
1.请结合你了解的健康知识,写一篇题目为“The Ways to Keep Healthy”的短文。
1. 语言表达要准确,内容要客观;
2. 词数60—80。
参考词汇:balanced diet 饮食平衡; stay up 熬夜
2.以“An Accident”为题并根据下面的提示,请写一篇记叙文。
1. 我喜欢和同学一起踢足球。
2. 但上周六我摔了一跤,一条腿严重受伤。
3. 同学们送我去了医院。我在住院期间……(发挥想象,适当表达)
4. 感谢同学们帮了我,今后我也会……(发挥想象,适当表达)
1. 句子通顺,条理清晰,无语法、单词拼写及标点符号错误。
2. 所写短文与提示内容相符。
3. 词数:80词左右。
An Accident
给鸡喂食 feed the chickens 摘苹果 pick apples 挤牛奶 milk the cows
Dear Mike,
Today I want to tell you something about our school’s farm trip on May Day.
Xia Hua
4.助人为乐是中华民族的传统美德,作为中学生,我们应该乐于做好人好事。请以“Helping Others Makes Me Happy”为题,写一篇60—80词的短文,与大家分享一下你做好人好事的感受。
2.时态: 一般现在时。
3.人称: I/we。
5.哈佛大学的一项研究表明,爱做家务的孩子更容易体验到幸福感。请你以“Help with Some Housework”为题写一篇100词左右的英语短文,描述你平时所做的家务以及你对做家务的看法。
Opinions Pros:develop our independence; take care of ourselves;…
Cons: a waste of time; no need to;…
Help with Some Housework
It is reported that children who love doing chores have a better future and are easy to feel happy. As for me, I
提示:1. 询问病情并提出建议;
2. 介绍一下你学校的近期活动;
3. 表达祝愿。
Dear Peter,
I’m sorry to hear that you got injured while playing basketball.
Hope you’ll get better,and be back to your school as soon as possible.
Best wishes!
Li Hua
7.我们在这个世界上最亲的人是父母,他们给予了我们生命,含辛茹苦地抚养我们长大。请根据以下提示以“Care for our parents”为题,联系实际,适当发挥,写一篇不少于80词的短文。
提示词:offer…to… 为……提供……
Care for our parents
8.国家提出将“劳动教育(labor education)”纳入中小学国家课程方案,请结合自身的劳动经历,谈谈你对劳动教育的看法。内容包括:
1. 你对劳动教育的看法;
2. 你自身的劳动经历及感受;
3. 你对劳动教育课程的建议;(不少于两点)
4. 词数不少于80词,开头不计入总词数。
It’s reported that labor education will be included in the education of middle schools and primary schools in China.
9.我校校报准备创办一个以“全民健康,快乐为本”为题的专栏,请你根据以下内容,用英语写一篇题为“How to Live a Healthy and Happy Life”的文章参加征稿活动。
How to Live a Healthy and Happy Life
身体健康 1.健康饮食 2.适当锻炼 3.充足睡眠……
心理健康(mental health) 1. 遇事不逃避、积极解决问题…… 2. 与人为善……
2) 词数100左右。
How to Live a Healthy and Happy Life
注意:1. 词数:80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 文中不能出现真实的学校及学生名字。
提示词:出生 be born 参军 join the army 优秀的excellent 将领captain
要求: 1. 80个词左右;
2. 必须包括以上全部要点,可以适当发挥;
3. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;
4. 条理清楚,语句通顺,意义连贯,书写规范。
提示词:出生be born 参军join the army 将领captain
1. 80词左右;
2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;
3. 可适当增加细节,以使条理清楚、行文连贯;
4. 标点正确,书面整洁。
13.中国是一个有着五千多年悠久历史的文明古国,博大精深的中华文化拥有不胜枚举的经典故事,花木兰替父从军就是其中之一,请你以“The story of Hua Mulan”为题写一篇短文,讲述一下花木兰替父从军的故事。
1. 词数: 80左右;
2. 内容完整,条理清楚,语义连贯,句式规范,字迹工整。
The story of Hua Mulan
14.周末的活动总是丰富多彩的,你的上个周末过得愉快吗?在不同的时间你在做什么?请以My Last Weekend为题写一篇英语小短文介绍一下你上周末的活动。
1.要点:How did you spend your last weekend
What were you doing at different times last weekend
How did you feel
My Last Weekend
15.假如你是王丽,你的好朋友 Lucy 邀请你周六参加她的生日聚会,请给Lucy写一封电子邮件,委婉地拒绝她的邀请,告诉她不能参加她的生日聚会的原因,并祝她玩得开心。
Dear Lucy,
Wang Li
16.“健康胜于财富”,良好的卫生饮食习惯、强健的体魄、充沛的精力会给我们带来帮助。请根据以下要点提示,以“Keeping Healthy”为题写一篇70字左右的英语短文,开头已给。
1.多吃水果、蔬菜,少吃肉;不吃垃圾食品 (junk food);
Keeping Healthy
As we know, good health is more important than wealth. How should we keep healthy
