
云台学区 2024 年春三年级英语半期检测卷 ( )4.A.sunny B.daddy C.cloudy
(满分 100 分 60 分钟完卷) ( )5. A.he B.she C.mouse
一、照样子把字母仔细地写在四线格内。(14分) ( )6.A.tiger B.fox C.baby
( )7.A.kite B.go C.run
( )8.A.Mrs Rabbit B.Mr Ant C.Mr Tiger
( )9.A.Thursday B.Saturday C.snowy
( )10.A.snake B.panda C.windy
二、根据单词选出相对应的图片。(10 分)
四、将下列单词归类。(6 分)
A.cloudy B.Canada C.deer D.the USA E.windy F.cat
( )1.sunny A.
天气_______________ 动物_______________
( )2.rabbit B.
( )3.fat C. ( )1.How are ?
A.I B.you C.he
( )2.Glad meet you?
( )4.read D.
A.to B.is C.do
( )3.—How’s the weather?
( )5.the UK E. —It’s 。
A.tiger B.sunny C.fox
三、选不同类单词,将其序号填写在( )里。(20 分) ( )4.—What day is today?
( )1.A.mum B.dad C.farmer — 。
( )2.A.cow B.horse C.sun A.I’m Rainy B.It’s a bird. C.It’s Tuesday.
( )5—Can I help you?
( )3.A.thin B.sister C.fat
第 1 页 共 2 页
学校 年级 班 姓名 考号
答 题 不 得 超 过 此 密 封 线
— 。
A.Yes,please. B.I’m fine, too. C.Welcome!
( )(1)Welcome to Canada.
( )1.当你想知道这是什么时,应问:_____. A B
A. What’s this B. What’s that ( ) (2)Happy Women’s Day.
( )2.向别人介绍自己的朋友 Peter。— _____________
A.This is my son Peter. B.This is my friend Peter. A B
( )(3)I’m from Beijing.
( )3.当别人说:“Your English is very good”,你应说:________
A. That’s OK. B. Thank you very much.
( )4.当你想表达“今天星期三”时,应说:________ A B
A. It's Monday. B. It's Wednesday. ( )(4)It’s a cat.
( )5.这是一只狐狸:_____ .
A. It’s a fox. B. It’s an ant.
( )6.你想表达“多么漂亮的一只风筝呀!”
八、判断图片是否与句子相符。相符写(√),不相符写(×)(10 分)
A.What a beautiful kite! B.What a big mouse!
( )7.当别人用“Glad to meet you ”跟你打招呼时,你应该说:
1.She’s from the UK . ( )
A.Glad to meet you, too. B.Hi
( )8.你想知道 Rose 来自哪儿,应该问: 2. It’s a snake. ( )
A. What’s your name B. Where are you from
3. We are friends. ( )
( )9.老师问“How’s the weather ”?你应说:
A. It’s sunny. B. It’s Monday. 4. Work in pairs. ( )
( )10.告诉同学“我来自中国”,应说:
5. Happy Mother’s Day. ( )
A. I’m from Canada. B. I’m from China.
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