外研版(三年级起点)四年级英语下册 Module 7 综合检测卷(无答案)

)7 综合检测卷
四 年 级 ( 下 )
题 号 — 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 总 分
分 数
一、选不同类单词。(10 分 )
( )1.A.tomorrow B.yesterday C.today D.Monday
( )2.A.phone B.played C.walk D.watch
( )3.A.did B.was C.are D.were
( )4.A.tall B.talk C.play D.walk
( )5.A.cook B.cute C.cool D.naughty
二、选择合适的词填空。(10 分 )
played cooked helped about watched
1.I my grandpa.
2.You're a good girl,Mary! What Tom
3.Yesterday,I rice for lunch.
4.Last Sunday.John on the computer.
5.Dad TV this morning.
三、单项选择。(10 分)
( )1.I helped my mum yesterday,what you
A.for B.and C.about
( )2.Mum didn't noodles.
A.cooks B.cooked C.cook
( )3.I talked and walked _Amy yesterday morning.
A.at B.with C.to
( )4.Mary go to the park yesterday,
A.isn't B.didn't C.wasn't
( )5.Tim helped his brother and the room.
A.cleaned B.clean C.cleans
四、选择正确的单词补全句子。(10 分)
1.She (play/played)basketball on Sunday.
2.Mum cooked fish (to/for)me.
3.I (listen/listened)to music yesterday.
4.Tom (arrives/arrived)yesterday.
5.It will be (wind/windy)in Beijing.
) (
) (
) (
)( )
A.Amy helped Mum with the housework.
B.Tom listened to music yesterday.
C.Daming played on the computer yesterday.
D.Yesterday I watched TV at home.
E.He walked in the park last Sunday.
A.Yes,he was. ( )1.Was it a nice day
B.Yes,it was. ( )2.Who are they
C.Sam helped Mum. ( )3.Was he fat then
D.Yes,they were. ( )4.What about Sam
E.They are my grandparents ( )5.Were grandparents watch TV
七、连词成句。 (10 分)
1.night table I tennis played last (.)
2.phoned my yesterday I grandpa (.)
3.listened yesterday they music to (.)
4.friend TV my week last watched (.)
5.father cooked noodles my yesterday (.)
1.I watched TV yesterday.
2.My mother likes cooking fish.
3.He played on the computer on Monday.
4.He is washing clothes.
I often help my mum do housework.
九、阅读短文,判断正(√ )误(×)。(15 分)
Yesterday Xiaoming was at home.He got up at six o'clock.He had rice for
breakfast.At eight he did his homework.At nine he watched TV with his father.
At four in the afternoon he washed his clothes.He went to bed at ten.
( )1.Xiaoming got up at seven.
( )2.Xiaoming had meat for breakfast.
( )3.Xiaoming did homework at eight.
( )4.Xiaoming watched TV at eight.
( )5.Xiaoming washed his clothes at five.



上一篇:2024年广东中考模拟冲刺卷(一)-物理试卷 ( 含答案)