有必要(30%) 没有必要(70%)
1. 多数学生不会千家务活。 1. 学生的任务是学习而不是劳动。
2. 做家务可以锻炼吃苦耐劳的精神。 2. 学习任务繁重,没有做家务的时间。
3. 做家务可以体验父母的艰辛。 3. 做家务活是父母的事情。
Is it necessary for students to do housework at home We did a survey about this.
1. Why did you do the housework
2. What housework did you do
3. How did your parents feel
My parents went to Wuhan as volunteers as medical staff. One day,
19.参加志愿者服务活动可以帮助青少年学习新技能,增强沟通能力和社会责任感。暑假将至,请根据下面表格中的内容提示,以“My Volunteer Work Plan”为题写一篇英语短文,介绍你选择的活动项目及活动计划,并谈谈参加志愿者服务活动的意义。
Volunteer Work
◎Help in the city library ◎Clean up the city parks
◎Hold a charity bazaar (义卖) ◎Do volunteer work in a hospital
◎Visit the old people’s home ◎…
2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,词数80—100。
My Volunteer Work Plan
时间 10月2日 10月3日
上午 下午 晚上
活动 参观广州博物馆,了解广州历史。 去广州图书馆 参观番禺夜间动物园 去广州塔 (Canton Tower)
Dear Kelly,
I am so glad that you are going to visit me on National Day. During the holiday, I will show you around the city.

The Ways to Keep Healthy
Health is very important to every one of us. So it is necessary to know the ways to keep healthy.
We should have a balanced diet. Fruit and vegetables are good for health, so we should eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Don’t eat too much every meal. And we should exercise every day to keep strong. We should also sleep for about 8 hours at night. Remember, it’s not good to stay up too late.
If we follow the advice, I am sure we can keep healthy.
An Accident
I like playing football with my classmates. But last Saturday, I fell down and hurt one of my legs badly when we played together. My classmates took me to the hospital quickly. The doctor put some medicine on the cut, and then put a bandage around the hurt part of the leg.
During my stay in the hospital, some of my classmates visited me and helped me with my schoolwork. That’s very kind of them. I will try my best to help others in the future.
3.Dear Mike,
Today I want to tell you something about our school’s farm trip on May Day. We will take the school bus at 8:00 and arrive at the farm around 8:30.
When we get there, we are going to busy working on the farm. First, we have a plan that boys will feed the chickens, girls will pick apples, and then go to milk the cows together in a cooperative way. Then we will meet students from other schools and make many new friends. After hard work, we will have a picnic together.
All in all, I firmly believe that we will have a good time. Not only will we make kinds of friends, but also we will experience the life on a farm by ourselves.
Xia Hua
Helping Others Makes Me Happy
We all know that everyone needs help. So it is necessary for every one of us to help others.
As for me, I often help to clean up the classroom. When I sit in the nice and clean classroom, I feel comfortable. In my neighborhood, I usually help the old hold heavy things while walking together with them. I really feel happy when they say thanks to me.
