
专题08 形容词
1.(2023·湖南岳阳·统考中考真题)Yueyang is one of the top 10 most beautiful ________ in China this year.
A.city B.cities C.citys
2.(2023·湖南岳阳·统考中考真题)Mind health is as ________ as body health.
A.important B.more important C.the most important
3.(2023·江苏扬州·统考中考真题)Slow cooking seems to hold the taste of the meat much ________.
A.good B.well C.better D.best
4.(2023·湖南怀化·统考中考真题)Xu Mengtao is one of the ________ players in China.
A.famous B.more famous C.most famous
5.(2023·江西·统考中考真题)—As I know, your friend Jeff is very humorous.
—Yes. He is ________ person I know.
A.funnier B.the funniest C.more serious D.the most serious
6.(2023·云南·统考中考真题)China is one of ________ countries in the world. We are all proud of it.
A.older B.the older C.oldest D.the oldest
7.(2023·四川成都·统考中考真题)The book of Songs is the ________ collection of poems in China and the beginning of China’s poetry tradition.
A.early B.earlier C.earliest
8.(2023·四川达州·统考中考真题)—Who is your best friend, Linda
—Mary. She always helps me ________ the best in me. The longer I stay with her, ________ I will be.
A.look out, the more confident B.bring out, the more confident C.bring out, the less confident
9.(2023·四川泸州·统考中考真题)—Last month, thirteen Chinese scientists successfully reached the peak of Mount Qomolangma which is ________ mountain in the world.
—Wow! It’s really fantastic. I am so proud of them.
A.high B.higher C.highest D.the highest
10.(2022·内蒙古·中考真题)The community worker is ________ to explain to the old how to use Health Code(码).
A.patient enough B.enough patient C.patiently enough D.enough patiently
11.(2022·西藏·统考中考真题)The harder you work, the ________ you will be.
A.luckier B.lucky C.luckily D.luck
12.(2015·浙江杭州·中考真题)My time in the middle school will be one of ________ periods of my life.
A.exciting B.more exciting C.the more exciting D.the most exciting
13.(2022·广西桂林·统考中考真题)Tony is ________ than Darning.
A.taller B.tall C.tallest
14.(2023·四川成都·统考二模)The direct flight from Chengdu to the capital of Uzbekistan makes the flight time ________ between the two places to less than six hours.
A.faster B.shorter C.soon
15.(2023·四川广元·统考二模)—I’m very tired these days, Mary.
—Why not ________ music. It can make you ________.
A.listen to; relaxed B.listening to; relaxed
C.listening to; relax D.listen to; relaxing
16.(2023·四川广元·统考二模)In June, the weather is getting ________.
A.more and more hot B.hot and hot C.hotter and hotter D.more hot and more hot
17.(2023·安徽滁州·统考二模)—John, you can buy this dictionary for your 9-year-old sister for her birthday.
— Right.It’s colorful and ________, so it’s easy for her to understand.
A.tiny B.similar C.simple D.famous
18.(2023·四川凉山·校考模拟预测)Happiness is very important. ________ you live, _________ you are. So try to face your life with happiness.
A.The happier; the healthier B.The more happily; the healthier C.The more happily; the more healthily
19.(2023·四川凉山·校考模拟预测)—Have you heard of the Huawei Company
—Sure, it’s one of the________ companies ________ makes us Chinese proud.
A.greater; that B.greatest; which C.greatest; that
20.(2023·四川达州·统考一模)How ___________ the bad meat ___________! Throw it away.
A.terrible, smells B.terribly, smells C.terribly, is smelt
21.(2023·四川泸州·统考一模)White cake which is made from rice and sugar is one of ________ snacks in Luzhou.
A.delicious B.more delicious C.most delicious D.the most delicious
22.(2023·天津河西·统考二模)Tianjin, one of ________ biggest cities of China, has ________ long history.
A.a; a B.the; / C.the; a D./; the
23.(2023·四川广元·校联考模拟预测)My father always lives ________, but he doesn’t feel ________.
A.alone; lonely B.lonely; alone C.lonely; lonely D.alone; alone
24.(2023·天津滨海新·统考二模)Daming thinks that nothing is ________ than playing tennis.
A.enjoyable B.more enjoyable C.most enjoyable D.the most enjoyable
25.(2023·天津和平·统考三模)Learning will become much ________ if you find the proper way.
A.more easier B.easiest C.easy D.easier
26.(2023·河北张家口·统考三模)—What do you think of the band’s performance
—It could be ________, I think they were very nervous.
A.good B.better C.bad D.worse
27.(2023·辽宁丹东·统考一模)The black sofa looks as ________ as the blue one, but you’ll sit _______ on the blue one.
A.comfortably, comfortably B.comfortable, comfortably
C.comfortable, more comfortable D.comfortable, more comfortably
28.(2023·北京房山·统考二模)The Palace Museum is one of ________ museums in the world.
A.famous B.more famous
C.most famous D.the most famous
29.(2023·四川凉山·统考一模)The ________ we look after our environment, the ________ our world will be.
A.most carefully; most beautiful B.more carefully; more beautifully
C.more careful; more beautiful D.more carefully; more beautiful
30.(2023·云南玉溪·统考三模)After Broadcasting the TV play series Meet yourself, Dali becomes ________ than before.
A.popular B.popularity C.more popular D.much popular
31.(2023·江西上饶·校联考二模)—How do you keep healthy
—By doing more sports and eating ________ fast food.
A.less B.least C.more D.most
32.(2023·湖北武汉·武汉西藏中学校联考一模)It’s winter now. The weather is getting ________.
A.hotter and hotter B.lower and lower
C.better and better D.colder and colder
33.(2023·江苏宿迁·统考三模)—Wow! All the bread in this store ________.
—Yes. The bread there always ________.
A.sells out; tastes well B.sells out; is tasted good
C.is sold out; is tasted well D.is sold out; tastes good
34.(2023·上海杨浦·统考三模)Even when a dog seems ________, it’s best not to approach it, if the owner isn’t around.
A.properly B.safely C.friendly D.happily
35.(2023·北京西城·统考二模)The National Stadium can hold 91, 000 people, and it is ________ stadium in Beijing.
A.large B.larger C.largest D.the largest
36.(2023·辽宁营口·统考一模)The final examination is coming. ________ you study, ________ scores you will get.
