2024年中考英语常考语法点专练(安徽专用)--专题07 形容词(含解析)

专题07 形容词
1.(2023·安徽·统考中考真题)— Camping trips in spring have become very ________ in southern China.
— Exactly. That’s because these areas have warmer weather and an earlier flowering season.
A.hot B.safe C.cheap D.hard
2.(2022·安徽·统考中考真题)—Jim and I share ________ tastes and hobbies.
—No wonder you take part in lots of meaningful social activities together.
A.separate B.weak C.similar D.double
3.(2021·安徽·统考中考真题)—The Chinese language is more and more popular.
—Exactly! It’s becoming a ________ language skill in the international community.
A.similar B.difficult C.necessary D.traditional
4.(2020·安徽·统考中考真题)There is more space in the high-speed train and the journey becomes more ________.
A.serious B.boring C.dangerous D.comfortable
5.(2019·安徽·中考真题)—The 5G technology can help doctors treat patients who are hundreds of kilometers away.
— It's really ____.
A.secret B.direct C.amazing D.traditional
6.(2018·安徽·中考真题)The speaker showed some ______ examples to make the science report easy to understand.
A.awful B.stupid
C.proper D.thick
7.(2017·安徽·中考真题)My deskmate is really _____. She likes to attend different activities after school.
A.active B.quiet C.lazy D.honest
8.(2017·安徽·中考真题)---What do you think of the movie
---Great! I have never seen a _____ one.
A.good B.bad C.better D.worse
9.(2016·安徽·中考真题)Don’t hurry him. You will just have to be and wait until he finishes the work.
A.active B.careful C.patient D.famous
10.(2023·安徽合肥·统考二模)—What do you think of the plan to visit Mount Huangshan
—The plan seems so ________ that we all agree on it.
A.perfect B.regretful C.boring D.similar
11.(2023·安徽合肥·合肥市庐阳中学校考三模)I enjoy reading because I think books provide me a lot of ________ information.
A.tiring B.valuable C.simple D.difficult
12.(2023·安徽淮北·统考三模)—Though the workers are very tired, they keep on working.
—They are ________. We must learn from them.
A.great B.clever C.interesting D.helpful
13.(2023·安徽合肥·统考二模)—Timmy looks so ________. Shouldn’t he be busy with his study for the coming exam
—He makes full use of each day to study hard, so you can see he is ready now.
A.worried B.surprised C.relaxed D.patient
14.(2023·安徽·校联考三模)It is ________ for students to watch TV, as long as within the given time.
A.enjoyable B.valuable C.acceptable D.unbelievable
15.(2023·安徽滁州·统考二模)—Who is playing the piano so well
—Hank. He wants to be a pianist like Lang Lang. He is ________ about his dream.
A.serious B.worried C.happy D.angry
16.(2023·安徽阜阳·统考二模)Although this book was _________ than that one, Henry still finished reading it in a week.
A.shorter B.thicker C.thinner D.lighter
17.(2023·安徽合肥·合肥寿春中学校考一模)Time, health and friendship are the most ________ things in our life. You can’t buy them with money.
A.valuable B.simple C.common D.awful
18.(2023·安徽安庆·统考一模)—Why do you look so ________
—Because I just got the news that the Chinese Women’s Soccer Team won the 2022 Asian Cup.
A.worried B.excited C.calm D.nervous
19.(2023·安徽亳州·统考一模)—I think Huangmei Opera is really fantastic.
—So do I. We should keep this art form ________ forever.
A.alive B.lively C.famous D.traditional
20.(2023·安徽合肥·校联考二模)—Are you relaxing yourself here
—Yes. It’s ________ to take a walk slowly with my parents.
A.fantastic B.boring C.impossible D.terrible
21.(2023·安徽合肥·统考二模)—Do you know how to solve the problem, my dear students
—Yes. After discussing, we came up with a ________ idea.
A.friendly B.similar
C.bright D.comfortable
22.(2023·安徽六安·统考一模)—Mum, I can’t take care of Mary. She is crying all the time.
—Try to be ________, Tim. Your little sister is ill.
A.serious B.patient C.brave D.fair
23.(2023·安徽滁州·统考一模)—Can you tell the kind of meat here Mutton and beef look quite ________.
