2024年深圳中考英语模拟题一试题与答案(含答案及听力原文 无音频)

班级:___________________ 分数:_____________________
Ⅰ. 信息获取(14分)
第一节 听选信息(6分)
听三段对话,每段播放两遍。选择正确的信息在 8 秒钟内口头回答。
1. When should they hand in their homework ( on Tuesday / on Thursday / tomorrow )
Answer: __________________________________________________
2. Why don’t they go to the library now ( so far away / so early / too cold )
Answer: __________________________________________________
3. What lesson did the boy miss today (English / Chinese / History )
Answer: __________________________________________________
4. What did Marco Polo describe Hangzhou as
( the farthest city in the world / the fi nest city in China / the fi nest city in the world )
Answer: __________________________________________________
5. Where does the woman ask the man to imagine he is ( at home/ in Iceland / on a tiny island )
Answer: __________________________________________________
6. Why would the man like to have an iPod
( call the police for help / listen to music all day / keep in touch with his family)
Answer: __________________________________________________
第二节 回答问题(8 分)
7. Where does the speaker suggest visiting
Answer: __________________________________________________
8. What fantastic sights can we visit there (Name one at least.)
Answer: __________________________________________________
9. How will you travel around Paris if you want to save money
Answer: __________________________________________________
10. What is not expensive in France according to the passage
Answer: ___________________________________________________
Ⅱ. 短文复述及提问(11分)
第一节 短文复述(8分)
你的介绍可以这样开始: Peter is a good student...
第二节 提问(3分)
11. 你想了解Peter昨天第一节是什么课。
12. 你想了解Peter没赶上公共汽车时的感受是怎么样的。
Ⅰ. 完形填空(10分)
Tom brought a box of biscuits to a summer camp. He ate a few and placed the rest under his bed. After lunch, he found the box was gone. He went to tell his camp 1 about it.
The next day, the coach saw a boy eating Tom’s biscuits behind a tree. He 2 an idea to solve the problem. He found Tom and said to him, “I know who 3 your biscuits. Will you help me to teach him a lesson ”
“Well, yes… are you going to punish 4 , sir ” Tom asked. “No, I am not, ” the coach explained 5 . “That would only make him hate you. I want you to write to your mother and ask for more 6 .”
Tom received another box of biscuits by mail from his mother a few days later. “Now, ” said the coach, “go and 7 them with the boy who stole your biscuits.” Tom didn’t understand the coach’s intention, 8 he still followed his advice.
Half an hour later the coach saw the two boys come up the hill, arm in arm. The boy was trying to ask Tom to 9 his toy robot in payment for (赔偿) the stolen biscuits. And Tom was refusing the gift from his new friend. He said that a few biscuits were not so 10 .
In some situations, forgiveness (原谅) is better than punishment.
( ) 1. A. cook B. doctor C. coach D. teacher
( ) 2. A. got on with B. went on with C. stayed with D. came up with
( ) 3. A. took away B. ran away C. threw away D. went away
( ) 4. A. me B. him C. us D. you
( ) 5. A. shyly B. patiently C. angrily D. happily
( ) 6. A. biscuits B. gifts C. toys D. money
( ) 7. A. share B. choose C. divide D. eat
( ) 8. A. if B. but C. though D. and
( ) 9. A. steal B. make C. accept D. buy
( ) 10. A. cheap B. expensive C. necessary D. important
Ⅱ. 阅读理解(40分)
第一节(30 分)
Both of my two sons were born in Toronto, but they moved with us to Ottawa when they were quite young. They went to school there, grew up there. Later, one of my sons went to Canada’s east coast near a city called Halifax and the other moved to the west coast to Vancouver. My wife and I were left in the middle. As we nearly retired (退休), we started to think where we should spend our final years. For several reasons we decided to live on a small town on Vancouver Island, where was close to one of my sons.
However, the son moved to Hollywood soon after he had got another job there. I helped him move.
We still lived a happy life in our little west coast town, but we have paid a price. We have not been there for some important events such as the births of our grandchildren. We have missed watching them grow up; we have missed backyard barbecues and basketball weekends with them. Our home, while very
comfortable, was also very quiet.
Every fall we travel to see the children. We usually fly, first to California to see our son Scott and spend a week or more with him trying to catch up on everything we’ve missed. Then, usually in November, we make the even longer trip east across Canada to see Travis and our grandchildren, who were about their
Fortunately, both our sons are doing well and grandchildren are growing up straight and tall. We love all of them and they love us. We’re very happy but there are times I think about the things we didn’t see: the tears or the smile on the granddaughter’s face, their school graduations, my son’s joy at successes in
Life has been good for our family but we have all paid a price.
( ) 11. The writer’s sons grew up in ________.
A. Toronto B. Ottawa
C. Halifax D. Vancouver
( ) 12. From the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3, we can infer (推断) that the writer ________.
A. wanted to live a noisy life
B. was satisfied with retired life
C. lived a comfortable life
D. was sometimes lonely
( ) 13. Which of the following important events did the writer miss
A. The births of his grandchildren.
B. School graduations of his grandchildren.
C. The successful times of his son’s business.
D. All of the above.
( ) 14. For his family life, the writer implies (暗示) ________.
