
2024年福建省福州市中考一模 鼓励学生学习简单的手语
2024年福建省南平市中考一模 保护地球,他先从清理河流沿岸开始,并将此发展成为一项人们可以广泛参与的活动。
2024年福建省泉州市中考一模 电影上学会急救措施,救活了老师
2024年福建省三明市中考一模 鼓励别人的话确实能帮助很多人。
2024年福建省漳州市中考一模 可回收的友谊长凳,这些长椅可以帮助别人找到朋友
2024年福建省龙岩市长汀县中考一模 不同的人有不同的爱好,并着重介绍了Sand的爱好是收集石头
2024年福建省莆田市仙游县中考一模 我们不应该以恶报善
2024年福建省厦门市湖滨中学中考一模 一种新时尚——GIY
2024年福建省龙岩市中考模拟英语试卷 一位重庆的公交车司机程林与留守男孩的温暖故事
Leisa Duckwall works at an elementary school in Virginia. She has worked in the cafeteria for over four years, serving ____36____ breakfast and lunch.
Duckwall is ____37____. She didn’t see a student say anything to her until this year. Now, the whole school is learning sign language. Sign language is a way of communicating with one’s hands. Different signs can stand for letters, words or ideas.
Now, students sign “hello” and “good morning” to her. They also sign “thank you”. Duckwall said this makes her ____38____.
It first started in Kari Maskelony’s fourth-grade classroom. Maskelony grew up with deaf family members.
Many of her friends are deaf. She ____39____ sign language.
Maskelony asked her students if they wanted to learn ____40____ to sign. That way, they could ____41____ Duckwall. They said yes.
The class started with the sign language for main dishes, such as chicken and fish, as well as the ____42____ of common side dishes (配菜). So, a student would sign the letter “C” if they wanted a side of carrots.
What started in one fourth grade classroom ended up spreading ____43____ the school, as the school headmaster soon took notice. “We now have the whole school learning one sign a week,” Kari said ____44____.
The students are interested in learning sign language. It is hard work ____45____ they say it is worth it. It helps Duckwall feel included.
36.A. cooks B. students C. tourists
37.A. blind B. deaf C. shy
38.A. polite B. bored C. happy
39.A. knows B. likes C. creates
40.A. how B. what C. why
41.A. call up B. speak to C. learn from
42.A. goods B. letters C. vegetables
43.A. throughout B. outside C. from
44.A. silently B. hopefully C. excitedly
45.A. So B. And C. But
【答案】36. B 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. A 41. B 42. B 43. A 44. C 45. C
【解析】本文主要介绍了Kari Maskelony老师发现Duckwall无法用语言交流后鼓励学生学习简单的手语。
cooks厨师;students学生;tourists游客。根据“Leisa Duckwall works at an elementary school”可知她在学校餐厅工作,所以是给学生提供早餐和午餐。故选B。
blind瞎的;deaf聋的;shy害羞的。根据“She didn’t see a student say anything to her until this year”以及下文内容可知她是聋的,所以学生学习手语和她交流。故选B。
polite礼貌的;bored无聊的;happy开心的。根据“Duckwall said this makes her”以及上文可知学生和她打招呼,她很开心。故选C。
knows知道;likes喜欢;creates创造。根据“sign language.”可知她知道一些手语。故选A。
how如何;what什么;why为什么。根据“to sign”可知是如何进行手语交流。故选A。
call up打电话;speak to和……说话;learn from从……中学习。根据上文可知,学习手语之后,就可以和她用手语交流了。故选B。
goods货物;letters字母;vegetables蔬菜。根据“a student would sign the letter ‘C’ if they wanted a side of carrots.”可知是字母。故选B。
throughout遍及;outside在外面;from从。根据“spreading...the school”可知是传播到全校,throughout符合。故选A。
silently沉默地;hopefully有希望地;excitedly兴奋地。根据“We now have the whole school learning one sign a week”可知学校一周学一个手语,他对此应该很兴奋。故选C。
Cash Daniels, a 12-year-old boy, loves nature and wants to protect our planet. He grew up near the Tennessee River and was ____16____ to learn that it is one of the most polluted rivers in the world. He knew he had to ____17____.
At first, Cash and his parents worked to pick up garbage near the Tennessee River. But soon he realized he would need more help. So he started ____18____ cleanups of the Tennessee River with his family, neighbors and volunteers. Most of them were ____19____ the community. Cash also wrote a children’s book about river pollution to help others understand why it was so ____20____ to protect our planet. He even ____21____ raised enough money to place 17 recycling dustbins along the river.
Cash’s hard work and devotion (奉献) have had a big ____22____ in his hometown. He was ____23____ “Green Youth” for his effort to protect the environment in 2021. But Cash isn’t stopping there. He knows there’s still more work to do. He wants to ____24____ the world, teach others about the ocean and its creatures (生物), and
encourage people to protect it.
Cash believes that every little action counts and that everyone can make a _____25_____ change. He encourages everyone to stand up and take part in protecting our planet.