A.The more careful, the many
B.The more hard-working, the better
C.The harder, the more
D.The less carefully, the few
37.(2023·江苏南京·统考二模)— Compared to a printed picture, Grandpa’s painting is ________ for our living room.
— I agree. It’s our family treasure.
A.suitable B.more suitable C.expensive D.more expensive
38.(2023·湖南邵阳·统考二模)—Spring is coming. Birds sing ________ and flowers smell ________.
—Yeah. Spring is dreaming and please put spring in your heart.
A.good; nice B.well; nice C.well; wonderfully
39.(2023·江苏淮安·校联考二模)For ________ information, you can visit our website www.qjpjtj..
A.far B.farther C.further D.furthest
40.(2023·辽宁锦州·统考二模)—An ________ gunman killed 19 students at a primary school in the state of Texas on May 24th, 2022 , and the American president Joseph Biden signals support for raising age for gun buying.
—________ terrible news!
A.18-year-old; What a B.18 years old; What C.18 years old; How D.18-year-old;What
41.(2023·山东菏泽·统考二模)Even if we are in Grade 9, it’s ________ for us to go to bed early and get up early.
A.perfectly B.necessary C.unexpected
42.(2023·山东菏泽·统考二模)With the development of 5G technology, our daily lives have become ________.
A.convenience B.most convenient C.more and more convenient
43.(2023·江苏无锡·统考三模)Jogging is ________ sport than many other ones—to start, just get some comfortable sports clothes and good running shoes.
A.the cheaper B.a cheaper C.a cheapest D.the cheapest
44.(2023·上海杨浦·统考二模)David pretends to be________ as if nothing has happened between them.
A.politely B.angrily C.sadly D.friendly
45.(2023·上海浦东新·统考三模)In the exam, the _________ you are, the fewer mistakes you’ll make.
A.careful B.carefully C.more carefully D.more careful
46.(2023·天津河北·统考二模)If you go running, you will feel _______ than ever before.
A.the healthiest B.healthiest C.healthier D.happily
47.(2023·江苏淮安·统考一模)The film, Shuimen Bridge in Changjin Lake, directed by Wu Jing, was very ________ and we felt quite ________ when watching it.
A.exciting; exciting B.excited; excited C.excited; exciting D.exciting; excited
48.(2023·山东青岛·统考二模)These strawberries look ________. I’d like to buy some for my father.
A.happily B.lovely C.softly D.heavily
49.(2023·上海青浦·统考二模)Your idea of throwing a surprise party for Tommy sounds really ________.
A.actively B.lovely C.excitedly D.comfortably
50.(2023·天津河东·统考一模)It’s a pity that we lost the match because we were sometimes ________ when passing the ball, we practice ________this year.
A.careless, carelessly B.careless, more carefully
C.careful, carefully D.careful, more carefully
51.(2023·天津和平·统考二模)Amy did very well in her report. She is ________ to pay attention to every detail.
A.enough carefully B.carefully enough C.enough careful D.careful enough
52.(2023·上海嘉定·统考二模)If dogs are kept in small space, they may feel very ________.
A.happy B.happily C.unhappy D.unhappily
53.(2023·上海长宁·统考二模)Some old people keep a pet because they feel ________ at their homes.
A.seriously B.lonely C.sadly D.silently
54.(2023·上海宝山·统考二模)The cheese biscuits in this restaurant taste ________. Would you like to have some
A.softly B.nice C.greatly D.well
55.(2023·上海徐汇·统考二模)When you wear a smile on your face, you look ________ to customers.
A.warmly B.happily C.correctly D.friendly
56.(2023·上海浦东新·统考二模)My old neighbour Emily seemed ________ after her children moved out.
A.safely B.lonely C.sadly D.quietly
57.(2023·上海松江·统考二模)How ________ Kitty felt when nobody wanted to talk to her!
A.angrily B.lonely C.sadly D.unfortunately
58.(2023·上海崇明·统考二模)My grandfather has lived with us for many years and he doesn’t feel ________ at all.
A.lonely B.gently C.sadly D.angrily
59.(2023·江苏泰州·统考一模)Jiangyan Art Museum ________ for about two years. It is very popular among teenagers.
A.has been open B.has opened C.has open D.has been opened
60.(2023·江苏无锡·模拟预测)The Lei Feng’s spirit is still ________ encouraging a new generation of Chinese although it is more than sixty years since he died.
A.lively B.live C.living D.alive
61.(2023·江苏连云港·模拟预测)“The Lake of Peach Blossom is a thousand feet deep, but not ________ the friendship Wang Lun and I keep.” is from a very famous poem written by Li Bai.
A.so deep as B.so deeper as C.as deeper as D.as deeply as
62.(2022·江苏宿迁·统考三模)The kind of Bing Dwen Dwen looks ________ and sells ________.
A.beautiful; well B.beautifully; well C.beautifully; good D.beautiful; good
63.(2023·山东青岛·统考一模)These toy trains look ________. I’d like to buy some for my son.
A.happily B.lovely C.softly D.properly
64.(2023·福建·模拟预测)—Li Tiangang, an ________ boy, sells newspaper and magazines to help his sister through college.
—We should learn from him.
A.18 years old B.15-year-old C.18-year-old
65.(2023·江苏南京·模拟预测)—Our class won the first in the school basketball game yesterday.
—Yes. That made us very ______.
A.exciting B.excited C.interesting D.interested
66.(2023·内蒙古呼伦贝尔·统考二模)Although Lei Feng has been dead for more than 60 years, Lei Feng’s spirit is still ________, encouraging a younger generation of Chinese.
A.lively B.live C.living D.alive
67.(2023·上海浦东新·统考一模)The music in the cafe sounded ________. It almost drove me mad.
A.soft B.noisy C.terribly D.sadly
68.(2023·上海浦东新·统考一模)In the labor education class, the students planted trees on _______ sides of the main road.
A.all B.either C.both D.every
69.(2023·全国·模拟预测)The students from America enjoy staying in our school because everyone is ________ to them.
A.friendly B.gently C.happily D.politely
70.(2023·新疆·统考一模)The ________ we look after our environment, the ________ our world will be.
A.more careful; more beautiful B.more carefully; more beautifully
C.more carefully; more beautiful D.most carefully; most beautiful
71.(2023·上海·一模)Mum said, “Jane, you should be more ________ to your younger brother”.
A.friendly B.politely C.gently D.softly
72.(2023·湖北武汉·模拟预测)Alice used to be _________. But after keeping running for a long time, she becomes _________ than before.