I want to do more for people around. I think if people help each other, our world will be a big family full of love.
Help with Some Housework
It is reported that children who love doing chores have a better future and are easy to feel happy. As for me, I usually sweep the floor, take out the rubbish, wash my clothes and do the dishes at home.
Different people have different opinions about this. Some people say that there is no need to do housework. They think it’s a waste of time. In my opinion, it’s quite important for children to do some housework. Firstly, it can develop our independence. Children depend on their parents too much. If we learn to do housework, we can take care of ourselves when we get older in the future. Secondly, it’s not just parents’ job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home. Everyone should play a part in doing housework.
6.One possible version:
Dear Peter,
I’m sorry to hear that you got injured while playing basketball. How are you feeling now I think you should have a good rest at home. And you’d better take care of yourself when you do sports.
Everything goes well here! I enjoy great changes in my school. Now, the teachers make their teaching styles colorful. In my science class, my teacher always encourages us to think, and cultivates our ability to study independently. In addition, we have plenty of time to try what we want to do. We had our School Day last week. There were different kinds of activities, such as the speech contest, the talent show, volunteering…I took part in the English speech contest, and I won the first prize. I will send you some photos about my School Day if you like.
Hope you’ll get better, and be back to your school as soon as possible.
Best wishes!
Li Hua
Care for our parents
Our dear parents, you love us more than anybody else in the world. As your children, how should we care for you You have tried to offer the best life and education to us, so you are very tired and have too much pressure. To keep healthy, you should do more exercise. You shouldn’t stay up so that you can get enough sleep. You should also eat healthy food.
Learning to care for our parents is what we should do. First, we can help do more housework. Second, we should respect them and get on well with them. Third, we should study hard and try not to make them worry about us.
We love you, our parents.
It’s reported that labor education will be included in the education of middle schools and primary schools in China. I think it’s important. We can relax from the hard study and it is good for our health. Both will help us a lot in the future.
At school, I often clean the classroom and water flowers with my classmates. And at home, I often help my mum do the dishes and sweep the floor. Those are good life skills for me.
As for how to run the course in our school, I have some ideas. The school can offer different kinds of labor classes. What’s more, the school can set up some clubs, such as cooking club, paper-cutting club, and so on. The school can also hold competitions about labor skills to see who is the best in making cakes. Such activities make our school life more colorful and meaningful.
I am looking forward to taking the course in the new term. I believe I will do well in it.
How to Live a Healthy and Happy Life
A healthy and happy life is important for everyone. Then how can we students live a healthy and happy life
First, we should keep our bodies healthy. We need to eat healthy food and we also need to exercise every day. For example, we can run for 30 minutes every morning or play sports after school. And we also need enough sleep every day. Second, mental health is also very important. We need to love our life and try to be positive to solve the problem. We should not run away from things when we have problems. We need to get along well with others as well.
In a word, I hope everyone can have a healthy body and mind, and then we can enjoy a better life every day.
Dear Mike,
I am glad to know that you will come to China as a guest. Let me introduce China to you.
It’s winter now. It’s very cold, so you should bring warm clothes. China has 1.4 billion people. And Chinese people are very welcoming. There are also many traditional customs in China. For example, you should shake hands when you meet someone for the first time. When eating in a Chinese family, you should let the elderly eat first. Second, you can’t beat the bowl with chopsticks. When you have food in the mouth, you’d better not speak.
Chinese people are very friendly. If you have a problem, you can ask them for help. Finally, I hope you have a pleasant trip in China.
Li Hua
Yue Fei was born in a poor family. He liked reading very much when he was very young. He learnt a lot from different kinds of books.
Years later, Yue Fei joined the army and became a soldier. As a soldier, he was very excellent in the army, so he became a captain of the army. Yue Fei led the soldiers to fight with enemies and they won many wars.
Yue Fei was a great hero. We should learn from him.
