
第一部分 (听力)
I. 听选答案 (共15 小题)
第一节:听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍。请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。 (共10小题)
1. A. The girl’s cousin. B. The boy’s cousin. C. The girl’s aunt.
2. A. Cloudy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy.
3. A. Tall and thin. B. Tall and strong. C. Short and thin.
4. A. His key. B. His bicycle. C. His car.
5. A. By the door. B. By the window C. In the center of the restaurant.
6. A. Once a week. B. Three times a week. C. Twice a week. ·
7. A. Sugar painting. B. Chinese painting. C. Chinese writing.
8. A. To Guangzhou. B. To Suzhou.· C. To Hangzhou.
9. A. She needs help from Tim. B. She wishes to join Tim. C. She wants to invite Tim.
10. A. Because it’s exciting. B. Because it’s relaxing. C. Because it’s popular.
第二节:听下面两段材料,每段材料后有几道小题,请根据材料的内容,从题目所给的三个选项中选出所给问题的最佳答案,每段材料读两遍。 (共5 小题)
听第11段对话, 回答第11、12 小题。
11. What does Scott usually do at 7:10 in the morning
A. Gets up. B. Goes to school. C. Has breakfast.
12. How many classes does Scott have in the afternoon
A. Four. B. Two. C. Three.
听第12段材料, 回答第13 至 15 小题。
13 What is the speaker’s name
A. Barbara. B. Betty C. Bonnie.
14. What is the teacher like
A. Cool and strict. B. Nice and interesting. C. Friendly and patient.
15. Does the writer need to spend money on the course
A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know.
II. 听填信息 (共5小题)
16. Earth Day was founded in 1970 and _______ we celebrate the earth, but the earth is now in trouble.
17. The climate is changing and the temperature has risen. In some _______, ice melts more quickly than before.
18. A small river can _______ a dangerous river very quickly.
19. The population is getting bigger and we cut down trees to _______.
20. Our _______ is to protect the earth at once.
III. 完形填空 (共20小题)
Zhou Shen is a Chinese mainstream singer ___1___ has won lots of fame for singing a wide range of songs and performing different styles of singing. He also plays ___2___ important part in building a bridge with his music between East and West and modern and classic. In fact, it has taken him a long time ___3___ so.
Zhou loved singing when he was a little boy. However, his voice didn’t change like ___4___ boys during puberty (青春期). It still ___5___ like a girl’s voice—thin and high. His peers (同龄人) laughed at him. At that time, he didn’t know ___6___. “So I refused to sing in public and sang in my bedroom secretly,” he said. At 17, he sang online but he didn’t show his face. Some people were fascinated (着迷) by it. ___7___ one of his birthdays, he agreed to show his face. However, when they found out that he was male, some of them made fun of him. Zhou felt bad about this, ___8___ later he got the chance to sing the theme song to the movie Big Fish and Begonia (《大鱼海棠》), which turned out to be a big success. He was ___9___ praised for his excellent performance.
After that, Zhou appeared on several TV talent shows. In ___10___ own words, “it was to give my voice a chance.” He even wore women’s clothes on the show Masked Singer. “It wasn’t hype (炒作),” he said. “I just want the audience to focus on my singing rather than my gender.”
A. whom B. who C. what D. which
A. / B. a C. an D. the
A. do B. doing C. does D. to do
A. other B. others C. another D. the other
A. sounds B. sound C. sounded D. is sounding
A. what could he do B. how could he do C. how he could do D. what he could do
A. At B. In C. For D. On
A. but B. so C. and D. for
A. high B. highly C. higher D. highest
A. he B. himself C. his D. him
【答案】1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. C
whom关系代词,指人,作宾语;who关系代词,指人,作主语;what什么;which关系代词,指物,作主语或宾语。根据“Zhou Shen is a Chinese mainstream singer…has won lots of fame for singing a wide range of songs and performing different styles of singing.”可知,此处考查定语从句的连接词,先行词是singer,指人,从句缺主语,所以此处应该用who进行连接。故选B。
/,不用冠词;a一个,不定冠词,后跟以辅音音素开头的词;an一个,不定冠词,后跟以元音音素开头的词;the这个,定冠词,表特指。根据句意可知,此处表示泛指,结合“He also plays…important part in building a bridge”可知,important是以元音音素开头的词,此处应该填入an,play an important part in…,固定搭配,“在……中发挥重要作用”符合语境。故选C。
do做,原形;doing做,现在分词;does做,第三人称单数;to do去做,不定式。根据“it has taken him a long time…”可知,此处考查固定句型:it has taken sb.+时间+to do sth.“已经花费某人多少时间去做某事”。故选D。
other其他的,后跟可数名词复数;others其他的(人或物);another(三者及以上的)另一个的,再一个的;the other(两个中的)另一个的。根据“…boys during puberty (青春期).”可知,此处应该填入other“其他的”,形容词,作定语,修饰限定名词boys。故选A。
sounds听起来,第三人称单数;sound听起来,动词原形;sounded听起来,过去式;is sounding正在听,现在进行时。根据语境可知,此处时态为一般过去时,所以应该填入sounded,sound like“听起来像”,动词短语。故C。
what could he do,疑问语序;how could he do,疑问语序;how he could do他如何做;what he could do他做什么。根据“At that time, he didn’t know…”可知,宾语从句的语序要用陈述语序,结合后文语境可知,此处应该表达当时,他不知道自己该做什么,what作do的宾语,所以D选项符合语境。故选D。
At在……;In在……里;For对于,为了;On在……上。根据“…one of his birthdays”可知,此处应该填入on,意为“在……”符合语境,表达在他的一次生日上。故选D。
but但是;so所以;and并且;for因为,为了。根据“Zhou felt bad about this”和“later he got the chance to sing the theme song to the movie Big Fish and Begonia (《大鱼海棠》), which turned out to be a big success.”可知,前后是转折关系,所以用转折连词but连接。故选A。
high高的,形容词;highly高地,副词;higher更高的,形容词比较级;highest最高的,形容词最高级。根据“He was…praised for his excellent performance.”可知,此处应该填入highly,副词,修饰动词was praised,意为“高度地”符合语境。故选B。
he他,主格人称代词;himself他自己,反身代词;his他的,形容词性物主代词或名词性物主代词;him宾格人称代词。根据“In…own words”可知,此处应该填入his,形容词性物主代词,作定语,修饰限定名词words,意为“他的”符合语境。故选C。
Yu Jingjing is a security guard (保安) at a children’s hospital in Dalian,Liaoning province. He has been working for three years at the ___11___. Recently he has become ___12___ on the Internet and people call him “Toy Hero”. How does he get the name
Well, during these years, Yu always ___13___ many lost toys at the hospital.To make it easier for the ___14___ to find them, he hangs the toys on his back. But ___15___ people come back to claim (认领) them. Then Yu finds that these toys are ___16___ because sick children love them. So later Yu also buys some toys with his money to give to the children. Whenever he meets ___17___ children, he offers them toys. And they soon become happy.