A.weak; healthy B.weak; healthier C.strong; healthily D.strong; more healthily
73.(2023·上海·一模)May’s sister, Betty, is a ________ girl. Everybody likes her very much.
A.hardly B.beautifully C.lovely D.carefully
74.(2023·上海·一模)The comic strip has a dramatic plot to keep the readers ________ in reading it.
A.interest B.interesting C.interested D.interests
75.(2023·上海·一模)“You look ________ in that yellow and white skirt.” May said to her friend.
A.quietly B.lovely C.politely D.happily
76.(2023·上海·一模)There was a little dog waiting at the corner of the street and it seemed so ________.
A.sadly B.angrily C.quietly D.lonely
77.(2023·黑龙江哈尔滨·校考模拟预测)—This month we’ll have a party for the coming festival.
—It’s ________ exciting information. Everyone will be happy after knowing it.
A.such B.so C.such an
78.(2023·上海徐汇·统考一模)When hearing the school trip was delayed by the weather, the kids got ________.
A.disappoint B.disappointing C.disappointments D.disappointed
79.(2023·云南昆明·统考二模)Let’s Sway Twin Oars(《让我们荡起双桨》)written by Qiao Yu is one of ________ songs in many people’s childhood.
A.the more boring B.the most boring C.the more popular D.the most popular
80.(2023·江苏连云港·校考一模)The price of new energy vehicles (新能源车) is not ________ that of last year, so some more people are going to buy them.
A.as expensive as B.so cheap as C.as low as D.so high as
81.(2023·湖北襄阳·统考一模)—Mary, what do you think of these three pieces of Chinese classical music
—Well, the music Liangshanbo and ZhuYingtai played by the zither (古筝) is ________.
A.wonderful B.more wonderful
C.most wonderful D.the most wonderful
82.(2023·山东菏泽·统考一模)—What do you think of the app WeChat Work (企业微信应用)
—Great! I’ve never seen a ______ one.
A.worse B.better C.best
83.(2023·江苏扬州·统考二模)—You are always so lazy! I’ve never seen ________ room before.
—Sorry! I will clean it right away.
A.an untidy B.an untidier C.the untidiest D.the untidier
84.(2023·湖南株洲·统考一模)Labor is as ________ as other subjects. It can help us develop a sense of responsibility.
A.important B.more important C.the most important
85.(2023·江苏无锡·统考二模)—Guess what I’m in the 26th Wuxi School Students’ Spoken English Finals!
—Wow! That’s ________ news I’ve heard this term, Boris! Let’s celebrate.
A.a worse B.the worst C.a better D.the best
86.(2023·江苏宿迁·统考二模)“The Lake of Peach Blossom(桃花) is a thousand feet deep, but not ________ the friendship Wang Lun and I keep.” is from a very famous poem written by Li Bai.
A.so deeper as B.as deeper as C.as deep as D.as deeply as
87.(2023·天津滨海新·统考一模)With every villager’s effort, the river is much ________ than it was last year.
A.clear B.clearer C.clearest D.the clearest
88.(2023·山东青岛·统考二模)Tom is ________ boy in his family. His brothers are less than 1.7 meters, but he is 1.8 meters.
A.the taller B.taller C.tallest D.the tallest
89.(2023·湖南株洲·统考一模)Of all the mountains, Qomolangma is ________.
A.high B.higher C.the highest
90.(2023·天津红桥·统考二模)The Diwang Tower is ________ than many other buildings in Shenzhen.
A.tall B.taller C.tallest D.the tallest
91.(2023·天津·统考一模)I like playing tennis. I think nothing is ________ than playing tennis.
A.enjoyable B.as enjoyable as C.more enjoyable D.less enjoyable
92.(2023·湖北襄阳·统考一模)—The final exam is coming soon, I feel nervous.
—Don’t worry. ________ you are, ________ mistakes you will make in the exam.
A.The more carefully; the fewer B.The more careful; the fewer
C.The less careless; the less D.The more carelessly; the more
93.(2023·上海浦东新·统考二模)Baking has become one of ________ after-work activities among young adults.
A.popular B.more popular C.most popular D.the most popular
94.(2023·上海虹口·统考二模)Nowadays travelling by high-speed train is as ________ as travelling by air.
A.more popular B.most popular C.popular D.the most popular
95.(2023·上海松江·统考二模)Which planet is ________ from the earth, Jupiter or Venus
A.far B.farther C.farthest D.furthest
96.(2023·江苏南通·统考二模)If you keep on studying customs, you will behave in ________ way when travelling to foreign countries.
A.a more proper B.the most proper C.a less proper D.the least proper
97.(2023·河北承德·统考一模)Kate is the ________ girl in our class. She plays for our school basketball team.
A.taller B.tallest C.heavier D.heaviest
98.(2023·辽宁大连·统考一模)Our school life has changed a lot since last year. We have more activities but ________ exams now.
A.the fewer B.fewer C.less D.few
99.(2023·江苏盐城·统考一模)You should be even ________ to your grandpa because he is getting older and older.
A.patient B.more patient C.patiently D.most patiently
100.(2023·河北沧州·统考一模)E-maps make it ________ than ever to search for public toilets in China’s big cities.
