Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years Section B 3a—3b Self check 课后练习(含解析)

学科 英语 年级 八年级 学期 春季
课题 Unit10 I’ve had this bike for three years. Section B 3a-3c self check
1. Complete the sentences using for or since. 1. I haven’t been to museum_________________________________________ 2. I haven’t written a letter __________________________________________ 3. I haven’t ridden a bike____________________________________________ 4. I haven’t seen a movie ___________________________________________ 5. I haven’t played computer games ___________________________________ 2. Complete the conversation. A: Hey Eric, __________ you enjoyed your time in Beijing so far B: Yes, it __________ been great! Everyone is so friendly. A: How long __________ you been in China now B: Oh, I__________ here __________ about two years now. A: Wow, that means you haven’t __________ back to the US for two years B: No, I__________ been back twice __________ moving to China. __________ you been to the US before, Li Juan A: Yes, I went there once when I __________ 10 years old, but I __________ not been back __________ then. Draw a mind map. The school magazine wants you to write the changes of your hometown. Take notes using the questions. Then draw a mind map of your writing. 1. What did your hometown look like in the past years 2. What does your hometown look like now 3. What do you think of these changes 4. Write a passage about your hometown. Use your mind map to help you. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Assess the writing. 参考答案 Complete the sentences using for or since. 答案不唯一,根据自身情况补全句子。注意for后跟时间段,指动作或情况到现在为止持续了多久,时间段如:three years,a long time等;since后跟时间点,可接时间名词或者时间状语,时间点如:his ten’s birthday,2013,I was a little girl等。 Complete the conversation. have【解析】根据so far确定是现在完成时态,句子是现在完成时态的一般疑问句,主语是you,过去分词是enjoyed,因此缺失部分是助动词have。 has【解析】填空句子为现在完成时态一般疑问句的答句,根据主语it确定助动词has。 have【解析】句意为“你到目前为止在中国待了多久”,时态为现在完成时态,主语you,过去分词是been,缺失部分为助动词have。 have been; for【解析】句意为“我在中国待了大约两年”,同样也是现在完成时态,主语为I,后面只有here,因此缺失助动词和过去分词have been。根据two years时间段使用介词for。 been【解析】句意为“那意味着你已经两年没回美国了?”,句子为现在完成时态的否定句,缺失部分是过去分词,表示状态用been。 have,since【解析】句意为“自从我搬来中国,我已经回去过两次。”句子为现在完成时态的肯定句,第一空缺失助动词,根据主语I,故填have;第二空根据时间状语moving to China,使用介词since。 Have【解析】句意为“李娟,你之前去过美国吗?”,是现在完成时态的一般疑问句,缺少助动词,根据主语you,故填Have。 was,have,since【解析】句意为“当我10岁的时候我去过一次,但是自从那时我就再也没回去过”,根据明确表示过去的时间状语when I ... ten years old,判定为一般过去时态,因此状语从句缺失动词was。后一个分句为现在完成时态的否定句,根据主语I,确定助动词为have,根据时间点then,确定介词为since。 Draw a mind map. 答案不唯一,根据自身情况使用合适的思维导图为作文构建框架。 Write a passage about your hometown. 参考作文 My hometown has changed a lot in recent years. In the past, there weren’t so many tall buildings in the city, and the buildings were old. But now, many new and tall buildings have been built. In my memory, there was only one small park in the city. Now I can find big and beautiful parks in different areas of the city. The roads were dirty and narrow in the past, but now they have become clean and wide. I think such developments are good, and I hope the future of my hometown will be better and better.