—Sure. Just smell can help you.
A.proper B.normal C.correct D.similar
24.(2023·安徽黄山·统考一模)—What do you think of your Chinese teacher’s lessons
—His lessons are sometimes recorded ________ because he usually uses special ways to make his class ________ and interesting to draw our attention.
A.live; lively B.lovely; live C.living; live D.lovely; living
25.(2023·安徽宿州·统考一模)Mum, my stomach is ________. Please give me something to eat.
A.empty B.hungry C.full D.thirty
26.(2023·安徽·校联考二模)—Dad, I thought you would be ________ at my bad behavior at school.
—Not at all. You are the pride of me because you are always trying your best.
A.surprised B.satisfied C.encouraged D.disappointed
27.(2023·安徽合肥·统考三模)—The weather in Kunming is so ________ all the year round that people enjoy the lives there.
—Sure. It’s famous as “Spring City” in China.
A.pleasant B.helpful C.caring D.relaxed
28.(2023·安徽·校联考一模)What bad weather! The wind is so _______ that we can’t go for a walk.
A.big B.heavy C.strong D.weak
29.(2023·安徽淮北·统考一模)We all got _______ when we heard our class got the first prize in the competition.
A.worried B.sad C.excited D.interested
30.(2023·安徽合肥·校联考二模)—What’s the matter Your teacher looks so ________.
—None of us can answer his question rightly in class.
A.strong B.upset C.moved D.smart
31.(2023·安徽合肥·统考二模)— How amazing Chat GPT is!
— Yes. The new invention makes it quite ________ for people to write papers and stories.
A.late B.difficult C.simple D.natural
32.(2023·安徽宿州·统考模拟预测)—Here’s the book you need.
—Thank you! You’re really ________.
A.thankful B.helpful C.honest D.patient
33.(2023·安徽滁州·统考二模)—John, you can buy this dictionary for your 9-year-old sister for her birthday.
— Right.It’s colorful and ________, so it’s easy for her to understand.
A.tiny B.similar C.simple D.famous
34.(2023·安徽合肥·统考三模)—Guess what The painting which John bought last month is not by Picasso.
—Well, it’s only a copy and it’s _________. John felt regretful to buy it.
A.useful B.valuable C.worthless D.traditional
35.(2023·安徽滁州·统考二模)—How can we get ________ to nature
—First of all, we must respect and love it.
A.close B.fair C.wide D.quiet
36.(2023·安徽亳州·统考二模)It’s really dangerous to tell others telephone numbers and addresses on the Internet. We should protect our ________ information.
A.personal B.common C.different D.possible
37.(2023·安徽合肥·校联考三模)—My brother likes taking part in all kinds of activities.
—I think so. He is ________.
A.serious B.strange C.active D.patient
38.(2023·安徽合肥·统考二模)— Have you watched China in Classics on CCTV-1 recently
— Yes. It brings Chinese ancient books ________ on screen.
A.asleep B.afraid C.alive D.alone
39.(2023·安徽滁州·统考一模)It’s ________ of the boy to leave the tap running.
A.careless B.endless C.homeless D.meaningless
40.(2023·安徽滁州·统考二模)—Mr. Wang is so rich, but he always wears ________ clothes.
—He has donated most of his money to those in great need.
A.thick B.pretty C.simple D.right
41.(2023·安徽滁州·统考一模)—The problem is so ______ that I haven’t worked it out.
—Why don’t you ask your teacher
A.practical B.general C.difficult D.natural
42.(2023·安徽合肥·统考二模)—I need some information about the book, including who wrote it and when it came out.
—OK. I’ll send its ________ information to you right now.
A.opposite B.secret C.private D.basic
43.(2023·安徽合肥·统考一模)—Is everybody here
—No. Linda is ________ for she’s got a bad cold.
A.abroad B.alive C.active D.absent
44.(2023·安徽滁州·统考一模)—I think it is ________ to start to run regularly.
—But if you can stick it, you will receive a lot of advantages.
A.important B.interesting C.difficult D.relaxing
45.(2023·安徽合肥·统考一模)—Why is Betty your best friend
—Having ________ interests is the most important. We both like collecting something.