16.A. sad B. calm C. happy
17.A. act B. play C. read
18.A. reducing B. organizing C. researching
19.A. on B. for C. from
20.A. important B. interesting C. relaxing
21.A. slowly B. hardly C. suddenly
22.A. decision B. speech C. influence
23.A. told B. given C. thought
24.A. enjoy B. travel C. believe
25.A. popular B. difficult C. positive
【答案】16. A 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. A 21. A 22. C 23. B 24. B 25. C
【解析】本文主要介绍了Cash Daniels从小就对保护地球充满了热情,他先从清理河流沿岸开始,并将此发展成为一项人们可以广泛参与的活动。
sad悲伤的;calm镇定的;happy开心的。根据“it is one of the most polluted rivers in the world”可知河流污染很严重,他很伤心。故选A。
act行动;play玩;read读。根据“He knew he had to”可知他要采取行动阻止河流污染。故选A。
reducing减少;organizing组织;researching研究。根据“cleanups of the Tennessee River”可知是组织清理活动。故选B。
on在上面;for为了;from从。根据“Most of them were...the community”可知大部分人来自社区。故选C。
important重要的;interesting有趣的;relaxing令人放松的。根据“to protect our planet.”可知保护星球很重要。故选A。
slowly慢地;hardly几乎不;suddenly突然。根据“raised enough money to place 17 recycling dustbins along the river.”可知是慢慢地筹集到了资金。故选A。
decision决定;speech演讲;influence影响。根据“Cash’s hard work and devotion (奉献) have had a big”可知他的贡献有很大的影响。故选C。
told告诉;given给;thought认为。根据“‘Green Youth’ for his effort to protect the environment in 2021”可知是被给予这个称号。故选B。
enjoy享受;travel旅行;believe相信。根据“the world, teach others about the ocean and its creatures (生物), and encourage people to protect it.”可知是环游世界,向他人传授海洋及其生物的知识。故选B。
popular受欢迎的;difficult困难的;positive积极的。根据“Cash believes that every little action counts and that everyone can make a...change”可知每个人都可以有积极的变化。故选C。
It was a usual school day at Oak Grove Elementary in Missouri. When the fourth-grade teacher, Madonna Kenser, was giving her students a lesson, suddenly her throat began to close, making it difficult for her to ____36____ .
The class of nine-year-olds were very ____37____ and just watching. Kenser tried to reach for her bag with an inhaler (呼吸器), but she didn’t make it. She fainted (昏倒), lying on the floor.
____38____, one boy, Brendon Garman, jumped from his desk and rushed toward that bag. He ____39____ the inhaler and gave it to his teacher.
When asked how he knew what to do to ____40____ his teacher, Brendon said, “I was able to act quickly because of a movie Are We There Yet. In the movie, one of the characters had an asthma (哮喘) attack and fainted. Another ____41____ to get an inhaler and helped him breathe normally. "
____42____ Brendon’s family learnt this, they were very proud of him. His mother said something that made this young ____43____ even more amazing. Brendon has autism (自闭症) and he has difficulty communicating with others.
“Brendon was very ____44____ at that time, not like a child with autism. I wouldn’t be here now ____45____
him,” said Kenser. “The doctor told me 5,000 people died from asthma attacks that happened that day.”
36.A. hear B. see C. breathe
37.A. frightened B. serious C. disappointed
38.A. Actually B. Luckily C. Generally
39.A. turned off B. paid for C. took out
40.A. save B. follow C. refuse
41.A. failed B. hurried C. forgot
42.A. If B. As C. Though
43.A. hero B. actor C. doctor
44.A. calm B. angry C. tired
45.A. against B. except C. without
【答案】36. C 37. A 38. B 39. C 40. A 41. B 42. B 43. A 44. A 45. C
hear听见;see看见;breathe呼吸。根据“suddenly her throat began to close”可知喉咙发紧,呼吸困难。故选C。
frightened害怕的;serious严重的;disappointed失望的。根据“just watching”可知孩子们很害怕。故选A。
Actually事实上;Luckily幸运地;Generally大概。根据“one boy, Brendon Garman, jumped from his desk and rushed toward that bag. He ... the inhaler and gave it to his teacher.”可知紧急关头布兰登救了老师,这是幸运的。故选B。
turned off关掉;paid for支付;took out拿出。根据“her bag with an inhaler”可知是从包里取出呼吸器。故选C。
save救;follow跟随;refuse拒绝。根据“one boy, Brendon Garman, jumped from his desk and rushed toward that bag. He ... the inhaler and gave it to his teacher.”可知是救了老师。故选A。
failed失败;hurried匆忙;forgot忘记。根据“In the movie, one of the characters had an asthma (哮喘) attack and fainted.”可知情况紧急,要急忙去拿呼吸器。故选B。
If如果;As当……时候;Though尽管。根据“... Brendon’s family learnt this, they were very proud of him.”可知此处表示当布兰登家人知道时,他们感到骄傲,用As引导时间状语从句。故选B。
calm平静的;angry生气的;tired劳累的。根据“not like a child with autism”可知表现得不像自闭症儿童,很平静。故选A。
against反对;except除去;without没有。根据“I wouldn’t be here now ... him”可知没有布兰登老师会死,不会在这儿。故选C。
Our words may influence (影响) people for years, and even for a lifetime. They provide them ____36____ courage to go on or one more reason to give up.
My family moved to ____37____ city when I was fourteen. Junior high was always a ____38____ time for me, and the move made my ninth-grade year even harder.
I remember walking into the dining hall for the first time. The other ____39____ had good friends with them, but I didn’t know anyone. I felt ____40____ and went to the nearest seat after getting some food. The kids beside me looked at me up and down and then laughed. I could feel my face turning red at that moment. Then one of the kids broke the ____41____.