Born in a poor family, Yue Fei was the national warrior hero in Chinese history. When he was young, he read plenty of books, from which he got a great deal of knowledge. Many years later, Yue Fei joined the army. His excellent performance in the army made him become a leader. In many wars, Yue Fei led his troops to win the victory. Finally, he occupied the Central Plains successfully. Up to now, Yue Fei has been highly praised as a champion of national resistance in the face of foreign domination.
The story of Hua Mulan
In ancient China, there was a girl called Hua Mulan. The country needed lots of men to go to war. Mulan’s father was old and her young brother was too young. So she wore her father’s clothes and joined the army. She was a brave soldier.
After the army won the war, the emperor decided to give Mulan something. She only wanted a horse and went home quickly. When she got home, she put on her dress and told her soldiers that she was a girl. They were very surprised.
My Last Weekend
I had a colorful weekend. On Saturday morning, I did my homework. On Saturday afternoon, I played basketball with a group of good friends until nine o’clock in the evening, which made me happy. On Sunday morning, my little sister and I went to pick up garbage and we became more familiar with garbage sorting. On Sunday afternoon I did something easy. I went to visit the history museum and enjoyed seeing interesting things in the museum. So I was very relaxed last weekend.
Dear Lucy,
Thanks for inviting me to your birthday party. I’d love to, but I have a lot of important things to do this Saturday. I will visit my aunt with my parents in the morning and go to the doctor in the afternoon.
What’s more, I have to study for the coming test at night. I hope you will have a good time. Let’s find another time to get together. Happy birthday to you!
Wang Li
Keeping Healthy
As we know, good health is more important than wealth. How should we keep healthy
First, we ought to eat more kinds of fruits and vegetables. We’d better eat less meat to keep healthy. We should never eat any junk food. We can’t eat too much or too little for every meal. We are supposed to have breakfast before we go to school.
What’s more, we need to develop some good habits. We should wash our hands before eating and take exercise for an hour every day.
In a word, I think health is very important to us. If we try to do these, we will be healthier and healthier.
Is it necessary for students to do housework at home We did a survey about this. According to the result, we knew most of the students (about 70%) thought it was not necessary for students to do housework. They thought it was the job of their parents. As students, their duty was to study hard. They had no time to do housework because of their heavy homework. On the other hand, some students (about 30%) thought it was good for them to do housework. Because they could learn a lot by doing it, and knew how hard their parents were. I think we students should spend some time on housework, no matter how busy we are.
My parents went to Wuhan as volunteers as medical staff. One day, they called me they would come back, so I decided to clean up the house to make them happy. After having breakfast, I did the dishes. After that, I began to clean the living room. I swept the floor, cleaned the windows and took out the rubbish.
After having a break, I began to do some washing. At about half past eleven, I finished all the chores. I was tired but happy.
When my parents got home, they were surprised to find I did so many chores and made the house so clean. They said “Dear, you really did a good job! Thank you.” Hearing this, I was really proud of myself.
19.One possible version:
My Volunteer Work Plan
The summer holiday is coming. I am going to do some volunteer work. I will help to clean up the city parks. Of course, I will ask more people to join me. I will call up my friends and ask them to come. We will pick up the litter, the plastic bags and other waste things. I hope our city will be more beautiful. Besides, I am going to visit sick kids in hospital. I love children and enjoy getting along with them. I will sing for the kids at the city hospital to cheer them up. I hope they can be better soon.
Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but also I get to spend time doing what I love to do. All in all, I will enjoy myself during the summer holiday.
20.Dear Kelly,
I am so glad that you are going to visit me on National Day. During the holiday, I will show you around the city. We will go to the Guangzhou Museum on the morning of October 2. We will learn much about the history of Guangzhou. In the afternoon we will go to the Guangzhou Library. It will be really great fun! In the evening I will take you to the night zoo in Panyu. It will be interesting to see animals at night. The next day we will go to Canton Tower. I hope you will like my plan and have a good time in these two days.
Best wishes to you!
Li Hua




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