A.valuable B.similar C.direct D.perfect
46.(2023·安徽·校联考一模)—Our class won the first in the school basketball game yesterday.
—Yes. That made us very ______.
A.exciting B.excited C.interesting D.interested
47.(2023·安徽合肥·统考二模)My sister is getting ________ in group work and is not afraid to share her ideas.
A.weak B.quiet C.active D.nervous
48.(2023·安徽马鞍山·统考二模)There are many old sayings requiring us to be ________, such as “the early bird catches the worm” and “Practice makes perfect”.
A.generous B.confident C.hard-working D.organized
49.(2023·安徽合肥·统考一模)We’re ________ that our country will surely move forward to an even brighter future.
A.friendly B.brave C.afraid D.proud
50.(2023·安徽·校联考一模)—How is the old man who was hurt in yesterday’s car accident
—Thanks to Dr. Li’s excellent ________ skills, the old man is out of danger now.
A.musical B.medical C.classical D.chemical
51.(2023·安徽·模拟预测)Don’t be ___. People won’t know what you are thinking if you don’t speak your mind.
A.absent B.serious C.silent D.humorous
52.(2023·安徽合肥·模拟预测)—What do you think of beauty
—Beauty, in my mind, means being ________ and accepting myself.
A.comfortable B.confident C.believable D.proud
53.(2023·安徽滁州·校联考一模)—Mrs Green, you can’t expect your son to be _________. Everybody makes mistakes.
—You’re right. I won’t push him so hard.
A.polite B.perfect C.creative D.strange
54.(2023·安徽阜阳·统考一模)—How can we beat this kind of disease It is spreading at a ________ speed.
—No worries. Eat well, sleep well and keep safe distance… and we can keep healthy or get well soon.
A.magical B.right C.rapid D.low
55.(2023·安徽芜湖·统考一模)—Be quick, Jane.
—Don’t hurry your younger sister. You will just have to be ________ and wait until she finishes her homework.
A.patient B.careful C.safe D.famous
56.(2023·安徽合肥·统考一模)She always has a (n) ________ smile on her face and looks very happy.
A.friendly B.awful C.worried D.cold
57.(2023·安徽池州·校联考一模)—Come on, Helen! It’s not _________ to keep your classmates waiting outside for so long on such a cold day.
—Sorry, Mom. I’m starting out.
A.common B.meaningful C.normal D.polite
58.(2023·安徽合肥·校联考一模)Sam had a terrible traffic accident and he felt lucky to be ________ when he woke up in hospital.
A.awake B.relaxed C.alive D.silent
59.(2023·安徽淮北·校考一模)—What do you think of Helen
—Indeed she has a serious face, but she is very ________ at heart.
A.selfish B.patient C.humorous D.generous
60.(2023·安徽·校联考一模)—Is the child sleeping
—Yes. So you’d better keep ________ so that you won’t wake him up.