“Doctors and nurses are busy every day. Parents are ___18___ their sick children,” says Yu. “I am happy to do something to help make the children happy during their ___19___ in the hospital.”
Besides the toys attached to (依附) his uniform, Yu also wears a small red ___20___ that reads, “Please call me if you need help.”Sometimes in the hallways, he shows the way for patients or helps patients carry things, or even helps some patients get the water. Mother Teresa once said,“We cannot do great things—only small things with great love.” I think Yu Jingjing is doing so.
A. club B. hospital C. station D. group
A. important B. popular C. common D. strange
A. picks up B. gives up C. takes up D. puts up
A. guests B. passengers C. customers D. owners
A. much B. many C. few D. little
A. beautiful B. useful C. clean D. friendly
A. sleeping B. smiling C. crying D. eating
A. worry about B. worry C. worried D. worried about
A. sleep B. stay C. work D. rest
A. sign B. hat C. notice D. name
【答案】11. B 12. B 13. A 14. D 15. C 16. B 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. A
club俱乐部;hospital医院;station车站;group团队。根据“Yu Jingjing is a security guard at a children’s hospital in Dalian,Liaoning province”可知,于晶景是医院的一名保安,可推测他“在医院”上班。故选B。
important重要的;popular受欢迎的;common普遍的,常见的;strange奇怪的。根据“…on the Internet and people call him‘Toy Hero’”可知,于晶景在网上获得了“玩具英雄”称号,所以他在网上应该是“很受欢迎”。故选B。
picks up捡起;gives up放弃;takes up占据,开始从事;puts up张贴。根据“To make it easier for the…to find them”可知,此处指于捡到了病人遗失的“玩具”。故选A。
guests客人;passengers乘客;customers顾客;owners主人。根据“…to find them”可知,此处指遗失东西的“主人”。故选D。
much很多,修饰不可数名词;many很多,修饰可数名词;few几乎没有,修饰可数名词;little几乎没有,修饰不可数名词。根据上文“Yu always picks up many lost toys at the hospital.”及下文“But…people come back to claim them.”可知,but表示前后句为转折的意思,此处指于捡到很多玩具,但来认领的人很少,应用表示否定的few修饰集合名词people,意为“几乎没有什么人”。故选C。
beautiful美丽;useful有用的;clean干净的;friendly友好的。根据“because sick children love them”可知,生病的还在们很喜欢这些玩具,所以这些玩具是“有用的”,应用useful修饰。故选B。
sleeping睡觉;smiling微笑;crying哭;eating吃。根据“he offers them toys. And they soon become happy.”可知,给了玩具后孩子们就快乐了,可推测还在们之前状态是“哭闹的”,应用crying修饰。故选C。
worry about担心,常用于对某件事情或人的担心,表示动作;worry担心,常用于描述一个人的心情;worried担心;worried about担心,常用于对某件事情或人的担心,与be动词连用表示状态。根据“are…their sick children”可知,此处指很担心某人,表示“担心”的状态,应用“be worried about sb.”。故选D。
sleep睡觉;stay停留,维持,work工作;rest休息。根据“during their…in the hospital”可知,此处指孩子们“在医院住院的这段时间”,“during their stay in hospital在他们住院期间”符合语境。故选B。
sign标识,标志;hat帽子;notice注意,通告;name姓名。根据“wears a small red…that reads,‘Please call me if you need help.’”可知,此处指于戴了一个红色的“标识”,应用“sign”表示。故选A。
第一节:阅读下面A、B、C三篇材料,从所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的一个最佳答案。 (共10小题)
Book Club: Robert Kimmel Smith·Author of Chocolate Fever, Jelly Belly, and Bobby Baseball.
Book of the week
The War with Grandpa
Don’t miss the laugh-out-loud classic about a boy who gets into battle when he has to share a room with his grandfather.
This book records every war between Peter and Grandpa. Who finally won the war and lived in the room Let’s try to read and find it.
Peter loves his grandpa but at the same time he wants his room back. He has no choice but to start a war! With the help of his friends, Peter devises bad plans to make Grandpa give back the room. But Grandpa is tougher (难缠的) than he looks. Rather than give in, Grandpa plans to get even.
For a chance to win a copy, just fill in the entry form at Pinter /files before the closing date of 30th June at 11:59 p.m. Make sure you have a parent’s permission to enter.
