牛津译林版2023-2024六年级英语下学期期中专项复习专题02 语法(含答案)

专项 02 语法
1.Christmas is __ (at,on,in) the 25th of December.
2.The man __ (with,on,in) black is Sun He's father.
3.Look at those birds __ (on,in,at) the tree.
4.We are going to meet __ (at,on,in) the bus stop __ (at,on,in) ten.
5.Is there a cat __ (under,behind,in) the door
when because but before till and after or then so
1.Hurry up,please!____you'll be late for school.
2.Yesterday Jim didn't go to see the film ____ he must go home.
3.The students are talking about the sports meet____the teachers come in.
4.Tom was ill yesterday,____he still went to school.
5.First turn right,____ you can find the bus stop.
6.____ the boy finished his homework,he went to bed.
7.I usually do homework on Saturdays ____play on Sundays.
8.____ he goes to work,he often goes for a walk every day.
9.We are going to middle school soon,____we will have a farewell party.
10.She watched TV____ her mother came back.
1. The students have many ________ (dream).
2. I want to be a ________ (drive).
3. Many ________ (child) are in the playground.
4. I want to be a basketball ________ (play).
5. We want to ________ (play) football this afternoon.参考答案:
( )1. Don’t touch the mouse in the house.
( )2. The doctor always does sports in the morning.
( )3. The short horse is working on the farm.
( )4. “Wake up!” she said sadly and angrily.
( )5. A foolish cook is standing on the wood.
( )1. ---Do you go to bed _______
---No, I go to bed .
A.late, early B.late, late C.early, early
( )2. The lion asked _______ “Who can help me ”
A.happy B.sad C.sadly
( )3. Mike is a ________boy. He is writing __________.
A.carefully; carefully B.careful; carefully C.carefully; careful
( )4. _________, I was short_________, I'm tall.
A.Now;Before B.Before;Before C.Before;Now
( )5. When we are in the library, we should work .
A.quick B.quietly C.quickly
1.the, is, the, painting, man, house (.)
2.like,would, present, as, puppet, he, his, birthday, a ( )
3.team, same, Sue, Lily, in, Yang Ling,and, the, are ( )
4.means, the, not, grass, walk, should, you, it, on (.)
5.from, friends, your, are, where, fathers ( )
There _____ some things you should and shouldn’t do to be _____.
If you often _____ TV too late at night, you will feel _____ in class. So you should go to bed _____ every day.If you like to eat _____ meat, and you don’t like vegetables or _____ sport, maybe you will get _____. You shouldn’t eat _____ meat. You _____ eat more vegetables. And you should exercise every day.
( )1.A.is B.have C.are
( )2.A.healthy B.health C.healthily
( )3.A.watches B.look C.watch
( )4.A.sad B.thirsty C.tired
( )5.A.early B.late C.slow
( )6.A.a few B.a lots of C.a lot of
( )7.A.play B.playing C.plays
( )8.A.fat B.thin C.hungry
( )9.A.too many B.much too C.too much
( )10.A.should B.shouldn’t C.can’t
The traffic rules in England are different from that in China. When you are in England, you must be very careful on the street because the traffic drives on the left. You must look at the right first and then the left. If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop. Then the people can cross the road on foot. If the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go. People mustn’t cross on foot.
When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful too. Always remember the traffic moves on the left. You mustn’t go the wrong way. In many English cities, there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the city very well. It’s very interesting.
( )1. England and Hong Kong have the same traffic rules.
( )2. The traffic drives on the left in China.
( )3. In England, you must look at the left first and then the right.
( )4. In England, there are many buses with three floors.
1. There are many busy ((马路) in our city.
2. We must (寻找) a zebra crossing.
3. The driver can see you (容易地).
4. To keep (安全), you can wait on the pavement and look out for cars and bikes.
5. Look at those children. They should (跟随)the traffic rules.
6. My mother (穿过) the road and went into a shop.
some any few little much many a little a few
1. In a healthy diet, there is fruit and vegetables.
2.We can have fish and meat in our meals.
3. Are there potatoes in the fridge
4. Look! Mum is cooking tomato soup. I like it.
5. I like eating sweets. But I don't eat too sweets at a time.
6. My sister only has rice for lunch.
7. We all should have eggs a week.
8. Don't eat too sweet food every day.
9.There's juice in the fridge. Let's go to buy some juice.
10.She has friends. She is lonely (孤独的).
( )1. Do you want a glass of water
A.eat B. to eat C. to drink
( )2.I___some rice and vegetables today.
A.having only B. has only C. only have
( )3.Here___ a lot of meat for the party.
A. are B. is C. that
( )4. I have _beautiful caps in my bedroom.
A. a little B. little C.a few
( )5. I eat a little meat_ a time.
A. at B. in C. on
四、 选出单词中画线部分的发音与其他三个不同的一项。
( )1.A.shout B. now C. how D. know
( )2.A.foolish B. quick C. little D. child
( )3.A.clever B. send C. next D.meet
( )4.A.each B. weather C.bee D.mean
( )5. A. horse B. short C. near D.sport
A. B. C.
D. E.
( )1. —Why are they talking so excitedly
—Because they won the game.
( )2. —How does your mother spend the weekends
—She sometimes cleans the house and cooks for us.
( )3. —What does your sister have for breakfast
—She usually has some noodles and an egg.
( )4. —What must a policeman do
—He must protect people’s safety.
( )5. —Does your friend finish his homework early
—No. He usually does his homework late.
六、 阅读下列文字,从所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Sunshine School
You must You mustn’t
Arrive at school before seven thirty every morning. Throw rubbish on the floor.
Hand in your homework at eight. Eat or drink in the classroom
Keep the classroom clean and tidy. Bring a mobile phone to school.
Be quiet in the library. Run or shout in the school buildings.
Stay in the playground at break time(休息时间). Talk loudly in the hallways(走廊).
Stand up when a teacher comes into the classroom. Fight.
( )1. When do the students arrive at school every morning
A.Before 7:30 B.At 8:00 C.Before 8:30
( )2. Can the students bring a mobile phone to this school
A.Yes, they can. B.No, they can’t. C.Sorry, I don’t know.
( )3. What can the students do at break time
Eat and drink in the classroom.
B.Stay in the playground.
C.Talk loudly in the hallways.
( )4. What should the students do when a teacher comes into the classroom
A.Shout. B.Fight. C.Stand up.
( )5. What must the students not do at school
Keep quiet in the library.
Hand in their homework.
C.Talk loudly in the hallways.
一、 1.on 2.in 3.in 4.at at 5. behind
二、1.Or 2.because 3.when 4.but 5.then
After 7.and 8.Before 9.So 10.till
三、1.dreams 2. driver 3. children
player 5. play 6. is 7. dancer
四、1.A 2.A 3.C 4.A 5A
五、1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.B
六、 1.The man is painting the house.
2.Would he like a puppet as his birthday present
3.Are Sue, Lily and Yang Ling in the same team
4.It means you should not walk on the grass.
5.where are your fathers friends from
七、 1.C 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.A
八、1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F
一、1.roads 2.look for 3.easily 4.safe 5.follow 6.crossed
二、1.much 2.some 3.any 4.some 5.many
6.a little 7.a few 8.much 9.little1 0.few
三、1.C 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A
四、1.D 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.C
五、1.D 2.B 3.E 4.C 5.A
六、1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.C



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