A.silent B.active C.polite D.lively
考查形容词辨析。hot热门的,流行的;safe安全的;cheap便宜的;hard艰难的。根据“That’s because these areas have warmer weather and an earlier flowering season.”可知,南方温暖的天气和较早的花期让露营旅行变得流行。故选A。
【详解】句意:——吉姆和我有相似的品味和爱好。 ——难怪你们一起参加许多有意义的社会活动。
考查形容词辨析。 separate分开的;weak虚弱的;similar相似的;double两倍的。根据“No wonder you take part in lots of meaningful social activities together.”可知,一起参加活动,所以品味和爱好相似,故选C。
考查形容词辨析。similar相似的;difficult困难的;necessary有必要的;traditional传统的。根据“The Chinese language is more and more popular.”可知,汉语是一种必要的语言技能,所以越来越受欢迎,故选C。
考查形容词辨析。serious严重的;boring无聊的;dangerous危险的;comfortable舒适的。分析句子可知,此处用于系动词后作表语,根据前半句“There is more space in the high-speed train”可知,高铁空间更大,所以旅程更舒适,其他三项不符合语意。故选D。
【详解】句意:-5G技术能帮助医生治疗远在几百公里以外的病人。-这真的太令人吃惊了。secret秘密的;direct直接的;amazing令人吃惊的;traditional传统的。根据句意help doctors treat patients who are hundreds of kilometers away.可知,这是非常令人惊讶的,故应选C。
【详解】句意:演讲者举了一些合适的例子来使科学报告更容易理解。A. awful不舒服的,极坏的,可怕的; B. stupid愚蠢的;C. proper 合适的,恰当的; D. thick厚的;根据make the science report easy to understand.可知是合适的例子;故选C
【详解】试题分析:句意:我的同桌真地很积极。她喜欢参加课外的不同活动。A. active积极的,活泼的;B. quiet安静的;C. lazy 懒惰的; D. honest诚实的。根据她参加不同的课外活动,可知她是积极的,故选A。
【详解】试题分析:句意:-----你认为这部电影怎么样?-----非常棒!我从来没有看过比这更好的了。A. good 好的,形容词原级;B. bad 差的,形容词原级; C. better 更好的,比较级; D. worse更糟糕的,比较级。比较级用于否定句,往往表示最高级含义。根据Great!可知这部电影是看过的最好的电影,故选C。
【详解】试题分析:句意:不要催他。你就是要有耐心等候,直到他完成这项工作。A. active积极的;B. careful仔细的,认真的;C. patient 有耐心的;D. famous 著名的,出名的。根据上文不要催,及后文的等候,可知是有耐心的,故选C。
考查形容词辨析。perfect完美的;regretful后悔的,遗憾的;boring无聊的;similar类似的。根据“we all agree on it”我们都同意,可知这个计划是完美的,故选A。
考查形容词辨析。tiring累人的;valuable有价值的;simple简单的;difficult困难的。根据“I enjoy reading because I think books provide me a lot of…information.”可知,喜欢读书是因为书能够提供一些有价值的信息。故选B。
考查形容词辨析。great好极了;clever聪明的;interesting有趣的;helpful有帮助的。根据“Though the workers are very tired, they keep on working.”可知虽然累但是坚持工作,说明这些工人非常棒,故选A。
考查形容词辨析。worried 忧虑的;surprised 惊讶的;relaxed 轻松的;patient 耐心的。根据“He makes full use of each day to study hard, so you can see he is ready now.”可知,蒂米已经为即将到来的考试做好了准备,因此他现在看起来是比较轻松的,故选C。
考查形容词辨析。enjoyable令人愉快的;valuable有价值的;acceptable可接受的;unbelievable难以置信的。根据“It is…for students to watch TV, as long as within the given time”可知,在规定时间内,学生们看电视可以被接受。故选C。
考查形容词辨析。be serious about对……认真;be worried about担心;be happy about对……感到开心;be angry about生气。根据上下文可知汉克的梦想是成为钢琴家,他此刻正在弹钢琴,所以判断他对自己的钢琴梦是认真的。故选A。
考查形容词辨析。shorter更短的;thicker更厚的;thinner更瘦的;lighter更轻的。根据“Henry still finished reading it in a week.”可知,虽然这本书比那本书厚,亨利还是在一个星期内读完了。故选B。
考查形容词辨析。valuable有价值的,宝贵的;simple简单的;common普通的;awful令人讨厌的。根据“You can’t buy them with money.”可知,用钱买不来,说明是最宝贵的。故选A。
考查形容词辨析。worried担心的;excited激动的;calm平静的;nervous紧张的。根据“Because I just got the news that the Chinese Women’s Soccer Team won the 2022 Asian Cup.”可知,得知中国女足赢得了2022年亚洲杯冠军这个消息,会感到兴奋。故选B。