21. The reading material mainly introduces _______.
A. a club B. a book C. a boy D. a writer
22. The War with Grandpa is mainly about the story of _______.
A. fighting for a room B. fighting with Grandpa
C. making Peter angry D. making Grandpa angry
23. To win a free copy of The War with Grandpa, you must _______.
A. fill in a form online before July B. write to Robert Kimmel Smith
C. get your parent’s permission D. join the book club
【答案】21. B 22. A 23. A
细节理解题。根据文章“Book of the week”“The War with Grandpa”可知,文章主要介绍的是一本书。故选B。
细节理解题。根据文章“Don’t miss the laugh-out-loud classic about a boy who gets into battle when he has to share a room with his grandfather.”可知,《与爷爷的战争》主要讲的是争夺一个房间的故事。故选A。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“For a chance to win a copy, just fill in the entry form at Pinter /files before the closing date of 30th June at 11:59 p.m. Make sure you have a parent’s permission to enter.”可知,为了赢得《与爷爷的战争》这本书的副本,你必须在7月之前在网上填写一份表格。故选A。
Math is considered as a very difficult and boring subject by some students. That is mostly because they don’t know how to learn it well. Here are some of the best math websites for students. If you have trouble learning math, they might be helpful to you.
BUZZMATH Buzzmath focuses on helping middle students practice their math skills. It has high-quality questions, gives immediate and detailed feedback (反馈), and lets students progress at their own speed.
Kahoot! CO! Free 10 minute Kahoot! is a popular website. It lets students make use of this game-based classroom-response system that can be used by the whole class in real time. Multiple-choice questions are shown on the screen, and then students answer them with their smartphones or computers.
Math Central offers free resources (资源) to both math teachers and their students. Users can search for answers to math questions. They have a Human-Face page including information about the possible jobs in math as well as the introduction of mathematicians.
11:42:00 Baidu文库 CHIXED W/SUKS Numberock lets students learn math through songs. It features (以……为特色) ad-free music videos of songs about math topics, like fractions (4), money, and function (y=kx+b), produced by an Emmy Award-winning studio. Numberock also has charts, worksheets, comics, games, and more.
24. Who will be most likely to visit Buzzmath
A. Teachers who are searching for free online resources.
B. Students who like using smartphones or computers.
C Teachers who want to improve their ability to teach English.
D. Middle school students who have difficulty in learning math.
25. Which website is helpful for people who want to find jobs in math
A. Kahoot! B. Buzzmath. C. Math Central. D. Numberock.
26. What is the purpose of the passage
A. To give tips on math learning. B. To compare four math websites.
C. To show how to create websites. D. To introduce four useful math websites.
【答案】24. D 25. C 26. D
推理判断题。根据“Buzzmath focuses on helping middle students practice their math skills. It has high-quality questions, gives immediate and detailed feedback , and lets students progress at their own speed.”可知,Buzzmath专注于帮助中学生练习数学技能。它有高质量的问题,提供即时和详细的反馈,并让学生以自己的速度进步。由此推知,学习数学有困难的中学生最可能访问Buzzmath。故选D。
推理判断题。根据“They have a Human-Face page including information about the possible jobs in math as well as the introduction of mathematicians.”可知,Math Central有一个人性化的页面,包括关于数学领域可能的工作。由此推知,Math Central对想找数学工作的人有帮助。故选C。
主旨大意题。根据“Here are some of the best math websites for students. If you have trouble learning math, they might be helpful to you.”和全文可知,文章写作目的是介绍四个有用的数学网站。故选D。
At Hangzhou Dinglan Experimental Middle School in Zhejiang, an exciting event took place earlier this year. The students weighed a pig!
Since 2017, the school has built a small ecological farm for pigs. Every year, teachers and students work together to brainstorm and use scientific knowledge to weigh the pigs. They have used methods like levers (杠杆) and Archimedes’principle. This time, students chose to use Magdeburg hemispheres.
First, the students used a pump (泵) to get the air out of the hemispheres, and then connected them to a cage where the pig was. When they turned on a switch to let air in, the pressure inside the hemispheres increased. With a loud “bang”, the hemispheres pulled apart, showing a pressure difference. Then, they calculated the pig’s weight with a special formula (公式) , using the pre sure difference.
Getting the pig to the test site was quite challenging. The pig was much larger than it was last year, making it harder for the students to deal with. “As the pig was about to enter the cage, it suddenly lay down and didn’t move at all,” 13-year-old Liu Nian told Teens. In the end, they managed to push it into the cage.
After experimenting a few times and averaging (求……的平均值) the results, the students found that the black pig weighed 165.3 kilograms, very close to its known weight of 154.5kg.
Apart from the fun of the task, the students also deepened their understanding of science through the activity. “We use what we learn in textbooks to solve real problems. This helps us know the concepts better and makes science even more engaging,” said 14-year-old Hu Yulin.
27. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about
A. How students did the experiment. B. How difficult the experiment was.
C. What difficulty the students faced D. What Magdeb rg hemispheres are
28. What result of the experiment do we get
A. It shows the pig’s known weight exactly. B. It is very close to the exact weight.
C. It is far from the known weight. D. The result of each experiment is quite different.
29. The underlined word“engaging”here means _______.
A. important. B. useful. C. interesting. D. careful.
30. What did the students get out of weighing the pig
A. It helped them find fun in life. B. It taught them how to raise pigs.
C. It helped them enjoy science better. D. It taught them to love animals.
【答案】27. A 28. B 29. C 30. C
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“After experimenting a few times and aver aging the results, the students found that the black pig weigh ed 165.3 kilograms, very close to its known weight of 154.5 kg.”可知,它非常接近确切的重量。故选B。
词句猜测题。根据最后一段“We use what we learn in textbooks to solve real problems. This helps us know the concept s better and makes science even more engaging”可知,用课本上东西解决实际问题,加深对概念的理解,所以会对科学更加感兴趣,因此猜测“engaging”和“interesting有趣的”同义。故选C。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“Apart from the fun of the task...14-year-old Hu Yulin.”可知,学生们能更好的享受科学。故选C。
Recently, a video has gone viral online. In the video, a group of students flew a teddy bear up to 28,000 meters above the Earth’s surface. ___31___ The two students are from the Faculty (系) of Science and Engineering, University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) in East China’s Zhejiang province.