“Man! You have one big nose.”
I felt hurt and didn’t know ____42____ to say. I wanted to cry, but I managed a little smile—as if it didn’t hurt me at all. But it did.
From then on, I would often look at ____43____ in the mirror. It seemed that I was just living for my nose. Thankfully, I grew out of this influence finally. But it really ____44____ me twenty years.
I also remember going through a terrible business failure. I called my dad for help and what he said gave me courage and confidence to go on with my ____45____.
Encouraging words can really help people a lot. So encourage others more and try to help them out when they
are in need.
36.A. with B. to C. for
37.A. other B. another C. the other
38.A. quick B. happy C. difficult
39.A. kids B. teachers C. workers
40.A. lively B. friendly C. lonely
41.A. ice B. desk C. glass
42.A. how B. why C. what
43.A. myself B. yourself C. himself
44.A. paid B. took C. spent
45.A. study B. business C. exam
【答案】36. A 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. C 41. A 42. C 43. A 44. B 45. B
with和;to到;for为了。短语provide sb. with sth.“提供某物给某人”,是固定搭配。故选A。
other其它的,后接复数名词; another(三者以上)另一个;the other(两个中的)另一个。空白处修饰单数名词city,需用another表示“另一个”。故选B。
quick快速的;happy快乐的;difficult困难的。根据“even harder”可知,搬家让我九年级的学习更加困难。故选C。
kids孩子;teachers老师;workers工人。根据“The kids beside me looked at me up and down and then laughed.”可知,此处指的是其他孩子。故选A。
lively活泼的;friendly友好的;lonely孤独的。根据“but I didn’t know anyone”可知,作者很孤独。故选C。
ice冰;desk桌子;glass玻璃。本题考查固定搭配break the ice“打破僵局”。故选A。
how如何;why为什么;what什么。say后缺宾语,what to say“说些什么”符合句意。故选C。
myself我自己;yourself你自己;himself他自己。根据“...in the mirror. It seemed that I was just living for my nose.”可知,此处指作者照镜子看自己的鼻子。故选A。
paid支付;took花费;spent花费(主语通常是人)。本题考查固定句型It takes sb+时间 +to do sth“某人花费时间做某事”。故选B。
study学习;business生意;exam考试。根据“I also remember going through a terrible business failure.”可知,此处指生意失败。故选B。
Sammie Vance is from Indiana, U.S.A. For years, she’s been helping kids who feel ____16____ to make friends. What she was doing was running the Buddy Bench program. She ____17____ it when she was in the third grade. The idea was that anyone at school who was feeling lonely could sit on the “buddy bench.” That let other kids know ____18____ needed a friend. “It’s really helpful to have other people be able to notice you,” Sammie says.
Sammie got the idea for the Buddy Bench program at the summer camp in 2017. She thought it would be cool to have a buddy bench in her school, ____19____ when she got home, she presented the idea to her headmaster, her teachers, and her parents. Getting their agreement for the project was just the ____20____ step. “There have been a lot of small challenges, like ____21____,” Sammie says.
To reduce costs and be eco-friendly, Sammie decided to make the bench out of recycled material. She ____22____ her community to gather bottle caps.
Word of the project spread ____23____ and soon Sammie was getting caps from people in all 50 states. In the end, she collected more than 1, 200 pounds of bottle caps. These caps were used to make three buddy benches ____24____ her school.
What Sammie’s work shows is that helping people in your community can begin at any age. “You don’t have to be an adult to make a difference,” she says. Indeed, even small acts of ____25____ can be powerful.
16.A. calm B. lonely C. happy
17.A. lost B. controlled C. started
18.A. somebody B. nobody C. everybody
19.A. or B. but C. so
20.A. first B. next C. last
21.A. time B. money C. space
22.A. led to B. stuck to C. turned to
23.A. finely B. quickly C. regularly
24.A. for B. with C. from
25.A. happiness B. kindness C. politeness
【答案】16. B 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. A 21. B 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. B
【解析】本文主要介绍了Sammie Vance帮助学校和社区制作了可回收的友谊长凳,这些长椅可以帮助别人找到朋友。
calm平静的;lonely孤单的,寂寞的;happy快乐的。根据“helping kids who feel ... to make friends”和下文“The idea was that anyone at school who was feeling lonely... ”可知,应是帮助感到孤独的孩子交朋友,故选B。
lost丢失;controlled控制;started开始。 根据“What she was doing was running the Buddy Bench program. She... it when she was in the third grade”可知,空处是介绍她开始项目的时间,故选C。
somebody某人,有人;nobody没人;everybody每个人。根据“The idea was that anyone at school who was feeling lonely could sit on the ‘buddy bench.’”可知,任何在学校感到孤独的人都可以坐在“友谊板凳”上,这样的话其他孩子就会知道有人需要朋友,故选A。
first第一;next接下来的;last最后的。根据“There have been a lot of small challenges...”可知,让他们同意是第一步,故选A。
time时间;money钱;space空间。根据“To reduce costs and be eco-friendly, Sammie decided to make the bench out
of recycled material.”可知,此处指花费上的问题,故选B。
led to导致;stuck to坚持;turned to转向。 根据“Sammie decided to make the bench out of recycled material. She... her community to gather bottle caps”可知,为了减少成本,并环保,所以转向去社区捡瓶盖,故选C。
23.句意:这个项目的消息很快就传开了,很快Sammie 就从所有50个州的人那里得到了盖子。
finely精美地;quickly快速地;regularly定期地。 根据“soon Sammie was getting caps from people in all 50 states”可知,消息迅速传开了,故选B。
for为了;with和……一起;from从。根据“These caps were used to make three buddy benches ... her school.”可知,用瓶盖为学校做板凳,故选A。
happiness幸福;kindness善良;politeness礼貌。 根据“What Sammie’s work shows is that helping people in your community can begin at any age.”及全文讲述Sammie帮助人们找朋友的故事可知,此处指小的善举也会产生大大影响,故选B。
What’s your hobby The ___16___ may be different. Many people like to ___17___ different things as their hobbies. Some collect stamps. Some collect coins. Some people collect older and better ___18___ such as rocks. Most of them are thousands of years old. Rocks cover the whole ___19___, so most kinds of rocks are easy to be found. ___20___ some are not common rocks, like diamonds (钻石) and emeralds (翡翠). There are rocks on the land and the mountains. And there are rocks ___21___ the oceans, lakes and rivers.