A.harder B.easier C.hardest D.easiest
考查名词复数。one of+最高级+名词复数,表示“……中最……之一”,固定句型,可排除A选项;city的复数形式为cities。故选B。
考查形容词最高级。one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示“最……之一”,故选C。
考查形容词最高级。funnier更有趣的; the funniest最有趣的;more serious更严肃的;the most serious最严肃的。根据“your friend Jeff is very humorous”和“Yes.”可知,应是觉得他很有趣,结合“I know”可知,是和认识的所有人中作比较,所以用最高级,故选B。
考查最高级。one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示“……最……之一”,故选D。
考查形容词最高级。根据“The book of Songs is the...collection of poems in China”可知,此前有定冠词the修饰,比较的范围不止两者,所以用形容词最高级。故选C。
考查动词短语及比较级。look out当心;bring out使显现,使表现出。第一空考查bring out the best in sb.“使某人表现出最好的一面”。第二空考查句式:The+比较级, the+比较级,意为“越……,越……”,根据“She always helps me…the best in me.”可知,玛丽使“我”展现最好的一面,故在一起时间越长,“我”就越自信。故选B。
考查形容词最高级。根据“the peak of Mount Qomolangma which is … mountain in the world.”可知,珠穆朗玛峰是最高的山峰,空格处为形容词最高级the highest。故选D。
考查形容词最高级。exciting原级;more exciting比较级;the more exciting比较级;the most exciting最高级。根据“one of ”可知,此处是“one of the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数”的结构,意为“最……之一”,故选D。
考查比较级。根据“than ”可知应用形容词比较级,故选A。
考查比较级。faster更快;shorter更短;soon很快,不久。根据“less than six hours”可知直飞航班缩短了两地之间的飞行时间。故选B。
考查固定句型和形容词辨析。why not do sth“为什么不做某事”,固定句型,所以第一空用动词原形,排除B、C;make sb+形容词,表示“使某人……”,relaxed“放松的”;relaxing“令人轻松的”。形容人的状态,所以用-ed结尾的形容词,故选A。
考查形容词辨析。tiny细微的;similar相似的;simple简单的;famous著名的。根据“it’s easy for her to understand.”可知,这本字典很简单,所以她很容易理解。故选C。
考查形容词与副词的比较级。happy快乐的,形容词,比较级是happier;happily快乐地,副词,比较级是more happily;healthy健康的,形容词,比较级是healthier;healthily健康地,副词,比较级是more healthily。The+比较级, the+比较级表示“越……就越……”。第一空修饰动词live,所以用副词的比较级;第二空作表语所以用形容词的比较级。 故选B。
考查最高级和定语从句。one of the+最高级+名词复数,因此第一空greatest符合句意;根据“makes us Chinese proud”可知,此句诗定语从句,从句缺少主语,先行词有最高级修饰,因此用关系代词 that。故选C。
考查感官动词及形容词用法。terrible糟糕的,形容词;terribly糟糕地,副词;smells闻起来,感官动词。根据“the bad meat”可知,是肉闻起来糟糕,“闻起来”为“smell”,感官动词,无被动语态,后接形容词作表语,所以用terrible和smells。故选A。
考查形容词的最高级。delicious美味的,形容词原级;more delicious更美味的,形容词的比较级;most delicious最美味的,形容词的最高级,最高级前面需要加定冠词the;the most delicious最美味的,形容词的最高级;one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示“最……之一”,固定用法。故选D。
考查冠词的用法。根据“biggest”是形容词最高级可知,第一空要用定冠词the,one of the+最高级+名词复数“最……之一”;再根据“has ... long history”可知,第二空表示泛指,且“long”是以辅音音素开头,不定冠词用a。故选C。
考查比较级。根据“than”可知,需要比较级,enjoyable的比较级是more enjoyable。故选B。
考查形容词比较级。more easier错误表达;easiest最高级;easy原级;easier比较级。根据“become much…”可知空格处缺少形容词比较级,故选D。
考查形容词辨析。good好的,原级;better更好的,比较级;bad糟糕的,原级;worse更糟糕的,比较级。根据“I think they were very nervous.”可知,他们因为紧张,要不然可以表演得更好。故选B。
考查形容词最高级。“one of+the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数”表示“最……之一”,此处表示最著名的博物馆之一。故选D。
考查比较级结构。本句是“the+比较级, the+比较级”结构,意为“越……,越……”,排除A;第一空修饰动词短语,故应用副词carefully,排除选项C;根据“our world will be”可知,第二空作表语,应用形容词。故选D。
考查形容词比较级。popular受欢迎的(形容词);popularity流行,普及(名词); more popular更受欢迎的,比较级;much popular错误表达。根据becomes和than可知,此处用形容词的比较级形式,故选C。
考查形容词比较级。less更少的;least最少的;more更多的;most最多的,根据“keep healthy”,意为“保持健康”,可知要“少吃快餐”;上文用比较级“more”,此空用比较级“less”,故选A。
考查形容词比较级。根据“It’s winter now”可知“天气越来越冷”,即colder and colder,故选D。
考查被动语态以及形容词作表语。第一个句子的主语all the bread和谓语sell out“卖光”之间是被动语态be done,排除AB;系动词taste后作表语用形容词,排除C。故选D。
考查形容词最高级。large大的;larger更大的;largest最大的。根据“in Beijing.”可知,比较范围大于三个,空处应填最高级。形容词最高级前要加the。故选D。
考查形容词。be suitable for适合;根据上文“Compared to a printed picture”可知此处在对比,需用比较级,又由“Grandpa’s painting”和“printed picture”可知,两者无法用价格来比对,加上后面的“for”,因此要用more suitable。故选B。
考查形容词的比较级。far远的;farther更远的;further更多的;furthest最远的。根据“you can visit our website www.qjpjtj..”可知,要了解更多信息就访问网站,此处应用further information表示“更多的信息”。故选C。
考查复合形容词作定语和感叹句。18-year-old十八岁的;18 years old十八岁;根据句意理解可知,第一空需要一个形容词作定语,修饰后面的名词gunman,而英语中表达年龄时能够作定语的是“基数词-单数名词-形容词”的结构,所以排除B和C选项,而第二空是感叹句的结构,而news是一个不可数名词,后面省略了主语和谓语,所以这里应该用what引导,而news是不可数名词,所以不需要用冠词修饰,故选D。
考查形容词。perfectly完美地;necessary必须的;unexpected想不到的。根据“Even if we are in Grade 9...”可知,即使九年级了,早睡早起也是有必要的。故选B。
考查比较级。根据“has become”可知,此处表示“越来越便利”,用“more and more convenient”。故选C。
考查词性辨析。politely 礼貌地,副词;angrily 生气地,副词;sadly 伤心地,副词;friendly 友好的,形容词。be后接形容词作表语,四个选项中只有D选项是形容词,故选D。
考查形容词比较级。the healthiest最健康的,the+最高级;healthiest最健康的,最高级;healthier更健康的,比较级;happily快乐地,副词。由“feel”可知,此处应使用形容词作表语;由比较级的标志词“than”可知,此处应使用比较级。故选C。
考查词义辨析。careless粗心的;carelessly粗心地;careful仔细的;carefully仔细地。根据前面的“It’s a pity(很遗憾)”可以推出,我们是练球时“粗心了”,所以第一空填careless;因为以前粗心,用more carefully来修饰动词practice。故选B。
考查形容词和副词。enough“足够”,修饰形容词或者副词时放在后面。根据she is可知,is之后应用形容词careful。故选D。