A. they all regret not living together all the time although enjoying a happy life
B. they enjoy a happy life because they can see each other every year
C. they are proud of the sons and the grandchildren
D. they love the sons and the grandchildren
( ) 15. What’s the best title of the passage
A. Living a Happy Life
B. A Price to Pay
C. Moving from East to West
D. My Sons and Grandchildren
Last week, some German parents who took their kids out of school early were stopped by the police at the airport. The police were making reports on students who didn’t have permission to miss school.
Like many places, it is against the law to skip school in Germany. Children over the age of 9 can’t miss classes without permission from the school. But during busy travel time, some parents take their children out of school early to save money on vacations. People can often save a lot of money on flights and hotels by going at a different time than others.
Last weekend was the beginning of an important holiday period in Germany. People in charge of the schools asked the police to check and make sure that students weren’t leaving for vacations before they were allowed to.
Police officers at three German airports looked for families with school-aged children. When they found them, the police pulled the families out of lines to talk with them. They wanted to find out if the parents had permission for the children to be out of school. If the children did not have permission, the police
reported the families to their schools and to the government. In all, the police reported about 20 families. These families will have two weeks to show that it was okay for their children to miss school. If they can’t, they may have to pay as much as $1,200 as a fi ne (罚款), or receive some other punishment.
Germany is not the only place where parents have to pay fines if their children miss school. Many other countries and many of the states in the U.S. have similar laws.
The good news is that the families were allowed to go on vacation after they talked to the police. But they might have a big bill waiting for them when they get back.
( ) 16. Why do some German parents take their children out of school early during busy travel times
A. They can spend more time with their children.
B. Their children will study by themselves.
C. They want to save money.
D. Their children can take online courses.
( ) 17. The underlined word “skip” means “______” in Chinese.
A. 选择 B. 跳绳 C. 蹦跳 D. 不参加,不出席
( ) 18. In Paragraph 4, police officers at three German airports wanted to ____.
A. find students who skipped school without permission
B. give punishment to the students there
C. take students back to school
D. wait for school managers
( ) 19. Which of the following can be the best title of the text
A. Laws on Vacations in Germany
B. Give Your Family a Perfect Vacation
C. Don’t Skip School in Germany
D. Punishment Goes to Families
( ) 20. Where does this text probably come from
A. A newspaper. B. A science report.
C. A travel guide. D. A textbook.
It’s hard to find a person who doesn’t like traveling. The human’s hopes to explore new areas drive us to visit new countries and discover new places. It’s a pity that it is impossible to explore every corner of the world even if you travel the whole life. So people search travel articles to learn more.
If you want to become a travel writer who helps people to choose a trip, you should know how to create an article about traveling experience. Maybe the following can help you.
Read different resources. Do you want to improve your skills and do great writings Start by exploring how experts do. Start following famous travel writers and discover how they engage readers. Also, it will help you to know about the latest news in the traveling.
For sure, anyone can create a blog about traveling. But the top travel writers don’t create articles according to stories of other people. They make every trip by themselves and share their experience in their articles. If you want to become a successful writer, you should have a large background in traveling. So you can create original (原创的) articles and share your traveling secrets with your readers.
Don’t forget about your opinions when you discover how to write a travel article. If you want to copy someone’s story, you can rewrite it and collect a few points. But if you’re going to become a famous travel writer, you need to create original articles. Feel free to share your opinions and feelings.
Being a travel writer is exciting. You have to travel, explore new areas and share your experience with readers.
( ) 21. The Chinese meaning of the word “engage” is “____________”.
A. 聘请 B. 吸引 C. 告诚 D. 利用
( ) 22. If you want to improve your writing skills, you should ____________.
A. explore how experts do
B. visit new areas
C. discover more readers
D. report the latest news
( ) 23. According to Paragraph 4, a top travel writer should ____________.
A. create a blog about reading
B. write articles about others’ stories
C. become an experienced traveler
D. share other people’s traveling secrets
( ) 24. According to Paragraph 5, we know a famous travel writer _________.
A. should often copy someone’s story
B. usually rewrites somebody’s travel articles
C. only shares others’ experience and feelings
D. should always have their own opinions
( ) 25. This passage mainly tells us ____________.
A. why people search travel articles to learn more
B. why people want to become a travel writer
C. how to write a good article about your traveling
D. how to travel, explore new areas and share your experience
第二节(5 分)
A. Try to learn something new.
B. Read and start a diary.
C. Ask your friends for help.
D. Be friendly to the people you meet.
E. Here are some suggestions for you.
F. Talk with your mum or dad or maybe even your sisters.
Some of you might often feel unhappy or forget how great you are. That is not a good thing. Do you want to make you feel good about yourself 26 .
First, you may look at the mirror and say to yourself, I am a special person and there’s no one in the world like me. I can do anything. It may not sound good, but it really works! Smile. 27 Look for the good things in your friends and family.
Do something nice for someone. Helping others always makes you feel good.