Sandy likes keeping rocks. She spends all free time ___22___ rocks. She also ___23___ about many other things. Sandy and her uncle take hikes together during weekends and holidays. They ___24___ interesting rocks on their way and add them to their collection. At school she is interested in showing them to her friends ___25___. She thinks rocks are a kind of beauty of the nature.
Rock collecting is really fun.
16.A. passages B. answers C. forests
17.A. choose B. control C. collect
18.A. things B. persons C. jobs
19.A. earth B. moon C. sun
20.A. Or B. And C. But
21.A. above B. to C. under
22.A. feeding on B. searching for C. chatting with
23.A. tells B. thinks C. learns
24.A. put away B. pick up C. throw off
25.A. happily B. quickly C. safely
【答案】16. B 17. C 18. A 19. A 20. C 21. C 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. A
passages文章;answers回答;forests森林。根据首句“what’s your hobby ”的提问可知,答案可能不同。故选B。
choose选择;control控制;collect收集。根据后文“Some collect stamps. Some collect coins.”可知,这里说的是收集不同的东西。故选C。
things东西;persons人;jobs工作。根据前文的句子“Many people like to collect different things as their hobbies.”可知, 这里说的是一些人喜欢更古老更好的东西。故选A。
earth地球;moon月亮;sun太阳。根据“Rocks cover the whole ...”可知,岩石哪里都可以找到,结合选项可知,岩石覆盖着整个地球符合语境。故选A。
Or或者;And并且;But但是。根据“so most kinds of rocks are easy to be found.”可知,空格前后句是转折关系。故选C。
feeding on以……为食;searching for寻找;chatting with与……聊天。根据“Sandy likes keeping rocks.”可知,她喜欢收集石头,因此会花时间去寻找石头。故选B。
tells告诉;thinks认为;learns学习。根据前文“She spends all free time”可知,在她花费空闲时间寻找石头的过程当中,还学习到了许多其他的东西。故选C。
put away收起来;pick up捡起来;throw off摆脱。根据文中的句子“They ... interesting rocks on their way and add them to their collection.”可知,他们在路上捡起石头。故选B。
happily高兴地;quickly迅速地;safely安全地。根据“She thinks rocks are a kind of beauty of the nature.”可知,她很开心地展示给她的朋友们。故选A。
Long long ago, there was a mystery deer living in the mountains. The deer had white horns (角) and shining ____16____ which was nine colored. One day he saved a man who had ____17____ a river and was drowning (溺亡). When the man tried to thank the deer, the deer refused his thanks ____18____ asked the man not to tell anyone where he was. The man agreed and went away ____19____.
Later, the queen had a dream of a nine-colored deer. When she woke up, she decided that she wanted a coat made of the deer’s beautiful fur, so the king offered a ____20____ prize to anyone who could tell her where the deer was. The man who had been saved decided that he wanted this prize, then he offered to ____21____ the king to the deer. As soon as he did so, his body became covered in sores.
The man led the king and his ____22____ out to kill the deer, finding him sleeping in the mountains. Waking up to ____23____ that he was trapped (被困) and could not escape, the deer told the king how he was betrayed (背叛) by the man he saved. The king was moved ____24____ this story. He ordered that the deer mustn’t be harmed. We should not pay back ____25____ with evil. This is the moral of the story.