___32___ However, the then-fresh student had no idea how to get started. After four years of studying, Li felt ready to try the cool project with his teammate WangZechen. The bear is the mascot (吉祥物) of UNNC’s Faculty of Science and Engineering. ___33___
The team spend two months preparing for the test flight. To make sure that the teddy bear could land on an open area away from airports and buildings, they decided to launch it at the border between Liaoning province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. ___34___ But they solved all the problems and successfully flew the teddy bear in the sky. The teddy bear flew for an hour and a half to reach a height of 28,000 meters. ___35___ The camera on the teddy bear recorded the whole process.
A. Then it landed in a rice field.
B. The launch didn’t go well first.
C. Li made a short video about the project.
D. That’s why they chose it as the “pilot”.
E. The students behind the video are Li Zhenghan and Wang Zechen.
F. Li got the idea of sending something into the sky after seeing similar videos online.
G. The bear passes through the clouds and reaches an altitude of about 28,000 meters.
【答案】31. E 32. F 33. D 34. B 35. A
根据“In the video, a group of students flew a teddy bear up to 28,000 meters above the Earth’s surface...The two students are from the Faculty”可知此处介绍视频中的学生,选项E“视频后面的学生是李正汉和王泽晨”符合语境。故选E。
根据“However, the then-fresh student had no idea how to get started”可知当时刚毕业的学生不知道如何开始,所以此处表示他想做一些事情,选项F“李在网上看到类似的视频后,萌生了送东西上天的想法”符合语境。故选F。
根据“The bear is the mascot (吉祥物) of UNNC’s Faculty of Science and Engineering”可知这只熊是UNNC科学与工程学院的吉祥物,选项D“这就是他们选择它作为‘飞行员’的原因”符合语境。故选D。
根据“But they solved all the problems and successfully flew the teddy bear in the sky”可知他们解决了所有问题,可见刚开始不顺利,选项B“发射一开始并不顺利”符合语境。故选B。
根据“The teddy bear flew for an hour and a half to reach a height of 28,000 meters.”以及“The camera on the teddy bear recorded the whole process.”可知此处介绍泰迪熊的整个发射过程,选项A“然后它降落在稻田里”符合语境。故选A。
V.完成句子:根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。 (共5小题)
36. 你能想象在将来人们会住在智能城市里吗?
Can you imagine people will live in smart cities _______
【答案】in the future
【详解】对比中英文可知,空处缺少“在将来”,其英文表达为in the future,介词短语,在句中作时间状语。故填in the future。
37. 美国的动画片《米老鼠》和中国的电影《花木兰》一样的出名。
The American cartoon Mickey Mouse is _______ the Chinese movie Mulan.
【答案】as well-known as##as famous as
【详解】分析句子可知需要翻译“和……一样出名”,“和……一样……”as...as,“出名的”well-known/famous,此处用原级。故填as well-known as/as famous as。
38. 我们期待中国能涌现出越来越多像屠呦呦和袁隆平这样的伟大科学家。
We expect that more and more ________________ like Tu Youyou and Yuan Longping will appear in China.
【答案】great scientists
【详解】对比所给中英文可知,设空处为“伟大的科学家”;great“伟大的”,形容词;scientist“科学家”,名词,此处应用名词的复数形式表示泛指。故填great scientists。
39. 父母有时对我们很严厉是因为他们真地关心我们。
Sometimes parents are strict with us because they _______ about us.
【答案】really care
【详解】根据中英文提示可知,句子缺少“真地关心”,care about “关心”,动词短语,副词really修饰动词care。主语they是复数,句子时态为一般现在时,谓语动词用原形。故填really care。
40. 当你切碎西红柿时,当心你的手指。
When you _______ the tomatoes, please be careful with your fingers.
【答案】cut up
【详解】分析句子可知缺少“切碎”,“切碎”cut up;此处是when引导的从句,时态符合“主祈从现”,此处用一般现在时,主语是you,动词用原形。故填cut up。
用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。 (每词限用一次,每空限填一词。)
little bad do keep hour be they feel play worry
You may know about “junk food” like French fries. But do you know about “junk sleep”
A British survey shows that there are many electronic products in teenagers’ bedrooms. They are influencing teenagers’ sleep ____41____.
The survey was ____42____ among 1,000 British kids from 12 to 16. It found that 50% of them got just 4 to 7 ____43____ sleep every day. But doctors say they need to sleep 8 to 9 hours.
Almost 25% of the kids said that they often fell asleep while they ____44____ watching TV, listening to music or using other electronic products.
“This is very ____45____,” said Dr. Chris, a British professor. “We call it ‘junk sleep’. It means you don’t get enough sleep and that the quality of the sleep is low, too. If you don’t get a good rest, you won’t do well in school the next day.”
The survey found that quite a few of the kids ____46____ tired each day because of “junk sleep”, especially girls between 13 and 16. Nearly all the teenagers have a phone, a music ____47____ or TV in their bedrooms. And lots of ____48____ even have all the three.
Dr. Chris suggested that parents should help their children ____49____ away from electronic products, and that teenagers should spend ____50____ time on electronic products.