考查词义辨析以及形容词作表语。happy开心的;happily开心地;unhappy不开心的;unhappily不开心地。feel后接形容词作表语,结合“If dogs are kept in small space”可知,狗被关在狭小的空间会不开心,故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。angrily生气地,副词;lonely孤独的,形容词;sadly悲伤地,副词;unfortunately不幸地,副词。根据句中felt可知是系表结构,空格处应用形容词,又根据“when nobody wanted to talk to her”可知,此处是指她感到孤独。故选 B。
考查延续性和非延续性动词。根据“for about two years”可知有两年了,应用现在完成时且用延续性动词,open表示“开放的”,是形容词,opened表示“打开”,是动词的过去分词,句中应用open表示开放的”,形容词须在be后充当表语。故选A。
考查形容词辨析。lively活泼的;live现场直播的;living活着的,活的;alive活着的。根据“The Lei Feng’s spirit is still...”可知,此处表示雷锋精神依然存在,故排除A和B。living作前置定语,不能作表语;alive能作表语,根据“is still...”可知,此处为形容词作表语。故选D。
考查形容词原级。not so/as...as表示“不如……那样”,中间用形容词或副词原级,排除BC选项;根据“the friendship Wang Lun and I keep”可知应填形容词作表语,故选A。
考查形容词作定语。18 years old18岁(作表语);15-year-old15岁的(作定语);18-year-old18岁的(作定语)。横线后有名词boy,此处使用形容词作定语,排除A,an用于元音音素开头的单词前,故选C。
考查形容词辨析。exciting“令人兴奋的”,修饰物;excited“感到兴奋的”,修饰人;interesting“有趣的”;interested“感兴趣的”。根据“That made us very...”可知,这让我们非常兴奋。“make sb+形容词”结构中,形容词是宾语补足语,补充说明宾语sb的特征、状态等,所以形容词是修饰人的。故选B。
考查形容词辨析。lively活泼的; live活的,通常只用作定语(前置) ; living活的,可用作表语或定语,通常是客观描述某人“尚在人间”或“健在”; alive活着的,主要用作表语。根据“Lei Feng spirit is still…”可知“雷锋精神”还活着,在句中作表语,应用alive。故选D。
考查形容词作表语和形容词辨析。soft轻柔的;noisy吵闹的;terribly糟糕地;sadly悲伤地。系动词sound后为形容词作表语,且根据“It almost drove me mad”,可知音乐很吵闹。故选B。
考查限定词。all所有的(三者及三者以上);either任一的(两者中的任一);both两者都;every每一。根据“sides of the main road.”可知,应是路的两边,应用both,后跟复数名词,故选C。
考查比较级结构。本句是“the+比较级, the+比较级”结构,排除D;第一处修饰动词短语,用副词;第二处作表语,用形容词。故选C。
考查形容词原级及比较级。weak虚弱的;strong强壮的;healthy健康的;healthily健康地,副词;healthier更健康;more healthily副词比较级。根据“Alice used to be”以及“But after keeping running for a long time”可知没跑步之前应该是虚弱的;根据“becomes...than before.”可知用形容词比较级。故选B。
【详解】句意: Marry的妹妹Betty,是一个可爱的女孩。每个人非常喜欢她。
考查形容词。hardly几乎不,副词; beautifully漂亮地,副词;lovely可爱的,形容词; carefully仔细地,副词。修饰名词girl要用形容词作定语,a lovely girl意为“一个可爱的女孩”。故选C。
考查形容词用法。interest使感兴趣;interesting令人感兴趣的;interested感兴趣的;interests使感兴趣,动词三单形式。“keep sb+形容词”表示“使某人保持某种状态”,此处是修饰人,应用interested,故选C。
考查such的用法。 such的用法结构为“such+a/an+adj+可数名词单数”或“such+adj+不可数名词”。 so的用法结构为“so+adj+a/an+可数名词单数”。根据“exciting information”可知中心词是不可数名词,设空处填such。故选A。
考查形容词作表语。disappoint使失望,动词;disappointing令人失望的,形容词,修饰物;disappointments失望,名词;disappointed失望的,形容词,修饰人。根据“When hearing the school trip was delayed by the weather, the kids got…”可知孩子们感到失望,要用形容词作表语,且主语是人,故要用disappointed。get disappointed“感到失望”。故选D。
考查形容词辨析和最高级。boring无聊的;popular受欢迎的。one of后加形容词最高级,排除AC选项;结合“songs in many people’s childhood.”可知是指这首歌曲很受欢迎,故选D。
考查形容词辨析。 “price” 价格用高低(high, low)表示,所以排除A和B;再根据“so some more people are going to buy them.”可知,更多人买,因为没有去年的价格高。故选D。
考查形容词最高级。根据“these three pieces of Chinese classical music”可知,三者之间进行比较要用最高级;wonderful的最高级为most wonderful,且与定冠词the连用。故选D。
考查比较级及形容词辨析。worse更差的;better更好的;best最好的。根据“I’ve never seen a…one.”可知,应该是从未见过更好的,better符合题意。故选B。
考查形容词辨析和形容词最高级。worse更差的;the worst最差的;better更好的;the best最好的。根据“I’m in the 26th Wuxi School Students’ Spoken English Finals!”,可知“That’s...news I’ve heard this term,”应是表示“进入决赛”这事是在本学期内所听到的最好的消息,空处应是形容词最高级the best,符合语境。故选D。
考查形容词原级。not so/as...as表示“不如……那样”,中间用形容词或副词原级,排除AB选项;deep深的,形容词;deeply深地,副词。根据“the friendship Wang Lun and I keep”可知应填形容词作表语,故选C。
考查最高级。根据in his family可知,在三者以上的比较要用最高级,且最高级前要加the,故选D。
考查形容词最高级用法。high“高的”;higher“更高的”;the highest“最高的”。根据“Of all the mountains”可知,要用形容词最高级形式。故选C。
考查形容词比较级。根据“than”可知,此处用比较级,排除AB;结合“I like playing tennis. I think nothing is...than playing tennis.”可知,没有什么比打网球更令人愉快的了。故选C。
考查最高级的用法。根据“become one of...after-work activities among young adults”可知此处指最受欢迎的活动之一,用结构one of the+形容词的最高级+名词复数。故选D。
【详解】句意:木星和金星, 哪个行星离地球更远
考查形容词比较级。far远的,形容词原级;farther更远的,形容词比较级;farthest最远的,形容词最高级;furthest最远的,形容词最高级。根据“Jupiter or Venus”可知,此处是木星和金星和地球的距离进行对比,应用比较级,far的比较级是farther。故选B。
考查形容词比较级。more proper更合适;the most proper最合适;less proper不太合适;the least proper最不合适。根据“keep on studying customs”和句意可知此处表达“将会表现得更得体”,应用比较级。故选A。
考查最高级。根据范围“in our class”可知,用最高级。tallest“最高的”,heaviest“最重的”。根据“She plays for our school basketball team.”可知,她为我们学校的篮球队效力,所以她是最高的女孩,而不是最重的女孩,故选B。
考查比较级。harder更难的,比较级;easier更容易的,比较级;hardest最难的,最高级;easiest最容易的,最高级。根据“than”可知应用比较级,再根据“make it...”可知此处是固定结构 make it +adj +to do sth“使得做某事怎么样”。所以此处应用形容词比较级。故选B。2024中考英语单项选择分类训练
专题08 形容词
1.(2023·湖南岳阳·统考中考真题)Yueyang is one of the top 10 most beautiful ________ in China this year.