16.A. bones B. fur C. blood
17.A. fallen into B. fallen down C. fallen off
18.A. or B. so C. but
19.A. happily B. sadly C. angrily
20.A. handsome B. cheap C. common
21.A. advise B. lead C. help
22.A. friend B. relative C. army
23.A. prove B. expect C. discover
24.A. as B. by C. for
25.A. kindness B. brightness C. fondness
【答案】16. B 17. A 18. C 19. A 20. A 21. B 22. C 23. C 24. B 25. A
bones骨头;fur皮毛;blood血液。根据后文“she wanted a coat made of the deer’s beautiful fur”可知,鹿有漂亮的皮毛,故选B。
fallen into陷入;fallen down摔倒;fallen off掉落。根据“was drowning”可知,快要溺亡,所以是落水的人,故选A。
happily开心地;sadly悲伤地;angrily生气地。根据“When the man tried to thank the deer, the deer refused his thanks...asked the man not to tell anyone where he was.”可知,鹿拒绝了他的感谢,所以那人高高兴兴地走了。故选A。
handsome可观的,优厚的;cheap便宜的;common普通的。根据“so the king offered a...prize to anyone who could tell her where the deer was”可知,国王提供了可观的奖励,故选A。
advise建议;lead带路;help帮助。根据“then he offered to...the king to the deer”可知,他提出要把国王带到鹿那里。故选B。
friend朋友;relative亲戚;army军队。根据“The man led the king and his...out to kill the deer”可知,这个人带领国王和他的军队去杀鹿,故选C。
prove证明;expect期待;discover发觉。根据“Waking up to...that he was trapped (被困) and could not escape”可知,鹿醒来后发觉自己被困住了,故选C。
as作为;by被;for为了。根据“The king was moved...this story.”可知,国王被这个故事感动了。故选B。
kindness善良;brightness亮度;fondness爱好。根据“We should not pay back...with evil.”可知,我们不应该
Look! Simon is doing GIY in his house. It seems very easy and convenient. What’s GIY It means “grow it yourself”. More and more people take part and it becomes a new fashion ___36___.
However, some people think the garbage produced during GIY makes their house ___37___. And they are too tired to do the cleaning after that. Others give up because they think GIY ___38___ too much space. There is no enough room in their houses for growing the food. ___39___, growing your own food is a good idea. The reasons are as follows.
To begin with, to GIY, you can use pots on your balconies (阳台) to save space and it has little garbage. What’s more, GIY helps ___40___ carbon dioxide emissions (排放物). Because food in supermarkets travels a long way and gives off carbon dioxide. Besides, vegetables in supermarkets are full of chemicals (化学品) ___41___ vegetables you grow aren’t. They are good for your health. You can also ___42___ your vegetables for people in need. To help others will make you feel pleased.
In a word, GIY gives you a(n) ___43___ to grow your own food and make great progress in gardening. It has plenty of good ___44___. If you take action to have a try, you will have both a ___45___ body and a better social life.
36.A. directly B. seriously C. immediately
37.A. untidy B. unbelievable C. unfriendly
38.A. pollutes B. requires C. supports
39.A. As a result B. As usual C. As a matter of fact
40.A. increase B. reduce C. lose
41.A. while B. when C. because
42.A. remove B. provide C. create
43.A. program B. gift C. opportunity
44.A. markets B. effects C. projects
45.A. healthier B. worse C. slimmer
【答案】36. C 37. A 38. B 39. C 40. B 41. A 42. B 43. C 44. B 45. A
directly直接地;seriously严重地;immediately快速地。根据“More and more people take part”可知,因为很多人参与,所以很快变成一种时尚,故选C。
untidy不整洁的;unbelievable不可思议的;unfriendly不友好的。根据“the garbage produced”可知,垃圾让房子不整洁,故选A。
pollutes污染;requires需要;supports支持。根据“too much space”可知,GIY需要太多空间,故选B。
As a result因此;As usual和往常一样;As a matter of fact事实上。根据“growing your own food is a good idea”可知,事实上,自己种植食物是个好主意。故选C。
increase增加;reduce减少;lose失去。根据“carbon dioxide emissions”可知,能减少二氧化碳排放,故选B。
while然而;when当……时;because因为。根据“vegetables you grow aren’t”可知,前后是对比关系,故选A。
remove移除;provide提供;create创造。根据“your vegetables for people”可知,把蔬菜提供有需要的人,故选B。
program程序;gift礼物;opportunity机会。根据“grow your own food”可知,给人们种植食物的机会,故选C。
healthier更健康的;worse更糟糕的;slimmer更瘦的。根据“a better social life”可知,有更健康的身体,故选A。
In a far﹣away village in Wanzhou district,Chongqing,a boy's parents work far from home,leaving him in the care of his grandmother.He comes home every Friday and 1 to school in the city every Sunday.To make the journey easier,he and the driver Cheng Lin,have developed a 2 "code".When the boy's schoolbag is hanging outside the house,it " 3 " Mr.Cheng, "I need to catch the bus to school today. "
The parents of the boy are deeply 4 when they know this.They show their heartfelt
5 to Mr.Cheng.They feel happy that there is 6 taking care of their son while they are away.
Mr.Cheng 7 the Luotian to WuqiaoNan Station bus for many years.There are many left﹣behind
8 on this bus line. 9 realizing the importance of his role in their lives,he has paid more attention on Fridays and Sundays.
The driver's kindness to the boy warms the hearts of many people. "He is a good driver.The schoolbag is their code,packed with, 10 inside," one wrote online.
