Module 5 Cartoons单元测试卷 (无答案)外研版八年级英语下册

Module 5单元测试卷
时间:80 分钟 分数:100分
( )1.—Hurry up!It's time class.
—I'm coming.
A.have B.have to have D.having
( )2.The girl is so that she can work out all the problems easily.
A.brave C.ugly D.beautiful
( )3.The girl couldn't help when she heard the bad news.
A.cry cry C.crying D.cried
( )4.Mary kept her vacation plan.
A.think about B.thinks C.thinking D.thought
( )5.After the party the room was in a terrible
A.dirt B.cleanliness C.mess D.damage
( )6.They expect the work on Friday.
A.finish finish C.finishing D.finished
( )7. Jim sat down,his cousin came in.
A.While B.As C.Until D.Since
( )8.It's against the law for him to rush into house without being allowed. own private B.his own private C.his own D.his
( )9. I was a little boy,I have always loved animals.
A.Whenever B.Ever since C.From now on D.At that moment
( )10.About the of the students in our school were born in the
A.three five;2000 B.three fifths;2000s
C.third fifth;2000 D.third fifths;2000s
More than forty years ago,a fat orange cat_1_born under the pen of Jim Davis.The famous cartoonist never expected it would be 2 for so long.Today,if you tell the name Garfield,almost everybody will know you are talking about the_3.
Garfield became_4_very quickly.It appeared in more than 40 newspapers_5 after it was born.By 1983 that 6_had risen to1,000.Today,about 200 million people read Garfield's story in2,570 7 every day.There are also lots of Garfield books,TV plays,films and clothes.Davis said he_8_why Garfield could become so popular."That's_9 Garfield is just the cat next door,"the cartoonist said."He eats a lot and sleeps a lot.He never likes_10,so he is fat.He does not like Monday.
( ) B.are C.was D.were
( )2.A.helpful B.popular C.pretty D.boring
( ) C.monkey
( )4.A.success B.succeed C.successful D.successes
( )5.A.clearly B.carelessly C.proudly D.quickly
( )6.A.temperature B.score C.number D.price
( )7.A.newspapers B.films C.plays D.radios
( )8.A.picked up B.found out C.waited for D.took up
( ) B.what C.because D.where
( )10.A.joking B.exercising D.reading
What do you think will happen when the traditional culture meets modern technology?Yes,the“dead”words become lively characters(人物)at once.How happy it is to enjoy these Chinese
Ma Liang is a poor boy who loves painting.He always uses his magic brush to fight against the bad people in the village.The cartoon The Magic Brush came out in 1955.
A group of tadpoles(蝌蚪)are born.They try to find their mother that they have never seen.The story is very simple,but it needs complex technology to show the artistic style of ink(水墨)painting.Little Tadpoles Looking for Mom was watched in 1961 first.
The Monkey King:Uproar in Heaven(1961—1964)is China's first colour cartoon.It is from the Chinese novel Journey to theWest.It's successful.Not only we but also many Westerners like the great monkey Sun Wukong.
To beat two bad persons,an old man grows7 calabashes(葫芦),and they change into 7boys.They try their best to beat the bad.Calabash Brothers(1986)is a masterpiece(杰作)of Chinese paper-cutting art.
( )1. shows the artistic style of ink painting.
A.The Magic Brush B.Little Tadpoles Looking for Mom
C.The Monkey King:Uproar in Heaven D.Calabash Brothers
( )2.What does the underlined word"complex"mean in Chinese?
A.重复的 B.复杂的 C.杂乱的 D.冗长的
( )3.The Monkey King:Uproar in Heaven is
A.the first film in China B.only loved by Chinese
C.the first colour cartoon in China D.loved by all the Westerners
( )4.Which is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Ma Liang punished the villagers with his brush.
B.Little Tadpoles Looking for Mom came out in 1964.
C.The Monkey King is from a Chinese novel.
D.Calabash Brothers is from Chinese clay(黏土)art.
( )5.From the passage,we can learn something about
A.famous people B.Chinese inventions
C.traditional food D.Chinese cartoons
Popeye the Sailor Man(《大力水手》)first became a popular cartoon in the 1930s.The sailor in that cartoon ate lots of spinach(菠菜)to make himself strong.People watched him,and they began to buy and eat a lot more spinach.This cartoon helped sell 33%more spinach than before!Spinach became a necessary part of many people's diets.Even some children who hated the taste began to eat the vegetable.
Many people thought that the iron in spinach made the sailor strong,but this is not true.Spinach does not have any more iron than other green vegetables.
Earlier,the people who studied the food made a mistake.In the 1890s,a group of people studied what was inside vegetables.This group said that spinach had ten times more iron than other kinds of vegetables.The group made a mistake,but everyone accepted it.
Today,we know that spinach cannot make a person very strong.
However,spinach does have something else that the body needs—a vitamin called folic acid(叶酸).