A.city B.cities C.citys
2.(2023·湖南岳阳·统考中考真题)Mind health is as ________ as body health.
A.important B.more important C.the most important
3.(2023·江苏扬州·统考中考真题)Slow cooking seems to hold the taste of the meat much ________.
A.good B.well C.better D.best
4.(2023·湖南怀化·统考中考真题)Xu Mengtao is one of the ________ players in China.
A.famous B.more famous C.most famous
5.(2023·江西·统考中考真题)—As I know, your friend Jeff is very humorous.
—Yes. He is ________ person I know.
A.funnier B.the funniest C.more serious D.the most serious
6.(2023·云南·统考中考真题)China is one of ________ countries in the world. We are all proud of it.
A.older B.the older C.oldest D.the oldest
7.(2023·四川成都·统考中考真题)The book of Songs is the ________ collection of poems in China and the beginning of China’s poetry tradition.
A.early B.earlier C.earliest
8.(2023·四川达州·统考中考真题)—Who is your best friend, Linda
—Mary. She always helps me ________ the best in me. The longer I stay with her, ________ I will be.
A.look out, the more confident B.bring out, the more confident C.bring out, the less confident
9.(2023·四川泸州·统考中考真题)—Last month, thirteen Chinese scientists successfully reached the peak of Mount Qomolangma which is ________ mountain in the world.
—Wow! It’s really fantastic. I am so proud of them.
A.high B.higher C.highest D.the highest
10.(2022·内蒙古·中考真题)The community worker is ________ to explain to the old how to use Health Code(码).
A.patient enough B.enough patient C.patiently enough D.enough patiently
11.(2022·西藏·统考中考真题)The harder you work, the ________ you will be.
A.luckier B.lucky C.luckily D.luck
12.(2015·浙江杭州·中考真题)My time in the middle school will be one of ________ periods of my life.
A.exciting B.more exciting C.the more exciting D.the most exciting
13.(2022·广西桂林·统考中考真题)Tony is ________ than Darning.
A.taller B.tall C.tallest
14.(2023·四川成都·统考二模)The direct flight from Chengdu to the capital of Uzbekistan makes the flight time ________ between the two places to less than six hours.
A.faster B.shorter C.soon
15.(2023·四川广元·统考二模)—I’m very tired these days, Mary.
—Why not ________ music. It can make you ________.
A.listen to; relaxed B.listening to; relaxed
C.listening to; relax D.listen to; relaxing
16.(2023·四川广元·统考二模)In June, the weather is getting ________.
A.more and more hot B.hot and hot C.hotter and hotter D.more hot and more hot
17.(2023·安徽滁州·统考二模)—John, you can buy this dictionary for your 9-year-old sister for her birthday.
— Right.It’s colorful and ________, so it’s easy for her to understand.
A.tiny B.similar C.simple D.famous
18.(2023·四川凉山·校考模拟预测)Happiness is very important. ________ you live, _________ you are. So try to face your life with happiness.
A.The happier; the healthier B.The more happily; the healthier C.The more happily; the more healthily
19.(2023·四川凉山·校考模拟预测)—Have you heard of the Huawei Company
—Sure, it’s one of the________ companies ________ makes us Chinese proud.
A.greater; that B.greatest; which C.greatest; that
20.(2023·四川达州·统考一模)How ___________ the bad meat ___________! Throw it away.
A.terrible, smells B.terribly, smells C.terribly, is smelt
21.(2023·四川泸州·统考一模)White cake which is made from rice and sugar is one of ________ snacks in Luzhou.
A.delicious B.more delicious C.most delicious D.the most delicious
22.(2023·天津河西·统考二模)Tianjin, one of ________ biggest cities of China, has ________ long history.
A.a; a B.the; / C.the; a D./; the
23.(2023·四川广元·校联考模拟预测)My father always lives ________, but he doesn’t feel ________.
A.alone; lonely B.lonely; alone C.lonely; lonely D.alone; alone
24.(2023·天津滨海新·统考二模)Daming thinks that nothing is ________ than playing tennis.
A.enjoyable B.more enjoyable C.most enjoyable D.the most enjoyable
25.(2023·天津和平·统考三模)Learning will become much ________ if you find the proper way.
A.more easier B.easiest C.easy D.easier
26.(2023·河北张家口·统考三模)—What do you think of the band’s performance
—It could be ________, I think they were very nervous.
A.good B.better C.bad D.worse
27.(2023·辽宁丹东·统考一模)The black sofa looks as ________ as the blue one, but you’ll sit _______ on the blue one.
A.comfortably, comfortably B.comfortable, comfortably
C.comfortable, more comfortable D.comfortable, more comfortably
28.(2023·北京房山·统考二模)The Palace Museum is one of ________ museums in the world.
A.famous B.more famous
C.most famous D.the most famous
29.(2023·四川凉山·统考一模)The ________ we look after our environment, the ________ our world will be.
A.most carefully; most beautiful B.more carefully; more beautifully
C.more careful; more beautiful D.more carefully; more beautiful
30.(2023·云南玉溪·统考三模)After Broadcasting the TV play series Meet yourself, Dali becomes ________ than before.