考查形容词辨析。alive活着的,有活力的;lively活泼的,生气勃勃的;famous著名的;traditional传统的。根据“We should keep this art form... forever.”可知,空处在句中作宾补,此处指保持这种艺术形式永远有活力,alive符合语境。故选A。
考查形容词辨析。fantastic极好的;boring无聊的;impossible不可能的;terrible可怕的。根据“Are you relaxing yourself here ”及“Yes”可知,在这里很放松,说明和父母一起慢慢散步很好。故选A。
考查形容词。friendly友好的;similar相似的;bright聪明的;comfortable舒适的。根据“After discussing”可知,经过讨论后应得到一个好主意,故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。serious严肃的;patient耐心的;brave勇敢的;fair公平的。根据“Mum, I can’t take care of Mary. She is crying all the time.”可知,蒂姆讨厌小妹妹一直在哭,向妈妈告状,所以妈妈让其耐心点,因为妹妹病了。“耐心的”符合语境。故选B。
考查形容词辨析。proper恰当的;normal正常的;correct正确的;similar相似的。根据“Can you tell the kind of meat here ”以及“Just smell can help you.”可知,羊肉和牛肉看起来很相似,故选D。
考查形容词和副词的用法。live在现场直播(副词)/居住(动词);lively活泼的;lovely可爱的;living活着的。根据“His lessons are sometimes recorded.…”可知,空格处修饰动词“recorded”,填副词,故第一空填“live”;根据“.… and interesting”可知,“interesting有趣的”是形容词,由此推断空格处填形容词,结合选项可知,第二空应填“lively”,表示课堂很生动。故选A。
考查形容词辨析。empty空的;hungry饥饿的;full满的;thirty三十。根据“Please give me something to eat.”可知,想吃东西,“我”应是饿了,结合主语“stomach”可知,此处指肚子空了。故选A。
考查形容词辨析。surprised惊讶的;satisfied满意的;encouraged鼓励;disappointed失望的。由“I thought you would be…at my bad behavior at school”可知,此处指的应该是对我的糟糕的行为感到失望。故选D。
考查形容词辨析。pleasant令人愉悦的,宜人的;helpful有帮助的;caring体贴的;relaxed感到放松的。根据“people enjoy the lives there”及“It’s famous as ‘Spring City’ in China.”可知,被称为“春城”说明天气很宜人,所以人们喜欢那里的生活,故选A。
考查形容词。big大的;heavy重的;strong强壮的,强烈的;weak弱的。根据“we can’t go for a walk”可知,前文形容风刮得大用strong。故选C。
考查形容词辨析。worried担心的;sad伤心的;excited兴奋的;interested感兴趣的。根据“ our class got the first prize in the competition.”可知听到得第一名的消息,应该感到兴奋。故选C。
【详解】句意:——怎么了?你的老师看起来很沮丧。 ——我们谁也不能在课堂上正确回答他的问题。
考查形容词辨析。strong坚强的;upset沮丧的;moved感动的;smart聪明的。根据“None of us can answer his question rightly in class.”可知,老师看上去是沮丧的。故选B。
【详解】句意:——Chat GPT是多么神奇!——是的。这项新发明使人们写论文和写故事变得非常简单。
考查形容词辨析。late晚的;difficult困难的;simple简单的;natural自然的。根据“for people to write papers and stories.”可知Chat GPT让写论文和写故事变得简单。故选C。
考查形容词辨析。thankful感激的;helpful乐于助人的;honest诚实的;patient耐心的。根据“Here’s the book you need.”及“Thank you!”可知,是夸赞对方很乐于助人。故选B。
考查形容词辨析。tiny细微的;similar相似的;simple简单的;famous著名的。根据“it’s easy for her to understand.”可知,这本字典很简单,所以她很容易理解。故选C。
考查形容词辨析。useful有用的;valuable有价值的;worthless无价值的;traditional传统的。根据“it’s only a copy”可知,它是无价值的。故选C。
考查形容词辨析。personal个人的;common普通的;different不同的;possible可能的。根据“tell others telephone numbers and addresses”可知,电话号码和地址属于个人信息,故选A。
考查形容词辨析。serious严肃的;strange奇怪的;active活跃的;patient耐心的。根据“My brother likes taking part in all kinds of activities.”可知哥哥喜欢参加各种活动,因此是活跃的。故选C。