【答案】41. badly
42. done 43. hours’
44. were 45. worrying
46. felt 47. player
48. them 49. keep
50. less
句意:它们正在严重影响青少年的睡眠。根据“They are influencing teenagers’ sleep…”的句意并结合备选词汇可知,此处指它们正在严重影响青少年的睡眠,badly“严重地”符合。故填badly。
句意:这项调查是在1000名12岁至16岁的英国儿童中进行的。do a survey“做一个调查”,固定词组,此处为被动语态be done。故填done。
句意:研究发现,其中50%的人每天只睡4到7个小时。根据“But doctors say they need to sleep 8 to 9 hours.”并结合备选词汇可知,此处表示其中50%的人每天只睡4到7个小时,hour“小时”符合;根据空前的“4 to 7”可知,此处应用复数形式;根据空后的“sleep”可知,此处应用所有格形式。故填hours’。
句意:调查发现,相当多的孩子每天都因为“垃圾睡眠”而感到疲惫,尤其是13岁至16岁的女孩。feel tired“感到疲惫”,固定词组,句子时态为一般过去时,此处应用动词的过去式形式。故填felt。
句意:几乎所有的青少年都在卧室里有手机、音乐播放器或电视。根据上文“A British survey shows that there are many electronic products in teenagers’ bedrooms.”并结合备选词汇可知,此处指音乐播放器,player“播放器”符合;根据空前的“a”可知,此处应用单数形式。故填player。
句意:他们中的许多人甚至拥有这三种。根据上文“Nearly all the teenagers have a phone, a music…or TV in their bedrooms.”并结合备选词汇可知,此处指代上文中的“all the teenagers”,they“他们”符合;分析句子结构可知,此处应用宾格形式,作宾语。故填them。
句意:Chris博士建议,父母应该帮助孩子远离电子产品,青少年应该减少在电子产品上花费的时间。keep away from“远离”,固定词组;help sb. do sth.“帮助某人做某事”,固定词组。故填keep。
VII. 任务型阅读:
It’s important to teach your children good manners. Teaching good manners should begin long before they know how to walk or talk. In life, you have to set a good example for them.
But how do we teach them good manners There is a good book How to Behave and Why. It is written by Munro Leaf. I read it with my first grade students and we love the book. It tells good manners that every child should know. The words in the book are not difficult. There are also pictures in it. They make the book easy to understand.
Also, you can teach your children in life. Before they’re going to school or a friend’s house, tell them the importance of good manners. In your family, you can make a list of family manners. This helps children learn good manners anytime. And you can also have a manners competition. It makes learning manners more interesting.
What are good manners for children At school, they should respect teachers and other classmates. They shouldn’t be noisy in class. And they should say “hello” or “goodbye” to teachers and classmates, and “thank you” when they get help from others. When children are at table, good table manners are important, too. For example, teach your children not to talk with their mouth full. Tell them that old people should eat first. Teach your children not to be late for classes, parties, meetings and so on.
In fact, good manners are very helpful in children’s self-growth. So teach them to your children and learn with your children.
51. Who is the passage written for
It is written for _______.
52. How does the writer start the second paragraph
By _____________________.
53. Who is the writer of the book How to Behave and Why
The writer is _______.
54. What does the underlined word “It” in the third paragraph refer to
It refers to _______.
55. What does the writer think of learning good manners
It’s _______ and _______.
【答案】51. parents
52. asking a question
53. Munro Leaf
54. a manners competition
55. ①. important ②. helpful
根据文章,特别是“In fact, good manners are very helpful in children’s self-growth. So teach them to your children and learn with your children.”可知,这篇文章是写给家长的。故填parents。
根据“But how do we teach them good manners ”可知,第二段以提问的方式开头。故填asking a question。
根据“There is a good book How to Behave and Why. It is written by Munro Leaf.”可知,这本书是作者是Munro Leaf。故填Munro Leaf。
根据“And you can also have a manners competition. It makes learning manners more interesting.”可知,你也可以举办礼仪比赛,它使学习礼仪更有趣。所以it指的是一场礼仪比赛。故填a manners competition。
根据“It’s important to teach your children good manners.”和“In fact, good manners are very helpful in children’s self-growth.”可知,学习礼貌是重要且有帮助的。故填important;helpful。
[Li Hua(A), a student of Grade Nine, meets his P. E. teacher Mr. Wang (B) at school.]
A: Hi, Mr. Wang! Good afternoon!
B: Good afternoon, Li Hua! Are you ready for your high school entrance P. E. exam
A: No. I feel worried because I am not good at sports. _______56_______
B: You should keep practicing every day. Have you decided on what sports you will take part in
A: Yes. But I am still not sure which one to choose between volleyball and basketball.
B: You can choose to play volleyball.
A: _______57_______
B: Yes, volleyball is easier than basketball. Our school sets up an after-school sports club to help students with sports. I am in the club. Would you like to join it
A: _______58_______. It sounds great.
B: Tomorrow is Wednesday so you can come to the club after school.
A: _______59_______
B: The training starts from 7:00 to 8:00 on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.
A: OK, I got it. _______60_______
B: We shall meet at the playground at 7:00 p. m. tomorrow.
A: OK! See you.
B: See you!
【答案】56. What should I do
57. Is volleyball easier to learn
58. Yes, I’d love to
59. When does the training start
60. When and where shall we meet tomorrow
根据“I feel worried because I am not good at sports. ”和下文“ You should keep practicing every day. ”可知,这里是询问应该怎么办。故填What should I do。
根据“Yes, volleyball is easier than basketball.”推测上一句应该是问排球更容易学习吗。故填Is volleyball easier to learn。
根据上文“Would you like to join it ”和下文“It sounds great.”可知,这里是对上文问句进行回答。故填Yes, I’d love to。
根据下文答语“The training starts from 7:00 to 8:00 on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.”可知,这里是对具体训练时间进行提问。故填When does the training start。
根据下文“We shall meet at the playground at 7:00 p. m. tomorrow.”可知,上文应该是在询问见面的时间和地点。故填When and where shall we meet tomorrow。
61. 同学们,新一期的校园杂志要出版了,现特向广大学生们征稿。请同学们认真阅读征稿启事,请以“How to Keep Healthy”为题写一篇短文。具体内容和要点如下:
1. 短文必须包括提示内容,可适当发挥,使语句通顺、连贯、合乎逻辑,书写工整,语法正确;
2. 不得少于70词。
3. 所写文段中不得出现与你身份相关的真实个人信息及真实地名等。
参考词汇:healthy food, do exercise, eat well, do sports, have a good breakfast
CALL FOR PAPERS Hello, everyone! Our new school magazine will come out soon. We need your articles. Our topic is about health. You can start with a title “How to keep healthy”. These questions may help you: Do you eat well Do you usually do exercise Do you sleep well /Do you often stay up late If you are happy to share your article with us, please e-mail Ms. Smith at callforpapers@by this Friday. Look forward to hearing from you.