A.popular B.popularity C.more popular D.much popular
31.(2023·江西上饶·校联考二模)—How do you keep healthy
—By doing more sports and eating ________ fast food.
A.less B.least C.more D.most
32.(2023·湖北武汉·武汉西藏中学校联考一模)It’s winter now. The weather is getting ________.
A.hotter and hotter B.lower and lower
C.better and better D.colder and colder
33.(2023·江苏宿迁·统考三模)—Wow! All the bread in this store ________.
—Yes. The bread there always ________.
A.sells out; tastes well B.sells out; is tasted good
C.is sold out; is tasted well D.is sold out; tastes good
34.(2023·上海杨浦·统考三模)Even when a dog seems ________, it’s best not to approach it, if the owner isn’t around.
A.properly B.safely C.friendly D.happily
35.(2023·北京西城·统考二模)The National Stadium can hold 91, 000 people, and it is ________ stadium in Beijing.
A.large B.larger C.largest D.the largest
36.(2023·辽宁营口·统考一模)The final examination is coming. ________ you study, ________ scores you will get.
A.The more careful, the many
B.The more hard-working, the better
C.The harder, the more
D.The less carefully, the few
37.(2023·江苏南京·统考二模)— Compared to a printed picture, Grandpa’s painting is ________ for our living room.
— I agree. It’s our family treasure.
A.suitable B.more suitable C.expensive D.more expensive
38.(2023·湖南邵阳·统考二模)—Spring is coming. Birds sing ________ and flowers smell ________.
—Yeah. Spring is dreaming and please put spring in your heart.
A.good; nice B.well; nice C.well; wonderfully
39.(2023·江苏淮安·校联考二模)For ________ information, you can visit our website www.qjpjtj..
A.far B.farther C.further D.furthest
40.(2023·辽宁锦州·统考二模)—An ________ gunman killed 19 students at a primary school in the state of Texas on May 24th, 2022 , and the American president Joseph Biden signals support for raising age for gun buying.
—________ terrible news!
A.18-year-old; What a B.18 years old; What C.18 years old; How D.18-year-old;What
41.(2023·山东菏泽·统考二模)Even if we are in Grade 9, it’s ________ for us to go to bed early and get up early.
A.perfectly B.necessary C.unexpected
42.(2023·山东菏泽·统考二模)With the development of 5G technology, our daily lives have become ________.
A.convenience B.most convenient C.more and more convenient
43.(2023·江苏无锡·统考三模)Jogging is ________ sport than many other ones—to start, just get some comfortable sports clothes and good running shoes.
A.the cheaper B.a cheaper C.a cheapest D.the cheapest
44.(2023·上海杨浦·统考二模)David pretends to be________ as if nothing has happened between them.
A.politely B.angrily C.sadly D.friendly
45.(2023·上海浦东新·统考三模)In the exam, the _________ you are, the fewer mistakes you’ll make.
A.careful B.carefully C.more carefully D.more careful
46.(2023·天津河北·统考二模)If you go running, you will feel _______ than ever before.
A.the healthiest B.healthiest C.healthier D.happily
47.(2023·江苏淮安·统考一模)The film, Shuimen Bridge in Changjin Lake, directed by Wu Jing, was very ________ and we felt quite ________ when watching it.
A.exciting; exciting B.excited; excited C.excited; exciting D.exciting; excited
48.(2023·山东青岛·统考二模)These strawberries look ________. I’d like to buy some for my father.
A.happily B.lovely C.softly D.heavily
49.(2023·上海青浦·统考二模)Your idea of throwing a surprise party for Tommy sounds really ________.
A.actively B.lovely C.excitedly D.comfortably
50.(2023·天津河东·统考一模)It’s a pity that we lost the match because we were sometimes ________ when passing the ball, we practice ________this year.
A.careless, carelessly B.careless, more carefully
C.careful, carefully D.careful, more carefully
51.(2023·天津和平·统考二模)Amy did very well in her report. She is ________ to pay attention to every detail.
A.enough carefully B.carefully enough C.enough careful D.careful enough
52.(2023·上海嘉定·统考二模)If dogs are kept in small space, they may feel very ________.
A.happy B.happily C.unhappy D.unhappily
53.(2023·上海长宁·统考二模)Some old people keep a pet because they feel ________ at their homes.
A.seriously B.lonely C.sadly D.silently
54.(2023·上海宝山·统考二模)The cheese biscuits in this restaurant taste ________. Would you like to have some
A.softly B.nice C.greatly D.well
55.(2023·上海徐汇·统考二模)When you wear a smile on your face, you look ________ to customers.
A.warmly B.happily C.correctly D.friendly
56.(2023·上海浦东新·统考二模)My old neighbour Emily seemed ________ after her children moved out.
A.safely B.lonely C.sadly D.quietly
57.(2023·上海松江·统考二模)How ________ Kitty felt when nobody wanted to talk to her!
A.angrily B.lonely C.sadly D.unfortunately
58.(2023·上海崇明·统考二模)My grandfather has lived with us for many years and he doesn’t feel ________ at all.
A.lonely B.gently C.sadly D.angrily
59.(2023·江苏泰州·统考一模)Jiangyan Art Museum ________ for about two years. It is very popular among teenagers.
A.has been open B.has opened C.has open D.has been opened
60.(2023·江苏无锡·模拟预测)The Lei Feng’s spirit is still ________ encouraging a new generation of Chinese although it is more than sixty years since he died.
A.lively B.live C.living D.alive
61.(2023·江苏连云港·模拟预测)“The Lake of Peach Blossom is a thousand feet deep, but not ________ the friendship Wang Lun and I keep.” is from a very famous poem written by Li Bai.
A.so deep as B.so deeper as C.as deeper as D.as deeply as
62.(2022·江苏宿迁·统考三模)The kind of Bing Dwen Dwen looks ________ and sells ________.
A.beautiful; well B.beautifully; well C.beautifully; good D.beautiful; good
63.(2023·山东青岛·统考一模)These toy trains look ________. I’d like to buy some for my son.
A.happily B.lovely C.softly D.properly
64.(2023·福建·模拟预测)—Li Tiangang, an ________ boy, sells newspaper and magazines to help his sister through college.
—We should learn from him.
A.18 years old B.15-year-old C.18-year-old
65.(2023·江苏南京·模拟预测)—Our class won the first in the school basketball game yesterday.
—Yes. That made us very ______.