1 A.gets up B.goes back C.gives away
2 A.special B.local C.difficult
3 A.warns B.tells C.introduces
4 A.changed B.affected C.touched
5 A.gifts B.messages C.thanks
6 A.someone B.nobody C.anyone
7 A.designs B.drives C.repairs
8 A.children B.houses C.animals
9 A.While B.By C.Without
10 A.imagination B.courage C.love
【解答】1.考查动词短语。句意:他每周五回家,每周日回到城里的学校。gets up起床;goes back回去;gives
away赠送。根据"He comes home every Friday (他每周五回家,)可知,周日应该回到学校,故选B。
2.考查形容词。句意:为了方便出行,他和司机程林设计了一个特殊的"代码"。special特殊的;local当地的;difficult困难的。根据"When the boy's schoolbag is hanging outside the house,it " tells" Mr.Cheng, "I need to catch the bus to school today. "(当男孩的书包挂在屋外时,它告诉"程先生,"我今天要赶去学校的公共汽车。")可知,这是一个特殊的代码,故选A。
3.考查动词。句意:当男孩的书包挂在屋外时,它"告诉"程先生:"我今天需要赶公交车上学。"warns警告;tells告诉;introduces介绍。根据"I need to catch the bus to school today."(我今天要赶去学校的公共汽车。)可知,把书包挂在屋外是为了告诉程先生今天自己要乘公交车,故选B。
4.考查动词。句意:当男孩的父母知道这一点时,他们深受感动。changed改变;affected影响;touched感动。根据"They show their heartfelt thanks to Mr.Cheng."(他们向程先生表示衷心的感谢。)可知,父母被感动了,故选C。
5.考查名词。句意:他们向程先生表示衷心的感谢。gifts礼物;messages信息;thanks感谢。根据"They feel happy that there is someone taking care of their son while they are away."(他们感到很高兴,因为他们不在时有人照顾他们的儿子。)可知,男孩的父母很感谢程先生,故选C。
9.考查连词。句意:当他意识到自己在他们生活中的重要性时,他在周五和周日花了更多的精力。While当……时候;By通过;Without没有。根据"realizing the importance of his role in their lives,he has paid more attention on Fridays and Sundays."(意识到自己的角色在他们生活中的重要性,他在周五和周日更加关注。)可知,前后句是时间上的关系,while符合语境,故选A。
10.考查名词。句意:书包就是他们的密码,里面装满了爱。imagination想象;courage勇气;love爱。根据"The driver's kindness to the boy warms the hearts of many people."(司机对男孩的友善温暖了许多人的心。)可知,司机对男孩的善意温暖了许多人的心,所以这里用love符合语境,故选C。2024年中考英语二轮复习专题-完形填空(福建专用)
2024年福建省福州市中考一模 鼓励学生学习简单的手语
2024年福建省南平市中考一模 保护地球,他先从清理河流沿岸开始,并将此发展成为一项人们可以广泛参与的活动。
2024年福建省泉州市中考一模 电影上学会急救措施,救活了老师
2024年福建省三明市中考一模 鼓励别人的话确实能帮助很多人。
2024年福建省漳州市中考一模 可回收的友谊长凳,这些长椅可以帮助别人找到朋友
2024年福建省龙岩市长汀县中考一模 不同的人有不同的爱好,并着重介绍了Sand的爱好是收集石头
2024年福建省莆田市仙游县中考一模 我们不应该以恶报善
2024年福建省厦门市湖滨中学中考一模 一种新时尚——GIY
2024年福建省龙岩市中考模拟英语试卷 一位重庆的公交车司机程林与留守男孩的温暖故事
Leisa Duckwall works at an elementary school in Virginia. She has worked in the cafeteria for over four years, serving ____36____ breakfast and lunch.
Duckwall is ____37____. She didn’t see a student say anything to her until this year. Now, the whole school is learning sign language. Sign language is a way of communicating with one’s hands. Different signs can stand for letters, words or ideas.
Now, students sign “hello” and “good morning” to her. They also sign “thank you”. Duckwall said this makes her ____38____.
It first started in Kari Maskelony’s fourth-grade classroom. Maskelony grew up with deaf family members.
Many of her friends are deaf. She ____39____ sign language.
Maskelony asked her students if they wanted to learn ____40____ to sign. That way, they could ____41____ Duckwall. They said yes.
The class started with the sign language for main dishes, such as chicken and fish, as well as the ____42____ of common side dishes (配菜). So, a student would sign the letter “C” if they wanted a side of carrots.
What started in one fourth grade classroom ended up spreading ____43____ the school, as the school headmaster soon took notice. “We now have the whole school learning one sign a week,” Kari said ____44____.
The students are interested in learning sign language. It is hard work ____45____ they say it is worth it. It helps Duckwall feel included.
36.A. cooks B. students C. tourists
37.A. blind B. deaf C. shy
38.A. polite B. bored C. happy
39.A. knows B. likes C. creates
40.A. how B. what C. why
41.A. call up B. speak to C. learn from
42.A. goods B. letters C. vegetables
43.A. throughout B. outside C. from
44.A. silently B. hopefully C. excitedly
45.A. So B. And C. But
Cash Daniels, a 12-year-old boy, loves nature and wants to protect our planet. He grew up near the Tennessee River and was ____16____ to learn that it is one of the most polluted rivers in the world. He knew he had to ____17____.
At first, Cash and his parents worked to pick up garbage near the Tennessee River. But soon he realized he would need more help. So he started ____18____ cleanups of the Tennessee River with his family, neighbors and volunteers. Most of them were ____19____ the community. Cash also wrote a children’s book about river pollution to help others understand why it was so ____20____ to protect our planet. He even ____21____ raised enough money to place 17 recycling dustbins along the river.
Cash’s hard work and devotion (奉献) have had a big ____22____ in his hometown. He was ____23____ “Green Youth” for his effort to protect the environment in 2021. But Cash isn’t stopping there. He knows there’s
still more work to do. He wants to ____24____ the world, teach others about the ocean and its creatures (生物), and encourage people to protect it.