How to Keep Healthy
How to Keep Healthy
It’s important for us students to keep healthy. Here are some ways.
First, you should have good eating habits. Breakfast is very important, so make sure to have breakfast every morning. Don’t eat too much fast food and have enough fruit and vegetables. Second, you should get enough sleep. Don’t stay up late. Third, you should do sports. Doing sports makes you strong and healthy. Finally, learn to relax. You can listen to music and read storybooks when you are tired.
If we want to keep healthy, follow the ways, please.
①eating habits饮食习惯
②make sure确保
①It’s important for us students to keep healthy.(不定式作主语)
②You can listen to music and read storybooks when you are tired.(when引导的时间状语从句)
③If we want to keep healthy, follow the ways, please.(if引导的条件状语从句)
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
第一部分 (听力)
I. 听选答案 (共15 小题)
第一节:听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍。请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。 (共10小题)
1. A. The girl’s cousin. B. The boy’s cousin. C. The girl’s aunt.
2. A. Cloudy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy.
3. A. Tall and thin. B. Tall and strong. C. Short and thin.
4 A. His key. B. His bicycle. C. His car.
5. A. By the door. B. By the window C. In the center of the restaurant.
6. A. Once a week. B. Three times a week. C. Twice a week. ·
7. A. Sugar painting. B. Chinese painting. C. Chinese writing.
8. A. To Guangzhou. B. To Suzhou.· C. To Hangzhou.
9. A. She needs help from Tim. B. She wishes to join Tim. C. She wants to invite Tim.
10. A. Because it’s exciting. B. Because it’s relaxing. C. Because it’s popular.
第二节:听下面两段材料,每段材料后有几道小题,请根据材料的内容,从题目所给的三个选项中选出所给问题的最佳答案,每段材料读两遍。 (共5 小题)
听第11段对话, 回答第11、12 小题。
11. What does Scott usually do at 7:10 in the morning
A. Gets up. B. Goes to school. C. Has breakfast.
12. How many classes does Scott have in the afternoon
A. Four. B. Two. C. Three.
听第12段材料, 回答第13 至 15 小题。
13. What is the speaker’s name
A. Barbara. B. Betty C. Bonnie.
14. What is the teacher like
A. Cool and strict. B. Nice and interesting. C. Friendly and patient.
15. Does the writer need to spend money on the course
A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know.
II. 听填信息 (共5小题)
16. Earth Day was founded in 1970 and _______ we celebrate the earth, but the earth is now in trouble.
17. The climate is changing and the temperature has risen. In some _______, ice melts more quickly than before.
18. A small river can _______ a dangerous river very quickly.
19. The population is getting bigger and we cut down trees to _______.
20. Our _______ is to protect the earth at once.
III. 完形填空 (共20小题)
Zhou Shen is a Chinese mainstream singer ___1___ has won lots of fame for singing a wide range of songs and performing different styles of singing. He also plays ___2___ important part in building a bridge with his music between East and West and modern and classic. In fact, it has taken him a long time ___3___ so.
Zhou loved singing when he was a little boy. However, his voice didn’t change like ___4___ boys during puberty (青春期). It still ___5___ like a girl’s voice—thin and high. His peers (同龄人) laughed at him. At that time, he didn’t know ___6___. “So I refused to sing in public and sang in my bedroom secretly,” he said. At 17, he sang online but he didn’t show his face. Some people were fascinated (着迷) by it. ___7___ one of his birthdays, he agreed to show his face. However, when they found out that he was male, some of them made fun of him. Zhou felt bad about this, ___8___ later he got the chance to sing the theme song to the movie Big Fish and Begonia (《大鱼海棠》), which turned out to be a big success. He was ___9___ praised for his excellent performance.
After that, Zhou appeared on several TV talent shows. In ___10___ own words, “it was to give my voice a chance.” He even wore women’s clothes on the show Masked Singer. “It wasn’t hype (炒作),” he said. “I just want the audience to focus on my singing rather than my gender.”
A. whom B. who C. what D. which
A. / B. a C. an D. the
A. do B. doing C. does D. to do
A. other B. others C. another D. the other
A. sounds B. sound C. sounded D. is sounding
A. what could he do B. how could he do C. how he could do D. what he could do
A. At B. In C. For D. On
A. but B. so C. and D. for
A. high B. highly C. higher D. highest
A. he B. himself C. his D. him
Yu Jingjing is a security guard (保安) at a children’s hospital in Dalian,Liaoning province. He has been working for three years at the ___11___. Recently he has become ___12___ on the Internet and people call him “Toy Hero”. How does he get the name
Well, during these years, Yu always ___13___ many lost toys at the hospital.To make it easier for the ___14___ to find them, he hangs the toys on his back. But ___15___ people come back to claim (认领) them. Then Yu finds that these toys are ___16___ because sick children love them. So later Yu also buys some toys with his money to give to the children. Whenever he meets ___17___ children, he offers them toys. And they soon become happy.
“Doctors and nurses are busy every day. Parents are ___18___ their sick children,” says Yu. “I am happy to do something to help make the children happy during their ___19___ in the hospital.”
Besides the toys attached to (依附) his uniform, Yu also wears a small red ___20___ that reads, “Please call me if you need help.”Sometimes in the hallways, he shows the way for patients or helps patients carry things, or even helps some patients get the water. Mother Teresa once said,“We cannot do great things—only small things with great love.” I think Yu Jingjing is doing so.