28 Have you ever wanted to decorate (装饰) your own room or learn how to swim Go for it! New challenges are fun and give you a sense of achievement when you have finished.
29 Turn off the TV, be friends with the books and let your dream fly! Write down your thoughts, dreams or anything you want! Writing always helps to open up your thoughts.
Stay with your family. We all need our family time. 30
I wish everyone knows how to make yourself feel good about yourself and lead a happy life.
第三节(5 分)
A. There are lots of places to have fun in Southern California, especially Hollywood. It is famous for movie making all over the world.
B. The weather, the people, even the colors…everything is warm in Hawaii. Hawaii is famous for its beautiful beaches. Thousands of people come to take part in water sports here.
C. Beijing is the capital of China. And it is famous for its beautiful old buildings and the Great Wall.
D. Orange Tree is a beautiful village. There are tall trees around and some high mountains around it. It is very quiet and comfortable.
E. Hong Kong is a big and busy city in Asia. And Hong Kong Disneyland is a great place to go to.
F. Lijiang is a beautiful town in the southwest of China. As you enter the old town of Lijiang, you’ll get a deep feeling of long history when you see the stone streets and the old houses.
(  ) 31. Mary
I like to be quiet and stay by myself. Therefore, I want to be a farmer and live in a place with mountains around it.
(  ) 32. Tom
I want to live in a capital city with a long history because I can find a good job easily and travel a lot after work.
(  ) 33. Jack
I think Disney Park is great, so I want to get a job in a Disney Park.
(  ) 34. Nick
I like sports, especially water sports, so I want to get a job in a city with nice beaches.
(  ) 35. Lana
I want to be a movie star, so I want to live in a city that is famous for its movies.
Ⅲ. 语法填空(10分)
The Great Wall is well known all over the world. Every year thousands of tourists from all over the world come (36)________(visit) this place of interest in China.
Last Saturday I went to the Great Wall with some of my friends. It was (37)________ sunny day. On our way up, we saw many volunteers keeping order in the sun. They helped the elders with their bags, (38)________(take) photos for some tourists and answered people’s questions. (39)________ they were very tired, they didn’t stop to have a rest. We were deeply (40)________(move) when we saw this.
Just at that moment, we saw a little boy standing alone and (41)________(cry). We went over and asked what happened (42)________ him. From his answer we knew that he couldn’t find his mother. We told him not to worry about it and then we tried to get in touch with his mother with the phone number he gave us.
Twenty minutes later, his mother turned up. When she saw her son, she was very (43)________ (excite) and thanked us with tears in her eyes.
That day we not only enjoyed the beauty of the Great Wall, but also felt the (44)________(warm) of the society. If everyone can reach out a helping hand to (45)________(other), the world around us will be more and more harmonious (和谐的).
新年将至, 在过去一年,你有什么特别的经历呢?在新的一年里,你有什么计划呢?有没有新的愿望要在新的一年实现呢?请你根据下面的提示,以“我的年度总结及新年愿望”为题,用英语写一篇短文,梳理、总结你过去一年的事情,并介绍下你的新年计划。
参考词汇:先驱 pioneer 探索 exploration 小说novel
My yearly summary and New Year’s resolutions
How time flies! The new year is coming. It is time for us to think about what we have done in this year and make plans for the new year.
1.On Tuesday.
2.Because it is so early.
4.The finest city in the world.
5.On a tiny island.
6.Because he can listen to music all day.
8.Eiffel Tower / Arc de Triomphe.
9.By underground.
信息转述 .Peter is a good student. He has never been late for school. But yesterday, he was almost late for school. His alarm clock didn’t go off. When he woke up, it was almost 8 o’clock. He took a quick shower, had some breakfast, and then rushed to the bus stop. Unfortunately, the bus had already left. Peter was very worried. Luckily, he met Tony and his dad. Tony’s dad sent him to school by car. So they invited Peter to get into the car and drove Peter to school. When Peter got to school, the final bell was ringing. He only just made it to the class.
11.What was the first lesson yesterday
12.How did you feel when you missed the bus
1-5 CDABB 6-10 AABCD
阅读理解11-15 BDDAB
阅读理解16-20 CDACA
阅读理解21-25 BACDC
短文还原 26-30 EDABF
信息匹配 31-35 DCEBA
语法填空 36- 40
36.to visit 37.a 38.took 39.Although 40.moved
41.crying 42.to 43.excited 44.warmth 45.others
My yearly summary and New Year’s resolutions
How time flies! The new year is coming. It is time for us to think about what we have done in this year and make plans for the new year.
In the past year, I have done a lot of things. First, I became interested in the Silk Road, so I read a lot of books on it. Second, I have had the habit of reading English aloud every day. I made great progress in my English. I even achieved A in the English exam.
In the coming new year, I make some plans. First, I will read more English novels and Chinese novels. I think reading is really a good habit. Second, I will play basketball often. I will run every day so that I can have a healthy body. What’s more, I will find a way to communicate with my parents. I will get along with them. Finally, I will have a more balanced diet. I will eat more fruit and vegetables and stay away from junk food.
I believe that I can be a better person in the coming year.




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