Cash believes that every little action counts and that everyone can make a _____25_____ change. He encourages everyone to stand up and take part in protecting our planet.
16.A. sad B. calm C. happy
17.A. act B. play C. read
18.A. reducing B. organizing C. researching
19.A. on B. for C. from
20.A. important B. interesting C. relaxing
21.A. slowly B. hardly C. suddenly
22.A. decision B. speech C. influence
23.A. told B. given C. thought
24.A. enjoy B. travel C. believe
25.A. popular B. difficult C. positive
It was a usual school day at Oak Grove Elementary in Missouri. When the fourth-grade teacher, Madonna Kenser, was giving her students a lesson, suddenly her throat began to close, making it difficult for her to ____36____ .
The class of nine-year-olds were very ____37____ and just watching. Kenser tried to reach for her bag with an inhaler (呼吸器), but she didn’t make it. She fainted (昏倒), lying on the floor.
____38____, one boy, Brendon Garman, jumped from his desk and rushed toward that bag. He ____39____ the inhaler and gave it to his teacher.
When asked how he knew what to do to ____40____ his teacher, Brendon said, “I was able to act quickly because of a movie Are We There Yet. In the movie, one of the characters had an asthma (哮喘) attack and fainted. Another ____41____ to get an inhaler and helped him breathe normally. "
____42____ Brendon’s family learnt this, they were very proud of him. His mother said something that made this young ____43____ even more amazing. Brendon has autism (自闭症) and he has difficulty communicating with others.
“Brendon was very ____44____ at that time, not like a child with autism. I wouldn’t be here now ____45____ him,” said Kenser. “The doctor told me 5,000 people died from asthma attacks that happened that day.”
36.A. hear B. see C. breathe
37.A. frightened B. serious C. disappointed
38.A. Actually B. Luckily C. Generally
39.A. turned off B. paid for C. took out
40.A. save B. follow C. refuse
41.A. failed B. hurried C. forgot
42.A. If B. As C. Though
43.A. hero B. actor C. doctor
44.A. calm B. angry C. tired
45.A. against B. except C. without
Our words may influence (影响) people for years, and even for a lifetime. They provide them ____36____ courage to go on or one more reason to give up.
My family moved to ____37____ city when I was fourteen. Junior high was always a ____38____ time for me, and the move made my ninth-grade year even harder.
I remember walking into the dining hall for the first time. The other ____39____ had good friends with them, but I didn’t know anyone. I felt ____40____ and went to the nearest seat after getting some food. The kids beside me looked at me up and down and then laughed. I could feel my face turning red at that moment. Then one of the kids broke the ____41____.
“Man! You have one big nose.”
I felt hurt and didn’t know ____42____ to say. I wanted to cry, but I managed a little smile—as if it didn’t hurt me at all. But it did.
From then on, I would often look at ____43____ in the mirror. It seemed that I was just living for my nose. Thankfully, I grew out of this influence finally. But it really ____44____ me twenty years.
I also remember going through a terrible business failure. I called my dad for help and what he said gave me courage and confidence to go on with my ____45____.
Encouraging words can really help people a lot. So encourage others more and try to help them out when they are in need.
36.A. with B. to C. for
37.A. other B. another C. the other
38.A. quick B. happy C. difficult
39.A. kids B. teachers C. workers
40.A. lively B. friendly C. lonely
41.A. ice B. desk C. glass
42.A. how B. why C. what
43.A. myself B. yourself C. himself
44.A. paid B. took C. spent
45.A. study B. business C. exam
Sammie Vance is from Indiana, U.S.A. For years, she’s been helping kids who feel ____16____ to make friends. What she was doing was running the Buddy Bench program. She ____17____ it when she was in the third grade. The idea was that anyone at school who was feeling lonely could sit on the “buddy bench.” That let other kids know ____18____ needed a friend. “It’s really helpful to have other people be able to notice you,” Sammie says.
Sammie got the idea for the Buddy Bench program at the summer camp in 2017. She thought it would be cool to have a buddy bench in her school, ____19____ when she got home, she presented the idea to her headmaster, her teachers, and her parents. Getting their agreement for the project was just the ____20____ step. “There have been a lot of small challenges, like ____21____,” Sammie says.
To reduce costs and be eco-friendly, Sammie decided to make the bench out of recycled material. She ____22____ her community to gather bottle caps.
Word of the project spread ____23____ and soon Sammie was getting caps from people in all 50 states. In the end, she collected more than 1, 200 pounds of bottle caps. These caps were used to make three buddy benches ____24____ her school.
What Sammie’s work shows is that helping people in your community can begin at any age. “You don’t have to be an adult to make a difference,” she says. Indeed, even small acts of ____25____ can be powerful.
16.A. calm B. lonely C. happy
17.A. lost B. controlled C. started
18.A. somebody B. nobody C. everybody
19.A. or B. but C. so
20.A. first B. next C. last
21.A. time B. money C. space
22.A. led to B. stuck to C. turned to
23.A. finely B. quickly C. regularly
24.A. for B. with C. from
25.A. happiness B. kindness C. politeness
What’s your hobby The ___16___ may be different. Many people like to ___17___ different things as their hobbies. Some collect stamps. Some collect coins. Some people collect older and better ___18___ such as rocks. Most of them are thousands of years old. Rocks cover the whole ___19___, so most kinds of rocks are easy to be found. ___20___ some are not common rocks, like diamonds (钻石) and emeralds (翡翠). There are rocks on the land and the mountains. And there are rocks ___21___ the oceans, lakes and rivers.