A. club B. hospital C. station D. group
A. important B. popular C. common D. strange
A. picks up B. gives up C. takes up D. puts up
A. guests B. passengers C. customers D. owners
A. much B. many C. few D. little
A. beautiful B. useful C. clean D. friendly
A. sleeping B. smiling C. crying D. eating
A. worry about B. worry C. worried D. worried about
A. sleep B. stay C. work D. rest
A. sign B. hat C. notice D. name
第一节:阅读下面A、B、C三篇材料,从所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的一个最佳答案。 (共10小题)
Book Club: Robert Kimmel Smith·Author of Chocolate Fever, Jelly Belly, and Bobby Baseball.
Book of the week
The War with Grandpa
Don’t miss the laugh-out-loud classic about a boy who gets into battle when he has to share a room with his grandfather.
This book records every war between Peter and Grandpa. Who finally won the war and lived in the room Let’s try to read and find it.
Peter loves his grandpa but at the same time he wants his room back. He has no choice but to start a war! With the help of his friends, Peter devises bad plans to make Grandpa give back the room. But Grandpa is tougher (难缠的) than he looks. Rather than give in, Grandpa plans to get even.
For a chance to win a copy, just fill in the entry form at Pinter /files before the closing date of 30th June at 11:59 p.m. Make sure you have a parent’s permission to enter.
21. The reading material mainly introduces _______.
A. a club B. a book C. a boy D. a writer
22. The War with Grandpa is mainly about the story of _______.
A. fighting for a room B. fighting with Grandpa
C. making Peter angry D. making Grandpa angry
23. To win a free copy of The War with Grandpa, you must _______.
A. fill in a form online before July B. write to Robert Kimmel Smith
C. get your parent’s permission D. join the book club
Math is considered as a very difficult and boring subject by some students. That is mostly because they don’t know how to learn it well. Here are some of the best math websites for students. If you have trouble learning math, they might be helpful to you.
BUZZMATH Buzzmath focuses on helping middle students practice their math skills. It has high-quality questions, gives immediate and detailed feedback (反馈), and lets students progress at their own speed.
Kahoot! CO! Free 10 minute Kahoot! is a popular website. It lets students make use of this game-based classroom-response system that can be used by the whole class in real time. Multiple-choice questions are shown on the screen, and then students answer them with their smartphones or computers.
Math Central offers free resources (资源) to both math teachers and their students. Users can search for answers to math questions. They have a Human-Face page including information about the possible jobs in math as well as the introduction of mathematicians.
11:42:00 Baidu文库 CHIXED W/SUKS Numberock lets students learn math through songs. It features (以……为特色) ad-free music videos of songs about math topics, like fractions (4), money, and function (y=kx+b), produced by an Emmy Award-winning studio. Numberock also has charts, worksheets, comics, games, and more.
24. Who will be most likely to visit Buzzmath
A. Teachers who are searching for free online resources.
B. Students who like using smartphones or computers.
C. Teachers who want to improve their ability to teach English.
D. Middle school students who have difficulty in learning math.
25. Which website is helpful for people who want to find jobs in math
A. Kahoot! B. Buzzmath. C. Math Central. D. Numberock.
26. What is the purpose of the passage
A. To give tips on math learning. B. To compare four math websites.
C. To show how to create websites. D. To introduce four useful math websites.
At Hangzhou Dinglan Experimental Middle School in Zhejiang, an exciting event took place earlier this year. The students weighed a pig!
Since 2017, the school has built a small ecological farm for pigs. Every year, teachers and students work together to brainstorm and use scientific knowledge to weigh the pigs. They have used methods like levers (杠杆) and Archimedes’principle. This time, students chose to use Magdeburg hemispheres.
First, the students used a pump (泵) to get the air out of the hemispheres, and then connected them to a cage where the pig was. When they turned on a switch to let air in, the pressure inside the hemispheres increased. With a loud “bang”, the hemispheres pulled apart, showing a pressure difference. Then, they calculated the pig’s weight with a special formula (公式) , using the pre sure difference.
Getting the pig to the test site was quite challenging. The pig was much larger than it was last year, making it harder for the students to deal with. “As the pig was about to enter the cage, it suddenly lay down and didn’t move at all,” 13-year-old Liu Nian told Teens. In the end, they managed to push it into the cage.
After experimenting a few times and averaging (求……的平均值) the results, the students found that the black pig weighed 165.3 kilograms, very close to its known weight of 154.5kg.
Apart from the fun of the task, the students also deepened their understanding of science through the activity. “We use what we learn in textbooks to solve real problems. This helps us know the concepts better and makes science even more engaging,” said 14-year-old Hu Yulin.
27. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about
A. How students did the experiment. B. How difficult the experiment was.
C. What difficulty the students faced D. What Magdeb rg hemispheres are
28 What result of the experiment do we get
A. It shows the pig’s known weight exactly. B. It is very close to the exact weight.
C. It is far from the known weight. D. The result of each experiment is quite different.
29. The underlined word“engaging”here means _______.
A. important. B. useful. C. interesting. D. careful.
30. What did the students get out of weighing the pig
A. It helped them find fun in life. B. It taught them how to raise pigs.
C. It helped them enjoy science better. D. It taught them to love animals.
Recently, a video has gone viral online. In the video, a group of students flew a teddy bear up to 28,000 meters above the Earth’s surface. ___31___ The two students are from the Faculty (系) of Science and Engineering, University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) in East China’s Zhejiang province.
