2023-2024牛津译林版八年级英语下册期中Unit 5 Welcome Reading 1 同步练习(无答案)

Unit5 Welcome---Reading 1
一 单项选择:
( )1. We know there are lots of ways to avoid ________ H1N1.
A. getting B. get C. gets D. to get
( )2. --- Is it polite to spit __________
---No, we shouldn’t do that.
A. in public B. at least C. on time D. on public
( )3. The boy pushed me away as I was __________ his way.
A. on B. by C. in D. at
( )4. I am learning French, but I still can’t speak it __________.
A. proper B. properly C. suitable D. suitably
( )5. ---How many teeth did the dentist(牙医) __________
---Only one.
A. take away B. take off C. take in D. take out
( )6. ---Do you know Betty very well
---Yes, we ___________ friends since we met last year.
A. have made B. have become C. have been D. have turned
( )7. This book is _________ hard for us _______ understand.
A. too, to B. enough, to C. so, to D. so, that
( )8. She is too shy speak ________.
A. public B. in the public places C. in the public D. in public
( )9. ---What about your school
---It’s very clean and beautiful. You can’t see __________ on the ground.
A. little B. any litter C. many litters D. much litter
( )10. ---Look!. That _________ be our teacher.
---It _________ be her. She has just left for Shanghai.
A. can’t, mustn’t B. must, can’t C. must, mustn’t D. can’t, must
4. It is not _______________(适当的) to cut in their talk.
1. We had to ________________(推,挤) our way through the crowd.
2. This is an interesting ________________ (话题).
3 Sandy loves her pet dog so much that she always greet it with lots of _____________(亲吻).
4 Something difficult can’t be ______________(避免) in study.
5. Good students always _________________(表现) well and obey the rules
6. Yesterday Mr Wu met my father for the first time and they __________(shake) hands with eacher other
7. Don’t shout or laugh _________________(loud) in public.
8 Keep the kids from __________________( touch) the knives.
1. How do people greet each other properly
_______________ _______________ _______________ _____________ for people greet each other.
2. In Belgium friends and family greet each other with a kiss.
In Belgium friends and family ____________ ____________ ____________ as a ____________
3. People don’t talk about age, weight or money.
People _______________ _______________ ______________ age, weight or money.
4. You can start to eat after everyone is ready.
You ______________ start to eat ______________ everyone is ready.
5. They are so polite that they will wait till you move.
They are _________________ _______________ _________________ wait till you move.
1. 昨天妈妈邀请了所有朋友来参加她的生日Party。
2. 他在我们前面插队是非常不礼貌的。
3. 我们应该轮流帮助学习需要帮助的同学。
4. 课堂上请不要插嘴。
5. 在大街上走路要小心点,避免和别人碰撞。



