词辨析。goal目标;power能量;method方法;secret秘密。根据“lifting 98.99 million poor people out of poverty.”可知,是说实现了9899万贫困人口脱贫的目标。故选A。
考查名词辨析。spirit精神;time时间;cause原因;courage勇气。根据“Kate is so shy”可知,凯特很害羞,可推测是没有勇气在公共场合唱歌的。故选D。
考查名词辨析。class班级,等级;step步骤,脚步;break休息;action动作。根据“A long journey can be covered only by taking one... at a time”可知,应答者是让对方一步一步地走,即要一点一滴慢慢积累,才能学有所成。故选B。
考查名词辨析。instruction说明;introduction介绍;position位置;direction方向。根据“Putting your heart into something”和“a step in the right”并结合备选项可知,全身心投入某件事是朝着正确的方向。故选D。
考查名词辨析。move移动;hit受到广泛欢迎的人(或事物);step步骤;touch触碰。根据“Of course. It tells an amazing story of the Earth, spaceships and outer space.”可知,这里是指这部电影大受欢迎,故选B。
考查名词辨析。points点;moments时刻;goals目标;steps步骤。根据”In the camera, these photos record my mom’s bright and unforgettable...“可知,此处指灿烂和难忘的时刻,故选B。
考查名词辨析。pride骄傲;energy精力;courage勇气;knowledge知识。根据“ because she takes lots of exercise in her spare time”可知,因为每天大量锻炼所以精力充沛,full of energy意为“精力充沛的”,故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。degree学位;secret秘诀;coach教练;excuse借口。根据“What’s your...to have so many good friends ”可知,是在问,你有这么多好朋友的……是什么?而答语是“Being honest and kind诚实善良”,所以“秘诀” 符合语境。故选B。
考查名词辨析。paper纸;menu菜单;cloth布;check检查。由“Waitress, may I take the order now”可知,此处是指点餐,要看菜单。故选B。
考查名词辨析。experiments实验;inventions发明;experiences经历;works作品。根据“To invent a new kind of electric light”及常识可知,发明的过程中需要做很多次实验,故选A。
考查名词辨析。health健康;price价格;value价值;cost费用。根据“the book Compendium of Materia Medica (《本草纲目》)”以及“medical...of many plants”可知,《本草纲目》告诉我们许多植物的医用价值。故选C。
考查名词。color颜色;size尺寸;price价格;style风格。根据“Oh, my God! It’s too expensive.”可知,认为它太贵了,此处应该指价格price。故选C。
考查名词。notice通知;message信息;answer回答;problem问题。根据“You were asked on the phone just now. Tina left you a(n)...”可知是蒂娜留了一个信息。故选B。
【详解】句意:——我已经为即将到来的考试做好了准备。 ——干得好!成功总是在一个好的计划之后。
考查名词辨析。spirit精神;goal目标;list清单;plan计划。根据“I have got ready for the coming test”可知此处是说成功总是在一个好的计划之后, 故选D。
考查名词辨析。facts事实;methods方法;service服务;advice建议。根据“discover basic … about history in the Natural History Museum”可知,在历史博物馆里可以发现有关历史的事实,故选A。
考查名词辨析。voice嗓音;standard标准;speed速度;value价值。根据“I think you can lower your ...because at least you’ve tried your best.”可知表示我认为你可以降低你的……,因为至少你已经尽力了,因此是降低标准,用standard。故选B。
考查名词辨析。dream梦想;wish愿望;habit习惯;rule规则。根据“Jimmy always reads for half an hour before bedtime every day.”可知,每天在睡觉前都会读半小时的书是一种习惯,故选C。
考查名词辨析。inventions发明;invitations邀请;instructions说明;interviews采访。根据“fix up the machine”及常识可知,修理机器要参考说明书。故选C。
考查名词辨析。address地址;project项目;environment环境;direction方向。根据“move in the righ”和“take the wrong way”可知,与方向有关,故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。courage信心;knowledge知识;victory胜利;pleasure快乐。根据题干中提到“thanks to the team spirit” 和“value this experience” 可推断他们取得了胜利。故选C。
考查名词辨析。spirit精神;tradition传统;treasure珍宝;business生意。根据“The Chinese medicine is the...in China”可知中医是中国的瑰宝。故选C。
考查名词辨析。taste味道;weight 重量;price价格;shape形状。根据“ it stands for wealth in our culture”可知此处指“饺子形似中国古代金锭,代表着财富”。故选D。
考查名词辨析。condition状况;sense感觉;direction方向;courage勇气。根据“follow the doctor’s advice and do more exercise.”可知是听从医生的建议,多做运动,短语be in good condition表示“状态良好”,符合题意。故选A。
考查名词辨析。quality质量;weight重量;ability能力;shape形状.根据“cut out pictures in the...of cartoon characters”可知,是剪出卡通人物的形状,故选D。
考查名词辨析。level水平;magic魔法;treat款待;speed速度。根据“my friend’s warm”可知是指朋友的热情款待,故选C。