Sandy likes keeping rocks. She spends all free time ___22___ rocks. She also ___23___ about many other things. Sandy and her uncle take hikes together during weekends and holidays. They ___24___ interesting rocks on their way and add them to their collection. At school she is interested in showing them to her friends ___25___. She thinks rocks are a kind of beauty of the nature.
Rock collecting is really fun.
16.A. passages B. answers C. forests
17.A. choose B. control C. collect
18.A. things B. persons C. jobs
19.A. earth B. moon C. sun
20.A. Or B. And C. But
21.A. above B. to C. under
22.A. feeding on B. searching for C. chatting with
23.A. tells B. thinks C. learns
24.A. put away B. pick up C. throw off
25.A. happily B. quickly C. safely
Long long ago, there was a mystery deer living in the mountains. The deer had white horns (角) and shining ____16____ which was nine colored. One day he saved a man who had ____17____ a river and was drowning (溺亡). When the man tried to thank the deer, the deer refused his thanks ____18____ asked the man not to tell anyone
where he was. The man agreed and went away ____19____.
Later, the queen had a dream of a nine-colored deer. When she woke up, she decided that she wanted a coat made of the deer’s beautiful fur, so the king offered a ____20____ prize to anyone who could tell her where the deer was. The man who had been saved decided that he wanted this prize, then he offered to ____21____ the king to the deer. As soon as he did so, his body became covered in sores.
The man led the king and his ____22____ out to kill the deer, finding him sleeping in the mountains. Waking up to ____23____ that he was trapped (被困) and could not escape, the deer told the king how he was betrayed (背叛) by the man he saved. The king was moved ____24____ this story. He ordered that the deer mustn’t be harmed. We should not pay back ____25____ with evil. This is the moral of the story.
16.A. bones B. fur C. blood
17.A. fallen into B. fallen down C. fallen off
18.A. or B. so C. but
19.A. happily B. sadly C. angrily
20.A. handsome B. cheap C. common
21.A. advise B. lead C. help
22.A. friend B. relative C. army
23.A. prove B. expect C. discover
24.A. as B. by C. for
25.A. kindness B. brightness C. fondness
Look! Simon is doing GIY in his house. It seems very easy and convenient. What’s GIY It means “grow it yourself”. More and more people take part and it becomes a new fashion ___36___.
However, some people think the garbage produced during GIY makes their house ___37___. And they are too tired to do the cleaning after that. Others give up because they think GIY ___38___ too much space. There is no enough room in their houses for growing the food. ___39___, growing your own food is a good idea. The reasons are as follows.
To begin with, to GIY, you can use pots on your balconies (阳台) to save space and it has little garbage. What’s more, GIY helps ___40___ carbon dioxide emissions (排放物). Because food in supermarkets travels a long way and gives off carbon dioxide. Besides, vegetables in supermarkets are full of chemicals (化学品) ___41___ vegetables you grow aren’t. They are good for your health. You can also ___42___ your vegetables for people in need. To help others will make you feel pleased.
In a word, GIY gives you a(n) ___43___ to grow your own food and make great progress in gardening. It has plenty of good ___44___. If you take action to have a try, you will have both a ___45___ body and a better social life.
36.A. directly B. seriously C. immediately
37.A. untidy B. unbelievable C. unfriendly
38.A. pollutes B. requires C. supports
39.A. As a result B. As usual C. As a matter of fact
40.A. increase B. reduce C. lose
41.A. while B. when C. because
42.A. remove B. provide C. create
43.A. program B. gift C. opportunity
44.A. markets B. effects C. projects
45.A. healthier B. worse C. slimmer
In a far﹣away village in Wanzhou district,Chongqing,a boy's parents work far from home,leaving him in the care of his grandmother.He comes home every Friday and 1 to school in the city every Sunday.To make the journey easier,he and the driver Cheng Lin,have developed a 2 "code".When the boy's schoolbag is hanging outside the house,it " 3 " Mr.Cheng, "I need to catch the bus to school today. "
The parents of the boy are deeply 4 when they know this.They show their heartfelt
5 to Mr.Cheng.They feel happy that there is 6 taking care of their son while they are away.
Mr.Cheng 7 the Luotian to WuqiaoNan Station bus for many years.There are many left﹣behind
8 on this bus line. 9 realizing the importance of his role in their lives,he has paid more attention on Fridays and Sundays.
The driver's kindness to the boy warms the hearts of many people. "He is a good driver.The schoolbag is their code,packed with, 10 inside," one wrote online.
1 A.gets up B.goes back C.gives away
2 A.special B.local C.difficult
3 A.warns B.tells C.introduces
4 A.changed B.affected C.touched
5 A.gifts B.messages C.thanks
6 A.someone B.nobody C.anyone
7 A.designs B.drives C.repairs
8 A.children B.houses C.animals
9 A.While B.By C.Without
10 A.imagination B.courage C.love




下一篇:2024年中考英语二轮复习专题- 短文填词(福建专用)(原卷版+解析版)