A.exciting B.excited C.interesting D.interested
66.(2023·内蒙古呼伦贝尔·统考二模)Although Lei Feng has been dead for more than 60 years, Lei Feng’s spirit is still ________, encouraging a younger generation of Chinese.
A.lively B.live C.living D.alive
67.(2023·上海浦东新·统考一模)The music in the cafe sounded ________. It almost drove me mad.
A.soft B.noisy C.terribly D.sadly
68.(2023·上海浦东新·统考一模)In the labor education class, the students planted trees on _______ sides of the main road.
A.all B.either C.both D.every
69.(2023·全国·模拟预测)The students from America enjoy staying in our school because everyone is ________ to them.
A.friendly B.gently C.happily D.politely
70.(2023·新疆·统考一模)The ________ we look after our environment, the ________ our world will be.
A.more careful; more beautiful B.more carefully; more beautifully
C.more carefully; more beautiful D.most carefully; most beautiful
71.(2023·上海·一模)Mum said, “Jane, you should be more ________ to your younger brother”.
A.friendly B.politely C.gently D.softly
72.(2023·湖北武汉·模拟预测)Alice used to be _________. But after keeping running for a long time, she becomes _________ than before.
A.weak; healthy B.weak; healthier C.strong; healthily D.strong; more healthily
73.(2023·上海·一模)May’s sister, Betty, is a ________ girl. Everybody likes her very much.
A.hardly B.beautifully C.lovely D.carefully
74.(2023·上海·一模)The comic strip has a dramatic plot to keep the readers ________ in reading it.
A.interest B.interesting C.interested D.interests
75.(2023·上海·一模)“You look ________ in that yellow and white skirt.” May said to her friend.
A.quietly B.lovely C.politely D.happily
76.(2023·上海·一模)There was a little dog waiting at the corner of the street and it seemed so ________.
A.sadly B.angrily C.quietly D.lonely
77.(2023·黑龙江哈尔滨·校考模拟预测)—This month we’ll have a party for the coming festival.
—It’s ________ exciting information. Everyone will be happy after knowing it.
A.such B.so C.such an
78.(2023·上海徐汇·统考一模)When hearing the school trip was delayed by the weather, the kids got ________.
A.disappoint B.disappointing C.disappointments D.disappointed
79.(2023·云南昆明·统考二模)Let’s Sway Twin Oars(《让我们荡起双桨》)written by Qiao Yu is one of ________ songs in many people’s childhood.
A.the more boring B.the most boring C.the more popular D.the most popular
80.(2023·江苏连云港·校考一模)The price of new energy vehicles (新能源车) is not ________ that of last year, so some more people are going to buy them.
A.as expensive as B.so cheap as C.as low as D.so high as
81.(2023·湖北襄阳·统考一模)—Mary, what do you think of these three pieces of Chinese classical music
—Well, the music Liangshanbo and ZhuYingtai played by the zither (古筝) is ________.
A.wonderful B.more wonderful
C.most wonderful D.the most wonderful
82.(2023·山东菏泽·统考一模)—What do you think of the app WeChat Work (企业微信应用)
—Great! I’ve never seen a ______ one.
A.worse B.better C.best
83.(2023·江苏扬州·统考二模)—You are always so lazy! I’ve never seen ________ room before.
—Sorry! I will clean it right away.
A.an untidy B.an untidier C.the untidiest D.the untidier
84.(2023·湖南株洲·统考一模)Labor is as ________ as other subjects. It can help us develop a sense of responsibility.
A.important B.more important C.the most important
85.(2023·江苏无锡·统考二模)—Guess what I’m in the 26th Wuxi School Students’ Spoken English Finals!
—Wow! That’s ________ news I’ve heard this term, Boris! Let’s celebrate.
A.a worse B.the worst C.a better D.the best
86.(2023·江苏宿迁·统考二模)“The Lake of Peach Blossom(桃花) is a thousand feet deep, but not ________ the friendship Wang Lun and I keep.” is from a very famous poem written by Li Bai.
A.so deeper as B.as deeper as C.as deep as D.as deeply as
87.(2023·天津滨海新·统考一模)With every villager’s effort, the river is much ________ than it was last year.
A.clear B.clearer C.clearest D.the clearest
88.(2023·山东青岛·统考二模)Tom is ________ boy in his family. His brothers are less than 1.7 meters, but he is 1.8 meters.
A.the taller B.taller C.tallest D.the tallest
89.(2023·湖南株洲·统考一模)Of all the mountains, Qomolangma is ________.
A.high B.higher C.the highest
90.(2023·天津红桥·统考二模)The Diwang Tower is ________ than many other buildings in Shenzhen.
A.tall B.taller C.tallest D.the tallest
91.(2023·天津·统考一模)I like playing tennis. I think nothing is ________ than playing tennis.
A.enjoyable B.as enjoyable as C.more enjoyable D.less enjoyable
92.(2023·湖北襄阳·统考一模)—The final exam is coming soon, I feel nervous.
—Don’t worry. ________ you are, ________ mistakes you will make in the exam.
A.The more carefully; the fewer B.The more careful; the fewer
C.The less careless; the less D.The more carelessly; the more
93.(2023·上海浦东新·统考二模)Baking has become one of ________ after-work activities among young adults.
A.popular B.more popular C.most popular D.the most popular
94.(2023·上海虹口·统考二模)Nowadays travelling by high-speed train is as ________ as travelling by air.
A.more popular B.most popular C.popular D.the most popular
95.(2023·上海松江·统考二模)Which planet is ________ from the earth, Jupiter or Venus
A.far B.farther C.farthest D.furthest
96.(2023·江苏南通·统考二模)If you keep on studying customs, you will behave in ________ way when travelling to foreign countries.
A.a more proper B.the most proper C.a less proper D.the least proper
97.(2023·河北承德·统考一模)Kate is the ________ girl in our class. She plays for our school basketball team.
A.taller B.tallest C.heavier D.heaviest
98.(2023·辽宁大连·统考一模)Our school life has changed a lot since last year. We have more activities but ________ exams now.
A.the fewer B.fewer C.less D.few
99.(2023·江苏盐城·统考一模)You should be even ________ to your grandpa because he is getting older and older.
A.patient B.more patient C.patiently D.most patiently
100.(2023·河北沧州·统考一模)E-maps make it ________ than ever to search for public toilets in China’s big cities.
A.harder B.easier C.hardest D.easiest