考查名词辨析。move行动;deal交易;law法律;order命令。 make the first move意为“迈出第一步、主动出击”,故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。courage勇气;agreement协议;expression表达;influence影响。根据空前动词“have有”和后面的“to face difficulties面对困难”,结合选项可知,应是有勇气面对困难,因此A选项符合题意。故选A。
考查名词辨析。pain痛苦;joke玩笑;force暴力;date日期。根据“getting separated from parents”可知,此处指与父母分离的痛苦。故选A。
考查名词辨析。change变化;chance机会;dinner晚餐;treat款待,招待。根据“You can give them Chinese tea as a ...”可知,此处表示用中国茶招待他们;as a treat“作为招待”。故选D。
考查名词辨析。tradition传统;condition环境;position位置;situation情况。根据“…of the sun”和常识可知,是根据太阳的位置分辨时间,故选C。
考查名词辨析。goal目标;habit习惯;advice建议;excuse借口。根据“If you want to become fit” 和“to try a sport and stick to it”可知,尝试运动并坚持下去是保持健康的建议,故选C。
考查名词辨析。loss迷失;heat热量;spread传播;influence影响。根据“Can we stop the...of the world’s deserts”可知,是阻止世界沙漠的蔓延,故选C。
考查名词辨析。rule规则;goal目标;record记录;line线。根据“Decide what you want”可知要设定一个目标。故选B。
考查名词辨析。tradition传统;memory记忆;relationship关系;history历史。根据“go home during the Spring Festival”可知,春节回家是中国传统。故选A。
考查名词辨析。place地方;environment环境;direction方向;purpose意图。根据“so all of them lost their way.”可知,这里指没有一个士兵能找到正确的方向。故选C。
考查名词辨析。courage勇气;energy能量;trouble问题;sadness悲伤。根据“He never loses heart in the face of difficulty.”可知面对困难,他从不气馁,说明他有勇气,故选A。
考查名词辨析。tasks任务;choices选择;grades分数;habits习惯。根据上文中“look pretty well”可知,看起来健康跟生活习惯相关,应填habits。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。truth真相;mistake错误;symbol象征;wonder奇迹。由句中“James could wake up after being hurt so seriously in the car accident”知,此句是说医生认为这是个奇迹,故选D。
考查名词辨析。efforts努力;supports支持;skills技巧;awards奖励。根据“he has made much progress this term.”可知取得了很大的进步,因此是付出了努力。故选A。
考查名词辨析。money钱;luck运气;pleasure快乐;courage勇气。根据“because helping each other can bring us”可知帮助他人会让人快乐。故选C。
考查名词辨析。fun乐趣;pride骄傲;energy精力;hope希望。根据“He not only takes all kinds of activities at school, but also helps with housework at home”可知,他精力充沛,故选C。
考查名词辨析。try尝试;promise保证;plan计划;decision决定。根据“that he would never play computer games for such a long time”可知是保证不玩那么久的电脑游戏了,故选B。
考查名词辨析。purpose目的;victory胜利;agreement一致;exchange交换。根据“After discussing the project several times, they finally reached a(n) … on the finishing time”可知,讨论之后就完工时间达成了一致,reach an agreement“达成一致”,故选C。
考查名词辨析。support支持;address地址;victory胜利;purpose目的。根据“She lives at 108 West St. Oxford.”可知,提问者想知道Sally的住址。故选B。
考查名词辨析。chance机会;reason理由;choice选择;right权利。根据“visit the Palace Museum last summer and learned a lot about Chinese culture”可知去参观故宫博物馆和学习中国文化,是一个好机会,故选A。
考查名词辨析。medicine医疗;wealth财富;luck运气;courage勇气。根据“medical workers”可知,医务工作者在艰难条件下, 用勇气与疾病作斗争,故选D。
考查名词辨析。decision决定;condition状态;advantage优势;knowledge知识。根据“She can speak both English and French”以及“Why do so many companies want her to work for them ”可知她会说英语和法语,这是她的优势,这种优势使很多公司想让她为他们工作,故选C。
考查名词辨析。business商业;生意;direction方向;survey调查;reason原因。根据“It shows that many students don’t have enough sleep”可知此处指调查表明了什么,survey“调查”符合题意。故选C。
考查名词辨析。idea想法;secret秘密,机密;ability能力;pattern模式。根据“to learn and think”可知,这里表达的是“学习和思考的能力”,故选C。
考查名词辨析。chance机会;purpose目的;method方法;secret秘密。根据答语“To improve the environment.”可知,为了保护环境,所以问句应该是询问建湖的目的。故选B。
考查名词辨析。result结果;excuse借口;matter事情,问题;reason原因。根据“I saw her studying in the school library at that time.”可推知简说她感觉不舒服只是一个借口。故选B。
考查名词辨析。idea主意;place地方;prize奖品;passage章节、段落。“Let’s have the class of “Space teaching” this afternoon.”是提出的一个建议,所以空处是指“这是一个好主意”,故选A。
考查名词辨析。excuse借口;reply答复;reason原因;advice建议。根据“He’ll come to my birthday party on time.”可知这里指朋友对邀请的“答复”。故选B。



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