考查形容词辨析。asleep睡着的;afraid害怕的;alive有活力的,有生命力的;alone独自得。根据“on screen”可知,应是在荧屏上鲜活。故选C。
考查形容词辨析。careless粗心的;endless无止境的;homeless无家可归的;meaningless没有意义的。根据“leave the tap running”可知,这个男孩很粗心。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。thick厚的;pretty漂亮的;simple朴素的;right正确的。根据“He has donated most of his money to those in great need. (他已经把他的大部分的钱捐给那些有需要的人)”可知,他虽然很富有,但他穿着的是朴素的衣服。故选C。
考查形容词辨析。practical实用的;general一般的;difficult困难的;natural自然的。根据“I haven’t worked it out”可知,解答不出来,说明问题很难。故选C。
考查形容词辨析。opposite相反的;secret秘密的;private私人的;basic基本的。根据“including who wrote it and when it came out”可知,这本书的作者,出版的时间,都属于基本的信息,故选D。
考查形容词辨析。important重要的;interesting有趣的;difficult困难的;relaxing令人放松的。根据“start to run regularly”可知,一开始就进行有规律地跑步是困难的。故选C。
考查形容词辨析。valuable有价值的;similar相似的;direct直接的;perfect完美的,根据“We both like collecting something.”推断贝蒂和我有“相似的”兴趣,故选B。
考查形容词辨析。exciting“令人兴奋的”,修饰物;excited“感到兴奋的”,修饰人;interesting“有趣的”;interested“感兴趣的”。根据“That made us very...”可知,这让我们非常兴奋。“make sb+形容词”结构中,形容词是宾语补足语,补充说明宾语sb的特征、状态等,所以形容词是修饰人的。故选B。
考查形容词辨析。weak虚弱的;quiet安静的;active活跃的;nervous紧张的。根据“not afraid to share her ideas”可知,不怕分享想法,说明我妹妹很活跃。故选C。
考查形容词辨析。generous慷慨的;confident自信的;hard-working努力的;organized有条理的。根据“the early bird catches the worm”可知这句谚语是告诉人们要努力。故选C。
考查形容词辨析。friendly友好的;brave勇敢的;afraid害怕的;proud自豪的。根据“our country will surely move forward to an even brighter future”我们的国家一定会朝着更光明的未来前进,可知我们对此应是很骄傲和自豪,故选D。
考查形容词辨析。musical音乐的;medical医疗的;classical古典的;chemical化学的。根据“the old man is out of danger now”可知,是多亏了李医生高超的医术。故选B。
考查形容词辨析。absent缺席的;serious严肃的;silent沉默的;humorous幽默的。根据“if you don’t speak your mind.”可推测,不说出自己的想法,即为保持沉默。故选C。
考查形容词辨析。comfortable舒服的;confident自信的;believable相信的;proud自豪的。根据“being...and accepting myself.”可知是要接受自己,因此是要自信。故选B。
考查形容词辨析。polite有礼貌的;perfect完美的;creative有创造力的;strange陌生的。根据“Everybody makes mistakes.”可知,空格处填“完美的”,故选B。
考查形容词辨析。magical有魔力的;right正确的;rapid迅速地;low低的。根据“It is spreading at a...speed.”可知,疾病迅速蔓延,故选C。
考查形容词辨析。patient耐心的;careful仔细的;safe安全的;famous著名的。根据“Don’t hurry your younger sister.”可知,不要催促,要耐心等待,故选A。
考查形容词辨析。friendly友好的;awful让人讨厌的;worried担心的;cold冷漠的。根据“smile on her face and looks very happy”可知,看起来很开心,故脸上应是带着友好的微笑。故选A。
考查形容词辨析。common普通的;meaningful有意义的;normal平常的;polite礼貌的。根据“It’s not...to keep your classmates waiting outside for so long on such a cold day.”可知此处指让同学等是不礼貌的。故选D。
考查形容词辨析。awake醒着的;relaxed放松的;alive活着的;silent沉默的。根据“Sam had a terrible traffic accident”以及“lucky”可知山姆很幸运能在一场可怕的交通事故中活下来,故选C。
考查形容词辨析。selfish自私的;patient耐心的;humorous幽默的;generous慷慨的。根据“Indeed she has a serious face”及but可知,表面很严肃,内心很幽默,故选C。
考查形容词辨析。silent沉默的;active活跃的;polite礼貌的;lively活泼的。根据“so that you won’t wake him up”可知为了不吵醒他,最好保持沉默。故选A。



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