___32___ However, the then-fresh student had no idea how to get started. After four years of studying, Li felt ready to try the cool project with his teammate WangZechen. The bear is the mascot (吉祥物) of UNNC’s Faculty of Science and Engineering. ___33___
The team spend two months preparing for the test flight. To make sure that the teddy bear could land on an open area away from airports and buildings, they decided to launch it at the border between Liaoning province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. ___34___ But they solved all the problems and successfully flew the teddy bear in the sky. The teddy bear flew for an hour and a half to reach a height of 28,000 meters. ___35___ The camera on the teddy bear recorded the whole process.
A. Then it landed in a rice field.
B. The launch didn’t go well first.
C. Li made a short video about the project.
D. That’s why they chose it as the “pilot”.
E. The students behind the video are Li Zhenghan and Wang Zechen.
F. Li got the idea of sending something into the sky after seeing similar videos online.
G. The bear passes through the clouds and reaches an altitude of about 28,000 meters.
V.完成句子:根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。 (共5小题)
36. 你能想象在将来人们会住在智能城市里吗?
Can you imagine people will live in smart cities _______
37. 美国的动画片《米老鼠》和中国的电影《花木兰》一样的出名。
The American cartoon Mickey Mouse is _______ the Chinese movie Mulan
38. 我们期待中国能涌现出越来越多像屠呦呦和袁隆平这样的伟大科学家。
We expect that more and more ________________ like Tu Youyou and Yuan Longping will appear in China.
39. 父母有时对我们很严厉是因为他们真地关心我们。
Sometimes parents are strict with us because they _______ about us.
40. 当你切碎西红柿时,当心你的手指。
When you _______ the tomatoes, please be careful with your fingers.
用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。 (每词限用一次,每空限填一词。)
little bad do keep hour be they feel play worry
You may know about “junk food” like French fries. But do you know about “junk sleep”
A British survey shows that there are many electronic products in teenagers’ bedrooms. They are influencing teenagers’ sleep ____41____.
The survey was ____42____ among 1,000 British kids from 12 to 16. It found that 50% of them got just 4 to 7 ____43____ sleep every day. But doctors say they need to sleep 8 to 9 hours.
Almost 25% of the kids said that they often fell asleep while they ____44____ watching TV, listening to music or using other electronic products.
“This is very ____45____,” said Dr. Chris, a British professor. “We call it ‘junk sleep’. It means you don’t get enough sleep and that the quality of the sleep is low, too. If you don’t get a good rest, you won’t do well in school the next day.”
The survey found that quite a few of the kids ____46____ tired each day because of “junk sleep”, especially girls between 13 and 16. Nearly all the teenagers have a phone, a music ____47____ or TV in their bedrooms. And lots of ____48____ even have all the three.
Dr. Chris suggested that parents should help their children ____49____ away from electronic products, and that teenagers should spend ____50____ time on electronic products.
VII. 任务型阅读:
It’s important to teach your children good manners. Teaching good manners should begin long before they know how to walk or talk. In life, you have to set a good example for them.
But how do we teach them good manners There is a good book How to Behave and Why. It is written by Munro Leaf. I read it with my first grade students and we love the book. It tells good manners that every child should know. The words in the book are not difficult. There are also pictures in it. They make the book easy to understand.
Also, you can teach your children in life. Before they’re going to school or a friend’s house, tell them the importance of good manners. In your family, you can make a list of family manners. This helps children learn good manners anytime. And you can also have a manners competition. It makes learning manners more interesting.
What are good manners for children At school, they should respect teachers and other classmates. They shouldn’t be noisy in class. And they should say “hello” or “goodbye” to teachers and classmates, and “thank you” when they get help from others. When children are at table, good table manners are important, too. For example, teach your children not to talk with their mouth full. Tell them that old people should eat first. Teach your children not to be late for classes, parties, meetings and so on.
In fact, good manners are very helpful in children’s self-growth. So teach them to your children and learn with your children.
51. Who is the passage written for
It is written for _______.
52. How does the writer start the second paragraph
By _____________________.
53 Who is the writer of the book How to Behave and Why
The writer is _______.
54. What does the underlined word “It” in the third paragraph refer to
It refers to _______.
55. What does the writer think of learning good manners
It’s _______ and _______.
[Li Hua(A), a student of Grade Nine, meets his P. E. teacher Mr. Wang (B) at school.]
A: Hi, Mr. Wang! Good afternoon!
B: Good afternoon, Li Hua! Are you ready for your high school entrance P. E. exam
A: No. I feel worried because I am not good at sports. _______56_______
B: You should keep practicing every day Have you decided on what sports you will take part in
A: Yes. But I am still not sure which one to choose between volleyball and basketball.
B: You can choose to play volleyball.
A: _______57_______
B: Yes, volleyball is easier than basketball. Our school sets up an after-school sports club to help students with sports. I am in the club. Would you like to join it
A: _______58_______. It sounds great.
B: Tomorrow is Wednesday so you can come to the club after school.
A: _______59_______
B: The training starts from 7:00 to 8:00 on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.
A: OK, I got it. _______60_______
B: We shall meet at the playground at 7:00 p. m. tomorrow.
A: OK! See you.
B: See you!
61. 同学们,新一期的校园杂志要出版了,现特向广大学生们征稿。请同学们认真阅读征稿启事,请以“How to Keep Healthy”为题写一篇短文。具体内容和要点如下:
1. 短文必须包括提示内容,可适当发挥,使语句通顺、连贯、合乎逻辑,书写工整,语法正确;
2. 不得少于70词。
3. 所写文段中不得出现与你身份相关的真实个人信息及真实地名等。
参考词汇:healthy food, do exercise, eat well, do sports, have a good breakfast
CALL FOR PAPERS Hello, everyone! Our new school magazine will come out soon. We need your articles. Our topic is about health. You can start with a title “How to keep healthy”. These questions may help you: Do you eat well Do you usually do exercise Do you sleep well /Do you often stay up late If you are happy to share your article with us, please e-mail Ms. Smith at callforpapers@by this Friday. Look forward to hearing from you.
How to Keep Healthy
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