It is interesting to point out that folic acid can help a person stay healthy.Maybe it is really the folic acid that makes the sailor strong.
( )6.Many people ate spinach because after they saw Popeye the Sailor Man.
A.they thought spinach could make them strong
B.they liked the sailor a lot
C.they thought spinach was delicious
D. they thought folic acid was important for health
( )7. What's the main idea of the first paragraph
A. Popeye the Sailor Man was a popular cartoon in the 1930s.
B. Many people wanted to be strong.
C. The cartoon Popeye the Sailor Man made spinach popular.
D. Spinach was popular in the 1930s.
( )8. What is folic acid
A. Something in food that our bodies need.
B. It is a kind of vegetable.
C. It is harmful to people who eat it.
D. It is a kind of spinach.
( )9. The research group told people that spinach
A. had less iron than other vegetables
B. had more iron than other vegetables
C. made the sailor strong
D. had more folic acid than other vegetables.
( )10. What is the best title for this passage
A. Popeye the Sailor Man
B. A famous cartoon
C. Folic Acid Makes You Strong
D.The Truth about Spinach
Comic books first became very popular with young people in the United States in the 1940s and 1950s._11_That's because they are short,cheap and appear once a month in local shops.Many are about superheroes such as Superman and Batman.In comic books,superheroes are always good._12_At the end of every story,the superhero always wins.
You can still buy this kind of comic book,but in the 1970s and1980s a new form of comic book appeared._13 The change from the old to the new style is perhaps clearest in Frank Miller'sBatman:The Dark Knight Returns._14_While he tries to be good,he is not always successful,and he does not always win.In the same way,in the graphic novel Watchmen,the superheroes are like real human beings with all their problems,and they are not always good people.Watchmen became very popular,and was the only graphic novel on Time magazine's list of the best 100 books.
While graphic novels look like comic books,they are more like novels,and most are not really for children._15
A.In this story,Batman is old.
B.They are more like magazines than books.
C.This is sometimes called a graphic novel.
D.They are longer and much more expensive than comic books,and are for adults.
E. They have special powers, and they fight bad people.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
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You may know Charles Schulz,a famous cartoonist.He is the creator of Snoopy and Peanuts cartoons.Charles was born on November 26,1922.His name was Charles Monroe Schulz,but everyone called him Sparky.Sparky was very smart at school.Art was his favourite subject and he did best in it.Sparky loved to read cartoon stories from books.He wished he could put some of his drawings in books.
When Sparky was 13,his family kept a black and white dog named Spike.Spike was smart and funny.Sparky drew a picture of Spike and sent it to Ripley's Believe It or Not!And soon it came out.When Sparky was in high school,he had a good friend named Charlie Brown.Sparky drew a picture of a funny little boy.He decided to name his cartoon boy after his friend,Charlie Brown.
Sparky sent his pictures to some newspapers.Finally,a St.Paul's newspaper agreed to publish(出版)Sparky's cartoons.Sparky put his best cartoons togetherand sent them to United Feature Syndicate in New York.They sent Sparky a note saying they were very interested in his work.The new cartoon was called Peanuts.
Soon he created the characters,Lucy,Pig Pen,Shroeder,Rerun and Marcie.During 1950s and 1960s,he won the Reuben Award twice.He also won an Emmy Award.
Schulz died on February 12,2000.He spent his life working on cartoons and brightened the world with happiness by doing this.
1.When was Charles born?
2.Which subject did Charles do best in at school?
3.What colour was the dog named Spike?
4.Where did Charles send his cartoons to United Feature Syndicate?
4.How many times did Charles win the Reuben Award?
create invent humorous ugly hero private art laugh lead win
I have learned five cartoon in Module Five.Nemo is an orange-and-white fish and Shrek is an _green animal.Both of them have the hearts of young people all over the world.
There's another cartoon hero-the Monkey King.I like him best.He a group of monkeys against the Emperor of Heaven and his men.He is very clever and .When I see Journey to the West,I can't help .Tintin is the fourth cartoon hero.The Herge him in 1929.He has red hair and a small white dog.Tintin appeared in China in the 1980s.The last cartoon hero is Snoopy.Charles Schulz him.He lives in his own world and finds real life hard to understand.
A:Where did you go last night,Jane?
B:I went to the cinema to see a movie.
A: ?
B:The Lion King.
A: ?
B:Yes,it's a cartoon.
A: ?
B:It's about a brave young lion's experience to become a lion king.
A:It must be very interesting.By the way,what kind of cartoons do you like best?
B: .
A:Me,too.A happy ending is the most important thing for me to choose a cartoon.
B:Another cartoon will be on at the Student Cinema this weekend.
Shall we go to see it together?
A: .
B:All right.See you this weekend.
A:See you.
同学们大都喜欢看动画片,它们不仅能给我们带来快乐,还能告诉我们许多做人的道理。请你以“My favourite cartoon character”为题写一篇英语短文。
My favourite cartoon character



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